Is anyone gonna summon on this year's Ninja banner?
>>1606315Nope. Noire looks like she might be a fun build.The shitty thing is I need some good daggers for other characters so she is also prime fodder. It's difficult.
>>1606315Free rolling colorless or red.FE6 NH and Book 8 mythic this month.Saving for Christmas!
>>1606315I was planning on sparking this banner but they all seem "tame" desu. Will save my orbs for the new heroes featuring giant woman
Noire coming with Atk/Spd Finish 3 fodder is the only thing that will save this banner for me.>>1606317Good point. I haven't bothered rolling for any Arcane daggers, so this will be the next best (potentially better?) option.
>>1606315No, lmao
>>1606320>Noire coming with Atk/Spd Finish 3 fodder is the only thing that will save this banner for me.Funny thing is that she's not even on the banner.
>>1606315I am contemplating rolling for green to maybe give it to Brave Dimitri
>>1606328The refine Link isn't working.
Everyone saying they’re tired of engage when awakening is still the true enemy
>>1606331Wouldn't be that bad if Chrom didn't have to show up every time.
I just want a new Nowi alt, yet another Awakening banner that crushes my hopes. Like, this is one safe as fuck banner, completely uninteresting to the point they can't even trust Noire could sell so they shoved her into the free TT pool.
>>1606318>>1606333>FE6Wait if that is right wouldn't that mean the only Valentia character to get anything in the entirety of book 8 was Celica? And did Geneology get anything other than Emblem Sigurd?
>>1606335fuk u. I want my Female Morgan seasonal.
>>1606333How many other characters are even in TMS? I don't know shit about it.
>>1606336You can just look at the chart, bro. Resplendent Ayra is right there.
>>1606320You mean Infantry Flash and Seal Atk/Spd?
so what is boulder good for? defensive units?
Thorr is finally good again, brosPretty good refine and remix
>>1606337We're in the same ship bro, I'm just so fucking sick of the exalt babies and the avatars getting everything. Fuck, we don't even have Kellam yet, and Vaike was released after 7 years as a fucking free seasonal.
>>1606344>we don't even have kellam yetrude, anon, he's right here
>>1606335>salesmay you get nothing. She might get an alt one day, Anon. Keep in there.
>>1606347Goddamn I actually forgot that Kellam IS in the game...
>>1606344>>1606347>>1606353He did it! It came full circle! He didn't notice Kellam!
Jill's refine is really niceShe gives +1 Mov and NFU to herself and any melee ally within three spaces
Guess I'm saving for the axe
>>1606357This is the second-ever Rearmed/Asset armored unit, right?
>>1606356>gets Canto Rem+1 and +1 Mov>mine already had S/D Near Trace and Assault Troopfug
>>1606359I believe so, hopefully she gets good fodder as well
>guinivere refine gets flat DR and lets her neutralize penalties on allies within 2 spacesnot bad, though i'll still probably use her legendary instead because it's pretty
>>1606357idk I guess Ill give it to axe ephraim
>>1606357Genuinely don't know who wants this
>>1606357Hmm... that'd be a fun new weapon for Shez, although her Arcane Thrima is still doing okay up to now
>>1606357Wish it was a Lance or a Sword. Not sure if I want to spend the orbs to replace Camilla's Thrima and she's the only Axe unit I have that uses Arcanes
>>1606357>bold fighter>still only 3dammit all>downfall with foe cannot followup, 7 hp heal and cd charge + 1 on attack>grunt axe with +9/9/9/9, 15% attack bonus, 15% foe's atk flat dr, and reverse scowli think there is still some cases where a build could use downfall at least, i tell myself as i have a spare downfall i never got to use because jade is still unreleased
>>1606376The TT+ versions never have their real skills. Just go look at what Reginn had.
>>1606376It's just the boss build, so it's possible these aren't her final skills. I'm betting she introduces BF4
>>1606377>>1606378>reginn had clash 3 only, though she had potent 3 and cross spur atkoh shiti am absolutely saving now, thanks anonsthere's an off chance she could come with assault troop 4 too
>>1606383Np, and good luck. I'm gonna try for her in case Brom ever gets in
What skills does Noire have? Does she have a prf?
>>1606399>brave inheritable daggerNeat, if anyone was interested.
It looks like they've slapped Tharja's head on a different body.
>>1606439It's Rhajat's body
Is it worth sacrificing a Winter Byleth to make my Marni giga buffed? I have a Duo Fjorm for farsaving too.
>>1606315>NoireBASED BASED BASED
>>1606444Marni's better off as a Near Save, especially if you already don't mind using Duo Fjorm for your Far Save needs.
>>1606444christmas is right around the corner, and even before that skaji will let you duplicate byleth's skills
>>1606450>>1606451sorry i meant his Weaving Fighter skill, I have a Dedue manual for her to grab Near Save from.It's either that or something like Reopening from the Alfster
>no demote >female ttWhat is wrong with IS?
>>1606457Is this the first seasonal banner without a demote in however long? Years?
>>1606458Since last Christmas actually
>>1606458No, usually the child banners don't have a demote.
>awakening banner with chrom, lucina, and tharjaDaring today, aren't we intsys?
>>1606454I feel Shield Fighter (along with the relevant defensive Special) is the B skill most if not all armors want to be using. It makes it much harder to kill a Save tank than any other B skill. If you're using her for scoring and want to use one of the 500 SP specials that don't work with Shield Fighter, then I suppose Weaving would be the next best option.
>>1606315Not rolling.This banner lineup makes me wanna jump off a bridge. And knowing that the next couple of seasonal banners won't have anything that interests me either makes it even worse.
>>1606315Do we have the next hall of fjorms datamined yet? Would that even be in this update?
>>1606489next update, probably. It should also come with black Friday deals
>>1606315YES but I tired from Red HellI can start using my grails now
>>1606337>Fallen Morgan will probably get a refine before another Morgan alt comes outI remember when she showed up in her trailer, I was so excited.
I tossed 10 orbs in on the seasonal banner before it rolled over and got H!Askr. How does he perform as a support and tank in AR?
>>1606315The way I immediately hit the dislike icon the moment Tharja showed up
>>1606315I'm tempted for Sly Swift Sparrow but idk if I'd rather keep Atk/Spd Finish 4
Almost lost my sanity to finish my arena run
>>1606530He is amazing as a support and one of the best omitanks. With LF4 he tanks Felix and Sigurd reliably.
>full lyon team>no duo lyonWhat a nice guy.
>>1606603Mine went surprisingly well today. Hope next time is easier for you anon.
>>1606628I lost three runs in a row at the last match. And I lost once because of a missclick
Well, I actually waited the entire month until the very last day of the Halloween banner to roll, 589 orbs saved in total + free roll, rolling almost exclusively for Nah, with only around 50 orbs spent at the beginning on reds for Nagi to fodder:>two Nagi relatively fast because the game wouldn't give me greens, after that, go fuck myself I guess>first Nah at 38 summons>TWO FUCKING ROSADO PITY BREAKERS>almost nothing but 1 green or 0 green, maybe 2 greens if the game was generous enough, highest was one single instance of 4 green and two of 3>it wouldn't stop giving me high red rolls, constant 3 and 4 red rolls>one full blue circle that gave me that 4* Lethe>green is a fujo paradise, nothing but shirtless muscular menBy 300 orbs spent, I started counting how many greens I got:>first 100: 13 greens>second 100: 18 greens, second Nah>third 100: only 7 greens and only one in the first 50, and I couldn't open the 7th one because I ran out of orbsAnd pic related is the final result, and this is why I hate rolling for green. I actually got the same amount of 5* pitybreakers than seasonal ones if you don't count Lethe. So yeah, I'm dropping the game by March if they don't give me a Nowi alt by then, I'm so done with this game's bullshit. I'm really sad.
>>1606650Would you rather get 1 green but it has a 5* or 5 green but they're all 3*? Summoning on red sucks because it's usually wasting more orbs to get more 3*/4* shitters.
>>1606650>I lost at gambling, this casino is bullshit!I'm sorry you feel that way.>I'm dropping the game by marchWhy not just drop it now then? What about here and now in particular makes you think Nowi will get an alt? even if she comes out, you'll probably snag a copy and uninstall either way, get shit luck and then blame the game again which will lead to uninstalling. I get the feeling that even if Nowi got an alt tomorrow and you +10'd her in 50 orbs that you would then rationalize "Well, she isn't going to get another one until EoS, I better uninstall!" so why even wait?It's also advisable to stop chasing +10s as the bonus stats are basically worthless beyond scoring reasons so the only reason to do it is for bragging rightsDon't get me wrong, it sucks you had bad luck and I'm sorry it happened because we all know how shitty it can feel, but complaints like this sadly aren't uncommon and they don't always make sense.
>YOLO roll >NahNot bad, maybe I'll feed her to Cervantes
>>1606650I'm sorry anon. Hopefully you future pulls will be better.I'd recommend first wasting like 100 orbs, if summoning goes bad then stop and try later. Another 100 orbs etc.
>>1606692*that if you're going only for a specific color of course.
>>1606686>What about here and now in particular makes you think Nowi will get an alt?Nah's flavor text from when Spring Myrrh was released, I'm still holding to that tiny bit of hope, but I'll be honest, I just don't care anymore, I've been stuck in this game for too long due to sunk cost and I haven't really enjoyed it for a long time, and me getting screwed by the rolls and constantly being forced to spark because I couldn't get the units I wanted became too much of a common occurrence. I just wanted to vent because it just felt so frustrating.
>>1606315Im gonna roll for Celine, the Awakening picks besides Noire are abit boring but them appearing here might imply that they'll wait with a nh banner and instead will just sprinkle a couple of seasonal units instead.
>>1606461All of them had one, SD had Marth, SS had Lyon, PoR had Illyana, FE7 had Rebecca and Awakening had Lissa
>>1606708>getting screwed by the rolls and constantly being forced to spark because I couldn't get the units I wanted became too much of a common occurrenceIf it's any consolation, you're not the only one getting screwed over. The Marianne banner has been utterly cursed for me and I'll be bitter about it for a long time to come. Seeing other anons show off their free rolls and multiple copies without even the need to hit spark had me seething with envy. And it's always the banners where I try to colorsnipe too. Some infuriating pitybreak will happen 100% guaranteed. I might freeroll the occasional focus unit, but only if it's one I don't give a shit about or have no use for anyway. It's all so terribly tiresome. Yet still I'm trapped here.
>>1606460Shit, yeah, that's rightIt kinda slipped my mind that Christmas also didn't have any demotes and it was instead the 3H Lord show (+ Yunaka)And... now all of 'em have kind of fallen off in some way or another
>>1606795Edelgard is still really good.
>>1606800Felix does the Warpforce gimmick better. Edelgard may still be decent but there's just no reason to run her unless you like her.
>>1606782You're right. I'm not sure what the hell I'm thinking of then.
>>1606800She doesn't have the firepower to break through all the unpierceable DR now.
Did you +8, +9 or +10 your Marni today?
>>1606958oh shit she's in the shop?what's the point of +8, shouldn't there only be one more copy from GHB quests later
>>1606968GHB rerun and that anniversary event where you have daily quests for GHBs where you have to clear the event with 1 of each move type on a team.
>spend a while fishing in arena>immediately make a dumb misplay...
>>1606918And that's what kinda kills her. She can hit once really hard, and she can ignore pierceable DR-- great. So can literally every unit nowadays. She can get past the lame dumb DR which is just the bare minimum, and then she still has to contend with... Gust, Godlike Reflexes, Dragon's Roar, opposing Armored Specials, Laguz Friend, other forms of fixed/flat DR, so her damage output isn't quite what it once was. Felix also just really does just beat her as a "do everything and kill everything and get extra actions" kind of unit. Other Edelgards eventually fell off too tbf, but still.
>>1607026it's funny, older units with "wasted points in spd" or bloated hp actually have an advantage because they can survive and double units like w.edel now
Just started and got this Anankos 5 star guy, I tried using him and he's very slow, probably not worth it since I have another blue magic person?
>>1607070He's a save armor in an age of nukes reigning mostly supreme. There are really only a few modern units that tank things reliably at high levels.If you have nothing else, he can probably be fine, especially as you hopefully shouldn't be fighting anything too intensive in the pvp modes yet.
>>1607073Ahh I see. Should I just worry about my team being balanced at first or should I just throw all 4 of my 5 star guys in my starter team every though 3 of them are blue?
>>1607078Color doesn't matter that much anymore. Units designed to be player phase units are typically so powerful they'll delete anything they initiate on even at a color disadvantage. Not sure who your 5* units are, but odds are they're worth using over whatever 4* you're also considering throwing on a team.
>>1607070That's a kind of a hard question to answer since skills matter a lot more than characters themselves. Anakos is more of a defensive character that's meant to be attacked while your mages are mostly going to be the ones initiating the attacks.
>>16070792 glass cannons, Chad samurai man and slow moving emo defense dude.
>>1607086That'll get you through a lot of the story content
>>1607086I'd look into doing story chapter book 8 chapter 1-5 or whatever Ratatoskr is from and having her replace Reinhardt unless you don't want to do them out of order for whatever reason.
>>1607090I'm on it, was about to play AC Vahlhalla and that name is norse, it's meant to be.
>>1607073This info is outdated.
>see someone with 320 arena crownsyeah, nah, not touchin that
I got Tharja!! yay!!
>did a total of 2 damage to my ascended ameliaIs Ninja Tharja really that bad? I didn't read any of these units' weapons.
>ninja tharja is super cute>but it's tharja>look up the artist>it's the non-credited pseudonym
>thjazi's sprite is actually big, like surtrgood, though the other jotnar really should be too
If i ever get a rearmed Sothe, im torn between +10 Metodey because his art is amazing, or ninja noire because she is cute and has good boobs
How do I build Noire bros? Fodders aren't a problem unless it's on a seasonal...
We're getting to the end of Book 5's TT+ and Eitri still hasn't been mentioned and Sindri hasn't shown up. Eitri's never getting an alt is she?
>>1607203NopeOnly 4 character for this TT, last one was a exception.
>>1607203Eitri IS Sindri don't forget thatAlso since the translations used him this means there is a 0% chance of Sindri showing up
When you do arcane skill duplication, does it matter which way you merge them? Like, can I merge an unexpended arcane unit into a base of an expended arcane unit, and they expended arcane unit will get their skill inheritance "charge" back? Or do you have to merge your spent arcane unit into an unexpended one?
>>1607202Generic arcane tempest build is still probably the best for the time being:Arcane Tempest + Lethality + Flash sparrow + spd/def tempo 4.
>>1607331Either way works. If you want to make sure, when you get to this screen, look at the symbol next to the unit's portrait. The end result should show the "charged" icon rather than the faded out "used" icon.
>>1607203>essential to the founding of the kingdom>only a footnote at most
From the manuals, should I exchange and give counter roar/armored floe from Corrin or vengeful fighter 4/armored bacon to springy Idunn? I'm nearing the +10 and ofc that autism didn't let me use a forma to not ruin the gold border on her, so those are my choices for now.
>>1606903>drown on your ideals and dieWtf did emblem Ike mean by this
Alright gameplayfrens, how good is this new Lucina at killing the tank standards of the day - EIke, Djorm, DNagi?
>>1607396If her Res is higher then Floe, if it's Def then BeaconHer B skill is likely gonna be something else anyway, since neither Counter Roar or Vengeful Fighter are that good
>>1607403Well I didn't use anyone you mentioned, but this is the chain challenge and she seems not good at it.
>>1607410Try letting her get her Future Witness thing first, see if that makes a difference
>>1607416That was it, insta gibbed E!Ike. Vanilla build but it's a start
>>1607403She kinda needs Miracle for DFjorm, i dunno about Ike but if you run Miracle he can't kill back either and I doubt ShF4 DNagi does better then DFjorm but maybe her Colourless advantage ends up making a difference, But i believe if DFjorm has miracle support herself she might survive and fatal smoke would reduce lucina's speed which she really need in that matchup.
>dagr hard counters thjazithat's funnytechnically thjazi would counter lance reginn too so it comes full circle, but i bet she still loses anyways because she's slow
>>1607448I brought (unmerged base kit) Lance Reginn to the fight and she does indeed murder Thjazi. Unlike bonus unit tag along swordie Diamant, funnily enough. He's already bordering on useless in a serious fight.
Free pulled Ninja Tharja. Neat!
With Gust and Boulder do you think they'll add a res based version?
>>1607490I'm still waiting on a better vengeance special that does (damage equal to a percentage of unit's max HP + (HP lost * 2). Nice if it also provided unpierceable DR the higher your HP to help prevent getting one shorted.
>need a scowl 3 for prefodder>need a SECOND one for grima to dupemaybe I'll just skip scowl
Is Reopening better than Weaving Fighter for Marni?
>>1607545percentage DR is for when you need to soften big hits, and flat DR is to ignore small hitsusually the combination of both is best, but marni is already so fat that more flat DR through reopening might work outalso consider that as long as you ensure the enemy can't hit for her full health, she'll survive the encounter, which is more reliable with weaving fighter but riskier if it gets piercedthe extra healing from weaving is somewhat redundant on her, but guard from reopening can also be achieved elsewheretl;dr I'd prefer reopening
>>1607545When I was playing with her in the duel sim, I found weaving to be better in large part due to the 7 regen. The DR is also nice since a lot of units only have 50% DR piercing instead of full. Shield Fighter would be better than both, though.
Shoot your arrows. I almost forgot this time around.
>>1607581It's okay, I forgot to do the mode entirely.
>>1607530>also need two a r far save 3s, which are also premium skillswhat the fuck man, foddering duo nagi is hellthank goodness for grail ny f kana providing dragon's ire 3, and that dragon's roar is easy
this is where war dragons are made
>>1607688Not anymore
>>1607688Zephiel is so fucking lucky...
I rolled on tharja's fat titties.
What special would you use on Freyja? I'm guessing either Fierce Beast or Nimble Beast. Her C skill is Beast Threaten, so I can precharge Fierce Beast whenever and Nimble Beast if I give her Marth ring.
>>1607925I'd use escutcheon/sarcedcowl+Ike ring for EP, Fierce/Nimble beast would be for player phase because otherwise you'd mainly get the special dr for your first combat since you can only recharge it when it fails to kill.
Just got VeyleHow good is she? Scowl support is nice, but I think every unit now is coming with some sort of in-combat Special jump to counteract it
>>1608182She's good, most of the time special jump support ends up costing alot of bulk and on offense you can look at your opponents setups to scout for it.
>>1608182She is alright but her Fallen alt is superior. She works especially well with dragons with scowl or units with scowl in their kit since when combined can usually prevent special jumping units from getting their special off.
>>1608182She's a solid support unit and her C skill can still come in handy despite the DR not being as valuable.
What happens when a fodder bank hits +10?
>>1608213you should be able to continuously merge into them for more skills and to refresh them, but I might be wrong.You can merge units of any tier into each other just for SP so I'm guessing you can refresh the fodderbank too.
>>1608213You can keep merging to refresh the ability to inherit skills, but all they'll "get" otherwise is SP.Source: my Attuned Peony should be, like, +16
>>1608213It's hilarious that they haven't increased the barracks after like 4+ years
Emblem Sigurd sure turns AR into baby mode.
>>1608400Running him and Felix at the same time is ultra easy mode
>>1608402There definitely needs to be an inheritable "if foe within 4 spaces triggers galeforce, end that foe's turn" skill.
>>1608406Pls let me enjoy AR, I'm begging you
>>1608408It's your fault for putting those units on your defense. I wouldn't care if you only used them for offense.
>>1608413I only use them for Offense. My Defense is certified SOVL (all Camilla are +10, max DF, Ascended)
>check defense replay>mythic loki killed what ivy scratchedLoki sure hits hard.
I'm glad these ninja units aren't ridiculous.
>free Ascendant Amelia from ticketHow does she hold up as a Far Saver nowadays?
>>1608562Oh shit. Time to roll for Hortensia merges. Wish me luck.
>>1608562I don't know about Far Save, but she can probably do that well enough, I'm guessingI like using her as a Near Save though, but I also did give her Armoured Blaze and the new Twin Near Save, and she can at least stalemate with Felix and stall him out (on account of neither side dying, and Amelia being able to protect everyone with Near Save)Overall, I think she'll still hold up for a while, but then again I thought Winter Byleth was good, so I'm not sure what things will be like in a month from now
>>160856540 rolls1 HortensiaBrave CorrinNidavellirI've actually been wanting Verge of Death fodder for a long time, so I'm happy enough. Can't merge these Hortensias quite yet, though. Want to wait until I can get her better fodder to dupe around.
Who wants Counter Roar 4?
>>1608580nobody now that dragon's scales exists
>>1608571I know Duo Fjorm is the new hotness for far saving but has Duo Byleth fallen off that hard?
Spent 120 orbs for 2 copies of Arcane staffThen the post nut clarity hit and I realized I didn't really need two
Woah, nice. He's like my most wanted main pool colorless 5*.Now that I think about it, why didn't they give puppet mounts to this year's ninja cavs? Big missed opportunity.
Is there any kind of slow axe unit that would still want the Wind Tribe Club? Or is Axe of Devotion just the best budget axe in the game, full stop?
>>1608661I just use WTClub on cavs for Resonant battles, the thieves seems much easier to kill with it compared to AoD.
>>1608614His class is unique from Ninja in fates, isn't it? There is also the extra work they would have done to make the models fit on the puppet mount which was probably a big factor.
>>1608754Ninja promotes to Master Ninja or Mechanist in Fates
You know what would be a decent qol upgrade? Being able to summon a whole circle at once
>>1608592I honestly don't know how any ranged unit can beat Duo Fjorm outside of being able to quadruple strike her, and given that many run Hardy Bearing you need to be able to survive the counterattackShe gets 20% of her Spd as fixed DR, another fixed 7 DR from Shield Fighter, and then 40% DR against a ranged attack when her Special triggers, it's a lotByleth on the other hand... he can Scowl, but many units have ways of bypassing Scowl nowSupreme Heaven only offers 30% DR against a ranged attack, and Weaving Fighter's 80% DR is completely piercable, so it may as well either not exist (against Specials that pierce through DR completely) or at best only mitigates 40% damage (since a lot of units have passive 50% DR pierce)So unfortunately, Byleth can be dealt with, Fjorm can still wall stuff
>>1608831A hunter mechanic so you have higher chances to get a certain 5* instead of others when you are summoning
>>1608831A weapon skin feature
>finish FB map>dialogue>battle scene>dialogue>battle scene>a dozen shitty rewards each with their own popupHow many fucking times do I have to press the skip button, the damn thing doesn't even stay in the same fucking spot
>>1608831fuck that just let me skip the goddamn dialogue boxes aaaaaaaahhhhh
>>1608433You're not the only one, apparently.
>>1606315Yes Lucina is my wife and I need her & papagrinding out story and para quests
>>1608402I can't into Galeforce even with those 2. Always get fucked by some random shit like running fury to get into WoM range consistently leaving me too weak to get the kill.Thankfully I can end turn most stuff thanks to Seteth buffs.
>>1608999God bless them, you love to see it.>>1609011Galeforce Felix with Emblem Sigurd can kill 5 units in 1 turn. You barely need WoM, you can just Reposition chain at that point, or try to block in ranged units
>>1609016Doesn't Felix need the Celica ring to reach the other side and absorb a trap?
>>1609026That makes it easiest, yes. Sometimes you can eat a Bolt Trap turn 1 without Celica Ring.
Since this hasn't been posted yet i'll post it.
>>1609216As much as I love Nino, it'd be nice if they did something other than fairy replendents for fliers.
>>1609216i saw it on twitter and was like "yeah alright i guess"seems like the apathy is a shared sentiment
>>1609216Funny. I was just thinking of giving mine better skills.
>>1609216do I even need to say it?>another _____ resplendent
>free summoned a reinaneat
>>1609255Then I look at build options for prfless fliers who have a shit arcane weapon and remember why I haven't bothered building them yet. I wish IS would stop holding back on Arcane weapons.
>>1609321I guess this wouldn't be too awful. Air Orders triggers Sly Swift Sparrow and she has enough Spd to get 16 extra damage from her Prf. Too bad all 3 skills come from different units, so I'll likely never build her unless by some miracle there comes a time where we can choose our own HoF units.
>>1609216I like how her thighs get fatter in her damaged portrait.
>>1609216Is she the only character with two versions that have a resplendent?
>>1609461Not counting Braves, yeah.
>>1609461All the brave units that have resplendent alts.
>>1609463>>1609465 I forgot braves.
I wanted a 3D version of Fire Emblem Heroes already.
>>1609483...engage?they even added AR and TT in there basically, though no one ever touched them
>>1609483We will get a mainline or warriors game eventually. Have faith, anon.
How should I build my Kagetsu? Just got him to +10. He's +Spd. These are the fodder I have available that I think he'd like:Weapon: Arcane DevourerSpecial: GLRA: A/S Clash 4/D Bonus Doubler/A/S Finish 4B: S Spiral 4/Laguz Friend 4/Buffer 4/NCD 4C: A/S Pledge/A/S Oath 4/Time's Pulse 4X: Guard EchoWhat I was thinking was:DevourerGLR (Marth Ring)A/S Finish 4Buffer 4TP4Guard EchoAll of this is for Fire season arena with L!Alear as my legendary
>>1609537I'd go with Buffer+Oath, since you won't strictly need marth ring on him that way and it provides the most spd+threat range.Tp4 can be good but it reduces your speed and there are more unit types that can use that skill it is mainly better when the enemy has guard/tempo or sweep effects and i believe those aren't too common in arena in this case you also don't need to run Buffer, for scoring finish+dc seal is better but with DBDoubler you can get higher speed however you will have to run someone else with dc seal if you need the extra scoring.
>>1609537As cookie cutter as it seems, I would go with Atk/Spd Finish 4, Laguz Friend 4, and then I guess Atk/Spd Oath 4, since Pledge is a bit redundant with Arcane Devourer (already gives Special accel)Reason being is that Laguz Friend 4 lets you get past pierceable DR, otherwise Kagetsu may come up a bit short against such effects
>Flared Mirror/Crystalline Water>Sabotage A/R>Deadly Miasma>Trace EchoIs this good for Bridal Miccy? I don't think any of this should be redundant with her PRF. I'm trying to pile skills on to my A!Miccy so I can finally start fucking merging her.
>>1609601That's fine, if you can run AirOrders4 i'd say it is among the more valuable skills you can run on RFliers as it enables more team building options.
>>1609612I don't have any fodder for it and considering there's only a single seasonal unit with it I'm guessing I won't for awhileIs there anything else I should look for/see about getting latter?
>>1609568>>1609574Thanks for the input, bros. I decided to go with Buffer on the basis that it works with AoEs and also I have LF4 on a unit that I didn't have to kill during all of this so if I decide it isn't working out, I can just grab LF4.Now to decide if my other Fire core member should be Young Frederick or Validar....
>>1609648Use your codes. Don't just sit on them.
>>1609659I use them if I need to. I grabbed Buffer from Selena just now since I was planning on grabbing another Lucina for Thrima anyway.
Life and Death Echo when? I want to do more damage on my AoEs.
>>1609630Generally speaking I would look for skills that give a unit more use cases, help in their current use case or if the skill has an effect necessary for a certain strategy (this also applies to formas) for AMicy the ones that jump out to me besides AO4 are BoL4 and DeadlyMiasma/Flared(terrain). It's possible that they might end up putting AO4 into the next Code shop but that will take awhile.
>freerolled both Ivy and Hortensia off the ticketsWhat the fuck, this is the luckiest I've been in ages.>tfw no wrathfull staff pre-fodderOh right, and now I'll probably have Hortensia collecting dust until sometime next year, since I ain't lucky enough to get spooked by Genny or Vero.
>>1609683Codes 1 Genny has it
>>1609694I already used her up.
>>1609648Buffer helping against AoEs (and its main user Emblem Sigurd, isn't really a fast unit) is a good plusAs for who to build next, probably ValidarSmol Freddy's weapon is pretty meh I feel, meanwhile Validar's Panic and Discord (in addition to whatever other status effects and debuffs he can inflict from skills you give him) I think would be more helpful
Is Ninja Lucina worth getting? My main is a +10 Mozu.
>>1609713She's the newest, strongest unit for the next week or so,
>>1609713I'd say no. She needs to spend a turn clicking Future Vision before she becomes somewhat of a threat. She doesn't particularly do anything new to the game which I feel is what a unit needs to become "worth" getting (which seems to be the role of Emblem units, even though they'd still be worth rolling for even if they weren't good units themselves).But before all that, what matters is if you like the character. Even meta units will one day become powercrept or be given a handful of counters (hi, Ike), so you're better off just rolling based on whether you like the character.
>>1609713Her supporting ability is great and will likely hold up for a good while. She can give your entire team canto and extra stats while debuffing the enemy. Shadow Shift is useful for positioning too, even if it's not exclusive to her. For the moment she's also one of the best nukes in the game, of course, but the next tank two weeks from now will probably put an end to that real quick.
>>1609734>She needs to spend a turn clicking Future Vision before she becomes somewhat of a threatFor what it's worth, that's mostly only a problem in Summoner Duels, no?
>>1609738Not that anyone uses them anymore, but Bride Fjorm and whoever that other mythic unit is that does Isolation can potentially shut her off.
>>1609753Mila has Isolation and I think 1-2 more units that came out years later when it isn't fully needed anymore.
Thorr's new remix is really goodYou can basically have an AoE Special looped nearly all the time, and without Special SpiralLike, I have Attuned Micaiah with Blazing Wind, that's 3, Worldbreaker+ gives one charge before Micaiah attacks, and then provides Special accel to give her an extra charge when she does attackThen her Special is charged for her next combat, and can basically keep it looped so long as the foe doesn't have Guard or Tempo
I wish Citrinne was released a few months later. Maybe she wouldn't have had the move+1 exception on her Prf so Sigurd ring would be more effective on her.
>idunn is on a banner AGAIN
I like how they keep having to specify that extra damage is not included in Rokkr AoE Specials when Rokkr Siege just isn't a thing anymoreIt's just more unncessary text bloat
>>1610196What's even more weird is why they feel the need to make the exemption in the first place. Would it really be bad for a unit to be more effective in this already piss easy and easily cheesed PvE gamemode? Who fucking cares?
>>1609701>As for who to build next, probably ValidarTurns out I had better fodder for him anyway, and didn't have to blow a Peony charge either. I also grabbed:>Remote Sparrow>Chill A/R 3>MNFU>Resonance 4Might switch to Resonance 4 if he has trouble killing things. Marla reran last month, so Fargus should be soon and then Validar afterwards.
Hey anons, I’m horrible at coming up with strategies. Can you tell me a good team composition for the characters that I currently have? I also have enough orbs to summon on banners if you have suggestions.
>>1610267>strategySort by units from the most recent book, and use only those units.
>>1610272Are all the newer units viable? Otherwise, please tell me which 4 to use on my team. Open to getting ninja Lucina too.
>>1610277>felix>eike>esig>azurabada bing bada boom
>>1610277Emblem Ike is still very good even though every other banner has a unit designed to be able to kill him these days.Brave Felix is absolutely absurd and can easily solo maps on his own on player phaseEmblem Sigurd can kill whatever felix can'tNergal is a great anti-meta unit who can kill the few units that neither sigurd nor felix can. With a lot of investment Marni can become one of the most hard to kill units in the game.
>>1610278>>1610279Thanks anons. So Ike, Felix, and Sigurd are going on my team and I will experiment with the fourth slot. Who should I engage my two Emblems to? And yeah, Marni is obnoxious. I ran into one online and couldn’t do any damage to her.
>>1610281The nice thing about emblem engages is that unlike a lot of other shit like it, you can swap them around as much as you like. Feel free to experiment with it. Stick ike's emblem on people who don't want to die, stick sigurd's emblem on somebody you want to be more maneuverable.
>>1610279>>1610281Really want to build a Marni, but I'm waiting for an Attuned armor to dupe skills from. Preferably a cute girl one.
>>1610498rearmed thjazi is right around the corner anon
>>1610499Not an attuned.
>>1610501what's the difference between using an attuned to dupe vs a rearmedthe likelihood of an attuned armor, much less a female one, are slim to none so i'd take a rearmed when it presents itself>amelia was ascended>jade is hated by IS and likely in seasonal hell>wendy and meg have no chance at all>effie has even less of a chance>edelgard's possibilities are exhausted outside of seasonals/emblem>sheena...maybe?>madeline maybe if they do a four winds banner
The next new heroes banner is coming soon, right?Anyone knows from what game?
>>1610509Your 3rd favorite game.
>>1610509I've seen people claiming FE6
>>1610514Bors Gang, let's go
>>1610519>borsIs he going to be a demote, or get premium treatment sort of like Gilliam? I need Him, and Barthe.I don't mind if Bors is a demote, he's going to get a wonky build anyways, and I need to save orbs.
>>1610540Premium with Triangle Attack built in his prf. Gilliam was cool, I'm surprised they gave him anything
>>1610548>wendy alt>free bors and demote barthe>all three have the armor triangle attack synergy like the whitewings do
>>1610552>all three have the armor triangle attack synergy like the whitewings doThat's all I want.
>879 orbs for 4 Thorr copies + 1 from the sparkUgh, that's way more than I was expecting to spend, but at last my first +10 mythic is complete. That final Thorr merge cost 443 orbs, sparking her on the rerun would have been much cheaper but I really didn't want to wait that long.At least the A!Miccys are quite valuable, and I'm very happy with all the 4* specials I got too (except Dorcas maybe).
Who in the name of fuck wants to play against this shit? I'm not even in the vault and every other map looks like this. What were these fuckturd devs thinking when they were handing out nigh infinite movement like candy? Imagine being a newbie player and being confronted with this shit right off the bat.
>>1610780Nice haul, seething with jealousy over those Micaiahs
>>1610780Congrats, bro.>>1610798I have a feeling IS thought the Warp was okay because they give out Ratatoskr for free and she gets to put a lot of anti-warp Veins down... Even if they're not that good. It's so stupid, they think anti-warp is more prevalent than it is.
>>1610798>what where they thinkingSkill issue.
>>1610798the instant we get warp bubble echo i'm putting it on emblabut these days i just auto dispatch AR and call it a day
Is Lucina stronger than Brave Bernie?
>think the noire alt is kinda cute>she shows up in my castle>screaming something in all capsright, i forgot that tharja's abuse made her bipolarunfortunate
>>1611462Her special art should've looked more unhinged imo
Anybody have one of these units flowered and built with modern skills for the next Binding Worlds event? I see Ninos often, but they're usually running skills from year 2.
>>1611518They did her dirty in general
>Arena Ticket Caineghis Nice, I should get around to building him
Had to use all 3 of my Arena Assault items this time. That's rare.
>>1611529I try to keep mine up to date but I've been slaking recently. Anything skills your specifically looking for?
these ninja CCs suck ass
How do you even stop this? I mean seriously??
>>1611853>3 of them get stuck on cav tiles in arena>or sigurd runs ahead on his own and becomes easy bait as usual>felix is the same asshole as in any other teamcould be worse
Am I going to make it?
>>1611911probably not, l.camilla bonus weeks are highly competitive
>>1611918Figures that the one week I can compete is the same week everyone else can compete too
Trailer tonight?
>>1611384Lucina is stronger as a general rule. Powerful prf assist, self-dance button and all that. But they have different support abilities and Bernie can be more useful in some team comps and situations.
>>1611933Yeah, who do you want on it?
>>1611933>>1611943I think it's tomorrow, remember the date fuckery (also i hope it's FE4)
>>1611943Rukinafags are getting too cocky and need to be reminded who the rightful Queen of FE is.
>>1611943Ririna>>1611955Too soon
>>1611955>calendar fuckeryIt's been years and I always forget.This sucks.
>>1611955>>1611997Last month's calendar was accurate>NH banner was scheduled for 15th>NH banner trailer was 14th
>>1611955>i hope it's FE4Didn't we get the Patty banner this year? If so we probably will only get a new FE4 banner in 2025
>>1611955>>1611997>>1612008Date adjusted calendar here
>>1612027That was a year ago
>>1612080Last FE6 banner was a year and a half
>>1612074>trailer is tomorrowThis stinks. I want to know the conclusion to rattys story.They haven't set up a mcguffin or talked about a plan to kill treesus yet so it almost feels like they will have more chapters, but that isn't going to happen.
>friend request>brave felix This faggot is the new FEdelgard when it comes to leads.
>>1611964Emblem Lyn at the end of the year, I'm guessing>>1612090I haven't been paying attention to the story but you know how FEH is, so it's pretty much gonna have to wrap up and the ending will be rushed, sadlyWhat even is the story of Book 8 anyway? How is it? All I know is that tree guy is the big bad (and has an incredibly annoying effect to deal with) and all of the Healing Hands are based on various medical professions/practices, but that's it
>>1612142>What even is the story of Book 8 anyway?Bunch of assassins are stirring up trouble for Askr and Embla. The assassins used to be doctors and their dad is the source of the problem. Dad is sympathetic again like Fafnir rather than some irredeemable asshole like Sutr, Hel, etc but it doesn't matter, we're gonna kill him anyway to protect Askr. The End.
>>1612142Tree nigga has a family of doctors, one day he heals a king but the king is a horrible human being and forces tree nigga to grant him immortality, when tree nigga can't do it king kills all of tree niggas childrenTree nigga then goes insane makes the king tear out his own eyes and then he collected some corpses and planted the hearts of his children to try and bring them back but when he realized they weren't the real deal he started causing chaos between Askr and Embla to get the attention of the summoner and force him to summon his childrenNo matter how much people try to explain that all the summoner would be able to do is call versions of other worlds he would know aren't his original children but tree nigga is too crazy to listen
>>1612090Surprised they didn't kill Rat yet like it was shown in the trailer
>>1612139throughout feh i have been very petty about rejecting friend requests based on their lead
>>1612157What happens in the opening movie doesn't reflect the story and free girl will never get killed
>>1612139Brave Felix is good to splash in wherever, at least
>>1610798in a normal game, units with nigh infinite movement/effective range would reasonably just be significantly weaker than units with lower effective range, no one cares about scout-type units as long as their noodly arms tink tink off everyone else unfortunately the devs in this game have no self-control or concept of moderation with new releases so here we are today
>thinking of using the buttplug on Edelgard and Lysithea>kusoge's desire sensor activates and rigs the skill options>have to waste like 9 torches just to get a skill that I want to finish Edelgard's build>only 2 torches left for Lysithea (got nothing good btw)I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game
Seer's Snare made me appreciate Shadow Shift.
This seems fun. Too bad I don't have a Timerra.
>>1612665If you have someone else on your team with IP, a different pulse effect or swap out the seal for QP you won't need a timerra.
>>1612665The only thing about AoEs is that they don't synergize well with enemy phase weapons like Panette's, and the rest of the weapon basically gets shut offHer activation condition is either the foe initiates (while AoEs are only player phase) or if the foe has over 75% HP (which an AoE would unfortunately bring the foe beyond that range)You'd pretty much just be relying on her Atk stat and whatever else you've buffed her with
>use up all my torches>can't get Resonance 4 for Brave LysitheaI fucking hate Hall of Forms
>>1612808>offer currency you can buy for $25 or $55 to get units good skills/flowers>have to get lucky to feel even the slightest impulse to purchase themWeird business choice.
Does a unit keeps the merges or "+X" when is merged with a chimera?
>>1609216I think she was my first 5* exclusive +10I should update her
I wondered what it'd be like to put Emblem units in Seer's Snare, and it turns out you just win, thank you for listening to my scientific breakthrough
>>1613012even emblem rings are a pretty big difference because you just get those bonuses from the start
Guess i'll finish her next time
Zeiss is the GHB
>>1613088Was thinking on pulling on this banner because my FE6 roster is a bit lacking, but Lilina is the only worthwhile one and she is colorsharing. I think im gonna save my orbs for the treeman and nidhoggr banner at the end of the month.
>>1613088>elffin showed up alongside echidna, larum, and bartrecute, wasn't expecting him to get in but not a bad choice>ogiernobody asked for this ever>new haccan artgoodbye orbs>thjazi only got another twin n save for fodderdisappointing>borsBORS!can't wait to get 1 copy over the next 3 months
I have no idea who any of these characters are, but Bors looks cute, I'll build him
Broken pelvis gang let's fucking go
>>1613101a real nice guy, older brother to wendy, overbearing at times because he cares too much
>>1613106A nice personality is a bonus. Thanks, anon, I really needed a Binding Blade project
>>1613108he's one of the very rare cases where i like a male armor more than the cute girl armor, and i love cute girl armorsand his supports with wendy are hilarious
>>1613114That's actually really nice, I like how it doesn't go the "little sister gets angry" route and she calmly and maturely assures him. 10/10, I'm sold
>>1613088Big axe lady's big axe will be nice for... actually, I'm not sure if Shez would want to give up Thrima or if I should just give it to Murdock (might as well)The rest of the banner... sure is a banner
>>1613088>Limiteds sharing colors again. >OJLol, lmao. I'm fine with the rest of the banner but Ogier is like the equivalent of a shitpost. I guess they got him out of the way.
Is there a way for fliers to precharge an AoE with Arcane Truthfire without Quickened Pulse?4 CD-2 from weapon-1 from marth ringNot sure if fliers have access to a skill I'm forgetting to lower CD.
>>1613157If you're just looking to fire the AoE once, you could try the Quickened Pulse seal.
>>1613157>>1613165>without Quickened PulseD'oh. Sorry, I just woke up.Sadly there's no skills on the flier itself to make that work. Maybe poke around for allied units that give CD reduction?
>>1613098>>1613149>all this Ogier hateFuck off, I've been waiting for my boy since day one, so I will +10 and build him him when I get the chance. I just need Allen and I'll have all of my fe6 scrimblos
I hate how I'm considering using the new arcane green tome on Citrinne. It really only seems worth using her Prf if you're pairing her with Legendary or Shota Eliwood. I'd also feel like less shit for using Fatal Smoke instead of a support C skill like Incite or Pledge since she wouldn't have to worry about passing buffs. It would be easy to just stick with her Prf if Move+1 wasn't excluded, but alas.
>>1613088>Lilina is color sharingSo I'm basically screwed if I want to +10 her
>>1613173You'll be getting the better girl anyways.
>>1613174No but seriously how am i supposed to do?
>>1613168I'm happy for you, anon
>>1613175I won't be impressed by your dick or anything if you post a +10 Lilina 2 hours after the update. Just wait for a banner that better suits what you're looking for.
>>1613088I'm honestly disappointed that last chapter units feel underwhelming and are a let down to close a book with. Why can't they be challenging like fallen or brave banner units? They don't have to be broken just good enough to make a book end feel meaningful. Alas the banner is an easy skip for me.
>>1613175You roll and cross your fingers. If it goes poorly you stop rolling and try again on the next banner. She's always gonna be sharing with something, sorry.
>>1613088Gonna roll for Elffin (cause I love refreshers) and the new tome for my Luthier. Not really excited for this banner in general (two limiteds...) but im not a mega fe6 fan so idk
>>1613168Sorry but he's just too easy to make fun. I wish you the best of luck.
>>1613171Fuck it, I'll do it (if I free roll; not spending 40 rolls). It'll allow her to AoE every round in Pawns of Loki as well since "turn 1" stuff is literally only for the first round which is dumb.
>Truthfire doesn't have guaranteed follow-upGay
>>1613088>ElffinI will be upset if Fae isn't in his support convo
>>1613114His support with astolfo is also nice.
>>1613212that's what her A inheritable is for
Is "Grants unit atk/spd/def/res = 15% of foes attack" the new omni +5?
>>1613175Have you considered waiting for her to appear on another banner? She should show up on several sparkavle banners so you can get her over time and will probably even appear for anniversary celebrations. Why not just wait until she's on a banner You like more?
Wish I cared about Lucia. Turning off specials seems like a great effect to have around.
>>1612956Sorry, I meant a forma
>>1613269Yes. If you merge a +7 unit into a forma, it'll become +8. A +10 will stay a +10 and so on.
>3 summons to get A!micaiahNice
Is there something I'm missing? This looks like a bit too easy. I have 2900 orbs right now>>1613235Yeah I'll have to consider it
>>1613328No, that's pretty normal.In case you don't know, color sharing does not impact your chances of getting a given unit on the banner in any notable capacity (it slightly alters the rate at which certain color orbs appear, but it is a mostly trivial outside of weird circumstances.)
>>1613336So it's actually not that bad? I can make it?
>>1613336>oy vey goyim it's totally normal to summon 5 copies of red unit #1 and only 1 copy of red unit #2 it's totally non-biased and balanced
>>1613338Yeah, you'll be fine with 2900 orbs. The rates shown on your image are accurate.
>>1613338Also I should have asked sooner, but did any Mariannebros were able to +10 her rearmed version? How did your rolling session go with her?>>1613343Thank you bro
I like his shield, looks like the knight sprite in the GBA games and those are my favorite looking ones
>>1613342The only impact it has is on pity, the other units on the banner still eat the same rate away regardless of color however when there is a colorshare you actually come across them.
>>1613344I had abysmal luck and only managed to get 1 Marianne plus spark and 6 Dagrs. I spent around 500 ish orbs I think. So be warned>ogier got fjorm'dsay no more, skip it iselffin with joshua should be interestinglilina with roy and cecilia will be cutebors with wendy luthier and delthea sounds hilarious
>>1613461I'm actually looking forward to seeing Joshua, he's pretty good in the few FB he's in.
>>1613229It's either that or "and bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/res = number of allies (or foes) within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit x3; max 14"
>>1613098>>ogier>nobody asked for this everI used him on my first playthrough of Binding, so I like him. Got a special place in my heart.>>1613171You could pair her with Young Frederick to pass around GFU, For Cannot FU, and BD from just their weapons alone. You lose out on the Canto from L!Eli and the Null Panic from either Eliwood, but less and less units are coming out with NFU in weapon>>1613328>>1613336Color Sharing DOEZ affect the amount of orbs needed to +10 or get who you want, it's just usually significantly less than you expect. If there were not green color share, anon would probably save around 200 orbs but would also have less 5*s
>>1613229>>1613473Or "grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + 15% of unit's [stat]". Those usually aren't even capped at 14, though it's pretty hard to reach that
>>1613478>If there were not green color share, anon would probably save around 200 orbs but would also have less 5*sI usually expect to be in the 75th percentile. Looks like a 170 orb difference in this case.
>>1613461>No Fae>but JoshuaI am slightly upset
but I don't want any of these guys
>>1613538So why'd you click the banner?
>>1613539I see free I click
>>1613569That sounds like a you issue
>>1613538Then grab Alfonse and feed him to your favorite tank
HOF reruns should have unlimited torches
>>1613657Honestly from a logical perspective it is kind of weird that HoF isn't more forgiving. You'd think they would WANT players to get good skill sets, because it would encourage players to spend their buttplugs.
>Return after some years>Roll a bunch>Don't get what I want>Uninstall
>>1613749No need to lie, anon.
>>1613749Who did you even want?
>>1613779Rhea but I kept getting the other ugly blue orb whore
>>1613787On the Remix banner? Those are traps, don't trust them
>>1613795Damn they are, rolled up to spark on the thorr banner so i could get Micaiah, only got a single Claude before it.
I hate how I still have to put thought into clearing an AR defense that completely disregarded their structure/trap placements just because they just slapped random meta units on their defense.
>>1613832I hate how no matter how I try to arrange my defense it gets demolished by the newest meta units.
>>1613838Sigurd was definitely overkill for AR offense. I usually stick to my favorites, but Sigurd is such a game changer for offense that it feels stupid not to use him there.That's the only place I use him, though. Even my SDS team is just my favorites.
Bors has Doubler Lance and Vengeful Fighter
Did someone at IS mess up? Chapter 13 Chain Challenge is up.
>>1613878such an odd thing to mess up
>spent like 200 for a single fucking fire tribe Lyn>She now shows up in HoFDesire to KyoAni ISIS increasing
I'll always find Catria taking out meta entertaining. 9 is next.
Whoops, I accidentally claimed orbs on my os with negative orbs.
Got Elffin and Lilina from tickets, so that's pretty niceI don't have any green tomes built up though, so I don't exactly have anyone to give the tome to, but I'm sure I've got someone who can take advantage of the rest of her skills
>>1613909sad nidhogger would make a good gif.she's also hot. I'm glad ratty at least got a relatively happy ending.
So anyone rolling on new heroes or just picking green x5 with free summon and four tickets?
>>1613934tempted to get Elfin. Bors is free so I don't need to worry about him.
>>1613909this book was...alright, i guess?had some moments, fizzle of an ending, nothing too egregious except embla as a nation getting snubbed so much
>got Lilina on the free rollWhy couldn't this have happened with MarianneAt least it's not a character I hate
Guess there's no reason to ever have trouble with a Jugdral LHB again.
>>1613909It makes sense they didn't bother dubbing it but I'm still kind of surprised.
>>1613935>I don't need to worry about himGood luck >>1613942Oh shit!I forgot about LHB
Color sharing is the most despicable shit ever. IS are monsters for playing with people's feelings like that. This is after 1600 orbs. I still have 1300 orbs but I don't want to roll on that banner ever again. Lilina is +8, I'll wait for the next banner. I'll fodder the man bitch, whatever her name is, and then I'm deleting her, not even keeping a single copy in my barracks
>>1613948This poped up in my mind
>>1613948Do it for Ririna
>>1613959I'm imagining it's the ugly man and it's very satisfying>>1613962>Do it for RirinaOkay... AND I +10'd HER after 200 orbs
>two thjazis and two lilinas in 150 orbsneatmakes me forget about all the other banners that have been fucking me recently
>Three Giant Ladies >One Lilina >One BorsNot bad, all things considered. I would've liked to at least +1 Bors, but at least he's actually available
>>1613963Good Job
>>1613973Thank you bro... I'm so so so so so so so glad it's over, it was pure constant hell rolling in this banner.
>>1613978Summoning is truly a dreadful experience
>>1613981Especially when you save for months, or even years sometimes and all your hard work and patience is washed away by bad luck.
pjazi is actually kinda annoying to go against...
>>1613948B-but anons said colorsharing is le good...
>>1614034It is goodHe spent 1800 orbs and got two +10 premium units out of it (plus some to spare).Not getting a unit to +10 within 1600 orbs is simply within the standard range of variance, so even if it wasn't colorsharing, they still would have ended up in roughly the same spot.
>>1614039I did not enjoy the pity breaks, I could have saved a lot of orbs with the RNG I had in this rolling session if not for the color sharing. And honestly I got very lucky at the end with my last two Lilina, so it could have been MUCH worse if not for the very lucky ending and I kept going with an average luck.
>>1614041I know confirmation bias is a harsh mistress, but statistically speaking, the only difference between this banner as it is and this banner if it wasn't a color sharing banner is that you would have 13 fewer thjazis. Being "lucky" at the end isn't as much being lucky, as much as it is part of the standard variance of many instances of random chance.
I've been fucked over by color-share banners too many times for this gaslighting to work on me.
>>1614034colorsharing is only good for the 90 percent of people that aren't characterfags. to anyone else a high merged lilina and pjazi for that amount is pretty good outcome but if you're only targeting a certain unit then you're getting fucked over by default regardless
I can add around 20 people, if anyone is interested.>ID: 3944135412
>>1614058Will add you after this TT autobattle :)
>>1614060>already frens:)
Why does truth make fire green?
>>1613963Congrats Ririna anon
>>1614100Thank you bro!
>>1614008sent :)
>>1614109whoops, meant for >>1614058
>>161404313 fewer thighjobzis, but also 200ish more orbs
>>1614109>>1614112Nice, accepted!
>>1614114>13 fewer thighjobzisI got 16 in total actually
>>1613948>I'll fodder the man bitch, whatever her name is
>>1613909>we wuz clones and sheeit
blessed tickets
thanks IS
>>1614162>tank can tankWhat did you expect?
>>1614163Not to mention DV Stone is designed to fuck over AoEs.
>>1614163>>1614164>older tank can tank>newest nuke can't nukethanks IS
>>1614165>complain about powercreep and needing to roll for newest units all the time and how units don't last>also complain about unit lasting more than a month and that there isn't meta breaking powercreep on a characterMake up your mind.
>>1614167>>complain about powercreep and needing to roll for newest units all the time and how units don't lastI never said that and don't roll for new shiny units. I just thought that it was sad that my favorite character didn't have the right to have a powercreep too and can't even do her niche right day ONE.
>>1614162>Green beats Green Whoa
>>1614117I hope you have Laguz Friend or some other cool nonsense to dupe
>>1614162And like what's the point of her damage reduction and res if she can't even survive a powercreep mage's attack? At MAX investment btw
>>1614162How much does he do on the counter? Running a Squad Ace Seal or refining with Def might make her barely survive, she doesn't scale much with Res so it's not a huge loss.
>>1614187>How much does he do on the counterdon't know didn't try
>>1614167I remember when Emblem Celica was a menace
Free rolled the Elfin and i don't feel like reading his weaponIs he good?
>>1614194>Dancer that inflicts a bunch of negative status effects on foesHe's not a fairy, but he's not Dorothea either. Breddy gud.
blue... beast green?
>>1614199i forget, does exposure affect aoes? would she get the kill if fjorm was ploy'd?i'm surprised she does that much damage at all considering that's fjorm's hyper-niche
>>1614199Can any 2-range unit even kill a BoL4 supported Fjorm with Ike Emblem?
>>1614200>would she get the kill if fjorm was ploy'd?I hope so, fjorm wasn't even merged and my Lilina was under steroid with Groom Roy's harmonized skill
>refreshing the armoy a million times to preview arcane giant axe on someonethere sure are a lot of ugly ass axes
>>1614200>>1614210Without Roy's harmonized skill iirc Fjorm survived with 34HP, forgot to precise
>>1614202remixed Ullr demolishes herpotent stronk
Does a recipient of Arcane Truthfire need miss out without an AoE special or would any special be fine
>>1614186>>1614162>>1614199I'm surprised you still even bother with SD
>>1614211I'm pretty sure new weapons are added to the armory whenever the grail unit from the corresponding banner is added to the grail shop, you can't get the new arcane axe yet.
>>1614223It's a miserable mode full of pathetic powercreep slaves but I want to do it for completionism's sake
>>1614194His weapon both gives Hexblade to his allies and debuffs his foes in a Ploy rangeAnd he has Miracle active on the enemy phase, so he's gonna survive better than most refreshersHis actual refresh is just... that, nothing special or fancy like the fairiesHe's a fine enough unit, although he does feel like a demote that they arbitrarily made into a 5* exclusive
290 wins to go...
>>1614239I couldn't ever bring myself to win grind, best of luck to you, especially since your team isn't cancer
>>1614239mental illness
>>1614253Thanks friend>>1614266yeah...
I think Lilina should've been Attuned and give out Hardy Bearing Echo or something.
>>1614285i honestly don't know why they're focusing on more rearmed weapons now, particularly for already existing types
>>1614285I was expecting and hoping for her giving Near Trace Echo with Attuned Armads
>>1614285Lilina should have been saved for later and have had Arcane Armads
>>1614200I believe all the bonus and penalty board effects add to AoE dmg, but unless the AoE unit has Fued or Fatal Smoke i doubt they'd be able to kill through all that dr+BoL.
>>1614202I think Ninja Lucina can if she has Miracle. I'll give it a shot on my own defense.
RARE soulful team
>>1614293>Could've still been Green
i love that forging bonds recreated bors/wendy's support
>>1614224really? that's so strange
>>1614328I think it kinda works the same way how skills and weapons get added to HoF, Arcane weapons aside of course. Just a sort of pool of skills or weapons or whatever that
>>1614326It was nice, I want more FBs like that. Small little character bits are engaging
>got a +spd ririna>her kit can actually make use of itfeels weird, but then again why did feh make her a slowpoke most of the time anyways, she felt decently speedy in my fe6 playthrough
>>1613909>Læradr was a clone all along, the real one killed himself ages ago to be with his kids.Goddamn I did not see that coming. Now then are we destroying Asgard next?
I should build an Ippei team
i wish there was a lilina that could pre-combat aoe on enemy phase, that'd be funnythis one seems like it sacrificed some aoe to have a balance of in-combat potential too
Arcane and Attuned chart
>>1614374niime will NEVER be useful
>>1614374I believe in Flier supremacy
>>1614361Asgard is highly possible, Yeah, but it could also be other places. As other have said before, Asgard/Alfador seem like some sort of final book so IS might put it off, or they could just swap pantheons after cleaning out Asgard. We technically haven't had a time traveling book where we go meet actual Lif/Thrasir do that is possible.
>>1613941>another one this time from a ticket I don't want to waste my luck now
>>1614361What if we just changed it up a littleWe fightin' Jesus next
>>1614409alfadr is technically the norse mythology jesus i guess
since FE itself has created new mythologies for almost every other game, why did they rely on norse for feh anywaysthey've taken plenty of liberties so they really could have just created their own again
I should probably just give the new Lilina's skills (Sly Mirror, Occultist's Strike, Atk/Res Ploy) to Legendary Lilina, right?
>>1614412A lot of things. Norse mythology was getting kind of popular at the time, it's much easier to copy and alter existing mythology, and FE has always had references to western mythologies, especially kaga games.IIRC aroudn the time of FEH's release, there were an ass ton of games with norse/nordic themes or fantasy elements to them, and shows about vikings coming out. for some reason they were just getting really popular.
>>1614409>Jesus as main antagonist with Peter and Paul as his generals
>>1614409I wanted the Jesus character to be literally named Jesus not some rando name.
I'm probably going to do it anyway since I have tons of copies of her to charge her fodders, but AMiccy probably wants Sly Mirror so she can free her C skill up for something like Miasma, right
I don't think someone posted it yet but next HoF is TribeLyn, Y.Hector, Y.Eliwood, DesertNinoAlso orbs week on Allegiance Battle so go do that
>>1614457She wants BoL4 in her C to be a giga support bot, but if you don't have it and want to be a better combat unit, you have a good plan. Do note that she only gets the effects of those other skills on player phase.
>>1614467I do have BoL4 fodder (and again it'd probably be good to give her so I can fodder it more easily) but I assumed it wasn't as useful on low def mages as it would be on something else
>>1614473It's less her using it for herself and more having the secondary effect of letting allies within 2 spaces use it
>>1614473If you're using her for the support then it checks based on the Def of whoever is healing off it and not just her own. She can be pretty tanky so it's pretty decent for her either way even if she doesn't get the full healing herself, but it's a very flexible skill for a support unit.
>>1614478>>1614485Alright, I'll probably end up giving it to her then
>>1614465I'm still trying to figure out what skills to get for Lyn and Nino since I plan on picking up both. I'm currently leaning towards:LynHarsh Command+GustD Bonus DoublerPotentEndless TempestNino:Harsh Command+FlareVerge of Death (>tfw no sly swift sparrow)ResonanceIncite Atk/Spd
>elffin has 34 atksurprising, usually most modern dancers get a decent amount of atk but I guess he’s more of a support than anything
>>1614583>elffin gets noodle arms>merlinus got noodle armswhere's the modern joke stats from other games, i can only think of arden but even then he wasn't peak min maxed
huh the TT epilogue was probably the only worthwhile dialogue in this entire TT arc
>>1614608I just hope they'll give us Sindri/OG!Eitri for the finale.
>>1614614No more OC for this TT
>>1614617How do you figure? There's still one more TT to go in this story, isn't there?
Why is there no "good" place to discuss FEH? This place is slow, /feg/ has that schizophrenic retard spamming scat in it, and Twitter and Reddit are just awful places.
>>1614618Sindri and the two other giant beside Muscle UP Olivia didn't appear on screen so I doubt IS will deliver a new OC in the story.Guess they will do the same as book 2 and 3 TT and release only four unit.
>>1614618Shouldn't the next new heroes feature the main girl of the next book?
Elffin the GOAT
This artist might like man ass.
>>1614627Because it's a dying game. I'm sorry bro.
>>1614627>slowthis is a common complaint I see from vg refugees who want to "discuss" and I don't really understand it. discussion was "fast" over there because half of it was just free for all shitflinging, spam, and maybe one legit convo, which would eventually be overshadowed by whatever 5 month long arena/AR/SD shitpost someone would keep pushing. unsurprisingly now its 80 percent shitposting, thread bumping, and dead air. no offense but I really think half the newer people coming here expecting it to be another general are just not used to seeing conversations not lasting for 100+(useless) posts, not every topic that we could possibly talk about needs to be stretched out to a long discussion
>>1614627just use gamefaqs bro...
>>1614731I don't think dogs should eat Taco Bell, anon
>>1614748It's fine. It's diet soda.
>>1614627>This place is slowSo what? I don't understand this complaint.
>you will never have your own mobile air conditioner wife
>>1614791Nifl's pussy is hot, warm and wet inside
>>1614766Oh, my bad, carry on
>>1614791It's tragic.
>>1614791Damn Surtr for BBQing Gunnthra...
>>1614678Post build
>>1614838Of just my Elffin? He is basically vanilla with Sly Mirror
>>1614842>>1614838If Elffin had Mystic Boost and the opponent couldn't double him or have Fatal Smoke 4 (or the Null Miracle effect somehow) then he's basically just invincible isn't he? Since he has permanent enemy phase Miracle and all
>>1614871Hard to go into a fight expecting that when he'll inevitably have to try to match speed with a Brave Felix.
>>1614871marni has a similar thing going on, but it's much easier to double her and she doesn't have the means to be so fat she's invincible...yetalso, brave weapons are still another counter to that
>>1614627>Twitter and RedditPlatform decay>4chanI presume it's difficult to retain free labor that are willing to spend their precious time on this planet to remove posts containing scat and personal information so /feh/ggots can have "brilliant" discussions about this kusoge on 4chan.>fehWith the exception of several bugs and errors in the past six months, there isn't much to discuss outside of "roll for the newest powercreep if you chase meta" which is Shield Fighter and Ninja Lucina.
>Khadein Nino in the FE7 HoFI already +10ed her but I suppose I can try updating her kit. But what would she even want?
>>1614239favor points are meaningless only the wins count...
>>1615035Also I'm wondering if resonance 4 wouldn't be better than occultist strike for my Ririna. Without taking BoL4 in account
>>1615035I don't know how do you find the time to do this. Just grinding another 100 on my B!Eirika every month is a pain.
>>1615037The only thing about Resonance 4 is that it does inflict some recoil damage, and while the "unit's HP = 25%" unit exists condition is a thing, eventually that may actually knock you out of said weapon range, especially with repeated combatsIt definitely feels like a skill that should be on units with a "if unit initiates combat" condition, in the event that you get sent down to 1 HP for whatever reasonBecause of that, I think Atk/Res Tempo 4 might be her best B skill, maybe? She'd get 50% DR pierce from her Special, another 50% from Tempo 4 (thus, 75%)And while that's a bit less damage output and DR pierce than what Resonance can provide, there's also no chip damage to worry about
>>1615046I listen to music and/or watch some other stuff on the side while doing it. SD is awful, but this makes it somewhat bearable.>>1615052>Atk/Res Tempo 4Oh very intersting, I have an Arlen in my barracks, I could feed him to her. I really need some stuff to get through all the powercreep bullshit that makes whole teams unkillable, stuff like Askr or Heidrun
>>1615060>I have an Arlen in my barracks,Perfect then, Lilina can put Tempo 4 to great use
>>1615064Thank you for the tip fren, i'll try it tomorrow
>still no Resonance 4 for Brave LysitheaI hate Hall of Forms so goddamn much
time to always free roll blues on revivals until i get bors
They should've put a grail unit on the upcoming HOF t bh like Limstella or F!Lloyd
>>1615290They seem to not like doing that as much any more for whatever reason. I don't really understand why.
>want to give ninja lyn better skills>refine is soon(ish)>don't want to give her skills her refine will make unnecessary>have to keep using her shitty base kit for another year while I waitFug
>>1615294whatever fodder you give her now will be outdated in a year so no real loss thereparticularly for fliers, they get plenty of new stuff fairly often
>>1615294>she thinks ninja Lyn will get a refine and not get the Reinhardt treatment
If you're here thank you bro
I rolled Ririna, I gave her kit to my base Soren. With Times Pulse 4 in place of the ploy skill and Marth ring, he can spam AoEs every turn.
>>1615294You can still inherit effects that can stack just fine.
>>1615254Same, I fed mine a Halloween Nah and Arcane Qiang, he's doing pretty good
Her name is Lilina.
>>1615300She's a Duo Hero, so she's getting a refineDoesn't have to be a good one though, remember, Legendary Sigurd was an utter menace and they gave him such a mid refineThen they released Emblem Sigurd, lol
>STILL no Ninja Lucina >Or any 5* outside of the pity breaker I got at 4.00%I genuinely did think I'd get at least ONE focus unit before spark, but wow. This banner really fucked me.
>>1615464i recently remembered that pirate vero got a pretty good refinetoo bad i don't have an atk def excel for her
>>1615565Why would you need that skill for her? that doesn't seem like an essential skill to me and looking at her refine there doesn't seem anything specific you would need to make her work. Her biggest upgrades would be ignis and either celica or sigurd ring, but i you could also use a lower cd special to try to occasionally hit 2 specials in combat.
>>1606315New-ish player here. Is there anything cool I can do with Legendary Leif? He's my favorite lord but he seems to have aged pretty terribly.
>>1615601Probably not much that can't be done way better by a newer unit. You can give him the Sigurd ring for canto 2, Assassin's Strike for extra damage and run him with a unit that gives that 50% DR pierce status effect, I guess.
>>1615601the best thing about this game is that if you fodder any recent unit, you can keep your old ones relevantunfortunately some are so old that you might need to replace their prfs outright, in particular i'd consider replacing Njorun's Seal with Deadeye. njorun's is great against weaker opponents but against strong opponents if you don't kill on first combat you likely won't even live to get the bonus action after combatemblem rings are a huge benefit/gameplay changer to anyone and legendary/mythic/emblem banners happen at the end of each month, but nov doesn't have any so you'd need to wait until december for sigurd ideally. marth ring would also be good but he's not rerunning until march, and celica ring is always good but she's in januaryif you happened to get an attuned micaiah from the legendary remix banner, her far trace echo is also useful on him, redundant if you end up getting sigurd ring but still useful if you eventually end up with another emblem ringas for other skills just get whatever you have that gives atk, lowers enemy def, or gives you bonus damage since brave weapons get to double dip on bonus damage. you can also check summoner duels rankings to see what other people are running on him
How do I build Panette?
>specials provide DR when enemy's special is charged>in-combat precharge is also becoming common>CD is often reduced to 1 regardlessscowl is starting to feel pretty pointless
i just noticed that the twin save extra conditions don't rely on having triggered savior, unlike save 3'sso technically they're useful on player phase too, and someone with dragon's scales and 1 cd could initiate and still trigger dragon's roar twice if the enemy doubles in retaliation
>>1615706Just as DR was eventually replaced by fixed/flat DR, next banner we'll get Scowl 2 (and it'll work on defensive Specials too)
>>1615648the cheap build is fury, vantage, time's pulse, and dc because of how her weapon worksotherwise you can feed her any recent speedy melee infantry build
>>1615723Can we stop with the DR and unkillable new shiny units meta? I just want to nuke things again
>>1615731>single nukes have to suffer because we have triple galeforcing nukes everywhere these days
>>1615733that teleport from the other side of the screen, don't forget about that
>put ears on embla because it's cute>only just realized that she does in fact have bat ears visible, even in her portrait art
>>1615731NoEvery new banner forever is composed of: A tank who survives the last offensive nukeAn offensive nuke who kills the last tankA useless filler unit (usually, but not always a demote)And an asset unit to trick people into thinking their units from more than 3 months ago are still useful.
>>1615601Flared skill+desperation 4+incite+curved shot+sigurd ring+echo trace. Wew, he does suck hard these days, and his remix was ike-tier for some reason.
Go do your Allegiance Battle
>>1615738Now she can hear twice as much
Should I use Attuned Caeda in Light or Astra? Also would Miracle let Brave Bernie defeat Duo Fjorm?
>>1614731As a fellow /vg/ refugee, it takes a bit to get used to the slower thread speed, even if the quicker pace is due to spergs being spergs, but it's infinitely better browsing here compared to /vg/, and seeing as i've seen everything from the copypasta spammer to the forced merge, you can take my opinion as you will.
Was so focused on beating this cancer AR defense I almost forgot to let my bonus unit get a kill. Good job, Nino.
>>1615837How do people even make cancerous AR-D's on Chaos season
>>1615840My Chaos defense somehow gets more wins than my non-chaos defenses. I don't think it's any harder to beat than my Anima defense. I guess people losing 10-20 HP and +4-8 in various stats hurts them if they choose to enemy phase instead of player phase a fight.
>>1615836>to the forced merge,I didn't know that had happened lmao. Which is particularly funny because I absolutely guarantee you it was probably forced by the same person who forced the split a couple years ago. That shithole really has just been ruined by the same shitposter for more than a literal decade.
>>1615885That could just as easily describe bean boy as the shitcord ringleader. This was also their second attempt at merging, the first failed for whatever reason. Fire Emblem is just a magnet for schizos for whatever reason.
>>1614731I mean, I just want access to people that will help me with builds and stuff in a timely manner. While yes, people do help out here, it takes a while.
Does Safety Fence activate if I kill a unit turn one and go back to the starting row, but am in range of Emblem Sigurd?
>>1615934Nevermind. Lost since I wasn't expecting Felix to hit Sigurd for 77 damage.
>>1615763ACaeda would be easier to make work in Light, she would need BoL for astra since she can't stack enough res to avoid Heidrun's ploy effect. Bernie only needs Miracle if Fjorm has HardyBearing, in that case she would still need to double her and have some support to reach miracle on the counter.
>>1614731They call it slow, I call it comfy
>>1615565Spend $60 to redeem a copy with atk/def excel from bw, bro
>>1616045god I wish I was reginn
>>1616045her sprite seems significantly less wide than her art.
>>1616055perhaps, but she's still one of the three actually large chibis in the gamespeaking of wide though, comparing original hawkeye to desert festival hawkeye is hilarious
>>1616060I wonder if Surtr could fit in a sedan
>>1616045Freerolled the ogre chick of all things. Who even wants her fodder? I generally don't like using EP units in this game, because it always feels like too much of a gamble. The only axe armor I try to use whenever possible is V!Lucina, and even then I've been using her as PP unit, because she can't tank a single hit from any of these crazy nukes of today's meta. I have the strong suspicion that giving Lucina the new axe and the T4 save skill will do jack shit to make her more viable. Am I wrong?
>>1616092You pretty much need Shield Fighter if you want any hopes of surviving hits. I'm hoping we get 500 SP versions of Escutcheon and such so you can use it in Arena on units without a Prf special like Fjorm.
>>1616099Escutcheon+ that cuts enemy's DR so my tanks can do damage
>>1616092gerbera axe is pretty outdated, but arcane giant axe's most notable benefit is "grants special cooldown count -1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat"with armored blaze and quickened pulse, you get to initiate with specialhowever, lucina has the benefit of being speedy, so she can also run clever fighter to great benefittwin save still gives 7 hp on player phase, and allows you to safely bring in an ally after lucina initiated on someone and is left in enemy rangei hope you have celica or sigurd ring as well>>1616102armored blaze/beacon/floe are your real offensive options, the shield builds shouldn't maximize defense and also get offense
>>1616099By the time I get my hands on Shield Fighter, that'll be worthless too. But I should be grateful that Lucina can reasonably well be used offensively. Trying to build yesteryear's tanks so that they don't die to Felix farting in their general direction must be one of the more miserable and fruitless ways you can spend your time in this game.
>>1616092The new Arcane Axe isn't Ep only, you don't have to use it on armors.
Legendary M Corrin gets the 50% DR pierce status from Legendary Camilla (or Halloween Askr), is equipped with Mag NFU for another 50% DR pierce, gets 50% DR pierce from his Special, and then he's already entered combat and set Water terrain.He then attacks another enemy unit that's on the Water terrain, where being on it causes you to suffer another 50% DR pierce. In total, how much DR is being pierced? Does it just hit a cap of 100% at some point, is it just diminishing returns?
>>1616092She can't use her prf assist with the axe but if you go all in on the tanking with the right supports and skills she might be able to do decently.
>>16161211-(.5*.5*.5*.5) = 93.75% DR pierce
>>1615754How the fuck do you even get 950 points?
>>1616141>always kill with weapon triangle advantage, and colorless for colorless>bring three pair up legendaries, and the fourth unit gets to pair up with the borrowed unit>do allegiance battles every week for the synergy bonus, and have friends who do so
>>1616141High BST units like Arena. I think Legendary Pair Up units get you more score also, but I haven't bothered learning how impactful they are on score. I use these units for 1021 score.
>>1616141Just let your friend's proxy kill all the enemies. That or use the color triangle to get extra points.
>>1616144>>1616145>>1616146Thanks, I actually managed to do it.
>>1616170>100 more wins is worth 2000 points during the week, or 3000 points on the weekend
I would like more of the Giant Chick, would 17 days be enough time for a second spark?
>>1616216given the events that are still left this month according to the calendar, i don't think you'll reach even 160 orbscheck chain challenges and squad assaults if you haven't cleared all of those already
>>1616229That blows. Thanks anyway, guess I start saving for the next Emblem hero
so it's laeradr and nidhoggr at the end of this month right?kinda a weird combo that doesn't feel like it'd sell the book, but honestly none of the book OCs feel like that
>>1616256I think it's an Emblem this month since we had a mythic last month.
>>1616256IS does not care about sales.
>>1616272november is always the book double mythic now, and the calendar already confirmed it as a mythic banner
>>1616272Nah, Emblem Heroes sell and they need to do something for next month, so we're gonna get Emblem Lyn by then>>1616256The real question is what seasons they'll beDrunk snek lady is probably gonna be a Dark Mythic (mostly because every other Healing Hand is every other season), but tree guy? If he's Anima then, lmao RIP, because him + Freyr + Heidrun sounds like a combo I don't wanna face
>>1616272>>1616286>>1616288If an Emblem drops, what's the likely date for it? Could I grab it if I sub on Miccy's last day?
>>1616315Right on Christmas maybe? That's just a guess
Well for now he is complete, wonder if we will get a good arcane infantry beast before he gets his refine, when is the refine again?
>free summoned a ganglot when i just got a bunch of thjazisuhhuh
I hate SD
>Base Ike on arena ticket
>>1616327>Flame Mordecai is version 6.921 months minimum, and that's assuming after all the grails on this chart that there aren't any more double version freebies
>>1616513Waiting for NY!Kaden, waiting for Lex.
>>1616513Give my man the sauce
>>1616513>21 monthsSo there is a 10% chance that before that we get a new Arcane Beast
>>1616513>Palla's refine still so far away>Fallen Edelgard's refine is inevitable>still technically on some Book 4 refines when we're now entering Book 9Thank goodness we only get a few refines each month, huh
damn i was hoping it wouldn't be a competitive weekoh well, guinivere had funthere's marnis everywhere but people seem to be running her with near save for some reasonand i was wondering why a ninja lucina on a defense tile was so bulky until i noticed >bonus to stats (max 25)so i guess it was foolish of me to assume a 2 range cav nuke shouldn't also be tanky
Horse and man as one!
>new hof tonightExcited.
>new hof tonight
>>1616570>Fallen Edelgard's refine>inevitableShe'll be joining Reinhardt, Olwen, Ophelia and Surtr in refine jail
>>1616513>Flayn and Shamir both have gotten shafted pretty hard in refines>Seteth got a really good one when he was the demote for that banner>Catherine's refine is up nextI have zero expectations.
>Staff units only way of getting DR piercing is resonance and mag. null follow (genuinely surprised they even allowed that desu)>but its a b slot skill>if the staff unit you like has a dazzling built in staff you cannot possibly give up your wrathful staff derivative skill in your b slot. But everything fucking ignores sweep skills these days so getting rid of a dazzling staff derivative b slot skill is obvious>check valentines elise again because I couldn't remember if she has wrathful or dazzling build in>dazzling staff built it, need wrathful to ever do any damage everWhy the FUCK does intsys hate staff units so fucking much? I'll never understand why they have so much working against them. Lower stats, has a coinflip chance of requiring a special skill to be allowed to do damage to any unit ever, massively reduced number of skills they can equip, every new unit counters their one niche anyways I just want literally one version of her to be good bros.
>>1616606It's your fault for using staff units
>>1616597>>1616599I wanted duo lyn, not flame tribe lyn. It's an easy skip for me.
>>1616606Sly Swift Sparrow would've been perfect for my Hortensia.
>>1616602She's still an Edelgard though, is the thing
>>1616606we'll probably get a DR piercing emblem ring eventually
>>1616602This is ISIS anon, she will get a refine da...
>>1616606I've been asking for a Wrathful Staff seal for years
>>1616694Deranged but based
>Resonance 4 on the second to last torch on the last dayThank fuck but I still hate this mode
Is Shota Eliwood worth a forma as someone who rarely makes teams centered on buffing a single character?
>>1616916I prefer Legendary Eliwood since he gets 1 more effect to pass around. I only use shota in events where you build multiple teams and can't use the same unit multiple times. I wouldn't pick him up if you aren't sure if you'll even use him. Just wait to come across a LEliwood that's color sharing with another red you want.
>>1616921I already have L!Eliwood so i guess i just won't bother lol
>hof has a character i want for fodder>they can't be fodderedevery fuckin time
>Ilyana HoF rerun in januaryFinally some good news
She's my favorite.Ideally she'd have Resonance in her B slot or something, but for grand conquest purposes she doesn't seem to be too bad, right?
HoF rewards suck, they should up the flowers they give you
>Heart says try to get new skills for my +10 K!Nino>Brain says that it won't change much and I should fish for Shield Fighter Hector, or maybe take Lyn/Eliwood for the catalogWhat do?
Did any of you use a forma on Brave Lysithea, Edelgard, Claude or Dimitri?
>>1617186I did for both Edelgard and Claude. Unfortunately didn't get the final skill I wanted on Claude which was firestorm boost but was able to get atk/spd mastery on final my torch. Edelgard on the other hand I was fortunate to get everything I was looking for but it took 75% of my torches to get shield fighter and close call 4.
>>1617178replacing your original with a forma never sits well in my book, i'd rather wait for some shiny new fodder. desert mages banner is right around the corner again too
Dumb question, but this doesn't apply to GLR, does it?
>>1617186Yes indeed, quite pleased with the results. >>1617015Looks good to me, I wouldn't underestimate Trace 4 compared to Resonance. Ultimately Resonance's DR piercing is what makes it an S+ skill but it has zero utility. Trace 4 is a great utility skill that they also slapped a free +7 damage per hit on which is nothing to scoff at.
>>1617186Only had one and used it on DimitriHate how long it took for some stuff to show up
>Nidhogg as defense mythic armorHow do they make her not immediately dead on arrival
>>1617263Easy, make her invincible. And then next month you can sell the one unit that beats her.
I think it could work, but it's kinda dependent on not getting screwed with the special charge, can Tempo be outsourced?
>>1617215GLR falls under "when unit's special is ready", which is why finish 4 has that specification"triggers" is for active in-combat specials
>>1617265celica ring is pretty contradictory with unity and near save, and if you really want to meme then ideal 4 (and seal) gets you the most speed, or odd spd wave 4 and bonus doubler sealascended amelia gives cd charge +1 to allies and panette is a pulse, but neither are likely to be near you once you celica warp away, assault troop with marth ring would be more reliable. meanwhile qiang also gives cd charge+1, 5 spd, and with clever fighter having NFU you don't need the one on luin, though you'd miss out on all of luin's other bonuses
>>1617277I hadn't even considered Qiang, that does solve some redundancy issues even if the extra speed damage is nice. Assault Troop with Ideal is a good call, have you had any experience with Earthwind Boost?
>>1617015Resonance is practically required on her nowadays.Marth lowers her damage output due to the "if user triggers Unit Attacks Twice, reduces damage dealt by 8".>>1617237Trace 4 is nice, but outdated as an effect. Like you said, the DR Piercing is what makes Resonance so good. The Sigurd ring giving her Canto 2 and Move+1 is really helpful.And Sigurd comes back on the December Mythic Banner.It's also silly, but Flared Mirror, Occultist's Strike, and Deadly Miasma also allow her to have a PP presence. I've had her kill Felix in Summoner Duels with that set, Divine Veins be damned.
Does B!Dimitri want Boulder if he already has LF?
>>1617302Why not? He doesn't have slaying so LF works with it, and it should be more reliable than trying to run GLR/Gust
>>1617293usually a prfless celica ring unit will be able to initiate on one or two combats at most, and you're likely to take heavy damage that you can't heal offso while the extra hp is really nice to survive a OHKO, the 50% condition can backfire. I'd prefer to use it on an enemy phase unit with bol4 or something
>>1617302Boulder works with LF since it's got a charge of 3 (on account of Dimitri not having -1 Special)And since it scales off his Def, it was pretty much made for him, although he's gonna need some sort of Special jumping support or effect to bypass at least one Scowl
How do I make Volke as good as possible? He's one of my favourite so I'm definitely picking up the forma. Give him the LMShez kit?
Which units should get florets? Those who have two fitting +4 stats for the best value from a very limited item?
>>1617355Just give it to your favorites
>>1617348you're certainly thinking two months ahead but anything with creation pulse and lethality would work wonders already, and leave you ready for his eventual refinearcane tempest or marth ring would allow you to precharge it completely, but you could also opt for desperation 4 so the first hit wastes an enemy's special DR and lethality hits free on the followup, assuming you're fast enough>>1617355only your favorites because it's a finite resource and powercreep makes meta picks a waste
>>1617186No because this stupid game never gave me LF
>>1617186I'm not sure yet to be honestOf the three, I have Brave Claude at +10, but ranged fliers don't really get all the fun, necessarily new tools that say, infantry and armours do, like say Dimitri and Edelgard do, although maybe all the Canto and Shadow Shift could be nice for Claude, for mobility and positioning and stuffI feel like Dimitri kinda also wants Boulder so that's dissuading me from choosing himFor Edelgard, Shield Fighter really helps you just not die in a meta where it is very easy to die, like, I can't imagine Felix getting past her, even if she also wouldn't do anything in return, what matters is that she'd live and protected your team with a Near Save
>>1617186I forgot to do it. Luckily I wouldn't have used a forma anyway.
>>1617186I wanted to get Edelgard but unfortunately HoF didn't let me get the skills I want so I'm not gonna waste a buttplug on a suboptimal buildThey really should fix the skills selection t b h
>>1617824It is funny, they have already acknowledged that it is a problem with the somewhat recent changes to getting skills in hall of fjorms, but they still didn't actually fix the problem. It barely fucking matters anymore mind you. I'm legit more interested in reruns at this point than new ones because unit selection of new hofs are absolutely fucking terrible.
>>1617835>unit selection of new hofs are absolutely fucking terribleThe easiest way to fix this is allowing players to pick one unit for the fourth HoF slot (as long as the player's unit matches the year of the other units, title, etc).
>>1617861Let player choose what HoF they want to do ingame instead of making it a "event"You choose one and the three others are locked and you get the banner
i foddered off the free ninja corrin we got at the height of her oppression and I've kinda regretted it since but can't bring myself to spend orbs on reruns
i hate tactics drills and really wish it was one of the modes that were abandoned
Need sds teams
>>1618168I think you should replace Catria with Eirika.
>>1618112You could NEVER possibly guess which team everyone goes for
I have been stalemated by marni 3 times nowhow do you kill this thing
>>1618217Magic AoE unit. I never leave home without one.
>>1618187Huh, so Pent is also voiced by Koyasu too>>1618217Fatal Smoke 4 will prevent her Miracle from going off, if you have that
>>1618217if you want a really dedicated counter, slap fatal smoke 4 on someonepersonally since everyone runs near save on her, i pick off her teammates and then my speedy melee outwalls her
imagine if a +5 emblem allowed you to equip their ring twice simultaneously
>>1618286>Marth gives you -2 Special>Ike gives you... 56% DR against ranged?>Celica just lets you do what her Warp Ragnarok can do, ie increased range and Pass>Sigurd just gives you Gallop instead of just +1 Mov
>>1618297>Sigurd just gives you GallopMy Citrinne's nipples can only get so erect.
>>1618297i meant simultaneously as in two different unitsbut scaling effects would be hilarious too
Does Stall work against Gallop?
If you ascend a trait that used to be a flaw on a merged unit, does it have any disadvantage vs ascending that trait when it was always neutral to begin with?
>>1618313Nope, since it technically isn't+1 mov
>>1618313stall only works on mov+1 gallop is mov+2gotta wait for stall 4 :)
>>1618325I think the only change would be the order of stats being boosted when using dragonflowers. Check the unit builder to confirm.
>>1618327>>1618329Bravo IS
Next book will be probably be a "Filler" arc, (as in, no Kozaki artwork) so hopefully we get more Yoshiku
So I just stopped paying attention to the stories, I couldn't be bothered anymore. What happened in the end?
>>1618412they realized they were all dead so they all gave up and lived happily ever after together, except tree man who faded away
Bunch of my favorites are slow "tanky" dragons or armors at least a few years old, are there any supports or inheritance I can use to make them usable again these days? Willing to roll for anything and sac basically any meta unit for inheritance. Right now I've tried Ike ring, Santa Byleth/CYL Alfonse/Valentine Myrrh inheritance, Magic Shield+, Maria, Bonus Doubler Eliwood, and some fairies but that's still not enough for any AR map. Felix/Miccy that's always there pops then kills through Maria, stuff like the CYL Bern pops Maria then gets danced, and even tanks like Alfonse or Heidrun can't be scratched while doing massive counterattack damage.Figure there's not much hope for EP units these days, but I see "anyone is usable with enough inheritance" still thrown around FEH communities a lot so figured I may as well check.
>>1618412Tree Man turns out to be a puppet as well so he used the last of his life force to revive the gyaru and harpy lady so all his kids can live happily ever after
>>1618468Shield Fighter puts in a lot of work in making an armor sturdy.
Buttplugs in the shop shouldn't be locked to 2 purchases per year
Anything from the tickets?I got Lucia, and although maps limited to PoR are rare (they're often just grouped with RD anyway), she could help out there I suppose
>>1618540I got Lucia on my free, and using a few orbs on the other tickets i got Framme and Gullveig
>>1618540Nothing from tickets.50 summons and I get 3 gullveigs and 2 lapis.Is gullveig going to return on a sparkable banner like AHR, or should I try to finish her now?
IS needs to stop pretending red codes are a good reward for special events when you always get enough to get both 5*s and the grail unit anyway.
>>1618540Technically nothing from tickets, but I did free roll Nerthuz.I think I'll give her fodder to Eitr, then I'll try getting her Nimble beast or Fierce beast and feed all that stuff to Kaden and NY!Kinu. I kinda hate that both skills are exclusive to 8% units, hopefully they'll put them on the next NY banner.
>>1618540Got LapisHoped to get the snake for some galeforce cheese but I guess she works too
>>1618572But anon don't you want extra codes so you can get Barst and Leon as well?
>>1618592Repoman isn't too bad
>>1618540I YOLO rolled 16 orbs away on top of getting nothing from the tickets, so I'm now I'm WORSE off than I was before I touched that banner. Black friday indeed.
>>1618540Not from tickets but I did pick up Goldmary and Lapis from 24 orbs
>can't grab anything but c duel cav because it's 4 slots and everything else needs 2what a waste
>>1618685They'll raise the Skill Inheritance cap again in 2031, after the release of Z skills. Just save him for then.
>>1618725I'm actually curious when we'll get Duel 5 skills, honestlyi could dupe this with ginnungagap but while i don't think I'd ever need it again, it's also insanely limited in availability otherwise
>>1618746>+5 HP, +3 everything else>counts as 195 BST just to rub the salt in harder
>>1618746>>1618749I'm still baffled that this shit of all things was their way of trying to fix the arena scoring issue. Now we are fucking stuck with it. Tier 4s are worthless these days for a multitude of reasons, and even if they made a new duel skill it would end up with the same fucking problem: You want to use a shitty older unit? Well, just equip them with the shitty skill that neuters your combat ability! Old units cannot possibly compete against new units even with optimal builds, no less having to gimp themselves with a skill that actively makes them worse.What the FUCK were they thinking?
>>1618756Please spend to +10 the newer units
>>1618764That's honestly the biggest reason I think they haven't bothered with a new duel skill desu.
>>1618756>What the FUCK were they thinkingSomething along the lines of:Stop using your favorites because they suck and can't keep up with powercreep+10 Duos with inflated bonus BST, repeat when they become outdated Invest in f2p scorebots and summon good fodder for them, repeat when they become outdated
>>1618768At least the latest scorebot is both cute and good.
>>1618768>2024>my arena core is version 1 launch unit, ver 7 TT freebie, ver 6 legendary with bst bonusI'm lucky i got a somewhat recent alt or else I'd still be stuck even further in the past, though they'll never stop me from using my favorites
>>1618776I'm really curious how long she'll stick aroundmurdock didn't gain much traction since his prf isn't amazing, v.vigarde and ny.kana never even started, fargus and cyril are fadingcan't get much better than cute girl with bst and great prf
>>1618781Her thing is that her hard counter isn't really standard-issue like a lot of things are. You pretty much have to have anti-miracle tech to kill her. Once that becomes more widely available, she'll quickly lose relevance.
>>1618781I do see the occasional NY Kana, even a Cyril here or thereNever seen Fargus built up though, nor Vigarde, and I've built up a Murdock myself (RIP) and I also don't see him aroundMarni will probably last for a bit, because she not only has some level of support with the null bonuses status, she has honestly a really good weapon for a free unitAnd straight up won't die thanks to her Miracle, which you might not be able to always bypass
i haven't run into a fortifications shield fighter twin save mystic boost marni yet, but you guys are scaring me into thinking i should bring fatal smoke preemptively just in case
>>1618833It is basically the only way to kill her desu. Completely decked out marnis are fairly rare, all things considered, and suboptimal ones can be killed with some difficulty by the average modern red unit, though.
>Though nuMicaiah had Mystic Boost built in like all her other versions this whole time because dragons do fuck-all to her>No, she just brute forces through her "counter" this time through the -30 or -40ish atk debuffOhThat's a big fucking debuff
>>1618833Is Fortifications that good or is it specifically good on Marni?
>>1618860I'd prefer Stronghold unless:- You're using her as Far Saveand- Someone on your team is providing her DV since, being an armor, she can't initiate well to put it up herself with her 1 Mov unless she's running Celica Ring, but I imagine you'd rather use Ike for Far Save and Marth for Near Save.Panic is becoming a bit common as well, so since she's giving herself Def/Res buffs from her weapon, Stronghold will help make sure you keep those from being reversed. The visible Def/Res buffs also helps reduce AoE damage.
>>1618844I've seen Micaiah even do up to like -50 or even -60 Atk/Res, letting her survive things that I didn't think she really could, on account of her foes basically just having no Atk at that point
>>1618781I see a decent amount of NY kanas in arena and in pictures posted of arena teams.
>Lucia and Goldmary got their rerun on today's DSH>this means Duo Fjorm (aka the only source of Shield Fighter atm) is pretty much guaranteed to share with summer Hrid>his only fodder is def wave 4
>>1618884At least he's a good unit.
>>1618888I've legit never seen one in the wild. He might become useful one day thanks to the frozen debuff but I feel like he doesn't really help much in the current meta.
>>1618563I have no clue about if she'll appear on a hero's fest or AHR banner but once you gotten the spark on the banner (if able) you should stop because the the summoning statistic simulator says if you continue you'll likely have to expend twice you normally would than if you just summoned on her return summer banner next year. So either wait until her rerun or hero fest if she happens to appear don't summon anymore otherwise imo.
>>1618911Its not twice as much, more like 1,15 times compared to her rerun but it's still gambling either way.
>>1618884Def Wave 4 is pretty good though innit? That's Tempo in the C slot you can give to anyone (with high Def, at least)
>Could finally get my A!Peony to +10 with the Black Friday packs>Doing so would only cost me a measly 400+ bucksHmm...tempting...tempting....
>>1618931>400$What currency?
>>1618932ReaisMy final cope is the possibility that she'll return in the anniversary Hero Fest
>>1618935Attuned/Rearmed tend to rerun frequently. A!Peony showing up on an anniversary banner seems plausible, and if not, then she will probably show up on a sparkable banner in the future if you just want to be patient.
>Throw a bit of money at the castle skin>120 SP per kill with weekend boost+valor+blessingJesus
>>1618938there's yet to be a castle skin that i really like, which is a shamethere's been plenty of neat ones though
1200 orbs on goldmary bernie between this banner and debut and 0 copies. You cant even simulate this. This might actually be statically impossible. This is f2p so almost half a year of orb saving gone for nothing.
>>1619012You didn't spark at all?
>>1619016You need the pass to spark on seasonal/double specials, so f2ps like him can't do it. It's bullshit.
>>1619012This is the kind of cursed luck they talk about in books.It would be more likely for you to walk away with a +10 Goldbernie but fate had it's eye on you
>>1619012this is why you pay the 9 shekel tribute for protection.I'm sorry for your loss, anon. no one deserves that luck.
>>1619044I love Final Fantasy to death, but Square Enix's business practices make me fear their gachas
>>1619012RIP anon, damn
Why does everything in the shop have to be so expensive? Just sell me a floret for $5 and don't include orbs.
>>1619060perhaps in a better world IS wouldn't be predatory, but here we are with key features locked behind feh pass because the playerbase let them get away with it
>>1619067NoA and NoJ are blocking interaction between us and IS
>>1619012Jesus christ, I'm sorry anon. If I could give you the one I luckshitted for free I would.
>>1619067>buy pass once for Resplendent Selena>still miss the auto button
Oh this motherfucker lmfao MY CANTO CURB DAGR IS ON ASTRA AAAAAA
Yay, +10, I love this man
>>1619169>>1619175Thanks! All he needs is an Echo skill
You need 50 HP to make full use of Resonance, right? (50-20)*.2 = 6, which I believe is the amount of damage taken needed to hit 60% DR pierce and 12 additional damage. Makes me wonder if a generic 50% DR pierce B skill like Mag. Null Follow or Tempo 4 would be a better option on a unit with less than 45 HP who's only getting 40% DR pierce and 8 extra damage.
I free pulled Arcane Lilina, who should inherit her tome and skills Base Nino or Brave Micaiah? I'm thinking Micaiah since Lilina's kit is leaning more toward res based mages and Nino has low res but infantry have easier time proccing AoE specials.
>>1619269I would go with Brave Micaiah too. She has the Res to use Atk/Res Ploy from Lilina whereas Nino might not be able to do that as well.
>>1619300Thanks for the answer Anon! I will inherit to Micaiah then.
>>1619160>muh laguz friend
>>1619256>You need 50 HP to make full use of Resonance, right?Yeah, you could use one of those Squad assault seals tho. But it really depends on your loadout (Prf + Resonance + Seal) versus any other combination you were thinking of (Prf + MNFU|Tempo4 + ATK/SPD boosting seal).
>>1619334What's wrong with it?
>>1619337>>1619256Could Ivy use Resonance well? Or maybe not, because her weapon heals her after combat, which kinda goes against how the skill works
>>1619372I think the only stuff that hurts Resonance is BoL4 and "heal HP when dealing damage", though the latter is fine if you're just healing on the follow-up attack like Ivy does.
>>1619341It's a bit cookie cutter/bog standard to see perhaps, although it's not without good reasonIt's pretty much one of the only ways to get proper damage reduction now, while also being able to spit in the face of the lame, percentage based DR
>>1619385Yeah, it's everywhere, but it's great. Especially on Fargus, he's got the def to make it work
>>1619256Yes you want 50hp, as for resonance vs nfu4/tempo4 the latter mostly have effects that only do anything past the first hit so in cases where you want to 1tap you might still want resonance and compared to Lf4/Ss4 it doesn't require setup. Some movetypes also don't have other options, it can also be usefull for WoM strats.
i enjoy pawns of loki when i look away from how awful the battle about to play out is
>>1619529cute vero
>4 cd prf special>huge DR gimmick that's just pierced nowkvasir deserved better
sheena's eating well today
>>1619663Can you post her chibi with the new axe please? I've wanted to build Sheena ever since they gave her that awesome resplendent and I got a Thjazi for free, but I'd like to see what she looks like with it first.
>>1619675here ya go, not a perfect match but pretty nice
>>1619680Thanks! I'm convinced, I'll definitely give it to her. I'll just wait a bit and see if I can get shield fighter on Thjazi before I pull the trigger.
Giant axe or thrima for Titania?
>>1619690do you want NFU in your weapon or from odd spd wave 4?her spd is in a kinda unfortunate spot though, but thrima with spd debuff makes a good differenceand iirc cavs don't have an inheritable guaranteed followup otherwise, even downfall doesn't have itor you could say fuck both NFU and guaranteed followup and build for a OHKO build with giant axe, but shield DR will block that handily
Resonance or Mag NFU? I don't intend to merge her beyond +1, so she'll be sitting on 43 HP after flowers and will need Firestorm Boost/Squad Assault seal to hit 50 HP which means I wouldn't be able to get her NFU on her own. I don't really want to replace Incite with Inf NFU either since she won't benefit greatly from the warping due to her 3 mov.
>>1619747Stuck with Resonance purely for the fact that if I picked one and ever wanted to inherit the other, MNFU would take 1 slot and Resonance would take 4.
>>1619747I would go with Mag NFUResonance's DR pierce goes up to 60%, right? But Mag NFU does 50% and you get, well, NFU out of itUnless you're either willing to give her the NFU seal instead or give her the status, in which case I'd go with Resonance
>>1618112That's what I haveNever really tried pushing past T18 but it seems pretty goodA lot of people instaban shit like Sigurd Ike Felix and Heithrun and so team 2 does the work most of the time
>>1619828Forgot pic
>SDS is miserable>PoL is miserable>AR is miserable>every mode with the slightest PvP element is miserable except voting gauntlet (which is boring)>meanwhile at ISIS headquarters they're scratching their heads why the game keeps bleeding players like crazy
>>1619836To think that all of this was just the knock-on effect of one stupid fucking unit.
>>1619841Which one?B!Felix?E!Ike?V!Lyon?Or maybe you thinking further back a F!Edelgard or L!Sigurd? B!Hector's refine? Or maybe all the way back to L!Azura?Hell you can easily make a case that Fjorm and the introduction of legendaries was when it went wrong.
>>1619864Fedelgard is for me where it all began spiraling out of control. Before her, things might be a bit of a pain, but still manageable with some mild creativity. Fedelgard was really the first time where they had to just spit out counters after counters in order to make her manageable. This ultimately caused the hyperbolic "every new unit has to totally invalidate the previous extremely overpowered thing" thing that we are suffering from now that makes units more than 2-3 months old basically unusable.
When's the resp reveal?
>>1619885should be around 8 hours and 10 minutes from nowthey've been late a few times lately though i think
>9304 score on easy mode on first attemptMaybe just throwing all my highest HP units on a team no matter how bad they are and bullying easy mode is how I'll approach this event from now on.
>>1619967Perhaps I'll look around to see which modern units can get higher HP without dragonflower investment since I sure as hell am not dropping flowers on units I'll only use for easy mode PoL.
What's a unit you would build and +10 if you had all the fun fancy fodder and stuff? Any unit. For me it's probably Haar; I like that him being weak to blue tomes references how Thunder magic (the only weakness for Wyvern Lords in RD) is usually blue in FEH.
>>1619974Base Ike. His look is cool and he's my favorite lord, but I don't know what he'd need to be good or if I have it
So has anyone gotten good mileage out of Bride Lapis or is she too awkward to use?
>>1619976seconding this. i wish the ragnell refine didn't suck absolute ass.
>>1619996Not me, but I've seen her on decent looking AR!D maps
even though i'll never use them, it makes me glad to see super niche characters like isadora because i know someone out there must like them and is glad to have them in game
>>1620030That's cool, I love the gladiator feel these Resplendents have
>>1620030>>1620031>>1620033>>1620034Pretty neat lookin' art, it's good
Do yourselves a favor and don't roll on the rearmed/attuned banner.
>>1620030really nice design and arttoo bad i don't care for alm at all, he really was such a fotm CYL winner
>>162004312% to finally get a single focus unit.
hows this looking for a Fire Arena core? Glen will have Soaring Echo so that Eitri/Marni can move around. Marni Far Save with Weaving.
>>1620050>Soaring Echo so that Eitri/Marni can move around>MarniSoaring is Fliers/Infantry only unfortunately.
>>1620051Ah fuck. I don't have any better X skill for him though
>>1620050eitri already has a duel legendary built in, she doesn't need g duel flying
>>1620030>>1620031>>1620033>>1620034I really dig the silver armor with the cape, jotun redesign is simple but it’s nice
costume difference is kinda sexo…
>>1620030Silver colored armor is cool.
There isn't a lot of skills a flying mage can dupe to a dagger horse, is there? I want to give Summer Mia Far Trace Echo, but it seems like all she can take along with it is Flared Sparrow.
>>1619864I'd probably say things started back when ISIS started releasing mobility creep with no meaningful downsides, so the Azura/Sigurd lines - though could maybe even trace it back to the devs going all-in on Rein/Lyn silliness back in year 1Fat fuck units that can wall 99% of the units in the game are a symptom of something that can kill 98% of the other units zooming in from the other corner of the map on turn 1, DC on these fucks is a symptom of dancers zooming in right behind anything that gets tanked but not killed
>7(SEVEN) Sonyas before I got the ONE non spark Nino I needed for the +10I can't even call it bad luck because it's still a lot of 5 stars for like 500 orbs I spent but holy shit color sharing wasn't kind to me today.Now I need to find what the fuck do I do with all of them.
>>1619996She works well in ar-O Galeforce, since you won't need to run fury or wom due to her weapon and you can hp stack her so she breaks hextraps but she does need some support to help her proc GF, her share spoils effects can also situationally be usefull if you miss a kill as long as you can kill afterwards you won't lose any action evo. Outside or ar-o she feels pretty nice to use in AA aswell.
>>1620055surprised that they didn't do a directly complementary duo like embla/askr or muspell/niflbut also glad because nifl resplendents suck ass and askr can be hit or miss
Fellas what's the best emulator for FEH PC?
>>1620030>>1620031>>1620033>>1620034This is actually really fucking sick. This might make me actually build him.
>>1620195I've heard bluestacks is really good, but I never got FEH to work on that, or most emulators in general. My issue might just be personal error.
>>1620140>you can hp stack her so she breaks hextrapsI always forget you don't need Disarm Trap for those. I should pay more attention to my HP.
How do you even build Brave Alm nowadays?
i am glad desert katarina spooked me because she is a visual treat whether she shows up in my castle
Not what I wanted, but okay.
>>1620425Should I use this Lilina to build my Micaiah?
>>1620436Build Halloween Henry instead
>>1620436Go for it
>>1620445I don't even have a copy of him lol
Has anyone gotten one of the Rearmed manuals from the codes? I'm about to have enough codes to get Rearmed Lucina's manual; I'll have enough next resetNow, I have a Lucina already, merged up a few times, given some nice skills to pass on (like No Quarter and Panic Smoke 4)When I get that manual, merging it to my Lucina should let me inherit from her again, right? So I could pass the axe, No Quarter, and something else? Or will it not refresh, meaning it would just either be a merge for some extra stats on Lucina, or I just use the manual as fodder (ie, just the axe and maybe one of the skills she already comes with)?
>>1620535Yeah, I got the Lucina manual.
>>1614058>go to add you>you're already frensabsolutely delightful
>>1620445armored mages really are the most forgotten combo in the game huhthere's only 11 of them and IS even gave up the far savers they kept making them into because melees just did bettercelica and sigurd rings should've helped them but still no one uses em
>>1620535>When I get that manual, merging it to my Lucina should let me inherit from her again, right?Yes
Will 1000 orbs be enough to +10 someone on New Years?
>>1620744Unless you get lucky probably not, high merged probably, need a couple hundred more to be safe but TT orbs may help. +10ing a 4* focus unit is more likely. If the one you want is colorsharing? Fat chance
>>1620757Damn. I'm hoping for a Gullveig or Nidhoggr as they're fitting with the year's themeOr they might do NY dragons again which is kinda lame
>>1620763My bets for NY are:>Duo Ratatoskr with Hersverlg backpack that actually shut downs warping shenanigans this time>5* Nidhoggr that is a sidegrade to her mythic version coming out at the end of the month>Either deer man or centaur woman as the other 5*>Female Corrin or a Tellius character as the 4*>A male Tellius character as the TT reward
Can feh, no, the Fire Emblem franchise, be saved? Or is Fire Emblem doomed to return to pre-Awakening dark age?
>want to give ny.kvasir creation pulse so she can always trigger her 4 cd special>that means i need NFU and a penalty applier elsewhere>the only real penalty appliers not on C is chill, since she can't use res-based onesself-sustaining kits are hard
>>1620800the fanbase is kinda fucked>incredibly tribalistic about games for no real reason>feh is supposed to be a melting pot of fe fans but the tribalism just makes people upset their favorites aren't always in the spotlight, and the devs' favoritism makes it worse>subset of 3h fans that don't want any fe game except 3h>engage was really fun gameplay but people skipped it due to first impressions/graphics/story
>another replay of someone throwing their felix into my defense and tapping end turn expecting him to be invincible and then surrendering after he gets torn a new assholeThis is so common for some reason. People are weird.
>>1620863that's the best kind of AR defense. timeless too, happens with any new metareally it's just that most people are casuals who rely on new thing to solve things for them, and when it can't they won't stop to think
>tfw my base score is so high, I'm gonna get into T21 despite losing two unitsThank you, Camilla
>>1620863that's what I do, except I'm using old unitsfastest way to figure out what the four new unit essays and their interactions do is by clicking end turn and taking a look
>>1620800Nah, we're fucked. It's been ten years since Awakening gave them more gas in the tank and they've still been bumbling around with a new lease on life since then, they haven't really figured out their identity beyond kinda having to pander to otaku.>Ostensible strategy game with unforgiving permadeath versus casual waifuraiser you play for the plot (meme one-liners)>Attempts at being serious like Three Houses versus Faia Emburemu song or ENGAGE BEAAAAAAAM >"We should make a gacha with bride Nowis and ecchi clothes exploding like all the other ones out there" versus "oh fuck we still work for Nintendo"Now throw in trendchasing other popular otaku series with half-assed spinoffs, mainline games releasing rushed or incomplete or with design choices straight outta FEH, and the series entering the Sonic the Hedgehog-like purgatory state of being constantly fixated on greatest hits or past cameos.
>>1620877i swear camilla gets like a million bonus weeks to rub in the fact that she didn't come home on her debut and i never bothered again afterwards
>>1620800When you stop being gay, yes.
>>1620877Post crown count, I will wait.>>1620928Your feelings hurt?
>>1620863You're weird and unless you're in voh, your lift is meaningless.
>>1620928>>1620943Fuck off scatposter
>>1620941Your ass hurt from being gay?
>>1620596In fairness, armored units in general tend to be in a rough spot because of Feh's retarded "game balance," or rather the lack thereof. Their archetype is pretty much untenable in a gacha like this. On paper they follow the standard SRPG tradeoff of high defense at the cost of low speed/mobility; but in practice they only ever get to be tanky for a short period of time (if at all) before the next giga nuke comes along who oneshots them as easily as all the squishies. Yet they remain forever burdened with low mobility long after they lost their ability to tank anything. And then, to add insult to injury, E!Ike the infantry guy was allowed to be a better tank than any armor in the game for several months this year. The best armored units tend to be stuff like W!Edelgard who is mobile and can nuke stuff on player phase - which is to say, the best armors are those who hardly even fit the armor archetype. There's nothing that can be done to give ranged armors a niche in Feh's ecosystem when melee armors already struggle to maintain one.
Imagine your favorite character not being in the game yet. Or a launch character who still doesn't have an alt.
>>1621035If your favorite chatacter somehow hasn't made it into the roster yet, you're just terminally contrarian and probably insincere.
>>1621035I'm hoping Nolan arrives on the next Radiant Dawn banner.
>>1621041>having Scarlet as your favorite is contrarian>having Marcus as your favorite is contrarian>having Stefan as your favorite is contrarian>having Beowolf as your favorite is contrarian>having Oifey as your favorite is contrarian>having Dagdar as your favorite is contrarianRetard
>>1621046>Marcus is somehow not in the game yet despite being a decent candidate for both FE6 and FE7 banners.
>>1621053Christmas, trust the plan.
>>1621060He is a character with almost perfect availability across two games that is very strong and basically carries your team in one of them for a while, him not being in is way too weird
>>1621046Nobody has these meme characters as their favorite
>>1621035Who is the most mistreated altlet?
>>1621066there's always someonecyl8>stefan 77th (913 votes)>scarlet 112th (641)>oifey 221st (256)>beowolf 315th (128)>marcus 332nd (111)>dagdar 376th (66)
>>1621070Someone who had shit art, got a resplendent, and it's still shit art.
>>1620994>Your ass hurt from being gay?No, my ass is fine, but I am tired from making love to your ugly mother last night. Are you 12 years old btw, been years since I seen:>u gay bro, I'm not mad because you asked if "my feelings were hurt."
>>1621070tossing a vote to a meme ≠ favoriteno, gatekeeper isn't anyone's genuine favorite either, people just thought it would be funny
>>1621076I like Gatekeeper.
must be dead as fuck over there
>>1621078Don't even bother replying, anyone that calls Marcus or Stefan meme characters is either a troll or genuinely retarded
>>1621078maybe you like him, but he sure isn't your favorite
>>1621035I'm surprised Olwen got in as soon as she did, and that she even got an alt so early. But then she disappeared and was completely replaced by Reinhardt due to memes, and the original one never got a refine
>scatposter is posting scat or calling people gay for talking about Fire Emblem
>>1621011>There are units in the game right now who can inflict -50 atk or more, negate debuffs on themselves and their entire party, disable mechanics that would counter them, or inflict crippling debuffs on the entire enemy party from across the screen>Some units can even do multiple of these at once>For some reason many of these are on giga nukes or high mobility offensive units, and not low mobility defensive utility unitsI don't know if it'd be enough to fix them outright, but there's plenty of bullshit in the game right now that ranged/melee tanks can't access, and that would also be way less bullshit if it was tied to some slow 1-mov Santa Nino instead of whatever IS gave it to
>>1621035haha yeah imagine that
>>1621075>my ass is finenuh uh.
>>1621092Which chipmunk is getting the best teacher support?
>>1621118what dev did she hurt anyways?how does hoshido bias not even save her?
>>1621118One of the least popular Awakening characters got two alts before her.
>>1621122Go back to spamming scat on >>>/vg/
>>1621135It doesn't really bother me, honestly. In fact, it's the opposite. Literal whos getting a couple of alts is cool.
>>1621135thats cool.
>>1621035Imagine your favorite character not being mentioned by the game at all.
>>1621066>Marcus >Stefan>MemeRetard
>>1621035One day he'll get an alt 2.1 is close enough to a launch unit
>>1621178How is Stefan less of a meme than all the others you didn’t mention?
Celine's bandana is uglyWish we could have gotten a better ninja accessory from this month's heroes journey
>>1621405heroes' journey accesssories are often duds but at least they're not redundant like most forging bonds ones
>>1620596Fast Ranged Armors aren't in a bad spot atm with CleverFighter+ArmorSpecial+TwinSave they can wall out alot of units the only real issue are AoEUnits and the difficulty of looping special dr with them but in some gamemodes that isn't a big issue.
>>1621062Would he still get the "Veteran" BST penalty like Jagen and Gunter? Although his BST would still be much, much, much higher than theirs comparatively either way
I wish more of my favorites ended up as rearmed/attuned. Nino and Hortensia have shown me how great it is being able to both +10 my favorites while also handing out modern skills to 11 other units. It's too bad Fleeting Echo kind of sucks, though.
>>1621092The eyebrows will haunt my dreams
>think of a nice build>needs an emblem ring to bring it together>the ring's already essential in another buildit keeps happening
>>1621550It's nice but it's annoying to sit on the copies because I don't really have something to hand over yet.
Hell yeah
>>1621771What do you have on the other Ninos?
>>1621771I wish I had orbs to spend on fodder. Been saving all my orbs trying to +10 a couple favorites which leaves little room for fodder rolling.
>>1621781Nothing notable really. SF!Nino could probably do better with a different C skill but I like miasma too much. I just gave W!Nino Plumeria's stuff becuase she doesn't do much else aside from training tower and what do you do with a speedy armor mage?>inheritable warp bubble>no movement type restrictionaaaaaaand that's the end of celica ring
The fuck is Bold Fighter 4 at?
>>1621866Never ever, Edelgard is the only playet phase armor allowed to exist
>>1621866they've basically exhausted the saves now, so i'm looking forward to assault troop 4 and bold fighter 4 this christmas
>>1621872But I don't like Edelgard. She's a dumb bitch with a massive forehead
>>1621863Dragon/beast only? Wonder if I have any support dragons/beasts on me. Was thinking it'd be nice for Seteth, but alas. And since nobody linked it yet,
>>1621891>redArmor fodder, Incite Atk/Spd fodder or Pulse Smog fodder>blueAmelia merge, my first Myrrh or Atk/Spd Oath fodder>greenDeadly Miasma fodder, Atk/Spd Pledge fodder or S/R Near Trace 3 fodder>colorlessBarricade fodder, Rearmed dagger to Summer Linde or healer fodder.Guess I'll just pick up any blues/colorless in my free roll circle.
so i guess the fighter skills continue to be sidegrades depending on the rest of your kit. well, except the really old ones which are powercreptvengeful 4>foe followup, no followup, cd charge+1slick 4>dual followup, flat DR, flat dmg, null penaltiesweaving/canny 4>no followup, big % DR, heal after combatspecial 4>cd charge+1, guard, mitigate deep wounds, % heal from damage dealtshield 4>combat pulse, flat DRsavvy 4>NFU, % DRclever>NFU, speed comparison increase, flat DRMIA>bold, daring, crafty, wily, odd, even
>>1621891>Want to get Niddhoggr to +1 and snag a copy of Treesus because he's cool>Colorless has more characters I want/need than redIs it better to roll red for nidd and spark treesus or roll for treesus and spark Nidhoggr, assuming I can get a copy of either while rolling for them?
Rataoskr is a nurseHravesvlgr is a surgeon Eikpyrnir is a physical therapistHeidrun is a pharmacist Nidhoggr is a primary care doctor(Why does she have the apple?)So what's Laeradr profession? Radiologist? X-Ray technician? Coroner?
>>1621917if you want both then snipe both colorless and red8% rates are fucked either way so you'll be saving yourself orbs and can pity whoever doesn't show up, if you're lucky enough to get either before pity
>"I plan for these things">as she kills herselfRobin...
>>1621919I'd call Nidhoggr an anesthesiologist or some kind of drug administrator with how she's numbing herself with the drunk apples
>Nidhoggr protects you from getting your status effects stolen>Loki steals your status effects>Nidhoggr is Astra, who would go up against Anima Mythics>Loki is Dark, who goes up against Light Mythics>Nidhoggr cannot protect you from Loki stealing your status effects???
>>1621878Let me get this straight, assuming she has like 50 Def then Nidhoggr>straight up does (50% foe's max HP + 20) flat damage>gets at least 20 flat DR and 40% special DR>gets Lull Atk/Def>gets special acceleration and anti-Guard>gets +19 Atk/Def, +15 Res and +5 Spd>inflicts -21 Atk and -16 Def>restores 17 HP after combat>inflicts Sabotage twice>also fucks Nergal just becauseDid I get that right?
>>1621937You think that's bad, just wait for 2025 feh.
>>1621926That makes more sense. Especially since she works with Hravesvlgr.
>>1621919>why does she have an appleApple a day keeps the doctor away, and she really wants to be away...or something. I've seen doctors and apples imagery together before, but no idea why.>What is LaerdarChief of Medicine
>>1621940That's assuming the game will last until the end of 2025
>>1621931Don't forget tree man being a dark mythic who gives the savior buff to weak units, even to Embla, who disables savior, and Loki, who as you said, disables buffs, are both dark mythics as well, so you can't run treeman with either of them
has our orb income been relatively the same despite ever growing reruns?i feel more strapped for orbs than i usually do
>>1622092More or less the same.If you are more strapped for orbs, chances are it is because you have simply been rolling more (the spark system is a good way of ensuring people are more regularly spending a medium amount of orbs, so you may be spending orbs more regularly, even if you aren't spending a ton of them at a time)
Because Attuned Micaiah can drop your Atk by like -50, I feel like she may actually be one of the only units to use Heavy Blade well, isnce that's an Atk checkAnd against Micaiah, you basically have no Atk
5 more days to get Potent on my Flame Lyn. Pls, IS.
>do Full Circles on the rearmed/attuned banner>do not get a single 5* up to the spark>still haven't gotten one actually and i'm at 11% pityCan someone crunch the numbers on the chance of this happening? Was I just extraordinarily unlucky
>>1622164Just a bit over 1% if I did the math right.
>>1622172Karma from me getting Thjazi with a FB ticket I guess
>>1621917Just a reminder that Nignogr will probably get an alt in New Years since she is snake themed and it will be the year of the snake next, I'd say go for LTG and wait on either Nid's Rerun or alt, also red Mythics/Legendaries have a high chance of sharing with Emblems since most of then are probably going to end up on red
>>1622179>Emblem Ike>Nidhoggr>Aided Dagrdream lineup right there
>>1622179kvasir also got a ny alt shortly after her mythic, though because of the close release dates the two were basically sidegrades of each otherher first rerun was end of february which wasn't too far either
for some reason i recall a version of this where her butt was fully out
>>1622164I warned you. >>1620043
I always forget Heidrun gives a free To Change Fate on top of all the other bullshit she does. Thankfully it didn't get anyone killed this time.
>>1622452Not him, but there isn't much of a choice if you want the limited units.500 orbs for one non spark Nino is brutal though.
Slick Fighter 4's DR is unpierceable, right?
>>1622575yes but it seems pretty tame to me.
>>1622580It's still better than Reopning though, I feel Since that's only 10% if you can make a follow-up attack, 20% otherwiseWhile Slick Fighter is 20% and you get a follow-up and some true damage
>>1622609I hope I can free roll it, it'd be great fodder on my Giant Lady
Somehow I went up to T20 in Arena for the first time and now I'm wondering: How do I rake in the Big Points to maintain rank? I don't have any merged legendary though, does that mean I'm fucked? 744 is the highest I have scored thus far and it's evidently not nearly high enough.
>>1622667What kind of units and skills you use for Arena?
>>1622675Some hodgepodge of old, highly merged favorites who usually can't deal with the latest powercreep unless heavily supported, plus new units that can carry my ass (currently Sigurd first and foremost), plus whatever legendary I have on hand (e.g. Camilla) and whatever bonus unit I have on hand. I have never really given thought to optimal team building because it seemed pointless to even try.
>say for days i'm going to spark for Pjazi to give her axe to my Vyland>pivot at the last second and give her kit to my LudveckNot that he really needed it with Fortifications, Reopening, BoL4 and Thrima but it made more sense to me in the moment. Vyland should get a refine before Ludveck anyway.
>>1622770More like Luvdick, am I right? that was awful
>>1619864Edelgard you fool.
>>1620855>>engage was really fun gameplay but people skipped it due to first impressions/graphics/storyYeah I wasn't touching that game with those shitty avatar designs.
>>1622849The UI was hideous too, it might be a petty complaint but good god
goddamngood luck anons
>this fucking mythic battle
Damn This MHB sucks ass
>11th roll: Alear (-Spd)>20th roll: Nidhoggr (+Spd)Man talk about some half-assed luckAlso Abyssal Nidhoggr was fucking invincible, even after eating several AoEs to go down to 1 HP she still almost completely shut me down
>>1622997>Also Abyssal Nidhoggr was fucking invincible, even after eating several AoEs to go down to 1 HP she still almost completely shut me downYeah, this bitch is crazy. I finally managed to get there with emblem sigurd... for reasons I'm not really sure of?All I know is that one turn I couldn't kill them (from 1hp, of course) and the next turn I could. And I Ain't Reading All That Shit to figure out why
She's a brick houseLady's stacked and that's a factAin't holding nothing backI don't think I have anyone that can one-shot her when she's transformed. I'll wait for one of you guys to figure it out.
>got the two Ninian I needed before the spark to +10 hernice
Had to use the two busted boys for the Abyssal fight, good thing they didn't go crazy and make a map that was all of the book 8 OCs together because I don't think that would be possible without losing some sanityThe strategy was Emblem Sigurd kept throwing AOEs that hit the mythics then run back behind Alphonse and Mordecai while Felix killed one or two people then ran behind tooThe only real investment in any unit here is Mordecai who is this build >>1616327 since I am pretty sure Felix having an AOE special didn't end up changing much otherwise they are all base with an Ike ring on Alphonse
Loved this abyssal, treeguy made EP nearly impossible but the map gives plenty of room to easily manipulate enemy AI. Fun!
That felt good to get. Tough one.
Far save with bloated HPs made it impossible for a full Ririna clear
I don't know about this one, anonsEverything else, even tree guy, I can slowly deal with, but snake lady is kind of invulnerableMaybe if Seliph had an AoE Special instead? He's pretty much the only one who can't die and that's because of his Miracle but that also kind of works against him because Nidhoggr's weapon gets stronger the less HP her foe has
>>1623288I find using Savage blow, and such abilities, to slowly whittle bosses down without hitting them directly, can really be handy.
>>1623142Even with sweep skills?
>>1623300Byleth does have Deadly Miasma, and I think that probably helped out a bit better than Def/Res Smoke (which helps give Chrom Pathfinder normally)That and Windsweep actually did it, since she could just chip away at Nidhoggr's health safely and just Canto back one spaceThank goodness there's no Null C-Disrupt for armours... yet
>the atk/def ideal seal on abyssal is literally breaking my entire strategy >just a measly 5 extra def which will go away completely if i could get past it>been trying endless skill combinations and can't squeeze out just enough to get past itfuuuuuuck
>let's make heidrun but offensive what could go wrong lolololcan't believe they heavily powercreeped emblem ike TWO times in less than a year
>>1622667>I don't have any merged legendary though, does that mean I'm fucked?Pretty much, yeah. Crowns are only for whales and for day 1 veterans who have grinded out so many free resources over the course of almost a decade that you might consider them whales in terms of time clocked in instead of money spent.
What a fucked up map. But I feel a bit like a dumb dumb for not thinking of running Windsweep. I could have kept Brave Gull on my team.
>>1623312My Ririna won't die but she can't kill either
>thought i could disable some, or ANY of nidhoggr's effects>all of them also have "if unit is transformed" as an option so it's literally impossible unless she's directly adjacent to 3 non-beast/dragon allies without any beasts/dragons within 2 tiles
>>1623370It's so wack to say that Emblem Ike has fallen off, and yet he really kinda has. Tanks are way, way sturdier for him to bust through, Scowl is everywhere (even if he can counteract at least one with some support or Creation Pulse), and at most he just gets one hit in and that's it.
>this abyssal Jesus fuckjng christ I don't wanna imagine the fucking Limited Hero Battle
>>1623465They will not add this to any LHB until 3-4 years later, that is if FEH still existed.
>>1623465They'll make it a PoR Limited Hero Battle
>could just substitute someone and solve the map much easier>instead i'm stubborn and inheriting a buncha crap to try and make a few specific units work
>>1623475It'll be great, we'll have essay length weapon and skill descriptions on why this unit one-shots your unit or why your unit can't kill them, we'll have Unsealed heroes whose powers are so great they can grant another skill slot, Sakura gets backpacked a 5th time in the newest trio unit featuring her, Hortensia and Maria in the lead, and Dagger units will still suck.
>>1623499Don't forget: we'll still have demotes that only give a skill that marginally boosts your Spd/Res or Atk/Def by 4 or something.
Seeing so many people struggle with nidogr makes me wonder if i should have choosen her over tree guy
>>1623524I think both are pretty good at what they do, so you can't go wrong with either, depending on what you needNIdhoggr can not only just tank and protect you from ranged units, but she also protects you from having your statuses stolen (by Nergal or Tina) and you get some healing out of itTree guy can tank, while also completely screwing over your own tanks with some devious use of Assign Decoy, and he can block warping and neutralize any Def/Res debuffsAnd both of 'em inflict a ton of debuffs and Sabotage just for existing, making fighting either one a pain in the neck either way
>>1623524Nah, Abyssal makes her look way stronger than she actually would be.
So on December 4th, we get a new FEH channel?
Inf Spd Tactic would be nice on buff deer dude, that with Res Tactic as the Seal could let him give +9 to all stats to everyone and NFU to the infantry unitsI wonder why they never made any other upgraded Tactic skills? Perhaps the restriction was just too limiting and they just never bothered again
This is the refine I’ve been waiting years for. I just hope the refine is at least good.
>>1623687>Catherine refine Dope! I have her at +3 right now so if her refine is good, I'll build her up.
>>1623687Can Catherine escape the curse of her banner's refines being shit to compensate for Seteth getting a good one?
>>1623687>Catherine refinePlease be good please be good please be good
>>1623524Feh players are really bad at the game, mate...
finallyso when are we getting an odd/even recovery 4 that removes start of player+enemy phase effects
Is it just me or this MHB was piss easy?
>>1623744pve is only as hard as you're willing to make it for yourselfthat's why the thread is people posting their fun teams
>think about how pathetic sparkling boost is as a prf>realize ascended eir didn't even get sparkling boost+, but bol4 is still signifcantly better in every way
>>1623485who are you using?
>pick Tharja's team in VG>get grouped with two F!Edels>twice in a rowUsing soulless powercreep units is one thing but using soulless powercrept units is even worse
>>1623758Well sparkling boost works globally, BoL only works within 2 spaces so with sparkling boost you can stack more support effects and you don't need to look at your positioning.
I like when every other voting gauntlet battle is a trio of Brave Felixes or two Brave Felixes and something really annoyingI like it a lot
>>1623709What was wrong with Shamir's again?
>>1623873It's mediocre
>>1623687>no knoll refineGonna fucking kill myself. fuck you merlinus you fucking piece of shit I hope your refine is terrible
>>1623877that's a bid rude. Knoll will get one eventually.
>>1623877>>no knoll refine>Gonna fucking kill myself.> then Knoll gets a refine for JanuaryI know you're being absurdly hyperbolic, but we literally had a dude who did that shit.
You now remember the guy who spent like 2k trying to pull Hector unfeatured when the game first launched.
>>1623845>my favorite is a lance so i pop em no problem>just kidding! here's a bunch of brave alfonses instead
>>1623940yeah but its a berniefag to I dont feel bad about. theyre fucking annoying. and theres a good chance Im the only knollfag
>>1623687Knoll prf and refine coming in January as a belated Christmas gift, I can feel it
>>1623877I mean... it's Merlinus, whatever refine he gets just isn't gonna be good, dude has like negative Atk
>>1623988he'll have maximum support memes>built in barricade, guidance, shadow shift, reposition gait, etcthe transporter we deserve
>>1623988>swap attack with the enemyWhat now?
>>1623988>gives status to himself and allies that calculates damage with HPWhat now
>>1623988>dont fuckle with the shuckle what now
>>1623995>still still no vengeance upgrade>still no EP sturdy sparrow>bol4 relies on def>axe of devotion hasn't had more common counterpartsmaybe someday
So next Book, around the summer (or whenever), are we gonna get new versions of Ash, and... and whoever else?
>>1624014Ash and Elm are the only already existing options since I believe those are the only ones alive from book 6.
>>1624014next year will have the book 6 TT, yes, and it will have a new version of Ash around october.
>>1624014what makes you think that?
>>1624026>elm altthey wouldn't dare
>>1624014Bruno and Letizia revival please
We need a healer with new premium skills. I wanna pass out some Hortensias, but I feel like it's been a while since the last decent healer skill, so I'm waiting for the next one before handing out some candy.
>>1624053Healers will literally never be good, sorry anon. Somebody over at intsys legit just has something against them.
>>1624053what more do you need besides dazzling discord and poetic justicestaff restrictions already limit most of the fun they have otherwise, except infantry staves who get all the good shit that infatry get
>>1624076Anti DR tech for staff units without built in wrathful would be nice.
>>1624076Whatever Emblem Micaiah brings, assuming she's a staff and not yet another tome.
>>1623877My tome now
>>1624140>She took Gleipnir>She took Reginleif>She can take Blutgang and Luin too thanks to arcane weapons
so how the fuck do you kill a team of all the healing handsall of them are on crack except ratatoskr and synergy incredibly well
>>1624163You aren't supposed to kill them. You are supposed to insta surrender and kneel before your whale overlords who have paid good money to watch you squirm.
>current arena core that survived e.ike, felix, etc literally cannot deal with nidhoggrtime to gimp my team back into t18.5 i guess
Remember to be careful with your orbs this month. They went all out last December, and they probably will this year too, since the last banner of the month is STACKED.It'll probably be an Emblem Hero, and a popular one I guess.
>>1624270I already got Sigurd on the last banner since i don't like the bernie share and you can likely get the next emblem hero at AHR.
>>1624163Just wait a month, they'll be obsolete by then.
>>1624270I don't have orbs. Nino ate them all.
>>1624270Got fucked over by Lilina's banner, so sadly no emblems for me.
>>1624270>stacked banner>shows Veronica as one of the colour shares
>>1624270Will it be green, blue or colorless?
>>1624381she is literally the only bad unit there
>>1624411You know full well that the CYL winners are on the verge of being rendered pathetic jobbers. So every color is bogged down by outdated shit you do not want. Red would even be a total dud if Ike didn't have his secondary use as a ring.
>>1624410in-game mentions myrrh on blue so not thatgreen or colorless could be...pretty much only micaiah or lyn?can't see them doing DLC emblems yet>lyn giving potent or dodge>micaiah giving...i have no clue, something healing related i guess
>>1624411You really don't want to roll on those banners if you want the CYL units, they are availible in the common pool and all the other potential banners they can appear on have better rates.
>>1624411>Myrrh on blue toookay I give up
>>1624270Emblem banners are the most fun I have rolling, especially when I've saved for spark. I imagine it's how gamblers feel in casinos
>>1624270>Deer dude on Colorless Nice. I guess I should start saving for more Robin merges.
>>1624423>>1624428Myrrh is 100% going to be on the HoF banner
3 more days till Book 9 releases. What theme are you guys hoping for?We did:> Ice versus Fire> Zombies> Fairies> Mecha> whatever fuck 7 is, Djinn? > Medical beasts
>>1624519since we just had a kozaki book we're back to potentially yoshiku or maeshima shigekiso while i don't expect them to give asgadr to someone other than kozaki, maybe we'll get Svartálfheim which is the realm of the dark elves apparently?and BOY would i welcome a book of dark elves
>>1624528any realms with Angels and demons?
>>1624539I don't see much connection between Norse myths and angels and demons
>>1624528That's already what Dokkalfheimr. Ljosalfheimr is Alf and Dokkalfheimr is Svartalf in JP.
>>1624563ohlame, we were robbed
>>1624539Norse myth doesn't really have angels and demons from what I remember, unless you stretch Valkyries to be angels and Loki's kids and/or Surtr and his giants to be demons>>1624554I know of one connection but it's a schizo tier one that I have only ever seen this one thing about in a series that already has quite some stuff that I have no idea where they got from and I doubt IS would even use it when norse stuff has quite a bit of stuff they could pull fromThis is from SMT's gacha Dx2
>6 torches left to try to get potent on lynHelp.
>>1624419I really thought last year's CYL units were good, and then... they weren't, lmaoAs for this year's, Alfonse and Bernie are pretty much just pure combatants, and those never age wellFelix kind of is too, but he's both unique in how he fights, his builds are versatile, he also just doesn't fucking die, and he's a gigantic pain in the ass with his extra actionsWhile Robin is a good mix of support and combatI think Felix and Robin's time will be up eventually, but I have to wonder what would even stop Felix, like what would prevent him from getting his extra action bullshit?
>>1624589>even if you stall him, it only lasts for his first movethe devs were just really not thinking, he'd need a dedicated counter like barricade/firm canto curbso maybe stall 4 could prevent extra actions in general
>>1624423I can see Micaiah giving some healing and dual phase penalty cleansing. Maybe it's like:>for Micaiah: healing and full penalty cleansing for herself (not just two statuses) and allies within two spaces>Engage effect: healing and two penalty cleansing for the unit and allies within two spacesBasically Emblem Micaiah would (essentially) be debuff proof, while having her ring would basically give you the two status penalty cleanse that Attuned Micaiah/Ninja Celine provide. Then you get extra Special damage dependent on how many [Bonus] and any remaining [Penalty] you have on you.
>>1623940Definetly a Top 5 FEH moment
i thought bol4 heals off pre-combat damage, and it works as usual against flared + occultist strike + flame vein, but nidhoggr's precombat damage seems to barely get healed at all
>>1624649Do you know if you were afflicted by Deep Wounds?
>>1624651nope, just a solo nidhoggr>61 hp idunn = 20% min heal = 12 hp>nidhoggr is doing 25% = -15 hpso idunn should be healing 27 hp, and even the wording for nidhoggr's start of combat damage is the same as flared and such, but nothing
>>1624658Is she winning the def check?
>>1624539Valkyries are kind of like angels in that they can be depicted with having feathered wings.
>>1624669>If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, restores X HP to unit as unit's combat begins (triggers after effects that deal damage as combat begins; if unit's Def > foe's Def, X = 20% of unit's max HP + difference between stats × 4; otherwise, X = 20% of unit's max HP; max 40% of unit's max HP + damage dealt to unit as combat begins; only highest value applied; does not stack).in my prior screenshot she was just shy of nidhoggr's def but still got the base 20% heal, and just to be sure i tested it with definitely higher def and idunn still only got the 20% heal, so i have no idea why it's not countingmaybe i'll submit a bug report, though i expect it's working as intended and nidhoggr just gets to say fuck bol4JP also has the same wording
>>1624519The theme of Being Well Written
>>1624519So the FEHchannel will be in two days or tomorrow?
>>1624711BoL4 checks for in-combat Def to add the extra healing, if you're sure that Idunn has more than snakegirl and still only heals 20% of max HP report it.
Bros, I think I might be legitimately filtered. The OG 4 Camilla can't seem to beat this because Nidhoggr has too much flat DR that I can't overcome.I might be able to get away with it if I can luck another Sonya to dupe Occultist's Strike on Summer Cam, but man.
Emblem, Engage!
>>1624519Isn't the last realm left Asgard? We be getting gods, it's likely the final book
>>1624519I'm hoping for a theme better than the shit we just sat through.
>>1624773is it possible to inflict exposure via a Ploy 4 on her?
>>1624790why were they in debuff range except sigurd
>>1624825I think Camilla would need 50ish res for that to work which only Ninja Camilla can get to. Exposer might not be enough since she reduces damage from that too.
>>1624773do you have unity or harsh command+ on anyone? might make enough of an atk difference
>>1624825>>1624846Already hitting her with Exposure via Base Camilla>>1624851After Galeforce goes off on NY Cam, she's cleansed of debuffs anyway. Already getting +6 Atk from Oath Echo.I've exhausted basically everything I can think of. Keep the ideas coming, please.
>enemy nidhoggr on oasis arena map
>>1624860Dang, Camilla got res. What about changing up your specials? Maybe hitting her with a precharged Ruptured Sky or somthing of the ilk?
I had to change the placement of my Safety Fence because it seems like everybody has their Catapult in column 2 for some reason.
>>1624878And the place I moved it is where their catapult was for this match. Thanks.
>tap battlesEvery time they rerun one of these things I am surprised that they bothered
>>1624904I don't know why they bothered with the mode at all
>>1624918Sigurd is how i beat nidhoggr to
>>1624918>only one deathThis book will get special treatment for his TT just like book 4
should we wait until the FEH Channel for the new thread?
>>1624873She gets EVEN MORE FLAT DR if you have a damage dealing special... Plus it'd be hard to get back to this point without NY!Cam running Galeforce.Red Feud made the number go up a little bit more, which is cool
>>1625026She doesn't get extra flat dr on special only the tree does so if you hit a strong special on the 2nd hit it should kill. She only gets Special dr on the first melee hit since her special is precharged.
>>1625046>If unit is transformed or unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def = 6 + 20% of unit's Def at start of combat, reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), deals damage = 30% of foe's max HP (excluding area-of-effect Specials; excluding certain foes, such as Røkkr), and reduces damage from foe's attacks by X during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, when foe's attack triggers foe's Special, reduces damage from foe's attacks by an additional X (excluding area-of-effect Specials; X = total damage dealt to foe; min 10; max 20).>reduces damage from foe's attacks by X during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, when foe's attack triggers foe's Special, reduces damage from foe's attacks by an additional X (excluding area-of-effect Specials; X = total damage dealt to foe; min 10; max 20)Am I misunderstanding the second part of her Prf weapon?
>>1625060No you're right, but 20 flat dr max is based on how much damage is on the attacker so with sweep it should be 10 min, and luna is atleast 30 damage as her base defense is 60+ so it should deal atleast 20 more dmg as she only has %dr on her first hit.
>>1625069Luna would slow down the chip and I'd have to adjust the strat for the bulk of the map. On the other hand, I am VERY close to winning. I jumped the gun because I'm half paying to work, but I actually dealt damage with an ATTACK.
>>1625020Might as well, should be some time tonight or tomorrowAnd I think the thread can last just a bit more
>>1624918>Emblem Ike has to deal with Scowl and fixed/flat DR that tends to very heavily mitigate Special damage in addition>Emblem Celica has to deal with Duo Fjorm and Shield Fighter and just units being way sturdier and tankier now>Emblem Marth has to deal with Emblem Sigurd is still going strong, but what would it take to truly stop him? The only thing I could think of is more of that AoE DR status since that's only on one unit right now, but he still gets an extra action
>>1624773Whew. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. The answer was Sabotage and keeping Tree Man alive to utilize Sabotage dropping her defense more.
>>1625159funny enough, i was surprised in vg earlier when one failed to kill my player phase effie, and died in returnif you have enough stats and don't give him space to run his max distance, it hinders his kit enough i guess
>>1624918to be fair, where we're currently at gameplay-wise is about how badly mythical Norse deities should be shitstomping most FE characters, who tend to fall under "above-average soldier who gets to use some dragon/god weapons"though FE's playable pantheon of dragons, gods, and assorted final bosses fare even worse against the animals and a tree right nowit's unfortunate the mythic loads were blown so early, I'd be slightly more ok putting up with this current bullshit from nagi or yune or some other assorted dragon loli or final boss over some norseman at least
>>1624270I just need the Sigurd ring
>>1625193emblems are different though, they're more than a millenia old and are pretty much godlike themselvesthough feh making them corporeal may have hindered their status among other changes too
Anything for those 900 feathers
>>1625156It could actually be tonight? I haven't been paying attention to the calendar
>>1625337new heroes is on the 5th, but vmg page 10 can last weeks sometimes so no problem therei think new book feh channels are a day before the trailer video, so tomorrow probably?
>>1625352isn't the banner on the 7th?
What do your guys' generic prfless fast infantry swords look like? I haven't updated mine in a year and it her performance. I don't expect her to be able to stand up to Nidhoggr or anything, but she doesn't seem to do more than 20 damage to just about any unit not intended to be frail.I think it's about time for our 3rd Arcane sword.
>>1625378>prflessWorse than Hitler.
>>1625378bing bing...
>>1625378Same boat here, pretty much the same build. Powercreep has really made most arcane weapons completely worthless at this point honestly. Basically the only good ones are the last handful of them as a result.
>>1625378spd smoke is definitely useless these days since it doesn't help your first combat and trying to tank another hit is going to get you explodedpledge gives you 9 atk/spd though the cd charge is redundant with devourer, oath 4 is also 9 atk/spd and mobility is important. both can complement d bonus doubler well if you want itanother rising variant is excel + endless tempest, since again mobility is important and excel's DR can be surprisingly handyflorid cane is sometimes a consideration because of canto
>>1625378It's kinda bullshit that gen 1 and gen 2 units have the same DF limitNot that I updated my gen 1 Eirika in a while as you can see, my infantry fodder went to the duo version and to the F!Lloyd that I needed for arena score.Will probably end up giving her the standard LF treatment with the attuned units I have.
>>1625378Im still waiting for one rearmed hero to be a infantry instead of a cav
>>1625360Remember the DST shenanigans, the banner is actually on the 6th, so the FEH Channel should be 2-3 days from now, most probably 3 days
Which formas have you redeemed? Which have you never touched? Tina, Lyn and Spring Maria for me. I don't have 3600 flowers for Lyn and I only got Maria because I thought her Prf looked fun, but then festival Mia came out who was both better and a unit I actually like. Tina seems great, but I can't really decide what unit to kick out to make room for her on an AR team.
>>1625378I wouldn't say he's prfless, but I have Fallen Lloyd at +10His prf is... okay, it at least provides some modicum of support with its debuffs and [Foe Penalty Doubler]On a whim, I gave him Arcane Devourer anyway (got it pretty quickly from the current Rearmed banner), standard cookie cutter stuff with GLR, Buffer, and... he has Inf NFU which I use with his prf, but that's a bit redundant with Devourer
>>1625535I used three on the TMS chicks but don't use them because I don't like the blue. Now I'm basically hoarding the free ones
>>1614058I forgot to say this but sent
Since we're nearing the reveal of Book 9, who has been your favorite artist for a book and who is your favorite OC (if any)?
>>1625584YoshikuNifl or Triandra
>>1625584Kozaki I guess and Surtr
>>1625584Kozaki, and LifMaybe he'll be a good unit one day, somehow
>ally gives me v.lyon>freeze a brave bernie>she reflects penalties...oh
>>1625605Screwed for not reading the yugioh text once again.
>>1625584>favorite artisthard to say, they all have something I like about them.>Favorite OCEir.
Any way to actually EP this stupid tree asshole without backflipping through a dozen hoops? >He obviously really, really does not want you to End Turn when he's anywhere on the mapThat just makes me want to brute force through his entire map that way even more
>>1625618FreyrElimine if you can get her Res high enough.
Eir called me a slur
>never got potentGuess I'm not spending a Forma.
>>1625378my bois' build is just swordsman build 101, also I still don't know what to give Navarre and Kagechu as C skill.>>1625535Pent. Too bad his banner won't return since I wanted to give him better skills without wasting so many orbs, but alas.>>1625584Kozaki and Eitri
>rearmed ririna needs full heidr buffs to do the exactly 1 damage needed to kill nidhoggr with def/res ideal sealdamn man, so close to a comfy arena week
>None of my old units can do more than 0 damage to the fat drunk lady>Slap on a support or two, they still do 0 damage>Actually read her Yugioh card text to see how to turn her bullshit off (it's all "if her hp is high")Man what the fuck
>>1625657actually you don't turn her shit off at all, they all have a second condition of "if transformed" and you'll basically never break that condition either
>>1625535I use my souls very sparingly, I generally won't redeem a forma unless it's a unit I've +10'd or intend to +10.Hopefully I can add L!Myrrh to the collection this month.>>1625584Kozaki, Embla
>>1625573I got a lot of friend request because of SD whose your character bro
>>1623940Proof that he an hero?
>>1625716Anon, we don't have his real name. We only have his username which gives us access to his account post history. Perhaps he went on an internet detox, but likely since it's been almost 2 years since his last post and he didn't even return for Bernie's win, it's pretty safe to make the conclusion he moved to greater;dr sorry bro got none.
>>1625657My advice is to debuff her Def/Res in combat as much as possible. For the Abyssal, I needed a shitload of Defense Rein skills as well as keeping Treeman alive so that she could get Sabotage'd (since she negates her own penalties)
Is this worth it?
>>1625793If you like her and want to use her, yes.
I just realized arcane truthFIRE is green. I could give it to my Lewyn.
>>1625793-hp hampers effective health a lot when you run DR, -res is better>>1625819i wonder what rearmed we'll get nexti hope it's a lance
About as good as I can get I suppose14 torches left, maybe I'll pick Lyn too, if only for the sake of having all of her alts
>nidhoggr soloed some 202 crown dude's teamso what matchups does she actually losei know she wins a mirror eventually if she initiates first, otherwise duo sharena is the only one I've noticed that almost always wins but still takes two combats