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Global CBT started today on Play Store
3D turn-based dungeon RPG from former Last Origin devs
what could go wrong?
Which sluts should I reroll for
It's buggy as all hell for me, crashing all over. I'll just wait around for a couple of patches, then I'll give the game another try since it looks good.
what about the OnePlay or whatever it's called?
>from former Last Origin devs
>what could go wrong?
a lot, knowing their track record.
ill still give it a shot, but im not spending any cash until they fix the bugs and improve the translation at least.
So it's the censored version?
apparently so, but theres some convoluted process to get the korean version which isnt censored
Just install the kr apk?
Yup dunno what's so convoluted about it kek
Will progress be wiped?
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I trust there's a language selection on the main menu?
It's beta and a gook gacha, so that's a double yes.
Guess I'll uninstall then. Thanks bwo
No. Also KR and EN is the same server so you can use both versions for the same account.
Yes. You only need the global apk if you want to whale.
Wait so it's actually a soft-launch and>>1607967
lied to me?
>The global service for Horizon Walker will begin this Thursday. The global service will be available in an English-translated version. However, since some parts of the English translation may not be perfect, we will first be introducing it as a beta version. Please rest assured that using the beta version will not result in any account resets or changes to the service content.
Thanks! I read something about the Gacha being pretty weird compared tot he norm, know anything about that?
How good are the titties in this game?
Bros the anti-shilling isn't working!!!
You pull for 5 'resumes' by spending pull tickets, 200k gold or ~300 premium currency that show you the characters/weapons that you could choose to obtain. You then spend rank tickets or gold to actually acquire them.
Pity is at 50 total resumes.
This means you could theoretically just grind for gold and use it to constantly pull up to pity and then use your rank tickets to get whatever you want. However you need to spend gold to build characters as well so it seems pretty limited at the start.
There's a lot of dupes though so you probably wont max out a character but you'll at least be able to get them to see their giant tits.
Oh and the resumes you pull stay there until you decide to pull again so if you happen to pull an EX resume you can just leave it until you farm enough of a currency to actually obtain it.
Thanks! Any recommendations on someone to re-roll for? It seems the process is quite
If goes on by LO developer, you'll eventually get everyone. Just roll for whoever you like.
Everett, the girl in the OP, seems to be the consensus. She's the current banner.
Reroll for the big titted blonde elf and her staff. Both have rateup banners right now and can also appear in the standard banner. Use your standard rolls, get one of them (hopefully), then dump gold into the banner of the one you didn't get.
If you don't get them both, go to the in-game settings menu and delete your account to try again. That's the plan I'm following, anyway.
Thanks bwo! Is there any other standard characters worth grabbing if I roll them? Or do I just skip anyone but the titty hag?
Oh one more thing! Does the choice between the four starter girls matter at all? Or do you just get all of them doing the story stages?
Here's a tier list.

You get them all.
I rolled Nika on Standard and I am tempted to pick her up due to being S-Tier + cute. I guess I can still get the two others eventually right?
So there's no Energy in this game? Just dailies?
just dailies
no stamina
level cap based on your guy's level which is what gates you
Too big
I can't enjoy a game like this
Got an account with Fammene and her exclusive weapon. Apparently she's a good supporter but I feel like I need a DPS instead.
What time is the daily and weekly reset?
>You can buy skin by actually just playing
Never expected from a gook game, it take a while but holy shit.
Also I don't know who they hired to do the TL but these fucker are bordering constantly between cringe and based
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google play version is "censored", i don't know what they mean by it, i think maybe it's the interactions, i'm not that far in, the skins are intact it seems
It is the interaction.
Thx gooks for not starting anew in global. The 10 free summons gave me a vlissing dupe... I wanted nika.
What is gentle mode in setting? Im guessing it's about "plot"? Should I turn it on or off for "plot"?
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censor mode i guess? although it gave kalina a body stocking, which is a plus in my book
Will this get a PC port, and if so, will it share the same account? Some gachas have different account system for PC and you can't sync accounts.
yes, steam version soon, and yes, you will be able to login steam with google play account, i don't know about the one store version. also steam will be the uncensored version
Wonder if it was a good decision to make the protagonist explicitly korean. Most other games make implications, but avoid confirming it in any way.
>Troons are actually the villians
The broken english from this game, makes me feel like im playing Lost Origin again
there is no fucking way this is real KEK
Does the pity system carry over next banner?
Wish she would wear the overall without the sleeves
It's true. IT'S DAMN TRUE
The translation is just google translate/AI right? I refuse to believe this is a human translation. I'm guessing they're not really serious with this global thing if they didn't even bother to pay for human translation?
Whether I start the game it keep asking me to install one store. I don't want to install it. Can I disable that notification somehow?
I'm currently doing the beginning of the story and the translation is decent. But when I go to do the sex interactions with the girls the translation dialogues feel like MTL. I think they translated some of the story but are working on the rest
they said it's a beta with no wipe, my guess depending on the reception, if it goes well, they'll probably invest in better translation
I'm in love with this slut
Is it really possible to buy skin if you're f2p? They're giving so little butterfly, I wonder how long does it take to save for one...
First day I played I grinded about 200-300 just doing story and getting achievements. Skins are 500 I believe. I'm sure the income will dry up eventually though
I'm trying to install this but I'm too stupid to get it to work on my emulator. someone in a /v/ thread uploaded an .apks that I tried to install with some other program, but when I click on the game icon it just gets stuck on a white screen. I also tried installing the onestore program to download the game directly, but I couldn't figure it out. should I just wait for the pc client?
Wish they would choose a better Alias for MC than God Human
Intalled just fine with google appstore
is that the uncensored version? there's no point in playing the game if I can't see bare titties.
So what are the rates for a 5* or SSR or whatever? How expensive/grindy is the gatcha?
Does the gentle mode in global version uncensore stuff? I'm too retarded to get the korean apk on my phone...
How do you get 4:3 aspect ratio
No changes in designs between global and kr ver
Only thing removed are the sex scenes with complete nudity.
Turning off gentle mode adds more clothing for playing in public
Gentleman mode on looks like this.
Gentleman mode off looks like this one >>1608089
Are all the girls in this game whores
Ones want to be a camgirl, another wants to be a hostess, another did a naked dogeza and posted it on instagram
Anyone using Bluestacks? I just get a black screen after the credits.
I tried to install the korean app but I get a problem parsing the package. I gave it permission to install unknown apps and still nothing. Please help.
Install it through SAI application.
I did that but it gets stuck as soon as I click on the icon. it doesn't even show a splash screen or a downloading more shit screen.
That worked. Thanks anon.
Translation is ass. Any chance they hire an actual human to review it for steam release?
from the website?
Do we have a pc version?
Any reason to save contact tickets when picking a girl from the gacha? Also special search tickets shouldn't need to be saved right?
I have 2 accounts.
>Everett + 1 of her dupe
>Everett + her unique weapon
Which is better?
elf and weapon
EX weapon is like 50% of total damage
this game is like nikke, you want to push story asap to get passive credits income
in the late game that alone should be enough to guarantee pity on every banner
Are dupes even worth spending gold on then?
Not really unless you like a character enough to hyper-invest.
Is Vlissing the healer worth picking up? Got her from standard banner. Already have the elf girl. Still rolling for her weapon.
Ah yes, Doe John, the most generic name in existence after Smith John.
Seriously though, is it supposed to be first-last or last-first?
I played the KR version, the game is pretty bad
how to get so joo-hee? i don't see her in the probability list
probably the bigger box is your first name since in korean your last name is usually one word and your first name is 2.
can i use the same account for the kr uncensored and censored play store version? don't want to bother setting up the uncensored version on my phone when at most i'll just do quick dailies on it
play store ver only exist so you can buy jems
thanks bro i will now enjoy some fat milkers. hope there's a standalone PC client too and not just the future steam release
nta but you can use custom resolutions with mumu
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this cant be MTL
whoever proofreading probably only did 30% of the MTL'd spreadsheets then fucking shipped it
Eh Idk just happy it's available even if its jank as fuck
They need to add lolis.
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bump is she worth it?
kek, trannyslator confirmed pol tard
Character models are such dogshit
is there anything i need to know to not brick myself besides not using butterflies to roll?
sup schizo
after you play for a little bit the halloween event will give you a bunch of resources you can go to the event shop (event quest is just leveling up units) and get some ssr tickets (so you dont have to spend gold directly on units) and you can get gold in the shop as well
never redeem SS and below units with credits
buy the tickets in the discounted shop
ah shit i already did that. guess i'll reroll since i guess the gold loss would set me back a lot right?
if you have the elf and her staff no
you get shitton of gold eventually
thanks i'm good then, only redeemed a few SS and skipped everything lower
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depend on how badly you fucked up but it seems super easy to reroll in this

also heads up units take up space i guess eventually we will unlock more but looks like its a good idea to get at least one 3 cost unit somehow
wish i knew this earlier, i spent 1 million gold rerolling trying to get everett, are lots of characters needed to clear content, or is having many just novelty?
everett makes early game a complete joke with her screen wipe
optimal reroll strategy is dumping normal banner tickets for everett/staff then get the other guaranteed with the limited banner
what should I do if I'm too lazy to reroll? try to get her anyway? what do you use gold for?
Download the KR apk or wait for PC/Steam.
Steam? Are you sure of that?
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future of gacha
Devs are working on it right now.
to be fair, they really are a small indie team, i'm just happy to play a non-pozzed game at this point
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yeah about that...
how long does it take to get to the uncensored stuff anyways? i heard you need to keep getting a new KR apk each update which sounds like a pain so i might just play the censored version until i unlock it and switch
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dont know maybe you can just update it through qooapp or something eventually

im not sure how it works but you can buy this whores skin for 500 butterflies
playstore version is lewder than any other non-h gacha i've seen so far. i'm starting on playstore then switching to steam when it releases.
can you only get her from the battlepass?
>all her traits give her negative bonuses because shes a LOSER
I hope she dogeza's like my whore secretary
i feel like reading some pornhwa now, any good recs?
So how hard is to get 500 butterflies? I downloaded the game just for the post-it girl
Thanks it seems that getting the girl is easy since she's s just A rank, i'm gonna get her skin and hope the game is fun enough
well it's disappointing but I can't run the game on my toaster. I can start it up but it crashes my emulator after a few minutes. hopefully the pc client runs better or I can buy a new computer by then. I wonder if my account will be bricked since I can't finish the 7 day beginner quests.
Use Mumu. It runs like shit on anything else
have you tried mumu? i used to run nox, and it runs like shit, mumu runs a lot better, but my cpu is a 10700k
I installed mumu12 because I couldn't even get the game to start on bluestacks. my pc is over 10 years old so it's hopeless probably.
you get her from the premium battle pass I think
So units without Palrang don't have any lewds? Does that mean there's no ecchi with Matrotho?
This game rate is so dogshit. I have been rerolling for 5 hours and only got that Evetit without weapon. Should I just give up, bros?
didnt look at the rates but the weapon(on weapon banner) feels harder to get
Nani the fuck?
The best account that I rerolled for before reset was one that had an EX unit and two EX weapons from five or so hours of rerolling.
Give me that account please. 5 fucking hours without weapon at all. This is insane
considering you can get skins for "free", i'm only guessing, this is going to be extremely f2p friendly, but very long term, probably like eversoul, where you can have everyone as f2p, you just need to have patience and play for a long time. i only started yesterday, i'll reserve my judgement after 1 month
Unfortunately I erased it. I stuck to an account with just Matrotho but she's not pulling her weight in combat. I'm starting to regret not pulling any weapons.
Make sure you use your standard banner pulls, hoping for either Everett or her weapon, then use coins on the banner of whichever of the two you're missing.
Oh and protip, when rerolling, make sure to get Nonoha if she shows up. She's really good.
I'm running out of gold and still need like 1 Mil for her weapon pity? Can I make it?
Are all exclusive weapon pretty much necessary or it's just exclusively this big elf?
What rank is that character?
Is Evetit suppose to be busted? Like she start with like 1200 AP and keep taking turns, oneshoting every enemies
yea exclusive weapons seems to complete every character
Why's she good? Her skills seem to be an attack with knockback, speed buff, and a shield?
Can you even get EX character on that tutorial pulls( the free one before you actually play). Also can you get other EX characters on Eve banner or any EX characters at all on weapon banner?
She is A rank.

There are lots of slow characters that really appreciate the AP she gives via her speed buff. She's comparable to a Fammene without her EX weapon.
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>There are lots of slow characters that really appreciate the AP she gives via her speed buff.
Makes sense. Thanks. I've been lazily running this team and I haven't encountered any problems yet so far. Do I need to follow the holy DPS-healer-tank trifecta in this game or can I just wing it with Nonoha and some DPS?
It feels like this game's oriented to killing everybody on your first turn and just mopping up the remains afterwards. Not sure if it'll change later.
Not all girls have interaction yet. I want marhim.
How many girls have real SEXO now? Only the elfs?
>from the very intro, girls are already talking about breeding with (You)
just play bro, this game is SEXO
Yeah but I heard anons said that only few girls actually have REAL sexo aka nipples.
>game crashed on 3rd reroll attempt
>keeps crashing afterwards
I don't like that the server are shared with KR too with their headstart so I guess I'm not playing this.
Recommend me other games like this, bro. Not LO obviously.
>fight the boss of the event
>instantly oneshot my nonoha
>killed my mc afterward
>still beat him with nika because stealth is broken
>he joins you as a playable unit afterward
>hes actually better than most gacha units
>and you can max him out for free
I would have preferred to get a girl Halloween robot instead, but this is still pretty cool.
Rerollers are so retarded lol
Do anyone know when is server daily reset time on KR time zone?
I would wait till the steam one comes out, and tailor your specs to the recommended. I just updated my old 3570k i5 with an i3 for modern games and it works great, but I had a semi modern GPU already.
i found this playlist trying to look for more
on the dailies/weeklies screen i think there's a countdown at the bottom so you can convert it yourself
Which of the 4 girls should I pick at the start?
The one that make your dick harder.
You get all four within the first few missions.
Bluestack dont work
i cant play battle mode
i can only stay in lobby....its fine
use mumu
how am I meant to use nika
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no way
i cant use this.......
your loss for being too low iq to change it to english
you use her to stealth around and poison tough enemies. also deploy her with marhim for extra attacks.
Does this girl appear on the regular banner? I mean just the girl not the skin
shes in the main story somewhere i heard
are you trolling me? The menu of this emulator does not change to English.
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works on my machine
Rolled an account with valeta and marhim, are they any good?
I could have written how to do this a long time ago, but instead you call me low IQ
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This is a game made for Vulcan. OpenGL doesn't work.
I used auto and so far it works. A few crash on my shitphone.
So far i like the interaction between the 4 girls
Im using the same config on bluestacks that i use to run Wizardry Daphne, and it works normal
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nika goes with marhim
I love erneste kek
ntr slut
Why is she doing dogeza and naked?
She got caught robbing someone else's breast milk from the company refrigerator.
Any news from the devs? Do we have any idea when we'll be "officially" off beta? Still seeing some untranslated stuff but they did say the TL is still rough.
apologizing for something in one of the side quests that I cant remember
it wasnt translated well
Given how the publisher track record was, I see no chance they're going to fix the translation at all. Don't have any hope at all.
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It's either the one where they posted shit on the social media and apparently it was all mind-games to trick them into doing an operation, or it was the one where they all had a shared account. Think it was the former.

>Given how the publisher track record was, I see no chance they're going to fix the translation at all. Don't have any hope at all.
What were their other games prior to LO? I thought LO only had a community TL. To be fair, I'm not familiar with the devs, their rocky history, or how they basically threw away all their goodwill for some reason.
The dev/publisher are shitty, bro. You can see from this release already actually. They just randomly put mtl in the Korean server and call it global without any adjustments at all. For full history, you can just look at kekddit or just google search it. My advice is, don't spend any money at all unless you are filthy rich.
Why won't they hire the team who did the unofficial LO translation?
should i start playing the censored version now or wait for the steam version? will it be possible to play with the same google play account right? will there be any benefit to playing early?
I suggest you download the KR apk and play it uncensored. The censored version is used mostly if you want to spend money, since it's all shared. As for benefits, probably some release rewards but nothing major. The biggest benefit to starting now is that the elf queen banner is up and she's pretty much the best character in the game.
I thought people said she's power crept already and there is actually one or two characters more meta than her?
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Is there a wiki with info about the girls? three sizes, costumes, etc.
Well I downloaded the apks, hopefully this works. My internet is kinda garbage so this will take a while.
>The dev/publisher are shitty, bro.
My bad, I misunderstood. I got confused when you said "the publisher track record" because I thought it implied that the devs and the publisher are different this time around. But yeah, I heard snippets of rumors about what they did, such as how they sold off LO, how an artist was overworked to the point of permanent cripplement, etc.
It surprised me because prior to that, I always heard good things about LO and how everybody wished it had an official TL.
if this translation is culturally appropriate, i want to see unfiltered one
WTF is LQA?? And they're just going to use MTL through and through from now on with maybe few edit here and there?? Jesus Christ, at least pay some cheap non-woke translator out there. No hope
How long has this game been running in KR?
Global is shafted af. They took away the ex selector KR got for launch the exact time when global launched. On top of that global isn't going to make it to the 21 day event check in so rip the EX ticket there.
>WTF is LQA??
I'm guessing localization quality assurance? That's what I came up with when I searched a while back. I'm more confused as to what "GM PPE" is.
Whut? Retard
It's that guy posting that announcement kek
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So do I just use a Guest Login and reroll accounts and then link my google account when I get the rolls I want?
10 points for you genius.
Just making sure. I know some newer gachas have a built in reroll feature and wasn't sure if this had one.
You better play the uncensored one or else...
Of course, what's the point if it isn't? I just hope that steam version comes out quick enough and can easily be modded with the uncensored version.
Plot asides, I actually like the gameplay kek
Seems like it might be cool. Right now I'm just following this >>1607988 post but I think I'll reroll more tomorrow because I'm sick as shit right now. But my dick says keep playing.
Get well bro. And yes roll for Evetits though it did make the game too easy, well for now anyway.
Thanks bro, hopefully it's not too much of a pain in the ass to reroll and it goes quickly.
I cleared almost all the content with the infinite AP Evertits bug. Might've been too greedy though. They won't ban me if I buy something right?
I don't understand this game. My unit just get 1-shotted every fight. Either I use Evertits to one-shot everything or I getting one-shot.
i don't think they mean censorship, localization would have been a better word choice. There are concepts in Asia that don't translate to the west, since they don't have equivalents, so for machine translation it doesn't make any sense like here >>1608463 the game is politcally incorrect, they use words like tranny, the enemies are trannies >>1608107
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they give you kalina shes a dodge tank if you get nonoha you can give her a shield too
but I'm not spending until I see some actual work on the translation. I want to enjoy the story but the dialogue is shit half the time
God this game is funny with all the TS cult shit. Add in the weird language/interaction and it is growing on me besides the "plot".
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I really like this stupid gremlin
What's this infinite ap trick? Teach me senpai
So is last origin dead now or what? I haven't checked in on that game in like 2 years
bitch deserves it and I don't care about her curse
It's barely alive. They're showing full nipples too now.
lol its cool that they are showing nips. I remember it seeming like it was harder to to get the uncensored version, in the last year or so, and I am a retard so I just gave up, I remember actually enjoying that game tho, beyond just the coomer shit, the combat system was better than lots of gacha shit I have seen
Are there no autos for Wish, Bounty mission etc?
Actually, I mean skip/raid.
do I really have to woo Bella for the last party slot?
You can increase party slot? How?
I meant party cost. You get 17 through the early story, but apparently the 18th point is locked behind affinity with Bella.
yeah she needs affinity lv 3
I'm still 16...at what stage did you unlock 17?
Clearing ch.5 gives 1 point
well, I guess Erneste tittes can wait for a few days.
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Tier list (chink)
Are there def focus chartacter in this game? Like everyone got 1 shot if they got hit, even the monsters
Is Eventits currently bugged?
>but apparently the 18th point is locked behind affinity with Bella
I've read this too on a gook wiki. Apperently you need to own Samarika too.
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This game requires a PC client. I saw that it might be released on Steam in 2025.
The weapon swap looks cool.
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updated opening
oh my dick......
Did certain gifts work better on certain girl? What to select on gift box?
Was 18 the max?
Thanks bro
Anyone else getting KRW prices on the playstore version since the latest update?
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Holy shit this thing is a rape machine.
Bitch is tearing me a new asshole. I was happy about managing to kill the mecha knight boss but I don't think I'll able do kill that one.
Lv 50 already? How did you guys level up so fast?? I'm still 15 or something. I'm so bad at this...
Event. Level is fixed.
You scale with enemies. That might be a problem with this boss, because equipment probably don't scale at all.
Sadly your skills and weapons don't scale.
This is why I am doing some main quest before I start doing event stuff. Started out with event and got beat like a tard on the sectond mission....
We are in a pretty silly situation as new players right now.
Need to rush the main story for unlocks, levels and gear for the event.
But also need to rush the event to get free maxxed Dullahan which will help a lot in the main story.
Just how long is the event
Im at chapter 7 and want to kms
Some of my vanguards hit twice and randomly do way more damage to enemies than the enemy hp bars indicate they'll do. I'm not complaining, just confused.
I'm having trouble with both because the stages keep out leveling me.
should I grab ines ex weapon from normal banner bros? I already have queen and her weapon.
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Ines is one of my strongest hitter. Go for it.
I just want the memo girl and she not no the regular banner
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The Best Swords
Will they add intimacy for currently unsexable girls in the future? I really want to kiss Kim and Matrotho.
You can get her after finishing 10-2. For some reason, "free" characters are not included in gacha pools until you get them in the story. Or you can buy her with the battle pass.
I can't make sense of anything, bros. The translation is making my head hurt.
Event ends on the "21st", but we can asaume server time is KR time, so realistically it ends on the 20th for us westerners.
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Is it better to use standard banner tickets early before I pollute the pool with more units? Also when is Nymset unlocked in story? She sounds useful to have so I might wait for her to be added to the pool, I'm at area/chapter 4.
I got the big titty elf in the standard banner but didn't got her staff. Is this good enough or should I reroll? Also do I use the ticket to get her for free or just save gold?
Use the ticket, you'll need the gold for rolls. Her staff is a pretty big boost to her damage, but she's still viable without it. You still have a chance to get it later anyway. I have a feeling this game won't do limited characters/weapons outside of event rewards.
Neat. Time to actually play the game :^)
Also all the girls have those bath and post sex scenes?
Thanks bwo I think im gonna wait, I want her with the slutty costume anyway so im gonna hoard some butterflies first
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cute grandma
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>keep resetting to barely survive this at lvl 19
>mobs go back to single digit levels
finally a saving grace
How many stages the event has?
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a fuckton
How do I get more of those items to upgrade skills?
>still stuck in the never ending re-rolling for Everett and her weapon loop
Holy shit, no way I can do all of that in the remaining days
I got the elf and called it a day. Trying to get 2 EXs in different banners sounds like madness
I did get an Everett roll last night but deleted the account, tried a few more and went to bed. I can't help myself if there's a possibility of starting off with the best shit right away.
yeah I cant be bothered doing all that
heh, deserved
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Now that's a fucking min-roll right there.
You can stop once you got the knight. So stage 4 or 5.
What even is the point of B rank characters/weapons? Can you mulch them for something useful? do you get their dupe currency as upgrade fodder for the real characters? You can't even set them as your homescreen character as sfw alternatives.
I assume like all other gacha, just fodder to fill up the general pool.
they're skill inheritance fodder and can be ground up into general dupe mats
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Oh sick, first roll of this account.
Pick Ines and evertte then roll on her weapon banner.
Is Nika any good without her EX weapon? I think I locked myself from buying the weapon selector because I clicked on 1 of the paid offers in KR version and now the appstore version tells me I'm not connected to the internet when I try to buy stuff.
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you did it
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Should I get the weapon? Also what are R characters good for? Or I can ignore them?
So uh Bella is a schizo. But she cute.
what are dupes for? are they neccesary for SS an ex chars?
>Should I get the weapon?
No. Get the mole though, he can help you exploit bosses. Try to use tickets only though, try not to recruit with gold, it's not cost efficient.
>Also what are R characters good for?
R? Do you mean B? They get random traits which you can transfer to your actually good characters.
how do i change the background in the home menu? and is it worth it to buy the EX character selector?
What should I go for in the event shop?
They raise stats for a character, not super important but can be nice if you're lucky. You should only get them from standard banner, don't roll on specific banner after getting the character, unless you REALLY want to max them and can afford it. Weapon dupes are a bit better usually, but also not that important.
>how do i change the background in the home menu?
I think you can do it by changing locations in the main story or the event.
>and is it worth it to buy the EX character selector?
Nika is pretty OP in the late game but she needs her EX weapon too, I got her from the standard banner so I bought the weapon selector instead. The rest is not that great in comparison.
i think i might've skipped too many things when rolling standard banner and should've grabbed some dupes/cope weapons
I got another EX character on standard banner but I'm all out of EX tickets. Do characters on standard banner only go away when I roll on it or can I lose her some other way?
Where can I find the uncensored version?
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I want matroska but not sure how often we will get standard characters
korean apk
How do you use the mole?
Have you guys collect 500 butterflies for a skin? How much time does it take? Also I was watching the skins and theyre kinda samey too much Bunny suit i hope they get new ideas for coomer skins
I got Everett and did a few missions and stopped playing. I think I'm gonna wait for the Steam release to get into it.
We'll probably get more standard tickets if you used all of yours already. Or you can just buy her, it's not that expensive.
>emerge for taunt
>boss tries to attack you while underground
>"the weapon will appear within 10 rolls"
>use my gold to get another rolls
>no weapon
>the message is still there
Fucking translation made me think the next one was guaranteed
alright, I'll grab it but I still need to unlock 2 more slot so I can use her.

also should I buy the daily recruit discounted tickets from daily shop?
Well, I blew up some of my gold but I finally got the weapon.
yes, they add intimacy scenes through updates, blonde bitch secretary didn't have one until the last patch
also, remember to laugh at LO tards for never getting global
kek, i thought the same, some stupid bait from the fairy
>locking event stories behind ten zillions combat levels
Fucking why, are gooks complaining?
~5 days for the first 500.
When do they reset the p2w shop that gives you double the butterflies?
virtually every gacha does it once a year, usually on the day the game released, or near it
How long has this game been running? In other words, how far are we behind gooks players?
Every other gatcha that does this 50% off bullshit though always has different ways to get that currency at 50% off eitherway through other limited time sales, its more of a sales tactic.

If the devs don't then they'll just lose money.
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i don't remember the exact date, but it was summer, maybe july or august?
2 1/2 months, we are like 10 EX pulls behind considering the timed rewards
I feel stupid. The event is either harder then I expected, or my loadouts suck since it's hard to keep all the allies alive. Generally I am okay at these types of turn based games going back 20 years or so.
oh well
So what's the conclusion? Are you stupid or not kek
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focking hell mate, it's finally over
Please post who you guys are using in the event missions with like 6 gunners and 4 of the doghead guys
I already knew I was stupid, but I found that upgrading the skills and weapons are huge and probably the easiest pathway to getting further in the events besides getting everitt+her weapon which I heard was OP.
Some code.
All expired.
Ah fuck the first one worked yesterday...
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Intimacy update when?
Some of them are useful, but it depends on the traits they spawn with.
Puppy Stepper, with the correct randomly generated unique trait (Perfect Preparation), can give out a lot of AP and HP recovery every round, making it one of the better filler units in the game since it's only 3 cost.
I like her very much.
Is there a way to rewatch main story? I played on KR but switched over EN when global was out.
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maybe this, in settings
I still have to re-do the battles?
Story Archive is WIP
That's a big butt
Are the exclusive weapon bugged? Seem like the one with their weapons has infinite AP.

Also def seem useless since every unit get 1-shot no matter what.
Are there any unit that buff robot?
Good tank who can agro well? Kalina keep getting kill despite gaining 300% evasion.
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Looks like your game is bugged.
Platina or mole dude with dig.
collab with genshit when? I wanna fuck Mona and Keqing
I don't know about exclusive weapons, but Nonoha is getting infinite consecutive actions and doing a gazillion damage for me. I cheesed through some event stages with her because every other character were doing 1 dmg for some reason
The autoplay is so fucking bad, holy shit
autoplay pissed me off today! My elf queen cast rain in one enemy and Kalina always jumps into a crowd of enemies and dies.
When can I impregnate Erneste and make her my cumdumpster?
she already is
>Platina or mole dude with dig.
What about Nymset? Heard she's good too.
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Auutoplay is ass when you fight against them.
Why are there some maps that cut your atk to 0?
Where do I find the apk the discords I have tried did not have an up to date version
How much should I push into the main story?
You do every stage you can, including hard mode, until you're finally stuck 10 levels below the enemies. That's when you have to sit on your ass and collect passive MC EXP on the home screen for a few days.
Do i even bother with meta in this game if i just want to farm gifts for those interaction
Get Everett with her staff, buff her with MC and that's basically current meta for early-mid game.
Who is the cute robot in the back?
Affection 2 with Erneste. On my way to rape correct the brat, bros
Steam version fucking when? Playing it on MuMu is suffering
What about the bug that makes you deal potato damage instead?
I've got both bugs on Phone and Emu and the game is pretty much a nightmare to play.
>Steam version fucking when? Playing it on MuMu is suffering
yeah emulators use too much RAM
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Should I get the dupe? I still have one SS ticket. Also should I just hoard all the gold for the next banner?
I dont know if im doing something wrong or its the way that the game is unbalanced.
Everette nuke works well but, melee damage is awful.
Is it because i dont have the charatcers main weapon?
Every unit has an exclusive weapon or just some of them?
ive seen mentions of even nonoha having one so i guess that means at least ex ss s and A characters can have them
>at least ex ss s and A
That's all named characters, anon. The B mooks are just a generic model with random name
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Not every.
Is there any decent wiki with some info?
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Gremlin girl btfo
Yes, but it's chink.
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Not so tough now, huh, little lady?
>yeah emulators use too much RAM
Mine isn't using ENOUGH. Usage will be under 50% while the game will stutter at both lowest and highest settings.
I love her. I want to breed her so much
For a stable game you need more than 16 gb of RAM and 6-8 gb of which will be held by the emulator. Therefore, any PC client is better.
i hate it because they're in the weekly clear content which are the one of the things you want to auto since they're just chores
Why can't we skip or sweep, bros?
How the fuck does event stage 5-12 work?
The battle starts with the mech destroying me instantly.
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most stages are only one-time clears for rewards so no need.
there is sweep on the daily sigmata farming stage though. only repeatable thing without sweep I've seen so far are the 3x daily "wish" missions
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Man, i wonder how would be possible to kill everything in 4 turns without Everette
you have to prepare for every fight. With Everette backed into a corner and defending it. I don't know any other way.
I remind you that the game just came out and there will be a bunch of patches that will probably strengthen heroes and weaken stages.
How is the area so big?
Nonoha takes like infinite consecutive actions and kills all of them one by one without leaving turn 2, shit is crazy bugged.
i dont have that attack on mine, does it only appear if you have enough ap points?
Platina bedroom event when?
You gotta cast the charge magic skill twice.
1st turn you charge her magic, Mc turn he uses the skill that gives Ap to Everette, then you charge her skin again.
2nd turn she kills (most) everything
What the hell is the Regret debuff? I can't do any damage, attack is cut to 0, how do you remove it?
Event stage 4-1 for example
A-rank Delia can upgrade to the "Lord of Starlight" job to get the same skills as Everette. She also has 2 less deployment cost so you can fit another AOE char with her, though she lacks Everette's damage and speed boosting passives.

would be funny to run both of them together too but I don't see where that would be necessary
It's her nuke charged to it's second level. Normally it takes 3 turns to do, but you can use a MC skill to give her enough AP to move twice in a turn.
>Turn 1
>Eve charges
>MC gives AP
>Eve charges again, or nukes
>Turn 2
>Eve supernukes
That's literally my team. What gear do you have on Lisandria?
>I don't see where that would be necessary
If you have bpth of them then you could rotate between them doing the first stage nuke every round.
>both charge
>John Everygook AP boosts Everett
>Everett nukes
>Everett charges
>Delia nukes
>Delia charges
>Everett nukes
And so on. Also I imagone their crit passives stack, so that's +20% instead of 10%.
Pain. I want to touch Nika's boobies.
Shes not proper geared yet Im using a blue sword and stigmas that raises her atk
How the fuck do you beat the robot in the 4th event stage?
get some lucky dodges
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ah yes I understand completely.
>buy all mats to max headless knight
>can't use it with Eve and lewd nun because I'm still lacking 2 more costs
It's weird because the main story, while not AMAZING, is still mostly understandable. But the side/character stuff genuinely feels half done at times, like this shit. Hopefully gets patched before the main launch
Theres got to be a better (you) name than Human God
New version?
Maint for 2 hours
Where do you get MC ascend orb?
I'm in chapter 8 and only have 1 so far
I love cows but Erneste has something that makes me want to fuck her a lot. What is this feeling?
Any other info? What about for mid to late game?
I tried looking up tier lists but the American and Korean one disagree a lot on basically everyone who isn't everett
>Tribute will get full during maintenance
Four days in and I already bricked...
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When pulling are any of the S or A items or characters important? I feel like I skip over a ton of shit because I don't know what any of it is or how much it matters
He hits like a truck and is super beefy. You can afford to drop either one of them and he'll well and away carry you. I use him and Everett together. I have so much damage output that sustain is irrelevant. You can also afford to field re-de-da with them in case you want an extra body to soak a couple hits.
Read their info and see what they do/upgrade to do then determine if you wamt them. If you have plenty of tickets to spare maybe just grab them, doesn't hurt to have them on hand, I'd say.
Is the maintenance finished?
patch notes where?
does the MC have to be in your team
Luckily he's the best healer/support in the game.
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the official patch notes are on d*scord for some reason
>for some reason
Devs decided to use it as their main social media hub.
it's up
>tried this
>the knight just dealt 200 damage in a giant fan area in front of him
Holy shit
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gold in the mail got my my evelyn stick, now i can finally play the game
if you want a 2-cost tank to soak hits the mole fucker is an option too. need to upgrade to class 3 before he gets an actual taunt though
Honestly it's a pretty smart decision. Why bother spending money on a web domain for a small niche game like this when most people will never look at it? I won't name them but there are some gacha games that I have played for years and never once visited any official sites.
By making their main hub just a Discord server they save themselves some money on web expenses while also getting to pretend they interact with their fans. It's an easy win/win.
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>fixed characters
>gimped characters against a boss with 2.6k for some reason at that level that hits like a truck
What the fuck
Do they not have a Xitter account?
Yeah, I got the same problem, any clues for fixing that shit?
How important is Everett's weapon? What about weapons for others too?
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This is an impressively dumb take for several reasons. For one, domains are dirt fucking cheap unless you're trying to buy something that's like 5 letters long or a super common word. horizon-walker.com costs a penny. A single fucking penny. And yeah the game is niche, but surely they want to reach more players and make more money, they've already spent a small amount on advertising as it is so they clearly care about growth. Meanwhile if I Google anything about this game, it has nightmarishly bad SEO and 90% of the results are related to horizon DnD builds even though some search queries that have horizon Walker in the text literally pull up nothing about this game for the first 2 pages. Also fan interaction? Lmao? They do fuck all for interaction on the English discord. Things are probably better on the Korean side but no one ITT speaks moon runes so who knows.
And why do you care
100k dl on play store is pretty good for early access game with no marketing
I got the EX weapon of a character I don't have in the regular gacha. Should I use an EX ticket to get it?
Depends on the weapon type, you can use it as a stat stick for other chars. Also depends on the character, some are weak enough that you won't use them even with their signature weapon.
Yes if it's a good character
It's that virgin saint bitch
Is Ines with her sig worth investing?
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I really love the secretary.
this game just makes me wish that we could get some of the last origin character designs in 3d. imagine fur coat invincible dragon with free camera.
>All of the character art is censored
Damn, is there anywhere I can go without that?
>400+ post
Fastest thread on /vmg/ ?
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>200 damage
you are like an infant
at times the "gacha drama" (/v/ shitposting about ntr and snowbreak) thread has been faster
Please respond
>100k dl on play store is pretty good for early access game with no marketing
THAT is a fucking lot for game like this and on early access, the PC release is going to be really good too
I still can't unlock hard mode even for STAGE 1. I've completed all stage 1-4 but none hard mode unlocked. How?
Should I level up ss stigmata?
Holy shit enemy elves are total fucking cancer.
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ayo my frfr ohio rizzlers no cap
How good is headless knight? Big AOE but pretty slow
Damn, I cannot even beat the second stage of first area. My units get killed in just 2 hits and there are like 10 enemies.
>He didn't watch himself
these stages are more complicated than usual. If your heroes are not level 50 there is nothing to do there.
But is not level scaled in the event?
I know that weapons do not scale, but it is such a big deal?
Your level scales with the event stages. What matters more is upgrades to skills, weapons, and 'rank'. You could also cheese it with Everette if you have her. It's still tough, but once you get the event unit everything becomes a lot easier since the shop lets you max him out. I have a feeling that event characters are going to be the meta for a long time just because a max rank unit is like 2-3x better than a base-line unit.
Weapons are gated by levels. If MC is 20, then your weapons can't be higher than 30.
the hero's rank doesn't change. Let's say Erneste will be SS ranked before it will be stronger than her normal S rank.
I didn't count on difficulty in this game and now I'm thinking more about battle tactics than tits.
Me neither man, but it's good, now I'm thinking about tactics, but when I get tired of it I start thinking of tits and vice versa so it never gets tiring.

Talking about tits, on the global release the bedroom scenes seem to just be a fade to black with some text, which is quite dissapointing...
This, especially if you're trying to do the "Clear in X rounds" challenge. Evertits nuke is great, but it stops being the ONLY solution when you have large maps, spread out enemies from multiple sides, and multiple waves.
If the game had explicit porn, it wouldn't be on google play. A lot of games didn't get into google play because of nipples showing through clothes.
Yeah I know, but it's still sad they couldn't find a way to make some version of the bedroom scene just censored enough for google play instead of basically removing it.
>nymset doesnt appear in the gacha until you beat chapter 11
bwo... thats like a months worth of idle exp away. i guess ill use the wolf homo as my tank instead. he's a better unit anyway.
It's a gook game. Explicit porn is illegal.
Why can femcel games get away with it?
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good patch
Isn't it nice when you find a porn or echi game that makes you think "hang on dick, it's gamer time"
i don't want to think... there's a reason why i play gacha instead of real games...
Exercise for your brain
Exercise for your dick
Sorry, woman, but I need to figure out how to get through this stage without losing anyone.
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lol thats vlissing's trash wep. i got spooked by it the other day, too.
here is so joo-hee's (a rank character btw) exclusive weapon effect in action for comparison.
Ms Sow truly became my favourite character both in sex and combat. An invisible def shredder with 3 cost is really fucking cool.
Kalina with evasion lives more than other characters.
I ended up installing the playstore version on bluestacks and it's in my currency there so I can load it up buy the monthly cards and go back to onestore version on mumu afterwards
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this not funny
This game is surprisingly challenging wth
Can you use a google play account on the uncensored korean version?
What's a good team around so joo hee. I got her weapon today.
The dual pistol banner is her weapon:
Who is Jim?
Nah only onestore for that version, you need to install playstore somewhere if you want to make purchases and it seems the KRW bug is a mumu issue so having 2 emulators is the only fix I have found.
>3 tickets
>2 tickets
You fool.

You should be able to use your google account to login with the KR client. It's the same server after all and the KR version has the EN text option. Worst case scenario you wait for the steam PC client, which should be uncensored.
What's the tallest girl in horizon walker so far?
She's a support, really good against bosses or really fat mobs. Slot her with your heavy hitters for quicker kills. Also can work with Eve+Platina team because of her 3 cost.
>You fool
I don't deny it.
she can be put in any kind of team because she debuffs all defenses, but she debuffs pierce defense the most, so you could put her with characters like nika, marhim, and araha.

it's a shit wep for a shit character, but vlissing is actually kind of okay at endgame where there's a few successful teams that use her and that weapon. personally, im buying one of every new ex i get unless its for a character i fucking hate or something.
Kalina at 191cm.
Platina if she counts is 280cm.
Oh I misread what you were asking, yeah like the other anon said you can log in with the same account for both versions you just can't use google pay on the korean APK
Alright then, global version on bluestack for throwing money away and korean version on mumu for actually playing the game and more, got it.
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everette feels like complete dogshit to use on auto
she always opens turn 1 with charging up an attack, and then on turn 2 she goes to AoE some random solo enemy in a corner. meanwhile literally every other AoE character I have like my ines will just open turn 1 with AoEing 5 enemies
Target priority is super fucked in this game. From what I can observer, it typically goes for the closest target with the lowest health regardless of AoE potential or anything else. For example matro or whatever her name is will try to use her dashing attack through obstacles, but it doesn't let her go through them, so she just wastes an entire turn putting her out of position for no reason. Everett's AI is especially fucked though because she explicitly only ever uses her charge/nuke. If there's no enemies in range she'll charge it again and then unleash it on the next turn regardless of available targets. She NEVER repositions and NEVER uses her basic attack.
Man platina is cool but 7 cost is a lot, not sure it's worth running platina+everette yet while i only have a 17 cost budget so all I can spend the last 2 points on is a fuckin mole.
Then again my second dps is Nika without her sig weapon and at least at low levels she seems pretty shit compared to the queen of nukes.
apparently she's only T0 because her poison ignores the "you can only do 1 damage per hit" effect from fighting enemies 12+ levels above you so I guess she's not worth investing in until later when I am pushing high level differences.
S-She gets good when you're 5 weeks into the game and trying to push into harder missions... Trust the plan...
>makes me feel like im playing Lost Origin again
because you are
this IS last origin but ripping off mihoyo heavy hitters like genshit and honkass
how do i install this game?
google play store
First step is not being a retard.
Second step is reading the thread and googling the words you don't know or understand.
you can just download it from the google play store
if you wanna see nipples you need to get the .apks file for the korean onestore version off of a discord though since the assholes at onestore don't allow filthy foreigners to download apps. it uses the same account so everything carries over.
i wonder if someone will make an "auto-mode" tier list. because as far as I can tell all the current tier lists/build advice are very much for manual mode, in a game where you seemingly spend 99% of your time on auto.
Unknown error always showing when redeem code... plz help a?
Is the headless robot really limited to the event? So all latebros will never get him?
>a game where you seemingly spend 99% of your time on auto.
if you can beat it on auto it's easy enough that you don't need a tierlist.
there's no REPEATABLE auto grinds besides 3 wishes per day which any team can finish in minutes
everything else is story progression where ofc you'll need to manual to handle the biggest level deficits
The AI is so bizarre in this game. Sometimes my melee aoe units that have pizza slice shaped aoe attacks will go up to a wall with an enemy or two behind it, then attack in the opposite direction away from the enemies, seemingly hitting nothing at all but then the two enemies behind the wall die because I guess there's a tiny hitbox behind the attacker?
It really feels like the auto battle was put in as an obligation/afterthought just because it's a gacha. The game is very clearly designed to be played manually, even on trivial stages. Even if the AI wasn't braindead retarded, it's still more efficient to manual even if only because there's no auto-next/repeat.
Autobattle is used for daily missions.
In the beginning not very much but then when the strength will increase you will use it all the time.
I just fantasize about the day a gacha has an auto mode on par with unicorn overlord. yes I'm black.
Yes, but the event will probably roll back around either next year or the one after. That's how most gachas do it at least.

I'll take this bait. Besides having 3D characters, in what way does this game remotely resemble the mihoyo games or their competitors?
do you happen to know how they handled events in last origin?
Never played it, but LO has no relevance to my question.
...what. I'm talking about your first point
Ok. So how did LO handle events?
LO did not really have a gacha system, it worked more like gfl where you farm low % drop rate characters by autoing certain stages on repeat. But it had no exclusive "event-only" characters.

There were events that would have characters farmable on the event stages who would then not be farmable for a while after it ended until they were added as a drop on some new permanent stage. and also iirc some characters would be free in event shops, but you still needed to farm to get max dupes on them.
that said I never played it super hard because the language barrier so I might be misremembering shit.
idk, that's why I was asking you
Araha and Kim are fucking useless aren't they?
Useless against jumping enemies but good against bosses because they don't get close due to distance. Araha can give two critical shots in a row, which is not bad.
So which one i should keep So Joo-Hee or Yeon Chae-Young
What are you replacing them with?
Single target dps seem pretty low importance in this game in general, at least through midgame. You will rarely want to use Araha over AOE units like Everette, Dullahan, Ines, Delia. IDK how she compares to other single target ish DPS like Kalina or Matrotho though.

For Kim, I dont think you'll ever want a 3-cost dps. If you have only 3 cost spare from something like an Everette+Platina team you want to fill that space with a buffer. Almost all the other 3-costs are supports: So Joo-Hee (red jacket OL), Rhasadina (A rank fairy), Puppy Stepper (B rank AP-buffing robot). Only non support is the other B rank 3cost, Puppy Shooter. Basically her main purpose is just as a freebie to fill out teams when you have 3 cost left and haven't progressed the story far enough for So or Rhas.
Kim the Best!!!
I want to kiss and sex Kim, but she's useless in combat, she's just a silly sexy nerd
Is there any particular reason to hold onto the puzzle pieces? Also what do the 'soul stone' and 'soul scissors' do?
Dungeon stage are not healthy for my smartphone jfc
then Kim gets a legendary sniper rifle with 999% damage.
Just want one that use guns
stones - remove traits.
scissors - transfer traits.
end game stuff for optimizing your mains
Damn this was a fast thread.
Kim belongs to the bedroom, not the battlefield.
who the fuck is kim
This is the first gacha I've ever REALLY played.
Are there any worthy reward after Headless Knight in the event? Also what's the item in event shop to the right of Headless Knight dupes? Should I buy it?
event currency to max the knight.
that's his weapon
>Also what's the item in event shop to the right of Headless Knight dupes?
The lightbulb? it's dupes of his signature weapon. (You got one free in the mail already.) Yes buy all copies.
That's his unique weapon (it's his head), yes you should buy it. As for event rewards, idk, but you can get more currency so you can clean out the shop at the very least.
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this ass
Huh I don't think I have that weapon. Where do you get it?
The mail nigga, the mail. I just said this.
So the skin is totally not f2p right? I'm sure it's the illusion the game gave you. No way you can save up for a skin with that rate...
afaik right now you can get 2 skins as a f2p
already bought one for everette and halfway to memo sex.
Alas, these skins do not allow you to concentrate on the stage. I can't think and masturbate at the same time.
kim is useless in stages, that skin is only for homescreen secretary
But how? How do you save up 1k? Im already more than halfway main stage and barely reach 300+ something...
Maybe I'm a masochist and want to go through stages with kim.
hard stages + cheevos
The skins cost 500 butterflies, if you're just a bit patient the skins are 100% f2p.
My hard stage stay locked even thought I've finished all the normal with 3 stars. Why?
Maybe you accidentaly rolled or pulled with butterflies.
I'm finished normal and i'm at area 6 in hard. And I got 1250~ butterflies.
Nyo. I'm bricked then
The real decision is: should you spend butterflies on eye candy or actually helpful things?
>I'm finished normal and i'm at area 6 in hard. And I got 1250~ butterflies.
I've finished normal and at stage 5 hard and have less than 700 without rolling with them so that's bullshit.
what level are you? sounds like you might be further into the game then most en players. if they're like me they're missing a lot of butterflies since i'm not doing objectives and just getting clears to unlock things
So what's the verdict, bros? Is this game good enough to keep you playing? With GF2 coming with similar gameplay idk which to play, bros...
This game has got me invested in a gacha for the first time ever...
What is that?
You can quit this game because of the difficulty.
It's your choice.
I personally want to play this game until the end with breaks.
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here are my stats for butterflies
I thought about GF2, but this game is just too f2p friendly and ticks off a lot of boxes no other gacha does.
>no rock, paper, scissors bullshit
>currency for rolling is easily obtainable f2p
>skins can be obtained f2p
>has actual gameplay
>dailies can be completed by just playing the game rather than making you do specific content you don't want to
>no mandatory guild or pvp bullshit for currency
>no stamina system limiting your play time or forcing you to play or you risk "wasting" resources
>super autistic substat grind isn't mandatory
This really is the best gacha game I've played so far.
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It's wonky MTL translation. When she says Jim I believe she means "I" or referring to herself.
>Lisandria got 2 skins
>No interaction yet
This is bullshit
Taunt is a fucking bitch to deal with, how do you guys handle your hoes getting taunted.
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I love this dumb goober like you wouldn't believe
Other than the translations.. the story, dialogue and characters are pretty funny and entertaining. Definitely my new favorite (you) game
Okay anons which girls on bunny costumes are worthy to get?
This stage where stealth monsters appear in ambush filtered me once (4 levels below the stage), any idea other than wait and level up?
Same, the straightforward professionalism makes her a great 'straight-man' to the more zany five main girls, but she's actually pretty endearing when it comes to (you).
Also black business attire is op
I was trying to think what they could replace it with. There's other combos of English words that mean more or less the same thing, but they end up being clunky. They could, if they wanted to be flashy with it goes for something in Latin (something- Deus is at least more interesting to the ear), but I feel like no translator would make that move unless there's some in the original that would allow for it
Kalina's white one is great, but redundant if you have the gold one.
I feel like Bella's red one is slept on a lot; the thigh highs are damn excellent with the red corset
>PC 2025
Go on without me.
>Go on without me.
I'm going on with emulators, it works well enough.
It's definitely on the verge of replacing my other gacha. But honeymoon period is still fresh, so I'm waiting to see how the patch cycle feels and if it can keep my attention from patch to patch. Loving it so far though. The designs and outfits in this game do something to my neurons I can't explain
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>Erneste the Gatekeeper
Hoarding for griselda
Who? Next banner?
I feel like the game's just going to run out of content since there's no infinite grind incentive like RNG hell gear farming. A good example of what I'm talking about would be 'The First Descendant'. That game has quite the grind to 'max out', but once you're there there's nothing to do since all content is trivial at that point and it doesn't really benefit you to do it.
Don't know. I saw her on discord.
Ereste may be the flattest of the Nebula 4, but she's got probably some of the funnier lines
Yeah koreans usually are awful when creating games storylines. This one im liking alot
Is there any info about the new banner anyhow?
So this is a collection game, right? Already got back to 2 million gold and I used a couple of tickets in the standard banner. Got 2 dupes of Lisandria so I'm happy with it
Not like it matters, my team of Headless + Evertits nuke everything on stage
Yes, as far as I can tell, banner characters get added to the regular pool as well and since you can use gold for the gacha, you will eventually hit a point where you have all the meta units you want. At which point you'll have nothing better to spend your resources on than collecting the characters you don't have. On top of that there's the character interactions and side stories you get from just having them.
>Man platina is cool but 7 cost is a lot
Is she worth investing in? Still don't have a solid grasp on the game's system so I don't know who's good/bad.
She is low on that one tier list that some anon posted a while back. Guess the cost isn't worth the DPS/utility that she brings?
She's a tank in a game where it's more optimal to kill things fast as a form of mitigation. Also the best way to mitigate damage here is high evasion or block, both of which just make you take 0 damage and there's lower cost (and rarity) characters that do it better than her.
>Is she worth investing in?
No, she was meta on KR launch but not anymore. Biggest issue is that she only has aggro-up and pull, not taunt, and Everette gets aggro-up during her charge as well. So at high levels tanks with actual taunt edge her out, when you want to make sure nothing oneshots your queen before your queen oneshots the level.

The meta tank for Eve team is actually Nymset who you also get free in story later on. That part of the main story was added in a patch afaik, she wasn't a launch character.
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Thanks. I'm actually looking for someone to replace Matrotho in my team because she's getting to be more of a liability as of late. Counterattacks are a bitch to deal with. Guess I'll look further.
I heard for GF2 you have to pay even more than Nikke for the skins.
dullahan is immune to counterattacks and very meta
you can use platina until you have dullahan/nymset/whoever tho
My team was Pantheri, Matrotho, and Everett until I got the Headless Knight. Now it's HK and Everett. I also have Re-De-Da to fill in the extra two points, but I'm probably going to replace him with a mole once I get one.
>dullahan is immune to counterattacks and very meta
I'll try pushing the event again since I gave up a few days back. My weapons are still at lvl20 while my skills are mostly at lvl3 so I'm not really feeling confident that I'll get to the freebie Dullahan. I also didn't roll for Eve.
By Dullahan you guys mean the Headless Knight, right? I'm stuck at stage 5. The fight with the improved training robot at level 13 is pain. I'm gonna rape Kim as punishment for this shit
>no eve
it's over.
>My team was Pantheri, Matrotho, and Everett
I'm starting to regret not getting Eve. I feel like the only one who's making a big difference on my team is my Marhim with her UE since I play around her ability to disable counterattacks.
I'm more a fan of chocolate elves so I've been using Kalina and Samarika, along them are Yvonna and Lisandria.
I haven't struggled much so far, I wouldn't say Eve is mandatory, even if she's super powerful.
I am the only one that rolled the ssr jeet and her weapon back to back 2 times on the standard banner ? Samena or whatever her name is.
Early-game, do sigils make a big difference or am I fine slotting in whatever as long as it has stats/sub-stats that are beneficial to the character? Haven't leveled up any sigils and I only have A-rank ones.
>no set effect
just keep going through main story and dont think about it too hard. not that it matters, you can only do the sigil farming stage 3x/day
Is she good? She was #2 on my sexxo reroll priority a few days back. I actually got her and her UE in one of those rerolls but since I didn't get my #1, I continued rerolling.
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Why do people like the Cuck angle? I mean if you could atleast create your own male char, OR if the male char was faceless at the absolute bare mininum then MAYBE it would be fine, but in this case the main char is just another guy and its blatantly cuck pandering.
everytime i read the thread i find mistakes i made and how unoptimized my account progress is
She's great, I was lucky enough to get her EX weapon not too long after, the related passive exclusive to her allows you to use her massive AOE more often, and it boosts cold and magic damage massively otherwise, so you really should try to get it.
She ain't a living nuke like Evertits seems to be but she's not too far off.
Post Erneste sex
The "optimization" of your account stops mattering when you hit the autistic gear RNG farming endgame (which is the REAL gatcha).
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block his eyes then, pretty standard hentai protag, how is that cucking? i'm just happy, he's not a scrawny twink
>he's not a scrawny twink

Good for you. I hope I get her soon. Not sure how often LO devs rerun rate-ups.
How good is the robot girl you get for free on the story? I got her weapon
This is a Korean game made by Koreans for lonely Korean nerds/incels to self-insert. The protagonist/player character is designed to be as 'generic, yet perfect, Korean man' as possible so that they may self-insert and project themselves into this world where they're the perfect man that can do no wrong, is super strong, and all the super-sexy women want them. It's not cuck-shit from the perspective of the intended audience. You're obviously not a self-inserter, as such you're not the target audience.
>if the male char was faceless at the absolute bare mininum then MAYBE it would be fine
That's why they give you the option to give him long bangs, to cover his eyes, which effectively obscures his face. Yes it's shitty and I agree that there should be more customization, but it's obvious all the focus on is on the girls and that's not gonna change.
Read the thread. She's an ok tank, but her field cost is high and you're better off with two lower cost units instead.
What is body resilience? Is it def? And what with all different type of damage like slash, pierce, immaterial etc? Do enemies and our party have different type of def against each type of attack? How to check it?
she is actually a pretty good tank, but not perfect
eve + plat is enough to carry you through the whole story.
you can still do that with male customization, so not really an argument
bros how do I unlock ch 9? I just unlocked ch11.
How do you jump chapter like that?
I meant I finished ch10 but ch9 still locked,.
it is tied to yeon affection iirc
If this game released on the 7th globally, how is it they give you no time to do the event?
it's not a separate EN server, they just added EN language version. you're playing on the same server as the day1 KRs.
Because it released like 2 months ago or something. They're just getting around to the translation for global, which is why they're calling it a beta. They, for whatever reason, decided to not have separate servers for KR and global. Probably due to costs/logistics in running two different servers/timelines.
>hey, for whatever reason, decided to not have separate servers for KR and global.

Its obviously because global would be heavily censored.
They're self-published. The level of censorship is entirely up to them. I'm pretty sure it's more a matter of the finances in running two different servers.

Can this tier list really be trusted? i get its the only one, but this drooling idiot who wrote it says Everette is B tier at best without her weapon and is starting to fall off even WITH her weapon, yet still has her in S while exclaiming how much he loves to coom over his wife everette.
>Can this tier list really be trusted?
No, it is clickbait written by a random EOP who didn't even play the game and just wrote it by copying random shit from the Chinese tierlist on gamekee through MTL and changing some stuff up. He even left in the fucked up mtl'd names instead of the actual english ones like "Wangzai Walking Device" instead of "Puppy Stepper"
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anyways if you want actual tierlist here is the chinese one, split up by role (dps/tank/support/misc)
note that samarika's "EX" rating in misc is only because you need to have her on your account to access the side story in ch8 that gives you your 18th cost point in partybuilding, the character herself is useless

they have a full character evaluation page here if you wanna google translate it: https://www.gamekee.com/hw/634094.html
forgot the first link https://www.gamekee.com/hw/635069.html
Samarika seems fine to me, she just explodes so you have to be careful with her placement and managing aggro. And I wouldn't be surprised if characters get buffed going forward anyway because LO had a lot of that.
ah dang it, so I need to dump my gifts to her..
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Just looking through MTLs of Horizon Walker's pages on namuwiki. Were we supposed to get some hyped up skin of some sort during this Halloween event and the devs weren't able to deliver?
anyone have a mirror for the apk?
You need to max her out
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looks like it's referring to this Q&A post from the devs: https://arca.live/b/horizonwalker2/117256893
he makes a joke at the end that their halloween update image will make a mark (that section doesnt look like it mentioned skins particularly)
perhaps he was referring to the memo joo-hee & mummy pantheri skins which however were not released until 11/06 (probably delayed)
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The Korean one?
pixeldrain com/u/qiw2JdJo
her ass is much bigger.
It's drawn smaller here.
u blind?
it's literally her ingame model.
maybe her butt looks small to you because only third of it is above the water.
Finally lvl 40. Man level up is starting to get sloooow
I'm still lvl 20. Teach me your way senpai.
Shit's broken.
Units bug out and won't end their turn during battle.
Erneste looks literally built to bear my children
Btw can granny Evertits still bear children?
Kim and Erneste need correction
Human God's holy semen does not care about age.
Yeah, I got this when I attack with Lisandra, had to bench her.
Sky Vault is the end of main story for now?
>The sky vault dungeon endgame boss becomes a fucking daily that you have to manually clear
Mc is obviously a generic manhwa harem self insert. maybe you have shit imagination and can't enjoy self inserting? enjoy feeling cucked by (yourself)
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Fuck jessica. I won't bother doing it again.
Is the assasin MC passive bugged? I'm hitting low health normal enemies but nothing happens.
Good build for MC? full support?
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Just learned this game got a recent Global version. How is it so far? Censored? Any way to get it uncensored if so?
I'm at a point where I don't know how to increase my faith lvl since I'm unable to progress further.
Is it a good idea to bench Matrotho and replace her with Ines? I rolled for Ines' EX weapon but I'm still on the fence. Not sure if I'll grab it with gold or not.
>switched from ldplayer to mumu because of some graphical bugs
>the game now runs like a complete dogshit
why do we have to wait for steam release...
How is it so far?
Pretty good, the main issue is the MTL translation which is getting fixed over time.
Outfits are uncensored, but no H-scenes.
Any way to get it uncensored if so?
The apk of the Korean version is fully uncensored, and has the same english translation. There's only one server so both versions will have your profile. Steam release is on the way.
I suppose there is no PC version otherwise until Steam releases it? I don't have any android and my 10-years old notebook doesn't have proper capacity to run an emulator.
I am playing it a lot. It's fun. Yeah you can get it uncensored if you need to, it doesn't bother me much running the censored variant.

Sometimes crashes, and the game balance is kinda weird.
The google play version is censored, just download the KR version its also in (broken)english so dont worry, some anon posted the link >>1611507
The KR and global server is the same
in what order of importance are all the systems for increasing power? haven't played many games like this so i don't know what to focus on. i've been leveling my characters and weapons up but haven't really touched anything else
Sounds great. But I will wait a proper PC version then cause I can't run an APK with my limitations
just finished sky vault 11-4 and apperently I unlocked the last "cost 18" slot somehow, guess all you need is to unlock MC 3rd ascension/something ?
That's what I'm going for.
>AP boost
>AoE heal
>long range spear throw until I get something useful
>support passives
As a noob I have been getting dupes of weapons, and characters and that seems to help upgrade them. I also like the stigmata's since you can put 4 on a character.
what level are you and what team did you use to clear the dungeon? im level 35 and i cant clear it since my squishies always die to what i assume is the miniboss.
lvl 35, full support MC, Evertits with her weapon, and max lb Dullahan+weapon.
> check past stages for 3 stars
> new stages appear from somewhere
Endless gameplay
are the pussies modelled asking for a friend
Probably not.
We never get to see them in any of the affinity scenes at least.
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this should stop
>gifts are entirely timegated
feels like there are to incentives to play further if you are only here for the porn
*ruins your autobattle*
How much have you been able to progress in the Halloween event without using the elf queen?
I am just getting wiped out in 2 rounds, bruh
feel like they target (you) most of the time
just dont stand close to evertits
are actually easy enemies if you control them yourself.
>How much have you been able to progress in the Halloween event without using the elf queen?
Reached stage 4, then stopped caring about it.
You should do the main story in parallel, you should at least get all your skills (MC's included) to level 3 or more, and make sure your weapons are as close as possible to the stage's level.
ok i was able to beat it. used nika, evertits, support mc, and headless knight. turns out i was fucking up by not double charging evertits' aoe. once i started doing that it was super fucking easy.
who cares about evertits, it's me who can't dodge them aaaaah
grats bros, yeah I learned about it yesterday too. also double charged evertits should be in guide, bet most ppl who got stuck doesn't know about it.
Policewoman when
No, Korean obscenity laws absolutely forbid showing genitals/anus.
>there are people that blindly use characters without reading their kits
I hate how retarded society has made people.
I play for the boobs not the skills
We are not the same
bro, you're playing a goonercore game and talking about it with other losers on a mongolian basket weaving forum... you're just as much of a societally induced terminal retard as anyone else here.
Being horny is one thing, being too retarded to figure out how the game works is another.
NTA but I agree with him.
There's nothing for a minnow spend in this game
I finally got her, memo girl and the 500 butterflies at the same time. Now i need to made a team we're she can be useful and wait for a milf or biker girl i guess. Fun game.
Guys, I think Puppy Stepper might be the best support in the game.
>free heals
>free AP
>crit and accuracy buff
Except it's all within 1.5 meters of it. I tried using him, I even raised him to A quality, maxed his class too, but I'd rather have something else in my team.
The crit/acc buff is 5 meters. The 1.5m heal and AP boost reaches allies that are adjacent on deployment and it's not hard to keep it hugging whatever you need to support if you're not attacking with it.
Yeah, but if I have the choice between another DPS or a silly little robot that boosts my other characters a little, I'd rather have another DPS.
Not many good dps that fit the 3 point filler position, but I understand your logic.
Is there any traits guide?
>not sure if you'll grab ines's ex weapon
get it, she's one of the best DPS in the game.
matrotho is only single target, not sure why you'd even compare them
do you guys buy daily b shards in shop?
take the scrcpy pill https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy
can run the native android version on your phone and screen mirror to pc over usb
No, only gift boxes and B,A tickets.
And oil if I have less than 5.
I buy the gift box, A and S ticket and the oil daily.
i'm having a hard time rolling weapons
weapon banner rate seems worse
it's a pain in the ass because if you go down to 0ap they can do the red telegraph and then shoot before the character moves again, and if you're underleveled it oneshots your dudes.
you have to constantly watch the ap bar and wait instead of actually moving or doing anything when their turns are coming up.
i mean in general. i keep getting character shards/fodder so i don't even have any cope weapons to use
do you need to stock up on oil in advance? it's only for the visual oil effect in the massage minigame right?
you get two s-weapon-selector boxes from the newbie challenges, check your inventory. as long as you rerolled for queen & her staff those + the free dullahan should be plenty to carry you until you eventually build up a stash of EX weapons from the standard banner. most SS and below weapons are not worth it
>it's only for the visual oil effect in the massage minigame right?
Yes, but I just have a similar mindset to that one afro american rapper...
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my account seed was pretty weird i got lisandria like every roll saw 4 weapons 2 ss and 2 ex so far unfortunately i was blind knowledge wise so didnt get the ss one
He's not just as retarded as anyone else, he's probably the biggest retard here.
Using the stupid questions ESL third worlders are asking ITT as an excuse to complain about "le society" is just embarrassing.
I like Ines more than Everette. Cool animation of the big swing after which everything dies.
If like me your considering skipping the Halloween story, I would urge you to reconsider; I dipped my head in just to what's happening, and in the first 5% of the story there's an awesome elf threesome
Afterwards you do it with the warrior nuns iirc
It would be nice if some anon could put the whole lore in some pdf.
Dullahan x Platina fanart when?
Nymset is pretty cool, she can tank, heal, buff/debuff and group enemies. Her combo with Dullahan's Decapitation is fun as hell.
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event stage 4-3 is filtering me, those 4 fire mages delete my tank before eve can reach turn 2. and it's level synced so I cant exactly level him up to be stronger.

maybe I need to level pantheri to use as a second taunter?
- Swap Everette for Ines. She's better here.
- change the healer to a nurse.
- The dog's aggro is useless here. It's better to take something else.
i was using kalina as an evade tank actually i think on this map i ran past all the mobs and defended from the top probably not optimal but it worked out somehow
Did we ? To be honest i have a hard time understanding anything, it's like reading random Balkan people arguing with each other in a broken english.
I'm really not sure if we fucked the nuns, I mean at least the elf threesomes was clear enough.
Kalina needs healing so she can tank for a long time while dodging.
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the elf kills everything she only needs to get hit like two times if its bad have the mc tank a hit
i found the map my elf was tanking not even her
Once you get to the jumping enemies, you'll forget about Everette.
I am playing in BlueStacks with High graphics without issues and I have a middle-end laptop.
Do any of you actually read the story?? I decided to skip everything since it's all gibberish anyway. Deciphering the story mtl is harder than the stages.
My team is currently Kalina, So joo and Evertits i'm planning to add Kim even if she's dogshit once I get my party cost to 18.
One thing I don't understand is how So joo stealth work with her weapon. If some anon would be kind enough to explain how to use it with her, thanks.
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area 8 monastary ungeon lever stuck
backtracked everywhere, was I not supposed to flip the hidden room switch and the other one before i got here?
seems like it softlocked out of order
TS (Transgenders) Cult is angry at MC because he represents the Human God and he is a male with penis who must be destroyed and be replaced by the First Human God, a futanari.
how? Tried to run bluestack on 11 android but there did not start the fight.
I use Valetta. She attack and heal at the same time. Pretty much unkillable.
i have no ex weapon, she's worthless. unless she can still oneshot with random S rank slop.
>- The dog's aggro is useless here
dog's aggro is what stops eve from dying to all the ranged enemies though?
>change the healer to a nurse
the healer is selfinsert mc godman, how the fuck i'm supposed to swap him out?
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>refuses to die
>one shots you
heh, nothing personnel
I think this is the Ernsete story chest, you need level 3 affection level with her.
I hate that they didn't tell us anything about the status skill. Like what did it do exactly?
With enough high level weapon and good stigmata substats Evertits can full nuke before enemies act, taunt is much less of a problem than you think.
>permanent regret
>Pantheri's butt keeps jiggling on the victory screen
>feel a MASSIVE urge
>check out her profile
>Story Locked
Anyone ?
End her turn near a visible ally and she'll auto-hide. It's pretty simple.
We need bigger tits like Poi in Last Origin.
ngl I want a girl with a lactation gun
Post it
mumu player is fucking annoying
i tried the guide, a video
and the general stuff never changed to english
just the settings
yes i used the patch, the correct version and the language change.
so i just uninstalled and went with msi bluestack
On bluestack it gets stuck in Halloween fights.
It works better on mumu.
i installed mumu a while ago but i don't remember having to do any of this. it just installed in english and worked out of the box
Mumu is best played games with 3d models.
On bluestack games with sprites.
Does nobody use Nox?
there's a cryptominer built into it
Is it worth it to get any non EX weapon from the gacha?
This game constantly crashes on my phone. I have blue stacks obviously, but i want to just play this comfy on my bed. Is there a way to get this game to work on Steam Deck?
Well, that's the problem.
On mumu, the only renderers are vulkan and directx.
Bluestack has opengl, crappy directx and Vulkan.
On directx some effects like rain of stars everette are rendered purple.
Vulkan i personally don't like it.
On opengl is the best picture but it sometimes lags behind visually.
I personally play on directx mumu because it does not heat up the laptop as much as the renderer vulkan.
Steam says that the Steam version will be in 2025
First I'm hearing of that, but I'm not surprised.
Are they going to fix up all the mtl or what? I don't understand the story at all becoz of this gibberish. This is what they called "GLOBAL" release?
google play has a warning that the app is still in testing.
So it's a global test.
Ya i know that, but im talking about the google play store version that is available right now
>Touch pussy
>get this
Yeah I'm thinking breeding sex.
I want to play this with controller. So far I'm trying to map the control with Mantis but idk how to map the targeting/direction when using skill correctly with all the movement and camera control. This sucks.
What is this boss stage between the event shop and event stage. It had a bunch of high level boss battles? What's the reward for that?
I really like every HW girl. They are all so nice and erotic.
the puzzle pieces you use to buy rolls in the shop i believe didn't really look at it that much since it seemed like endgame content
for each stage and each difficulty you get stars, and for every new star you get rewards like roll shards, EX ticket, resources etc. But all stages are hard as fuck and every character can be used only 3 times, also you can't use the MC. I was able to complete just 2 first missions on easy, and got raped on the third.
They say they don't understand...
>another weapon
Damn It, i want more tits
>Vlissing weapon
>Vlissing dupe
My account seed is so fucking cursed.
I got femen 3 time in a row anon... And I finally got the Valeta, you'll get through it.
I try to and I see bits that are funny/interesting but the bad translation really fucks with it
Please, help. I'm talking about SS weapons
It depend is it in a unit you are interested pulling ? if so yes it's worth to take it, if not don't, you can see which unit the ssr weapon is bound to in it's description
If you're using characters that don't have an EX weapon then yes, otherwise no since the EX weapons are tailor made for their character.
EX weapons are still amazing statsticks, always roll them.
I do for only weapons that I use for characters I have.
So her group thinks you are a god or chosen one? If they kept the same ideas from Last Origint then she might be lying
It's insane to me that the devs dropped Welfare Knight and mogged all of their gacha characters

most of the cast wouldn't compare even with upgrades
and most players would prefer it to be a waifu anyways
The warrior nuns have a chastity cage...
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>most of the cast wouldn't compare even with upgrades
That's simply not true. My Everette's BV, as well as actual viability in battle, is fairly close without any dupes. If I had her maxed out with dupes of both her and her weapon I believe she'd easily surpass him. He is definitely VERY good, but that doesn't mean the rest of the cast is obsolete.
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>most of the cast
Eve is literally one of the strongest character right now, she isn't "most of the cast".
I said most of the cast for a reason
eve is in the minority
she would need ridiculous investment to compare to the totally free one
it's still early going i'm sure they'll power creep, it's surprising to see is all
he's got a cool design but it's really not what I'm playing the game for

ines is also in the small chunk of comparable characters but she's low rarity and comparable to headless
My point is that Everette, while comparable at base, is that she's the minority in that fact and in contrast, the other characters, when upgraded should be equivalent to HK or base Eve. They're not totally nonviable in the long run, which was the initial claim.
This is why I don't meta game. Just waifu game.
i'm not sure why they didn't make all the units waifus, were there furries in lost origin too?
This game is cool, but the character designs are so bad compared to Last Origin. Even the hottest whores in this game wouldn't even crack the top 50 in that game. I wonder how long it will be until we get an iconic and beautiful design on the level of Sekhmet, Cerestia, Eternity, or Frigga.
I mean yeah he's gonna get benched by me mostly unless I really need to break him out for the hardest stuff atm
inevitably you need a variety of built characters in these games anyways

it just boggles the mind how the devs are out of touch and with the appeal of their own game
I'm not gonna say there shouldn't be male characters in the universe like some people want
but I really doubt many of the players want to run something besides waifus

last origin has a bunch of non-gendered robots and a lot of them have alternate skins that waifu-ify their designs
it sparked a lot of discussion as to why the devs insisted on adding them/if it was always just an excuse to milk for skin sales to "fix" them

HW overlaps a lot here (cast with robots/nonhumans that aren't appealing) and we just have to wait and see, they might just change course with feedback

yeah they definitely are more "plain," I wonder if it's purely because 3d is limiting especially with mobile targets
I do like a lot of character designs but none of them are super stand out
How did you get it? the event?
Yes, you get him at the end of chapter 4 of the event. All of his dupes as well as the dupes for his weapon in the event shop. Prioritize those and the EX summon tickets, then the gold, then whatever else you want.
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>HW overlaps a lot here (cast with robots/nonhumans that aren't appealing) and we just have to wait and see, they might just change course with feedback
And you couldn't be more right pic rel is a future skin for Kilion the dog tank
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there are only two SS weapons meta at endgame
the red 1h sword for pantheri & nun that gives lifesteal on counterattack
and the AP-boosting computer chip for puppy walker to make its team buffs better.
for S rank, griik sword is kinda relevant. bad for damage but it is a defense-boosting statstick for doghead man.

just ignore the rest of the weapons. for your earlygame team you can use the selectors from the newbie login thing to get some temporary S rank cope weapons (hopefully you got everett's staff though)
>If I had her maxed out with dupes
if you need to spend $1000 on gacha to beat the freebie welfare character most mid spenders are not gonna bother.
i didnt think i would be enjoying the dialogue and story so much
>my generic cow sluts are better than yours
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>matrotho is only single target, not sure why you'd even compare them
My Matrotho's single-target DPS sucks so I basically use her for her AoE skill. I don't have her weapon but the cope-weapon I gave her gives her a 50% chance to use her AoE without any cooldown. Regardless, the damage is shit and she barely makes a dent.
I bit the bullet on Ines and she made a huge difference in my wave-clearing abilities. Her counterattack hits like a truck. Only problem is my team shrunk to only three units (Ines, Marhim, Nonoha) and I'm not sure how viable this would be later on.
I thought about going Ines, Platina, Nonoha, but I feel like it'd be such a waste benching Marhim considering I got her weapon.
So should I be increasing everyone's affection to unlock more hidden stages?
Not for hidden stages but for "plot".
>I thought about going Ines, Platina, Nonoha, but I feel like it'd be such a waste benching Marhim considering I got her weapon.
if you have marhim weapon surely you'd drop nonoha instead
Agreed, but at least this game have 3D models instead of just JPGs that they can put more detail on them since they are static. I assume anyways that Last Origin will die after this gains more traction and that's a good thing in my books since the potential here is much much more.
After Destiny Child died, i haven't enjoyed any gacha game and this is filling that gap pretty good for now (hope the devs don't fuck up this since i heard bad things from Last Origin)
>gains more traction
How? With more mtl?
>if you have marhim weapon surely you'd drop nonoha instead
Is Platina, Marhim, Ines a better team?
I've been relying on Nonoha's shield way more than I expected. Her shield is basically a crutch that enables me to make risky plays without much of the consequences. Not sure if I'll be singing the same tune once I use Platina. I haven't invested any materials in her yet.
So Erneste (with Karina's sister) for chapter 8, and Chae-young for chapter 9? Who else is there?
More units and just time. This shit is like three/four months old vs Last Origin's four+ years lifespan. Expecting the same quantity of content at this point vs the previous game is beyond retarded.

You can keep 'playing' Last Origin and collecting jpgs and using fan patches that are not much better than this mtl garbage anyways so there you go anon.
>I've been relying on Nonoha's shield way more than I expected.
well you need that shield because your team has no tank.
platina is a defensive character as well, if she is tanking all the hits your other chars will have fewer need for shields.
remember to use healing skill on MC as well, it's very strong.
Platina doesn't have anyway of manipulating enemy aggro right? Other than pulling them closer to her with her jump?
>remember to use healing skill on MC as well, it's very strong.
Thanks for reminding me. I did slot him in with the AP-boosting skill and the AoE heal. My only problem with the MC is that he's usually the last to move among all the party members. Not sure if there's any way to boost his speed.
>Platina doesn't have anyway of manipulating enemy aggro right?
Read her skill descriptions. She has permanent aggro up when she's in shield stance. She doesn't have any taunt though so it's not 100% consistent especially with eve who also has aggro-up
Is Platina better than Headless? Right now I'm using Evetits and Headless + 1 useless fodder(that sniper Kim something). Should I switch Headless with Platina? I do have have her exclusive weapon.
>She has permanent aggro up when she's in shield stance
Figured that's what "aggro adjustment" meant. Thanks anon. I'll try her out then.
Is the massage oil useless outside making the girls shiny?
Maxed out headless clear out leftovers faster
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Part of Last Origin's appeal in the first place was the cool ass robots in addition to the buxom women. He is right at home here.
Will I be ever be gatekeed by exp mats? I still level up benched units just because.
How long before pussy mods?
When are they adding auto skip on skill animation?
Currently at the stage with lots of tentacles and I can definitely say that Platina is a pretty good tank. I feel like my former tank, a shielded Karina, won't last long here. Only problem with her is that aggro'ing enemies towards her is pretty unreliable.
Am I going to brick my account if I just pick up every EX from the standard banner? I got the idol girl's pubes but apparently she sucks.
>Event 4-3
Getting my ass whipped gang
For those without Evertits, how large of a level gap can you tolerate before calling it quits? I'm at around ~7 level gaps from the recommended and the enemies are getting to be a bit too spongy for my taste.
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>30 AP recovery Perfect Preparation on a puppy stepper
I got the god roll bwos
time to make eve go hyperspeed
they will reset the one time x2 purchase bonuses in the cash shop on nov 21
give into the fomo, buy $191 of butterflies (35 skins' worth)
Any new on the next character banner?
Next week. Just getting a new skin tomorrow. The Koreans are super fucking pissed that global "release" delayed everything by 2 weeks.
Fucking gooks, why are they like this?
Damn thats a lot skins anon, i only wanted the post-it girl and i already have her.
Anyway anyone has some advice to beat the event stage with the dogs with taunts i have evertits but those fucking dogs don't let me cast anything
you must taunt the dogs, that way they can only basic attack and not use their own taunt skill.
>Global got shafted with less rewards and missed content
>Koreans got shafted too
>New skin is just Valetta's skin but recolored
Holy crap they are really burning bridges right now. There's no way this game can survive without gook money.
More than half the skins are just bunnysuit i know theyre not recolors but the devs need to be more creative with skins honestly
Game can't be affording to fuck up this soon with GFL2 around the corner
I mean valetta one was lisandria skin but recolored too.
Last Origin is a failed project with a mix of different artists.
Here everything is done by one artist and that's why the game looks better.
although it seems they have a lack of experienced 3d modelers and cant make skins quickly enough, hence why they need to release so many repeated ones
This is because there is only one artist working on it and he is trying to draw the perfect body closer to reality because of which we see that the heroines of milf breasts do not stand torpedo and slightly hanging down.
Rise of Eros would be realistic,HW is anime
Rise of Eros is terrible. Yes HW is an anime but much more realistic than the same Last Origin where one artist draws girls with abnormally large breasts.
also the combat is generic turn based "you're not gonna play this anyways so we're gonna design the whole game to be autobattled through" mobileslop
HW feels somewhat like an actual game which is already better than most gooner mobile games
Well, because it's simple. You understand how to win, how to enhance the hero. There's no VIP status. Enemies don't have a lot of skills. There's not a lot of pressure on the player.
I'd rather beat up robots than masked freaks and meat demons
Maybe they'll be able to hire more if the game is successful.
Holy fuck I should not have put off rifts. This is like 100+ battles. Does this shit really reset weekly?
What's the best passive path for human god(wtf that name)
Just put as many passive party buffs, heals and AP regens as you can
Btw I wonder how the revenue is going. For now it's only available officially in Korea right?
Where? I want to see their shitposts
>100+ battles
Nani? What battle is that?
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These. You have to continuously fight from floor 1 to w/e highest you can get to. No healing inbetween and once your team wipes, you have to restart from floor 1 if you want to try again. You can't reset the battle before wiping either.
You have to do each color separately.
What? I can start from the last floor.
Eve's cast isn't a wait command though and the way that's worded heavily implies that it only effects the character it's on.
did they copy and paste the same maps 4 times for that? felt like all the maps were the same. i need to figure out a meta auto team for that since it's a real slog
> all the heroes are dying and only an eve's ultimate will save them
> the eve's ultimate boost is activated and you have to wait another round
troll eve
Well, the developer who did the Halloween stages deserves respect. It is necessary to manage to make such puzzles with a limited level.
Why is Kalina's massage scene the only good one?
how do you get rid of the human male char off your team? waste of a spot, id rather another slut there.
You don't, and it's not a waste of a spot since he doesn't take up any points.
Just turn him into a support giving out AP and heals, he's the best for it.
Playing without the mc rapeman is suffering, you can try it on event challenge levels.
I managed to get 3 stars lmao. Shit too hard
Gooks are NOT happy about global players.
All 4 of them?
Global players masturbate to Erneste.
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Oh no
i don't masturbate to erneste
this dick is reserved for christmas cake
If they didn't want me to masturbate to Ernesteo and Kim they shouldn't have made them the way they are...
Gooks aren't happy with the game in general. They've already stopped playing en masse because of all the mistakes the devs have made, like including homo furries in the gacha.
I was hopeful the devs could turn it around, but now with the double butterfly bonus resetting so early, I'm thinking global might just be a quick cash grab and the game will probably hit EoS by first anniversary.
I masturbate to Pantheri and Evertits
Is there a way to see the player count by region?
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shitposts. Ignore it.
Anyone swiped yet for global? Im about to, but i want to know if i do, will everything transfer to the steam version later?
> gooks are not happy
> where's the pedophilia stuff?
> this game is shit
> last origin is better
and other shitpost
just skip
Everyone in this thread is playing the global version.
Provided you can log in to the steam version using google play, then yes it will carry over.
i mean did u play money on the gacha
No. So far beside evetits one, skins are kinda meh.
Man they need to make a skin for the headless knight, install wombforce on it with whatever tits shenanigan power we have, and it would be perfect
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The Gacha is tricky, and their should be a guide for it aswell as a whale tier list for the shop, BUT I shall attempt to explain the basics of the gacha.

you get 5 searches in 1 roll, but you need 10 rolls to gurantee a ex character, so about 50 searches. For the sake of things, we will just say you need 10 rolls. 10 rolls is going to be 3,3k butterfly cums or 2mil credits.

with that in mind, if we DONT include the first time double packs, its going to cost you $80 per 10 roll, but you may aswell just add $10 more for the $89 pack at that point. So its more like $90 per 10 roll. If you are f2p, its 2mil credits per 10 roll.

If we compare it to other gacha, it seems not worth it. BUT, the banner character is 100% guaranteed on the 10roll unlike in other gacha where you 50/50 the first pity then its guaranteed if you dont hit the 50/50. So with that in mind, its actually cheaper compared to other gachas to get the banner character by ALOT.

What is shameful tho is the wording. they say you can get her within "10 searches", but what they actually mean is within 10 rolls, because technically 10 searches is just 2 rolls on the gacha.
Every version of the game is using the same server, and has the same profiles. Nothing gets erased, everything gets transferred.
>dopamine stage 6 is literally just a big open field with 20 bosses in it at once
"strategy" rpg
Speak for yourself, the normal skins are pretty good. especially the Lisandria ones
>What is shameful tho is the wording. they say you can get her within "10 searches", but what they actually mean is within 10 rolls, because technically 10 searches is just 2 rolls on the gacha.
To be fair, the game explicitly tells you that 1 search = 5 search results.
Love my choco elf stalker gf
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Event vendor, or just use money.
You HAVE been playing the game, right?
Bro that's just 650k lmao. I think event dopamine got one for 5 stars
i used up both options
I have 2 cats and 0 cat knives...
weapon rates are lower than characters. so it is what it is
I have 0 cats and 1 cat knives...
If you consider the fact that you don't outright get what you roll, but rather need to then buy what you want from your rolls, the cost is roughly in-line with other games. Significantly higher if you buy everything from the gacha on every roll, which is a more fair comparison since every other gacha you still get the things when you roll them.
Just did a summon, a B result turned into an EX character, wtf???
Not sure what you mean by this. "dont outright get what you roll"? in no gacha do you get what you roll for unless you hit pitty or get lucky. What im saying is that in this game the first pitty is 100% guaranteed to get the banner character, even for the weapons. in other gacha you need to hit pity multiple times to get that gurantee.

I havent played this game a ton, but maybe this is offset by the fact that dupes are kind of bad unless you are at end game and want to finally min max characters. But that is still kind of a good thing because it means you only need to get the character once and you are done for a while, and the 100% pity guarantee helps with that.

But maybe what you mean is that you dont get anything you roll for because you need contracts or buy with credit? in which case i can see your point, but id argue its still worth the gurantee pity that you get because most of the stuff in the search results are useless and you dont want anyway. You get to select what you want. The search results do not go away either, so you can still grind for w/e came up in the results until you refresh.
Surprise pull, I fucking love this system.
trying to compare gachas 1:1 is basically impossible, every game has completely separate metagames and monetization philosophies
even doing like comparisons of what's in the shops/currency bundles is usually pointless because how much they give for free through gameplay/events vary so much
or what playing as a f2p is like, if there's pvp, does the pvp matter

the monetization in this game is like very weak compared to others
still more than last origin, but both games seem to prioritize skin sales
this one at least has an actual gacha to whale on

idk I'll take any game that doesn't tie actual character mechanics to upgrades, if it's just stats it's 100% preferrable
we dont compare gacha's 1:1, we compare the ease of f2p vs p2w monetization, and some gachas are blatantly better/worse than others at this. Brown Dust 2 vs Genshin for example. You would be a fool to say Genshin has a better or cheaper monetization model than BD2.
Is there a way to give feedback to the devs? I have some suggestions.
There's a badly managed suggestion channel in the official discord.
as far as i know, all the chars can be EXed, and no one has done that yet and are just bitching at the base chars being weak.

compare stats of fully max to fully max, post those stats here, then bitch. thanks.
When can I auto skip skill animation
how the fuck do you read this tier list exactly? are we saying Nimset is a better tank than Lisandra?
When you add it to the game
But Lisandrias outfit is SS tier and Nymsets outfit is only A tier at best, so therefore Lisandria is a better unit.
Then according to that list, Headless knight is the worst DPS char among the EX lineup. Yet some anon in this thiread is flashing out that Headless knight is making other characters worthless as seen here >>1612057
Unit specific weapon increase damage by like 50%
There should really be 2 tier list, one with s weapon and one with ex weapon
Many units are only okay with no ex weapon
Nika is not as good as Everett. She falls of HARD as you increase your level and is hyper-dependent on So Joohee to deal respectable damage at that point.
Platina is not better than Nymset, she's just obtained much earlier. Also the dog knight is better than both of them.
Nonoha is better than Fammene unless Fammene has her signature weapon.
Vlissing, Puppy Stepper, and Rhasadina are not S tier. They're F tier. They're so unusably bad that you will be cursing the devs for not letting you use MC in Dopamin.
Samarika is not EX tier, she's dogshit. The tier list makers probably just put her there because she's required to increase Bella's affection level, and Bella's affection levels unlock an ascension mat for the MC.
>rolled valetta weapon and pick it with my last EX tix.
>rolled valetta a couple of 5folds later.
should I wait for another free EX tix or just grab her with 650k gold ?
>Not sure what you mean by this. "dont outright get what you roll."
When you do a "search" that costs tickets/gems/gold. None of the results are added to your collection unless you choose to purchase them from those results. This costs you more tickets/gems/gold. If you factor in the gem costs of purchasong every result on top of the cost of the searches themselves, this game is significantly more expensive. With every single other gacha game on the market, when you roll that's it. You get whatever you rolled including all the trash.
Is it the basic gacha or one of the banners? Results for the banners will rotate out, but the basic gacha will stay indefinitely until you reroll it.
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The hallway of 4-2 is kicking my ass in the Halloween event, I'm guessing the skills/weapon levels start to become more relevant here even with the level sync. Is there any cheese strata to get through? Or is it just jumping as much AP on Everette and hoping she can nuke it before you get wiped out
its the basic standard one, that's why i'm wondering. I have 3.2m atm but I don't think that's enough to guarantee a character and her weapon next banner, not sure how many gold I'll get in a week.
The entire Halloween event is played out solely by tactics and the unique skills of the heroes.
> Does this shit really reset weekly?
you only have to reclear the highest difficulty you've beaten, everything else you get the rewards automatically

> No healing inbetween and once your team wipes, you have to restart from floor 1 if you want to try again.
this part is not true though, i've failed and quit and then come back later to clear a stage 3 with a higher-level team and didn't need to restart from the beginning
the robot's team AP buff passive is based on its personal AP recovery stat.
>robot waits
>its own stat goes up
>now eve gets more ap
it also means you want to give it stigmata that improve "behavioral resilience" (mtl garbled term for AP)
just spend the 650k gold. you will never have enough ex tickets to completely avoid spending gold. normally events give out one per banner cycle and you need minimum 2 if you get character + weapon and don't luckshit anything on standard banner
650k gold is 3 rolls, keep that in mind.
>Nika is not as good as Everett. She falls of HARD as you increase your level and is hyper-dependent on So Joohee to deal respectable damage at that point.
if you actually read the evaluation attached to the tier list, Nika is rated that high because she is mandatory in the teams to clear endgame stages with 12+ level deficit, where everything besides poison gets capped to 1 damage. She's not a general purpose "use in all content" character like eve.
Samarika is rated EX in the "tool" section because you must have her on your account to access the sidestory that unlocks the 18th cost point. They explain that there's 0 point in ever actually using her after her.

Lissandra doesnt even have taunt or aggro up man, enemies just fucking walk past her. She's more like a durable damage dealer than an actual tank.
Enemies will target a character with 10% health and -10 aggro instead of one who is at 100% with +25 aggro and closer to them no matter what.
This feels kinda like bullshit.
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>That instance where those fucks charge and fire before you get to move
>Lissandra doesnt even have taunt or aggro up

If thats the case why even have a tank at all when the main char can tank and heal?
>why even have a tank at all when the main char can tank and heal?
To stop elves and mages from rapeing Eve within the first turn or two.
Like i said, Main char has a AoE taunt anyways.
They dont walk past, enemies prio chars in the front vs those in the back.
>cry of the ancients
>taunts healer again
it's all so tiresome.
>then everyone else gets taunted just by the basic attack
thanks game.
My god why So joohen has such Bad traits? It just My luck or the free one always get bad traits?
> free platina
stupid SOW
Because she's a lazy stupid bimbo sow.
You can fix her
pretty fucking annoying that enemies will move across the planet to get a kill rather than the immediate threat standing right next to them. what a stupid aggro system.
Retard here, how do I redeem the dullahan? I bought all shards but I don't see an option to recruit him, do I have to complete some event mission to get him and shards are only upgrades?
Yeah, event missions. He's a pretty early reward iirc.
There is a concept of WEAK POINT in the game.
Weak pont is a critical hit from behind the hero. Mobile enemies use it all the time.
Thanks. But also fuck me, I'm a gigaretard and my only tactic is praying for my tanks to survive until Evertits drops her tactical nuke on enemies. Unless that's how you're supposed to play this game, but I doubt it.
this is the dumbest fucking argument ever lmao
the good characters are just better in that scenario
their stats go up too
the only argument is how easy it is to do that for the lower rarity ones
this game's gacha system makes getting dupes for SS/S's kind of a pain though
Anon, the good chars already have EX...
anon you can level characters past EX....
Thats a good tactic atleast for now, i think most are doing that, just wondering what the guys who don't have evertits are doing?
And so can the smaller chars...
The hell they do. Enemy elves just skirt by everyone to attack the backline because they have high mobility.
So we're are the extra 2 points to deply characters?
MC ascension gems. You need 3-4 of them for the +2 cost.
>one from Stage 5 dungeon
>one from side quest in Stage 8, unlocked with level 3 Bella affinity (you need brown ninja elf as well)
>one from Stage 8 dungeon
>one from Stage 11 dungeon (I think)
the fact that you can roll with gold is a huge difference. in most games you can only roll with cash shop currency or tickets which are only handed out on a limited basis.
mc taunt is bad range and bad aoe compared to the main tanks, and of course if he uses his turn feeding eve AP he can't use it
I don't use her right now. I use kalina, matrotho, erneste, bella, and mc.
Currently if it's a hard round I just focus down one enemy at a time and hope I can keep the heals up. Not super far in yet but taunts are lame on my characters.
It's the same. In other games you slowly accumulate rolls in month for multi pull. Same as this one. After the initial honeymoon you will slowly accumulate gold for multi pulls too. idk how you got so easily tricked by that.
This lol. Just change the name of your roll tickets/currency to something common and people fell for it hook, line and sinker. Do people really think they will steadily get millions gold/day for rolls everyday lmao
The MC looks exactly like you in real life, down to the choice in clothing.
Game is fun but it really feels like a much worse GFL2 but with nudity.
Why is it worse than gf2 . Gameplay wise
Gonna play both either way, can I play with Cluckay tits in gf2 ? no then there you have it
>a much worse GFL2 but with nudity.
So it's a much better GFL2?
>Ever trusting chinks gacha
Don't fell for it bros...
These are gooks, anon.
Sorry I was talking about gfl 2.
But they have the super high quality feet anon, you like feet right?
it's actually a little worse here since gold is the same material you spend to level up characters/weapons/skills. so if you do a lot of that in a month you get fewer gacha rolls.
They're pretty similar in gameplay. GFL2 has better models, design, voicework, and animations. Big problem I have with this game is they're going to balance everything around Evertits and poison. It's going to get stale. Idk the meta for GFL2 though.
who cares I wouldn't touch gfl2 with a 100ft pole
Same. Between the cuckshit, the pvp, and the boring tiny-titted designs, I'm not interested in that trash game at all.
No way, gooks hate this shit, how did they manage to squeeze it into a gacha?
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If there's no way to get feedback to the devs then where do I post these?
Their fucking discord server...
But you told me the Discord isn't official
Luise interaction when
any tips on the last stage of the event? the boss has like 30k hp and hits hard
has too much hp for me for now im just gonna wait and level up
Hard for me to tell how it looks but as an ant I appreciate it.
I'm starting today. Do we have weapon tier lists?
I got some elf whore and her platinum staff, and then a sword called "The Lamoran Wind". Do I buy the sword? Or save stuff for another vanguard?
Also the Halloween event mentioned that tall lady doujinshi, men of culture know which one.
not sure which sword that is. basically EX you buy rest you can use as cope until you get EX
The level on the event are fixed, just charge evertits special, with 2 nukes You can kill him
is there maint? i just got booted off
For some reason they keep hiring people who hates their players.
yes, 2 hour maint
tfw finished the last floor of my last rift right AFTER maint started so i got an error popup instead of rewards
muh brown skill mats, i will forever be bricked and 1week behind
if it makes you feel better you were already a few months behind the KR players since we play on the same server
I can't log in.

When I can log in, is there someone I need to reroll for? How generous is the game? Will I be able to get characters and sigs as f2p?
Characters yeah but i think its gonna be hard to get skins as a f2p
>hard to get skins as a f2p
I probably wont care unless it's a favorite. I meant signature weapons though, not skins. Unless the signature weapons *are* skins in this game, in which case that would be awesome and also a bummer
GFL is chink.
Explains some stuff, whatever. I got Evertits and her staff after a day of rerolling.
nta, skins are skins, weapons are weapons.
>nta, skins are skins, weapons are weapons.
So can you get characters and signature weapons as f2p, or just one or the other?
Signature weapons are obtained through gacha.
Skins are obtained through cash shop.
Both of which you earn currency for just by playing the game. Both of wish you can spend real $ on to get what you want faster.
So what's the religious lore here?
I don't really know what's going on here. I don't know if you're dancing around something or if I'm not asking the right question or what, but I'll try one more time:

How generous is this game? Can a f2p player reliably get every new character, or is this some mihoyo gacha shit where you get like 4 characters per year? Can I guarantee all characters as f2p? If I can guarantee all characters as f2p, can I also guarantee all signature weapons as f2p, or is this a pick and choose situation? Or, is it a situation where I choose either the weapon or the character? Do off-characters even want signature weapons in this game?

I don't care about skins. I'm not asking questions about skins. I'm asking questions about how many characters and signature weapons a f2p can expect to acquire.
>Can a f2p player reliably get every new character
For sure yes, banners excluded I've got 2 signature weapons and 3 EX characters, and I've been playing for almost a week now.
i god
Oh nice. Thank you very much. Sounds cool
>is there someone I need to reroll for
the current rateup char + her weapon are required if you want to have human rights.
she was the op launch banner and they reran her for 2 weeks just for global babs
Nuns want to fuck (You)
>How generous is this game?
very generous, game is pretty new and you can reroll easy for tittie elf + her weapon in like 5 mins

>Can a f2p player reliably get every new character, or is this some mihoyo gacha shit where you get like 4 characters per year?
f2p friendly

>Can I guarantee all characters as f2p?
if you play enough, yeah. Doing dailies, collecting compensation from patches and so on give you enough currency to pull for guaranteed banners. i got the elf tit monster + her weapon on my 3rd reroll and after 20ish i got like 5-6 ex characters

>If I can guarantee all characters as f2p, can I also guarantee all signature weapons as f2p
difficult to say, weapons have less % drop on banners so it's like any gacha, isn't guaranteed. It took me like 8 pulls for the elf staff

>Do off-characters even want signature weapons in this game?

next time ask questions like a normal person, entitled cunt
>next time ask questions like a normal person, entitled cunt
I did. See: >>1612965
I asked about characters and signature weapons, and the answer I received was about characters and skins. I asked a question for clarification, and I again got an answer about skins. Thinking that I might have missed something or might not know something, I asked for clarification again, and it seems that no, I didn't miss anything. I just asked a question and got a different answer, so I decided to extrapolate via a barrage of questions that did get answered.
Someone derailed the whole thing by mentioning skins once, you did nothing wrong, this was so unnecessary lmao
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>If I can guarantee all characters as f2p, can I also guarantee all signature weapons as f2p
you need 2,000,000 gold per patch to guarantee the character and 2,650,000 to guarantee the sig weapon as well, assuming you get one free EX ticket from each event. (some events like the halloween one give two EX ticket instead of one, so that saves you 650k gold)
free gold income just barely covers this.

although it also costs gold to do things like level up or to buy B/A/S tickets from the daily shop, and 650k extra gold for each EX you luck into from free standard banner pulls, so in practice gold income will probably fall behind if you are unlucky and pull to guarantee every time.
I'm about to start to playing, when is daily reset?
20 minutes ago. weekly reset too
ctrl+f on this thread and you can get all the answers. also go to the official discord server and rendermax one, plenty of guides and shit
f2p mobile games have a high concentration of ESLs due to their poorness. you did nothing wrong.
How long more until maintenance end? The year is 2024, some people still don't put timer or date on the maintenance page inself.
5 min
they put it on d*scord only. that is the offical english place for maint timers, patchnotes, etc
What does the purple bar mean?
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How do I get past this screen? Do I need qooapp or something?
>How do I get past this screen?
download the newest apk from the same place you got that one.
or use playstore version instead
What is the last stage of event? Is it that Jessica boss?
So I should re-read the story? Where do they change the mtl?
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Who is the reroll target?

And, if I'm getting this right, I have to roll the pack, but then I have to buy its contents with coins? Seems really weird, but okay.
everette AND her weapon.
note that they're available on the std banner as well as the rateups, so the easiest way to reroll is to dump standard banner tickets until you get either her or her weapon and then spend gold on the limited banner for whichever you don't have yet.
I got the apk link from here and apparently it's outdated now.
Anyone have the newest one?
You have to join the dick sword, where it is a pinned message in the Horizon channel. Just google the discord, that's what I did
I also got the apk from /v/
So we have an event every 2 weeks?
I got Everette on STD banner, then blew all my gold on her weapon banner but didn't get anything.

Is that a keep anyway, or do I want to get both? Is it even realistically possible to get both without rerolling for days?
I dunno what they are thinking with this roll system that use money
afk money cap will increase with every new story chapter
Eventually we will be able to roll every banner with just afk money
>Is that a keep anyway, or do I want to get both
depends on how early you got everette and thus how close you are to guarantee on weapon banner
depending on how many rolls you've done on weapon banner you can probably earn enough to get it within 1-3 days.
biggest moneymaker will be skins, not characters. like last origin or azur lane.
There's actually quite a bit of lower rank characters you want to pick up while rerolling. Samarika for example is super important since you need her to unlock a quest that gives you +1 team cost. You really should join the discord and look at the guide whenever you roll.
The gold system is honestly a fucking headache. Idk why people were praising this shit.
Fat vanilla elf's cost is high as fuck, holy shit.
>There's actually quite a bit of lower rank characters you want to pick up while rerolling.
>You really should join the discord and look at the guide whenever you roll.
Where is the guide on what characters to get when rerolling? I don't user discord, so to me there does not seem to be anything obvious. The pinned messages have a tier list, but that doesn't tell me what you just told me.
The official global discord has a guides channel. Not the rendermax discord.
So, if you're bad enough dude you can get 4 standard tickets from Rift of Everchange every week?
It is, but she's worth it. She launches nuclear warheads.
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Nymset's grouping skill is really nice.
what happens when you reach max affection? does she get pregnant?
They should add stage with low ceiling condition where everett nuke skill deal 0 damage
Why is Prisoner cost so high? What does she do thats so amazing to cost that high
Even if you disable her nuke, the skill which lets her perform attacks of opportunity when other characters attack is still bonkers.
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It's a global test.
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/a/ in a nutshell
kek, I love the "evil cult" storyline
It passed my test
EX weapons are for specific units. Read the description to see who the exclusive skill is for.
Even if you doin't have that character, you should still probably be buying one copy of every EX weapon because they're automatically better than 95% of low rarity weapons, even if you don't have the character the EX weapon is supposed to be for.
Also, after tapping on a rolled weapon in the gacha result screen, you can tap a button in the bottom left to see who can equip it.
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What the fuck is your problem Ms Sow?
No bonus for cheap gifts.
Shit bonus for normal gift.
Useless bonus for expensive gifts, because the golden crown gives more.
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Any news on the next banner?
Supposedly it's another rerun.
You can click on the name for full art.
i will breed her, still waiting on Gaston's banner, where is he? i can only self insert as a chad
I will
There's a resource for skins? Maybe there are future skins there too?
What if I don't care about the headless knight, should I use his easy to obtain shards to rank up some other character?
How do I get Marhim to enter stealth? If I attack with her she doesn't jump far enough, is she supposed to run around and do nothing but support Nika?
All I know is that you have to take the gold banners.
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I'd advise against that. If this game is anything like LO than he'll likely return but you'll likely get shards for the characters you want to rank up anyway from the gacha while you'll have to wait until the event reruns just to level him up.
Lots of people hate the laser thorn abomination.
I do not find them that troublesome when you can just move out of the casting hitbox consistenly.

I find instead Bloadsoaked Berserkers extremely annoying.
They are quite fast and can easily kill any unit in 2 hits, even tanks, with just frontal attacks.
Fuck them
in the middle of the game, it's all about who stabs you in the back first. So I don't understand how you can play without a Kalina, which is perfect for backstabs.
Evertits makes it so it's all about when she nukes everything.
Otherwise I agree with you 100%, chocolate elf supremacy.
I don't need to backstab when I can unga bunga with ines and valetta
the bonus for green gifts is actually useless too
you get green and blue gifts from the same selector box and blues are already worth +10 more than greens.
so only bonuses of +20 or higher make a difference
dullahan decapitate oneshots without backstab
This doesn't work if you get shot from your now exposed backside.
Matrotho has been doing me alright too just dodging.
We need to pick a team for the autofights
> just now realized that classes can be upgraded to 3rd class
> Ines and Kalina are now destroying everything
>still waiting on Gaston's banner, where is he?
upgrading to third class is kind of a brick for some characters though. homo dog knight gains a new shit attack that sucks and it ruins his autobattle ai. i guess this is what i get for unironically investing in a m*le character when playing a game like this.
>homo dog knight
Why the FUCK would you invest in a furry in the first place?
I just use erneste since she is so smug
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I start to play the game just a question how do i get the the EX tickets?
Any JKs in?
You get 2 from the event.
nta, but I assume EX and SS tickets are limited to event rewards like the ones we could buy now?
you can just buy an EX ticket for 650k gold :D
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Yeah what i want to know is how to farm them, is just for events or there another way?

Also how can i level up quickly in the game i feel being the levels of the story mode and raising a unit to EX level increase the cost or not?
for anons who played for more than a week already does the 7 day starter mission disappear or does it stay there until you fully complete all the missions?
Stays. Why the fuck do they have the 25lvl stigma mission.
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I'm gonna turn Nadia into a second Kalina.
Terrible idea, can't wait to see the results
> you go into the coomer game to masturbate
> after 5 days of playing it, you realize it's the best mobile game you've played this year
holy shit
thx gooks bros
Why did you guys not mention how Delia, one of the few loli's in the game, is actually the best budget eve unit you can get? Her skills are exactly the same and you can bring her to EX.
he's really really good. like, the best tank in the game. and he doesn't even have an ex weapon yet. nymset is almost as good but she needs her ex weapon and good fucking luck getting that out of the gacha anytime soon.
also apparently hes getting a skin that makes him a human woman which is hilarious and im saving 500 butterflies so i can grab it the instant it releases.
We did. You didn't read the thread.
I was going off the tier list, said she is C tier.
>kept skipping him because i don't want furries
>he's gonna turn into a hot babe
it's so over...
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>No ex ticket
>Rolled a Evetits dupe and matrotho dupe weapon
Pls... gib ex ticket...
they should send globalbros a free ticket when the event ends to help us catch up
For a coomer game, this is actually pretty good. I just hope it doesn't go to shit later like many others
Reached 2 million gold, I know I should be hoarding till the next banner but god damn do I want to do summons right now...
I hope the game keeps only 18 deploy points so is not a full EX team all the time
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there is a 200 year old elf jk who is going to human highschool so she can graduate, go to college, and then marry (you).
that's it though.
just spend your 650k gold if you want an EX, no need to wait for tickets
not worth it though.
>not a full EX team
cost has nothing to do with rarity though. there are plenty of 4-cost EX units like Nika and plenty of high-cost lower rarity units like Ines. only thing is there's no 3-cost EX yet, but there are barely any 3costs to begin with
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got my first 500 butterflies
can't decide whether to get evertits skin since I actually use her in gameplay or this Pantheri one just to sit on my homescreen even though I'll never use her
dupe weapons are kinda worth it tbqh. they're rarer than characters and give bigger stat boosts.
>can't decide if the human god is a fat old man, a shota or a random dude
he's a korean manhwa protagonist in a generic hoodie. you see in ingame ever fight...
I know. But on Last Origin, after some main stages, you could decide to become a fatman, a hentai protagonist or a shota and some girls had extra lines depending on who you choose
But you never see him in cg and combat.
why not use her? she seems pretty decent to me but i haven't finished the main story yet
So far Pantheri has been a really good evasion tank for my teams. I like her, hope she gets her story sooner than later.
Who else is gonna EX a cute mole
Need more.
4-3 and 4-4 of the event suck fucking ass holy shit
They're really painful, best I could do was get Everette, NOT sure her nuke, and instead just slowly chip away at the horde until victory. I sure as shit ain't getting three stars on it
for 4-3 puppy stepper was the key for me, to get eve's nuke off faster. then your tank only has to survive 1 turn of attacks
How the fuck do you beat the boss of the event?
evade/block and dps
getting the stars is another problem
you'll prolly have to grind other stuff on your account for those
like gear and other upgrades
pantheri is real good for when you actually do need a tank, she's pretty cool too
fencers are peak design

it's crazy how everette simultaneously trivializes almost everything by a huge margin but I don't even know how you 3* this shit without her
>Run across the map and jump back stab oneshot your unit
Wtf is this shit
>beat the dullahan, unlock him as a playable unit
>next event stage is piss easy
And it's not even piss easy because now I have the headless knight. It's just... piss easy. Even the fixed level is lower. Those soldiers died in one shot.
well the event was originally split in two parts that released at different times.
think of it as if you beat the final stage on one event and then moved on to the first stage of the next week's event
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Go for her, it's the current best character
>rerollers still desperately trying for the perfect start
>they have nothing else
Meanwhile, I'm done with the event, progressing the story, and I have the meta character+weapon combo they've been spending days rerolling for with more than enough resources left for the next one.
yeah it's important to realize the game hands out a few million gold just for playing all the new-player stuff so you don't actually have to get eve + weapon in your first 5 rolls or whatever, if you get one you'll probably be able to guarantee both
I don't think I will be able to beat the story. My team of Evertits and Headless Knight seems the worst for this kind of thing. But the boss probably deletes Pantheri
what stage are you struggling with? eve + dullhan carries through 99% of everything.
so which characters have the scenes that are censored? i know that you need high affection for them but not all characters have them right?
every character with an affection meter in your phone text/call menu has scenes.
unless you're going to whale or really want one of the currently available skins I would wait. if people keep complaining about the state of the game the devs will probably overcompensate with new skins. it took a while for last origin to get to the good stuff too.
All the tierlists I've seen are so fucking different. The only thing they agree on is that elf tits is at the top.
that's good
When's the PC version?
next year according to steam
It looks like the only chars with affection implemented so far are Everette, Yeon, and the 4 main-story vanguards Kalina/Erneste/Bella/Osla.
other chars have favorite gifts set and whatnot but you can't actually gift them anything yet.
although I dont have any of the post-launch EXes so maybe Fammene/Valeta/Yvonna have it too?
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That's not a tier list tho. Just a unit list.
elf on top sounds heavy, she's really big.
I like that costume more than the one we got
>dev on the official discord said the global beta test is blowing expectations out of the water, revenue stream tripled overnight
>Korea doesn't give a fuck about the game
Are we really gonna make it?
Revenue tripled because the game was dead in Korea. Koreans all stopped playing after the Halloween event started, so global was pushed out early to keep the game alive.
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Nice to hear that they are extending the Halloween event, but you are not going to get far with just a few extra days, unless you get the elf queen.
It's two whole weeks, broski.
Looks like they actually switching their focus to global players.
Are they going to extend the pass?
probably not, or just with small gold rewards.
>already spent all of my event tix
>new event shop
fug I swear if this gook dev didn't release new event stages..
Why do they choose English before Japanese?
I think Japan would spend more money on gacha than all English speaking countries combined
Because english players have paid attention to this game since it was announced and asked for english version. Japanese never showed up.
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So next banner is Nari
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>Recommended level 35
>Boss are level 45
Fuck you too.
>dungeon level
>boss nukes my underleveled Evertits
>enemy zooms in and nukes Evertits again
>all enemies are level 1 now and die to 1 AoE skill
Is this normal?? Looks like a bug. I'm not going to complain about a free win, tho.
People said the last ap is gained from 8-2, Bella subquest. How do you get it exactly? My bella affection is already 600 and I Have reach 8-5 but still no last AP. Help anons.
I have no idea I got her to affection 2 then unlocked the stage for the monastery dungeon and it showed up. It didn't pop up for a while too for myself, did you do the talks
What talk? I give a bunch of gift to her if that's what you mean.
Which level? How to trigger it anon, please I'm stuck.
Area 8, the monastery. Happened in both boss fights with the brothers.
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who is slut?
The chats and quests etc. which show her relationship level up popup. I did it yesterday day 3. I recall upping it to 2 and having nothing happen for a bit until I cleared more stages in 8 until the final dungeon. When the dungeon popped up I got the option to go back to 8-2 and do that large chain for the sidequest core.
might be a bug or some built in pity basically the game calling you a shitter and giving you journalist mode
Is not using Everette already journalist mode?
Journalist mode is pamene or nonoha making your entire crew go brrr
>I blitzed through the Halloween event to the detriment of the 'first 7 days' thing
>Halloween is extended

I'm happy for my other fellow new players, but I'm a little annoyed too
Nta, but why does Korea not like it? Too much stiff (lol) competition in it's home country?
I think it might be Yeon Chae-young (aka sexy secretary), at her level 2 affection because of Ra-De-Da screwing around
So can we get the EX ticket now that it's extended or still nah?
Nothing ro grind for infinitely. Once you 3* a stage you're done with it. There's no bullshit materials you need to stage farm. Gear farm has limited runs per day.
That wish thing? Rift and another one? You can't sweep that right?
The company that handles the game ruined LO and did a lot of questionable shit, there's a website with all that somewhere.
>No source
Why do you believe it?
Three battles per day that are over in seconds.
>bounty (boss battle for gear)
Only need to do one battle then you can sweep the rest. One battle per day with 3 free entries and you can pay for 5 more.
Doing one stage gives you all the rewards for that and all prior stages. Only 5 battles per week.
they should release their own official uncensored standalone but i guess they don't know how to set up direct payment, they're losing money to the cut these storefronts get.
Here is that website:
Search for Horizon Walker and you'll find why gooks hate the devs.

it seems to be a latent trait (NTR)
None of my heroes have that trait.
>why gooks hate the devs
who cares? It's the second day you've been writing that.
>Who cares
Obviously the gooks care considering it bombed there.
BASED BASED BASED. How long until it EOS?
Is there any way to change how people address me or change my character's cosmetics? Being some random dude in a hoodie is kind of lame and being called "human god" is annoying.
Guess you had to be on social media in gookland to see the real response. Seems meh to me but I learned about LO around when it was dead.
There's a shit ton of info there and so far it doesn't look like anything too damning besides general incompetence, which is whatever, can someone please summarize for me the most egregious stuff or anything really important?
That means she'll have a signature weapon right?
She's cute but I wonder if she'll be strong.
Play the game, he answers
a lot of people want to hate on them for abandoning their dying game, it's sort of justified because it died partly from their own mismanagement
but also sometimes things just don't work out

LO is super limited and was never going to grow without unrealistic investment (which would've been a waste anyways)

the gooner centric mobile game has a steep hill to climb to begin with, advertising/publicity and getting it on storefronts/separate versions

sometimes you just have to hit the reset button, they're still shitty for it

I'd be more upset with them if they weren't like the only people making the kind of stuff I'm into
Last origin is a completely different game. Tell those gooks to shut their mouths.
she cute
but i have 0gold from gettting too many EXes on standard banner.
the ex ticket is from a 21 day login and dec 5th is in 20 days so yes unless you literally start tonight after reset
I tried nonoha after unlocking 18 cost but puppy stepper seemed to be better for me still, at least in 1-2 turn stages which is most of them. Maybe she needs more AP gear to shine
>read website for messy e-drama sluts
>surprised all the stuff about a game is messy e-drama
this isnt an accurate representation of overall sentiment bro
She needs MC's gauge pull to let her do t1 shield/atk into turn 2 shield/ult After that she can practically ult every turn.
Got a dupe of nika from the generic multi search. Use gold on that or save it for another different character?
>LO is super limited and was never going to grow without unrealistic investment (which would've been a waste anyways)
This is evident even now that it still doesn't have a global version nor a PC client. It'll remain as it is in the near future.
Her 1st dupe give agility, which increases accuracy and that's her most important stat. I'd take it if you want to use her.
it has a pc version on DMM
for some reason no client for the kr version though
I've been using Everette, Horseless Headman, and Puppy Stepper as my main team but I recently got both Ine's and So Joo-hee's EX weapons and I'm wondering if either is worth investing in or has a place on my team?
Secretaries don't live because of the ultimates that are used in proximity to the enemy. They will always die, so there will always be one or two stars.
>this isnt an accurate representation of overall sentiment bro
If it wasn't the game would still be popular in Korea.
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fuck i think i just fucked myself
i login with my google account when first starting the game
can i not re roll anymore?
I think you can still delete the account.
I did sames. But thankfully you can overwrite it.
how? im still at the post first roll dialogue
do i skip it to get to lobby or can i delete from the google games?
That's a shame I like her and I'm honestly getting a bit bored with smashing everything with the same team.
its in settings -> account
Setting - Account - Delete Account
But you don't really have to, just logout, start as guest, reroll, and after you get results you want just press "Link Account" or something like that and overwrite your old shitty account.
Aahh, I see
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What are the odds we get pic related level waifu's in Horizon Walker considering its the lost origin devs?
go back
but yes i'm also hoping they add night angel level flatties
How are you suppose to use Lissandras Judgement of Blood skill? It seems kinda slow because it depends on stacks, and unless im missing something the only way to get stacks is with her one basic ability Spinning slash since thats the only one that hits anything... Not to mention that the skill itself does pathetic damage even for a AOE.
>Not to mention that the skill itself does pathetic damage even for a AOE.
She's more like an evasion tank with a side of healing. Except it's stupid because she has no taunt abilities or innate aggro correction...
So she needs a rework
>So she needs a rework
I've been able to use her effectively by giving her aggro correction through traits, but even then it means if I want her to get focused I gotta play around with positioning.
She can become very tanky and very good at saving your squishier units, but if you can replace her with a tank that has taunt you probably should, or even better, another DPS that can help you obliterate at least half the enemies turn 1.
I Dont think she is a tank, she just a frontline DPS that so happens to have a shield/heal. Her AOE skill is actually good IF it can stay up. also maybe needs a buff.
Brief Preview of the Update on Nov 21st

* New Character Added: A new character specialized in shooting.
* New Exclusive Weapon Added: A specialized rifle for the new character.
* New Affection Story Added: The affection story for the new character.
* Two New Skins Added: Halloween-themed skins.
* Lobby Customizing Feature: A feature to select and change the lobby background.
* Weapon Appearance Swapping Feature: Additional appearance slots for weapons have been unlocked, allowing you to apply the appearance of weapons you own.

Event Update Overview

* Halloween Event Extension: Extended until December 5th.
* Mini Event: Running from December 5th to December 19th.
* Winter Season Event: Starting on December 19th.

The Halloween event will be extended, and new event currency exchange shop will be opened.

Thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy Horizon Walker!

Halloween event extention huge. MAYBE global can finish some of the login rewards. Still not sure if the last reward is possible tho.
>I Dont think she is a tank, she just a frontline DPS
That probably was her intended role, but compared to the actual DPS units I've been using she pales in comparison. It would be nice if the game had a more detailed battle report so we could be a bit more precise with this shit.
she definitely could use a rework but I don't think she's bad in the current version
the cast is just kinda made irrelevant by some outliers, so her being like "pretty good" is whatever
also like the most ridiculously enemy dense levels she does do "a lot" of aoe damage but it's slow and you generally just want to remove as many targets asap rather than slow burn all of them
her single target damage/constant aoe healing is decent without any gimmicks though
honestly she should just get stacks from taking damage rather than dealing it, the shield getting broke should give multiple stacks
isnt she one of the few DPS with a massive aoe that isnt eve? AoE in this game seems to be very valuable, and the bigger it is the more valuable it becomes. This is why Eve is broken.
the damage per target is really low and requires ramping over multiple turns to even start dealing it
she's not eve whatsoever
nobody in the cast even remotely compares to eve in damage and how quickly she can deal it (cuz of ap generation mechanics)
>massive aoe
Yes, a massive AOE that does maybe 10% of the damage that some other units can do with smaller AOE attacks big enough to target 3-4 enemies at once.
Neat, do they have xitter or some Korean equivalent so I can follow them?
A discord server...
She doesnt need to be eve. the fact the game and teams revovles around taunting and healing for eve is a problem, completely invalidates EVERY other chars. Im talking about in a vaccume where eve does not exist, her ability is GOOD. It just needs a buff and maybe a rework. So im saying she is not actually a tank, but a DPS. Devs got confused, so to clear the confusion turn her into a drain tank DPS.
thats why that anon said it needs a buff. If we keep comparing damage to eve the more we will realize the game is actually dog shit and revolves around one character. Every other characters damage comes no where close to eve, so why bother with any DPS at all. That is the point. we either massively buff all other DPS like lissandrais ult or we nerf eve. and no one wants eve to be nerfed it seems.
i mean yeah sure but gachas are kinda fucked where it's a crapshoot how they handle this stuff
generally speaking we should expect power creep rather than fixing existing things
everybody gets so mad about nerfs and fixing old characters doesn't drive sales as much as making new things
Nah, even for a gacha eve is way out of line. She its the entire map and one shots it. In other gachas that level of power is atleast mimicked with several other DPS in one way or another, such as in genshin where everything is broken at C6. but in this game, even if you max out chars, it still does not compare to eve at her default with nothing invested.
Yeah I understand that if you compare every other damage dealer to Evertits she'll always come out on top.
However, I've been using Kalina, Samarika and Yvonna, that's what I meant when I said Lisandria pales in comparison.
yeah but koreans and chinese gamers mald harder than anybody at the idea of nerfs
and the freaks online already are ready to jump ship any moment because of the stink from LO and some other insane shit
I really wouldn't expect her to get nerfed even with how it'll cause the game issues as it goes on
buffing everything else up to her level is unrealistic (i've seen this argument way too much with other games and it's so asinine)
you basically just have to force yourself not to use her until eventually the power creep kicks in/they finally make content that she's not as good in
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they have youtube, naver, discord and a homepage.
that's basically it.
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>saying "go back" to the term 'waifu'
How shitty is the server?
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so this is our house
It's alright most people just ask advise, but you got the few usual degenerates poster.
Also it's the only place where you can make suggestion and feedback.
Is there a list of all units I can pull and how are they unlocked?
This game crashes every 2 - 3 battles on my phone, shits obnoxious.
I think there arent límited units so far so you can pull all of them but some you must unlock them first on the story mode, oh and the free event unit too, you can get it beating ch4 on the event
I might join if I can provide feedback but if they just ignore english players I don't see the point.
Are you using the KR version or the google version? I've had zero issues with the google version, but the KR version gets stuck loading and other issues. I wish they'd just give us a redemption code that toggles on/off the censorship. I also wish we could selective enable/disable "gentleman mode" for individual skins. Some of them actually look better with the added bits, like the bunny suits.
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Holy fuck bros, I did it. 3* Jessica (bitch).
Next banner unit, sniper.
Teach me your way human god
I'm only level 20..
Shes hotter than the snipers we already get so im gonna roll for her
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Kick Everette from the party.
Use MC's ACC reduction spear on Jessica to help with survivability.
Shred with Sow's EX guns.
Use MC and Nonoha to speed up Dullahan.
Go bonkers on the boss with Dullahan, and pray for crits.
Is this the event boss or the main story boss?
Wrong Orca.
Whats the best way to use So Joo hee I have her EX weapon
shoot in the back or use Assasination to proc def shred.
always end her turn near your other party members to keep her invisible.
What beastkin is this
Juha is coming next, Nari is likely going to be the welfare unit. They're both sisters.
Judging by the way the units are listed by ID in the files have been more or less released in the same order (exception being the Dullahan but he uses diff nomenclature), it's going to be
>Juha / Nari
>Berga / T-10 Bloodmaker (welfare? same strings as Headless)
>Griselda / Efreeti
>Olivia / Maximilia
>Mahari / Kaul
>Sinistra / Akasha (no art)
>Freya / Frigg / Skadi / Idunn (no art)
>Lamia / Fenrir (no art)
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coom aside is this game fun?
Honestly it's by far better than most gacha it can scratch that autistic crpg combat itch.
The story is abhorrent of course but we are clearly not in for the story, so the gameplay and fanservice make up for it.
its okay for now but will probably get better once i unlock 18 unit space and can actually bring a useful support
I think most Koreans have enough English skills to make the current translation. Id venture a guess its just a couple of devs that did the english themselves.
That quest was a nothing burger desu. She pretty much has sexual dreams only about (you) lol.. The little incubus turned out to be actually a funny gag character and apparently it’ll become a succubus in the future
Yeah the story and the evil transvestite cult is worth it. Quite comedic, and I enjoy the character interactions
I want new weird races or robot honestly, not all need to be coom ir they can make coomer costumes for the robots
>coomer costumes for the robots
My penis could only take so much...
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Holy kek
Reminds me of lobotomized wojak
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I guess that's that.
crazy how this game make my phone hotter than genshin and hsr
bc the optimization is garbage
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Here's some context. Re De Da is pretty much your incubus pet but he's a failure at being an incubus for (story) reasons. He needs to give people lewd dreams for vitality. He tries to give Yeon one but she's so straight laced she doesn't have any at first until she finally has one about the MC but then it shifts to some spoilery stuff about her parents and her background. The pet incubus has no body and can't fuck any of the girls so there's no real ntr here. He just gives dreams in exchange for energy and even offers one to MC. He obeys MC so MC tells him to knock it off and he gives up. This questline leads to MC canonically fucking Yeon by time you reach Bond Lv 5 so he actually was the perfect wing man. Also, he will eventually grow up into a succubus like his sisters and will probably join the harem. Gooks drew fanart of him as an onahole.
So she's trans?
a man can have only one true waifu
using waifus, plural, to refer any generic anime girl is pure redditism
>isnt she one of the few DPS with a massive aoe that isnt eve?
ines and dullahan are both very strong.
you also get prisoner free from the story, and can class up delia for big aoe too
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the korean patchnotes are on the the naver lounge forum.
here is this one: https://game.naver.com/lounge/horizonwalker/board/detail/5105300
one of the halloween skins on the 21st will be a transgenderized dullhan in cute girl form
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>(You) will have sex with this eventually.
>Very hot
Fuck it, just go all in like that vampire guy's super in CvS2.
What's the point of HP carrying over between stages in the Rift mode if I can just replay any stage that I want? Am I missing something or is it really a pointless mechanic?
i hope the new girl has a +20 bonus for a blue gift since they're the only gifts i have after going on a gifting spree
When do you unlock Nymset?
>got sword and shield
>Only 1 character use sword and shield
>It's a random mercenary
I think belle use sword and shield but im not sure
Belle use mace and shield
>The enemies are trannies
>Your allies are trannies
>(you) will fuck trannies
After you've beaten all the normal story content currently in the game.
>The second adventure mode
What is that? What is the first adventure mode?
adventure mode is just a list of stages to clear for one-time rewards that you unlock around chapter 8-10.
they're basically extra story mode stages except with 0 story attached, just shit to fight
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She's 30? ZAMN
How did you clear the event stage with Dullahan and MC within four turns?
My MC's spec-ed to pump out DPS yet I always fall short of one turn in dealing with this piece of shit mech. Is it really such a close fight?
I use MC to attack from the front and dullahan attack from behind
Fuck it, I cheesed it and settled for a run that was done within four turns and another without anyone dying. Even if you time and position everything correctly, I feel like you're still at the mercy of RNG if the mech decides to dodge. That stage was way too tight.
Finally a game with slutty hags
>just got her skin
now I just need to get her weapon and I'll be happy
Fucking kek
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Ah, I get it. I thought it was a mistranslation.
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Everette carried my ass.
How do I level sigma pass level 10?
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Is this where the "heal" meme comes from?
Max level depends on rarity. B (gray) can be upgraded to level 5, A (green) to 10, S (blue) to 15 and so on.
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good meme
Rough as fuck MTL aside, this game sure gave me a good laugh.
>cleared all main quest (normal)
>cleared all events main quest
>still no Nymset unlock
Guess I will do all sub mission too
Nymset unlock on the last sub mission on chapter 11
Is it going to be the new sachiko?
I do that frequently when I get walloped a couple times in a row.
Nothing says I have to get the stars all at the same time. Otherwise I could wait a day or two and level up I guess....
JP dub when bros?
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i hate how late you unlock her
new thread?
Where is this from? Why is my future wife Erneste so jealous?
Any more image of future units? Need more like Everette.
Why is this thread getting so much traffic?
"new" game and not a lot of places to talk about it
unlocking stuff throughout the game can be cool to keep it interesting but a lot of devs take it too far, it's pretty ass here

honestly surprised there isn't just a /vg/ thread at this point
a lot of more dead mobile games talked about there
I hate how they don't actually let (you) pick his name. Little shit would've been Buppi im my game.
We did and it died pretty fast.
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Damn, you weren't kidding. So many stages just to get her.
any sexy scene compilation gallery?
I unlocked Evertits' bedroom scene and it's a bit disappointing. You don't even get to touch her mammaries, only her butt. I still cummed, I owed her at least one "tribute" for being hard-carried by her.
you can touch her nipples but for me the spot to click was really specific and I couldn't even get it consistently
My game just turn black. Is it cencored?
How do people get Vyonna?
Standard banner
If you're on the global version (downloaded from google play) then yes it's censored.
Fuck sake 30 re rolls and i only ever rolled 2 EX grade characters and none are evertits
This is so much better than what we got, holy fuck
Are you rolling on standard banner or something? You literally can't get any other EX character except Everett on her banner.
no the first roll the game throws your way
Okay... Just take the gold and tickets from the mail and continue to roll on Everett banner and her EX weapon banner and THEN reset if you don't get both her and her EX weapon.
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> >>1613806
>complaining about rerolls when you're not doing it correctly
lol i've seen this so many times
they're literally getting fomo'd too with each day they're not progging their accounts
The game bombing in korea makes me worried about its future, I really don't want it to die but it has no chance being carried by global only, especially with 3d models
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Unless the game is mega stingy (FGO) and/or has absolute dumpster rates (FGO) with an evergreen meta unit that is mandatory, then there's absolutely zero reason to waste your time rerolling when you could just play the game and get your meta unit with your honeymoon resources.
Rerollers just abandon the game in a few weeks anyways.
They end up wasting more time rerolling than playing the game.
i wonder if this game will get added to the monthly meme chart
You know what, scratch that. The only reason to ever reroll is if the thing you're rolling for is limited and you don't get enough honeymoon resources to guarantee it.
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>포인트 부족
>lack of points
Fucking stamina system like Wuwa? Damn it. Let me use MC at least.
Maximum onions grab
and this guy who is kill monster every day
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What are the chance this get get genderbend on the 21st ? They mentioned two skin.
the monkey's paw curls, we get genderbent headless but it's breastless knight and there's just concave holes in her chest
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>Purple turned into gold
So there's no EX character of the secretary and the nepo baby class? Are there other class without EX representant
well i got everett, do i stay with this account or double down and try to get her weapon too and nuke the account when i fail to get it?
Take both if you can, fammene Is really good
Yeah, standard banner's resume shouldn't expire anyway.
Jim would appreciate his weapon
Just play. Halloween event is ending soon. You can still use this time to clear shop and clearing shop is better than wasting time on more reroll.
This Halloween event is such bullshit.
There are stages with multiple enemies that have more HP than your whole team.
What the actual fuck.
they need to add a slutty loli that is top tier meta unit if they were based.
retry like me or cheese
Well fuck i got a winner here got massive elf tits AND her weapon
The problem is that i cant get the cut with the money i have
time to play the game o guess
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Mate go to the halloween event screen, pick up the missions and buy the EX pick tickets and gold asap. Have fun
Banner results stay for a while after the banner is over, and won't block you from the new banner as well.
>How did you clear the event stage with Dullahan and MC within four turns?
it was pretty simple for me
>bring taunt spear, shellbust, and the ap boost (i brought heal too but you wont need it if you kill fast enough)
>also bring the dps passives with bonus magic damage on basic attack etc
>position mc and dullahan on opposite sides
>taunt robot so dulla gets all the back attack bonuses
>then mash basic attack on both, give dullahan energy when it's off cd too
>you only get one decapitate in 4 turns so make sure it's a back attack, maybe wait til shellbust is stacked up too (i didn't)
Halloween event's getting extended another 2 weeks check the posts with the patch. New whale girl sniper next week, unsure if the parachute girl's premium pass thing gets extended too
it's not just there, there's a bunch of MTL'd convos with "heal" in them.
i can't tell what it's supposed to be.
This game keeps crashing after playing for a while... Is it just memory leak i wonder
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>just doing 1 5-roll per reroll and resetting before ever checking mail
Maybe it Is like "take care" or something like that
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you vill use units other than everette
>So Joo-hee was a sheltered 30yo virgin
>Marhim is an autistic cat and wants to marry the same man with her friend Nika
>Nymset acts like a bitch because her dumb married senior advised her to be arrogant to seduce the future husband
>Fammene's husband is fucking dead
who cares
this all is trash biography
we know the all girls virgin
Not anymore.
t. Human God
a human boy can't touch boobs properly. Barely touches and takes his hand away.
weapon types with no EX character so far
>pistol user / nepo baby
>rifle user (until next week)
>greatsword user like ines
>"tortilla" user like osla (lmao at that translation for the weapon type)
>magic fragment user like min eun-sol or rhasadina
>computer chip user like puppy walker (headless is an EX mecha but his weapon type is lightbulb, same as flamenne)
>mace and shield user like nymset
>sword and shield user like ___ (only b-ranks)
>mole & dogman (ex never, they're male)
File deleted.
just play the game, you'll get millions of gold in the first 2-4 days
t. already bought like 6 EXes from standard banner with gold after using the free EX tickets on eve
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wrong image
I wish I was able to change my human god into a bratty shota that treats the girls like cumdumpsters...
based taste
wel hey last origin retconned itself so you could pick to become a shota maybe horizon walker will do the same
i want to play as a fat black woman from America.
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LO was wild at first. MC was a fucking walking brain in a jar
the bait png
I find it quite funny that there's people on this website that get incredibly asshurt over straight shota.
Found it. Her nipples even get hard, nice.
Thanks, would never find this interaction on my own. The area which triggers this animation must be small as hell, it's hard to tap it on a phone.
>unlock level 45 daily stigmata bosses at character level 30
other than nika poison/invis cheese is it even possible to beat them with such a large level difference?
>The area which triggers this animation must be small as hell, it's hard to tap it on a phone.
I think it's just an alternative animation and triggers on the 3rd or 4th touch automatically.
Saw this game had a sexy robot called platina
Can you still roll her or was she a limited character?
You get her for free
Sweet Jesus
Thanks anon
get platinum for free during the story campaign.
don't think so, i think you just do 1 damage if the level gap is too high
unfortunately she does not have bedroom scenes yet
Iirc it's over 12 lvl difference.
So when do you unlock the massage, the bath and the after sex scene? Also do you really need to buy skins if you don't want the girls with their default skins during the massage?
I'm a bit lost on how to progress. I'm currently very slowly advancing at 5-2 in the story, 2-1 in Halloween Event, characters at level 15, but it feels like I hit a wall and I'm aimlessly looking around at all of the different systems, wondering what should I be focusing on to improve my team

My team is Nonoha - Pantheri - MC - Everette , my basic strat is shielding the frontliners, charging Everette's Aoe, increasing her speed with the MC's soul possession skill, and mowing down mobs
Only the first free wives (Yoen, Kalina, Orla, Erneste and Bella) are clothed during massage, every newer character wear towels.
I just got Bella to the bed as the first and... it's underwhelming. I might have expected too much...
Did you unlock hard mode yet? Those stages give a lot of MC exp
nope, it's still blocked. Sounds like that's the goal to aim towards, MC exp is exactly what I need right now.
I assume it will unlock if I keep advancing on the story
1.Keep doing the event to unlock headless knight and get all his shards and weapon from shop
2.You should have 17 cost at some point, so u Everette/Headless Knight/Nonoha team to clear the main story
3.Do every quest you can do with Everette cheese so your faith level will increase
That's about it from my experience. If you have better option from gacha, just use them.
you're too focused on the eve. She's powerless against invisible enemies, but Ines isn't. I replaced eve with ines and also quickly destroy a bunch of mobs.
Can you use both?
>She's powerless against invisible enemies
i'm pretty sure her nuke still hits them so you just need to remember where they are, usually they don't target her anyways and go for the tank if you have correct positioning and aggro management
Will do, I'll try to see how far I can get in the event, it's really hard and I have to carefully play each stage or I get destroyed. getting headless knight is a priority then, thanks
yeah, she's pretty good too. I'm tempted in using a S-Ticket to cash in a weapon I got for her
my team
- mc (tank with aggro)
- Kalina (weak point)
- Bella (heal and revive)
- Ines (AoE damage)
- Kim (sub with crit hit).
Raising weapon's level is too damn expensive.
is Joo-hee weapon worth rolling? I have 3 mil right now, I remember some people saying she's good for bosses
It gives her a súper reliable stealth, her weapon Is pretty good
i would just save for the new girl coming in a few days
Griselda >>1611205
Berga >>1613424
Mahari >>1613431
Juha (next unit) >>1614415
Nari >>1614385

Here's Efreeti
Olivia is pure sexo
T-10 Bloodmaker
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>>1614841 (Me)
Managed to do 6 stars. I'll take it.
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Here's a list of what characters require what color gems to level their skills. Blue is practically useless unless you're investing into Soo / Puppy Walker, orange isn't much better unless you have either Nymset or Valeta. Green has Evetits, Yvonne, and Fammene, three of the best units of the game + high-investment Nanoha. Red should usually go to Nika, Platina, high-investment Ines, Mathrotho + whole bunch of generally decent units.
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>Halloween event's getting extended another 2 weeks
God bless the dev. I'll get that EX tix after all.
>2.You should have 17 cost at some point, so u Everette/Headless Knight/Nonoha team to clear the main story
this team is 18 cost.
at 17 you need puppy stepper
you don't even have to remember, when you're aiming an AOE their icon will get highlighted in the timeline at the top of the screen if it'll hit them.
i don't even know what skills are good to level
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Holy shit is that a motherfucking LAST ORIGIN reference????
blue will surely be used for the new rifle character in 4 days.
also this is a bit old as it's missing dullahan, the best red character in the game
nuke top priority ofc. then her crit passive and sometimes teleport levels are nice too
decapitate and the bonus damage passive are top priority
cd reset passive is nice too.
only need to level her poison passive, she's on the list for her ability to cheese overleveled bosses/stages through poison damage when normal attacks all just do 1. the poison res reduction passive doesn't matter, it only affects direct poison-type damage from attacks not the DoT
doesn't really need skill levels afaict unless you're building her for damage, but if you're doing that just use dullahan.
>puppy walker
level the passive that gives teammates AP, ignore the rest.

of course it's also worth leveling the required skills to lvl3 to class-upgrade any low rarity character you're gonna use and unlock the rest of their skills.
I gotta admit I dig the fact that the event storyline/side stuff seems to have no qualms about making it explicit the MC is screwing the Vanguards pretty much none stop. It's probably wise that they try and focus on other stuff in the main story, but let loose in everything else
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they should put more of those in the game
like half the roster
that'd be a good reference
So...how do I get the uncensored version? And is it easy to update?
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Gonna wade into the Discord and make the suggestion that the next costume line is erotic wedding dresses, wish me luck bros
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so, we'll get a hongryeon expy hopefully?
That'd be nice
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shit, that was intense
been play the game for week, i'll wait for pc
I'm waiting for a PC version due to my performance issues. How has your experience been like?
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On the vanguard icon? Just select your vanguard
"Memory forged equipment" item = XP
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i found out you can actually time out and fail a mission. wasted time doing 15 rounds trying to chip the boss with 2 arms down
NTA (On LDPlayer) but the game looks and runs really awful
it's definitely just not well optimized, they clearly don't have the tech engineers that other games do
obviously the character models are relatively detailed but I don't think what they're doing is more crazy than some other 3D gachas
whenever there are 2 models in the VNs it's about 80-90FPS but as soon as it hits 4 on screen it gets cuts in half lmao
and it's the emulator thing where no matter what you do the image quality is not great
I tried MuMu and the performance was mostly worse/the same
It's still very playable just not ideal, I hope the PC version is sooner rather than later
but as with a lot of the game i'm willing to forgive it because it hits specific points for me
are emulators are having that much trouble with it?
Runs real smooth on my s24
Only thing I'd complain about is that it's a battery hog
it crashes like a drunkard on my S23
shits is flawed
i'm spoiled by pc games
"running bad" is 50-60 FPS which is what the game usually is at
it doesn't actually matter for a game like this i'm just autistic
you probably don't notice it on the smaller screen as much
Got Vilissing and her ex weapon from 17 standard rolls...
>got everette 2 refreshes before pity
>already through half the refreshes
>completely out of gold
I sure hope there's a fuckton of gold between chapter 3 and whenever I run out of story because I won't make it without paypigging at this rate.
The banner will stay for a while after it ended so you can still redeem her like current veleta banner
I play it on LD player and it doesn't bother me, but I am stubborn enough to play glitchy modded skyrim......
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>2 of my pity EX from the regular search were Platina's EX weapon
Aite which bum's going to make a new thread
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Are these stigma even worth farming? I don't think I will unlock the last node anytime soon
Yes. Sets give a powerful boost to heroes especially crit chance and evasion.
I farmed the rightmost one for valeta/evertits. I unlocked tthe last tier but it's like impossible right now with a >=13 level penalty unless I get poison catgirl.
afaik, SS magic set is better than EX one.
Will farm the rightmost one for Everette then, cheers.
>Skyrogue mutant for human god
>Deity of thunder for magic
>Fallen necromancer for your heavy hitter
That's what I did
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bla bla bla
interested human boy
bla bla bla
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>no gold
>no ex ticket
>no gift
Yep I'm thinking skip
My dick is weak to military uniform, easy pull
>human being? Orcaine? Which one is the subspecies? Judgment reserved on this matter

>1. Personal information
>A) Race/Gender: Orcaine/Female
>B) Position: Eldest daughter of the Daeyeon family, daughter of the sect lord
>C) Tactics: Infantry Tactics Bullet Lord
>D) Character importance: Level 2
>1) She herself is a very outstanding Tanhan shaman, and is the daughter of the head of the Daeyeon family, a powerful family, so she is considered a factor.

>2. Special details
>A) Among the bullet shamans who use powerful assisting abilities, she has very powerful bullet-related supernatural powers. In particular, the bullet mental body created with her mental abilities can strengthen bullets with superior power compared to other shamans. check,
>B) Due to his lack of control compared to his overly powerful mental ability, he has seen cases where his thoughts leak out and influence those around him. As a result, due to the possibility of leaking confidential information, he usually stays and is quarantined in a villa on the outskirts, and his aide According to In Na-ri, Joo Ha was not aware of the fact and had requested the crack management bureau to keep it secret.
>C) It is presumed that being dispatched to Earth as an envoy may be related to this. The Daeyeon family is believed to be in a powerful position within the nation or tribe. Since she is the eldest daughter of the Daeyeon family, Juha is also considered to be in a position equivalent to a major figure, but has access to important confidential information. This is impossible. It is assumed that they were dispatched for the purpose of training their piloting skills to overcome this situation.
>D) Liberal tendencies are stronger than militaristic tendencies. This is a fairly rare sight among the Orche race. It seems that the fact that Juha had just become an adult also had an effect. It appears to be helpful in having a smooth relationship with the Earth.

I still don't understand stand the setting
Post apocalyptic Seoul with portal to other dimension so they can made up girl from any setting?
who cares
It might just a quirk of the MTL, but the idea of a 'bullet shaman' is pretty rad
Close enough.
The translations seem to have scuffed things, but it appears the main points are
>Earth was normal up until rifts start opening, out of which crazy evil bullshit comes scuttling out, including evil gods
>This humanity forced into uber guarded but limited city spaces such as Seoul as monsters are fought (this is the opening sight)
>Rifts connect to other realms, super hot and exotic waifus come from these other dimensions
>These realms existed in isolation for all their time, but thanks to travel through the rifts both they and earth enter into some alliance
>[At some point other human gods appear around this time, seemingly in other countries, but it's not super elaborated on if they mean on earth or through the rifts]
>New evil god appears in Seoul, tries to take over protagonist
>In a ballsy move of human spirit, he attempts to blow his own brains out instead of being taken over/turned into an abomination, subdues the evil god and becomes the first human god in at least East Asia
>This is significant because he's the only human god in the entire region
Range attacker seem awfully weak. Magic dps and melee unit deals way much more dmg while my range units deal 200 to 300 dmg. Plus enemies could easily rush them and kill them right away.
Imagine if there's a black human god...
Just realized I can easily beat some hard stages and just gained 4 MC levels by clearing area 1. Holy shit, that's a lot of protag exp. I really shouldn't have ignored the hard mode.
Yeah the other poster helped me out too.
Ranged units are designed for back attacks with a tank keeping the enemies' focus. Sure they do less base damge, but the idea is that they get more atacks off in a round since they don't need to move as much.
Don't worry, that feeling goes away when even those stages are out leveling you.
So who are some good range dps?
Which wish stage is better to take every day? Gold, exp or eq exp?
i just do gold since you need it for basically everything
whatever you need.
I need gold now, so I do 2 gold 1 exp
Always gold unless you NEED more weapon or character XP. Since gold is used for gacha you need as much of it as possible.
Really? I don't leveled my stigma because I'm waiting for the ex one...
SS is 9% Magic ATK and 20% elemental bonus if your caster is at 100% hp.
EX is 10% Magic ATK and 35% Magic ATK for 3 turns after you hit 3+ enemies with one attack.
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I don't even roll in her or her weapon banner... give me other character too pls... I'm tired of this fat elf...
the best magic and melee units hit hard but there are plenty of mediocre ones who do the same 200-300 as those ranged attackers.
it's just that ALL the ranged units so far are mediocre.
wait for the next banner
gold is needed for the gacha so ALWAYS pick gold, unless you have 4.7mil saved up for the next banner already
you can always get more xp later and finish leveling up your chars but 2 week rateup banners won't stick around for you
Does magician character's skills count in 'Shooting Attack power' as well?
No, they scale off of whatever the skill says they scale off of.
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Just got my answer from this, but thank you.
Nope, it's magic damage.
Shooting attack power is for guns and rifles.
Using prisoner is pretty funny
>Set lava zone
>Doggo counter, hit 3 units and trigger the burn 3 times
sow with upgrades/her gun is good but it's a lot of investment for like something that's still not AMAZING
I'm sick of trying to reroll for eve
The 2 rolls they give you are killing me, who's another good target to look for
bro just play the game, wasted so much time rerolling the most inefficient way because you have no idea how the gacha works...
OL is amazing tho.
Anon you're supposed to be rolling the normal banner with the 15 tickets they give you until you get eve/weapon, then progress and use gold to get the one you're missing.
Whats your current level bros? I'm playing the day after global opened and i'm lv34
46/41, started two days before "global".
Lvl 44, I started a bit before global.
How do you get so many dupes already?
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I'm getting the day 7 rewards next reset. Started late I think?
I started in the middle of the first event. So more gold, more ticket and more free stuff in the mail.

once eve banner ends and new players are eveletts, Delia will be the budget option for them.
How do you guys level in the late thirties?
I'm at the the point where everything that gives exp is 7+ levels above me and damage is getting mitigated while enemies can 1-2 shot.
So with that new rifle girl coming out we should probably pick up Joo Hee's weapon right? Looks like endgame is all about boss nuking.
they'll prolly rerun her asap unless something changes about her/the meta
the malding will be unreal from people who missed out
nobody else in the game comes remotely close
"Hard" mode levels give a ton of exp and don't scale up terribly fast. Once you hit a wall in normal switch to hard until you hit a wall there then back to normal. Rinse repeat.
31, started on the day of global release
I'm taking it easy.
Human god level 36
Faith level 40
Started like a day after global release cuz a shilling thread in /v/.
I got Eve's weapon in the normal gacha and still have rolls left over. Do I just keep rolling until an EX pops up and buy that or should you get lesser rarities too? First gacha I play where you don't immediately get what you pull.
Use "FairyNet Muti-Search" tickets to roll on standard banner, do NOT use gold or butterflies. Use gold (and special tickets) on character or weapon banners of characters that you want to get, like Eve (but if you already have her then you shouldn't roll on them anymore).
If you haven't unlocked Platina from the main story it's even better to use the standard tickets now so you can't get her dupes.
Yes, that's what I do as well. Technically you can take every lesser rarities you got too if you keep stocking those low rarity tickets you can buy in shop at discount price. You would get the lowest rarity ones to extract their good trait to your core unit later on. It might not be priority at this early stage of the game but it's something to keep in mind.
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Dont bully your hardworking secretary!
its so weird to see the word femcel used in actual dialogue in this game
Erneste the 4chan
For the spend 5k gold daily, whats a good way to do that if im not spending any gold to roll right now?
Skill levels use a couple thousand each but i dont have a lot of the material it needs, and it doesnt seem sustainable if i do it every day,
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I buy gifts and the b ticket
Always buy gifts, it's a real premium currency
don't spend gold on anything below SS. and probably not most SS things either.
do use your tickets though.
if there's an A/S rank you want and you're out of tickets, just wait for the daily shop to reset before rolling again
Guys should i buy platinia's weapon? I don't have tickets so not sure if i should spend my money
Platina kinda sucks as a unit, so I wouldn't.
platina's not bad as a unit, she was meta on release. and you need 3 teams for dopamin mode
Chocolate woman god with huge tits and ass. My dick hurts.
Is there a guide for that anon? I'm interested on that for mobile.
I would say that Yeon needs a vacation, but I feel like the Vanguards would find a way to burn down hq while she was away
There was this method before the global release, though warning for Reddit link


With global, I've heard you follow a similar though slightly simpler set of steps. Dunno how tricky it is since I'm half holding out for the pc version to see if that's easier to use than emulating it
Same minus locale change
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>all these people sleeping on Yvonne
I unironically think she's the most easy to slot in character in the entire game, especially if you have her EX weapon.
>starting frost guard for entire party
>hit enemies with literally any spell b/c chill is busted as fuck
>ANY fucking hit by any other party member will cause her to auto-attack in an AOE around chilled targets no matter how far they are away, almost always a guaranteed back attack too due to how large the angle is on it
Pairing her with Everett really does feel like cheating.
>charge Evetits
>Yvonne chills targets in a line
>pump up Evetits with MC
>Evetits AOE wrecks entire area
>any survivors get instantly mopped up because of follow-up attack to Evetits
>any retaliation is negated due to range or frost guard mitigates it to nothing
>3 stars
Does raising affection help anything in gameplay-related stuffs? Is it just story and sexy scene?
They do get some extra stats and traits + you get minor rewards like premium currency and gold
Oh damn
What type of traits?
My Everette got her affection trait upgraded to give +10% magic attack, and Erneste got +10% melee attack.
>phone makes game crash after every 4 - 5 battles because the retarded devs keeps putting me back in the lobby and causing it to buffer too much instead of back in the selection menu where there's little overhead processing going on
I have only 3 bosses on bounty difficulty 4, are the rest unlocked with faith level? I'm faith level 48.
Oh so thats why every girl has that unused trait
Mine doesnt crash but man i hate that return to lobby after every battle, so unnecesary
Event 9-2 is fucking bullshit, locked in a 3x3 with 6 aoe taunters that hit like a truck and regen, 2 nukers and a tank
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What a thing to say.
almost nobody here has yvonne plus her EX weapon together, her limited banner was before EN version dropped so the only chance is to get them randomly from the standard banner
>evetit combo
i just use free dullahan to clean up, he oneshots most stuff with decapitate and all eve's kills reset the cooldown for him
just puppy walker and oneshot them all with eve before they move
or taunt them with pantheri/nymset/whoever
I have both evertits and yvonne with their ex weapons and I can confirm this, it's super busted, although I don't know what you mean by buffing her with the MC, mine is slow as fuck so he's always last
since i don't have ex weapons for characters i'm afraid of wasting resources building them and finding out they're really subpar without them i already made the mistake of experimenting with tanks and having 3 leveled so i'm lacking in exp mats
I'm tempted to burn standard banner tickets for 2 extra Puppy walkers to boost my Eve further.
is there a point in saving them?
Presumably new characters/weapons will get added to the pool. There's also the fact that you will get spooked by an EX and then you have to either sit on it or waste resources before a banner.
well my logic is you don't want the stuff that gets added since it'll just be bloat trying to fish for the current EX in the standard banner since the new stuff will have their own banner which you can guarantee. getting spooked doesn't seem bad either since it just helps you save now that you have a reason to not keep rolling but that's just how i see things since i really want to get my kots their weapons
Faith 50 and human god lv 42, started a day or two after global release.
just use em as you get them imo, getting more standard EXes / weapons is worth it.
you can think about saving them for later once you already have most of the pool
should i only grab ss and ex rank equipment or are lower rarities ok?
i feel like everything under EX is shit. SS is too expensive in my opinion as a cope option so i'm just using S weapons/building teams around which EX weapons i get
Got Fammene and Nika on my reroll. Should I keep or aim for better units? I really want to get Eve, but I've been rerolling for a few hours now.
>I've been rerolling for a few hours now.
My god you people are so sad, getting Eve is not that important.
And even if you desperately want her, just play the game, you get showered with rewards at the beginning of the game and since she's still the banner character your chances of getting her and her weapon are fairly high...
fuck you, I want big titty elves, so I'm rerolling for big titty elves.
Just play a few days and roll on her banner dude youre losing more stuff re-rolling
so you'd say its worth the price if an EX equipment piece shows up?
I'm still new so the price is a bit steep
I mean ex weapons are for their particular unit, so depend on the unit too
well shit
my stupid ass bought one without even checking that
You can use the ex weapons with a few units the same class but the weapon has a unique ability just for its unit
Yvonna a cute, I bought her skin because holy fuck areola in a Google Play game.
you'll get most of the standard EXes over time anyway, it's no big loss.
personally i wouldn't skip the first copy of anything if you're worried about getting enough gold for the next limited banner char then just let your standard banner EX sit and come back and buy it later
how the fuck are you meant to clear the halloween stages when autobattle keeps parking units in the path of the laser beams?
manually, retard.
I'm level 38 and still just using puppy walker over nymset/nonoha because for some reason i've run bone dry on xp and can't even keep my eve & dullahan at the cap, never mind leveling a new unit
holy fucking some paragraphs are barely legible what the fuck are they even trying to say
It's early access
They are still editing the dialogue
>[At some point other human gods appear around this time, seemingly in other countries, but it's not super elaborated on if they mean on earth or through the rifts]
50 bucks the ones we will see will be busty sluts
Paypigs whats a good package to buy
the so joo hee pass is very tempting im not gonna lie
i just got the fairynet super membership and some of the first time 2x bonuses to get the skins i wanted. that pass didn't seem worth it for me, you get so joo-hee for free from the story
I bought the pass, not for the Sow, for all the gifts and cash and upgrade materials.
>fairynet super membership
fairynet super membership is only 85 butterflies per usd, it's actually less efficient than all the first-time 1+1 packages
The standard banner gave me a surprise EX weapon for Ines. On paper it looks good, but I have no fucking idea what Ines even does. Should I get it?
When? I'm at 8 and still don't have her.

I also won't be able to get the headless horseman. Pretty shitty to release this to global and not extend the event
Ch10 i think the second stage
>I also won't be able to get the headless horseman. Pretty shitty to release this to global and not extend the event
What do you mean, the halloween event will be extended by 2 weeks.
They will extend the event
A notice is posted in discord

Event Update Overview

* Halloween Event Extension: Extended until December 5th.
* Mini Event: Running from December 5th to December 19th.
* Winter Season Event: Starting on December 19th.

The Halloween event will be extended, and new event currency exchange shop will be opened.
nta but I got her from story, maybe do your sub story or just push main story. You'll be fine, I finished the event around day 4 or 5 after I started. The event scales your level too so just nuke them with double charged Evertits, and if you scroll or read this thread a bit there's news that said the event will get extended to early dec.
That's a god tier account, you better start with that and just roll eve while you play, her banner is still here.
Ines has insane AoE and attacks multiple times, she's a top damage dealer.
Okay, I'll grab that sword. Thanks a lot, anon.
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I've been running Everette Nika and Nonoha. Is there a better team I could be using???
>New currency shop
But bruh I've already spend all my event token WTF?
More than Evertits?
More damage but closer range and smaller area
you need to clear the Event's 4-stage and get the event unit, MC + Headless Knight + Evetits is another decent aoe-clear comp for quick sweeps
What's the max stat for stigma? +5%?
Valetta is broken, as soon as you get the 3 stacks and turn on the whip, you get turned into an aoe-auto attack healing machine
What's the deal with puppy walker, is that robot good?
Yes, any character that hugs it gets a free heal and free AP during that round. It also gets a fairly large aura that gives a significant boost to Accuracy and crit rate. You just run it around an keep it in proximity to your other units for the boosts. Don't try to use its attacks as anything but cheaper movement.
How does she compare to Dullahan?
She's cuter for starter.
What emulator are you guys using? ldplayer crashes so often it's unplayable.
I switchd from ldplayer to mumu to msi player. The game works like shit on every emulator.
It's normal, the game itself is pretty unoptimized, I use BlueStacks and it has the same stutters/crash issues.
No wonder they are delaying the Steam release
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>I also won't be able to get the headless horseman
you can get it on day 1-2.
it's good for quick 1-2 turn fights with eve since it gives teammates free AP just for existing, so she can get her stage-3 nuke off before the first turn ends.
anything longer than 2 turns and you'd probably prefer an actual unit instead (or nonoha for longer term ap buffing)
>won't get EX ticket even with the 2-week extension
rip lol
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>1 day away from getting it
You may be able to buy one in the event shop.
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>Get super erotic rival that's always talking about 'conquering' you and acting supremely dom-like
>Dick them into submission
>Their bisexual harem is added to your own
why though?
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is this event fight winnable? I've been pounding him for rounds and barely scratched him
That would be pretty kino. Imagine making their whole harems straight just by fucking them silly.
How do i unlock ch9?
One anon posted his strategy further up the thread, I used it and it works though I wasn't able to kill the boss in 4 turns, had to finish them off turn 5.

Level affection with the secretary, level 5 I believe.
Sorry, I didn't word that very well; I just meant something closer to what this >>1616097 anon meant
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I can pop him in 3 now that I rolled parachute's gun.
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-640all/-1200 pierce from joohee's gun, another -150 from yvonna's frost passive.

Flat 100 def is 10% damage reduction so on her own she does 1.64 damage amp. Very handy for a 3 cost. For pierce units such as marhim or future gun units(like the new girl?) she does a 2.2x damage amp with just one skill.
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oh, I have Yvonna, I'm going to try that later, thanks
Yvonna is extremely useful when doing bosses or content which outlevels you because her ice shield passive basically cuts the first hit you take for all characters during each round by half. I can actually facetank the boss AOE if it's the first hit I sustain round 1.
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that sounds broken, I need to level her and test it
she needs sex correction
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I know what trait I'm transferring to the H-G
>So Jee and Chen Young act catty/bitchy to each other on screen
>Get bricked up

Didn't even know that was a fetish, but okay
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chatgpt translation failed on an asdfjkl;asd style keysmash
Jim would never be rude to you like this
Have the devs said anything about the pass? Is it just going to be dead air for a bit or is it getting replaced/extended?
i feel like i'm never gonna spend my butterflies as a f2p because i'm gonna get buyer's remorse once i chose a skin. also i wonder if we'll get anyone making mods when the PC client releases
Honestly the default skins are all pretty great in their own rights. I really don't see any particular reason to spend mine on any of the premium skins.
Joo hee ex worth?
I'm stuck.
Now what, do i just wait for tribute so i can increase the level cap?
Osla is a certified female gorilla
the kind that would make "OOK" "OOK" noises whenever you hit her womb the right way
she's literally a cow though
I panicked and blew mine on coins because i was scared I'd miss everette's sig weapon. I guess it doesn't matter though, I'd only want a costume for platina and she doesn't have one.
If you like the character yes, shes very strong with her weapon. Also there's no ex character on her class yet
Pantheri is so damn good, finally managed to beat Jessica thanks to her. Had 840 evasion on her by the time Jessica was at 50% hp
I really like her design, voice and animations. Hope she gets her story soon.
Anyone have a link to dungeon map? I'm looking for a switch in monastery missing the 1/3 switch thing. Also will be nice to look for any hidden room.
There are so many sub missions in hard mode that I missed, god damn.
>The outfit with no revealing skin is hotter than most outfit
You know it's a censored version, right?
I know that this is hot
also it's just a reskin of Pantheri's latest outfit
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New BP
lobby camera
choco booty
Anyone get this game to work on a Amazon Fire tablet? Keep crashing on my 11 Max.
Should you get the future crystal of headless knight and the cranium of the defeated from the event store?
Absolutely if, these are upgrade materials for the robot and his weapon.
No. Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. They're trying to trick you into wasting resources.
I think I'm getting filtered by the very last stage of the event. how are you meant to kill the full backrow of those laser things without getting killed first? should I be trying to nuke them all in one shot or something?
I've got the gold and the tickets, anything else I should prioritize?
I started 10 days ago and already bought everything in the event shop.
with or without the elf queen?
With. That's what literally everyone here told me to roll for.
How can you rotate "lobby" / main menu scene?
I am unable to do so.
You wait for the patch that adds that feature.
I think it might also only be available initially on the characters they've previewed.
Next update
Left side of room has a broken wall with the beetle(not-duriel) where you get dropped into from the cutscene. An empty room to the right with just mobs and a lever the room after the long hallway. Broken wall topright after the left turn before the miniboss room. All 3 levers hope this helps.
I can't believe Mumu is actually better than LDplayer for this game.
>No crash
>No pink animation for missing sprite
>No lag
While she's not super meta, the elf's sniper gimmick of endlessly increasing in range is pretty fun, so I might get the pass
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Any easy way to deal with these charging snail faggots? It might be because of the level difference but their two charges hit so damn hard. In story mode, I just let Nymset taunt their ass then try to kill them before they get to do the charge skill again. But I just want to know if there's any other easy method.
Interlocked fingers, cervix pocking, leg locking and IMPREGNATION NOW ! I want 30 children's minimum
I might be getting mixed up with a different stage, but if you mean the delayed shots, if you make the HG wait until just after their action to aim, you can move him before they fire
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Did it with the same team...
Steam when. Playing it on emulator with framerate issues is kinda taking away the enjoyment.
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Is hard mode's sub story related to character's affection level? Do I need to raise their affection to get more sub story?
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glory to the CCP
blue boxes are rooms with switches
it goes up to at least 51 though.
cute cora
if you've unlocked a sidestory stage on normal mode it's unlocked in hard mode too. some of them are still locked behind "story progress" though, so you might need to clear a ch10-11 stage before certain sidequest stages appear in ch8
>araha gets a battlepass and a skin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo7war0xaoY
>in the same patch as a new EX rifle char releases
will she get a supporty ex weapon like So Joo-Hee's too?
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What team should I make? I'm happy with Eve and somewhat with Nika but Araha just doesn't deal much damage.
these skins feel so lazy, you think they would put more effort when it's their main moneymaker...
Kalina deals nice damage with the right setup, i.e. sitting behind critical targets and landing multiple backstabs per round.
I'm alright with same style collection, but they release 100% reskins. Not a big problem for bunny suits, but angel/demon suits have literally identical patterns
im stuck.
what do i do? Just wait for tribute so the mc levels up? Like some shitty idle game?.
they sort of set themselves up to fail here when skins show as little skin as possible as well
you can only do so much there
it'd be nice to see alternate style swapping like the damaged versions of LO skins
at least then you could get your coom and make more fun designs
some people will just say "m-muh indie dev" or that it'll get better later, but it's dumb as hell
if you are incapable of git gud then "wait til you overlevel shit" is the fallback option
The current highest faith level is 56.
It's the same shit as Nikke for me, a bonsaige. Currently, I'm lv. 41 and can do at most lv.52 mobs, so Imma just chill and do whatever content I can.
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Even if the concept artists were retarded and incapable of thinking of more designs beyond "skimpy mummy" and "bunny girl" (they're not, LO had tons of variety in skins) they could at least have unique art per character, have the mummy wrappings in different places with one char having underboob and the next one having sideboob, have different variations on the bunnysuit outfits for different chars' personalities, etc...
But here the 3d models are literally copy-pasted between characters. It's not just a lack of ideas that's the problem, they're doing the lowest-effort asset re-use.
I'm at chapter 8, is there anyone coming up in the story that would be better?
Nymset unlock at chapter 11's sub mission, I would just get the headless knight from event and use him. Also get Nonoha from gacha.
yeah they could do better
even first descendant made this mistake and it pissed me off there as well
every character looks the same when they're wearing a generalized outfit
and that game has way more budget

we might see better later but they set a bad precedent here
there are swimsuit skins in the game that are at least personalized
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Mating press.
ngl, the story is torture. Not going as fast as id hoped even with skipping everything. Then i still got hardmode to go through. lvl 21. no faster way to lvl up?
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They're working on guide in discord server
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>You won't regret searching right now
Are the devs trying to fuck with me or does this actually mean something?
it means nothing it's just fluff text
what site is this?
I have the secretary at lv3 but nothing Is happening? No massage sesion or butterflies, Simeone knows whats the problem?
probably need to do a side story mission or respond to your texts
I'd give them more time desu.
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I'm probably doing something wrong, I apply all the debuff skills and barely scratch him
is that the level 60 boss? it's understandable that you wouldn't be able to do much with the penalty from a 10 level difference
oh, that makes sense, ty. I've been relying on the adjusted level to clear the event, I'm currently at level 30
oh, that's jessica in the event and not one of the stigmata bosses?
in that case the adjusted level should still be active
it's just very tanky
it's the last day before the 1+1 deals in the cash shop reset, paypiggy bros... should i buy skins
invest, trust the plan
Which emulator should I use?
so new patch when the halloween shop timer goes to 0 right?
last time they started maint 1hr before the daily reset so if the timer is counting til reset it might be off.
good enough for me i'm looking forward to rolling the new girl so i don't mind if it's earlier
Worth it?
if you want to run her just for the fun of it, sure
but she's far from the best choice
mumu seems better than bluestacks to me, bluestacks has these weird purple textures on certain effects
The Gookstore version is for some reason a lot more stable than the one I downloaded off Google Play, which crashes after 3-4 battles due to insufficient RAM on my phone or some shit.
it's worth it imo, she was replaced in the best eve team by dullahan + nymset but you still want 3 teams for one of the endgame modes
shes worse than homo dog, headless knight, and nymset, but i'd still buy it.
I was using mumu but then I decided to try bluestacks 5 and it runs surprisingly well, I'm getting 60 fps with few stutters
>not pulling for the robussy
imagine the sex when she gets her relationship story
how long will the headless knight event go for?
you have 21 hours left
they're extending it by 16 days after this upcoming maint
it let me in the game without accepting the privacy policy or anything like that
hope it doesn't bite me in the ass later
at best, it will ask you to accept it again later.
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Oh, the last tier mat for weapon exp really shows up on faith level 51
It's from the people in discord, they're making a wiki.
to fix the purple on any emulator you need to set both your emu and the game to use vulkan.
Dark elves arr rook same
Damn, the heaven-sent trait has to be the rarest one. I guess I will try to buy B ticket every day to recruit every B I got from now on.
How far do you need to go for rerolls?
switch out araha for pantheri
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i prefer to level up a little bit so you can buy out the stuff in the halloween event (gold & ex tickets)
>Swamp elf with 1 hp run across the map and backstab you
>Big blob of meat lunge across the map and kill you
do i just bake a new thread, or are there some rules ?
Full patchnote in gookrunes
Just wait 'til the thread either gets bumped off the board or it hits image limit. The former for safety's sake. The mods of /vmg/, despite this board being made as a containment board for mobile game generals so they don't flood /vg/, don't allow generals.
This game's progression system is so shit.
Now that I'm in the low level 40s, I'm forced to either gruelingly cheese enemies 10+ levels higher than me with poison strats, or collect idle EXP for like 2 months. I don't really feel like doing either, so I think I'm just gonna quit soon.
Have you done any hard mode or adventure?
in english
>dopamin channel is extended along with the halloween event so no need to try to finish it last second
>no skin for new character
also wow, I expected a DPS but she's a buffer + ap battery for gun characters & pierce damage. i guess araha is gonna be good now.
you can even make a full 18 cost gun party with juha, araha, yeon, kim, and so.
>I expected a DPS but she's a buffer + ap battery for gun characters & pierce damage.
oh damn
she also has an anti-stealth passive so i guess expect more invis enemies to show up now
If she's the only one who can do this, she's basically core in those maps. I'll roll for meta reason then.
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god damn, this is so good.
>If she's the only one who can do this, she's basically core in those maps.
you can also cancel stealth by hitting them with an AOE so units like eve and dullahan work fine
I forgot about the 3rd shop and spent all my event currency, FUCK, MY EX TICKET
there will obviously be more stages, it's designed so you get enough currency to buy out the shop
are those new outfits body stockings or is it just censored?
Censored. It's also just recolor of old skin you can already see on store.
How? I managed to clean both shop and still got 650 currency. You need 300 for EX ticket.
they can't post the normal version on that forum due to nsfw rules. you can swap between bare skin and the censored versions in game if you toggle off "gentleman mode"
thought so, just making sure
NTA but those have the same issue. Levels climb higher than you do. Best you can do at that point is level weapons and stigma.
As usual in gacha game, you always roll for support units.
are you bros gonna roll So Joo's Ex weapon now?
>need 4m gold for juha + weapon (counting 2 ex tickets)
>2.65m more to get so's weapon too
It sounds nice to have but I might just wait and try to get it on standard
on the other hand you can get about 4m gold in 2 weeks so if I rolled it now I'd have a pretty good chance of getting juha+weapon before her banner ends too.
Tough decision.
Bro your pink tickets?
I don't have issues clearing stages with a 6 or so level gap. So far when I hit a wall in one mode, I've surpassed at least one of the others and can grind that out until I hit another wall, at which point at least one of the others is a cakewalk. So on and so on. Currently at 40 faith and 36 MC lvl, so maybe there is a hard wall coming up, but I think I'll be able to push through it.
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it will just spook me at some point anyway
I already did, i got 2 of her ex weapons i already decided She's my waifu so i'm betting all on her
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Olivia when
I like touching the nipples but when are they going to let me lick the girl's feet?
I hope never, you feetfags already have gfl2 and snowbreak.
This game should have been called - Good Wives.
what characters are unlocked in the story?
>the 4 starter girls
who else?
Luise, little fairy onahole, Sow
Who's the biggest slut so far?
Human God
are all the girls virgins?
Yes you. Stop regenerating Erneste's hymen every evening.
t. HR
puppy walker
Started yesterday. Got fat tits nuke elf and got walled by dullahan. Burned my events tickets on resources, went back again and managed to get dullahan down after a bunch of luck. How fucked am I that I can't get extra copies of his weapon / unit for upgrades because I spent all the event currency like a dumbass?
You'll probably be able to buy all good event rewards and robot's dupes in the next 2 weeks.
No, not anymore.
>t. Human God
? But it ends today, doesn't it?
So ACTS the most sluty/flirty, but like rest of the girls there's not really any sign she's got her eye on anyone but the H-G
it's being extended because global is spending enough to not be second class citizens i guess
If you're not just fucking with me that's great news.
It's not necessarily about cheating but also how horny she's on average.
also cora the fire witch
Sow is just super thirsty because her dad forbade her to date
>Was finally about to beat the stage I was stuck on
That's on me, I'm a damn idiot
It was confirmed on the discord, you have 16 more days
link to the discord?
It's in patchnote
Pretty much. I thought they’d all be sluts but they’re all pretty wholesome and horny virgins
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maint extended for 2 hours, eos soon
gimme butterflies as compensation
>Tribute at full for a good 3 hours
It's orge....
2 more hours
Damn what type of maintenance are they doing
i should've gone to bed but instead i'm here waiting for maint to be done
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janitor tripped over the power cord at the last second and they had to restart from the beginning
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>have to download 4 niggabytes again
you get 200k coins. say thank you
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They need to handle better these updates, downloading 4 or 5 gigas everytime its gonna be a problem
did they add new stages to halloween event?
Can't fucking do anything, it's just stuck in the lobby, anyone else with this problem?
No, I'm playing normally. Mumu emulator here.
No, but they will mail everyone 500 coupons everyday for 10 days
I had this bug. on the onestore version I couldn't tap anything in the lobby, none of the menu buttons reacted. But I could still rotate the camera and tap pantheri's butt.
Gplay version works fine though.
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cant wait to play those maps in 3 months
Yeah I have the exact same issue, gplay works fine but the uncensored one is fucked atm.
>3 months
bro I'm already level 40, what the fuck are you doing
Had the same issue. God this sucks. Guess I'll download the Play Store one for now since my idle resources are capped.
This should help me pushing the human god level to at least 45 today
Seems you need to install the onestore app and login with your google account in order to continue. There's an apk download in that discord where the uncensored version gets posted.
Install that, login with your google account, agree to the first three or so terms, and then it should work, at least it did for me.

On a separate note, I rolled Juha on my very first roll, should I nab her and try rolling for her weapon?
>should I nab her and try rolling for her weapon?
She seems really good, imma go for both as well.
>should I nab her and try rolling for her weapon?
no. you should do another roll to delete her so you arent tempted to waste resources buying her
Yeah I just did that and it worked, I had to restart once after accepting the terms and that did the trick
I have two EX tickets so I can get her and her gun if I can roll it and the only gacha EX I have is Everette so I could always use more. Besides I seem to have better luck with EX weapons than characters. I've gotten Everette's staff three times now and just got Marhim's EX weap despite no Marhim.

Glad it works, hopefully everyone hears about this. Don't know why this change occurred, it's annoying.
You don't need EX tickets to roll EX units, it's expected to spend the 650k when you don't have one.

You will get enough gold to roll for both her and her weapon so in this game there's basically no reason to pass over the weapon banner each cycle.
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Juha's skill at level 6:
+120 AP, +60% of Juha's attack for 1 turn, then up to +39% of Juha's attack the turn afterwards
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Thought they would do another EX weapon rateup banner like they did with Joo-Hee's. Is that just battle pass thing, I wonder? Or maybe it's just new weapon
Best skills and passives for the human god?
>A new version is available
>Proceed to market to download
>Opens one store
>This product is currently not for sale
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The third red skill can be changed to Song of Demise as well if there's no need for acc down.
Really, you can roll everything?
But you need money to level up stuff as well though
game makes money through skins, and whales rolling dupes

and yeah other stuff costs gold too so maybe you wont be able to get everything if you have bad luck and go to 10/10 pity on every banner. but guarantee carries over between banner resets too so if you miss one char's weapon you'll definitely be able to get the next one
So is orca girl good? Or I can hoard for mama Berga?
How many fucking event chapters are there?
>First pull on the banner
>"Oh well, that's a pretty good pull..."
>A turns out to be an EX
So I got her on my first pull, what were the fucking chances...
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Around 3 millions for juha+weapon
>Titty elf banner is over
Should I even bother starting
I can't install one component service. It says not supported on my device. It's over for me?
so how do you unlock nymset? I'm on chapter 11 and see a ??? mission but don't know how to unlock it.
More or less the same here. I also blew up 400k for two SSs dupes because my gacha instinct is just to grab anything shiny I can get but whatever
>Orca on 9, orca gun on 2, sow gun dupe from standard
Hello friends I'm poor
use THAT

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