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Granny Impact thread
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I told myself that I'd pull for her as soon as I saw the Natlan trailer no matter what, even if she ended up being a total brick
Now that we know what her kit is like I should feel relieved that she isn't utter trash but somehow I still feel disappointed. It's like they were trying to avoid being too experimental or generous with the her skill set
Do we know the Abuela's materials?
you can prefarm everything but her world boss mats.
>titty squish in official art
Are we healing?
>fuck around in the coop part of the event
>somehow always manage to get top score
What are these retards even doing?
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the sharp drop in players during the tail end of sumeru probably steered them back in the direction of appealing to the male audience. too late to overly sexualize fontaine designs since most of the design work was already done, but just in time to have cleavage and skin showing in natlan. the slow loss of players over time also allows the game to move out from under the spotlight and come under less scrutiny.
I expected the intermission to be about Ororun going full retard or some shit and Citlali having to pull heavy duty, based on the art. Sadly not.
Can't believe Loom lost
Another Loss for Yuritrannies, based China saying NO to the LGBTQ agenda
Pretending to be doing something while delegating all of the work to you
I was AFK for like half the event and still managed to do something meaningful
Thanks bro, hopefully I manage to get her after Mavuikass
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I'm ready for Mavuika
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>ifa gets sus leak as a 4*
>reddit and twitter leak followers start losing their minds saying that they are quitting the game and that genshin is an incel game.
lmao git rekt fags. you wont be missed.
still C6ing Chadpitano and there's nothing you can do to stop me
there is nothing wrong with that, but these people want it to be a 1:1 ratio of male to female limited characters which is just never going to happen.
Oh, yeah they're completely delusional then.
>saying that they are quitting the game
I hope they do.
But they won't.
They are going to kill Capitano. Calling it now.
Give the fanbase a kick to the nuts worse than when Signora died.
its starting to sink in that mavuika is on field and that's how she's meant to be played
>Archon of the nation of war
>is an on field DPS
holy shit who could have seen this coming
I hope she does more damage than Raiden and Zhongli, the big dick gods of combat
For me she was the only character from the trailer I had zero interest in because she looked like just another generic tsun hebe. But after showing her grumpy baba personality and dynamic with Ororon, her outrageous sexo design, and all the fanservice and shilling in the AQ, official art, patch preview and events, I'll probably be pulling her before the archon.
>all archons were supports so far
>who could have seen this coming!1!1!1!1111
saar please be doing the needful and calm down saar
even if she's some sort of op dps, she could still have satisfying support potential like everyone else
especially in a game with only 2 worthy pyro supports since 1.0
isn't her off-field decent though
Guess who is still better (which makes it unacceptable to some).
C2 Dehya?
>4* is better than the pyro archon that shat on the first of the 11 Fatui Harbingers whose top 3 rival gods in their power
>acceptable to some
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i dont give a FUCK what metacucks think.
Benny will only be powercrept by Xbalanque (who is Benny's ancestor)
it's arguable that xiangling is better. xiangling needs bennett to funnel particles and do damage and it's only centered on the player
Meanwhile Mavuika's off field is also centered on the player and doesn't do anywhere near as much damage
Is this big brain or nah
>using freminet for phys damage with chongyun's cryo infusion
infusion removes the physical dmg and it becomes cryo dmg instead
There's other achievements or whatever to get besides getting the most spirits. I only tried getting the most the first time I played and I was being an asshole and taking other people's spirits because I was too lazy to see what the game was about lel
>freminet for phys damage with chongyun's cryo infusion
Use Frem as a cryo dps by spamming E if you're going to slap Chongyun on the team
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>gigameta whalebait femorrhoid
>0 tiktok hours
>0 fanart
femorrhoids flopped bigly and killed the game
eat shit and die zoomer faggot
can someone translate this to english?
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discord raids gacha generals with sales, blacked, cuckposting and whatnot
This is not a bad idea. I only want Citlali C0, but I want Mavuika C2 and maybe her weapon too. Also Mavuika will 100% have a rerun during 5.x.
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Just realized I've been running Bennett and Chevy on the same team both with Noblesse
My Bennett is at lvl 1.
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You silly goose!
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retard patternfag
I don't bother swapping sets around either.
Fuck yohomo's dogshit artifact UI and system in general.
Raiden is DPS and support.
lmao, the old days when C3 Raiden was impressive
Still is.
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Oh no!!
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Raiden was marketed as being a support because she generates energy for the team.
she can be considered a subdps which is still technically a support role.
isn't iq all about pattern recognition?
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Hope she's 4*, so I can get Siggy as well on her rerun and have all the lolis~
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there you go
>tap and hold
>phone starts vibrating at maximum intensity
what did they mean by this?
I want Yoimiya :(
Is this the alarm app?
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>no socks
It's just HoYoLAB. It also has the alarm functionality.
Does the event just end in the cave? Are we not going after enjou? Or maybe some epilog?
>just end
Pretty much.
It is just teasing Mare Jivari.
>open world infiltration
You mean prologue? In that case, yeah. I'm inclined to believe so.
But it's not the first time Enjou has appeared in Natlan. He was first seen investigating the turn fire, Ochkan's secret power that was able to defeat whole armies.
Everything leads me to believe we're going to the Mare Jivari (Citlali pretty much said that explicitly)
I meant like a final cutscene with enjou going "muahaha I'm bad and I want to fuck stuff up lol reddit loves me". The ending of the event felt kinda sudden idk why
Oh yeah, in that case, no. It really ends very abruptly I was confused too
Don't care, granny shilling and granny sex.
This. So much this.
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(Varesa being from the same tribe as Iansan)
smaller chances of both being 5*, especially with both being electro
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How the fuck do I do this puzzle?
shoot them with an arrow when they are over the explosion mark?
>Mavuika nerfed so she is even more reliant on night soul
lmao into the fucking trash
So the unlucky or poor must slap the freebie Kachina on to her team
At least Kachina can do some support.
They don't want another mistake like Furina
Mavuika needs to have her exploration buffed to match the characters she is imitating imo
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Does her flying have a hard time limit? This video makes it seem like it ends after three seconds, even if the bar still has energy left. On the other hand it seems like you can still fly forever, if you have Chasca for back and forth swapping


Webm related, I still don't know what that sky castle is, but I've flown up there with Chasca and Kinich (and Xilonen so that you get back 15 phlogiston when you switch). Things get very buggy when you go that high up though, makes it seem like they didn't realize you can do this stuff, even though they designed the kits. Or then they did it on purpose, but then I don't know why things look so shitty when you're flying around a mile up
It looks like the little green line at the top is the flying bar, not the energy bar itself.
Not sure what the curved one beside it is. I thought they were an upside down !? at first.

And the world quest takes you straight up into that area from below, so you're passing through an opaque cloud layer as it loads.
You can't approach it horizontally under usual means, so maybe they didn't account for hiding that area transition.
>It looks like the little green line at the top is the flying bar, not the energy bar itself.
I didn't even notice that one, how many bars are they going to add lol. There's already the phlogiston bar, then those big curved ones, and now also a comically tiny bar for flying
Are you serious? This is one of the oldest puzzle in game.
>tfw 145 fates
>tfw Mavuika sucks
You can always roll Citla-
Oh wait, her kit is all over the place nvm
Don't worry, they will buff her an hour before the update release.
they already added their birthdays, which usually means their kits are finalized
Didn't Furina make them a gazillion dollars
They know you can do it, they just didn't intend for it or expect a significant amount of people to be autistic enough to try for it to be worth fixing. There's even a unique error message for when you hit the skybox with Natlan characters that says you've hit the height limit and can't do a nightsoul transmission
Guess we have a different definition of sucking then.
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reminder that doomposters said furina was gonna be a flop character and that there was no reason to pull her if you had xingqiu or yelan because she had shitty hydro application and required a healer, and they said this all the way up until her release. you can't take these people's opinions seriously.
Everyone recognizes that Mavuika will deal lots of damage, people are just tired of having 8 pyro dps characters
>dem digits
i kneel
i will roll for Mavuika
fuck you. i wanted a support Mavuika not a dps.
now i cannot use her with Clorinde.
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i asked for another pyro dps. i told john hoyoverse it would be funny if they did it again. it's me austin, it was me all along.
That's the problem, usually Archons can be both support and DPS while Mavuika tends to be more of the latter and is not suitable for many teams, if nothing changes she is the most premium character of all because of the ultimate. However since so far the only information is from the leaks I would wait before drawing conclusions, Chasca in the end turned out to be a good character.
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Too much sour sauce kipper!
gib C2R1
She might be better than leakers are saying, but it's clear that the direction they're taking her is for the dps role
>now i cannot use her with Clorinde
If you're saying that because of the nerf to the normal attack generation of Mavuika's spirit(aka energy), then that shit was fake.
Baby factory
Really? How does it work then?
Yes, but she's also the most bullshit overpowered character in the game
why yes, i like having all my party on life support, how could you tell?
unironiclly a skill issue
You don't have her at c6???
>all that chubb
no wonder she can't keep her balance while on top of that giraffe
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Traveller-kun, those master of the nightwind shcizos are writing shitty fanfics again, we need you to fucking kill them
What does her C6 do?
I just dislike how she's tied to other characters proccing Nightsoul.
If Pyro Traveler had been a support that gives non-Natlan characters the ability to trigger Nightsoul then it wouldn't be so bad
Didn't have enough rolls to reach pity or get lucky on the weapon banner and I don't care enough to swipe so I have to make due with Thundering Pulse on Chasca for now. Knowing my luck her next banner will be with Baizhu or something.
Imagine who has to use the 4* craftable...
Imagine getting bow billet drops...
>with Baizhu
They know that Baizhu and Lynney are kryptonite for sales. I'd be surprised if these two ever get their own limited banners again.
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Oh no!!!
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I don't even know what to spend resin on anymore
Already fully prefarmed Mav and Clit as far as I can go this patch
Already getting 36* in Abyss and 10* in IT so artifacts aren't a problem
Already have way more EXP mats than I'll need in a long time
I'm currently doing weapon mats for the new event sword
She can heal the whole party after using her Ult. Also, she can be on-field DPS if you want.
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Have you considered not using resin? There's actually no need to use it
Get top 1 in akasha
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Daily EoSF farming
artifacts aren't done until 40+ cv in all slots
there's always something to spend resin on
Level all your characters to 10/10/10
Try to speedrun all bosses
Make non DPS characters the DPS
Erp with randos
Put one bullet in the chamber
You know what comes next
>Level all your characters to 10/10/10
Real ones go by RV
call me when you have over 100 flat def on an artifact
>Level all your characters to 10/10/10
That's impossible, didn't read the rest, kys
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>on guaranteed
>45 pity
>50 wishes
>must save for Mavuika and Citlali
>but also want John Lee
It hurts :(
just swipe sister
I might have to do it anyway, I also want 1 more constellation for Arlemommy. I'll just skip him for now.
>me who cashed my guaranteed for c1 lyney to steamroll dailies and weekly bosses and saved 1 10 pull for jong wee
>got him in that single 10 pull at 0 pity
Blessed be Rex Lapis and his kingdom of Liyue
almost bwo and fuck you
just skip zhongli he's overrated
But I like having to shut my brain off and mash left mouse click
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>post natan release
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Anon I started November last year and I'm still stuck at Raiden boss fight because of shit purple relics I need to roll a meta team
>I'm still stuck at Raiden boss fight
another one
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What changed? You guys no longer do 4 of those missions?
You can just spend your resin (make some condensed resin) instead of doing the 4 missions.
This is why, non matter how good the artifact is, if it has any sort of DEF substat I'm getting rid of it.
Inazuma's difficulty was great, everything went baby mode after that, from enemies to boss fights to exploration
If the story was actually good and had time to cook, it would have been kino
True kino was the original version of the Childe fight
I don't think they've had to nerf any other boss.
OG Childe wasn't hard baka
Why'd they nerf him then?
Genshin babies gonna baby
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God, I love her so much. I will always perform the last battle with her, so she's always in this lobby. Her rerun cannot come soon enough for me to R5 her EL!
I've never understood why instead of nerfing they don't make a casual mode that can be turned on or off at will but has the same rewards, this way both hardcore and casual players can be satisfied.
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Who may be behind this post...
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.webm version.
Technically they did that by letting you lower your world level
The world level is only for the overworld and Andrius, the domains have a fixed level.
I haven't done any artifact domains in like a year now, been sitting at 2000 artifacts since a week or two into Furina's first banner. I'm gonna need to spend a few hours going through and trashing most of them.
Just in case half of those artifacts are more than five stars there's also a button to convert trash artifacts into the XP bottles now, it's in the artifact inventory
Nearly all, thanks for that info. I'd even locked some double crit DEF artifacts in the early days but I sure as fuck won't ever be using shit from early domains or world bosses this late into the game.
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No Zhongli or Neuvillette. Hoyo wants me to have Qiqi instead.
Rolling for Mauvika and Citali will be pretty dicey on this budget. I wonder if I'll get more Qiqi constellations in the process?
What? How is this possible? Don't both banners share the same pity and 50/50?
they give you baby mode domain options too
I hope by trashing you mean converting them to XP if >4* and strongboxing the 5* ones
Yeah, he probably got one of them but couldn't get the second due to losing 50/50 twice.
It's over..
Genshin is over...
What should I request in the new survey?
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Oh no!
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Time to mute voices
the game was definitely not designed to have so many Kazuha rave parties going on at once
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why is granny so cute...
lol never. All the faggots company paid large amount of money to have their exclusive feature.
please ask for more artifact exp and more resin and a resin pass and new artifact sets to be added to the strongbox once another new artifact set is out and more emilie
I just want a skip button, I can't understand their reasons as to why this is not in the game. Started playing on Fontaine's release and I'm seriously considering leaving forever.
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We can work on it together if you want:

Some changes that would improve user experience:
-Increase Condensed Resin cap or customizable rewards per resin like in ZZZ
-Ability to change an artifact's properties in some way
-Ability to bring our own characters to Character Trial Events
-Add option to switch between Aether and Lumine
-Add option to swap the Traveler's element at any moment or place
-Add option to toggle Constellations
-Add option to turn off burst cut scene
-Add proper Artifact loadouts feature
-Make all 5 star rarity artifacts always have 4 initial sub stats
-Battle music toggle on/off
-Make amount of Condensed Resin visible on World Map
-Color options for existing Pins in Map
-Being able to link World Map Pins together for routing
-A menu/item that displays all the current timers (enemies respawning, investigate spots, other items like the parametric transformer and portable waypoints)
-Ability to turn off auto target lock-on during combat
-Customizable HUD (move stuff around or hide specific buttons)
-More Hu Tao in events, world quests and web events.
-Buff Hu Tao's constellations
-Buff Hu Tao (TCG)
-Make characters become interactable NPCs on the world during their birthdays or in general
-Make 3 Star weapons give more EXP/3 star EXP crystals for weapons can drop in wishes
-Make Windtrace a permanent Game Mode
-Make the rhythm games a permanent Game Mode
-Being able to convert more than 1 Santifying Elixir using 5 star artifacts per patch
-Bring back bounties and mora rewards for doing them
-Add a black outline to dialogue text
-Bring back Signora as a playable (pyro) character.
-Bring back the Twitch streamer event
I have a note on my PC, and I always copy/paste that text. You never know, even an XBox port is now available.
Prove you are not Hu Tao!
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Furina made me a cake
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>mfw I will never get the Mondo and Liyue cake
>mfw I have no face
It hertz :(
Btw, you should use them. They give you resin, and the cake back.
>and Liyue
I have that. Well, just the Mondo cake. It's probably made by Barb and Jean too :(
- ok
- If you mean main stats, I doubt it, for substats maybe they could release something sooner or later, but I doubt it, farming relics is the real endgame of the game
- it would make little difference but in the end it could give an idea of how the character works with other possessed characters
- I agree but they will never do it because of the plot
- ok
- ok
- ok, I love it when for some reason the character uses the burst without the main animation
- useful but it would make things too simple according to hoyo
- ok, but they will never do it, you would spend much less resin to farm because you would ignore all those with useless sub stats
- ok, also having the possibility to decide which ost to use in the overworld would not be bad
- ok
- ok, but then you would not use the interactive map
- ok, not bad but some things do not reset after 24 hours?
- ok
- ok
- ok, one thing I don't like is when you get invited to a birthday party and you end up not going because the event doesn't exist in the game
- ok, it's always better than having the same stuff
- probably they're afraid that in the long run it could get boring, how many play the TCG?
- as above
- forget it, it's a miracle if this new system exists, a better thing would be to lower the cost of some types of artifacts
- ok
- I didn't understand this, sorry
- maybe another pyro dps on-field, it seems that in natlan they won't even release Capitano
I wonder what will happen when all the mora in Teyvat is used up thanks to our constant never ending upgrades
What will happen to Alchemy and forging?
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>- ok, I love it when for some reason the character uses the burst without the main animation
This happens because the camera in this game can't go thru geography or objects, and when you cast a burst the cam needs to be able to warp to a specific coordinate around the character
>- ok, not bad but some things do not reset after 24 hours?
Yeah why not keep track of those instead
>- forget it, it's a miracle if this new system exists, a better thing would be to lower the cost of some types of artifacts
Lower costs could work too, goblets should be 3 and hats 2 like the sands are
>- I didn't understand this, sorry
Sometimes the subtitles in quests blend with the background, a black stroke could help with that
I'll take the empty spaces as oks too
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I can't wait for January 1st!
God, I wish I was between their crossfire~
see >>1632049
Guys I never knew you could just shoot the Geo Hypostasis crystal while it's naked on the pillar with bow characters and just instantly kill it I've been doing the 1HP pillar trick and wasting 12 minutes a run on this shit
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imagine these two and yae miko in the same room as gorou.
>-Make Windtrace a permanent Game Mode
>-Make the rhythm games a permanent Game Mode
-Bring back Signora as a playable (pyro) character.
-Bring back the Twitch streamer event
gods no
I have a macro for when I don't give a shit about dialogue
The same reason AK don't want to have Skip feature on normal stage, they want to be able to show high average play time to Investors.
Fucking around in Enkanomiya with Chasca has made me realize just how far mobility skills have come and how busted her C1 is
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So uhh the pyro archon has a pretty nice ass
imagine the braps
I want to stick my face at full force in her ass.
wouldn't it be cool if there was ever a reason to go back to enka
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i want to drink the sweat that pools beneath her cunt after a long battle. slurp it like a fucking dog at its water bowl.
Act 8 will start on Sangonomiya Island as we regroup with a small band of characters after the failed uprising of the Fatui, the invasion of Heaven and counter-invasion of the Abyss with the entire world in chaos. Enkanomiya will be the secret hideout and the island will be the 1st forward operating base for us to go and fight Celestian and Abyssal Armies across Teyvat
Never understood why she needs to sit on a throne for her statue, when she could just sit on my face.
I almost dislike it, almost. In Natlan it just feels cheap how you can fly wherever you want (with Xilonen and a second character). Like when I went to that tower thing, I'm sure there was some kind of routes or something that they had designed for you to figure out, but I just floated up to those furthest islands
This shows why they never wanted to decrease/remove stamina consumption or introduce OP movement mechanics in previous years. It is up to the player to not use advanced movement mechanics when in a new area.
The additional movement within Natlan is even more egregious since there's a back-up fuel tank in the form of the phlogiston bar which you can replenish from all sorts of random sources pretty much every five feet
Most ridiculous Natlan mobility thing so far is how the cowboy clan and Ochkanatlan have those respawning midair turbo boosters that disable phlogiston consumption for a few seconds so you can basically fly at top speed with Chasca indefinitely if you keep your eyes open. Not sure if the birds are as comfortable to use but Chasca basically becomes Sorush on crack.
Took me 3 weeks to get this
Place your bets
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>Forgot pic
All flat ATK
Disastrous substats but I'll pray for (You) anyway
Good luck, anon
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I wish I had 20 million mora to spare, I don't even have 100k.
Artifacts are a mora sink and Irminsul scams everyone.
i wouldnt have even rolled on this piece simply because it had 2 flat stats. i trash pretty much every artifact that has more than one flat stat.
I don't think it would really be an issue if Xilonen didn't regen your stamina, that's what really breaks it. Going from web sling to the gun is fine on its own, but then it gets silly when you can just do it forever because you never run out of stamina
I can't wait for Xilonen to regenerate my stamina!
New echoes when?
5.3. the next trails are ganyu and kazuha.
I want more primogems
easy skip
Fugg, thank! Yelan might have to borrow her Simulacra though, as my Cocogoat still has no decent weapon.
That'll be the first time I'm actually eligible for one of them
The level 90 requirement throws me off for a couple of the others
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>'yao in the minigame
this but whenever klee is on screen
mmif couples are the most powerful couples in teyvat
If they made a lil buddy plush toy it would fly off the shelves. It would print money. They have to be working on it right now. I'd get one day 1.
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For me it's the Concierge Wolfy plushie he's soooo fucking cute
>not having JP or CN voices
I do use JP. Yaoyao and Yanfei are the only two characters whose voice I dislike hearing.
There are plenty of JP stinkers, especially Fontaine afterwards
I don't see what language has anything to do with Klee being a worthless and annoying character.
She's awful in every language and the game would be better if she was removed.
EN Klee is extremely shit.
desu, JP Yao Yao is annoying.
Yanfei is sex in vacuum. doesn't fit her.
EN klee is disgusting. super disgusting.
JP Klee is just as annoying
She sounds very cute in Chinese
Kowaku nai, kowaku NAI!
JP Klee is adorable
What is even the point of this?
People (rightfully) said the original version of IT was garbage so they had to come up with a way to try to improve the minigame and also add some additional rewards that wouldn't take too long to create
Respectfully disagree.
Children are annoying as fuck.
No, u
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I can't even tell how old Klee is supposed to be, even for a six-year-old it's like she's got brain problems. The size of a ten-year-old but operates around the level of my 4yo nephew
Now wait until Mavuika comes out in a short while and notice how bricked your account is for getting Chasca.
But Chasca flies better
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erotic jk granny
>strongboxing the 5* ones
Fuck, I thought they'd brought over the HSR relic trashing system by now. My artifacts housekeeping is gonna take hours at this rate.
Sorry, we met our quota of quality of life improvements concerning relics with relic crafting.

What a shit show.
I want a melusine one first.
Then the grass-saur, hydro-saur, and the ice saur.
I didn't expect to like the saurs as much as I do.
You can just auto-strongbox anything that's not locked.
The difference is that artifacts you try for level +4 should be trashed in the Transmuter first for to craft any artifact with any 2 substats you want.
It's good to have cosmetic rewards rather than meaningful gameplay ones behind the hardest content in the game.
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>making thousands of orphan saurians
>making thousands of saurians forever search for their children that will never return home
>making thousands of saurian families never see the light of day again
>just to level up my characters
>roll Mavuika
>start flying off a cliff
>flight ends after 4 seconds even in Natlan
Bro, your wing glider??
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Nah, give me Pahsiv onahole instead~
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i hope capitano dies and revives with dahlia's model
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he isnt included in the final group of characters standing by the memorial at the end of the archon quest according to the newest leaks. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1hf9v0t/people_who_appear_at_the_end_of_53_archon_quest/
fuck you i guess i'll have to come to terms with him being dead for the foreseeable future
there are numerous reasons that he could not be there, but the funniest is that no shit actually dies. i thought it was funny that hoyo had the balls to kill signora and all the REEEEEing that caused, but they have huge balls if they actually kill capitano forever.
I hope not, he's an interesting character with potential but considering the anti-male character sentiment in China and the fact that they bring in less revenue except in rare cases, it wouldn't surprise me if he died since it would be the only way to never release him and silence that part of the playerbase that would like him to be playable.
>silence that part of the playerbase that would like him to be playable.
Considering the signora fans still cope that she will become playable any update, that is never happening
Fun challenge with a neat reward that you can show off, doesn't affect gameplay or give anyone an advantage over others
those saurians and random tribes people broke the NAP, it's all cool bro
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Remember to kill three weekly bosses each week.
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no :^)
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I don't even play the game each week
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I just realized I messed up and now I'm a week behind
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This abyss is the worst, I don't even think it's worth the barely 3 pulls to even do. Hate when the only content becomes locked behind "pull stronger/newer characters." Wish these lazy devs would find something else instead of this time trial garbage.
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Looks good, I tend to only use these on archons thoughbeit
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Whats the big rush?
Bro you're forged items???
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I've been trying different teams for like an hour
I do no damage to this thing and it one shots me
This isn't HSR, please leave your doomposting in their thread.
I cleared Papilla with Aggravate Keqing (no 5* weapons). You need a very high elemental application team, you need 72 elemental hits (There's no ICD) to clear the shield OR run any Natlan character.
>OR run any Natlan character
Ah I figured it was some Natlan bullshit
The only Natlan character I have is Kachina
Out of those 72 hits, Natlan characters' hits count as 3, so Kachina works very well here (being off-fielder too, and a good Cinder City carrier)

Other high elemental hit-count characters (Remember that the Papilla has no ICD) like Lisa, Clorinde, Shinobu, Collei all work very well here.
Record yourself clearing the shield with Kachina and no one else right now
Yes it was hyperbole, I clarified in >>1634424
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Kachina did nothing
You must be metablind if you think Kachina is the problem there. Please stop watching youtubers.
How is Bennett helping you destroy that shield, he's doing zero elemental application. How about a Xingqiu?
Just swap to a hyperbloom team. Hell, even a Yoimiya team melts it.
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what the fuck is that team bro...
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Kek when the 'new enemy' prompt showed I thought I was fucked.
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I am skipping this abyss.
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i skip floor 12 of every abyss.
I literally have two well built characters and I 32-star it. I'm happy with it.
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>35 stars
Yeah I'm not going to attempt that again
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no natlan characters..... but I thought it was unbeatable without "pull stronger/newer characters"....
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people who can't clear the abyss have legitimate skill issues, haven't invested into building the characters they do have, or they lack the proper game knowledge to build the right team.
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bloom isn't that great on bosses in general anon, much less one that demands so much shit thrown at it
I had to replace my Kachi for john here because it one shot me 2 times kek, I hated it because I have been waiting for a chance to play with her
I don't like to call it skill issue, because it can be difficult, especially for newer players who don't have a lot of characters and resources.
But don't blame the game like >>1634364. I know difficulty in a gacha game is a thin line between "difficult" and "p2w" but this isn't really the case here, Genshin has a much easier endgame than most gachas, and easier than any of the other Hoyo games.
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How Tao in chevy teams?
well if you can't dodge attacks and get knocked around constantly, or constantly wiff your big attacks, or mess up your rotations all the time, i would call that a skill issue. it's completely separate from how many characters you have or how good your artifacts are.
It's pretty damn strong, just not the optimal use of her skills.
Overload reaction itself doesn't deal that much damage, so her lack of ICD on charge isn't being put to good use.
Also have to watch out for Chevreuse to not heal Tao past 50% with her burst.

I generally keep my Tao with a fair amount of EM and keep her in more strong reaction teams (mainly vape of course), and prefer to opt for Arle (mine has 0 EM) for overload, but I swapped because I felt like playing Tao and didn't want to bring hydro units due to 11-3 phantasms.

But yeah it works.
I can't wait until we're done with this shitty region you have no idea.
snezhnaya is going to be just as bad when it comes to regional gimmicks im sure.
not that anon, but I dislike the graffiti shit and the more modern aesthetic.
I don't like Mavuika, Chasca, Kinich (skills and ajaw mainly) and Xilonen's designs.
Citlali, Mualani, Ororon are fine.

Yes it's supposed to be like 6 regions in one due to the tribes, but it feels like even within their own tribe there's zero cohesion.
forgot to add, I don't think (mainly me just hoping) Snezhnaya won't be as bad in this aspect, unless they keep the tribe system.
I don't see them going back to the old reputation system at least.
Its funny how this is what most people were fearing when Fontaine's ousia/pneuma mechanic came out but ended up being good... now they fucked up for real
Yeah honestly I don't feel very optimistic about Genshin's direction lately. I feel like it's going to get worse in terms of shilling for characters you don't want/care about. But at the very least, I'm happy we can be rid of this ugly region. I'll take another Dragonspine any day.
well its not like every region was bound to be a smash hit with every crowd. genshin is in year 4 with nearly 100 characters, im sure they are starting to run thin on ideas. i wouldnt be shocked at all of snezhaya visually is just fontaine with snow and eastern europeans.
I wanted the Sumeru desert to kill you with heatstroke if you're under the sun for too long.
Fucking cowards.
I'm going to be pissed if Snezhnaya doesn't kill you with hypothermia like Dragonspine.
most players hate the sheer cold mechanic. its not gonna happen, at least not on a massive scale. it might show up in somewhere.
I think it might come back, but they'll definitely make it easier to deal with, perhaps they'll add a lot of ways to resist it with the ice mechanics (Much like how you could shield from the lightning damage in Inazuma)
snezhnayan characters will be immune to get players to pull for them.
They'll definitely keep some sort of exploration bonus for natives. They've been doing it since Fontaine.
One of them might be skiing which would be cool.
>I'm going to be pissed if Snezhnaya doesn't kill you with hypothermia like Dragonspine.
Certain areas sure, but not the whole region. That would get annoying fast.
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id rather they sell characters based on shit like traversal gimmicks and weird regional mechanics that straight powercreep like hsr.
Just pull the Snezhnaya characters that have innate cold resistance.
Childe and Arlecchino retroactively gets the bonus
Fuck off Dawei
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If you have to swap teams then it's a design issue not a skill issue
You need a very specific type of team for certain bosses
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Just wish there wasnt traversal powercreep
another person who read skill issue and stopped reading. skill issue was only one of the reasons i gave, of course there are other reasons people can't beat they abyss, i even listed a couple more in the same post.
I just do floor 11, I have zero interest in actually trying
>lowercase posting
You are so mad
seething actually.
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I made a tiny huge mistake.
Was fun though.
God i fucking despise the shitty ass Natlan shill mechanics
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As someone who used Mualani in the 5.1 AQ and has fought the world boss Tenebrous Papilla multiple times with a Mualani team, do not use Mualani against this boss. In fact, don't use her against any enemies with a void shield. Her application sucks bull shark penis, and the triple application bonus for Natlan characters does not make up for it.
burning makes the boss a joke because of how fast it ticks elemental damage. emilie skippers kicking themselves.
Venti also works which is a nice surprise since he is usually shit against bosses
i didnt even try venti but that makes sense, he does a lot of quick elemental hits. its good to know he works.
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I hate shields in abyss
Almost as bad as the Abyss Lector ones
With that shit second half team, you have no one to blame but yourself.
don't blame the game for your ineptitude at making a 4-man team.
You don't need Natlan characters for this, most of them are even bad for this, from what we have only Kinich and Kachina are good here.
The problem is that they are losing revenue, they are starting to have competition and next year they will have more, natlan has almost certainly been rewritten and the "gacha movement mechanics" and stuff like Citlali in the last event is proof of what they are trying to do. I advise you to no longer consider Genshin as it was in year one but as something trying to survive in a market that is starting to become increasingly competitive.
>retroactively gets the bonus
lmao not gonna happen
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So far those Natlan combat skills just kinda suck to use, Mualani is boring since you just surf around and then occasionally hit attack, doesn't even feel like I'm fighting enemies. Kinich is really janky, for one it's awesome having three different abilities on the same button. Sometimes I'll try to swing off somewhere, but it just attaches me to an enemy. Or then I try attacking an enemy but it targets one of those orbs and pulls me there instead. And it's like they didn't consider that you'll fight things outside a flat arena as well. I've ended up stuck on rocks, under stairs, fallen into a phlogiston pool etc. because he just keeps sliding around. Chasca at least works probably, I haven't really leveled her yet though. In general combat is pretty lame in this game honestly, I just avoid fighting anything
Arle is never sovl
>shit second half team
Well the point was to ignore the massive resistance that the dumb plant has and it worked so
Arlecchino was getting nerfed right? There was some change in the beta for her
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Natlan is so disappointing in every possible way. Only Ochknatlan is up to the standards previously set
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Go on
>use resin
>collect commission

content doko
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Apparently we are at 63% of map completion. Hopefully 5.4 is very big big big
Also how can there be 270 pyro sigils extra? I have scoured the land and have only 200. Where are the extra chests?
It's time to play other games
maybe they will be avalilable in the new region? or are those already in the game?
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Apparently they are already in the game.
Natlan characters generally have dull gameplay that they try to hide behind flashy animations and overlays. Chasca is fine but unless you're being autistic about maximizing her bullets per rotation she's basically just an airborne Neuv that does less damage and has her AOE locked behind cons.
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Will I get a gf by playing Genshin?
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You will answer my questions. You will submit to judgement.
Yes, but she will have a penis.
There are a shitload of girls playing the game for sure
The only girls playing genshins are fujos
What would Shimenawa do to Mavuika?
In the scenario where both free'd their "limiters" and went ape shit, who would win?
i'm really sick of genshin and need a break but i think it will be a break until the tail end of Natlan so i need to get Mavuika before the break...
i only have 150 rolls so i can't really take a break until Mavuika drops...
you're not a real player
depends on which fujo dev has higher position over the other.
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They're fighting for the second place, anyway.
I kneel instantly
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Imagine the boobsweat
Please tell me they don't patch it on new years eve :( I want to play Genshin Impact that night!
What's stopping you?
he's saying he hopes there isn't maintenance on new years eve, anon.
oh fuck, yeah, that would be terrible. but on the bright side you can spend time with your family while you wait
Give her atk% and boost her normals/CAs
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But isn't she lacking an energy bar?
fighting spirit = ER
It's not AI right?
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Come here granny.
No, its Ei.
Yes it is
Ah, so there are two ways she gains ER then?
will english VA get fucked in this update as well
total EN VA death
Nothing except the 2pc bonus.
So, fight spirit is not ER then.
It is her ER equivalent, not sure why you're acting obtuse
It's a different mechanic, which regenerates differently. But it's not ER. I don't understand, this is why I was asking, but it seems you don't know any better either. I'll just wait for the livestream.
Fight Spirit, Phologiston or whatever the fuck Mavuika uses has fuck all to do with elemental energy literally everybody else uses. As such, any gimmick that drains energy(a few domains, few enemies like Raiden and the fuckers in Natlan, shimenawa, inazuma craftable weapon etc.) does not affect her in the slightest
What is a real player
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I wonder what the other Archons will have to say about Mavuika, and what she has to say about them.
it will probably be something inconsequential like 'oh she did all that? good for her' since they only ever met xbalanque
not that anon, but I assume that in this case Shimenawa won't trigger because she has no energy to trigger its effect.
they'd know her from her time as archon during the cataclysm at least
I wonder what Neuvilette will have to say and if they'll update him to add a voiceline about what water from Natlan tastes like
came so so so close to winning 10/10
can't believe how many lvl 90 slimes I've met
Eye of the Storm is super unbalanced. When is it going to drop items? When the triangle floating robots in Dragonspine get a archive entry
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>mondstadt books and materials
i can't get past 8 wins i fucking hate this event
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i fuck you you bloody benchod bitch
I don't know if I like this event or not, I honestly don't even know how I won since at a certain point I don't understand what happens during the battle.
>what the other Archons will have to say about Mavuika
>and what she has to say about them
They've nerfed the shit out of those domains don't worry
>2 wins
Yeah this shit sucks and takes way too much time. Dunno why they're allergic to bringing back good minigames like tower defence
Is this a pvp or something? I haven't touched it yet.
It's fake PvP, uses real profiles but they're all bots
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1.3 Theatre Mechanicus my beloved...
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The Great Snoy Filter
I'm honestly enjoying this more than I expected even if it's simplistic and unbalanced as fuck
Wouldn't mind it becoming a permanent minigame
I wouldn't have mind if they didn't record our highest winstreak
Sex with Layla while she sleeps for her birthday
imagine bricking your account by rolling for chasca
Slime life for the win.
Did you have to switch out units during the consecrated beasts or super eremite units?
I don't regret it
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I just chose random stuff until I got enough points
Still not sure how this works since there is no time limit
Does it just randomly take from my previous rounds and send that to another player?
I wish I had her. Unfortunately I didn't have enough primos. I will get her on rerun.
I think it just uses other players team compositions. Afterall there is no player input involved, so it nakes no difference to run tge event in real-time, wasting someone's time while the other player spends 5 minutes arranging his units.
Yes, it's the same as the TCG autochess event.
I hope there's a event for our Flamelord Dinosaur vs various bosses. I demand the right for him to power bomb the Electro Manifestation into oblivion
Where did Thunder Manifestation touch you, anon? It's all right, you can tell us.
It touched my Yanfei with its filthy thunder. And for that it will die a million times.
Only shitters who suck at a phone game for kids worry about this stuff
Nah my slimes could handle them just fine since they were immune. Granted I got lucky
Imagine bricking your account by not rolling sex related and bitching about how Mavuika needs her
I don't care for Xilonen's personality so I will not roll for her.
I will continue to masturbate to art of her though.
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I am the GOD OF WAR
My power and glory are unmatched!!
another win for slimes
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Hell yeah, it's crazy how essential slimes or specters can be to set up victory
I don't understand how those two things are connected
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capitano wanters malding
it's Capitanover bros....
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God, I want Skirk to sit on my face!
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cant believe the twink is finally here, 2 years after the leak. there is hope for mummy girl yet.
we wonned
holy skipper
>chasca out of nowhere
lmao seethe more
He's so cute, I hope he's the pyro support we've been promised
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There's always a chance that the concept art won't reflect the final result (pic related), especially when it's close to at least two years old like Dahlia's sheet, but he does have a hydro vision in >>1636859
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They gave her thighhighs! THEY GAVE HER BLACK SEXO THIGHHIGHS!!!
Well fuck then he's going to be another hydro healer if they don't change it
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Its so cute~
OG still better tho, like most skins in this game
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Will no one stop this crazy horny hag!!!
I wish this was a 5* skin so she'd put her sunglasses on...
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5* Barbara???
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>Liyue chronicled wish
Oh god, why in 5.3? I want Mavuika, Citlali, another con for Shenhe, another con for Arlecchino and Calamity Qualler! And Tao's new cute outfit.
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I believe it.
I thought we were playing mihomo's hit game homo impact????
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I will stop her.
Stop her from not being on my account.
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I will also stop Mavuika from not being on my account
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I like Citlali but I think I'll skip.
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I'll enter 5.3 with just about 230 pulls which should be more than enough to get what I want
The patch seems to hand out a bit more than usual (probably because of all the lantern rite freebies) but I think I'll save most of those for upcoming characters released in future patches
I don't. It's the usual leaks that are just done for attention whoring.
What the hell is Nod-Krai
some place in southern snezhnaya, Liben briefly spoke about it the last time he was around
in the stream they said nod-krai was an autonomous zone at the southern edge of snezhnaya, and they said it will be a region very different from the other nations of teyvat. it would be a pretty surprising turn from hoyo if they put out a bunch of "filler" regions during 6.x and saved snezhnaya proper for 7.x
it would suck to have to wait a whole year for the last region but it would be nice to fill the map
I can't even picture what "very different" means in Genshin. But I could honestly see them do that. I think the original plan was like five years right, but then it became way more successful than they thought, so now they're probably aiming for ten years
>last region
We still have Khaenri'ah left after Snezhnaya, and who knows how actually big Celestia will be. A lot of the sky is a blatant misrepresentation of what actually is real after all.
>he missed the yearly Liben lore drop
I could see it being something like
>Tsaritsa gets all the gnosis
>does something retarded
>triggers a new cataclysm across Teyvat
>"egads, Traveler you have to help us put down the Abyss at [Dornman Port/Blackcliff Forge/random island no one has mentioned before now/desert/northern Fontaine/Mare Jivari]"
>Finally our archon friends are safe, let's all team up to stop the Tsaritsa/Abyss
celestia is big enough to have rivers and lakes and grassy plains according to venti in the manga iirc.
who knows if the manga is even canon anymore though
its all we have to go on for now, and most of what happened is still referenced in passing in the game. so they may not have thrown it all out.
Which would make sense in Manqu's vision of it being larger than the "rolling mountains" but who knows wtf is going on with the "metal birds greedily sucking away at its dark blood"
>no Yelan and Hu Tao
T-they just aren't in the picture but still actually get included, r-right?
The FGO bullshit, eh?
they gotta shove it in somewhere, if the story ramps into overdrive post snezhnaya straight into endgame shit, then it makes sense for them to send the traveler on one last worldwide hurrah to the remaining locations first.
They appeared like a few patches ago
It's your fault if you missed her
>missed her
I didn't. I just need 2 more Yelan for c6, bwo.
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I have everyone except Yun Jin and Lan Yan. Can't make up my mind which one I will pick
If you're planning on rolling on the arle/clorinde banner you might pick up lan yan from that
Eh, I'll be rolling for Clorinde but with far less than 90 wishes at that point. Lan Yan will be a big gamble.
Trying to save up for Skirk will be interesting.
>don't own either
I'm going to cap on keys
I wish there were better ways to earn realm currency, because that realm depot is disgusting. So much shit to buy
And did you build at least one copy of each item?
lol, no. I just wnted to buy all items.
Is there no naked ref of him? Haha jist wondering
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I thought the gymbros thing was a meme
varesa is apparently a competitive eater and bodybuilder also.
>want to strongbox golden troupe
>sudden stomachache
>immediately go to toilet
>click auto add then confirm after dumping big ol number two
>forgot I haven't selected golden troupe first
It's fucking over my casual ass would never recover from this tragedy aaaa
did you not do the interlude quest?
Good for Arlemommy
Wargames fucking suck this time around
nop, waiting for mommy to explore as well, see >>1634383
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feels bad
I guess they're going to keep the Inazuma characters locked for a while so they can throw most of those on the next chronicle banner
Damn you're missing out on pure kino in Ochkanatlan
I mean, did you even get anything good?
I don't think its going anywhere
anon if you don't do it now it'll be gone forever...
Glad I got her 3rd con and Kagura's Verity~
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500 years of growth will be unlocked once Loom is back with her oniichan
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i wonder what she is reading, the other books are "shogun almighty: reborn as raiden with unlimited power" and "pretty please, kitsune guuji?"
JP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LneK8VxQ0Q
CN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ6jGOHLEGY
KO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7udg0TJOuu8
EN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCEiZztfvBc
One is not like the others.
One of the voice lines about her talks about how she imports novels straight from Inazuma. She's into light novel slop.
yeah that plus given the other books she has with her im going to guess the book she is actively reading is the book we wrote in yae miko's story quest that was based off our adventures. it would be pretty funny if thats how she knows so much about us.
i saw on youtube that she was also reading that fischl book
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I cannot wait for this sexo mexican hebe granny to come home
So what's the concensus on Mavuika compared to Arle?
with the proper team she is going to be stronger. she is easily the strongest pyro dps, but she has limited team options. arle will probably be more future proof.
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filling her with cum over and over until her eggs become fertile again
should i play zzz bros nicole looks cute
I want them to stop pussy footing around and drop EN dub entirely, or recast all union actors with non-union ones.
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i enjoy it a lot, the newest patch is really good.
>take the most interesting character to come out all year
>pander her to the most insufferable fanbase (Aetherfags)
cry about it ntrfag
The problem lies entirely with the studio, Furmosa
Seems like they're going to drop them entirely for Sound Cadence
>mind immediately goes to cuckoldry
What is this mental illness called?
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I regret not pulling some of the best legs in the game and having access to good burning comps.
Same. I even have Lumidouce. I will get her as soon as she reruns.
I only use her in Ganyu burnmelt since I don't have Kinich. Have any other cool teams?
nta but no real men would pick a ghey twink brat as their self insert
Interesting, how long does Emilie have to trigger burn after a vape before losing her tower's level?
Is Sound Cadence the one run by Furina?
Ye, they're in charge of ZZZ and Furina's VA herself is the director for the game. I thnk they moved Paimon's VA there after Formosa stopped paying her, I've noticed her voiced was toned down after the switch
And real man would pick a woman? Anon, don't cut off your dick.
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My thought process when starting this game
>so this is going to be some anime bullshit where you collect a bunch of girls? Well I might as well get the female protagonist as well
Make sure to watch Sunset the animated short today at 12 pm JP time
I did it again slime(specter)bros
based, I hope you destroyed a few lvl 90 bottle throwers along the way
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>waifu collector game
>doesn't pick the best waifu in the game
Yoiu're literally gay
Good job bro. This minigame bores me so I probably won't even reach 7 wins.
gayther pickers are literally bricked accounts
>genshin been out for 4 years
>still no feature to change the mc
>zzz out for 6 months
>can play as male or female mc any time
Why is Genshin so archaic when it comes to quality of life changes? There's still no extra resin storage system at all so players don't have to log in every day to spend their measly 200 resin
Aether and Lumine actually have different stats and are treated as seperate characters in game. In co-op domains you can't use the same charaters, but Aether and Lumine can be used together
Also probably not an often requested features since these characters have to be built

From my 1 day of playing ZZZ, it seems like the MCs only wander the overworld and aren't actually combat units that you build
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Fontaine catching strays
I want to impregnate Loom before I marry her
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RNG simply won't give me this
rough, it took me like an hour to unlock every reward
I only played 3 times to get 2/3/4k points and got all the side awards. are you doing something stupid like quitting halfway through?
man I love loom
I wonder how much blood Barbara would spit if she saw the cathedral get blown up...
There's a hot air balloon filled with explosives in Natlan, when you blow them up another breakable balloon appears, I break it and nothing happens, am I missing something?
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So Mavuika is less traumatized Raiden, but much better at hiding it instead of confronting it
Although to be fair, none of Mavuika's old comrades tried to betray and kill her (that we know of)
that and she never had to see her family die like raiden had to see makoto die. imagine spending hundreds if not thousands of years with someone always by your side and then losing them. for a human like mavuika death was normal and expected, for beings that basically live forever im sure death hits pretty different.
Well, part of it was also Makoto not explaining why she left her protector behind (and never explaining even during the Story Quest). With all of Mavuika's friends during the Cataclysm, their motives and their actions were transparent and the plan was straightforward.
Ei had zero answers as to why Makoto decided to go by herself, and had to come up with her own rationalizations after the fact.
The lack of Inazuma explanations remains pretty dumb after all this time. Including stuff like what exactly was the statue supposed to do when it had all the visions? Why can't Ei explain why no more electro visions are being handed out? What the hell did Urasaki do that made Makoto and her fox buddy believe that the Cataclysm was destined to arrive?
I will use them together on the openworld~
Actually all was explained. Ei was already fighting afaik. As for electro visions she says that it's not up to her. People must want them, or something along those lines. It's been a while since I've done the quest.
Makes no sense, because only Electro visions weren't being handed.
How the element is being chosen is not really said anywhere. It's not like people can wish for a certain vision, but I assume it happens based on whichever archon is the closest in some way. It's safe to assume noone desired a vision recently in that area.
We never got confirmation that electro visions were going out again after the Inazuma arc
>Really? So in all this time, no new Electro Visions have appeared in the outside world? Well, what I can say on this topic is subject to certain constraints, but... it is not by my will that Visions are granted or denied. The key is people's desire, and... well, there's another side to it too.
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Finally got the Natlan glider
That reminds me I forgot to do my bounties last week.
Wish the reds were more saturated but at least we finally have a free red glider
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I'm looking for advice what would be the fastest(time investment wise) way to clear 12th floor of abyss.
First half is not a problem, 1.5-2 mins with Neuvillette and... anyone really. But as for second half - i tried dfferent teams(mostly revolved around Hu Tao or hyperbloom) and results varies from "can't do a shit at all" to "takes shitload of time to clear", depends of team and floor.
I know i need more levels, more talents, better gear, and more characters. But all that will take years to farm, literally. So, the question is, what would be the shortest route to clear maybe next abyss, starting from what currently have? Who should i focus on to make it possible?

Here's what i have, and their constelations. Characters from Layla to Candice are C1. Artifacts wise Neu, Hu Tao, and Fishcl have ~150 cv, other chars have junk arts with set bonuses.
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I brute forced the 2nd half with Hyperbloom
Well, you have Nihida and Yelan.
My Collei\Yaoyao\Kuki\Xingqiu deals something like 20k per bloom, while their personal damage is pretty much negligible. It's fun team, but this damage is not enough.
(That's without dendro set, but i see already that set alone wont give big enough boost)
I've seen a video recently of someone clearing side 2 with a low con Sethos team. Sethos Xingqiu Fischl Collei would probably work but you would need good artifacts and level 90 on everyone, and not die. Not sure about Yaoyao but she would probably heal well but be unable to deal enough damage.
Deepwood would be a good place to start, but personal damage is going to help there, even my Kokomi is doing ghood damage
you just need enough healing and damage to beat the 600-second time limit. 36* is very difficult to do without doing the things you said and owning the right characters for the right job. look up 4-star unit only clears or starter unit only clears, no bp weapons or no 5-star weapons etc on youtube to get an idea of which units to invest in while you build a stronger roster
I've seen such clears. Like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIPqEMnHk3A
Very impressive, but here the thing: they all are C6, so it's not very relevant to my case - my starters won't be that strong. And another things is: i do realize that with enough investement anything can clear the abyss, hense i'm asking about *fastest* way with my roster, as i don't have enough experience to tell which team have the best potential. Right now i'm kinda lost, roughtly speaking i have absolutely no idea where to dump my daily worth of resin to make a step toward 36'ing abyss.
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While it's true that constellations do help (some more than others; in many cases they do fuck all desu) something that frequently gets overlooked in these videos is that the people who make them often have up to several years worth of good artifacts that they've accumulated over time, something you're even less likely to have as a new(er) player. For instance pic related is the first build presented in the video you linked
As someone who didn't start playing this game until earlier this year I spent a lot of time feeling like I had a lengthy list of domains that I needed to farm in order to 'catch up' with building all the characters I had. Many people who've played for long periods of time, especially back when many of the now old domains were brand new and the latest thing to blow your resin on will have a hoard of pieces they can donate to their characters while you're just fishing for something to even be able to trigger the set effects

Best advice I can give is to not worry too much about clearing whatever the current iteration of the abyss is, especially since they some times require various gimmicks or elements. Just think of it as gradually working towards being able to full clear. I started out only doing 1 star in each of the three chambers and gradually worked my way up to full clearing the entire thing although the current rotation really was a bitch to deal with
don't worry about constellations you'll be using them in IT again anyway
invest in whatever the spiral abyss blessing is shilling at the moment
What enemy in specific are you having issues with? You can clear each chamber with different teams if you're having issues.

You can tell how brainrotted some people are here. How does this picture help him? He doesn't have these characters.
Well, it's not some specific room, my teams just overall too weak. I can finish 12.1.2 but not fast enough to earn more than single star. And then i can't survive 12.2.2 at all, rarely breaching shield, and often getting instakilled. I probably could finish 12.2.2 as he slowly dying, but it's pointless to retry there for hours, as i also won't earn any stars there.
It's same both Hu Tao and hyperblooms teams, their damages are pretty close to each others(inconsistent 30k vapes vs more frequent 20k blooms). Neuvillette reserved for first side, and he's doing fine there.
In previous abyss i also ended earning just a single star on 12th.
you need a lot of instances of elemental or nightsoul hits to break the shield
On 12-1-2, bring a Geo character, if its big attack hits an electro or geo shield, it'll lose 15% of its HP immediately.

I find hyperbloom better on 12-2-2, since Papilla's shield doesn't take ICD into account when taking damage, so Collei and Kuki are extremely good characters at breaking it, better than Nahida and most current Natlan characters even.

Not sure what team you're using but perhaps Kuki, Collei, D.Traveler, Candace? Fairly good amount of application to keep the engine running without brakes. If you're finding that you're not constantly hyperblooming with whatever you're using, try to see what is the issue. It can vary depending on weapons, constellations, rotations and ER.
lmao use xingqiu or barbara
ah yeah missed xingqiu there. For sure use him. Needs very high ER as solo hydro, even with sac sword
er sands, eosf with sac or fav should be useable
Yeah, that's what i use there: Kuki, Xingqiu and some two of DMC, Collei, Yaoyao. Tried different combos, doesn't feel huge difference between my dendro chars.
Xingqiu with 264 ER and sac sword, so when it triggers i have 100% uptime of hydro application, but it's not perfectry reliable due to low rank of sword, so hydro might be lacking on ocassions. And Dendro applicaiton is also pretty meh(no ER on dendro chars). So engine doesn't run flawlesly but it kinda works. Overall - yeah, i can breach Papilla's shield with dendro team, but then damage aren't high enough to kill him fast. And eventually he'll catch me with big instakilling hit on some iteration of "breach shield-punch-shield up-start over" loop.
try neuv barbara geo mc kachina and hutao amber collei yaoyao to scrape out a clear
I like Candace.
I wish she wasn't bad.
Collei and D.Traveler together have more than enough application, but yes they only need one thing and that's ER, and a lot of it.
Your Kuki needs to have 850+ EM
Welp, okay. Thanks for advices, i guess i see my next goal then. Deepwood set with good ER for DMC. Maybe i'll also manage to get Gilded Dreams with good EM for Kuki(she's currently wearing random pieces, 823 EM with no set) from the same domain. And some random ER pieces from leftovers for second dendro. And then my hyperbloom team will be kinda set, and hopefully will show a better result.
A bit sad to retire Hu Tao, but, welp, she's too painful to play on 12th without good supports, probably she have to wait for Furina rerun.
Gilded bonus gives her an extra 150 EM iirc, so take that into account for whether or not to take aa lesser piece just for the set bonus.

I don't like playing Tao with Furina since it makes it a lot harder to keep her in a healthy HP range.
Or rather, you can play her without a sustain unit without Furina, and you'll need one with her.
But yes, Tao is more reliant on supports than Arlecchino because she has lower multipliers. She compensates those with having no ICD on her charge attack.

Don't underestimate Kachina with Tao, though it's slightly harder to play. Cinder City is an absolutely busted artifact set (40% damage for free lol), and doesn't have the drawbacks Venerer does in Tao teams.
> Don't underestimate Kachina
I don't, i love Kachina - she's permanent resident of my Neuvillette's team. Haven't tried her with Tao yet, tho.

> I don't like playing Tao with Furina since it makes it a lot harder to keep her in a healthy HP range.
Well, my main issue with Tao(besides skill issues, lol) it's that against very tought mobs(12th floor...) she's running out of HP faster than mobs even with shield, due to her own skill, lol. So, i need to either boost her damage by a lot, or heal her which is bad. With Furina i will be able to heal her while increasing Tao's damage, instead of loosing it, that seems like a huge QoL change.

I tried Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Kuki, Fischl overvape team: it feel very comfy to play on full hp Hu Tao, but it hurts her damage, and i hope Furina can fix it.
Furina will need an accompanying healer since she drains her teammate's HP to deal damage, and said healer can possibly put Tao above her low health threshold, it's kinda hard to control. Swapping to Furina to heal is a gigantic DPS loss, plus you'll also have to swap back to Furina just to get back to DPS mode.
Of course Furina allows Tao to use Marechaussee Phantom but that's another thing.

Are you using Shimenawa? It really depends on the floor (lol consecrated beasts) but if so, it might help to swap to Crimson Witch to try Tao without healer + Xingqiu giving her 50% damage reduction, it's a problem if you're not on Crimson Witch though.
Marechaussee Hunter*
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Yeah, i mean using Furina + some healer(kuki, barbara, maybe even charlotte), with a hope\assumption than Hu Tao on full hp, without her low hp buff, will deal same\more damage than Tao with low hp and without Furina.

Yes, i'm using Crimson Witch. But my Tao have pathetic 113 ER so she's not bursting frequent enough to keep her healthy. And i don't want to farm better Crimson Witch pieces, that domain sucks, getting her current gear was already huge pain. I might improve it eventually recrafting pieces from other domains but thats veeery distant story. And Xingqiu's healing only good in open world. Well, i can clear 11th floor with Tao\Xingqiu\Layla\Mona - shield only, no extra healing. But on 12th level such team scrapping bottom of hp pool before even finishing firstroom, and then one hit breaching shield, and she's done.
Merry Christmas, tabibito-san~
>hurr durr brainrot
A lo0t of the characters are replacable. He's saying he's too weak but I bet you that he's not breaking the shield fast enough, charactrers don't matter as much as how you use them
literally who
t. day wunner who cannot relate to new players anymore but refuses to admit it.
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I will be putting granny in a special room in my teapot as soon as I pull her.
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Butt granny!!
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>finally double crit substat
>became trash after upgrade
Surely this won't happen to my crafted goblet, right. hahaha...
i would have trashed it the moment it had two flat stats, especially since feathers are a dime a dozen.
slot 4 aren't unlocked yet when I fed it a +20 trash artifact (same shit happen)
i wouldnt have fed it a +20 artifact either before seeing the last stat, but i guess if you have enough +20s to feed its not a big deal.
>wanted ganyu and shenhe
>need 360 rolls if unlucky
>they will never get standard banners most likely
Fuck you dawei
They need to put more banners per patch. Or at least give all characters a banner during their birthday.
You'd need 360 rolls on regular banners too. I don't really understand this criticism of chronicle.
If you don't have the wishes, just get one.
I wouldn't mind as much if the trashbin banner was more frequent
Won't argue with that. These banners should be once every patch or two. No reason to put even more pressure on the new players.
She's great other than the Aetherfag pandering. It adds literally nothing to her character and only exists to sell her to horny teenagers that self insert as a gay twink
>old ass immortal who has seen all her friends die gets attached to the one person she isn't guaranteed to outlive
Did you even watch the trailer? Compared to the other for (you) waifubait in the game she's the one who makes the most sense.
>aetherfags acting as if there aren't any other long-lived species in Teyvat
>literally 0 confirmation that she even knows MC is an immortal ayylmao
She gets attached to everyone due to her loneliness. She likely don't know anything about the Traveler, and even if she did, the Traveler will eventually leave.
No you don't get it, this time it's different she totally wants to settle with the character that bounced between nations every couple weeks with the sole purpose of fucking off to another dimension
Funny because all the waifubait characters so far have been females who have been secluded that they fall in love with the one person who shows up. (Ayaka, Shenhe, Ei, Citlali, etc)

There's a lot that could be said about these kinds of relationships.
it says more about the target public, if anything
lol how, the """"""""""date"""""""""" was Ei being an out of touch boomer, and most of it was taking care of some clan infighting, and one of the very few times tha game showed her off as a martial artist
I bet 99% of Genshin players don't even know that Ei is also a blacksmith
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kill yourself cuckold
It was just a bug. If you're talking about her expression being emotionless while using Loom.
>have been females
To be fair Xiao is the exact same shit but for yumes. It's an easy trope to write so they use it a lot.
>adds literally nothing to her character
Wrong. She's cuter with the pandering. I choose Loom btw and hate yurinigger. I just collect all the cute girls and hags.
Total shipper genocide when
Can we talk about the actual game?
There's nothing to talk about until the 1st
Which aspect were you looking to discuss, the music?

I wonder what vibe they'll go for with Mare Jivari.
It will probably be similar to Ochknatlan. Regardless, the Natlan motif though... Love it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIn1m-8j0cY
is this the shortest web event yet lmao
The best web event ever
Based granny gives us primos and a fortune cookie
Meanwhile the Mavuika one has absurd timegating for like 1.5 wishes drip fed over a week
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Spine sounds terrible. Doesn't E make her unable to gain stacks?
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cute :3

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