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Don't forget to level your FPoolers for LB7. Especially those with defensive skills like evade/invinc, guts.
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First for best girls.
Finally completely leveled the Decisive-Battle mystic code. When the fuck are they gonna reward my autistic need to max out every Mystic Code?
Fuck, I'm only at level 7.
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Just rolled castoria, best CE for her?

Captcha: DK4PS
tea time/ bella lisa
A LB'd farming one on support (Bond (Tea Time) or QP(Bella Lisa, if you have Neither you can probably put on Beginning of the Journey or, but it is generally not a hot pick but can get occasional ones.) and when doing easy/looping nodes.

On the practical side,Personally i like NP Gain (More frequent NPs) and overcharge (More lenience in where to fire off her NP and still get several stacks of Anti-Enforcement Defense without needing to fire off another NP before hers) if doing something more challenging but honestly it is not like she NEEDS them so generally you gonna be using something that increases your drops or Bond unless you specifically know you want more overcharge for some reason, i also had some good mileage from from the Invuln/Evade ones to have her survive to get the NP rolling in some cases back before i 10/10/10'd her.
If you're using her in a challenging fight, this one can be great on her https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/The_One_who_Desires_Salvation. It guarantees the first three to four usages of her NP gives everyone at least three invul stacks regardless of NP chains or overcharge. It's good for other servants with useful overcharge effects on their NP as well.
yes, cute latelet-chan
Yes. She is a rare pull in the fp summon.
Habetrot after clearing LB6
Angra Manyu
And Kishinami Hakuno in a couple years.
Angry Manjew is like only 0.01% to pull but he's utterly dogshit

He doesn't even get a bonus from being a non-limited Avenger, as the much superior Salieri is hundreds of times more common

Also in the FP pool is Nobukatsu during gudaguda events, who is good for farming servant coins for grail casting or as part of a Nobu setup
>no longer lose AP for retreating from main quest battles
Finally, now do the same for free quests
Damn that and the all your command spells regenerating every day instead of just one thing is gonna make it a lot easier to get through the game.
Just got to Ibuki in Heian Kyo, does having an ignore invincible CE work on her bullshit?
man i gotta reread merchant of venice
Am I totally crazy for thinking that the big surprise nasu mentioned is that the final part is voiced?
Did 100 rolls and didn't get any 5* servant at all
Yeah, and?
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My wife is almost 15...
1% is a lie
I don' think you understand how probability works.
Selling shit (make sure you at least have a single copy of everyone) for mana(green)
Do the story and level servants for pure(white)
Do events and wait unless you want to sell a rare servant or CE for rare(yellow)
Mana prisms you get through daily missions, or selling 3 servants, or 3 star or higher CEs or exp cards.
Rare prisms you get either certain events, leveling up welfare servants, 4 star FP servants, and event FP servants to max ascension, or burning servants that are 4 or 5 stars.
Pure prisms you get for story progression and ascending servants.

>sell a rare servant or CE for rare(yellow)
Selling rare CEs doesn't get you rare prisms. Has to be servants.
>Rare CE
Sorry, I always think that event CEs have the same kind of exceptions as event or free servants since I don't care to sell them
Yeah, none of them give rare prisms
finish SERAPH then
I literally can not be arsed to play the karnamas event
Everyone has CEs so it's an easy clear at this point.
Ravioli ravioli, got me the dragon loli!
Better off just saving. After all, we've got two more dragon lolis coming this year.
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Merlin (but cute) appreciation post.

I know she's rated high on tier lists but I never see her get praise despite being an absolute core of my squad, Her/Castoria/Arts-Looper-of-my-choice-but-let's-be-honest-it's-probably-Ibuki clears 99% of the game.

Male Merlin is okay I guess.
She is pretty underappreciated, i think a big issue is that people approach her as competing with the elephant in the room that is Castoria rather then complementing her and overrate the importance of her NP levels and tunnel comparing her to Merlin. Especially in regards to NP efficiency.

I could rant my own take on that, but im a brainlet so i won't.
She's useful for CQs and advanced quests, but in terms of general looping I can just double Castoria, and put a much cheaper Xu Fu in reserve if I need an extra push.
A quick mechanical question.

If i have Bazett and give her Command Codes that give NP Damage Up when attacking, does the damage up improve the Counter attacks even if the Attack Cards/Command Codes are used after the NP Card (IE: a NP,Q,Q chain as an example)?
Her passive makes every single buff last until the end of enemy turn and the NP damage gets calculated on the moment you do damage
It doesn't matter and you should keep doing that chain
Thanks anon, i was a bit insecure so good to have confirmation.
>Santa Abby
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her and the other girl look cute
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Cute Gudako
she got turned into a gnome?
It's mega over on JP
Maintenance hell.
I didn't really pay attention, but if i got this shit right.

>Compensation for the 4th/5th Append fuckup finally happened along with new Christmas event.
>Along with some minor bugs some (not all, only some) accounts got bugged so their Master Missions reset so they can claim the rewards again.
>And if they log out and log in again for Infinite Quartz by claiming 170 again and again, likely using it to roll.
>But remember, it is not only Quartz in there, but also shit like Gold Fous and Beast Stamps as well as Class Score resources.
>Therefore the people who got the bug and exploited it can basically get months ahead of the people who didn't get it (or did not exploit it) in limited resources on top of the rolls.
>After a bit over 1 hour of this Emergency Maintainence happens.
>Maintainence goes on for i think it was 12 hours?
>Serves go back up
>Minor bugs are still present, No Rollback, No Bans, 5SQ compensation.
>People who got cucked out of the bug are currently seething.
>get really lucky with CE drops during event
>long since emptied out the lotto
Thanks game.
So I don't really pay attention to discussion about this game and as such ignored Oberon because he was ugly, but I finally caught up on LB6 recently, ended up really liking Oberon, and then found out he's actually one of the most amazing servants in the game, so I finally pulled him this latest banner.

I tend not to look ahead at the JP server either, but I'm thinking, man I could have had this guy for like a year if I'd paid more attention. So I figured I'd come here and ask the people who actually do pay attention, are there any more gamebreaking servants upcoming in the next couple years that I should be saving my quartz for? Preferably more OP supports, I think I'm pretty good on DPS. But any recommendations are welcome, I just don't wanna overlook someone great because I didn't care for their design.
I'm pretty sure there's no one replacing Castoria-skadi2-koyanskaya-oberon anytime soon
There are gamebreaking ones in DPS but not much competition on support
No-one on the buff front but there's some really good servants like Kukulkan and a new servant class coming

Probably can keep your quartz saved for whoever you like instead of focusing on meta next year
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They'll have to drop Castoria 3 to make a dent
What's the new servant class?
Beast. There are only two so far on JP and each has unique weaknesses and strength.

The first one (Draco) is ST Arts has Class Advantage against the 7 Standard Classes (2x against Berserker, 1.5x for Knight/Cavalry) but disadvantage against the Extra Classes (Dealing only 0.5x Damage), also her NP deals Special damage against the 7 Standard Classes, so she basically melts anything that isn't a Extra Class, Basically she is a Super ST Berserker who resists the 7 Standard Classes isntead of having a mutual weakness. Her main issue is honestly just that she "came too late", most longtime players probably already have well developed dedicated counters for each of the 7 Standard Classes, or use a Berserker for all of them. She should be coming this Spring in a Event.

The second one (Summer Eresh) is AoE Arts, She is basically the opposite of Draco in that she is specialized against Extra Classes (With Avenger being an exception), She deals 1.5x Damage to Ruler/Moon Cancer/Alter Ego/ Foreigner/Pretender, 0.5x against Avengers and Neutral to everything else and is also huge Whale bait due several things that could make a essay on their own, thing include her Gimmick that the character revolves around being unusable when used as support so you have to have her yourself if you wanna use her, no easy out of using a friend support and several other factors (Like you will probably want at least NP2 for Overcharge), She came out this Anni/Summer on JP and a such is basically 2/1.5 years away.
>Decide to drop 30 quartz, no more no less, solely for the chance at buster looping
Well... shit, I guess I have to start LB6 now. I feel like the dog that caught the car, I know he's massively popular plot wise but I legitimately have no idea why.
I think the ++ node is harder than this CQ. Is this what they were like in the early days???
This CQ is pretty easy in general, but yeah, power creep is real.
is it possible to 999 every servant without using SQ for refills?
I'm planning to not roll till summer
>is it possible to 999 every servant without using SQ for refills?
I don't understand what you mean.
If you're talking about events then you can mostly do them on natural AP and a few apples at the end
If you're talking about leveling up every servant in your box for THAT then you're a little late but it's not like you need to do it as soon as it comes out, no need for refills
>I don't understand what you mean.
I love this post, it reminds me of boomer grandmas on Facebook and Amazon from internet's past
It just feels like it's impossible without setting a day and grinding. I'm blaming the AP system, it's just way too low. You login do 7 or 3 runs, then fuck off for like 8 hours to do it again.

Is it better to do daily trainings or just specific nodes? I only have like 4 SSRs left to do so it's not too bad but SRs still take quite a bit of mats too
Better to grind during events were the AP cost on the training grounds is cut in half. Also, you won't have to worry about AP for long, as over time you'll get a shit ton of apples. Never use SQ to refill your AP, that's a trap.
But for daily grinding I guess high tier training grounds are probably the best?
Zero thinking where I need to go and gets me skill gems?

Also I can't imagine how many boxes people do in lotteries, I usually do 20-30 and that's only enough for my SSRs and some of my SRs.
I'm plugging in my shit into farming hell and it is literally farming hell
>I'm plugging in my shit into farming hell and it is literally farming hell
Welcome to F/GO. You don't get meta servants to beat hard fights, you do it to make farming as efficient as possible.
Hm, that works out well for me since I already like to collect all the summer characters so that's usually what I'm saving for anyway, always liked Eresh but didn't have much use for her regular version so this sounds interesting. Was pondering if I want to go all in on summer Ibuki next rerun and try and bring her to NP5/lv 120 but I'm thinking I'll back off on that, I like her enough for 100 but it's not a 120 love.

Thanks both of you for the answers anyway, I guess I'll examine the DPS as they come out and see if any of them tickle my fancy but it sounds like I'm probably good continuing to focus on summer servants, maybe powering up a couple of my old favorites. And knowing there's no important supports for at least two years is a relief because I've got the other ones mentioned I still don't have Koyan and I was also considering Miss Crane, I have quite a few SQ saved up right now but I think all these will keep me occupied for quite some time.
They're going crazy with the buffs, are we really sure it's not the end of the game soon?
geronimo and phantom did get buffed, if Angra gets his NP made so it's not completely useless, we might be in the end days
Do all the black bordered Christmas matches. They cost Gongs but if you run out you can buy them with raw tickets in the event shop.
>the 90+ at the top cuz it requires i finish the last singularity.
No black presents in that one. Just a Lore for beating it. Every story event has a challenge quest like it.
>LB7 on christmas day
Is it all in one bit or is it in sections like 5 and 6?
Coming in 3 parts.
>spent all Gongs for stages
>forgot to get Santa Karna NP dupes before that
It's over for me
Meant 2.

Well, you'll be able to fix that in 2 years.
>Just started LB6
I'm going to restrain myself from skipchadding because I heard this one is actually good but there's gonna be some speed-reading the next few days.
isn't christmas day a really stupid time to drop something so big?
If you look at what happened afterwards on JP
Depends on how you see it. if you assume people play while commuting to/from wherever they gonna celebrate or don't celebrate it at all (or already Celebrated it the day prior) so they got time to play. Besides it dropping that day doesn't mean you have to do it in one go ASAP. You can argue it is the perfect time because most people will be too busy with Christmassy/family things to spread/stumble over spoilers (Though this honestly more applies to JP, NA has gotten spoiled to death on LB7 already)

I'd say the actual danger is risk of potential errors and bugs showing up and not being solved because everyone is on vacation.
Yeah I meant nobody being around to fix things if something goes wrong.
Though it is annoying that they keep doing big things around the christmas holidays when I'm busy, at least this year it's not a massive raid.
What do they do if we don't reach a reaction goal?
Shut down the server?
Supposedly they used to bot it after a while. But xitter doesn't show likes anymore so they can just arbitrarily say that they got enough reactions.
RIP korean server
It still shows the number of likes though, just not who did them.
We only cleared this one with 300 to spare
We're not living much longer
>Faerie Summer
We'll be okay for another year at least.
>mahou shoujou phantasmoon
I don't even know what to say
If the game dies before we get summer chloe and the summer faeries I will kill someone.
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It'd be nice if there was some kind of pre-battle scan where you can get data on the enemy's traits and such, rather than needing to look it up on a wiki outside of the game
Honestly just getting to know how many waves/enemies there are gonna be alone would be a huge boon as QoL, i certainly feel like i done a story node, think the story has set up for fight against a single strong opponent and the preview only shows one Class icon of what seems to be a Servant and then gotten 3x3x3 weakshits more then once, i mean i guess one can argue that's the point, but it is still annoying when it happens, honestly i think that is one of the subtle factors that make people favor AoE servants more then ST ones on average if playing casually, a good AoE servant is still generally passable against a single Boss opponent if you make a wrong assumption about a node, a good ST on a group trash node is much more noticeable, and that is putting aside there are probably way more trash nodes then ST ones in the story anyway.
I understand that feeling all too well. Not long ago, one of my gachas died RIGHT before they could push the latest swimsuit batch
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Hell yeah
Fucking Camelot.
>Archer icon
>Load in all Lancers
It's a pitance of AP, I know, but it's still annoying as shit.
>It took an 18 MB update to change this
We're getting advanced quests in a couple of days
My guess is that the Grand Saber will be Excalibur using Artoria as a vessel rather than just a wielder. Think Lion King but Saber
I'm still curious as to who the Grand Berserker will be...
Does Ritsuka know English?
I'm pretty sure that everytime we communicated outside of Japanese was thanks to the translation mystic code thing
But what about LB6? Does that imply translation was pure magic with no technology or did nasu just forget?
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She's not a levitating servant yet
She's just standing on her tippy toes to appear taller
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Lol, lmao even+
Do we know if it's already patched on NA?
The dreaded "?" preview
Tezcatlipoca was the Grand Berserker before he took over the Grand Assassin role after Hassan vacated it

IMO it'd have to be someone who also represents carnage to a degree like him, I could throw Loki into the position, considering he started ragnarok
Players knowingly or unknowingly getting into quartz debt over the mission bug in FGO while I remain untouched because I do not actually play FGO much beyond logging in
I think Loki is probably a bad fit since while he does start Ragnarok his main thing is kinda more being a troll/trickster/shitstirrer generally speaking. Honestly i wouldn't mind a Romolus/Orion where it is a servant we "already have" getting a do over.
Beowulf would make a good shout in that case, he's one of the earliest documented berserkers

In truth it should be Herc but I want a lucid version of him
Loki would be better suited for the likes of Caster or Pretender than Berserker. Yeah definitely Pretender; I can't imagine them NOT introducing Loki as pretending to be someone else (or the Loki we get is actually someone ELSE pretending to be HIM like his eight-legged horse daughter Sleipnir)
>lucid Herc
Isn't that Alcides?
Not quite. Archer Herc before he get's MUD'd is the appropriate one but he doesn't last five mins
Is this your account, anon?
>>1621166 (OP)
The only good kike is a dead kike
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Best CE for Kazuradrop?

I want to make this cootie patatooie viable.
My Ciel is plowing through this raid
It's insane how good her NP against padoru neco arc
I've been doing the Lv.90 raid quests mostly, you can one shot the giant neco with ciel's np with buster and strength buffs
>Great Cat's Village is now officially part of FGO's soundtrack
That's the Melty Blood collab snuck in for the end of The Year of Collab
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Do the marines wear heels like the captain does?
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Pretty normal
God, I want a boy girlfriend so fucking much...
get off the computer, Blackbeard
They're making the perfect game just before killing it
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big news
i like to think the captain just likes being special
Alright my fellow NA paypigs, what lucky bag are you getting this year and who's your target servant? I'm getting ST Archer, since I don't have any that are 5 stars, and hoping to get Summer Seiba.
>want Summer Skadi
>get the Gochiusa siblings
Well, you can't win 'em all
Im between ST Assassin,Extra Arts AoE or Extra Buster AoE 2 , the first is all good outcomes but also kinda boring, the second has a "dud" in Ruler Mort but is also overall solid outcomes. The third one is the riskiest of the three, but got a potential Archetype:Earth (I ended up skipping her during Anni/Summer so i could afford rolling for Ruler-Skadi and Proto Merlin.)
Just need 13 more Miyu copies for a 120 grand caster.
Imma try for Merlin on the Caster single target/support NP. Getting OG Skadi would also be big and I don’t mind some Castoria dupes.
>ST Archer
a meme category really, it's dreadfully poor of a selection. I just use my NP2 Tomoe

I'm going for Support/ST Caster. The only real L I can take is Okuni, and that's only because I already have her, the rest except Illya and Crane are all top tier units
The plus sign is that the ST Archer roster is small so if you want one of the three for their meme you have a good chance on landing them. They just kinda suffer from 4* being good enough or arguably better if their niche is in play and MHX shenanigans meaning that Anti-Saber Special Damage isn't that fucking uncommon and basically lets non-Archer be Archers anyway and potentially double dip another Anti-Trait too.

Like for example, Fujino being on banner again soon also arguably makes it a bit less appealing since Super Giant is actually more common then one would think at first, and Super Giant enemies tend to fight alone and Buff Denial, i think she is probably one of the Top Tier ST Archers due that even though she is "just" an 4*.

That said, love the old man with backpains anyway and use both personally.
>Wanted Kingprotea
>Instead got Archetype Loop to NP4
Hephaestion has spooked me so many times I barely notice her anymore.
Got the priest in 15 and Bryn for the GSSR
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I got NP2 Old Man, and with that confirming that he gonna be the Assassin on my Destiny Order come Summer.
Wanted Summer Seiba, but got a double drop of both Moriarty and Orion, so I'm more than okay with that.
>dropped 300 quartz
>only got Ibaraki
why do I even bother
Most of the lucky bags selections were a bit shit for me this year so I went for extra support since i didn't have any of them and I wouldn't mind getting any of them.
I really wanted sismerlin but I ended up with my 2nd choice van gogh so I'm not too sad.
I got alter nito the other day with my 'hope I get lucky' 30sq and 10 ticket roll, but I didn't get Kirei unfortunately.
Kotomine is pretty fun
>saw gold card
>new Astraea and Zenobia + dupe Beowulf, Wu, and Martha
At least give me a 5* dupe
I'm starting to think the first season of nasomaru had a limited roster of appearances on purpose just so they could translate it pretty soon after, but after they buried it under an aniplex channel with no views they just gave up and started putting up to date servants
they should do this but for the sq gacha
floating avenger squad assemble!
Also there's a surprising amount of avengers that float.
The heat from the fires of vengeance provides lift. Like hot air balloons made of hatred.
>For this next Advanced Quest you must have 6 servants from different regions of the world all born more than one century from each other in chronological order. Their alignments must alternate between good and evil starting with good on even numbered days and evil on odd numbered days. For the bosses second break bar, you will need to open the camera feature on your phone and record you performing no less than 3 jumping jacks during the NP animation of
I got Nitocris Alter on tickets yesterday, hope it is a good luck sign for this year (it will remain the same)
I went for AOE Archer since I have at least one of each of the current banners and got Sei. Either she or Ishtar were my top choices as I like her character even if she is not OP.
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Guess what /vmg/
Congratulations on your Bianca.
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I won the game forever (I think)
>I won the game forever
anon you're just getting stared
At this point is there really any point in any mystic code that doesn't have order change?
If you're farming bond or simply restricted by cost then it's totally viable to not bring Oberon and get a mystic code to help with consistency
I myself am very excited to get castoria's gifted one
Fashion, Bondtism and the PLOT/Challenge/Advanced Quest nodes that limit you to 3 Servants (or less), like im pretty sure the ORT Gangbang has the "best" MCs be the ones that give some kind of one turn Invincibillity and then Servant appropriate buffs due how it is structured favoring a solo approach.

Basically other MCs have usecases, but it is something that game has to go out of its way to make happen more often then not.
The problem is mc skills haven't benefited from the same power creep as the servant skills. Swapping to a servant with the skills you need will always be more effective than anything you can do yourself.
Huh, part 1 of LB 7 was a lot shorter than I expected, I guess we have to wait a few weeks for part 2?
>scheduled to be released in mid-January 2025!

It was 31st for JP, so assuming "Mid" means somewhere between 11th to 20th NA is getting it notably faster. Seems like they are taking the opportunity to catch up a little, even if it is just by a few weeks.
thank goodness i already have that done
if only my nezha took that few...
What the fuck is the deal with Tezcatlipoca artist? Why did they choose someone who obviously can't draw?
I hate that they "link" certain new features with the story so there's no way to get class score or grand servants without also getting the story early
Castoria getting to 120 was fun even if we got it before her, they should do it more like that
>>1621166 (OP)
>that waver
wow goodness, few years back enjoyed having him, merlin, and either jalter or gil for those bosses and probably clearing mobs. Just bummed about the limited transfer codes (is it still a maximum of 10 transfers?) And hoping I can just keep it easy with welfare 4-stars and Shakespeare / Hans for that budget Waver and Merlin experience.
I really wish the QP quests were half off. I've got three new 5 stars and it's an absolute drain.
That fight where they disable voices was very funny for some reason
>got Merlin in GSSR
>lacking the Caster statues to get him to max
I got nitro alter and was worried that she was gonna use some new material from LB7 for ascension/skill level up but thankfully she doesn't.
Half AP Caster dailies go go go.
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Im low on Silver ones so im taking the opportunity to use my natural AP for Advanced since they have a good droprate per run even if it is bad per AP since i keep getting bottlenecked by them.
Wait like one event, they give out statues like candy.
>Infinite gold statues
>no silver

a common trend

I'm putting off fighting Cernunnos so I probably will grind it

Next one is Valentines though unfortunately
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My birbwife is complete.
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Imagine believe in a fucking Jews of all people. 4chan could've saved her.
>JP letting you get the other two summer Valkyries
what the fuck
enjoy your np2 ozymandas, anon
got a random fuckin Astraea spook let's fuckin G O
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we can still save her, right bros? r-right...?
What am I supposed to use my leaves on now
More servant coins for grails and more ascension materials to sell for QP.
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>Does not appear in your path,
Thank fuck Illyafest is gonna have them even if it is still ways away.
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Her cool ass hair makes me think her name is technotitan
>front line wiped to deerboy 2nd turn
yeah fuck this im dumping leyline stones
>a reward CE that isn't +50 exp or +2000 qp
We really live in the future...
I almost insta sold it before noticing it was actually useful.
Shit. What does it do? I already sold it.
doesn't matter, not full attack CE, you're never using it anyway
So to be clear Saber Sasaki is definitely coming this year right
3* sasaki kojiro released in 2015, not 2025
>finally doing LB7 cause I need to farm QP
>battles are stall 3T
>decides to use the priest
wtf he just doesn't die
Is /vmg/ saving SQ for the Beast of Calamity?
I'm saving for the berserker of summer
Already have over 900 saved up for a guaranteed get. Hopefully I'll still have enough after to get summer Kuro, Suzuka, and the Tam Lin trio.
Kinda but not really, i have readied up Alt accounts to roll for her on them, but for my main account im actually not pulling any of the "big ones" this year as strange as that sound, i also just spend a fair bit of SQ on the recent Koyan/Fujino banner for the sake of the latter (Still got the former from NP0 to NP3 in the process, and funnily enough got my first copy of Casko off-banner, no regrets), Next stop for me will basically be Bakin/Lobo cause i wanna get that 4* to 120 (currently 110) before THE THING happens and even that hopefully won't need to be a deep pull.

I wish all of you who are going for it luck though.
questioning how much i spend though, Summer 8 is going to maim me. I want pretty much everyone.
After last year being a bit shit for must have servants, this year is gonna suck.
At least after Uesegi Kenshin, I can happily save up for Aoko. Especially as Summer 9 isn't all that appealing to me (except Ereshkigal and Tenochtitlan)
>ember weekly
>door half off
https://youtu.be/vVbw3e9tZwo [Embed]
Who this? They're not on my fgo
New Year unit for next year
They're also your servant in Samuari Remnant.
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Stupid, sexy Habetrot.
habetrot is only 2 foot tall, how small is britomart?
what the hell is his deal
What is this, and are there more?
Pic from Wada's new artbook. Several of the pages were characters in BB Dubai's dress. I'm sure the whole thing will get put on the panda or elsewhere pretty soon.
What's the best way to do LB7 raid? Use 1 servant each try starting with low rarity ones with MLB Kaleido + Mash every 4 tries?
Sure, if you're a soulless husk of a human.
Supposedly it's not that insane, just have fun and leave your best team for the end
That is the "Safe"/F2P way to do it, but several 5* servants can deal with a whole bar alone alone and will do that faster then spamming the weak stuff, it is just that there is enough low rarity shit in the Friend Gacha to be able to pull a win out using Class advantage and numbers at their natural level caps is plausible too. i don't think MLB K.Scope is even necessary for that since you will generally be able to fire of the servants NPs at least once before dying anyway as long as you get some charge.
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You should be able to keep spamming DATA LOST since the data was lost already, you can't lose it again
You see, ORT has a preset kill limit. Knowing its weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at it until it reached its limit and shut down.
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Maybe it was just me but ORT and the last Tezcat fight weren't that bad. Cammyzots and the Tezcat fights before ORT woke up gave me a lot more trouble.
ORT is just a usable Roster size check and excuse to use Servants you don't use that often anymore more so then the fight itself being "hard", and i think the final Tez fight was deliberately easier just to serve as Catharsis from finishing what may or may not been a ORT marathon (I did the whole thing in one sitting at least). Kinda like how the Spacestorm Break Bars are a check of your phone specs (and probably where you should splurge your strong servants to get it done ASAP as a result if it is struggling and you don't have many of them).
It would be nice if the game told you until what section it unlocked
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>dps castoria strikes again
Holy kino
I just used Bazett when i did it, gotta love them Fragarachs, plus the last strike was 100% Crit Buster card. Very satisfying.
Do you guys put random ascensions on your servants?
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Yeah, unless one Ascension is completely better than the others, like pic related.
I put it on both versions of my favorite because I like them all.
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It's either their final ascension or a costume for me. Only exception being XX because it's sick as fuck, and Summer Okita Alter, because the animations with loli-Rengoku are a lot more interesting.
I don't really bother, i genrally tend to either not care enough to bother or find one specific ascension to be the best anyway, or i manually switch around for what i feel like in the moment if i do like all 3.
>got both Tlaloc and Kuku back to back in one 11 pull
Fuck yeah. I wish all of you the same luck.
Thanks. We're close to Draco but I guess I'll do a 10 pull.
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>the final Black Grail I need to MLB
>also off-banner Anastasia
Okay, honestly that was pretty fucking great. Thank you anon.
Happy for ya, anon. Hopefully this luck continues for both of us when Draco comes around. I have over 900 saved up for her just in case, but I really hope it doesn't come to that, since I'll also be wanting to roll on some Summer servants.



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Tfw I didn't even get a 5* CE or 4* servant with 30 rolls
How the fuck did Ort get in that box?
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Summer erice backed up by castoria and merlin's sister basically erases tezs health bars. It was kind of funny thinking about how confused tez must have been getting beat up by a young girl in a swimsuit on a windsurfing board.
Batboy fucking sucked though
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So why aren’t you saving for Draco anon?
I already did, and I'm prepared for the worst case scenario of a pity pull. The real question is feet or tummy?
>decided to waste a max of 10 tickets
>somehow got Kuku on 2nd ticket
Worth it
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For me, it was star wars Saber.
Because I'm saving for Marie Alter next year.
Question, when is the cum cube store gonna update with scales?
I am >>1660119
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Hey lads, divegrass anon here, just a reminder that we're about to play the elite cup for the first time this Saturday
>what happened last time
we managed to top our group and any expectation in the babbies, now it's time to go even further beyond. Schedule is in here >>1658284 → and more information in https://pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Thanks for the support.
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So which 5 costs do you have at NP5?
I assume you mean 5 stars, and none. I prioritize variety over single servants. Remember to diversify your servant portfolio, people!
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Just Beni. I have Illya and Melu at NP4 and a few others at NP3.
Currently trying to get her to 120, but I didn't think I was Goghing to need so many Embers.
Gogh as well. Didn't expect to have so much fun with her kit and story during her event so I saved and got her maxed out on her rerun banner. Bond 15 is the only Goghl left.
None, My approach is honestly more "5* I like? Aim for NP2, 4* I like? aim for NP5.", although i have still luckfagged some 5* to NP3. Im still in the process of getting my first 120 (Who is a 4*).
5*? Just Saber by happenstance with MHXA at np4.
I've never had to target one because my favorites were generally 4*, though OC2 changed that.
Assuming you're talking about 5stars, Raikou and BB
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Cause I’m saving for summer Morgan
I got Dioscuri to NP5 while trying to get Caenis, who I didn’t get a single copy of (I picked her from a free SR ticket later). Similarly got NP4 Charlemagne when trying to get Kriemhild.
2 were on purpose and 2 were an accident. Gough and draco and kuku are my priorities right now
Honestly I wanna do the same but I can’t decide to go for Draco NP2 or save and dickroll for summer Morgan to try to max her NP completely. Any thoughts bros?
read the news
"Trump signs order to declassify files on JFK, MLK assassinations"? That's interesting but it doesn't really help me.

Kidding, I found it. Annoying that I'm gonna have to wait another 5 days.
Shouldn't the OC prologue drop before valentines?
I think they'll finally do a "it drops now" whenever they do the next radio or whatever
There's also supposed to be the 27m campaign, but they're moving the valentines event up because it's stupid to have the event happen after valentines day.
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Surely they'll accelerate soon...
Man, those advanced quest were insanely easy.
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Kukulkan >>> Mogan
Well duh, she has class advantage.
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This is a Gilgamesh thread now
Filthy NA player looking to fill his slots with kind anons.
Jesus dude, how much money have spent on this game?
I can always use another whale friend. Sent a request, Nursery Rhyme in the all slot.
>blocked from Chaldea because you used "illegal servant classes"
>coming soon: Beast class servants!
Well, in for a penny, in for a pound, I guess.
To be fair, if i got shit right the Beasts basically summon themselves using Independent Manifestation and the Chaldea Summoning system actually tries to stop it with a emergency shut down (but fails) going by the animation.
>tfw Draco is actively choosing to not come to me when her banner drops and I waste 200 quartz
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Aria is a fucking dork.
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Aria got done so fucking dirty in Samurai Remnant, it's pretty clear they never even wanted to have her in the game. She never did anything, she's the only servant who never got a Noble Phantasm, and we never even learned the name of the big white fox that follows her around.
It's especially funny since we've had access to all three of those servant types since the singularities.
Mash being a super exclusive, one of a kind class pretty much doomed us at the jump.
Think we'll get Tachie at some point?
>Final day of Kuk banner
Only got one copy and I'm debating dropping another 150 for NP2. Can she still work NP1 for the harder nodes?
>spunked tons of quartz earlier in the month at Ku
>Got literally nothing
>throw a random ticket at Ereshkigal today
>Get Tlaloc

this game mocks me
I just dug my old phone out and managed to transfer my account to something that runs, and I'm about to start the first Lostbelt. How does the story in part 2 compare to part 1/1.5?
There was a story back then?
It's a genuine question, I haven't played since the lostbelt prologue dropped (NA) so I wanted to know how people felt the stories stack up. I like part 1's story, especially when you get through slow ass shit like london and parts of okeanos and america, and I liked most of EoR as well.
There's absolutely no comparison, the later lostbelts are basically the answer to whatever the entire series has been laying down as a foundation since 2004.
I'm not telling you to skip there because Babylonia is more or less the baseline of quality for every lostbelt
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>babylonia is the baseline of quality for every lostbelt
Holy shit, exactly what I wanted to hear. Thanks anon.
The early stuff is hit or miss, but it picks up by Atlantis.
It's much better on the whole
Weakest one is LB2 but it's more just meh instead of bad, i'd rank it about level with America.
LB3 would be better if you didn't have to fight Rape Horse 30 times
Man, Mélusine's valentine scene was a lot more forward than I was expecting.
Does the google play on pc work with fgo or does it nuke your account?
I don't think you can have your account active on both devices at the same time, if that's what you're asking.
Some of these new Valentines feel like they've finally found the right balance in length. Not a super quick few sentences, and not a fucking whole singularity's worth of dialogue.
>you get two special chocos
>but one has to go to a male
Fuck. I'm bond leveling both versions of my favorite in sync, so I flat out can't even use these
>Not a super quick few sentences,
I still feel sorry for the year one servants that still don't have an alt version.
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Nursery Rhyme and Jeane Alter Santa Lily sure are cute.
Hey bros should I wait for skill reload append skill to be added to give my Kuku or should I just do mana loading per usual?
Is it summer murasaki that has all the loops that you can get stuck in, god that went on way too long.
You can give chocolates to male servants?
More seriously though I have no idea who to give the blessed chocolates to, there's no one I'm particularly bond leveling atm.
You can just give it to someone you're likely to use for the farming. Free 300% overcharge is pretty damn nice.
You can get those new ones for free.
Who's gayer, Miyu or Xu Fu?
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Miyu at least shows a little interest, even if not overly sexual, in Shirou since he's her brother. Xu Fu has never shown any interest in any men at all so she's probably more gay.
Oh nice I didn’t know that. Thanks
Class him.
https://youtu.be/m0gPm_jZgGw [Embed]
What event is this from? Summer?
I went all in on a couple of my favorite servants hoping it would be enough to start being able to comfortably clear 90++ nodes, but I see it's still impossible for someone like me. Honestly looking at the drop rates it's not even that big a difference between 90+ nodes, which are already designed in a way to say "fuck you" to Castoria looping and urge you to have Oberon and Koyan as well. So I suppose you could say I'm already clearing a high barrier of entry just by being able to do that. It feels like 90++ is made solely for whales to dab on everybody else, which is kind of silly in a single player game because what are you gonna do with your fast clear that you spent a thousand dollars to achieve, make a YouTube video of it? But I digress. I don't know if this game is ever going to change in such a way that you're going to start being expected to be able to clear 90++ consistently, but for the foreseeable future I'm not gonna worry about it and just stick to farming 90+. My best servants, I'll keep building them as much as I can, but not to do 90++, rather to carry me in CQs and the like. Hopefully the story doesn't get much harder than it already is, not that I have much trouble with leyline stones to save me on bosses and the enemies mostly having manageable HP. But I feel like it's just a step away from becoming tedious at any moment and I hope they don't go crazy with it.
I've been comfortably clearing 90++ with Chen Gong, a support Ruler Skadi and Caren. It takes like 5 or 6 turns but it's kind of comfy.
Was part of the JP New Years just gone iirc, the conceit was that Servants are getting charged rent to stay at Chaldea so are having to advertise businesses. There should be a Koyan and a Douman one as well
Isn't he already part of Edison?
I can two turn it with event boosted arash and Caren, both with MLB BGs.
>President and a General
Rider, EZ
NA? Honestly this 90++ shouldn't be TOO bad because of the Kaleidoloate giving some leeway. I totally wasted mine.
Geronimo, get down!
I'm fighting on using mine because I don't want both versions of my favorite to be offset on their bond gain.
I'm using event CEs, so no black grails.
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This is a comfy node. I'm pretty sure there's more optimal ways of doing it, but just beating this elephant to death with NP5 Astraea and 2 Castoria slaves is weirdly relaxing.
These magical girl transformation scenes are really getting on my nerves
do i get overcharge effects if it goes past 100% or does it have to be 200%?
It has to be 200+ or 300
You could also chain NPs to add +1 overcharge level to the next one up to 500
Also, the game doesn't care if you have 199 or 299 but it does care if you have 99 and turns it to 100 for free so remember to take advantage whenever you're at a number with 9
i noticed some servants can buff np levels for others but does that also work if you only have np1 unlocked?
There's also Craft Essences that do it but it's a rare buff to see so the game lets you stack and use it even at NP1
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She's finally 10
I really wish they would let you sort by which servants are closest to leveling up their bond.
wow the future looks weird.
fuck yes! I hate that it doesn't do that when you sort by bond
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Congrats! Can't wait for her to come out in GL. I hate being 2 years behind.
I would also bang Aura and Percival.
BB Dubai's dress has been an absolute blessing to us all
Out of 10!
I just spammed the 90+ for spine fluids and caster gems.
Why the fuck can you fail in giving/receiving chocolates? Why is that a thing?
A few characters have unique valentines with bad ends and shit. There's only like 7 or 8 that do, just go back and redo it.
>redoing Moon Cancer Kiara's because I was a degen
it's like 20 fucking minutes

In good news, I managed to impulse summon Jack, my savings for Draco are safe
Is it worth dealing with ORT before OC1 comes out?

t. NA player
Might as well try to knock it out tomorrow before the Spiritvein Stones expire (assuming you still have some).
ORT is a piece of cake, he's just a filter that checks if you raised enough servants since you can just keep throwing bodies at him. And the final ORT fight is just a victory lap.
He has 10 bars and a servant at max ascension can easily take away 1/3 - 1/2 of each bar at minimum so you really only need like 25 or so units since you can reuse Mash every a few rounds.
Ort is more fun if you do small themed teams.
So, how autistic are all of you about leveling your servants? I've all of mine at cap, regular skills all level 4 or higher, and bond at six or higher (minus Hephaistion, who I got this week and am leveling now).
I don't give skill levels unless i use them but I gave everyone at least mana loading and max level
Oh hey, we can finally MLB the Void Dust drop rate up CE from the advanced quests
Next set we can finish the bone CE.
Oh no, after next month I'll be out of servant coins...
I'm just betting it all that they roll back the servant coins like in jp, I just hope it's not a "used before jp's original announcement" and simply give everything used before one of their announcements
Everyone at level cap, all 5 stars skills at 6+ and all bonds at 5+. I've been meaning to level up the all the 4 stars to at least level 6 skills but there's too many and it takes way too long to do.
I always just figured they'd give us back spent servant coins the same time as they add the extra append skills, no other way really makes sense as not everyone keeps up with jp news.
I'm fairly sure I have 500 void dust so this is super pointless
Bones might be good though, but I hate how annoying the advanced quests are.
I swear to got you have better summoning odds when you're sitting on a a shit ton of SQ. Like it's trying to bait you into rolling more.
The sweet spot used to be around 800 quartz for me. People would come in 6 multis. Nowadays it takes twice that much or outright pity.
We can have TWO servants in our room!!!
(Time limited)
But can you make them kiss?
putting penthesilea and achilles in there and seeing what happens
>only had 150 SQ and 30 tickets for Takasugi
>somehow got him after 60 SQ
>decided to waste the remaining SQ and tickets hoping for NP2 but only got CEs and useless dupe servants
I don't know about that
It's really weird how the AP notification is based on a timer since you last played instead of the server saying it's done...
They'll need to fix that for playing in more than one device
Are they finally gonna let us play on more than one device?
well that was a pointless conversation
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>Nobu able to easily 3-5 turn 90++ node depending on cards
Feels good.
My 3-turn team is Ryougi Shiki (assassin) with kscope pops off her 1st skill and instakills wave 1, then Summer Ibuki with the anti-divine damage 50% starting charge CE and 2 Castrias kill waves 2-3. I don't worry about CE maxxing since I'm already short on SQ and didn't care much for the banners of this event.

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