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>another year, another celebration
Doggos in 6 months
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michiru icon
michiru won
orange man won
xitter won
the rainbow belongs to god
Are they going to put Haya-coco in camps now? I wish they would spare the hot ones...
Please stay safe, Rinku
Nothing will happen
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>253 gems
Do the math.
I love michiru she so cute,,
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I didn't know it was real
>get 10k
>roll michiru's tummy
thanks donuts...
there are 27870±27 digglers who got the 4th anniversary title
>フェスで前の方だったんだけど私、あいぽんのお腹ばっかみてしまった〜や〜あれくらいになりたいなぁ ストイックだなぁ はやここはちがう意味でお腹ぺったんこでびっくりしたけどさぁ〜

What does she mean by "different meaning of being surprised by flat stomaches"?
That she has abs unlike Hayakoko fatties
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>posting gore
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The song has the same problem like Photon Waipa cup song. With backspin assist on, it becomes much easier. If charter misassigning is a thing, Naber should have taken this song.
As for the Arcana cup and Rinka, nope. Not even close.
I felt the same way about maihime remix. Easiest 15 I've played so far except for like OG Arcana. Gratz on GFC though. It's nice having our resident esorafag around.
Sounds hot, please post pic of both.
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No matter how chuddy we are, these are /ourgays/. We love our gays, right?
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Finally, the abyssmare stories were added to the backlog on EN.
Nice, she is planning to cosplay as Neo-sama and looking for Sophia.
One day you will fc Rinka. I believe
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I bet Ayumi is Sakuya's Starscream
I hope they hook up for real
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She needs to draw Hayacoco soon
Only if she draws lesbianism.
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Collab when?
When will D4DJ ride this anime trend? We already have EGGOEGG for this. Does Donuts even have the capability for a TV anime?
EGOEGG is getting an anime scripted by Watari Wataru and animated by Toei before being added to the game. Doggos will be side characters in it. Trust the plan.
Are all the MVs just glorified slideshow lyric videos? Should I be saving my songpearls for other things?
There is one original 3GCG for Photon for some reason. All Mix songs have cutscenes from the 3D anime. Project iMarine has animated MVs from their franchise.
It's Wish your Luck and A Lot of Life, which is edited from First Mix.
BMS songs have their own MVs.
August eroge have the VN OPs as MVs.
The main Guilty Gear song has an animted MV but it is no longer obtainable.
Finally there is this highest slideshow MV:
with 8bit segment
>but it is no longer obtainable.
You can still get it on EN
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Do your dailies
I like to save all my rolls for 2025
Bring Yuri Yatile Back!
HayaCoco chuds are trying to ban free speech
co5m1c r4ilr0ad is another one that for some reason you can download on en but not jp
What if...
>EN is so dead the devs and copyright holders forgot to check it
>copyright holders forgot to check it
If only this were true. We're still reeling from the cover-pocalypse from last month over here.
Why is the event already over? That's not fair

Actual Yatile drawing, for Saki.
Who are we getting for the next event, Denobu collab?
>trying to get in top 1000
>close to 1.5M?!
>may as well push for that final reward of 1/6 event SP ticket
Weird event. Did they adjust some numbers?
How come the newest Jenny card is not PoV, but about her picking up some village JK?
The closest I'll ever be to having lumina on my phone
So they have different messages...
Kokoa uses わ without star
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So soon
The Reverse theme gacha is looking good

I wonder what it means for the Ri4 Rondo Merm4id holiday set tho
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they will be on the bus for awhile
How is that the reverse of space?
reverse of light?
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May actually roll Reverse Photons if their poses are good
>Reverse of UniChØrd will be het
Second back-to-back birthdays this year!

Happy Birthday to Kurumi-chan! (Best of luck on the 4th LIVE)
Why is iinchou such a masochist?

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I don't have a single story to read. What is new? I cleared my cache and it still says this.
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Don't tell Beru.
Can't wait for Eimi's lescel greentext on /r9k/ about this
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>Bandori's seating map for their next year Budokan concert
So D4FES will be less than a half of seat from picrel.
Hell, it may be just even half of the standing area but what is the point of going to Budokan then.
Anyhow, if they still do not sell out then its over.
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inb4 D4DJ's on Wednesday
How are the stories?
>Ayumi isn't the Starscream
>she was the one in control in the first place

And this is why Towa is the VP instead of someone like Noa
Yuri status?
Potentially toxic
Now that the dust has settled, what did Shika bought with her gift cards and will the letter that Eimi gifted to Shika be a reasonable ground for a knife stab from Bell?
>that's a big number
how many years until we hit 70k baseline? will we even make it?
Happy birthday to the stoic with a crazy fangirl side, Shika Shimazu!
What happened?
Talked about boys
Yuri sisters, never change...
I wanted to rebuke that, but I realized that for ET4 cards with full growth and 10%, the max possible stat is just over 65k. I don't think anniv set has baseline above 55k, what about the new navi set?
Call of Artemis are not forgotten...
This is actually the official explanation according to Merm4ids...
Rest of Reverse gacha:
Sad Alone
Lowest Low
The Deep Ones
Noise Yankees
Het Couples
Real Angels
Loli Mortals
Optimistic Lions
Id Birds
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Nice to see more Denonbu collabing!
I can't wait for the bad girl lilies and hetChØrd
>Bushi: HappyAra and Peaky are mine. You (Donuts) can, partly, keep the rest.
Opposite of lilies are roses.
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Live is still marked Donuts only.
I wonder if Bushiroad are worried about Happy Around CD sales so they asked to add Live ticket lottery in.
>amused at CD ticket lottery
Moroever, D4DJ is not a CD powerhouse anyway.
just make it to mermaids, I need my menhera song
I think you are autistic and can't follow conversations...
My beloved hags...
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Holy sexo
Shanon will be in the next Merm4id Live
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Ninja Certified
hags making a (possible) comeback at the m4 live has me on maximum hopium right now.
Raychell being from Merm4id Producer's talent agency makes her a bargain for D4DJ...
That's hot.
Yache is no longer being employed by Bushi, right? Makes this collaboration so much sweeter if true, considering she drew artworks for all of her songs currently
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Relationship event for these two when?
Why doesn't donuts release a nyochio plush
So that was what Yuzumoon was talking about. It was wholesome yuri in the stage play.
I like this event, I can show off my old green ET0 Ibuki and other digglers can wonder how that was enough to place 3rd in the event
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I get love bow but where is your taste from somewhere coming from?
When will Ayumi and Sakuya pull an Airi and Hinako?
>Student Council
Never, they are too high functioning.
Bug is fixed...
Lyrical Lily intro voice drama
Meteor is slow and doesn't have many notes, for a 14 song.
Also it reminds me of burger pop from 2000s instead of kpop.
Hayacoco seiyuus...
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Wish she would just kiss Haruna...
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yuri sisters
what have you done this time?
>dated a guy
ofc she says that
I swear yuri fans are the only retards who don't want to be pandered to.
Uh I already am by the entire game. Hayacoco's unnatural out of place relationship isn't the only yuri in the game.
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Considering yurixitters always think that yuri pairing is just het baiting, I think deep inside they really want dicks
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Hate EN so fucking much but im trapped by sunk cost
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I love Haya-Coco so much
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Looks like these are the 2 Base songs we will get in December.
Are they still QUALITY?
>aki waist gap
What do you mean? What's wrong?
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I got the B!

Jingle bells, Eimi smells, Shika wants a date
Bell has sold Eimi's soul to so many demons a hellish civil war would break out when it comes due
So we're all going to the Budokan live to one-up bandori, right?
It's for Shika's sake so it's okay.
Is D4DJ Budokan Live even real?
code リリリリ for 10 tour tickets
What where how?
the usual place bro
I'm not sure what I had expected.
They are busy selling mini unit ones...
Still waiting for the never ever UniChØrd one...
I am gonna buy at least 2, maybe more
Stay strong unibro.
Imagine if Hitomi stopped going to school again at the end of this story arc.
No way, she has a girl friend now.
So likely Rondo Christmas?
>one of the doggo seiyuus retweeting a post which ask for doggo merch
Are we gonna make it until Budokan at least?
Doggo already have a sticker!
Lyrical Lily just got a set of brand new costumes so we will last at least one more round of solo lives after Budokan.
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>Ri4 memorial album has no solo covers
Did they lose the rights to New Treasure Island...
Disc 2 having special versions from lives is a pretty neat touch though. May'n takes some pretty neat liberties at the Abyssmare lives too so hopefully those get released at some point as well.
The seiyuus couldn't see the fine print on the screen during MC so Yuzumoon made a joke that maybe we will get to see how Lilies are getting better and better at singing the same songs... or worse and worse depending on the order...
how come hags and doggos don't have groovy mix tours? what am I supposed to do if I don't have enough crystals or exp tickets?
Not having enough songs is probably the biggest reason...
Doggos only have 2
Not sure how many CoA has. I am very confused by the whole Lynx Eyes and Scarlet Canary thing.
And to think EgoEgg will soon have enough songs...
For lore reasons, hags have 3 different combinations:
Scarlett Canary: Airi/Mana (Mizuki Nana's band)
Lynx Eyes: Shano/Toka (Raychell's band)
CoA: All 4 of them.
They all share the same song list, just with 3 different versions of each. Only one version of each song actually makes it into the game though.
tl;dr 3 originals, 2 covers.
Track 2, 11, 12 finally getting a full release. Thank the DJ gods.
>survival dAnce ~no no cry more~ is still not in the game
>WOW WAR TONIGHT ~Toki ni wa Okose yo Movement~ has the Airi/Shano combo instead
Shit is mad confusing
>WOW WAR TONIGHT ~Toki ni wa Okose yo Movement~ has the Airi/Shano combo instead
That combo was the ED for 1st Mix, so not too surprising. The other song is probably just because the guy who was originally doing hags' music moved on to bigger/better things. Just be happy you didn't lose wow war tonight like EN did.
Call of Artemis music producer is the same guy as Merm4id producer though
That's true as of this year but previously it was Tetsuya Komuro (he wrote the 3 hag originals + both of their covers). He's a literally-who in the West but in Japan he was a big fucking deal in the 90s.
When are doggos getting a cover?
I think Merm4id producer just hired him for songs.
It's like how Michiru seiyuu is UniChØrd's producer and she has three different groups of creatives working on UniChØrd songs.
New Lyrical Lily song is catchy and EASY TO FC!
when Date-chan-senpai stops doing coke
RFK is gonna take away all of Date-chan sempai's sugar...
Towa approves of RFK's advocacy against vaccines
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Apparently gaijins were blocked from buying stream tickets from the lily live. Did anyone here try?
You were forced to use a service called eplus, I didn't even try.
Buying directly through mixch is super easy for foreigners. Idk why they didnt offer that.
eplus has an EN version but the JP one (which is what they use for in-person concerts) forces you to verify your phone number (gaijin phones need not apply). It's infuriating and I'm hoping against hope that they flip back in the future.
Why do they even do that? Mixch is Donuts' own. They are not even using eplus streaming like Bushiroad sometimes did.
No clue. Did nips complain about gaijins being allowed to watch the stream or something? I don't really pay attention to the JP DJ community.

Kyawa Kyawa
I wonder if MCfags are getting off from the empty eyes of Photon cards.
The dress looks like recent idol dress from BA
Watanare collab next year?
I thought your yuri sisters hate harem romcom collabs in D4DJ Groovy Mix?!
Collab wishlist:
Lyrical Nanoha 20th Anniversary
Mahoako S2
Full Sasakoi collab
Lapis Re:LiGHTs

UniChØrd fans eating good soon?
He's a het artist

deep unicode lore
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Kokoa indeed has Hayate's code
Good news, Kokoa seiyuu is recording more Haya-Coco stuff.
How is that good?

Lumina seiyuu just called Haya-Coco cute.
They're forced to by management
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Headcanon: 2nd right is gay for 2nd left.
Michirupits on the game icon makes me acting weird
Why is Rondo in D4DJ instead of Bandori?
Why is EGOEGG in D4DJ insteas of Girls Band Cry?
EGOEGG seems super accessible to gaijins
They even post the drink fee thing in English
Will Eggs get a Bocchi cover?
Bocchi don't have good songs
Hayacoco save lives
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EGOEGG is cursed
D4DJ is cursed

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