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RIP Heroes

did the discounts hoping for one more copy of god trunks and mechikbura
only got pan
sucks that I can't use my blue coins until next year on them
My boy? Your white dragon stone?
did we get a free one?
I never followed Heroes but it was always fun to have around to see what wacky bullshit came out of it. Already feels like a big part of what made Dragon Ball Dragon Ball for the past decade is missing.
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missed out on Vegeta on my side acc, but my pulls were still good all around, I can't complain.
It's gonna take a lot of restraint not to go deep on the main banner though.
I was lucky last year
and got 79% plus on all the main banner units
rainbowed vegito and black
with 600 stones, I hope for the same this year
>check autoclicker
>only on stage 13
jfc good thing there's no timed mission. imagine dropping stones on this category.
only $40
that is $60 for me
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>3rd dupes for mechikabura and teq shitgeta
>2nd dupes for xeno pan, vegeks and int vegeta
nice got what I wanted
>STR Boujack released
>no AGL Boujack EZA
>INT Boujack EZA
>no AGL Boujack EZA
>STR Boujack EZA
>no AGL Boujack EZA
>didn't even mention the other un-eza'd bojack
The WT one that just had its TUR released?
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Brother it's a fucking SR
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Are you really going to make me explain the difference you fucking autist
That Bojack is a TUR, he can eza lol
You're comparing a f2p unit to a summonable SR. This is your last reply, dumbfuck.
>a summonable tur won't eza
Jesus i knew you were retarded but this is too much
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>year 1/2 Z movie TUR
>getting an EZA
They didn't do it for phy Turles, they didn't do it for Hirudegarn, they didn't do it even for the biggest Z movie celebration ever a couple months ago. They just don't give a shit, not even for more recent movie sub units.
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Reminder EZAreas are shit
yeah, this shit is taking forever to beat
When is the banner? Later today?
>900 seconds to make a fucking post
Is 4chan shit itself too? What is going on
>When is the banner? Later today?
Probably not since there hasn't been a download with the new units yet. Maybe in 3 days, or in a week. Lame, I know
>Is 4chan shit itself too? What is going on
new anti-spam bullshit
shitposters on other boards got so bad the mods keep implementing new ways to try to stop them
also the new units are coming later
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>1h 20m to auto through Heroes EZA
>still have Bojack to go
I want my phone back...
I just have browser on pop up view over the game so I can read stuff while doing stuff
It got faster with eza trunks friends
I'm about to spend this heroes white whale stone to get the teq supreme kai of time because her boobs are huge, but the small brainwashed one is cute too and I have a hypnosis fetish which do you guys think is less likely to get a new version soon?
ate up my battery, so I had to figure out a way to pause my macro. Silver lining is finally having my battery be able to charge and not overheating like crazy.
I have insanely limited knowledge of heroes but from what I’ve seen the supreme Kai of time is mostly in a young form. I honestly couldn’t tell you where the milf version comes from
its a transformation, the brainwashed version can do it too
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Oh shit, should I pull the trigger?
I'm still missing Pan, Rildo and Vegeta from the type supports, were those also 300 each?
those are also 300, and Vegeta is one of the worst of the type supports because he has no def at all in this super attack effect
Pan has one of the best super attack effects from these type supports, its a 2 turn 30% atk and def suport
I’d wait until you see what you get from your pulls on the actual banner.
I’m personally saving coins for the 50% supports coming back to finish that collection
I'm definitely summoning on both banners first.
Even if Vegeta is the worst, I'd still coin him.
I'm actually not missing Rildo after all, just Vegeta and Pan.
>90 stones
I feel robbed...
>pan dupe
I can finally fix my 65% pan mistake of years ago
Managed to rainbow Xeno Gotenks so far. Feel like doing more pulls but I’ll wait for the new Heroes units
Design A is great.
Why are level 30s of these Z battle fights always so much harder than level 29 by an order of magnitude
Oh God I just remembered the 259 medal grind from last year
>this batch of EZAs
Towa is the best of them, it's very sad. I can't wait for Bluer Goku to be worse than SSJ4 Vegito
Yeah, Pan is alright because she has 70% dodge and support. Mechikabura is fine as like the 6th or 7th man on slug's team. Towa is actually decent as a dodge and support, too. Trunks hits decently hard but he and the rest of the batch feel like they should've come out last year
you guys don't ACTUALLY think that those are the only heroes units dropping right?????
you DO know there's a part 2 LR and hidden units on the part 1 banner that haven't been showcased yet.
I'm actually fine with the picks. I just want them to have good kits and not age out in 50 days
There is a legit argument to be made that they're hiding two units. They did the same with the LBSS4's and we only found out because they were on the Heroes website.

Plus, this means we get 4 Extreme Class units and 1 Super which is weird and they're being oddly secretive about the new Heroes banner. I'm gonna temper my expectations but I'm not ruling it out.
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You guys need to share some of that premium grade copium with me because I want to believe.
good news bernd, the Heroes event is going away BUT it's being replaced with a "crossover" event that has non-canon units (halloween costumes etc) and units from other properties like anime, manga etc.
I mean the other anon had a point.

Problem is that they showed literally everything else in the recent livestream including all the EZA units which they didn't do in the 2022 livestream. Which leads me to believe they really did show everything, especially with having a producers letter.
>non-canon units (halloween costumes etc) and units from other properties like anime, manga etc.
>bikini 18
Yeah but there is clearly shit they haven't shown with the whole 'later date' stuff not just summons but red zone stuff/challenge event.

Plus 4 extreme Heroes is so weird.
Plus to add to this, they didn't even clarify if the art for the new units is SSR or UR. Which tells me they haven't exactly been super thorough with detailing every aspect of the new untis.

Could be cope, but we'll see.
Finally, more Dragon Ball Fusions content
If that's true then I doubt even if we get SSLB4 Gogeta and SSBE Gogeta that they would be LR's given that SSBE Goku is the one with the intro/active skill.
You people are coping so badly its hilarious. If we get SSBE and SS4 Gogeta, no if we get two additional units on top of the new collab units shown I will personally shit on a plate and record myself eating it.

But it won't happen because sloproes is filler trash the cobbeled together last minute after end of service.
>last heroes celebration
>headliners are anti-hype
>9 ezas all on one eza stage so less stones
>eza event has too high hp so it takes too long to clear
>95% of them will be powercrept in 3 months
jfc what a disaster
please god give us more dragonball fusion units
Mechikabura clears Towa easily, and the SS1s are better by virtue of being usable on other teams that'll stay relevant. She's about as good as Pan since they both need a Crossover team for their full stats.
Super Divers releases tomorrow, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were quiet and started the celebration early all on purpose to come out swinging with cool headliners.
The mono-type supports have been aged out and are dogshit at this point.
Super Saiyan God Ultra Beaststinct Super Ego Saiyan soon
Screenshotted. You better deliver when you're wrong anon.
Mono supports are still insanely viable for Battlefield, the fuck you talking about? That's why you summoned, that and for any type only mission.
You can't even summon for them right now, and we have no idea when they'll be summonable again. Not only that, but they've already all EZAd. Unless they're going to SEZA the entire batch (they won't), they're just going to be aged out more and more as time goes on. By the time we're able to summon on them again the next iteration of Battlefield will be out and it will make this current Battlefield look like a joke in comparison, and they'll be lucky to be runable on Stage 1.

Not to mention only like half of those mono-type supports were any good in the first place.
The background art in this stage is so awful lol
that looks fine you retarded cum guzzling idiot
that looks terrible you brilliant gigachad rizzler genius
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>units from other properties like anime, manga etc.
Why isn’t SSJ3 Rose obtainable with a white stone?
because he's from last year, same thing for limit breaker vegito, limit breaker broly and dark king fu
I can't remember who the fifth feature is from memory. Greenku, edgy kid, gorilla demon, time slut, and who???
It's either Bardock or another Goku I can't remember which
>>1607590 (me)
It's Bardock
Ah right the orange hair guy. Bardock doesn't inspire confidence. Guessing goku will cook (on heroes), kids will be dodge or die, giga nigga will be just barely a slot 1, and bardock will be nothing.
Listening to Dokkan music while jerking off
Then why are Modified Janemba and Golden Metal Cooler selectable?
Have we even hit tip grossing since WWC? Even the frogs are hoarding for anni.

Their SSRs are from 2022.
I see. Thanks, for the explanation
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>eza the heroes spics
>never sa them to 15/15 some are 1/15
Your DBH red zone missions?
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Which Towa are you talking about?
samefag, if not, you're a retard
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>Pull on Lord Slug's banner 3 times
>Get Beerus in the first pull
>Get Beerus again in the guaranteed featured pull

Don't be a dumbass like me.
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Summoning for limited time units just to fill out the Dokkan Awakening tab is my preferred stupidity.
there are way too many crybabies whining about the ps5 pro. salty pc cucks are ass blasted that a 700 dollar console has better or similar performance to their several thousand dollar pc
they seriously released the eza banner before the main one? lmao
>Summoning for limited time units just to fill out the Dokkan Awakening tab
literally me
I spent 2000 on my PC so I can watch SoL anime in 4k
>used kais on the eza boujack instead of the green gem boujack
its so fuckin over
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been gone from /dokkan/ for a while, did they adjust the layout of the EZBattle menus? the autoclicker I have set up on android isnt working anymore, it looks like they moved the start button slightly
The heroes stage drops so many medals it makes the loot window bigger so the button is lower
how annoying. I will make a second setup for this stage specifically then.
Not only EZB but also in general, my autoclicker stopped working since last app update.
readjust the auto clicker, works for me
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I cant place one of the the buttons in the bottom right corner to tap stage start without hitting the unit menu in the actual stage, or the stoneshop in the menus after the stage is done
can I steal your layout?
Mine is between the baba and stone shop button now, it used to be just below baba but that doesn't work anymore.
>hitting the unit menu
That menu won't open in auto mode though
>between the baba and stone shop button
theres the culprit
>menu won't open in auto mode
thanks for that, I had a press put to double as the confirmation on the stage completion page and on auto for in the past where the stages would start with auto mode off and you had to turn it on every single time.
Just moved them both and problem solved. TYBG
Get smart auto-clicker. Other auto-clicker apps are garbage in comparison.
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I fucking wish
I dont even care how may categories he would be cucked from by being joined forces
Where the fuck did all my zeni go I hit max a year ago
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The word of the 10th Anniversary is Unity.
Part 1
LR Super Gogeta
LR Super Vegito
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The fusions are overdone and cringe now, anni is an easy skip if it's lamesions yet again.
Have we not only got like 4 fusion characters since the 7th anni (Blue Vegito, Blie Gogeta, LB SS4 Gogeta and Fused Zamasu and the banner unit gotenks if you count that I guess)
If I already have all featured units from the current eza heroes banner, there's no point summoning if I just want unfeatured units, right?
I can just try to pull them when the main banner drops, right?
Why does truth focus on dodge for bronze skill slot when raw stats are literally always better? Like, raw stats especially defence are so insanely viable but literally a 1 percent chance to dodge is do much better apparently.
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Hmmm interesting...
They're probably going to start trying to migrate dokkan players to other games so they restart their card collections.
Dokkan has covered everything already and its decline is inevitable.
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What the hell
I kneel
most of Kid Goku's fights
Tao's missing moments like with the pillar and killing Bora
most of the 22nd TB
Piccolo Daimao with proper animations
Mafuuba Tenshinhan
all the missing moments from Goku vs. Majunior
most of Freeza's animations throughout Namek and many of Goku's
Piccolo vs. 17
many of Pure Boo's animations
Baby vs. Piccolo
nearly all of Goku vs. Baby
almost all of BoG Beerus
a lot of the U6 tournament (not that it'd be any good)
majority of movie 1 and 2
False SS since we're probably not getting that this month
And there's still more they could've simply done a much better job with like Turles and 13.
Dokkan will start making original animations for characters instead of only copying the anime soon haha
There's only 2 SRs featured on the DBS Blue Zone ticket summons, AGL Trunks or AGL Zamasu.
No they are not overdone you stupid redditor retard. Fusions hasn't been a top team in the game in literal years.
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Alright, which one of you faggots are gonna go to that fan meetup in LA in january?
3 years of relative quiet doesn't make up for 6 years of spam and they're out of source material to mine for them. They can't even be saved by original animations looking at agl VB who has 3 decent to good animations out of 7.
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The "asians have 0 creativity and can only copy" stereotype is absolutely real
I keep hearing Heroes units age out fast but on launch they’re good for all the available content, right?
usually yes, especially for the heroes red zone which has missions for using the category
you would think they would make the Heroes characters good almost on par with the nearby anniversary so that people would dump money into both for profits right
LB SSJ4 Vegito is still pretty good, same for guys like EZA Masked King Vegeta.
Last Heroes batch lasted a ton of time
Vegetto last year carried Heroes through everything until 9th anni where his passive would run out, and the other releases couldn't hold their own.
2022 arguably lasted until WWC 2023, but only if you dumped a thousand stones for all the best units at rainbow.
2021 just had LVE as endgame content and was invalidated by Red Zone by most of the game.
The years before that all kinda sucked and were hard to use.
Cool, now what PS5 games are you playing on your $700 paper weight?
>6 years of spam
This isn't true and even if it was that doesn't mean shit since fusions is dead and unrunnable in current content. It needs an update

>they're out of source material to mine for them
We still don't have LR Standalone versions of Z Vegito or Z Gogeta almost 10 years into the game. There's plenty of animations they could do for Z vegito still. For Z Gogeta, it'll have to be what if animations since Gogeta only had like 2 minutes of screen time in Fusion Reborn.

You're one of those pseudo intellectual retards that cry about fusions and ask for "le underrated characters" to be contrarian.
Ask your mom, she blows me while I play on my ps5 pro
>bring new heroes eza's to Red zone Zamasu stage from 1968
>5 runs, all end in death
why do i keep summoning for this
they can clear the first stage of ultimate clash
These ezas all suck ass for this year's content so I'm not hopeful for the features. You need 6 good pedroes because they have to be run on their own teams. They're basically battlefield filler for newfags.
>This isn't true
STR Super Gogeta (best unit in the game)
AGL Super Vegetto (best unit in the game)
TEQ SS3 Gotenks (top 5)
PHY Vegetto Blue (best unit in the game)
TEQ Fusion Zamasu
INT Super Gogeta (best unit in the game)
PHY SS3 Gotenks
TEQ SS4 Gogeta (best unit in the game)
PHY Super Vegetto
TEQ Vegetto Blue (best unit in the game)
LR STR Vegetto Blue (best f2p in the game)
LR INT Super Vegetto (top 2)
LR PHY Super Gogeta (top 2)
AGL Gogeta Blue
AGL Fusion Zamasu (best extreme in the game)
LR TEQ Vegetto Blue (top 2)
LR STR Gogeta Blue (top 2)
INT SS3 Gotenks
STR SS2 Kefla
LR STR Super Vegetto (best unit in the game)
INT SS4 Gogeta
PHY SS4 Vegetto
LR TEQ Super Gogeta
TEQ SS2 Kefla

And then 7th anni which also had redone fusions for top tier headliners. This has to be bait.
Thanks for proving my point you bumbling idiot. Which of those units are relevant now retard? Thought so. Out of that entire list, only teq gogeta, str vegito and maybe SEZA teq gotenks and lr teq CMZ are relevant now

Fusions make money you stupid retarded idiot, its a no brainer why they would release them on a frequent basis. you are crying about nothing
Are Z sissies coping again? We're getting 4 fusions, accept it.
>proving my point
I don't care about your point if you're going to even attempt to argue that 2/3 of the game's lifespan wasn't fusion spam.
there has factually always been more nonfusions than fusions retardo
I need an entire team of Pan LRs
Dokkan makes them so much money only a retard would try to kill this game
That's not spam means stupid. Spam is the same few characters and forms being released and re-released in quick succession. Half of them having very little distinction in animations and taking up major celebration slots almost every time are also massive aggravating factors.
Your 6 Bee Pans?
he would be able to use the LR the TUR and the SSR but you can't put more than one of the same unit on your team
I hope 10th anni removes same unit restriction so I can use 6 bio brolys
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10th anni will be
>namek part 1 (new transforming ssj goku & final form frieza)
>android/cell saga part 2 (standalone ssj2 gohan & perfect cell
>a new jewish/greedy part 3 (ssj vegito & buuhan)
Anon they're business execs. Worse, they're nippon business execs.
Retarded business decisions is pretty much the primary job requirement to get to their positions.
Dokkan is like 45% of bandai's revenue, it's not going anywhere.
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I'll take it except all 6 LRs should transform and it should be an active that you can use starting from the 2nd turn and then every other turn until the final form. Each active besides the first will be an attack and maybe the final one is a activates a domain. And the final form has a standby.
It’s hilarious how bad god trunks has been on release and on his eza
You think they'd hire actual animators who can make shit that doesn't need to be traced from the anime to maximize profits so they don't have to fucking worry about running out of cards and getting stale like they already are.
investing money into something that makes money doesn't make more money
must invest into new products for more money
I hate investors
Has there been a single DDF/Double Carnival celebration where all 4 units have good animations? You think they could do 6 justice?
>an active that you can use starting from the 2nd turn and then every other turn until the final form. Each active besides the first will be an attack
This but with a Dragon Ball: The Breakers crossover card where the Active Skills are their area destroying attacks.
there are no real units they could do that would be hype enough for the 10th anniversary unless they get the license so they can pull stuff from the manga like ultra ego but i feel like it will most likely be namek goku and final form frieza as the part 1 LRs to mimic the first login screen from way back and then maybe a LR kid buu for part 2
also the free ssr should be a Toribot
>it can destroy a boss' domain
I'll buy that for a dollar
If Heroes does get a surprise LR in SSBE Gogeta and Limit Breaker Xeno Gogeta or the Generational Kamehameha or et ceteta, would would you roll for the novelty or to try to get the optimal Heroes team?
I'll get SSBE Godjeeta if its him just because he's cool
>1st anni
>3rd anni
>5th anni
>7th anni
>9th anni
No, fuck fusions I'm sick of them. Peak redditor behavior is getting hype for gogeta and vegito for the millionth time.
Those two were only ever cool because they're rare borderline what-if characters and have long since been stripped of all appeal by the constant milking.
/vmg/ has always been a fusion board.
Pablo you are low IQ. I accept your concession
/dokkan/ has always been a fusion board. Only redditor dorks like you who cry about fusions being overdone, which they're not, so you can fit in with the reddit hive mind.
>fuck fusions
I wish I could
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How do you handle the "simmetry" with the dual counterparts with 3 parts?
Gokek's other restriction will be either realm of gods or power of wishes, so he'll be the first pedro headliner usable on a real team.
>first headliner usable on a real team.
PHY SSJ4 Vegito and Sealas had no restrictions on release
I'm only halfway through the 30 EZA stages and feels like I've already lost a lifetime
>Only redditor dorks cry about fusions being overdone
Reddit slobbers their dick more than this place does kek.
Just use an auto clicker and ignore the phone for an hour or so.
outside of mecha dabura are any of these units even worth eza'ing
god trunks and pan vegeks and the support goku and vegeta
only the ss3s are terrible
cause dafat's heightened circulating lipids have breached his blood brain barrier killing off most of his braincells drastically reducing his IQ to levels incomprehensible for normal functioning humans like you and me
God Trunks was a beast on release the fuck are you smoking? That entire years lineup, including the EZAs, was really strong.

He's rambled about it before, not sure where. Long and short of it is he doesn't like to put anything below a level 7 or 8 equip on his characters in any slot. And since level 7+ bronze is so goddamn rare he basically never puts raw DEF in bronze slots. The exception obviously being bronze 2/1s (which are technically only level 3) since you can't get a bronze with 5+ dodge on it.
He does the same thing with silver/gold slots, but silver/gold slots you can get level 7-9 orbs where you have shit like 5 evade/4 AA on a single orb so it makes a bit more sense. He generally refuses to put a 5 evade silver or 5 evade gold if that's all they are with no secondary stats because it's "gimping the unit".

I pull on Heroes banners until I rainbow (or at least 79%) all of the featured units on the banner.
Normally only takes like 500-600 stones due to the GFSSR every single multi.

The SS Xenos are much better than people give them credit for. Their 1 turn DR/Guard is dogshit, but by their second appearance they'll be at something like 800k defense and their third appearance will be about 1.3 mil, 1.8ish for their 4th appearance, etc etc. Not to mention they give insane support for their respective families.
You just have to be careful with them on their second appearance because they're going to only have raw defense and only like 700-800k.
Best case scenario by turn 5 they're both tanking everything in the game outside of supers for double digits.
DRASTICALLY underrated and MASSIVELY overhated.
It's the same thing as every other recent EZA. Just throw a movie bosses or movie heroes team at it and you blitz through it quicker than if you try to use the actual boosted teams. I 1 turned the level 30 heroes EZA with the broly squad.
Why doesn't he use the Gold + 4 evasion / 600 def equips from Esbr then? Mainly the EX ones? They're literally insanely viable for DR characters.
Let’s be honest equips make basically no difference especially if all your units are rainbowed
Yeah they do, this is retard logic. Phy kid buu with all the majin buu saga/shadow dragon def equips gives him about 2k extra defence and with his DR gives him far more chance to survive.

Raw def is literally the best option which is why silver/gold def equips are so rarely given out.
Got 10 Vegeks before I got a single copy of Mechikabura and Pan but I don't trust my luck when the last Heroes banner releases
i can't imagine being new and trying to get all of the heroes banners.
I wasted 800 stones on heroes once to get supreme cow. Never again.
I used all my stones to get Golden Cooler when he released and didn’t get a single copy. I’m tempted to use a white stone on him just for the collection but I’ll wait to see what I pull on the new banner
I missed last heroes celebration because my phone got stolen and it took me literal weeks to get my account back. I have no clue how I'm ever going to get the 5 units from last year. Guess I just have to hope they re-run an EZA banner two years from now
What if I told you that all old Heroes units will get a rerun banner before the celebration ends since this is the last Heroes collab?
I'd believe it, but I'd also believe that they'll hold onto the 2022 and 2023 units EZAs for a while longer and only re-feature them once those EZAs happen
You should have waited then...
waited for what? I haven't summoned and am waiting for the new units/2023 units
My bad, I read you have sommoned already.
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No, really. Where is the banner?
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So what do you think of "Demon Bulma"?
Show us her panties
That's her name
>I'm 82
ROM will not be pleased to hear this.
where the fuck is the banner
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??? My boy? It's right there.
who's going to be the first 250% lead?
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This is going to be 10th anni. Well, Part 1 anyways. I don't think they'll be based enough to give us standalone ssj4 gogeta and blue vegito for a part 2
slug is still up my boy
I fucking wish
250% super lead Gogeta and 250% extreme lead Vegito
ultra instinct Gogeta and ultra ego Vegito
make it happen
I'm new to the game which banner is good?
nothing right now, wait until the new Heroes banner drops eventually this month if you want Heroes, otherwise anniversary in 2 months
None. Summon for 6 DB heroes units in a few days then save for anniversary.
I got xeno pan is she good?
On a full heroes team. Don't summon on this banner, wait for the upcoming one with bluer goku on it.
If you think 10th anniversary is going to be anything other than Daima you're going to be very disappointed.
You are one dumb retarded idiot if you think daima will be 10th anni
you are one genius smart person if you think daima will be 10th anni
kys samefag
live yourself different straight
Part 1 is a Standalone Super Vegerot vs Buuhan -> Kid Buu

Part 2 is Goku(Mini) & Vegeta(Mini) -> Vegerot(Mini) vs King Diahrrea or whatever the villain's name is I forgot

Part 3 is standalone SSJ4 Gogeta vs no one
Wow, I get to skip 10th anni? Cool
just save as much stones as you can for the anni at the start of february
you can create teams with all the featured units that will carry you
daima will be the new years dual dokkanfest not anni
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Does anybody else REALLY wish that Dokkan had another way to power up characters that have aged but aren't due for an EZA or SEZA???

This recent Bojack EZA has made frustrated at LR Bojack's lack of viableness when the EZA DFE needs him as a partner to activate all of his links. It made me think of something I also thought when the EZA LR Turles gang arrived, and that it would be really fucking nice to have a way to power up units that have aged badly but can't get an EZA or SEZA so soon.

I know Dokkan is held together by shitty spaghetti code, but surely they could implement a new power up system for units, right??? It just sucks because Dragonball Legends does this very nicely with their equipment system. Yes, the most broken characters within Legends are still gonna be top tier, but at least Legends does do things to make sure units don't fall massively behind and that you don't need to wait for their Zenkais(Legend's version of EZA's) for them to finally be a decent option.
Heroes banner today?
Some are saying 11th because of some sale that ends.
Equips can only give what hipo gives, but I don't think it would be hard to add other variables to the hipo table without actually putting them in the tree.
It's always on a Monday...
The system we have is already good enough. Boujack and Turles are outliers, most units aren't as fucked as him when it comes to links and teams. We constantly get new support units like GoTrunksHan and PtP Goku that revive dozens of 1-2 year old units at a time instead of just one. This is the pattern that works for this game because team building actually matters here.
>16gb game for clicking balls and watching png's where everyone has audio also disabled except truth
they keep diggin in a nigga
gay niggas... SUBMIT!!
They should do something like what they're doing with the 3rd and 4th anniversary units now.
We already have enough material for at least 3 or 4 different Mini Goku units
Imagine the Bar Brawl Goku whose sprite is always holding the demonburger in his mouth
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Just give us the fucking details on the new Heroes units
Haha what's the rush my boy? With all the excitement over these ezas, we don't wanna overwhelm you!
i mean, just look at this batch of EZA's. They're doomed to be mid at rainbow, at 55% they will be only runnable in dokkan events
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Is there a legitimate reason why the roster for Heroes is so bad or is this just another case of Akatsuki making bone headed decisions

A fusion or generational kamehameha unit would have saved this celebration.
The voices tell me omatsu didn't expect heroes to die, but couldn't be arsed to change plans because there's nothing to promote anyway.

Divers looks cool, but where are the fan fiction trannies?
The few other gacha i've ever played, collab units usually aren't top tier because they don't want people that come in later to feel bad for not having an OP unit in their box. Could be the same logic here. Altough usually in those cases the collab units never come back again
I’d be all for that if the 10th anni unit ends up being a brand new fusion using those bugs Goku got.
it's just diaper vegito
Man they really couldnt hire anyone to get them better camera angles during some attacks or add little more vfx. It just looks cheap
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me when they show the heroes kits
The graphical jump is cool. It's nice that everyone is doing Sparking Zero attacks instead of Budokai attacks. I hope they get autistic with cards once they break away from the into sets.
At this point I really think they're skipping Jiren's original banner on global and going straight to the rerun on the divine dragon carnival. Maybe even let us coin him right away.
I just don't care at this point. The 4th anniversary units can solo the goku & frieza stage so why even summon for shitren
neither of them can slot 1 and they don't help with the u11 mission
U11 mission can’t be done easily with a friend Jiren
Ss4 goku can slot 1 in the frieza fight and their actives destroy them
>u11 mission
Only needs 4 allies zzzz pussy mission
Yeah the graphics look nice. Give me a DBZ game with those graphics as a turn based rpg and I'm jizzing.
So are they using XV models instead of old Budokai models now?
Who are you running as a lead for four u11s and the ss4s
Those aren't XV models. I think it's an updated engine for whatever they were using with Heroes.
Aieee! You got me! I will never beat the unbeatable goku & frieza fight... its literally impossible...
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What would it take to make you soommon?
if i see the word Crossover in his passive i'm staying away
for him to be top tier and not restricted to heroes/crossover
I summon every year so I'll go on this banner regardless, I'm all about collecting not faggy meta shit
thank me for top grossing.
Is this official? Probably the best tur art I've seen in years so will summon
>retards actually use dokkan as a metric for db canon
no the angels have genders, roshi would fuck pan, and janemba is literally a demon fuck outta here with this
no, there's what I assume to be a twitter @ in the upper right
Reekdom lost
undisputable number 1 TUR in the game
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For 2 months
>can’t wait for the Peakroes banner to drop
>decide to do one more multi on the EZA banner to hold me over
>got a second dupe of Mechikabura and a third dupe of Dark Masked King
I was hoping for another Mechi so I’m pleased. Is Dark Masked King still decent?
I know we all hate mexicans here, but I must give them credit, their burrito bowls FALCONE slap.
Roshi wouldn't fuck Pan, they're friends at the start of GT.
Roshi wouldn’t fuck Pan. Bulma was sexy since the start of Dragon Ball, pretty much designed to be eye candy. Pan is more tomboyish and cute instead of sexy. I really couldn’t imagine Roshi being attracted to her
Is the dragon ball Heroes worth watching or is it shitty fan fiction?
for goku and fuu to be extreme class and super class supports like broly wwc trio and both be slot 1 units
thats genuinely fine
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It's literally 10 minute commercials for the (now dead) card game. You only watch it if you want to see some stupid shit.
Why the fawk is lr piccolo/nail not in fused fighters?
To add onto this, the teq TUR piccolo, which is from the same arc, is on fused fighter

Akatsuki fawked up

exchange units only have the first unit's categories
>Still no details

Gooks are koreans you stupid bastard
No it isn't you chink slant eyed gook cunt. Eat a bullet.
Not a chink, I just had to correct your dumb ass since you can't even get slurs right. Go jump off of a cliff you mentally retarded sub human
Did anyone unironically pull on the hero banners? I was thinking I should save until the new years step ups.
I’m not a “no fun allowed, meta only” fag so I did some multis. If you’re hellbent on saving then skip but half of the EZAs are pretty good.
I got at least 1 of each one since I'm new
I ain't pulling for that shit. Worst case scenario I wait for the events to come back next year when some of my other jobroes eza.
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>managed to get him from zero dupes to rainbow off of the Slug banner
I’m so ready. Where the fuck is Heroes though
Goku is pretty good i think
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literally just release the fucking banner
aeos is good
demigra is decent
>All dogshit with dogshit restrictions

Lmao, fucking kill yourself stupid fucking retarded gook cunts. I hope everyone on the team dies of cancer.
bardock seems to be the worst
fuu is extreme class god trunks
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Why are so many characters from Dragon Ball Heroes on Extreme Class?

Goku is good but restricted.
Called it
>power beyond super saiyan
why they give heroes the greatest leaderskill ever
>guard with 60% damage reduction
Finally a beerus gets some respect
Holy shit Beerus is busted. Guard, high chance to crit, support and 60 percent DR. Wtf?
Holy shit, Dark King Demigra’s passive is everything I wanted and more. He’s perfect for my Demonic Power team
Team restriction isn't bad, it's not 3 "other" allies, so dual lead + 1 other pedro works.
5 orbs to guard is dogshit thoughever.
>all the heroes units mogged by seza beerus
Can't make this shit up

and this is the last batch of heroes units. what a way to go out
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I don't have Beerus!

Why release SEZAs without any way to get old DFES without coins?

>inb4 summon on Slug's Banner
He changes orbs though
summon on slugs banner
He'll be in the next red stone shop
he's also been in every red stone shop forever, if you haven't completed your box of old units yet by now that's on you
Turns out that shitty art was the TUR art
Do you think anyone would waste their coins on rainbowing old DFEs before SEZA areas?
stones not coins, what else you getting with them? banner units and kais?
red stones wouldn't be enough to buy every DFE. I only started 3 years ago.
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Literally all of them got decent to high DR or evasion and the lead is actually a slot 1. Heroes will actually not age out immediately for the first time ever.
ATK and DEF +160%
ATK and DEF + 160% and high chance of performing a critical hit when performing a super attack
when all allies attacking in the same turn are in the Movie Boss, Realm of Gods, or Explosion of Anger category, DEF +160% and guards all attacks
ATK and DEF + 40% with each attack received (up to 160%)
reduces damage received by 30% when HP is 30% or above and a further 30% when HP is 60% or above
great chance of launching an additional super attack when HP is 60% or below
all super class allies ki +2, ATK +30%
all extreme class allies ki + 2, DEF+ 30%
transforms when conditions are met
Goku is not a slot 1 character
he only has 400k or so defense before attacking fully built up
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That's also without his intro and could still survive some of the strongest supers in the game at full health.
why did they have to make the heroes characters this garbage?
probably because gfssr every multi
why did they go back to only one actual leader
part 2 will have 5 more units trust
Problem with these units is that Vegito was arguably the best TUR at the time and even he got powercrept.

You know 10th will reset the meta so these units are destined to have a shelf life of 2 months, three tops. If they were gonna make these the last heroes units they really should've future proofed them but alas they really don't care about that. They aren't bad but they simply aren't good enough or are too restricted.

Demigra will probably always be good though, and maybe Aoes even on non-crossover team due to her dodge and support.
the HP on these units is so bad that you can't run a heroes team at all I think
demigra is great on demonic power and that's probably it
>Problem with these units is that Vegito was arguably the best TUR at the time and even he got powercrept.
I still use him though
He's only good for short form content or certain content. His DR is simply not good enough for current meta content.

He's not bad, he's arguably aged the best out of any heroes unit but he's still been powercrept and is no longer the metarelevant unit he was on release.
Just noticed they all have fierce battle, should be 217 medals to awaken them all
80% DR is not necessarily enough anymore
>retards here genuinely think demigra is good and blueku is bad
goes to show how fucking STUPID the average player is. Blueku is dupehungry but looks to be the uncontested best TUR in the whole game rainbowed. Demigra is fucking trash lmao

Screenshot this and remember my fucking words when you get to use these units
I'm just getting Aeos to dodge
Demigra can be run on Demonic Power so he will always be relevant especially with Slugs domain.

Blueku requires a filler unit to get his passive, which means sacrificing a precious character slot to use, otherwise you'd need an orb changer to fufill his orb requirements or he'd just die. His DR and guard is conditional on orbs as well.

Blueku would be insanely good and versatile if he didn't require a Xeno unit or Crossover. None of the Xeno's units are capable of being run outside of a heroes team except Xeno Goku/Vegeta who are still ultimatly mediocre and will be powercrept to oblivion come 10th. Vegito can't be run except on Great Ape Power if not crossover so unless they plan to drop an LR Xeno Gogeta you've got a unit tethered to a dogshit restriction.

10th will reset the meta and all these will fade to obscurity. You only think short term like the retard you are.
>600k sot defense with guard and 60% dr, over a million defense after supering
>also supports and has a rage mode that can be activated twice
he is the best tur in the game
Oh right I should farm those hercules from the ez battles before they disappear forever
200% Crossover Carnival with 'Xeno' in the name for part 2
I don't think there's going to be a part 2 LR but if there is one I think it should be SS4 Goku (that is not limit breaker)
>Fu (Youth)
Overrated, but good
>SEZA Beerus
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Man these ugly as fuck no one wants these wtf lmao
They really should've given the Blue Treeku a Unit Super Attack with a condition of "another Goku on the team".
it probably would be on rotation instead of on the team
what was the final battle of heroes?

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. And you have the gall to call Goku mid by comparison? Fucking retard.
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>Goku has with each attack performed
>Demigra has 50-74% crit
I was just thinking how next year, the SS4LB Goku might get a EZA, so Treeku would have a good partner
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>and could still survive some of the strongest supers in the game at full health.
Bro I love Heroes but I don't think they have 530k health to spare.
a bronze equip that gives +5000 to all stats soon
I’m so glad I’m beyond end game and Dokkan is just a box tidying simulator for me now. People’s opinions in these threads are so consistently dogshit, it’s crazy
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Demigra? More like DEMICHAD!
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give heroes units more hp for fuck sake
>this guy gets 80 percent DR before attacking
>40 percent is unconditional
>20 just needs demonic power
>20 for extreme class which you would be running him on anyway

Wtf were they thinking? 10th Anniversary about to fucking shatter the meta frfr.

If this is any indication 10th will make your box useless.
All they had to fucking do was give Xeno Goku perma DR or guard when on rotation with a DBH or Goku Family character and Treeku would be usable together as a rotation.
Yeah, they did that on purpose to neuter Treeku's full potential which is really retarded because it's the only thing restricting him from being used on multiple teams consistently.

You could probably get away without his orb changing though provided you have a rainbow orb changer on rotation.
>EZA Mechikabura, F2P Towa, Time Unleashed Demigra, and maybe Shota Fu if you run him with other Heroes cards/EZAs are all good on Demonic Power
>None of the HEROES from Dragon Ball Heroes are good
>new goku
>eza pan
>god tunks
>the family supports
New Goku is good despite his annoying restriction if only because he isn't limited to Heroes.

But yeah, Heroes on it's own is dead lol.
Hear me out. I think they plan to do a 200% Crossover carnival Xeno Gogeta.

Would make sense, as they asked about a heroes LR in the survey and technically would be and could be run on other teams not under his leader skill. Would also be a way they could create an LR while not putting them on the GFSSR for the heroes banner.
Make him like LR Jiren?
4 Ki for crossover? 3 ki for something like Power Beyond Super Saiyan?
Is there really a confirmed Part 2?
Or are these just ideas and hopes that Heroes won't end this way and that's it?
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No HP equips and most of this team is at 1 dupe. You could crack 600k with a full rainbow team.
>3.7 mil super for 230k at full buildup
>4.5 mil super for 460k at half buildup
>both before attacking himself
I dread 10th anni powercreep already.
No confirmation, people are just thinking it can't be Jiren due to Slug's campaign still running or something.

Who knows what it could be?
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>only 1 (ONE) 30% buff in the year of 2024
>it's crossover
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What the fuck were they thinking? He's actual garbage
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>THIS is Xeno KEKdock/KEK in Black's passive if the enemy's at full HP and not debuffed
One unit must be sacrificed for the rest.
From first glance, is it crazy to say AGL SSJ4 Vegito is better than this entire batch of Heroes units?
They have to be doing non-Heroes Crossover units soon, right?
Maybe Xenoverse units EZAs?
He also gets 40% DR readlet
Yeah, because his DR is time gated whereas the rest is permanent if you fulfil their conditions. They also get more defense.

Vegito was better at the time of his release however.
Getting a real slot 1 on this team is like pulling teeth so I expect the new event to be pretty easy
in fairness, if we keep getting EZAs and super EZAs on this level it won't be so bad. It's just the one year old units that feel awful because they nose dive off a cliff and are then 3 or more years away from potentially even being relevant again
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Units should last 2 years from release in all relevant content.
Completely agree, I'm just saying that at the bare minimum it's been a little better than 7th anni creep because we just got constantly BTFO with 0 options for any teams.
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worst part of the last heroes batch is their stats look like this
Why do I get the feeling the banner is coming out on Tuesday and not tomorrow?
Because they usually post the kits 2 days ahead of the banner
Kinda dumb given that divers starts tomorrow. If they aren't doing it to coincide with Divers what the fuck was the point in delaying the banner for a week?
I have 500 Ds, if they don't come out tomorrow I'll go for Slug immediately
So our last hope is a Part 2 LR with Xeno in the name?
Probably but I doubt that's happening. Global will get Jiren and JP will get some other Carnival banner with the Gamma's on it.
Newfags are legit better off rolling for piccolo/gohan with f2p saiyan saga than on shitroes
>Double Slug with all of the Extreme Heroes cards on Demonic Power from this year, EZAs included, with INT Towa is a better Heroes team than Heroes
You could bring Pan on other teams if you accept that she won't usually tank normals if hit.
i now dont regret rolling for slug that much since i got beerus 69%. teq beerus looks like an absolute monster
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Your red stones and coins?
>Double STR Slug
>Team Turles
What could I fill this team out with?
Dark King Demigra and Mechikabura
surely the universe tree goku will have the voice acting on global this time, right bros?
JP voices. Expect them to patch in Hearts and Vegito's too.
he does
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I petition to change Treeku's nickname to Treeblue on the grounds that we already have a Treeku
i'm sticking with greenku
Yes actually. They're treating Heroes cards now the same way they do Legends cards without English voices and having them default to Japanese voices even on English. Since Heroes is Japan only and lacks a dub.
I will be summoning
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In case you're coping, no, there's no way they're putting 200% leads in the general pool. They'll be on whatever crossover thing replaces heroes.
10th anni will introduce 230% leaderskills
The new Demigra or Mechikabura.
Replace one of them with the Towa that just EZAed if you're missing one.
Blue Treeku is just superior in every way.
So instead we should rename the old one to Twigku
For me? Cirrhosisku
Kill yourself Pedro you schizo freak
Surely the DDL is tonight
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>Surely the DDL is tonight
It better. I need treeku's intro OST
FUCCK! 800 something days of continuously logging in every day and i forgot to log in today. i would have remembered on time too but i forgot to account for the fucking time change. thanks america
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Beerus' transformation condition got buffed to below 60% HP.
Heroes units drop on 11/12 exactly at midnight EST.
I like goku's ssr art
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>extreme restrictions when shartroes only viable lead is super
>+800 atk and +800 def equips
>no hp equips
+800 hp would not be enough anyway
It should really be reversed with the tur art

It's awesome but too short
I dislike it, not that the TUR art is that much better.
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It’s over…
In one way I'm sad that this is the last Heroes celebration since I grew up with it but at the same time glad this is the last Heroes celebration so I don't have to hear people bitch and moan about it everywhere I go.
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If you were never someone who engaged much with fan material back in the day, you definitely don't want to bother. Especially with its pacing. I quite like it because overall its arcs and the utilization of some characters are more interesting than anything Toyotaro was doing with DBS or anything Daima likely will do, but I'm a lot more used to this kind of stuff myself.
he can't play the game
so his opinions don't matter
I just wish the other avatars got to be in dokkan or something else.
That's really my only negative with the celebrations. Even DB Fusions had their avatars.
I'm not counting that Greatsaiyaman 4 card either.
heroes going out with a whimper...
Same. The units are cool as shit. The only people that hate Heroes just hate fun in general
DDL is up on KX. They suck.
Heroes should've ended with the Space Time Tournament. The Ozotto arc was very very bad as a sendoff and I can see why it's not repped here.
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Agreed, the space time tournament would've been a great way to go out. But on the other hand, if I pretend that Ozotto is some parallel to (You) the player because of his gimmick, it kind of feels better.
regardless of dafat these units are worthless besides demigra

>treeku trash
>fuu trash
>bardick trash
>blue nigga trash

at least last year heroes units (vegito) could put up a fight
Bardock may be the worst of the new Heroes units but I’m still gonna use him a bit since he’s one of my favorite characters. Wish we got black clad Gohan as well
All that matters is that Pan's EZA is good.
>no lowercase
It's not over...
>Three !
He's good...
All I knew was about lowercase = bad and shit. Where the fuck did the amount of ! come from?
TEQ Gogeta and TEQ Beerus have five for being really, really good for example.
Most F2P cards get just one.
That melee animation looks even worse at 2x
So he's rating them like a restaurant critic.
They could've at least given him a universe tree domain that buffs trashroes...
The amount of times I can't get 5 orbs in slot 1 is getting annoying.
Git gud
>just get rng when the phase changes
Is joke.
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>or anything Daima likely will do
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Yeah this team blows. Can't run Demigra properly on it, Gokek eats shit after intro, the slot 2s can't pivot into slot 1 with bad orb RNG. Even namek saga is better than this shit.
This is stupid but the dark king rotation is insane
that is a nifty team build
extreme floaters and the damage from trunks and goku is great especially with the support
It also has <500k HP
can someone check if hearts and vegito have their voices
*on global
Why are shitposters so adament the new units are bad? Only bad one is bardock.
Vegetto has his with voices set to Japanese, too lazy to check anything else.
>ez bait
>internet discourse always gravitates towards the most extreme, hyperbolic takes, which pigeon-holes the perception of non-baiters who are simply stupid
demigra and goku are good, the heroes team sucks
come on faggots I need a unit that has good tits and is meta
Your Broly?
a girl with tits, your illiterate villager
Another LR Bulma? Coming right up
Teq Kefla eza soon
i will now wish for f2p heroes lr for next week
beat and note
4ki 200% to crossover
a slot one wall with support
>It's another Dafat uses dodge on DR units instead of Raw defence episode

Baffles me everytime. Especially his army of goons who agree with him saying the units are bad when he can't even play properly.
Wait my mistake, he isn't using him with orbs yet due to private server.

Pretty much pointless showcases then. He will be much better.
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He should absolutely be Cyanku since his hair and aura are literally cyan and not blue or green or bluer than blue.
Reminder you should use your pure saiyan def equips for Treeku to maximise his DR.
Less dumb, rose links with goku too. Might put him above vegito at this point since he doesn't fall off turn 6.
Does Universe Goku have a voice in global? Please tell me no I don't want to listen to granny goku.
Shit taste. You deserve silence
I'll take grandma any day over the jew
I'd rather have the silence over granny goku is what I'm asking
>>internet discourse always gravitates towards the most extreme, hyperbolic takes, which pigeon-holes the perception of non-baiters who are simply stupid
This pretty much applies to everything, not just dokkan discourse.
It's still stupid how dafatass uses priv servers yet is so adamantly against them.
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this guys was an entire order of magnitude better on release than both the monkeys and this year heroes units

you could EASILY clear everything with him at release, the monkeys required work to actually deliver, the 2024 heroes struggle with just gogeta and cant even damage gofrieza
better OST too, damn everything about the current heroes celeb is balls
>A whole month of Heroes hate boner
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This should've been the Heroes sendoff unit
200% to Dragon Ball Heroes or Crossover or something
There fixed your shitty celebration
>But no fusions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and make his conditions crossover or goku family
this would be nice but lol vegeta's family would get even further left in the dust if that happened
>the 2024 heroes struggle with just gogeta and cant even damage gofrieza
That doesn't sound right. Their DR is huge and Goku, Demigra, Trunks, and Mechikabura should all be able to damage Gokuza.
What Heroes units are next to get an EZA next year?
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The fat bastard claims hipo aa is overrated. Thoughts?
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If you're running pure heroes, it's not impossible but will be very tough. A full rainbow heroes team is gonna have under 600k health. Goku is taking like 400k+ from full health Goku and Frieza. If they're under 50%, Trunks, the xenos, etc. are dying to normals. You'd need to essentially full heal between turns, not get them under 50%, and have good RNG to tank the super twice and crit to deal damage and do enough additionals to not dip below 50% and/or kill once they're past 50%.
The units themselves, on non-full heroes teams should be solid. Heroes team needs like 6000 HP bronze equips and/or extra additions or a cracked LR to actually compete
Goku and Vegeta SSJ4 FP and Hearts
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I don't give a shit what this retard says.
this is also assuming 17 and then 17 and golden frieza just don't lock your non-slot 1 units and instakill them (which to be fair isn't a heroes exclusive issue but the team has way less capacity to tank it with their tiny health pool)
Now that sounds right. I doubt they'll just straight up copy Gokuza's gimmicks for 10th anni events, so it's up in the air if they'll manage in a couple months.
the damage restriction thing is definitely going to part of all the hard shit moving forwards judging by how things are going
Sure, but to this extent? Red Zone MZ and SBS Beast had damage thresholds too, but not to the level of a 15 million crit minimum. It's reminiscent of 7th anni powercreep and I'd like to think they learned their lesson from that.
I think the units individually will be able to sneak by on other teams much better than they've been able to previously this year - mostly thanks to them being a little more fair with the requirements (not just exclusively heroes or crossover). Fu will die fast and the Bardock is basically DOA.
With that being said I like to have shiny new toys and collect units so I'll go for one of each if I can anyway.
For the damage threshold stuff, I imagine we'll continue to see it but I'm betting it'll be defense that kills these units moreso than damage requirements
I don't either, its fun to dunk on him though
They're all terrible
I'm begging you not to summon
My account. My rules.
Your body my choice.
They're good and I will summon until they announce that all Heroes units will enter the general pool.
I summon to collect. We are not the same.
I know a lot of people aren't high on the new DFE banner format but I've liked it thus far. Nice to get coins out of my 900th copy of shitty old banner units and DFE. Was able to turn like 400 stones into 3 copies of Slug because I was getting at least 13 (usually more like 19) green coins per multi. At the rate the game has been moving lately, it's better in my mind to get a copy of a unit when they're new and good than it is to hoard red coins to coin a unit who's well past their peak 6+ months later. Like who would I use red coins on right now? LR Super Broly? My Beast who's already at 69%? Probably not
Heroes is the weakest new team this year besides special pose, and I guess saiyan saga if beating f2ps makes you feel better.
>Same post
It feels like an insult to throw hard earned stones at a banner and get a featured animation just for it to mean 3 coins.
The rates are a bit better, but I summon just as much for recent DFEs I've missed as for the brand new one, so the value has ended up much lower. 700 stones for pity of a monthly unit and nothing else is a horrible deal too.
>SSJ4 Gohan and Bardock
Hope they don’t fuck them up cause those forms are so cool
That's fair. I'd say the people who typically do just a few multis on the banner are the worst off - because you don't benefit from the net higher odds given with the guaranteed featured. You can at least exchange the new coins for red coins - so at least there's nothing lost in terms of red coin pity. I had pretty decent luck with Namek Vegeta on my first guaranteed featured and great luck on the Slug banner, too - but maybe I'll change my mind the first time I get shafted which is inevitably sooner rather than later
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I skipped INTly for this and have no regrets
Well it is less investment to get 1 lead + f2ps and save for anni
how many stones should I have saved minimum to be safe for anniversary? thinking about putting some into slug
none because more stones = bigger shaft
10k to pity all 4
1.5k assuming they give us another 1k during anni alone and you want to pity one of the units
technically you only need 30 stones to pull all 6 new units if you're a luck chad like me :^)
>Treeku lacks Full Power so he won't synergize as well with Limit Breaker Xenoku and especially not Xenojita
yeah they'll need to really outdo themselves to unfuck the monkeys next year or whenever they eza them
Apeku works the same with full power or DBH so it makes no difference.
Skip the anniversary and roll only on WWDC.
2k has never let me down, always get my target plus at least another headliner. with the new pity format 2k means you're assured one headliner via pity and statistically assured another through pulls.
>saveniggers only summon once a year now
They really gave bardock DR before attacking like he's gonna slot 1 for that final blow.
yeah keep laughing pal, he's gonna destroy red zone ledgic
Ledgic would be a great PB or battlefield LR.
Not gonna lie bros getting tired of dokkan slop
That's actually good design now that I think about it. 70% DR should be enough to not die in slot 1 in an early phase and then his stats are good after that. Bardock might be decent.
he thinks they're overrated because he has shit luck
>stuns/silences you
nothin personnel
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>demigra dies in slot 1 because he supered first and lost 20% dr
this dogass team man. humiliation ritual.
It would be neat if going forward november would see heroes replaced by Dokkan original what-if cards. You could even give them a new category that has heroes/crossover units as well as what ifs. Call it something like alternate fate or whatever and put them all under it.
LR Ultimate Satan soon
where the FUCK is my UI Note
>Demigra isn't on Terrifying Conquerors and can't get Slug's 200%
>Mechikabura is
What the fuck? Don't they both want to rule over the Demon Realm and everything beyond that?
Normal int Demigra isn't on Terrifying Conquerors either so...
Dokkan should get their own anime and original characters to shill Dokkan 2
They tried that with Shallot and he never caught on. 21 caught on since she came from an actual game and was thrown into all DB material.
I see people ask for Shallot in other games all the time. Seen plenty of posts predicting he’d be the secret preorder character for Sparking Zero
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2 hours.
Stone count? Soommoning?
>stone count
Absolutely. Hoping to get most of the new units rainbowed if possible and a couple dupes of SSJ3 Rose
5 rolls at most
704 stones. Willing to spend about 250. Really hoping I pull tree goku and demigra
500, I will spend everything. And I will save until to anniversary
I see it once in a blue moon. Most aren't aware of his existence.
800/1800, would like to not spend over 300 but we'll see.
and i always summon on heroes
>zamasu and supreme kais not on demonic power
Either they don't want to change that until Daima is done, they don't want to have units on both Realm of Gods and Demonic Power, or it's just Akatsuki being Akatsuki.
it's not the second one since pedroes are on both
>4 multis and I already have one of each unit
Peakroes is based
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>5 featured
>guaranteed featured each multi
fucking amazing except they're going to be powercrept in 3 months
300 stones and I pulled everything and got multiple to 90%.
I was going to skip them for that reason, then remembered that they will outpace Battlefield for a long time. I'll still have over 1000 stones come anniversary, New Years units will be back in a few months.
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second banner incoming
>3 multis
>got them all
Nice. No point in going for dupes either, rainbow or not, they already fell off a cliff
bardock can fuck off
Time to huff some hopium I'm all in
Rainbowed all of them except Fu but at least I got one of him. Feels pointless to pull for more since that’s already pretty good, might hit the EZA banner
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Of course it took 450 on my stonelet acc but only 250 on my stockpile. I wonder if Fyuu and Aios will be okay at free dupe.
Now is there any chance I could be okay for anni at 350 stones with some hundreds in undone stages/missions?
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Yeah this event is basically a glorified IDBH. And you can use 2 items.
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>just wanted demigra and blue goku
>just 4 mulits and almost rainbow demigra
very nice
It might just be like last year. Where we got Android 21 banner after Heroes.
Again, I really suspect we might get a Xenoverse celebration.
Is there a way to force dokkaninfo to stay set to your region I'm getting really fucking tired of having to turn off jap every time I visit it.
anyone else getting unlucky pulling unfeatured units? I only pulled one in 500 stones when I feel like before I'd pull at least 7 or more with that many stones
Use this
All heroes challenge events have always been made easy. Don't know what you were expecting.
Unfeatured rates are always 3% for Heroes.
The Red Zone was easier than normal Red Zones but still fairly difficult with its missions.
Heroes has no slot one outside of Masked King Vegeta or TEQ Demigra linked with Mechkabura. Give it some slack.
I’ve gotten very few. Can’t believe I might have to wait an entire year for another chance at SSJ3 Rose
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>3 multis
>only really want Demigra for demonic power
>really don't want SHITdock
>get this
Huh, not really sure I want to go back for SHITku, Pu or the evil loli kai. Guess I'm done.
No semen slurping Gokus in the friend system
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They removed every unit released before 2021 from the new banner except SS4 Gohan and Bardock.
>not a single female in the banner
Got them all, Fu was really making it hard on me. Whatever though, I hope they don't release the first ever Heroes LR this year. This celebration is actually embarrassing. An LR cannot save these fucking bums and would be a complete waste.
Blind bro...
That's a tranny
Aeos is literally blue Chronoa, dipshit
Fucking dipshit motherfuckers already putting full dodge on their friend shitkus. Fuck you.
>put together heroes team from new units
>475k hp
what the fuck lmao
Yes it would. The only real problem with the team is a lack of HP.
all 55%?
Mental illness.
No, only 2 of them. 2 are 90% and one rainbow.
>4 multis and got at least 1 copy of everyone
>did another 3 for unfeatured units and dupes
>only ssrs were the last slot
>demon king still at 55%
Oh well, getting shafted here only guarantees I'll get lucky next banner
>final phase has a damage threshold
>golden metal cooler's 4m attack stat doing damage
lol what's even the point
Had about 1028 thanks to red zone shenanigans. Managed to pull the Goku in three pulls, along with the new Demigra and Dardock. Debating if I should try for the other two.
i summoned once and got 3 of them :^)
Did not even realize there's a green droprate memory now
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1 more summon
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>Super Divers has no OC so far afaik
>Gohan Black isn't even playable in his own game on top of just doing regular Black attacks
>just got 21 last year
>the only other OC in DB games is random what if fusions
Is it finally time?
They really couldn’t have just made the demigra furry the extreme class leader this time round
So why does SSB Goku have Gradius power ups around his aura
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It's Simpllot's time to shine!
>truth making sure the friend list is fucked with shitty gokus
God i hate that faggot
>1 ssr every mutli
yeah I hope everyone fucks up their hidden potential Im never using these units
Let me guess, he said to go full dodge instead of full additional with Raw def equips?
the only one who is full dodge is Aeos, she is just like Towa from last year
the rest of them are max AA and whatever you want after that
I went full dodge and rest crit with my rainbow demigra
Cry about it.
As long as you give him defence for equips doesn't matter too much since he exists to be a defensive wall and doesn't gain defence on super.
he already has a 50% chance to crit....
and he needs to be hit to build up
but you do you
Woops missed that part. Ignore >>1611546, that anon is indeed retarded.
Going back home to summon with my summoning phone
Help me Dokkan bros I'm scared I only have 50 pesos
thanks for the warning, what a shit move from those jews
does demigra raise allies def twice with a double super?
Lol reminder that truth had Beast gohan with 6 FUCKING DODGE. ON FUCKING RELEASE. 6 DODGE. BEAST. OH MY FUCKING GOD
next up: full fucking dodge int blue vegeta
(Btw i find it so annoying how he has to cry and cry and say "but look it's in his base hipo!!!" like he DIDNT HAVE TO MANUALLY GIVE HIM THAT FREE 5 DODGE ANYWAY. MY BLUEGETA IS AT 99% YOU FUCKING OBESE BITCH)
The sad part isn't a fat fuck giving his opinion.
It's the horde of basedboys discussing such advices.
Including retards lurking these threads that do nothing more but watch those videos, complaining 24/7 about what he does or doesn't.
The only dokkan "e-celeb" that wasn't mentally ill pretty much dropped the game and got an actual, real job.
I'm a bit out of the loop; what's the current hardest fight on Global at the moment? Cause I thought it might be Janemba, but clearly not.
Jajajajaja el Goku del arbol es el mejor que opinais Jajajajaja
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>217 dokkan event medals to awaken all units
>Xeno Pan got hit by a super and died again
Is this bitch actually bugged? Not ONCE since her EZA have I seen her actually dodge a super attack
dodge units be like that sometimes
awaken goku first
then have 2 gokus and vegito and their active skills should make it go by fast
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Watching DBZ in our hotel in Tokyo. Buu is awakening. Babidi is so happy and Kaioshin is wailing like a bitch.
what are you doing in japan?

also, i've been watching the buu saga too. the great saiyaman and world tournament parts drag but after that it really gets going. buu saga is kino.
How do I go to Japan as a broke khhv depressed NEET
Treeku actually makes a decent rotation with God Trunks on Heroes.
I just wish Trunks had DR or Guard when floating with 2 other DBH characters or Time Travelers.
you get a fucking job
in 2024? lmao!
My brother in christ, f2p units are laughing at us
This is just depressing
lower stats than F2P units this fucking old is really sad. Why'd they do this
Heroes units aren't known for having high hp retards. That's why even on a 200 lead the team only has about 500k hp

That being said, this celebration is still ass cheeks. They either can't be bothered to make heroes as hype as it could be, or dont want it to outshine regular units.
>you can't complain about something because that's the way its always been
dumb logic
that's not what my post means you dumb simian ape

I'm saying to subvert your expectations because that's how its always been
>Part 2 Crossover

Would you summon for a LBSS4 or Blue Evolved Gogeta?
Heroes units have banner unit stats because of the GFSSR. I got the entire set of 5 new heroes characters, at least at 79%, for less than 750 stones.
I feel like Shallot would've gotten in by now if they were gonna do it.
>Maximum over-copium
Second GFSSR heroes banner with another 5 units
SFPS4LB Xeno Gogeta
Super Saiyan 2 Future Warrior in Black
Super Saiyan Blue Beat and Note
Majin Ozotto (extreme 200% lead)
Dark Factor Input Robelu

Turbo copium
LR banner with a heroes or crossover LR

DFE Arale and Arale banner units return

some super divers/game tie-in DFE banner, maybe something like Gohan black or even more generic

very realistic
some "Crossover" category filler banner with a handful of the old heroes unit on it or unfeatured
>Majin Ozotto
Didn't people hate Meteor Mission? I saw more people being excited about Kaioken Vegito or Hearts getting to do stuff. I don't think the CGI look helped very much either.
can the heroes team even beat their own event?
No idea, I was just throwing out recent "big bads" that felt like they could be eligible for a unit. You can interchange any of them in my post, ideally we'd get an extreme 200% lead a Xeno unit that doesn't suck ass though
Yeah, I beat it pretty easily with a team of:
69% tree goku
79% fu
55% aeos
55% demigra
69% pan
89% xeno trunks
rainbow friend goku

just run the gokus in slot one, be sure to get 5 orbs, and it's not too bad. only took like 4 tries total across the two stages
Yeah, trannyshit is mental illness.
Itemless? You need insane RNG because you can just take too much damage from supers.
With Items, definitely. Remember that these characters are on Time Travelers or Realm of Gods for the most part and you can use the Beerus or Trunks and Mai Reunion support memory for example.
79% Treeku
Rainbow Limit Breaker Vegito
Rainbow SS4 Vegito
79% Xeno God Trunks
Rainbow Dark Masked King
Rainbow F2P STR Towa
Friend Treeku
rotations were treeku + trunks then the two Vegitos
Save Vegito's active skill or pop items to preserve his longevity.
So why did they make Battlefield literally impossible for anyone who isn't the top 1% whale who has every unit in the game rainbowed?
peppy gals and heroes can both make short work of metal cooler if you have decent luck
It feels like you're crying about Chain Battle all over again lmao
CHADain battle was easy for anyone who had a triple digit IQ.
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Just dodge every super it's that easy
A bunch of F2P cards have debuffs like stunning and sealing. Those are a really good way of getting filler. For example, you can get a competent Super INT Youth team out of
Dokkanfest Kid Goku
Dokkanfest Gotenks
Lord Slug DB Story Gohan
Goten and Icarus Jr.
Kid Krillin from the one DB Story
Trunks from the recent WWC Broly event
and EZA INT Super Saiyan Goten
All of those are either farmable, Dokkanfests that have shown up on multiple banners, or a fairly old banner card in the Goten.It's not hard, it's just team building.
*gets immediately stunned and supered turn 1 slot*
Psssh nothing personnel kid
just dodge bro
>11 hours ago
>See girl
>Think tranny
No you sir have mental illness or brainrot.
>See girl
You wish
>Butthurt for no reason
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Dokkan will release a heroes lr, but every heroes unit will be featured as a final fuck you.
got this in 100 stones, hope the new units are usable at 55% because I'm not going deeper for a dead team
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I must scrape up enough stones for 3 more multis so I can coin the Supreme Oppai of time then i'm done with pedros forever.
post more Vidro pits
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>Mechikabura hitting a 27 million atk stat with 1 dupe and no support
Summoned, got all 5 with 200 stones.
>link leveling the new units
>demigra gets master of magic to level 10 before big bad bosses gets to 4
this has to be purposeful, there's no way
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>278 coins
3 more multis for my last missing Heroes unit or a few discounted multis later for one of the 3 type supports I'm missing?
is it just me or is Fu shit
I'd wait and see. Copium but they said there's another crossover banner coming up. You may pull the heroes unit then and/or have a better use of your blue coins.
Alternatively, if the type supports come back, they're likely to be featured on discounted banners again. These older heroes units could maybe enter the general SSR pool but will probably never be featured again
i was begging you yesterday not to summon, why didn't you listen
>60% DR
>still gets clapped by everything
shut up before i fucking destroy you poltard permavirgin
My money's on maximum over-copium unironically
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It's a shame Aios wasn't a transforming unit.
Holy saggers
wait that's a girl
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Yeah. She's just really tiny.
I'd like to think I saved anons from pulling ot at least chasing dupes of these losers. You're welcome.
anybody hate teq UI Goku? the neck movement he does looks so fucking bad I refuse to use him
I need more Chronoa cards.
I don't hate him but he's definitely undercooked. Feels like they wasted some half baked animations and moments that should've been better on a kit that is aging out already
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Forgot pic.
His base 12 ki looks kinda good and his lead is great for Battlefield. Otherwise, fuck him.
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Chronoa mogs this troon.
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>dodge 7 attacks in a row
>don't dodge a super
>2371842178123 damage
Wait for the other Crossover banner first.
Type Supports are only useful for battlefield outside of Pan potentially being good with 2 turn support on super and might be discounted, now that they EZA.
Meanwhile, these Heroes cards could either be stuck on these yearly banners or enter the general pool like Fusion cards.
You've been doing this for a full day.
that's my experience with dodge in a nutshell
>do all normals, never dodge the super, die
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>receive normal attack
>take double digits
>receive super attack
>2.5 million damage + service fee + tip
Vacation with my GF <3
nice photoshop, I can tell by the power levels
Not a photoshop retard but realised it's due to, SA boost from UI, Trio and Pan support and active turn.
NOOOOO you can't use non heroes on his team nooooooo!!
xeno pan is so cute bros...
I really, really love her and Robelu <3. Did you know I ship Goten (Xeno) and Robelu? She would make a nice addition to the Son family and an aunt for Panchan (Xeno)
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Repeat after me: BOOM!
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Well, that's a nice haul for 500 stones. (Robelu and Trunks are dupes)
Wish I had more blue coins though. This PHYmigra is the only thing in the shop that I'm missing.
I said at the beginning of the year that Beast was nothing more than a modern day TEQ Gohan. Big defense and no damage. By the end of the year I was proven mostly right, except that a lot of units can compete and do 3x his damage output.
try again
pan support too powerful
I spent all my blue gems on kais and I almost regret it
How the fuck do I build this new blu-ku, he already does iron man numbers of additionals, do I go full datruth wetbrain alcoholic retard and put it into dodge????
I continued summoning until I could buy him too.
MORE additionals
I'd like to keep going until I have at least 1 dupe in all of them, but I just don't have the stones to spare anymore, especially if another Crossover banner is on the horizon.
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>only summoned trashroes in 2022
>beat last year with them and friend SoH trunks
>beat this year with a couple of ezas
>next year my 22s eza
Maybe in 2026 I'll have a reason to pull crossover slop again.
>I go full datruth wetbrain alcoholic retard and put it into dodge????
Dokkan scholar here, NEVER go dafat mode with dodge. Treeku has built in AA so a balanced build with some dodge is satisfactory.
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>balanced build with some dodge
A scholar would never say such a thing. Exit.
I'm smarter than you, you don't know what you're talking about. I suggest suicide.
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I said Exit.
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You first
Shitroes is tearing this thread apart.
>3 multis
>all I have to show for it is 79% Phy SSj Bardock
Bardock is far better than originally thought
he has 70% DR if the enemy 70% health or higher
and he loses 15% DR when the enemy's health is below the threshold
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dokkansisters... the chosen successor is legendschad...
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>doesn't even have full level 10 links
mechiGODbura WON!
Demonic Powerchads stay winning
how many dupes?
3 dupes, no stat equips
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>completely tanked a GF/17 super at 1 dupe next to Demigra and str Towa
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I love them!!!!
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not this fraud...
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Divers here in Japan
>try three of the new units I got at 55%
>add some eza with dupes to fill the team
>485k hp
Will the Heroes collab ever have a rerun?
We have no idea
Uhhh brother??? Your modmenu??!!!
you're a faggot aren't you?
you didn't beat it
>phy rose will be featured on a new banner soon
Gohan Black crossover.
>Sparking Zero crossover featuring Gohan Black
would be sick
Would be, except they didn't do anything with Gohan Black in SZ
>no scene of him mindfucking Trunks seeing his old mentor
>doesn't show us Gohan's full potential
>all attacks are the same as regular Black
Imagine we had gotten Gohan Black (Beast), now that would have been sick
I'd still take it though.
they should remove stat reduction effects from the game since every content it would be useful in just isn't affected by it and rework the current characters that rely on it
They could make it a cap instead of an immunity, so at most you can debuff them 5% but it makes passives work.
Excited for Beerus to make this team a lot crazier tomorrow?
>can just use gohans for demonic power missions
add a real category omatsu
>Gohan gets to be on Demonic Power because he was trained by Piccolo
>Kais don't, even with how big of a deal Daima made about them being tied to the Demon Realm
>Future Trunks isn't, despite Future Gohan training him similarly to Piccolo and using shit like the Masenko
>Janemba isn't, despite being a literal demon warped by evil energy
Nice category
>Pan is trained by Piccolo but doesn't get Demonic Power
future trunks and the current kais I can make an exception for but Janemba is just an egregious exclusion
I really wonder if Degesu and Arinsu will get it or not
DOA category if literal demon realm races that live in the demon realm can't get on the category
I don't see why not. The logical assumption is Slug being a prelude to the Daipa DDF for NYs.
At the rate diama is going they won't even have a ddf for ny. It's just been goku fighting mooks.
just because they are the same species as the kais, they are supreme kai's siblings
I'll let you know in a year.
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>fandom wiki still doesn't have the new heroes
It's dead.
Does it need to?
>Using fandom in the year of 2024 when these sites exist
https://dokkan.wiki/ (Has info for global)
https://dokkaninfo.com/ (Defaults to JP info, put glben. in front to get global info)
I think he's lamenting the end of an era rather than being upset the shitty site is actually dying
Wikia was dogshit when it was fully replaced by Fandom years ago anyways.
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It was downhill ever since the Wikia format changed and it stopped getting banners.
what even happened with the fandom wiki? autistic self implosion? it used to be THE WAY to get good info on how to build HiPo/see what was coming up without having to refer to datruth retards
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I wish those sites had this feature
or when searching a specific character, having a table of all their forms broken up into LRs, TURs, SSRs, etc
I think the reason is sites like dbz.space, or in more recent times dokkaninfo.com, became more prevalent due to them automatically updating info whereas the wiki needs to be manually updated by people.
so where the fuck do you go for a lazy quick CTRL+F on how to build a unit without resorting to the fag posting the flow chart here or actually browsing that leddit shit hole?
you don't anymore which is why there are so many shitty built leaders flooding the friends list
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>half of my friends list are using new characters at 0% potential
>the fag posting the flow chart here
I would not have made it if I knew some other asshat would spam it out of context so much.
Regardless, you should just use the tiny bit of brainpower it takes to figure out a good build. There's no universal rules anymore like back in 2020 and shouldn't get anything really wrong unless you're a retard.
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Slug banner ends on the 20th. Place your bets:
1. Sloproes part 2
2. Crossover celebration
3. Daima
4. 2 weeks of nothing
nigga its dokkan. expect 3 weeks of nothing
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i'm guessing
>some random crossover tur end of november first half of december
>global getting lr jiren and tanabata banner sometime in december
>then dual dokkanfest for new years, probably daima themed
>nothing the rest of january
>sync'd anni feb
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So is Warrior in Negro any good? Looks like I got this nigga with heavy dupes now.
pretty good

70%DR when he attacks an enemy hp is 70% or more
55%DR when he attacks an enemy hp is below 70%
40%DR when he attacks an enemy hp is below 40%
and his damage rises the lower the enemy hp is
fuck no, his gimmick is that he's stronger the lower the enemy hp is and he has the shitty final blow mechanic
His DR is actually 70% SoT and is only lost once he attacks a low health enemy, so that plus a passable def stat makes him decent. He's like the same tier as a really good sub-EZA.
Yes, he's alright especially with Broly Trio support.
He actually trades DR for more ATK, the lower an enemy's HP is.
The thing that actually hurts him most is that he's called Warrior in Black and not Bardock (Xeno) because he'd be the perfect card to run with Treeku.
If you're using double gokek lead then any 3rd pedro fulfills the condition.
jfc this beerus seza has like 300m hp
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Team GODrus
Janemba isn't a demon and never was. It's an oni kid that got drenched in Soul Shit. Demons live in the Demon Realm, not Hell. Those are 2 separate places.

Trunks was trained by a half-saiyan, not by a demon. So it doesn't count.

Pan knows only very basic combat moves, like kicking. Barely learned how to fly, which is a general ability, not demonic. She doesn't know any energy attacks yet.
Piccolo only taught her the basics, they didn't get to demonic martial arts yet.
Goz and Mez are on demonic power.
And that's probably the actual mistake.
Headcanon. If they're on it Janemba should be too.
Goz and Mez are from a Saiyan Saga filler, waaaay before the concept of Demon Realm was introduced. The anime staff probably thought they counted as demons.
Janemba movie was made after we saw Dabura and learned that there is a place called Demon Realm.So Toei knew Janemba can't be a demon.
Just another case of Dokkan being too accurate to the source material, to a fault.
>The anime staff
Are you actually suggesting anyone who worked on a 30+ year old one-off anime story has direct influence on an entirely different group of people?
No, I'm saying Dokkan devs get really weird with categories sometimes.
>pettan chibis end up engulfing the entire game
Chain battle died for this...
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Rewatched the Goz and Mez episode, and they are never called demons, only oni.
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Yeah, cause they always half-ass them yet also have idiotic "balance" related standards, not cause they actually put thought into it.
These are the guys who tried to make a group of characters based on a word from a foreign language and mixed up the definition with another word that happened to start with the same prefix.
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woke up and my treeku is full crit, my demigra is full additional. I jobbed to alcohol
Demigra is fine as he has in built crit
Goku though... if you do fix him
make sure he is full aa then dodge
11 crit is fine for him since he only builds up 30% at a time. 6 dodge doesn't really matter and isn't worth a single stone to change.
oh yeah that as well
I don't care too much as long as he is full aa
We have 5 extra dupes for glass bitch
Surely they'll announce part 2 with an eza right?
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If Part 2 is also Heroes, and not a different crossover, they might actually make her farmable, by just doing the "Super Space-Time Tournament" Special Event.
Because it's weird that they just gifted her. They probably didn't want to release those events out of order.
keep those copies for next year. you DO have the space right?
fucker was taking 80k normals slot 1 on the new heroes event because he has less than 200k def
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The fact that they did this is really fueling the theory of them adding Heroes units to the general pool
They've never added SDBH stuff to permanent events before.
The demon realm was introduced in the baba saga. No one decided that goz and mez belong on the category until after daima came out, and for consistency the saike demon should be on there too.
You can complete the DBH mission with permanently available f2ps so there's no reason to make the gachas permanent.
...ok? That's not what I'm talking about.
Missions are the only reason they would have to add heroes to the permanent pool.
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Above 3k stones now. About 1500 more by the end of anni, plus selling dupes. I am getting that double pity.
A really good sub-EZA still has obvious weaknesses. Just weigh how much damage you'll take with where he can land a final blow.
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So how are we feeling about them? I haven't used Warrior in Black, but the other 4 worked nicely in the SDBH Special Battle along with the EZA Goku (mainly because I have dupes in him so he SAs more often therefore stacks faster) and EZA Mechikabura.
Talk me out of spending 150 red coins to 79% teq beerus
you'll get a copy during anniversary
Got all of them but don't really care desu.
Game's been super boring since they upped the average attack stat to 20mil and gave everyone damage reduction
Everything feel homogeneous and pointless now
Alright, I believe you
They're garbage. Even the laughingstock 2022 heroes could no item all content from their year. I'm not even sure these shitters can clear gofrieza.
the units are mostly okay, some very solid, but the issue is mostly HP. Sure, Goku and Demigra can tank big hits pretty well, but taking 400k damage on a team with 480k health is just an instant L. At full rainbow, you need literally every little thing to go your way to win against Gogeta, Janemba, movie red zone broly, kid buu, goku and frieza, bulma, etc.
Sure the units are easier to run off the heroes team but for most of them the restrictions are bad enough that you're compromising the integrity of the team to find a place to run a decent unit.
I hope if there's more content for part 2 like an event covering the Spacetime Tournament, there's a stage where you can farm equips with meaty stat bonuses like the Shadow Dragons story event. That's the only way they can salvage the team.
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It's ridiculous how much Goku gets boosted by stat equips, has to be more than any other unit in the game by far. And the only issue I've found with his tanking is with no buildup since his active is a defense boost post-intro.
Demigra has high highs and low lows. This could've been a deal breaker before, but not now that attempt limits are gone, just a really solid unit.
I've had Towa tank a GF/17 super for 330k and floods the board with str orbs for Goku to heal with, all I need to say.
Trunks is obnoxiously inconsistent, but he's the best damage source Heroes has in lieu of LRs, and the team needs fast clears so you don't get hit with 2 turns of otherwise survivable supers in a row due to low health.
Mechikabura is 100% reliable in every respect whether it's offense, defense, or healing which the team needs to function.

Haven't really used the rest, but Heroes is a very competent team. It just doesn't have a cheat code unit like the WWC units so it gets massively downplayed.
Agreed. They could really really strengthen the team if they did like +4000 HP equips or something. Even 2500 would help.
The team has many solid parts, but still lacks synergy. There aren't enough competent units to run a full extreme Heroes 200% team, so Demigra and the other extreme units are not constantly at full power. The super side is decent, but two big supers in a row (Gogeta can even do both on the same turn) and it's game over. The team really needs like one more banner or at least a solid LR or something
>so Demigra and the other extreme units are not constantly at full power
I wouldn't say constantly. There's a few good extreme floater options and SS3 is a great bridge as an extreme that links with super types well.
The lack of health is absolutely a massive downside, but I've still found Heroes stable enough despite that.
*SS3 Rose
>just guess 15 years from now the unit will get 50% chance to crit on super bro!
Another unit with a bricked build because i didn't predict the future, how fun
beerus wants crit anyway for rage mode
Crit's fine, anyway. He doesn't get any really beneficial effects on SA that aren't tied to passive.
Once we get a movie with Pan growing up, reaching super saiyan, and using Makankosappo to kill someone we'll get a Piccolo, Gohan, Pan trio unit
>toon talking to dafat on stream about LL stages
>mention that 35-6 has the highest LL rate
>they both make videos about it
>toon says his chat mentioned it to him
>dafat makes it sound like it was his idea
Just in case you need more proof that fatso has 0 integrity
>don't have comments of people posting tips and clears
Dafatty sissies?! Your response!
>they changed the 6 dbh missions to 1 dbh, then added separate 6 dbh missions
>have to clear this shit again
still not summoning, omatsu
Mechikabura is a power of wishes so obviously he can fit into any Trio team
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who we thinking will be the first INT SEZA?
Ultimate Gohan
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>SSB Vegeta was taken off the red stone because they're scared to give a unit with def on super a SEZA
>Boo and Ulthan are from the same arc
>Boo was skipped on Golden Week despite being a perfect fit for his up and coming team
The answer is obvious.
the pose always reminds me of super explosive wave and I laugh
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Hopefully, this guy.
that's a banner unit
SS3 Broly will lose 100% defense on seza
and ofatsu lied and they seza'd a f2p lr
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It's obviously going to be this guy for Anniversary
So what exactly is the modifier for using the correct category in Z battles?
he didn't say gacha units only, he said dokkanfests and LRs.
>3rd year will seza before any other int unit, and after only ezaing 3 years ago
Nigga are you serious
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the demons are MASSIVE buffs for the buu and zamasu 200% teams... BOOOOOOM!!
I hope when seza that they split the fusion conditions
below 50% hp or from the 6th turn
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I missed this glitch.
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How can one man be this much of a simp
I still hate using sezas with powerpoint animations. At the rate they're coming out it's at least 4 years until they get to agl metal cooler.
>he said dokkanfests and LRs.
Wait really? wtf SEZA is shit
Game was way more fun when you could run old banner units next to new dokkan fest ones.
Now every team is just LRs.

would have been hot if she had gone full mommy ethot and got even richer off of that without giving truth squat and then he went back to simping for her but now only through chats in front of everyone
But she deleted the account
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After an entire year, replacing my friend lead, 79% SS4 Limit Breaker Vegito with 100% STreeku
>no top grossing
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only 900? that's crazy
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>no (NO ITEMS)
It's so fucking over.
BLACKdock is better than I thought he would be. Still weird but I thought he would be worse
yeah the DR part of the passive is misleading on paper and makes him read worse than he ends up being mostly. I still think he's easily the worst of the new units though. at least he has no restrictions
His categories are fucked though. I don't know why they did him dirty like that
I'm still working on it. I keep getting Gokuza 7 bars down before getting fucked by a second super because they're apparently programmed to always super before slot 1 attacks.
The other gimmicks aren't an issue otherwise.
15 dodge on every character time to gamble
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I can't sacrifice damage because of that 10 million filter at the end. I bring a friend Goku with dodge when I find one that still has plenty of additional and LL/stats sometimes, but my best bet is a rotation like this except with Trunks not dropping the ball. The slot locking makes it a rare occurrence though.
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>daima epsode 6
>Kaioshin said their race "glinds" are non-binary
Hasn't that always been a thing or am I thinking of the angels and why Marcarita isn't peppy gal?
I mean... they're literally born from apples of giant kaiju trees, all glints are fruits.
just like namekians
his damage is kinda shit? mine was doing 10m supers at 69% with the final blow buff
They're identical to Namekians.
They are plant people but you spergs will freak out over anything.
photosynthesis is woke behavior
>you spergs will freak out over anything
I can't blame them. The woke fatigue is real
Kill yourself
>grape esbr while 4th annis are buffed
Finally a use for them
Kill yourself you subhuman dog
Started a new account just for fun and the new player experience is just way too fucking hand holdy now.
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This. We had to work for it.
>being intuitive and user friendly for new players is somehow bad
Kill yourself
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Yes. They should earn it like we did.
>Cleaning up the game and making the UI less sloppy is bad according to Pedro
I once again implore you to kill yourself
But the UI is just as sloppy...
Go play it. It is very bad. It handholds new players into instant gratification rather than actually teaching them anything. In the span of about 20 minutes, you are given a fully decked out team with an EZA LR that can solo every Dokkan event and a good chunk other challenge events.

You don't have to do any actual work like the old tutorial. The information that is thrown at you is not paced out in a way that's conducive to retention like the old tutorial. It's literally just
>here take this monster team and go beat 85% of the game without knowing what the fuck you're doing

If you think the amount of newfags that flood in here whining about 2022 Red Zone stages is bad now, wait until post 10th anni. There will be so many retards with no concept of team building or resource management.
grinding the ginyu force for a week was really fucking gay desu
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Good thing the game isn't that hard and now you can jump into events and start learning instead of spending days grinding shitty f2p teams just to clear dokkan events.
Bold of you to assume Dokkan hasn't hit market saturation after DL celebrations slowly became rarer until disappearing completely 3 years ago.
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Daimabros …
Not much action yet, it's fine.
>GT: Baby Version isn't doing well
I actually wonder if some mafia guy assassinated Toriyama because his ideas were ruining their cash cow
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I got him. My last day in Japan
I kind of hope I don't win the fan meetup thing, I really don't want to go to c*lifornia.
I wonder what kind of dorks would be at the event
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The brainrot is spreading, god dammit
Isn't this only based on Japan's broadcast stations? Between that and being next to Bleach, I'm not really concerned.
Shame for a guy who did such good DB analysis vids.
He was always a weirdo, to be fair. He paints his nails and dresses like a little girl.
Not exaggerating, almost every time he appears on video, he's dressed like a 4 year old.
I don't expect someone who spends ten years of his life doing a page by page analysis of a gag manga to be normal.
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I just tried really hard to ignore it. I'm at a loss for words thinking about it now.
You are so stupid it's not even funny. So you think a better and more user friendly experience = new players not being able to make good teams somehow..

You are so retarded.
You couldn't beat Planet Namek Saga SBR before last month could you?
Retarded monkey, I have cleared everything in the game
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Our fucking MVP...
My HERO is so strong...
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Final day tomorrow btw, we will be there
kek how many games did p5 eos
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Not that many but it's funny that happened more than once
Where do I watch this
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All information is in pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Oh god it's getting worse
Isnt this one outdated too? I feel like I've seen a longer one
I didn't even know Nier had a mobile game and I hear about every single the Nier franchise does against my will.
Star Ocean Anamnaesis
Pain. I miss it...
>commentators keep calling him gogeta
also i get the song choice but dokkan has so many better ones...
>no BBC or b4bbc player for /b/
i wish she would open an onlyfans and twitter findom account god fucking damn i would bust so many loads to truth getting cucked that hard
i go full additional even on crit units like phy rose or teq eza broly just to spite truth
Honestly I think every unit is a full additional unit.
Doesn't have crit? It'll get it on EZA. Still doesn't have crit? It'll get it on SEZA.

she went completely off the grid didn't she?

>be random e thot
>by luck, come across dafat and get into a "relationship" with him
>use him for hundreds of thousands of dollars without giving him any pussy
>break up with him and make him throw a meltdown on twitter and also make him a wetbrain alcoholic obsessed with dodge builds in dokkan
>go off the grid after that

kinda chad ngl
She also had a felony or something.. Local anons found her on some kind of registry
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>non-canon shitnga in dokkan
Nice try toyolocos
damn these hoes be crazy but the simps that give them money are even crazier
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Super Dragonball Skiproes. Each and every time. I will NOT spend stones on fanfiction units.
Smartest kekkan battle player.
Big news tonight
how many pesos did we spend, amigos?
we didn't even hit top grossing...
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Maybe if they made the Heroes units not dogshit more people would have considered it but its right next to anniversary
No one cares and you're not special, faggot.
Treeku is actually pretty solid, but the roster of units is unhype dog shit. Fusions or generational kamehameha would have saved this celebration.
Everyone besides Fu and Aeos is good. Yes, even Bardock. You just need to think with his DR.
Pray for stat equips.
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Thanks Rabi
>only end up with Slug's henchmen and Bojack after like 6-7 pulls
Yeah I'm done fuck this. Next banner. I don't give a shit about Goku Black.
>agl ssj4 vegito took 350k normals from demigra
ruined my run
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>gets stronger instead of weaker
>best second lead for demigra, lets you run goku as the only super type
>links well with goku
>enables fusion SS3s if you have to run them
>higher HP
Where were you when Rose officially mogged Vegito?
I think they were both made with different strengths in mind
Vegito for short events
Black for longer events
>black for DBH events
>no BBB, Cold Judgement, or Brainiacs
Which Heroes villains is he supposed to link with?
I really wish he had big bad bosses
broly of course
>click idbh missions
>game frozen for a minute
It's weird, right? I get that it's loading up a list with basically 300+ buttons. But still, the buttons themselves are just text.
Do the devs even know about that freeze? It's the only event that has so many missions, so I guess its just a very low priority?
At very least they could make it so cleared missions don't show up when you check them in the events menu.
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lmao what a bunch of bitches
the ethot saga was the perfect excuse to go an training arc but instead he quit the gym all together
OBESEresh probably also felt personally attacked but he never even pretended to attempt not being a slob
Does he still do webcam? Has he bloated to the point he could be one of the orbs in the field?
Truth is so fat he can go in slot one
I don't understand. You have unlimited free time and make decent money. You could buy ozempic, a gym member ship with a trainer and personal chef and be healthy in 6 months max. Why be fat?
And Goresh in Slot 2 with the "Banhammer" Unit Super Attack.
Best rotation.
Shame they don't link at all with DokkanWorld since he's the best unit in the game
It's fine, DokkanWorld already has a great linking partner, JPhanta (f2p)
fatresh rushing in as backup to ban that guy in fucking seconds was so funny lmao

honestly him having free time and being a millionaire or whatever is irrelevant cause all he has to do to lose weight is just eat less and move more, he's like 350lbs. nigger doesn't even have to lift or exercise, he could just pace around his house and stop fucking ordering from burger king 5 times a day, he'd lose dozens of pounds per week. but he's been in this "fat loss" journey for years now so we all know he's BSing both us and himself.
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Why did you crop it?
Nice! They're making it f2p though? Wouldn't expect that, this is one of the last big money making unique LR units I can think of them doing
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Pretty sure it's the awakening for the f2p Frieza.
Probably an exchange unit. You know, cause Frieza died in the Quest
>Frieza died in the Quest
Ah, really? Haven't been reading any of it.
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>e-celeb babble
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>battlefield metal cooler
>put aeos slot 1
>first attack is a super
>she doesn't dodge
>only takes 310k damage
damn I know she passively debuffs but I was expecting death
A shame they're not a LR
There better be a what-if banner banner with this
Well, there are hints that we're getting a Crossover celebration after Heroes
Gonna laugh when this f2p mogs shitroes
Aside from dodging it's the units that tank a shit ton of damage but don't fucking die that grow to hold a place in my heart. Even when I slot them like the reckless fucker that I am. Watching them come out the other end and then mounting your comeback is always thrilling. Especially when you do it with favorite themed teams that you've invested a lot of time with links/equips.
>eza for yamcha's wife
who are we expecting for the part 2 banners? Another demigra? The 7th different form of fu? Masked Blue Evolution Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Gogeta (Kaioken x20) (Dark Dragon Balls Absorbed)?
Ultimate Yamcha (Kaioken x2) to match with his wife
I love this Kefla. Gonna be sad when she's no longer usable
>the ethot saga was the perfect excuse to go an training arc but instead he quit the gym all together
That would be such great motivation to get fit and better yourself. I'd actually have respect for the fat bastard if he did that, imagine if he went offline for a couple months and comes back looking fit and muscular, shit would be kino. But of course that didn't happen, truth is a fat spineless simp bastard with no balls and so is goresh.
>more skiproes banners
Yabba dabba doo!!!
The voices in his head told him so.
10th anni will be a Z Gogeta and a Z Vegito san
Real and true.
God I wish
Gogeta, Gotenks, Bulpan trio unit for anniversary
Kid Buu and Janemba for Part 2.
And if you run them together on the same team they will make use of a new mechanic where they can fuse into Veggeta
>tards already think they're ezaing hearts etc for part 2
The first 200% lead ezas are not gonna be fucking shitroes.
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It would be funny

(Why do I have to wait 900 seconds every time I try to post from a phone???)
15 minutes for new IPs on the site because of avatarfags, schizo spammers, etc jut flooding the website with trash posts and ban evading
I'm not a new ip though. I've been posting here for a few years by now.
Also 900 seconds seems to only happen from the phone and tablet, it's fine on pc (which is on the same network). And looks like it's only once per day actually?
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Maybe you're just clearing the cookies or something?
What is Omatsu cooking right now (besides meth)
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SEZAs for the OG batch
they did say
>and more
do we really have to wait another week before another we get news on the dfe? facks sake man, this celebration was butt.
Honestly, this feels like it's been by far the slowest and emptiest time in dokkan out of this entire year. You'd think more shit would've been going on with Daima coming out, but it's just been a whole lot of fucking nothing.

I also genuinely can't believe they've been postponing AGL Jiren's global release by this fucking far. Jesus man, just release him already and call it a wrap.
No you see they NEED to simul release him with another banner
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We could've gotten a Glass Miku instead
Super Divers gameplay
if you clear the cookies or use incognito it takes 900 secs every time. also some phones are retarded and auto clear the 4chan data on tick update if you're not on incognito and it still happens
>Say something rude to someone
I wonder if fatresh gets lonely in japan, I know he doesn't have any friends there
>unironic truth dickrider
Vacate posthaste
I'm not, I just don't understand what the point of that post was.
The point of that post is to make petty fun of datruth and his butt buddy goresh

Datruth is someone who spent ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS on a e thot who he didn't even get pussy from, he deserves the bullying that he gets.
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>2 weeks
>Thread still up
Holy shit what happened to this game? kek, Pocket killed the hype?
the heroes celebration is just boring with lame picks
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Is this a good build (not mine)
because of the anti-spam and the namenigger stopped posting
KILL yourself datruth nigger
it's a dead month
needs more crit
This person fell for the dodge meta because he has a built in crit mechanic
What's the best link level stage Bros
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Catch you on the flip side
Anyone else notice how dafat really started to lean in with the dodge obsession after becoming a wetbrain alcoholic after sejla left him?

Don't do drugs or drink, kids.
game doesn't have enough content for me
my AGL Misty keeps failing her coin flip checks
U are all faggots. This thread needs more activity
>Aeos doesn't even have Battlefield Diva
Huh? Did Daipa do this??
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i guess jiren soon for global
friezler is mid
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exchange unit

>Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +150%
>Plus an additional ATK +25% with each turn passed (up to 100%)
>Reduces damage received by 20% when HP is 50% or more
>Plus an additional ATK +50% and medium chance of performing a critical hit when HP is 80% or less
>Plus an additional ATK & DEF +150% when performing a Super Attack and if there is another "Wicked Bloodline" Category ally attacking in the same turn, plus an additional ATK & DEF +100% and reduces damage received by 20%
>Plus an additional Ki +2 and chance of performing a critical hit +50% when all allies attacking in the same turn are Extreme Class
>SA: Greatly raises ATK, greatly raises DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy

>Can be activated starting from the 5th turn from the character's entry turn, or when HP is 50% or less (once only)

>Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +150%
>Reduces damage received by 20% and for 1 turn from the character's entry turn, plus an additional damage reduction of 20%
>Launches 2 additional attacks, each of which has a medium chance of becoming a Super Attack
>Plus an additional ATK & DEF +200% when performing a Super Attack
>Plus an additional ATK & DEF +30% and an additional damage reduction of 10% within the same turn with each Super Attack performed
>Launches an additional Super Attack every time the character performs a Super Attack 3 or more times in battle (up to once within a turn)
>SA: Raises ATK & DEF for 4 turns and causes supreme damage to enemy
finally some falcon action
is this dude becoming an LR later?
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That's a rainbow Demigra let's go plus a copy I can't use. Also rainbow negro saiyan guy
freezypop SUCKS
and they still become an LR?
...holy shit?
they aren't going to be an LR
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>4x exp again
>no restrictions for GoD missions
is this with the +3300 def they can get from special equips?
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>global gets jiren's original banner after all, right before rising dragon carnival
it's so fucking owari
Why do they keep releasing f2p turs very obviously made with EZAs in mind and just not EZAing them. They've been doing it for nearly half a decade now
without I think
>frieza has 50% crit
>cooler has none
The hipo system needs an overhaul.
EZA will fix it, just wait 2 years bro
Dokkans been releasing obviously incomplete f2p units since what, Frieza and Sorbet?
Cooler is legit stronger than the LR lmao, even the attack stat.
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surprisingly good, even the animations which are the best yet for a Dokkan original.
He better be stronger than a 2.5 year old unit.
cooler's animation sucks ass though
Is this a good build (mine)
they looked fine
just that the end of the SA had no "impact"
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WOW I am shocked... redditard "calcs" immediately being wrong just like every fucking time they ever get posted... is anyone else shocked?
Animation is fine.
Voice acting sounds stupid though
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the beginning has no impact. he does the superman charge like in the movie, but instead of crashing into them, he stop abruptly, smacks them twice with no momentum, which apparently knocks them out for the grab and toss? the sequence makes no sense and looks weak. the death ball is the only part that looks fine.
The punch is him crashing into the enemy.
>the sequence makes no sense
That's true of the vast majority of Dokkan animations.
>no support cooler has 1,164,345 defense with 3 supers and 3 sa stacks
>that jumps to 1,727,407 with the max stat special equips
>this is all only with big bad bosses active
they only have 6824 defense so the full equips is nearly a 50% boost to their defense numbers
There's a part 2? I only have 230 stones after getting all the new ones plus 2 each.
time for me to farm those def equips
good luck, these are some of the worst drop rates in a while
NTA but I wouldn't even bother with the bronze orb for a bonus +200. Only took 7 or so tries but yeah I got extremely lucky and got green gems 5 out of the 7 and the equips the last 2 kek.
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>using dabura instead of another xeno earth bred fighter to avoid getting the blue shitters as a friend
treeku is so worth it just for his instant active
Man I really should get skill orbs since nobody's using any but I'm too lazy to farm them
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Vegeta into Baby confirmed
That ost bangs
What is "Ability Causality"?
>10 rank ups
>not a single elite dual stat equip
>not a single 1500 gold stat equip
thanks ofatsu
That's not a crash, that's a light tap. All that momentum into a stationary punch with no knockback. Looks weak af.
>just finished grinding Bardock's equips
>equips for this new Frieza&Cooler drop
Well, hopefully the gold evasion&def doesn't take hundreds and hundreds of stamina this time
heroes pt. 2 then jiren.
>grinding orbs for f2ps you'll never use
do whales really
i wish i got int broly
that bitch doesnt even look good
I barely have wicked blood so I might as well
This is a guy who simps for universe 6 troons so
1742, all going onto LORDren's banner ofc
Glad I skipped. He's on 10th anni banner. Only pulled trio because buu was there.
do we know that?
Yes, anni always features the dfes from the last wwc.
WWC LRs usually return for the anni, meaning now global doesn't have to wait almost a full year for WWC LRs to return thanks to the sync
schedule sync is a spook
Why does troonami have such a hard on for Jiren
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troon nami would be the greatest loss of anime titties ever
10th anniversary should raise the level cap
or give you an option to prestige back to level 1
He likes Universe Survival Saga.
Said this 2 years ago.
I can't get a single additional super with cooler.
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literally happens all the time, even in source material since the power level craze. The most you could complain about it the limitations of Dokkan sprites since they can't do something like this.
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The image of Pan doing that lives rent free in my head and always makes me laugh
No, it doesn't. Goku runs up and knocks piccolo back with an elbow to the face, then a flurry, then the gut punch. Piccolo is also bigger and matches his strength, and they're grounded. The sequence makes sense. Cooler divebombs into a light tap with no weight behind it. It looks retarded.
cant even run this f2pshit cause i dont have seza frieza...
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Datruth new video biggest cuckold awards competition

Bronze medal:
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Silver medal:
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Undisputed GOAT of all retarded dafat cuck fans and uncontested gold medal (world record):
the seza stage is impossible
>across the pond
God I hate this faggot expression, especially with a bong accent
I did the seza but I skipped skipgeta's banner.
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what teams u fellas running for these? been a minute since i used movie bosses
The point of the gif is Piccolo's reaction which can't be recreated by sprites.
Examples of a lack of follow through are not that difficult to find.
They are hard to find. Most animations have the right sense of weight. This animation is poorly conceived.
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>LR Nameku's gut punch
>LR agl VB's kick flurry
>LR Gammas' kick
not that difficult
Nameku's punch knocks them away and then he charges past them into the wall flip. Gamma kick is driving them down from the sky, then kicks off when they're near the ground. Comparing this to VB's shitty 12ki is proving my point.
The hardest stuff in the game doesnt require rainbowed characters does it?
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who's gonna tell him?
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>black friday celebration
well it's a skip for me, even coining any since they'll be back in 2 months and I'm sure I'll pull a ton or rainbow them like I did 9th anni
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anon i....
Everything can be cleared with 55%s.
t. lucklet with all missions done
why the FUCK are they doing black friday before our actual thanksgiving, fucking nips don't know SHIT
tempted to roll for GODgeta
>and then he charges past them into the wall flip
which ruins it
>Gamma kick is driving them down from the sky, then kicks off when they're near the ground
You forgot the part where the whole animation freezes for 2 seconds.
>black friday celebration
That's not a freeze, that's descending through the clouds until the ground is visible. You can see a moving tunnel effect around them.
based, glad that this meme is still alive in here
That's not enough to communicate what you're saying. It's so poorly done that it's effectively a freeze.
Maybe, but that's more the impact being drawn out than not being there. In the movie he just bounces off Cell so they had to wing it, here they had full control and made it weird for no reason.

imagine being an unironic truth meat rider. these guys are pathetic
Do it! He's awesome
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they get rid of chain battle but keep this dogshit
10th anni will replace chain battle. they can't keep that space empty forever. the feng shui is all fucked up.
I'm not saying it's fine here, there's just lots of of worse offenders so it's strange to be that irked by Cooler combined with the rest of the animation being fairly decent.
There really aren't unless you're looking at pre-metal cooler.
So is there anything you guys think is good to get from the shop from these tickets?
None of these are worth using anymore.
I can keep bringing up more, but you'll probably just dig your heels deeper so agree to disagree I guess.
Agl slurpza as always. Or something with no eza. Or to rainbow trash in your box so you can sell dupes from the gacha.
I’m just getting Int Supreme Kai cause I’ve always wanted him but never managed to pull him. Hoping an eventual EZA will make him surprisingly decent. With him being more relevant in Daima there must be something around the corner
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I'd say 90% are unrunnable or shit and just rainbow whatever ones that aren't

but if you don't have most of them rainbow the only "good" ones I see here for stuff like battlefield or random events are:
>ssj gotenks
>gt trunks (probably soon to eza)
>angel golden frieza (seza soon)
>gt goten (same as agl trunks)
>android 16
>super vegeta
>oceanus for gt bosses team
>trunks (eza soon)
>ssj2 rage vegeta
>ssj bardock
they aren't sezaing banner units
When the fuck is red cell
and they weren't seza'ing f2p lrs either
they said dfes and lrs in the first falcon video about it
Kino in 4 minutes.
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Omatsu is once again asking for your stones.
9th anni units are in the coin shop
>krillin 18 dupe from tons of thanks
Cell max worth it? I have 1k coins
I'm debating this right now. With current power creep yes, but if they're giving away the 9th anni units again this soon I think we're about to get dicked down for 10th.
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interesting... maybe they are setting up for a super bosses oriented banner
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i might do a round for cell max
For me I'll prob coin. I have nearly every one of them rainbowed but never got cell max.
> no Gammas
> no Omega
> no Toppo
> no 17&18
> dupes for other units would be nice
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So uh, Vidro isn't getting an EZA, apparently. It was an error.
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Chimproes taking one last L.
Why did I waste so many stones on the anni when I could have just summoned now and got both featured
Tempted to try to get another copy of Beast, Gogeta or Gamma but I just know I'll get literally everyone else
>same exact character exclusive equips in the pan shop
for what purpose
Alarm bells are sounding off in my head that these characters are back so early. Either power creep is going to jump again next year or they're squeezing as much money out of people before going into maintenance mode
> Cleared the stage literally ten times in a row without any silver equips for Frieza/Cooler
Why the fuck aren't they a guaranteed drop? There is like 10 potential equips per stage, so it would still take a bit of grinding to get the one you need.
they're squeezing because nobody is spending money before 10th
300% SSR leads soon
Wait there's no Tons of Thanks Tickets Carnival Banner?
Coin Top
its definitely the latter. they know a lot of people are saving. there will be power creep during 10th anni tho, its just that this bait banner is not a result of that
they're going to be back on the 10th anni banners in 2 months lol
the dokkanfest lrs usually return around now on global for the tanabata banner but this time the banners are split and better and not that shitty 20+ featured slop
Is gogeta worth teal or should I keep saving?
It feels like somebody forgot that Global should be getting the Anniversary at the same time as Japan.
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I won (1st dupe, 1st copy)
Yeah their only use is rainbowing units so you can start converting them to coins.
I'm actually awakening a new copy of this Gohan&Piccolo since my original one is coinable but the unfavourite ones aren't.
Should I coin Gogeta or Cell Max or are neither of them worth it?

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