I know PUBG have little with the 4chan audience, but If we no counting this game's audience, do you think this game worth the play ?.
it's a generic battle royale fps but on mobile. no point playing unless you don't own a pc/console and your phone is your primary gaming device, otherwise you'll have a better time just playing shooters on those other devices instead.hence why it's mainly popular in poor countries like china/SEA and not in the west
>>1615495Are they to blame for the popularity of all these awful 3D action games with the lousy virtual twin-stick controls? Makes too much sense.
Fun until you realize that snipers can see through tall grass and bushes because the game is too shit to render them at long distance so you're basically a free kill unless you are lucky enough to be in the sniper's shoes. Also a lot of hackers and you can get banned by association if you win a match while there's an hacker on your team.