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What did you think of the FEH Channel and introduction to Book IX? https://youtu.be/z-JQ_3HS814
Do you think this is the game's last Book, or do you think it'll keep going?
Loki, oops
We're gonna at the very least get to Book X. After that, it's up in the air.
genuinely hope this game ends after book x
The two new oc girls feel kinda bland, like they could be from any other gacha and the freebie really does seem like they couldn't decide if they wanted a male or female until the last second so they just made it androgynous and flipped a coin at the last second
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>3 orbs
it sucks because the 2 girl OCs dont fit fire emblem at all imo
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>What did you think of the FEH Channel and introduction to Book IX
Kind of lacking. It's not a very exciting cinematic, and the characters designs aren't very interesting to me. The Mecha wings are something I dislike.
It's cool to see Loki get mentioned, and since it's Asgard, I hope to see more of her and Thorr again.
>Do you think this is the games last book
If the money keeps flowing, then no.
I'd like FEH to live on for much longer.
If Feh really dies either this book or the next, i wonder what would they do to replace it, considering they killed off Cipher since Feh was supposed to be the thing to keep interest in the franchise between game releases
FEH 2, the racing game: Karaoke edition.
Well at least remember that Loki is the reason Baldr dies in the myths so at least one of the girls will kick the bucket
Wonder if this means next chapter is full on Ragnarok
They'll just jump mythologies, can't wait for buff, sexy Sobek
Here's your cast.
So why is the left girl in the back's identity being hidden? Hair color seems similar to Rune.
>Egyptian mythology
>Greek/Roman mythology
Which one?
Anyone else like the old guy's design?
I was kind of hoping for something simpler for Alfador, but I'm digging the weird pope-hat / phantom-of-the-opera mask he has.
Do we even have Egyptian or Greco-Roman references in any game? I can remember some Celtic and some Ars Goetia(these are mostly from 3H) based names
Well actually Marth was translated as Mars back in the day so that could count
Probably leaning more into European with stuff like Celtic Lore. I wouldn't mind something like Hindu with Vishnu and all his arms.
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As long as I get Makalov before FEH's death, that's all that matters to me. I want to shit on people with a character everyone despises.
why do people hate him? I didnt use him much in PoR and never played RD.
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He steals money from his hot sister.
He’s a bum
Egypt first. Gimme Ra
He's a genuine piece of shit
He's a gambling addict, asks money from his sister, avoids debt collectors and forcing said sister to deal with them. Astrid loves him for some fucking reason. He gets away with everything if he survives.
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He's got a shitty haircut
tan secretary is so hot
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>thought uther would come with new armor skills
>he's a demote with literally nothing
Sly Knife kinda looks worse than Tempest. A sidegrade I guess.
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shy and CUTE
Really digging the flight attendant look.
>his loose shoe falls off easily
Is that his gimmick? his clothes fall off easily?
Can someone post the refines?
Lookout Force looks neat.
Daggers only
>my most commonly used dagger has a C prf
sticking this on patty if I get lucky
>armors finally have a worthwhile echo skill
>but christmas armors are right around the corner
>and i already got a bunch of thjazis
they starved me all year to destroy me all at once
Announcement of intent: I will be voting for Baldr for the choose your legend poll.
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Weapon refines
That's lame, it doesn't work with Merlinus' refine because of that assist skill thing.
>merlinus got an unconditional ally warp and a nifty support refine
good for him
>Catherine refine
That's kinda mediocre.
>icon is generic bitch 1 instead of the shota
They really were just ticking boxes, wonder he will be Ash tier irrelevant or worse in the book
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say something nice about not-olwen
Literally Symphogear GX
>look up norse lore
She thicc!
>Give the sister a gun just so she can shoot her other sister
Jesus, IS.
Why'd they kill Hodr? It was Loki's fault
White hair girl makes me feel funny
>Calling Circle (D)
Already placed mine on defense.
>if decreasing the Spd difference necessary to make a follow-up attack by 25
What does this mean?
[nino reading "Am I Retarded?"
>uther is a generic axe armor with no fucking prf
>released just after marnie
Christ, they didn't even wait to kill uther again. Can this man ever catch a damn break?
If she beats the enemy's speed by 25 she triggers the potent followup.
Yes it is retarded that they write it that way.
It's the ol bait n switch
Sword chick is actually the good one while gun chick is secretly evil
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i fucking knew it
i didn't trust rune from the start
and app icons are always the heroines, and it's baldr
>and app icons are always the heroines
Gullveig was the app icon for a while.
Vero was an app icon, and so was M!Grima at one point, I think.
true, but she's also Seidr so it kind of works out.
vero is MY hero
but she was technically her legendary version which was on our side at that point, and book i didn't have a book heroine yet
i don't recall a grima icon

yeah gullveig was still seidr which was a great hint
either way it makes me hopeful that the new book's writing is already getting interesting
...not even a pity Forma?
Why are IS such kikes when it comes to freebies
Man, the 5*s for the church banner really all got shafted in favor of Seteth huh?
Who was your fuarking hero?
>Do you think this is the game's last Book, or do you think it'll keep going?
The story of FEH will be over at 2027, which it will feature book 11 only being covered within a Switch 2 exclusive offline 3D remake of FEH with every single playable unit in FEH in this game.
Tried going back to /feg/ to see what the general consensus was about the FEH Channel and the Book IX trailer and it's literally unusable.
>powercreep mythics right after I +10 my first one
Thank God I haven't +10'd any others. But now that I wanted to merge up Ullr she's become even more useless, damn.
>Even if you check before starting the battle, you can't know who is gonna be on the circle until they pop up
I can't wait to get jumpscared by the latest cancer units (or see people fuck up they jumpscares like they fuck up the duo button structure lol)
Nigga why would you even think that was a good idea?
I wasn't really thinking. It's just shitpost after shitpost (literally), and arguing over Gullveig/Book 7. I don't understand how a sane human being can use that thread in any capacity.
I'm optimistic about it, though it isn't making as grand entrance as book 7's, or really many other books opening cinematics were were.
The AR Reinforcement seems like a neat idea for all the cancerous AR Defense teams out there. People still into AR might be happy about that, unless the new system means they're forced to roll for a new line of heroes.
Hopefully you learned your lesson
It's funny you say that because most of the people there also come here.
Lmao, I totally fucking forgot about the seasonal... thief? leila from some time ago.
This is literally the third leila we have gotten while mathew and legault have gotten fucking nothing. Even Jaffar only got a pity seasonal freebie alt.
Yeah, I think I did.
It's rare when Namtard posts his bullshit here, and none of the other shitposters bother posting here because "it's too slow" or something.
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How do you feel about book 9 given what we have seen so far?
I'm optimistic. It seems like it could be a fun story.
Not enough info yet, really.
From what I can tell, given how prominent baldr is in the artwork and stuff, it really just feels like they slapped themselves on the forehead and said "wait a moment, we can just give players some filler male OC and force them to pay for the sexy bitches!"
We'll see how it goes though.
>bluestacks is dead now
>Alfadör is present with Baldr and Hödr.
>There's 50/50 chances Loli tricks us or tricks Hödr into killing Baldr, thus starting Ragnarok.
>50/50 chance we use a macguffin called Fenrir or we team up with someone called Fenrir to kill Alfadör.
>All because he wanted to use Rune to know how to read the Book of Creation.
Bros... are we the villains?
Vaida's weapon. Thoughts?
Granting a bunch of non-stat bonuses is this book's meta huh
A bit undercooked honestly, even with max investment she's not going to be spectacular.
Might still build her because my FE7 roster sucks ass and she's cool.
She's got flat DR on her weapon and the ability to get more off of wyvern rift.
There's something there, but I dunno if it is enough.
solon might be good right? right?
Idk, it seems pretty good to me. Flat DR based on her Atk with the ability to get even more Flat DR with Wyvern Rift is pretty good imo.
unusable in what way? just a lot of screeching?
so did dussel get a good refine?
It's that, plus scat and gore spam plus Silastard making his grand return plus Raul shitposting without his trip. It's awful.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think she's awful. But she's not Marni tier either.
>he wanted to use rune to read
Isn't it the opposite and that he doesn't want anyone to know how to read them?
i've been trying to update for an hour and nothing's working. it says "the update isn't compatible with this device". used to be able to get around it but nothing works this time. not even installing the apk works
It could be also that, I mean could it be that whatever is written inside the Book of Creation reveals it was not him who created the cosmos?
Yeah I just tried myself. Really weird.
switching to a pie instance lets the app install but then it crashes loading the title screen. reinstalling bluestacks doesn't work either
Is it just called Spear? Like nothing else?
It's what her weapon was called in FE7 since you could steal it with a glitch.
Uber Spear sounds too comical
right because theres no other weapons with comical names in FEH
>Plus silastard making his grandreturn
How many times has he "quit" just to return like a month later lmao
No clue. I try to stay away from that place.
What are they gonna do when they're out of realms?
>kaga is the final boss of FEH
Would be a hell of a twist.
Yggdrassil wasn't really a realm but they made a book out of it. There's plenty of lesser locations in mythology they could probably go to or even return to previous books.
Or just a new mythology.
What's the ideal C skill for Catherine?
I currently have Atk/Spd Finish and Gambit as her A and B skill
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We won...
Nah, just generic enemy phase stuff
>Using any lance cavalry unit not named Emblem Sigurd
endless tempest or def/res pledge
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I'm too illiterate for this game anymore, is Grima's good or is it just a minuscule bandaid on a 4 year old unit?
>pm1 image
Sub to Akariss instead of penisshart1 ;)
Go back to /feg/. Plus Akariss is dead.
It's good. It's just not meta defining.
Why don't the devs update the Askr trio and give them modern stats
that's what flowers and fodder are for.
that kind of thing is usually given for anniversary or summer, not book open
Never actually paid attention to the FEH debuff spam party, but what does
>neutralizes buffs/penalties during combat
actually mean? Will it neutralize penalties that affect damage calculation like Sabotage or Exposure or all the statuses the new OCs inflict from across the screen, or is this just a shorter version of the "(de)buffs from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc" that they used to describe visible stat changes?
Wiki seems to imply it only readjusts numerical stats but also links to all the new status effects when looking up "penalties" as well.

Mostly trying to figure out which of the two new Fighter skills is better to pass to old units to try (and completely fail) to fight modern day shenanigans.
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Sounds based if you ask me!
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>Uther got Fjormd
I wanted to see him interact with Raven
Fjorm isn't even dying anymore let him speak with the one with a connection to life and death or the healer or the one that wants to learn how to become a good ruler
Nah it only neutralizes the numbers
If it neutralized buffs and debuffs it would say [Bonus] effects/[Penalty] effects
>uther gets fjormed
Christ, the poor fucker really can't catch a break. Dying in his own game, prfless demote in feh, and then he gets fjormed in the forging bonds!
Book 9 map theme:
>Battle 2 CP Attack
>Battle 3 Mid-Boss Battle
>Story 5 Encounter
Book 9 cutscene theme:
>Story 2 Each Map’s Beginning
Book 9 boss theme:
>Final Enemy Phase
>Medeus Battle
Is it really the end since all the new music uses FE1 leitmotifs, creating a beginning and end thematic parallel?
It doesn't seem like a bad weapon but Slayingless Fliers don't really have access to special DR without involving rings and even with rings you'll still come across problems.
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delete this
The change to AR won't do anything to improve the mode, because it does not and cannot address the root of all problems: namely that the PvP modes are all designed to be p2w garbage.
Alright now that we've had them for a few days, how are you guys finding the usability of Laerathr and Nidhoggr?
I don't have 'em :3
it was expected because asgardr was the last realm in nordic mythology, but we also have the world of steel and whatever else they wanna pull out of their ass at this point
What do Oswin and Vaida have for fodder?
I know Vaida's got a prf and it gives her some true damage and fixed DR based on her Atk, plus the Iote's Shield status
Oswin has campaign lance+ (lance version of Summer Donnel's "axe"), sturdy stance 2 and odd follow up
Vaida has wyvern flight and atk def rein
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how much would you guys value DR piercing compared to bonus damage these days?
flat DR and shield DR are starting to feel oppressive to the point where even precharging specials can be detrimental when a non-special hit would get damage in without triggering the enemy's special DR
Hell yeah! Helbindi time!
it bugs me immensely that these structures overlap with the edges of the terrain
Make me
>Ash Ketchum gives you a status that gives you more stats depending on how many bonuses you have
>in the season where Mythic Loki can appear to steal said bonuses
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Until they get a real nerf, I value AoEs above everything else these days. BoL4 exists, but so does Fatal Smoke 4. It's just a shame you get score penalized for using them in Arena. What would an inheritable 500 SP AoE special even look like?
Blazing [synonym for the respective skill, like Inferno for Flame]
And it's like:
>a) deals more damage (maybe adding X% of unit's Atk)
>b) has a lower cooldown, perhaps with Tempo to make sure you get a charge back upon striking
>c) gives the user Canto (1) to retreat one space just like Legendary Lilina
>d) all of the above
How I see it is that it's kind of in layers.
>first layer of protection against attacks: pierceable %-based DR
>every unit comes with this in some manner, the 40% DR on foe's first attacks
>or just first attack for free units, before it was only 30%
>first method of dealing with that: DR piercing
>Deadeye, Lethality, other effects that neutralize %-based DR when Special activates
>or passive DR pierce through things like the new NFU or Tempo 4 (every unit comes with this now in some manner)
>second layer of protection against attacks: flat/shield DR
>reduces damage by X (X being anywhere from 7 to 10 to 36 or even more)
>often times it's based on X% of a stat
>every Special also comes with unpierceable DR (Armored Blaze/Beacon, Gust, Boulder, Dragon's Roar, and on unique Specials too)
>second method of dealing with that: uhhh
That's where we're at right now. Every unit has pierceable DR and a way to pierce opposing DR. Every unit has unpierceable DR and... well,
I wanted christmas units
DR is definitely getting to where skills like Guard/bypass Guard is these days
It's not special when everyone both has it and negates it, but it's still valuable as part of an arms race. Sometimes my old invested units who can't get much DR pierce like dragons come up against old invested godsword copies and 1:9 matchup

IS may be in a retarded "what about units with no DR but just a -60/70 flat damage swing or who inflict -50 attack" phase right now, but once there's a dozen Nidhoggs running around able to hurt each other with +/-80s it'll come back to DR checks making the difference again
It's not top far away.
Nobody deploys mythic Loki now because of Tree Jesus. Stay current with the meta, retard
Is anyone replacing their Ploys with the new one Rune comes with? Looks nice, but probably not worth sweating if you have Time Pulse Echo
Would it really have killed them to give us 9 orbs?
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I sorta want it. I swap between LF4 + Ploy 4 and AoE + Pulse Up Blades + some shit B skill all the time. The only thing that doesn't make this a total must have is that I use ATK/SPD Ploy 4 and the rest of my team loves the SPD debuff.
I dunno why this screenshot doesn't have her with her prf.
I unironically like this pairing.
i think it's a nice option to allow for more flexible team building, but i have nothing in mind
particularly because only infantry get all this accel for some fucking reason and only res units get to ploy
I hate how so many of my units have to fight over Marth ring.
Just roll more marths!
>if an emblem unit is +10, you can equip a 2nd emblem ring
That'll teach those f2ps to whale.
speaking of which, the new mythic type is hilarious when it comes to merges
>gives the reinforcement unit extra stats based on the mythic's merges, similar to dragonflowers!
as if it compares to modern +30 stat swings
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>Do you think this is the game's last Book?
Yes, they're preparing to pull the plug.
Shez or Citrinne could probably use it fine enough if I happen to get an extra Rune from the free or ticket summons
Brave Tiki too but she already has both Atk/Res Ploy and BoL4 so it's probably not worth giving either of those up
I think that's because there's a limit to how many achievements you can have on android, or so I've heard
I'd sooner expect nintendo to change up something about how they handle the my nintendo and coins system
who even redeems these anyways? The only rewards I ever saw were for things like stam pots and other useless currencies. the 10 orbs were free.
I use them for the Switch icons
the feh coins could be used for other my nintendo rewards too, like the physical goodies
The main difference is that TP Ploy's pulse effect is unconditional like that one from DIgrene so it's among the better options for AoE units.
Weak against anal
She really is Laegjarn Blanca.
there are worse characters to emulate. Laeg is cool.
>Laeg is cool
That describes at least 50% of the cast

The end of FEH is coming....
Is she going to be Kiran's war prize?
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>Just like on the myths Baldr is immune to any attack or weapon due to a pact made by the Nine Realms.
>Alfonse is more ruthless than ever, straight up defying Baldr's commands despite knowing she can't be hurt, knowing that such immunity will be pierced or shattered one way or another.
>Something's afoot with Loki and Thorr whem they meet a shy and hidden Hödr who's aware by Baldr's word that they might not be completely loyal to Alfádor.
>Alfádor wants to read all the Twilit Runes mentioned in the TT+ of Book 2 ft. Fjorm and Laegjarn that are scattered through Zenith/FEHland to achieve ultimate power, for this reason he sealed Rune beneath Asgard to force him to gice him the knowledge, this happened after he figured out a part of the prophecy by accident.
>There's a huge chance Baldr is killed by Hödr by accident, probably when she is trying to kill Alfonse or (YOU) by Alfádor's judgement given Hödr is not in Asgard to act as your attorney due to Loki and Thorr's scheme with something of mistletoe or related to that plant.
>There's a chance we end up killing Alfádor and destroying Zenith in the progress by bringing Ragnarok to the Nine Realms and in turn to all the worlds with portals opened to Zenith.
Do you still feel like the hero?
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Oh yeah, forgot to add.
>Alfádor seems to be hellbent in marking Askr and the Order of Heroes as guilty of trying to usurp divine domination all over Zenith.
>The Order of Heroes is not surprised to hear that Alfádor is a tyrant, probably fed up to find out almost all gods are just petty totalitarians.
>Alfádor's decision is most likely fueles by the fact he saw via his spiying crows or duaghters that the Order of Heroes killed Hel, Freyr, Freyja, Embla, Njörd and now Læradr plus besting the Emblian Empire and forging a peace treaty with them after years of strife, making the strongest kingdoms of Zenith (Múspell and Nidavellir) bend the knee to them and defeating the Golden Seer who could manipulate time itself. Shitting bricks and with Askr gone he takes the preemptive decision to strike first. Who doesn't say that Rune being left in Askr wasn't his doing to hace a casus belli?
Every week, thousands of summoners move their loud ass floating islands up and around his castle with the noise of constant battle. he's just sick of it and wants us off his lawn.
There is no other motive, he's just a grumpy old man using the legal system to try to strong arm the youngins.
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I'll accept life sentence if it means the end of Aether Raids.
He's basically the king of the gods and creator of everything, and is hyped up to be all powerful. He really doesn't need to force us to go through a court case f he just wanted us dead or gone. He has the ability to order baldr to just march in and kill everyone if he wanted.
If hodr is part of the 9 realms then she can't harm baldr without something turning off the plot armor or getting a weapon outside of the realms. My guess is Kiran shoots her or something, like with every other boss.
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My cute, big boobed, lawyer on the right
I'm just waiting for IS to decide to shit out another completely retarded alternate timeline Alfonse for the sake of it.
The designs are growing in me, even if they still don't feel like the best choice.
>we're still fighting generic embla soldiers
What's their excuse this time?
Veronica probably jobbed offscreen and so Embla bad again
>He really doesn't need to force us to go through a court case f he just wanted us dead or gone. He has the ability to order baldr to just march in and kill everyone if he wanted.
That for the sake of the story, Askr would be done in book 1 with Veronica giving Embla ward to herself and the heroes she make a contract
Alfador is a Alfonse who did so much "......" that he became a god
The little bit of screen time they got these two chapters helped. I though Hoðr was some super serious character but she’s pretty nice
Lazy piece of shit
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I can't play Heroes on Bluestacks anymore...
>baldr's gonna succumb to the older sister curse so she'll be playable earlier and hodr might be end of book at the worst
but i don't want to wait a year for this cutie
Haven't had to build an offensive support for anything all these years, but seems like none of my old units can do any damage to Nidhoggr. What are the best supports to build these days for damage?
>Common units
Know Seteth got a big support buff, anyone else comparable or should I just stack him and his spear?
>Higher rarity units
On the higher rarity end, is A!Micaiah the strongest "support" (obviously she can also do a fuckton of damage) for the debuff cleanse and debuff inflict?
Saw Freyr and Elimine come up last thread for countering the new mythic debuff spam, though they don't seem to give much offensive otherwise.
Are any other OCs/mythics still strong buffsluts? I can barely remember what most of them did at this point
>Inheritable skills
Are the strongest inheritable damage buffs still a tier 4 ploy, tier 4 savage blow, and one of the tier 4 reins? Nid nullifies debuffs so I assume in this case you'd just stack reins though.

Also have
>Bonus doublers (L!Weed, Kaden)
>The fairy that gives Sabotage on Dance
sitting in the barracks, though it seems like Nid nullifies them all. I assume the dancer and Nergal will still be useful for a while in other content. Is the +12 damage from the bonus doublers still good in other cases, or is there too much buff nullify/panic being thrown around these days?
Heidrun is usually the first unit that comes to my mind when I think "good support unit", though unfortunately you can't use her on AR offense without giving up score.
>Is the +12 damage from the bonus doublers still good in other cases, or is there too much buff nullify/panic being thrown around these days
The panic isn't a big deal since Eliwood comes with Null Panic, but as someone who used to never do AR/SD without Eliwood + Citrinne, I think Bonus Doubler sucks now, or rather I wouldn't bring a support unit whose main gimmick is Bonus Doubler. Too many prfs coming with "nullifies bonuses to atk" now in addition to Ploy 3s being a popular choice of C skill which also nullifies Bonus Doubler.
>hodr's weapon is specifically "fuck the book viii beasts"
release her NOW
>The entire book is about ladies with huge tits chasing after a shota
Shame that the game isn't more popular, the doujins from this premise would be right up my alley.
The shota is mid t b h, they tried too hard making him uWu cute
It's all right, Feh is nearing EOS anyway.
Hector Eliwood orgy in the forging bonds...
SpecialDR is balanced since it requires setup, and you can't really stack it so it doesn't prevent pp progress. There are also alot of cases with special dr that don't allow you to get it on all of the opponents hits. FlatDr is a much bigger problem since it prevents pp progress and it doesn't really help that much with preventing OHKO's (which is needed for ep to exist) and it leads to higher damage which leads to OHKO's.
you could try Nox. I could never get it to work on bluestacks but Nox worked for a while.
Just tried and it's not compatible either... :(
>People still into AR might be happy about that, unless the new system means they're forced to roll for a new line of heroes.
Would you look at that, you do - as a matter of fact - need the new line of super special mythics to have access to the AR reinforcement.

IS's Jewishness is so fucking tiresome.
I vaguely recall seeing an article saying Microsoft or Google was looking into making mobile games playable on PC with their own somehow. Googling it gives me a google beta program to download.
You could try looking into that.
AR is decided on the first turn so reinforcement doesn't do anything, the safety fence being upgradeable is more impactful.
Not available. But apparently i'm not the only one having this issue. A lot of people seems to have crash issues with Bluestacks right now
Is it with all games or just FEH?
if it's with all games, then bluestacks will probably look into it and fix it. I've always had issues emulating FEH and could never get it to work on bluestacks.
Managed to get Hector, which is nice
I'm probably just gonna give Wily Fighter 4 and DC to Murdock
Who would (or did) you give Hector's fodder to if you get (or have) him?
Bors, probably. I'm looking to build him once I get a few copies. It's sad that they didn't give out 2 free copies of him like with other instant demotes.
Probably not going to share Hector's fodder any time soon, the only other Armor i'd even like to build is Caineghis but since he is a beast it's better to either wait for some better beast fodder or wait for an alt at this point
Rolled for him more because FE7 was one of my first games and I want a good version of at least two of the lords since Emblem Lyn is coming soon probably
Who wants "his" fodder?
i wish hector got slick fighter and nidhoggr got wily fighter instead, penalty neutralization feels way more useful than buff neutralization
DC echo is pretty much made for armors because they have shit options otherwise and probably won't get anything else for a long time
probably atk/res mages.
>since Emblem Lyn is coming soon probably
I think she's likely at the end of this month.
Yeah there really aren't any other emblems that could go on green at the moment since the DLC emblems are coming later, right?
Kinda funny that this will probably mean that with 9 alts the Blade Lord will only have 1 version with swords and has less sword using versions than the guy known for using axes, poor Manni Katti
Leif byleth and corrin could also go on green not very likely since Leif's worst weapon was the axe people are complaining about no omega yato for corrin and the one axe byleth uses as an emblem is edelgards weapon
Leif, Lucina and Corrin can all be green too.
I guess should try another game
>Luckshit Hector on a free summon
>Want to give DC echo to A!Eirika as a second option in AR when NCD is not needed
>But that means missing all that armor fodder
I wish I wasn't so indecisive sometimes
Wily Fighter 4 for Marni or just wait for Shield Fighter to be available?
do you want her to kill things or just really really annoy people in pvp
Shield fighter is way better but she'll need a different tier 4 B skill for Arena
Wily Fighter is good, but Shield Fighter helps you not die, and I think not dying is probably more important.
So would Leila be good in AR or does she get walled by Fjorms and Nidhoggrs? She looks like she was obviously designed for AR with her B skill.
Wait, Nidhoggr is Astra. Nevermind.
>two Hectors
>don't have anyone in mind to fodder them off to outside of DC Echo, which'd be a waste of the rest of their kit
Brom when he finally gets in
Shield Fighter is technically better for bulk but considering you can only run it with marth ring and a 30% dr shield special since she lacks slaying it isn't that much more effective compared to armored specials (40% vs 51%) , you might even argue that hardy fighter 3 can be an option too since that one give -2 cd but she'll have a much harder time looping the DR.
my lack of desire to rewatch the book ix trailer has just made me miss the book vii trailers
god they were so fucking intriguing and good
>we're spitting on our players but our revenue is still going down, wtf why is this happening
why? whats did they change?
no idea
his "thing" being he always loses his show is so fucking annoying and stupid
Ive never used it once and still dont know what the safety fence does
The enemy doesn't get their first 2 turns of enemy phase if you're either out of their attack range or positioned on your starting row, so it gives you 2 free turns of setup. This is assuming Duma or a Catapult don't destroy it.
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the King of course
>can finally run eckesachs, earthfire boost, hp/atk/def seal, and the dc eckesachs should've had
if i HAD a hector
What unit would even be good as a reinforcement who you wouldn't want on your starting team? A WoM dancer I guess? 2 dances from them could be handy I suppose.
Another Felix lol
I just need one of the tier 4 armor b skills for mine and he'll be finished but I can't seem to pull wither the new Hector or Nidhoggr.
How 2 build?
Probably Atk/Def Excel, Wyvern Rift and Air Orders 4.
Air Orders? Why that?
>notice 4.5% towards hector
>"huh it sure would suck to get a pitybreaker"
>get a pitybreaker
why did i do this to myself
Pity rate is a meme
I got one off a ticket too. I'm either giving him to Ilyana or Fallen Julia
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Atk/Res Finish or Still Water?
Any mathanons in the thread? Roughly how many orbs will I need to save to get a solid chance at 9 copies of Nidhoggr?
Just use a summoning calculator like
>1470 orbs for 8 copies+1 spark on 50% odds

Hey, not bad. That's like 4 months of saving onry.
but in 4 months she'll be obsolete
Don't care

Chocolate Snek Sex!!
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What's the best poverty tome I can give Linde if I don't have any of the arcane tomes?

>tfw she has two refines and both are shit now
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who cares?
Her character concept + design are fun and she's hot.
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I didn't really notice at first since I didn't really take a good look at her but now I see that Baldr's got some mad drills going on, meaning I have no choice but to like her now.
Voting for her in CYL
Seashell Bowl if you want to throw 50ish orbs at Summer Tharja.
Blarvulture if you want to wait until you naturally come across a Dorothea.
She's atkspd based, right? Most easily available blue tomes tend to be atk/res heavy. These two tomes come to mind, but you can also use the FEH builder to look at what weapons she has available to her.
Desert Soren's Magical lantern tome is okay as it gives special acceleration, and the "can't be slowed by terrain" can be handy with fire tiles and other terrain.
Summer Tharja's Seashell Bowl gives up to a 15 atk/spd stat swing and heals 10 hp after combat.
she cute
they really baited me with thjazi right before hector
I want her to go "oooh ho ho ho" and step on me
But Freyja...
Chances are she's the real final boss for the chapter due to innocuous positioning like what happened with the dwarf chapter.
there's really too many reasons not to trust rune
I demand a free Hodr if she's the actual main book protagonist.
I'm starting to believe that theory about Hodr being the original freebie... we were robbed.
In a Solo combat context other options are better.

In a team context the most usefull utility fliers can provide are Snap, Guidance and AO4 support as it improves mobility which in FE allows you to attack first. The max threat range currently in the game is 5 and every unit can reach that with emblem rings.
Snap only works with melee inf and armors so at most it only improves threat range to 4.
Guidance can work with alot of units but it doesn't provide any benefit to the carrier and it also only threatens 4 spaces from the carrier.
AO4 works on a limited amount of units but it improves the threat range of RFliers to 5 so it opens more ring options and also helps the main unit abit.
I want my Surtr freebie.
>two tone hair
>blue archive halo
>bootleg monado
>all thrown together with no rhyme or reason
literally vtumor tier visual vomit
statement from president gay
>4 months
more like 4 weeks
What does she need that will keep her on top of powercreep?
>keep her on top of powercreep
Nothing. You can make some small adjustments like swapping repel for Laguz friend or Buffer, giving her atk spd finish or excel or Bonus doubler 4, NCD echo and BoL 4 if you want.
I'd wait for the next arcane sword before inheriting anything new though.
A new alt with a cancerous prf.
I'm subscribing to the theory that he is the second alfadr Loki and Thor are working for
>Atk/Spd Finish
Wouldnt she not get the +5 extra damage from special proc with GLR equipped?
As long as conditions are met (if unit's Special is ready or unit's Special triggered before or during this combat) finish skills grant the extra damage with all kind of special skills equipped, even defensive ones, healing specials and AoEs.
I like that she has a Monado, for some reason
>is named Baldr
>is not bald
Winter Edelgard needs to be away from allies for her effects to work, right? Meaning she can't really put a Save to good use?
Should I give R!Lilina's A skill to A!Micaiah?
I'd say if you're switching out Micaiah's C skill for something else (like say, Breath of Life 4) then go for it. It also works well with AoEs if you have Micaiah use those.
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Literally who
the cutie with the best armor in the series!
...except she'll soon be in a santa outfit instead
Jade's been datamined already?
We're probably getting Winter Engage, yup
Only question is who? And what obligatory worthless Fighter skill will the free armor unit come with?
>Fatal Smoke 4, Fortifications, Reopening Celica ring Marni
I just fucking hate people
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I believe.
Jade, She will come with odd fighter.
could be worse, could be slick fighter 4
i should probably start running fatal smoke on my own units but they either
>can't always safely initiate to apply it
>need their C slot because they don't have loaded prfs
I think Fatal Smoke is best used on AoE units who don't need their C skill to precharge their special like Citrinne and of course Sigurd.
When Emblem Leif gets added would he be the first unit to hail from three different games? Holy War, Thracia, and Engage
yeah i guess the C slot's a lot more free when you can take care of things outside of combat, but my team can't really use those right now
No since Ike isn't considered from all three, he will probably be Thracia/Engage
If she gets in, I wonder if she'll be a 5* or not. She's a girl but is unfortunately pretty unpopular it seems. Hopefully she'll get good art whenever she finally pops up
>jade demote
>louis TT
Oh yeah that's right, I forgot that he only counted as being from RD (despite his map being from PoR and his Emblem title)
She'll probably be a TT unit. But, she'll come with Daring Fighter, and if we're lucky, Def/Res Ideal!
I trust Rune because they already gave him as a free unit. What are they going to do, transform or take away the unit when you do that story chapter where him being evil is revealed? That would be fucking retarded.
Coming next month with the free Gunnthra we were promised back in book 2
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half of our barracks is evil at this point what does that matter
I just want more Surtr, he's my favorite FEH villain
I think it's about time we start getting better skills on demotes.
can't make money that way
beach bully surtr next summer, trust the plan.
The sheer amount of times I see save armors with Celica's ring in arena.
Not sure why people bother fielding save armors for Arena defense since it's nearly impossible for the AI to actually keep them near their allies. Not that I'm complaining. It basically turns the fight into a 4v3.
I personally like the HP restore, but Still would probably be best.
Don't you like units with skills from the first two years of the game that only boost Atk and Def or Spd and Res?
Don't you want units that have a non-seasonal version of a long outdated seasonal weapon from years ago?
My favorite was the batch of red mage GHBs with Atk/Res Push 3
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When is the christmas banner?
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Im out of the loop of powercreep.
Which Arcane dagger is the best?
depends on who is using it.
Speedlets probably want either the first one for GFU or latest for big atk, Sothe's arcane dagger is good for flying/cav daggers that can't get access to NFU, and the latest is probably better than Sothe's dagger because it should give more damage.
I'd bet nine times out of ten it's just them using their arena team as their defense team without really caring.
Cath my beloved
Leila's since it's the newest and has Special jumping which every unit needs now I guess.
>no Shield Fighter fodder
>no Slick Fighter
>no Wily Fighter
I am coping with Reopening for my Marni
we'll get a new calendar tomorrow but the christmas banner will probably be at the end of next week
I've still yet to configure my Light teams to put him or the reinforcement mechanic to good use, but I probably should at some point
What do some of your guys teams look like? Does the reinforcement affect scoring? Do they also get bonus stats from Rune and other Mythics on your team?
yeah but soon we'll get bold fighter 4 celica ring marnis that will kill you on player phase and won't die on enemy phase
It's not affected by guard?
I feel like he might die instead of turning evil. Like, do we have a nord god called Rune? If we don't, that might be a codename/Fake name and we got Mimir or some other god in our hands.
Nordic Runes are more of a concept, isnt the whole reason Odin lost one eye because he traded it for knowledge of how to utilize the runes? Or was the rune knowledge from the time he hung himself I forgot what each time gave him knowledge of
Google pointed me to this
nintendo seriously axed bluestacks support?? rumao
it works on mumu player
thanks anon
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You're welcome brother
Imagine if we actually got a female TT reward for Christmas. Last one was Winter Cecilia like five years ago?
We'll get a female TT unit
And she will have Wary Figh
i COULD do my AR quests to get these decorative buildings i'll never use...or i could save myself the trouble and say fuck AR
If I have to face one more goddamn brave felix with emblem celica in my T18 arena run I am going to lose it.
hey buddy this is a penisfagsterbun board. you will kneel to the indian who does discrete mathematics.
I want Nintendo to employ NFTs just so I can roll my bullshit units into future Fire Emblem games. The skill inheritance is too fun. It's gonna be a sad day when eos comes and I never used any of those manuals. Literally hundreds of dollars that I otherwise would have spent at taco bell or on alchohol. I might actually have to get a girlfriend when FEH dies until they announce a new one :)
>I want Nintendo to employ NFTs just so I can roll my bullshit units into future Fire Emblem games..
Pokémon sorta did that years ago and Nintendo has no plans to produce NFTs, so the best you're getting your units in other FE games is if Nintendo plans to produce Fire Emblem amiibo that functions exactly like the smash bros amiibo but they are only for the mainline Fire Emblem games.
Reminder you can spend those $50 Otherworldly Bonds on units up to version 6 now.
let me use them as skill fodder and we'll talk
also let HoF do that too
No, but we have Runatyr, the God of runes , which is another alter ego of Odin.
Enjoy your Christmas Yarne
What does it mean?
If any Camillachads are interested in a Ninjacam Forma, this is the build I'm sending out. Friend code is:
You bitches need to be less cheap with your 400 assist fodder
Literally no one will use the Dual Rally or Aether I have on her since she doesn't score well and has no reason to run Aether.
people care about arena scoring for binding worlds forma?
if i wanted to use someone for arena i certainly wouldn't rely on terrible rng to get them
I imagine it's more about the value of the skill. You can always just slap Swap/Repo/Draw Back on the unit later if you want, so getting something like a Rally+ like you got more out of it even if you never use the skill.
I get that it feels that way, but in HoF I always save getting a Rally+ for the very end and in BW I fucking HATE using units with useless assists.
Rally up or HC+ are better to run since they have different use cases from a regular rally.
that's not the point people want the absolute maximum value for a forma to buy it everyone breezes through HOF after getting one max invest unit around level 35
I fully understand the point, I just think it's a retarded point. Ninja Camilla scores 756 with a 400 SP Assist, 500 SP Special, and Duel 4 (754 without the Duel 4).
Literally any Gen 1 shitter with Duel 4 and max scoring scores 756 (758 if non-dragon Melee, 760 if dragon with HDW). Ninjacam will never run a Ruse 4. There is zero point in giving out a Dual Rally that will never be equipped ever.
normally i detest using meta units, but when i see an AR defense with heidrun, celica ring felix, emblem ike+sigurd, brave alfonse, etc, i say fuck em, nidhoggr please delete them for me
plus nidhoggr is cute
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It's okay, I understand. You're too poor lmao.
Y-you, too
i know it's a meaningless mode, but i really hate getting scoring assist allies in voting gauntlet
particularly because i try to bring someone fun
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>no Ruptured Sky
>no Soaring Echo
>no Arcane Blutgang
>no Rally Up+ or HC+ which see use in sdr/sds or ard
Yup, turdmilla confirmed. Don't redeem in BW!
Please redeem my Ashnard, sirs...
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> Book IX map theme is a remix of the Enemy Phase, Boss Battle and Together We Ride of FE1
Yeah... this is it bros, the end of FEH.
Sorry. I only use cute girls and Lloyd.
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I already have one, but it's nice seeing a fellow Ashnardbro
Why Blutgang? Is it better than her prf?
mae gets in so many comics but has had zero love from the devs
Christmas alt incoming. For Ashnard
>no Soaring Echo
So close
...have we ever actually had a christmas flier?
not even a santa's sleigh sort of thing?
Bro, it's HIGH VALUE, you can't just give out a unit with their prf
Damn it, I'm truly a valuelet
Every time this event comes up I remember how much I hate the way they make you buy a large orb pack for ~50 dollars to be able to redeem a unit. If they had a pack with no orbs, just the Otherworld Bond, for say, 10 dollars, I might have actually bought it.
Same. I'm not dropping the price an entire game for a single unit and some orbs.
devil's advocate, how much would you value the rest of your free playtime up to the point when you drop some money?
Not him, but I started dropping some money on the pass and the SP booster castle skin, because personal reasons removed my previous objections, but even so $50 packs that are mostly for orbs that don't even ensure getting what you want is way too much.
It's a pretty nice book end in a way
Plus there are nine realms in Norse mythology right? And we're on Book IX now
>Through a combo of dumb luck and autodispatch, somehow never ran into a Felix on an open cavline map until now while floating above 21
>Yeah I know he moves kinda far or something so I'll just wedge everyone but the tank in the literal opposite corner of the map as far away as possible
>Dude attacks a rock and then zigzags all the way around the fucking map and tank to kill two people anyways
I see
ai likes to prioritize something they can safely do, breakable terrain is worth breaking on your own turn because of which
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>Runatyr, the God of runes , which is another alter ego of Odin.
>Rune will be part of the Allfather's conscience, who escaped in the form of a shota so Ragnarok could be avoided
>Allfather is lacking an eye because Rune is that missing eye
I'm conecting the dots here, this have a chance of being good.
Unfortunately there is no incentive to give out a good unit.
>no Death Blow 2.5 Echo
>devil's advocate
shut up
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What's the best investment for a strong f2p arena core? I've seen people shill Marni, but is that just because her prf is powerful (for now) or because of some other advantage? Could I score equally well if I built Murdock? Or any other random grail unit for that matter as long as it is brought up to +10?
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Marni is really good and will shut you down completely if you're not prepared to deal with her. Will definetly keep your squishy units safe but might not do much killing herself against some of the real tanky fuckers
Melee fliers and infantry score well, especially if they have a prf.
Panette is the most recent one, hits hard and provides a decent universal support (-1 CD per turn to allies, only "decent" now because there's so many Special-cheating skills out there, but if you don't have any, it will help a lot)
F!Llyod provides Debuff Doubler and can still perform well as a Godsword.
Perne can kill more units than you expect him to, prf Brave dagger is nothing to scoff at. Also provides Debuff-negation to allies which is really good against shit like Duo Sanaki. Won't score as high though, might need other high scoring allies to help boost your tier if necessary.

Murdock's prf sucks ass and if you remove it for something like Arcane Giant Axe, he'll score less than F!Lloyd, not worth it for score alone but if you like him, you can still use him.

And even though we're talking F2P, none of this matters without some Legos, and just like in 2017, the higher your score, the less likely you are to see the latest cancer. Haven't seen a Brave Felix or Emblem Ike in Arena since their debut
objectively, a newer unit has better bst. murdock has 194~196 while marni has 205~206
murdock's prf was good but not outstanding, and would definitely need to be replaced by arcane giant axe, which would score less
marni's prf allows her to survive encounters that most others can't, nor can they inherit skills to do enough of the same thing
>procrastinated arena assault too long
Yeah I knew they attacked terrain, just didn't know this "infantry" fucker could weave the entire length of the AR map with attacks to spare without even needing a dancer to back him up
I've usually just seen his ass boxed in with a mishmash of new CYL units and OC furries
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>What's the best investment for a strong f2p arena core?
Saving f2p orbs for a +10 duo unit/good ahr banner/good 8% scam share
>I've seen people shill Marni, but is that just because her prf is powerful (for now) or because of some other advantage?
High bst score of 768 and strong prf weapon. Marni is a"2 for 1" value deal in layman terms where you get a good unit for Aether Raids and a good unit for Coliseum modes and she only requires grails and feathers. Decent in sdr/sds too
>Could I score equally well if I built Murdock?
>Or any other random grail unit for that matter as long as it is brought up to +10?
Panette who scores 776 with dcd sacred seal. Cyril is decent if you don't want to drag two axe units around and okay with taking 4 point score hit. F2P core looks like: +10 legendary unit, +10 f2p shitters x2, and the bonus unit.
Wait, arcane weapons score less than using a native prf? Even if you refine the arcane? Damn. I did in fact freeroll a Thjazi and I would've liked to use her in order to buff Murdock. But you make it sound like it would be a bad investment if I just want to max out my arena score with f2p options.

Thanks for your input too. Sadly I'm not particularily fond of any of the smart options. Would've been nice for Murdock to be viable. Maybe I ought to wait for "the next Marnie" before I make a move and hope it's a character I like better. I don't have enough feathers to +10 her straight away at any rate.
There are too many units in the game.
And yet there's still more they should add
Fuck off and die.
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>special heroes in 3-4 days
Neat. Jade soon.
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I wonder if there are any other gacha games that have around the same numbers?
most games do 1 character every two weeks at most, meanwhile feh pumps out 4-5 every two weeks
>emblem hero
so, which one is going to be this time?
Lyn or Femui. I can't be wrong a 5th time.
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Claude is here!
Does he want Shield Fighter?
>wonder who i can prefodder wily fighter from
>LITERALLY only ascended idunn
>and she's one of my definite merge projects, at +7 already
Who is for KIRAN? Other than Alfonse.
Go back to /feg/, loser.
Anyone have any of these to lead with in BW?
Hail to the king, baby
>No DC Echo
Smh awful build
Fem Alfonse.
I'm going to attempt to stay in t21 using an outdated af B!Hector
wish me luck bros
Good luck.
It was quite stressful but I managed on the second try. Was aiming for 772s but I got two 776s in a row, kinda crazy considering the team's max score is 778.
Thank you anon.
>Nidavellir Claude
Looks pretty cool, I like
I like how his pose flows
eckesachs dc echo is the only acceptable build on zephiel
and I'm upset that i went to pity without any hectors, it's gonna be a few months until a new hero gets a rerun right?
This is lazy by FEH standards, this isn't even any armour used by any of the 8 books

This is just a lazy, recycled and reject art for some alt
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It looks like Fafnir and Nidavellir
I like the poofy sleeves, makes me think of his Legendary version.
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>lets make skintight bodysuits
>and give them ONLY to men!
This is an Otome and Fujo franchise
>Forgot to get Zeiss
>Fjorm bonus, but not Water week
>Don't have anyone else
Remind me again why IS thought an unblessable unit on a set rotation that might end up having her be useless as a bonus unit was a good idea
Because they gave her away for free as well as another free unit for back up.
Just use ogier.
Bro, your Bors?
Do I read this correctly that the next Emblem banner arrives on the 24th?
It might be 25th depending on timezones.
Dammit. My pass will be expired right on the 25th. No Lyn for me then, I guess.
talk me out of doing 40 more summons for DC echo for zephiel
i have zero orbs and would need to use...THAT
If it makes you happy, and you can afford it, then do it
You wanna sit on your rainy day fund forever? Dew it, faggot.
No. Post him when he's built
very well, i will wait a few days in case christmas banner has good fodder to dupe, but I'm looking forward to it
If you're talking about paypigging, you'll regret it when the game announces EOS come the new year.
>Because they gave her away for free as well as another free unit for back up
Thats well and good, but if they slot her on non-Water weeks, running her is as useless as not running a bonus unit; may as well just run a shiny new unit that isn't a liability
I literally do not have either of these because they weren't given out for fres
S!Micaiah's res check means that she'd probably benefit from Sabotage A/R over Occultist's right?
Also debating Crystalline vs Flared since the former probably helps with that too.
The Sabotage B sucks complete nuts since it doesn't inflict the status; as a debuff, it's okay, but I think it'd be overall more helpful to run Occultist's.
Doesn't she get flat DR based on Res? Probably better to keep Crystalline
I know it doesn't give the actual Sabotage status but I assumed the combat RES debuff in would help. Though I think Occultist has one too.
>Doesn't she get flat DR based on Res
No, she just gets flat DR for enemy's first attack on her B skill (which sucks). The Res check is for guaranteed double and brave effect.
Oh whoa, I was thinking Attuned, sorry for the Nino moment.
I'd just go Flared + Occultist's since she's a Cav
Why are you mad exactly? This is good, fuck dubshit
Game is in EoS phase, that's why they're skimping on English VAs now
first leila and now alm?
fuck you, bootlicker. this lazy ass shitass jew company
VA union is on strike, that's why.
Isn't there a strike?
hey Im retarded and angry but thanks for an actual answer.
You're a retard. Dubshit getting dunked on and normalfaggots like you seething is always a win
EN VAs on strike here in burgerland. Again...
nothing of what you just said has actual substance, faggot.
...what now retard?
>dubshit getting dropped, good
>normalfaggots seething, double good
that's literally it.
nuh uh
so what were hodr and baldr taking care of such that they only cared about kiran now
and not any of the other realm ending threats, like how ymir and almost all of its citizens were exterminated
Ask their boss, Allfather/Odin.
dear alfadr
what happened to the kingdom that fucked over laeradr
and how many other kingdoms are there besides the eponymous ones in each realm
kiran rape
They were in a very drawn out class action lawsuit that took a long time to settle.
Alternatively, maybe Loki was buying us time.
>only cared now and not any of the other realm ending threats
Conquering one realm is whatever, conquering 5 in 5 years is alarming.
Too busy making cases to IS why they shouldn't give out compensation orbs
I miss Blessed Gardens. They should do that again
I miss the orbs they gave.
They just moved them, man.
They've been giving roughly the same number of orbs per month since the game came out. The ones that they gave out in blessed gardens just got moved to other events.
But what if they gave both? That'd be sweet
Both would be nice
I kinda miss it, too. Ever since it ended, I converted most of my units to some type of Mythic blessing so I can use them in Arena Assault more often
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an OC on christmas?
also hortensia taking an engage slot means my jade hopes have dwindled
overall pretty disappointed already, though i guess deer man fits christmas
Guess the NY banner is gonna be rat/hres duo, heidrun, nidhoggr and 2 rando beasts/dragons then
My orbs are safe..
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>OC on christmas
We had Mirabilis before.
>also hortensia taking an engage slot means my jade hopes have dwindled
Same. I spent a year saying jade will be on the christmas banner with no real evidence, and It's still disheartening it doesn't seem likely.
Maybe we can still get lucky.
Guess I'm losing at least 160 orbs this banner.
If Eik isn't the demote/freebie my orbs are in massive danger with him and Lyn so close
i can't believe i never thought of mirabilis as a sugar plum fairy until now
Could always be the TT or the other two units (duo too) they haven’t revealed yet. There’s not really a pattern to engage inclusions
It's a sign of the endtimes...
The arrival of the sandstorm...
I was really expecting one half of the hands on NY and the other on summer, having Nid-Hres duo + Rat on NY and Ler-Rat + Eik + Heid on Summer made a lot of sense to me but having the deer man on chrismas makes even more sense
Also wait Eik is colorless and Hortensia is holding a staff there, the colorshare will make someone angry
Beast alts change color all the time.
>deer guy
>for Christmas
In hindsight it just made too much sense, of course
That also means he gets to be in any season now, oh deer
I wish that was Boucheron on the left
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>Oh deer
>eithrynir reindeer
>he won't be a flier
So what's the generic dagger build for the sly dagger looking like?
Depends on movement type since non-infantry don't get special precharging C or X skills. Since Sly Knife's 15% Atk boost includes AoE specials, it makes it tempting to go the AoE route.
and if he is?
he must've learned some inexplicable yggdrasil magic or something and it would be neat
Any chance she gets an amazing refine next month?
Infantry in this case, yeah. Is that the current go-to build?
What non-arcane dagger is best to update a once speedy cav dagger?
I'm thinking about updating my old S!Gunnthra. She has broadleif but that doesn't do as much anymore.
So far my options seem to be
Gainfully dagger: which gives NFU, Null panic, and 9atk/spd
Wait for ice dagger: which gives GFU, omni+5, and 50%dr pierce
She has lethality, but there isn't a good way to proc it each combat without an arcane weapon and so many units have DR, though a lot of it nowadays tends to be unpiercavle flat DR.
I can give her flare sparrow and assassin strike.
The main thing that build lacking is good movement, so you may want to do Sigurd Ring instead if you don't mind possibly having some turns where you don't have an AoE up while Pulse Up Blades does its thing. Other than that, that's probably what I'd go with if I were to build an infantry dagger with Sly Knife.
I'd hope so considering Marnie can cheat death with her built in miracle. Hold Out isn't the same as Miracle but Life Unending should live up to its name.
That new Hector would be ideal for my Black Knight (DC echo) but I have no orbs.
special-based miracle specifically cannot be neutered by fatal smoke, so she might finally regain her niche
if they remove its once-per-battle limit it's instantly all she needs, and modern dragon skills can make up the rest
For a flier with moderate spd and equal def/res, would you go with pegasus rift or wyvern rift? Do you think there's less units with high spd/res or high spd/def?
Alfred will be there because of MUSCLE
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Noir's Giant Shuriken has brave attacks on offense iirc, that would help proc lethality if you get the hits off.
I jej'd
Probably less Spd/Def, though IIRC the check and damage are greater on Pegasus Rift
>there's at least one character i want this winter, or some fodder that my mains can use
>the unrevealed characters are fucking 3h winter again
Man, I hope Emblem Roy is soon so I can do F36 limited battles easier
>m-muh 3H spam.....
You cucks are beyond mindbroken. The Engage spam has been way worse the 3H spam, but that hardly gets mentioned
There's a chance for January
I'd like another source of Atk/Spd Mastery
There will be yet more horrendous powercreep I can't keep up with slapped onto units I don't give a damn about
Sorry corporate, I can't tell the difference between this and expectations
>grabbed myself an atk spd mastery
>but i was a fool who didn't expect the inexplicable flier only restriction
>then sigurd ring came out anyways
>Got A/S Mastery
>Give it to Ivy for duping
>They keep rerunning her
I don't have enough fliers to keep giving it to
That guy is still around?
They're about the same thing when taking into account that Wyvern is -4 Atk/Def and Pegasus is -4 Atk/Spd.
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>going to want to merge hortensia
>also will likely want to kill one off to rearmed hortensia for duping
Killing one off is going to hurt. I wish they were different weapon types.
What's the best you can get for old infantry or flying EP dragons these days anyways?
>Just eat CYL!Alfonse's kit
>Feed them Laguz Friend or Dragon's Scales over Alfonse's B?
>Someone gets Ike ring
Kinda wanna wheel out the old chicken and manakete squad again, though I assume everything made to fuck up E!Ike these days will rape older tanks just by looking in their direction, sometimes quite literally in the case of stuff like the tree man
Laguz Friend is king
Beorc Friend when?
Laguz Friend 4 Echo when?
Never ever
Legendary Roy's Human Virtue
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>Beorc Blessing just makes you more racist
i forgot they treated binding blade so dirty initially
Maybe in 2025 I'll get something I want from my weekly arena ticket for the first time.
Pretty much all the early year 1 shit absolutely sucked. But yeah, the binding blade in particular sucked pretty hard.
I want Karla to stop showing up, I want more Eldigan
I keep getting Sumia, Fiora and Guinivere when I want Linde and Nifl.
I want Eldigan to stop showing up, I want (2) more Karla
I wish I could trade with you, I got 4 Karlas here collecting dust
Spoilers for Book IX
Fire Emblem?
Wrong thread, sorry.
Leak for FEH's first crossover banner.
>Christmas Fomortiis
Pffft what even the fuck
>Christmas Fomo
This is the best banner ever
So is Twin Save already powercrept by Briar Save?
Deer man is free?
>spent a year saying Jade would be on the christmas banner when I had no evidence
I let the few other jadefags down.
>Eik is the freebie
Fug, I wanted him to be good out of the gate I don't have fodder for him
>twinkling anima is just glittering anima, but with 50% dr pierce
Lame. I wanted double Hortensia to be a buff/debuff menace.
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>MAlear christmas duo with FAlear
>Manleth Duo with Femleth
Are we getting a Mamui duo with Femui next year or a Kris duo with FKris?
>MAlear not duo'd with Veyle
disheartening. I wanted them together.
Look at his scarf, he's so precious
When was the last time we got a Christmas TT reward that was a girl?
Did Hortensia get a boobjob for Christmas? Or are her Illusian royalty genes finally kicking in?
Yes, apparently. Gotta love a free buff guy
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no, i was grasping at straws regardless too
her next chance will be another year from now
I can't even be mad
Christmas Fomortiis is fucking gold
Save orbs for the Emblem hero or splurge on Christmas Demon? Decisions
the emblem hero will be lyn and she will have 3+ range and summon decoys and you will be sad you dont have orbs for her
>two more avatar units and an engage characters
Honestly he saved that banner
she'll probably just have a potent ring, and her prf will be 7x attacks or something
i'd welcome extra range if only to pave the way for mage cannoneers
But I like Fomortiis more than Lyn
Hey now
Shez is cool
Wouldn't it be funny if Fomortiis won AHR again with his Christmas alt?
Not really. I wouldn't mind it, though, since his fodder is ok unlike his original version, which was a complete waste fodder-wise.
Fomortiis needs to win CYL9
Fomortis has never been eligible at all for CYL for some reason
>been spooked by 5 fomortiis
you're fucking telling me, god
too bad he will only be meta for a week or two before the new emblem
I like how units are still bullying Emblem Ike in trailers like killing him is even an accomplishment anymore.
and emblem ike had like no support whatsoever
i think they're trying to make powercreep seem not as blatant either
>fomortiis almost* died to summer petra
>alears almost* died to laeradr
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Not bad, perfect candidate for the red nose accessory
the sleigh is a fun touch. If only he was a cav riding/pulling it
I was laughing hard over Formotiis. Likely going to save for future Emblems though.
>BK was two years ago
>edelgard was last year
>fomortiis this year
Which villain is next year? Fire dragon? Ashnard?
santa jahn
If he ends up being the main villain Alfador would be perfect for christmas
The tiny little Lyon is pretty funny ngl, he's like a little Christmas ornament himelf
So he's the free TT unit? RIP then
Absolutely no way they're giving him Divine Strength... right?
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It's beyond unlikely, but not impossible. Some characters get PRFs when they're TT freebies.
What Seals are you hoping for? Which ones seem likely?
I've been wanting DC Beast for a while. Atk/Spd Finish would be cool too.
Close counter seal
>Winter Fomortiis

I fucking hate this game
you WILL have your turns ended and you WILL like it.
No, I hate Fomortiis getting an alt. Why did he get an alt. This game's a fucking joke.
That's a silly reason to be upset.
Lyon is a dev favorite, and Fomortis is a Lyon-adjacent character, so it's unsurprising
In a better timeline we'd be getting christmas Lala Shell instead of this shit
halloween lel was too perfectly executed of an alt, they dare not trifle with such powers again
>With shield fighter too
Holy shit, thank fuck he's sparkable
Not reading all that but I get the feeling this is a skip
>won't die
>WILL end your turns
oh this is pretty awful actually
thankfully it's still only if you initiate, imagine if celica ring fomortiis could run in and end turns too
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Which should I do? I want to give Thea Rosado's skills and I also want to give her one of my Peonys. My options are:
>kill rosado directly into thea without first killing him into peony
>get earthwind boost, wyvern rift from rosado and no quarter, fortifications, bol4, soaring guidance and atk oath echo from peony
>kill rosado into peony
>get no quarter, fortifications, wyvern rift, bol4 and atk oath echo from peony
I currently have nobody else who wants Wyvern Rift, so killing Rosado into Peony first would just be a "if someone in the future comes out that wants it" insurance, but I'll get less skills on my Thea.
Usually I'd complain and seethe about a m*le freebie but Deer Man is ok I guess
I'd say give all of the fodder to Thea, there is a chance you might regret it but there's also a chance they might release an attuned/rearmed that already comes with, or wyvern rift becomes outdated when there's another unit you might want to give it to
Powercreep is insane nowadays so odds are Wyvern Rift will be outdated sooner than later. I'd say just fodder it directly to your Thea desu.
Done. Now to decide if I want my 5th skill to actually be Soaring Guidance or Spd Def Rein Snap. Peony has both. Honestly neither are all that important to me since the most my Thea does is try to solo LHBs, and both those skills (and bol4 for that matter, but it seems good to have regardless) require allies.
>wrathful staff seal
You know what, fine. It'll do.
Wrathful Staff and Spd/Res Tempo for the Seals
Not too bad
it would technically free up the b slot for healers, but poetic justice is just so damn good

also can't go wrong with more spd related seals at least
So raindeer dude still gives Bonus Doubler and the extra +3 to whichever stats get boosted, and he just nullifies his Atk/Def penalties plus his foe's Atk/Def bonuses
Compared to his Mythic version he's just missing the dual phase penalty cleanse from his B skill and the flat DR equal to half of his total bonuses
Its not like we have a unit that can move 3 times per turn. Oh wait.
Poetic justice is good, but staff units have a lot of trouble getting DR piercing. My Valentines elise, for example, is probably gonna get a lot more out of having resonance in the b slot, and wrathful in the seal slot.
Yeah I have Thea on a dedicated Binding Blade team with Fae and Zephiel, they really benefit from the extra movement.
Wow. The mods here don't care either?
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Where's her nose?
Thoughts on this build for B!Robin?
>Fomortiis and Shez
>Fomo also comes with shield fighter so I don't have to roll for Fjorm
Best winter banner ever
Looks good, you can also consider Excel for more flat DR
I wish she were veyle instead. It would have been perfect.
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thats actually pretty odd now that you mention it
Guess it's not super worth killing off a Winter Hortensia to a Rearmed Hortensia if all she's getting is a healing special, even if it's a good one.
>Shez has no canto
they really want us to roll for Leila's C skill, huh
Who did you want instead?
Corrin F
>Peony has too many good fodder that i didn't pick the X skill
It's over
[Spoiler]the 5th was BoL4, guess i can pick it up when i get a Mastery + Crux ln Peony[/spoiler]
Honestly I'd prefer Alfred (because of Deer man) or literally anyone else from Engage rather than a fucking meme choice.

Like I'm tired of waiting for characters that still don't have alts, and then they waste it on this guy.
Fomortiis also didn't have alts
I wouldn't call him a meme choice, he is the main villain of Sacred Stones with heavy story presence. If anything Alfred being there because "ooh muscles" would be the meme pick
I hope I freeroll Fomortiis. I'm not gonna use him but I want his fodder.
the eng VA strike is the best thing that has ever happened to this game, why can't all trailers be like this? To think that this is normal for a lot of gacha games, we're fucking cursed
You'll get her next year as a backpack to Mamui
There. Had to Renewal stall Thorr.
That would be really funny because Mamui is incredibly unpopular compared to Femcorrin
The new assist seems good.
>still no Hel alt
>still no Thrasir alt
It is so over
embla was freed from her backpack, there's always a possibility
Boring pick. She's probably getting an emblem soon anyways.
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Who would've liked better in the christmas banner?
Personally I would've loved a christmas Eliwood or maybe a Jugdral christmas banner
Replace FAlear with veyle
Add Jade
They are saving all resources of FE4-themed Summer, Halloween, and Christmas banners for next year.
be honest you just want a jugdral anything because they're not allowed to have fun seasonals
I would prefer eternal 3H christmas to end so replace petra and shez with literally anyone
Petra isn't on the banner.
It's Lyon, Alear, Hortensia, Shez and deerman TT.
I kust have had a stroke then
You know what I mean.
To be fair, Petra WAS in the trailer, nearly killing Fomortiis
Which was an odd choice for them to include, you'd think they'd wanna show off tank units actually surviving ranged nuke units
Santa Oliver
she had effective damage against him so surviving was impressive.
i am a simple man, all i need is
>DC eckesachs
>big HP
>a world bereft of humanity
debating if I'd rather run vengeful 4 or weaving fighter too
I'd stick with Wily Fighter. I'm not sure how good old Fighter skills are now that we have the new ones (Wily, Slick, and Shield).
Nice, you gonna feed him Fomortiis?
He didn't have aegis ready for the follow up due to desperation, otherwise it wouldn't have done much.
>ratatosr+ hres duo
>nel's brother
Is this the new year banner?
>Two Nel alts before her base version
Hmm, I dunno about that.
It's happened in the past.
I would have guessed MAlear be the demote but he's on the winter banner.
2025 is year of the snake
IS knows gullveig is popular so it would be a fair pick alongside nidhoggr
Mamui already has a NY alt, as well as most Fates royals and both Kanas. Feel like NY Femui might happen this year
We haven't had a new female Corrin in a while, so I could see it
She'll get all the modern bells and whistles, ie Negating Fang 3, 50% DR pierce, +30 to all stats, Scowl, flat DR,
vengeful at least has some useful things that wily wouldn't
>cd charge +1
>no enemy followup
but you're right, i think wily will probably come in handy more often

i personally don't enjoy save gameplay at all, which extends to shield fighter, so nah
This surge of codes was nice. 96 to go until I pick up Reinhardt for my bunny Catria.
Dorthea got three before she got her base form in.
>binding worlds
>someone running slaying + laguz + marth ring + aether
huh, neat
>binding worlds
>it's another duo ninja corrin
I can't go 5 maps without seeing her as an option.
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Are you rolling tonight?
Of course
>no one i want
>no fodder i want
unfortunately no
ice lock is the neatest part but it won't stop warping and still won't stop felix's dumb shit
yes, I'll try to +1 MAlear.
I'd like a couple of Fomortiis, one to use and one for fodder, but I haven't decided if I also want to go for Shez.
I think I'll wait a couple of days before rolling.
Aside from Felix and Sigurd (already using Sigurd and Felix is for Tempest fodder), who would you say are the best AR Offense units?
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For Shez!
Yeah, for Fomortiis.
why don't we have solid ground alt yet
would really like penalty neutralization for atk/def these days
Either that or Stronghold on someone other than Heidrun would be nice.
Ninja Lucina
>solid ground alt
Atk/Def equivalent to Crystalline Water and Stronghold.
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>left is easier to roll than right
Good. Look at those trash stats
>Left is a literal who from a JP only game and right is the arguably the most popular female in FE.
Now you know why.
how many characters even want it? there's plenty of high res mages that rely on res checks, but visible defense only doesn't seem as needed over something like fortifications.
the penalty neutralization matters more when everyone debuffs entire teams for free these days, and gets bonuses on top of that
No, gotta hoard some orbs for this month's Emblem hero
>safety fence activates on turn 2 if you're out of attack range even if the enemy advanced and engaged in combat against you turn 1
weaving or wily fighter for marni?
Shield Fighter + Emblem Marth
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twin doesn't really do much if you don't have a special precharging prf, even prfless dragons need dragon's scales + marth ring. but if your kit really needs sustain then its healing is there for you
briar gives you the damage you'd be missing out on by running shield fighter + shield special, and is generally better
Depends on the B skill/special, I guess
>another hall of fjorms with all 5* locked units
I didn't know normalfags were throwing a fit about Hortensia until I peeked in the /v/ thread just now. That just makes me like this alt even more.
I thought she was preggers but then realized it was her fluffy cuff
Boobs too big, she's cute otherwise
why did they have to make malear the lead
40 rolls. 1 Hortensia and literally nothing else. At least she was +Spd I guess.
Only got a Shez before spark, who ended up being Fomo. I was hoping to get either Alear or Fomo so i could spark the one i wouldn't get but hey, at least i got something.
What's the reason behind Ice Lock+ being 2-range? Is there something obvious I'm missing that would break or be illogical if it was 1-range?
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Probably a reference to how the freeze staff from engage, which it's inspired by, had a multiple tile range
I'm glad they realized despite their 3 mov, cavalry can still make use of the 2 space ally warping.
>keep getting off bannered by Neimi
>urge to forma her since she'd be +6
I love him so much
>35 rolls and no 5* yet
>no pass
So it's gonna be like that, huh?
How did your summons go?
I went up to spark for Alear and got 2 copies + spark.
I'm not sure if I want to fodder him to duplicate his special or if I should just merge him because I like him. I'm not really chasing +10 anymore as there are just not enough orbs to go around.
Can armored dragons still use the dragon defensive specials, or can they only use armored ones? I have 3 copies of arcane Grima.
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>L!Myrrh in HoF
>Can armored dragons still use the dragon defensive specials
They can
For teh lulz
epic ftw
>Dick Sucking Lips SSSS
>one of the hardest LHBs with one of my weakest title units
This is gonna suck.
Stacking Seteths sure works wonders. My crappy unflowered +1 Dorothea 1-rounded deer.
Was fun to see.
Why the fuck has this stupid ass game not implemented 10 draws yet? Pulling units one by one takes forever and it doesnt help that 90% of the roster is worthless.
Side effect of the orb-color system maybe?
No. I'm talking about the lack of instant pulls. Every other gacha games lets you pull 10 units at once while the owl insist that you slog through the gacha one hero at a time.
I guess it would be 5 at a time in FEH
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Furries ruined my streak
How would that work? would the choice of a x5 pull be on the screen where you see what orbs you get? I wouldn't want to roll x5 and waste orbs on colors I dont want
Yeah, they'd have to have you set up a bunch of filters and stuff on how to pull.
>focus red, if no red, pull x, if no red or x, pull y, if no red x or y, pull z
>stop after x number of orbs
>stop after pulling focus hero (y/n)
>pull remaining circle with your built-up pity rate if focus hero attained with (y/n)
With the way feh's gacha system works, it just seems like it'd be a mess to get it to auto pull the way you want.
>manually summon a unit
>have to listen to their spiel for the hundredth time (and fuck the ones with two lines of dialogue)
>manually summon four more times
>repeat ten times
>go to barracks and manual ten units
>repeat five times
>manually summon again
IS have no idea what they're doing
If you're talking about the winter banner those don't need a pass to spark.
I wonder if I'll get another NY Plumeria from the tickets when they come. That tends to happen, she just loves me.
Lucky you
Yeah she's a neat unit. Wish at least seasonal dancers got refines. IS rules about it are so stupid.
Twin for Units with a offensive dr special, Brair for Shield fighter. Twin is a more impactful upgrade for those units compared to Brair.
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Demonic get
>paranoia, dosage, divinely inspiring, healing nectar, etc
these prf buffs are getting annoying, and their only counterplay is prfs
Bro, your Tina?
>Want DCEcho
>Want DuoAlear
>EmblemHero soon
How do i survive this month?
Well Briar has a shinier icon, look at the extra sparklies
That means it's better!
DC echo is guaranteed on pity, and while it will rerun it'll be on a b8%
alear will return in DSH, which isn't too bad
emblem is top priority
Legends tell of a magical card that can give you access to unlimited orbs.
Which one do you want/need the MOST?
the world of steel truly possesses some terrifying technology
Doesn’t She and Nergal get fucked by snek lady
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She's such a gigantic bitch it's actually kind of refreshing
>In her lv 40 she will find a way to break her leash and fucking kill you when most other villains just roll over
they really did not give her a single endearing line in all of her dialogues, stories, TT, etc
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>they really did not give her a single endearing line in all of her dialogues, stories, TT, etc
To add insult to injury they made her color share with Ririna
If you don't currently have the orbs and you want them all assuming you don't have a Pass i'd get duo Alear now since the others will likely be on other sparkable banners, Attuned hero's get alot of sparkable banners and the Emblem hero will likely be on AHR.
ISIS wants you to feel that way, but it's pointless to chase all that stuff. Just pick whatever serves your favorites best and roll with it. Whatever your choice it'll be massively devalued in 3 months tops and then you can start almost from the ground up anyway.
A decent amount of villains do that in some way. IIRC fomortiis implies he's going to possess you, or at least try.
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End of the year is always the most thrilling time of the year for FEH, if it makes you feel better NYTT will give even more orbs for Christmas and Emblem banner
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>Killing another dragon
Zephiel would not approve this
The emblems so far have been aggressively stupid. I didn't get ike or Celica because of bad rolls but this piece of shit is ridiculous, I can move damn near the whole map and autodance after bringing everyone in a 3x3 grid down to 1 ho
Marth wasn't bad.
I imagine lyn's will be ass cancer.
Emblems are basically must haves now because of the engage skill alone
They're the reason I started using premade teams in AA
Amazing Emblem skill, meh unit
Ok Emblem skill, busted unit
Busted Emblem skill, good unit
Busted Emblem skill and unit
I can't do the 3H LHB
Post your 3H units and refine a Seteth if you haven't already
They all have their base skills, and I forgot about Seteth. I can replace Summer Edelgard with him
Is that all you have? Refined Catherine with no investment and Seteth support can Orko deer dude, while W!Dimitri clears the rest. But if you don't have her maybe Tea Ayra can do it.
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I threw my wedelgard and wind claud and they did jackshit, is Setheth that good?
2 Seteths let this kill deer. I imagine 1 Seteth should let Claude kill deer. Just throw Drive Atk C and S on Seteth and he's giving your team about +21 Atk.
Just use Felix lol
Fodder is for killing, not using.
Felix is one of the best units in the game. You'd have to not want to win ever to not use him.
Already won without him.
I miss the duo chrom days...
>can't dupe out both ice lock+ and resonance 4 if i gave them to hortensia
6 SI limit when?
>Double QR wary fighter hector for omni breaker
Now that was a build.
>CC + Vantage Takumi
THAT was a build.
I liked it so much I +10
Don't care what anyone says I want to go balls deep in her
>one more day to finish arena quests
Fine, I'll stop procrastinating and do them.
Holy shit, thanks for that, Seteth is rad as hell, I should actually build him as a support unit
Will you be buying this child for $9?
Most likely, yeah.
Was there a point where Summoner Duels were fun? I didn’t play when it was introduced
I had legit fun with it when it was first introduced and units weren't designed to give you easy wins. The most threatening thing there was at the time was I think Hardy Fighter Far Save Brave Hector.
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We had it easy this time, I bet we're gonna get Gaiden for Nidhoggr and Treeman.
If I really, really need the Orbs sure, but is Vengeful Fighter 4 even still good? Beacon would be fine to give to whoever though, I suppose
I'd rather wait for the pack with a new hero stat screen
Embla was the main villain, Thrasir was made just for Lif to not be alone
Just wait for emblem hector
Who would you guys say are the Top 5 most influential units of Book 7?
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So precious
you've gotta be shitting me, i spent orbs on that fucking rerun
I was indifferent to sommie until they made him follow you around with little suction cup noises. It reminded me of my dog. Cute little guy. It's strange he isn't something you can out in Awther resort or the main page.
already makes up for the sabotage they did with yunaka last year
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I'm still waiting.
how can she just casually walk around half naked and IS never decided to capitalize on this
She is one of these character who cannot get alt by herself
Imagine the HORROR if Thrasir is the cheerleader of NU!Veronica
A part of me wanted Fomortis but this is good too
When will they make him an actual unit?
When they start doing April Fools banners.
Only when they have the balls to make this banner
Sommie [beast unit with the effect of always being transformed]
Fire Dragon
Rajaion (Demote) [perma transformed in battle and art]
Grima Fomortiis harmonic(both are transformed at all times and both are so big there isn't space in the art so both are partially cut off) [also there still isn't any unit that is named Grima, every Grima is named Robin so far]
Maurice (Freebie)
In the reveal there is a joke of Sommie wandering into the wrong place
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Bros, I can't defeat Nidhogger in Arena with my +10 units...
Hear me out
Fomortiis/Loptous duo
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Unkillable EmblemIkes in Arena?
Now those were days...
Uncounterable windsweep
>Lyn ring
Yeah, it was insanely fun when it came out. Stayed good for a little while when it was mostly about teams instead of individual boss units. Now that every unit is a boss unit or 90% of teams featuring the same few units while you can't use your favorites, it's really unfun.
I'd kill for additional restrictions. No 8% units, no duos, Book 6 and Prior, etc
Is fomortii's riding Grima?
Hope we'll actually get some nice Hall of Fjorms choices this month instead of dev favorite x4
>It's strange he isn't something you can out in Awther resort or the main page.
Maybe we'll get a little Sommie as a head accessory? They usually make a Heroes Journey or whatever that mode is called and give an accessory related to whatever the most recent seasonal banner is
>Brave Eirika
>Legendary Myrrh
>Summer Ephraim
You like?
Inb4 Aided Alear with Sommie aids
I'd like shigure for NY just so I can have a whole family team with the same theme.
I don't mind OCs getting NY as it tenda to be the only alt most of them will ever get, if any.
Is counter roar better than spikewall?
30% damage reflection is really nice.
>kill everything in the map and use ESigurd’s AoE to down her HP to 1
>All my units die to her even at 1 HP
Nidhoggr is genuinely the biggest asscancer piece of shit in this game ever holy fuck.
Don't worry anon, at the end of the month emblem lyn will be able to kill her ezpz, so be sure to +10 her!
Fatal smoke is your friend. A lot of units have healing during/after combat that can be aids to deal with and fatal smoke stops miracle effects too.
I think some freebie unit also comes with a heal reduction staff, or maybe sand xane has deep wounds on his staff and that should be a tome you can get with the toilet paper.
Just finished it after giving up on the first day.
Bless Bernie.
>tap on the deer guy
>gibberish comes out
Since he was using Sigurd I imagine Fatal Smoke was already part of the equation unless he changed his C skill.
I didn't realize fatal smoke 4 was on emblem sigurd as well, and thought he had something else.
I don't know, it worked for me when I pulled out ginny for heal reduction.
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what skills for this girl? finally +10'd her yesterday.
I have a spare brave alfonse and I'm never going to use the summer goldmary so if she wants bol4 and lf4 those can be covered, what else?
Do you still carefully choose the best-fitting accessory for units you use?
yes, but then I use those units in FB to farm HM and then I forget to swap accessories back.
That's why I made my FB team rearmed/attuned/emblem units I don't care about since I can't/won't kill them off and I don't care what their accessories are.
When they're at max HM yes
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cringe reddit dog
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don't insult the doggo
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I don't understand "Reddit" as an insult here. Reddit plays FEH, doesn't that make you Reddit for playing it too?
really looking forward to see how E!Ike and laguz friend get powercrept this year
% based damage reduction doesnt really mean shit these days its feels like
Would you like to start seeing some more original designs on brave alts? They tend to just be either promotions or stealing the clothes of a relative or friend.
I've always really liked the "Dressed up as their dad" brave outfits. That said, there are some niche ones where it is some other non-promotion special outfits that the character has worn before that I think worked really well (eliwood's credits photo outfit)
I really don't like when they just give them their promoted outfit though. That has always struck me as boring.
>Altina still takes out enemies
God(dess) bless her, she need a Vantage seal
>rune's jp va is the same as rosado's
>even uses the same accent
Wasn't expecting that.
So why is Leila’s voice in japanese?
Don't know but based, I have the voices muted, not listening to California voice "acting"
Her VA is on strike over wanting protections against AI. This has apparently been ongoing since July.
It's not just dub Leila's, but dub Alm's, dub Fomo's (who's dub VA also voices Seteth, Lyon & Hrid), dub Eik's, and the Duo Alears.
But Female Alear, I'm actually not sure if it's because of the strike or because she was hospitalized this past September for a brain hemorrhage
It's either that (which, damn, that's no good) and/or male Alear's VA is also on strike and probably figures that it'd be weird to have one Alear's lines but not the other or something
Also (rein)deer dude's VA is also unavailable, so he's probably also on strike
The voice is nice, but I have no idea what she’s saying.
careful or you might trigger the dubfags...
With both skills you want to combine them with other defensive steroids neither are reliable on their own. They are both ok skills spiked wall is more for the obstruct effect while roar will give better EffectiveHP.
The most common one I've seen is Fortifications/Bonus Doubler D, LF with Aether, and BoL 4. I also got caught off guard with a Gust, Excel, Potent, Endless Tempest build which was kind of nutty.
I have a hard time seeing Spiked Wall not being straight up better if you're using an infantry unit. A/D lets you use the higher of your Def or Res for additional damage and S/R lets you use the higher of Spd or Res and it gives flat damage ignoring defenses, same as the counter in Counter Roar but not reliant on the enemy hitting you to use it. 30% damage reduction is pretty terrible these days with how common piercing is and you need to survive to get the counter damage. The only thing you lose picking Spiked Wall is the healing but that can be outsourced and in exchange you get 7 flat DR and the defensive half of Tempo.
What if there was a system that let you exchange multiple fodder units with one skill to give you an improved version of said skill?
Like you merge up a few Olivias and you can get Hone Atk 4 or Joint Hone Atk or something
I like that, the million Reposition manuals I have can be used at last
It would be nice but IS would never implement it, or if they did, then they would radically change most future skills to come from different skill trees so players still have to roll for premium fodder. Stuff like crystalline water, which is basically still water 5, would end up coming from new trees entirely.
I don't think spiked wall is very good 7 flat dr isn't going to do anything if you get hit by 60+ dmg and tempo is low priority, it certainly isn't worth rolling for.
Considering it's being compared to Counter Roar it would be on dragons in which case Dragon's Stone+ or Dragon's Roar are options to be stacking it with something along with whatever supports. I don't disagree that it isn't all that worth rolling for especially when Laguz Friend 4 is an option but it's not all that bad, just between the two Counter Roar is definitely the more outdated skill. Counter Roar is only if you really don't have any other options on flying or cavalry dragons.
If the Dr reduction is only halved then you probably get around 7 DR out if it as well, and the counter damage bonus goes before any form of DR, so it is at least always there.
Alot people say that skill based % dr is bad because there is counterplay but in my experience in game and in the calculator in alot of cases it can certainly make a difference there are very little units that just pierce everything without a special and in those cases something like scowl can deal with that. In alot of cases mixing different defensive effects seems alot better then just stacking flat dr.
I don't think percentage based DR is bad necessarily, just that you can't rely on it solely to protect you. That said, basically every new unit comes with 50% DR reduction now, so it's also not foolproof.
I see it as something that works in tandem with the flat/fixed DR. Attuned Caeda for instance has Dodge in her unique B skill (up to 50% DR reliant on her Spd), in addition to her weapon giving her 30% DR anyway. If that's all she had then she would just be a goner, but then her B skill also provides flat DR equal to either the highest total of her stat buffs or 40% of those buffs if the foe is infantry or flier.
In short I do agree, % DR isn't bad, just that it should be run alongside other effects that also provide DR.
>and in those cases something like scowl can deal with that.
Can it really? There's a lot of in combat Special jumping going around now too, so when that's faced with a Scowl it kinda just cancels out
Feels like you need like a second Scowl in addition to get past such effects
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Somehow reached the friend cap so I deleted some inactive players
Didn't free up as much space as I thought it would honestly but that's what I get for accepting any random request I see.
I have a few people that are still playing since they added me nearly a year ago, but still lead with Anna with year 1 skills. I'm waiting until I hit 200 active friends before I'll end up deleting them.
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Finally gave him some much needed upgrades
>missing all SD rewards from 1700 to 5000
I'm missing it from 700 to 5000 lmao
I really just can't be assed to touch that garbage mode.
>90% of my FL is other anons
>occasionally see them go 4+ weeks without playing
It feels bad to delete them. Sometimes they come back, but mostly they don't.
I've had this one Karelfag named "sword demon" in whacky letters. His Karel was fun to use years ago but he also left years ago. it feels wrong to delete him.
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I ran into a fun team comp.
Is it worth actually making multiple refined buffslut Seteths just to stack some cheap statsticks?
>IS hasn't touched in-combat non-visible buffs or flat damage buffs/reduction for a while
>More and more units are coming with debuff immunity to screw over debuff-damage focused supports
>Thief/Nergal just got added to the "units are just immune to that shit" potential chopping block
It's possible flat bonus damage/reductions will get hit soon with whoever gets released to counter the Healing Hands, but otherwise Seteth potentially seems like the most futureproof buffer?
>Spend most of BHB duration trying to get my faves to kill Nidhoggr to no avail
>Give up 5 minutes from the deadline,and grab some kinda-modern playerphase units and dancers
>Fly across the map on turn 1 and explode Nidhoggr and the treeman and half the enemies on the way before they transform
Powercreep is in every gacha but it's really unfortunate how skewed this game has gotten in favor of mobility and kiting and nuclear tag hyper offense
It's not impossible to fix but IS can't control themselves, every time they make a new EP unit it also has to wall and one-shot everything else it runs into which just drives powerlevels exponentially up to deal with it
I have 2 just so I don't have to keep spending a Light Blessing and Astra Blessing every week changing Seteth's blessing. Divine Dew isn't a valuable resource to me since almost no units I care about get refines, so spending the extra 200 Dew was an easy choice. It's not like I gave them expensive skills either. Just Reposition, T3 Link and Drive Atk/Spd/Goad Fliers/Ward Fliers.
>see team with full meta
>choose it for an easy win
>none of them have weapons equipped
Hasn't happened yet, but it would be funny.
Finally got codes for Arcane Thunder. Too bad I probably still won't use her for much. They need to stop holding back on Arcane weapons. A good Arcane weapon won't save a unit since a modern unit has both a broken Prf weapon and a broken A B or C skill.
I got the new Hector on a random summon and was able to pick up everything but Armored Beacon (after foddering Fomortiis for his far Save)
I feel bad about how little I've been playing this game lately, doing all the orb quests at the last minute, opening the game once per day just for the log in, completely forgetting about some orbless events.
Then yesterday at the last hour before reset tried doing the new legendary maps to get the orbs, had no way to do just 1 damage to the snek after clearing the whole map and remembered why I'm slowly dropping this gacha after almost 8 years. Stupid unplayable powercrept garbage game.
God please use this as a chance to add dual audio
Special jump isn't as easy to add to your setup as scowl is, all the units that give special jump don't give anything else and the units that give scowl are much better overall and origin pulse has alot of counterplay.
You think they'll add dual audio after 8 years? Fool.
Trannyhouse hates Japan and otakus. They want to shill their american eceleb friends as much as possible and pretend that Fire Emblem is not japanese.
>They need to stop holding back on Arcane weapons. A good Arcane weapon won't save a unit since a modern unit has both a broken Prf weapon and a broken A B or C skill.
Honestly the last ... 4? have all been pretty good. I took >>1634010 through an arena run, and he was even able to kill a decent number of meta tanks. Managed to get into tier 21 with him, even. It still required some work, mind you, but it wasn't totally hopeless unlike a lot of the rest of my arena team. That said, everything prior to the last roughly 4 arcane weapons ARE definitely out of date now. Thunder was frankly bad to begin with because they put the good part on rein's prf a slot skill instead. Blue tomes, along with lances and bows are probably the weapon types most desperately in need of a new arcane weapon that doesn't fucking suck.
>Blue tomes
I'd love a new one, honestly. Euphoria is still doing work but it'll start showing it's age if it hasn't already. Gimme one with stacked skills and no slaying so I can run LF and Flare
Yeah, euphoria is the better blue tome at the moment because it works better with AoE species, which are still the closest thing we have to an evergreen strategy. It may be suboptimal at the strategy, but it is still the best thing mages can really be doing at the moment.
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I changed over to japanese language to see how Baldr's laugh was written, and I can happily confirm that she has the proper ojou-sama laugh to match her drills.
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but does she say "desu wa" though?
Didn't check for it, and have already swapped my language back.
Either way this is good enough for me.
will elise grow into an ojousama
You'd think it would be impossible to improve upon perfection, but that could do it.
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>Trannyhouse hates Japan and otakus.
How do you get DR pierce on a ranged cav?
Deadeye and Lethality. Resonance is the best you can do on magic cavs.
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*berates you*
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genuine question: why did they remove his boot exposing his bare foot in his attack art again..? was that really necessary?
It's his quirk
I FUCKING hate Siegbert.
is it his quirk to give me the hardest boner of my fucking life?
I got Mia, which would be nice if I didn't already have 12 copies.
Lmao! 2Marni!!
Seriously though, 11 Marnis across 10 matches is disgusting.
Tempted to fodder off Nah so that Marni has a beacon skill and a tier 4 save. But it'd feel wasteful since I feel like shield fighter would be optimal on her.
>Forma Soul fragment
>Purchasable for 5 celestial stones (1 per cycle)
>Lets you replace an unit in the current Hall of Forms with any of your current redeemed formas
>At the end of the Hall of Forms they get whatever skills you give them
Basically you get to upgrade some of your formaas every now and then. Cool or not?
I'm waiting for Briar Near Save.
Worth noting that some of the new saves might appear on new divine codes in March
In 788 Arena it's all Summer Gulleveigs, Ninja Lucina, Brave Felix, +10 legendary bonus unit all with +10 Emblem Celica
I can't believe people spend literal thousands monthly on this boring game. I feel like a retard just buying one month of feh pass for a spark
I do not understand the thought process behind the last two Mythics. Nidhoggr is a straight up hard lock and I had to kite Tree Dude away from his party to do anything that match, do they not play test?
thought process about what ?
the characters or the GHB?
>do they not play test?
The characters, I just bumped into them in the arena
>do they not play test?
What makes you think they care in the first place? These are the same faggots that paywalled sparking and autoclears.
>base Hinoka
Meh, I have her at plus 4 now.
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>running 2 marnis
heh, what a madman

>make problem
>sell solution
it's been this way for quite some time
I already +10'd him from pity breaks and arena ticket summons so this was just a complete waste.
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Look at it this way anon, now you can start building your second Seigbert.
what would the most asshole marni team be?
>armored blaze, fireflood boost, slick fighter 4, fatal smoke 4, obstruct seal, and reposition so her allies stay behind her
>aoe dmg reduction from gotoh, and harsh command+ or rally so he won't advance
>dosage from nidhoggr, who also protects marni from ranged attacks
>laeradr for more chaos and no warping
Running her solo.
4th Brave Roy, I’m so fucking tired of him.
the cooler alear
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Never forgeti, RIP in Forseti.
>do your 1 fight
>event sits there for the next 4 days
I wish United Warfront was more fun.
what happened? isnt levin still one of the best or did he finally get powercrept/outclassed?
>been rolling green since arena tickets have been introduced
>still not a single Lewyn merge
I'm jelly
>if i don't bring nidhoggr to arena, I'll likely get fucked by enemy teams
>if i do bring nidhoggr, my score is fucked
Clearly the correct answer is don't play arena
Frotting with Rune...
They're probably only about twice as stupid and lazy as your average gacha dev, but the end results are an order of magnitude worse because everything in FEH makes you fight the new units or do some form of PVP
You can get away with design like this when your game's main form of competition is farming a point ladder or seeing who can stomp PVE the hardest, instead of FE mechanics
>do they not play test
They clearly do, just not in your favor
Every new unit preview has the dps one-shotting a recent tank, or new tank walling a recent one-shot dps, this is a feature and not a bug for them
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Artist is norza and the lucky lad is male Corrin...
I mean he has the same problem as every other green tome unit and that he's not recent. Forseti is still somehow usable probably because every other green tome available sucks.
how much of the christmas banner loses to nidhoggr
>He's got a Devil Arm
He's gonna fuse with Odin or some shit, isn't he?
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FAlear is checking out THE DEER
Duel Sim doesn't have Winter Hortensia yet, but editing normal Hortensia to be a pseudo one shows her "beating" her. Beating in quotes since it'll take a few combats for her to deplete her HP to 0. One flaw of Nidhoggr is not having NCD.
Armor Fighter skill that grants NCD when?
i always hated that duo byleth had NCD but they weren't too much of a problem anyways
of course ike had it to be an asshole though
>Fomortiis takeover
Oh hell yeah.
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That fucker just won't leave us alone
I hope he wins CYL
he has never been votable in CYL
You never know, they could add him this time
>Constantly roll blue
>No Bors
Is this how the Lapis fans felt?
>free summoned fallen ursula
oh neat
i've been thinking of giving verge of death to l.vero
Wish Myrrh had her refine already to make it easier to decide what skills to go for her.
can't believe Colgate-chan is into bara
Based taste
Mainly grabbing the forma so I can get high dragon wall for optimal scoring + dragon's roar to replace blue flame.
I don't know if I'll actually ditch her prf C when I'll use her in arena because it saved my ass so many times, but if I did I feel like shadow shift + sigurd ring would be more useful than any other inheritable C skill. I already have Elincia in my wind core so guidance feels redundant, and none of my scorebots really need BoL support.
Am I cooking or is it retarded?
I need an Elimine alt to butt fuck Light Season. Too bad Freyr was released specifically to target Astra Elimine.
Free pulled Myrrh, are the Unity skills still good?
It's still fine on hero's that can stack it but you do need to consider if the opponent has debuff punishing effects.
Imo unity skills are really only useful on armored units nowadays and only due to save skills. Outside of that every other move/weapon type have better A skills you'd probably want over unity.
Is this good or are there other skills I should look for? I assume C slot doesn't matter much since her Prf goes there.
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>Why did he get an alt.

cause he's popular.
I sometimes forget Felix has adaptive damage making Mystic Boost seal great on near saves since they typically have much higher Def than Res, Marni included.
he's only there because he was OP at the time.
His franchise
What Armour type would Brave Formortis be?
Armor Mage. He'd cast Nightmare and it'll end turns on initiation on his target and closest allies
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I hate HoF, let me skip level up quotes
No actually just let me skip the whole pointless level up animation
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what did she mean by this?
My mistake, Kichou. I thought you were that dreadful Enigmatic Gale.
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>Enigmatic Gale
>can't even make full use of my rearmed/attuned dupers because the prefodder needed is practically nonexistent
maybe i'm just greedy and should accept getting multiple uses out of a skill as is
It seems like a fine idea. High Dragon Wall+ Atk/Res Crux will basically give you Darkling Guardian if your that worried about another C slot.
Hard to care to pick up Formas of units I like but don't already have some level of investment since I don't have any flowers to give them, and by the time I accumulate the flowers the skills I got them will be shit.
By the way, start saving your flowers since you're going to need another 6000 of each flower to get everyone to the new cap.
>Fomortiis gives us one (1) summon ticket to the very first winter banner with Lissa and Chrom on it
Thanks, Satan.
>thought i finally free summoned a bors
>it was just valbar
Does anyone else just not even bother with rolling on these fucking shitty 5-7 year old banners?
I just roll for whatever color I'm looking to +10 a 3* unit from.
>free tharja
For all those units that want Close Counter I guess.
I roll on them in the hopes that I can get the unit I am looking for specifically from the 4* special rates.
It's pulled through for me exactly once.
I just roll red and pray for a dancer Miccy
>Azelle from Fomo's ticket
Thank you, Demon King
>One ticket
Damn he's evil
>A single ticket
>For an 8 year old banner
T-thanks, Fomo
Maybe go for D/R Scowl if you want her in full tank mode, but that's really it
ONE for every Winter banner before Christmas
My stoner collection is complete. You my friend, are a certified hood nigga
>first christmas gift
>one free pull to a 7 year old banner
>the banner already had a free pull
>not even a guaranteed pull
I remember when gifts were good......
and we can't complaint about it
we had good gifts at some point?
I got this loser unfortunately
Got bunny Veronica, i think this is like, the 2nd 4* special seasonal unit I've gotten, they really shouldn't have stuck them in those shitty old banners that don't even have a spark
I wish I could feel good for beating this cancer ass AR map since 4 of my 5 units on my team are among my favorites, but Sigurd definitely carried the first 2 turns. Bless him.
Fomortis saw all of the posts on his first tweet and thought this was what we deserved
>one ticket
>i don't know why
>Get 4*special Dream Camila off free pull on Winter's Envoy Christmas banner.
>Get Christmas Tharja off Fomo ticket after
Well thanks Fomo for the Christmas luck!
i ran into a refined prf and laguz ilyana in arena, I'm astounded how much flat DR she gets
Feels much better to do my SDS surrender on the first day instead of at the last minute.
The person you're harassing on Twitter looks like he's living a fulfilling life while you're busy spamming scat during the holidays on: Twitter, 4chan, and Discord.
Santa would give you coal
>he found the /vmg/ threads
It is so over
He's been here before, but everyone normally ignores him and he gets banned quickly. Dunno why the mods are taking so long this time though.
imagine if fomo won ahr once again.... wouldn't that be funny haha....
Two tickets today!
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Bantu and Patty!!
I got pirate tibarn.
What's a good weapon for a Lance cav that isn't an arcane weapon? Either offense or defense, but I'm leaning towards an offensive. speed build.
Pulled Fomo and Alear in my quest for Hortensia merges, tf do I do with them.
Gonna be real with you here senpai, you don't have any good options. Lances are in a really bad spot right now in terms of inheritables. I would would just wait for the next arcane lance to roll around rather than trying to make any of the existing generic lances work.
If you really must though, I suppose the null spear is... less abject trash than its competition.
Fomo is cool so keep him. Alear doesn't have worthwhile fodder imo so maybe just keep them too?
Y'know, I didn't see it before, but now that I have him, Fomo is pretty cool.
Today I found out that Olivia had an alt this year
Is there a duo unit you would've rolled for if the lead was the other character?
Icy milk
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Still the cutest unit in the game, but I would've preferred Catria, though I understand making the oldest the lead in this case.
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When she lactates ice cream comes out.
Halloween Duma/Mila, maybe.
Swapping Nifl and Fjorm wouldn't have been enough, Nifl should have been a solo unit to persuade me to roll.
NYPeony, I have gotten 2 out of tickets but if Triandra were the lead I would try to +10
For 10yo old units still at 3% summon rate
It doesn't feel like a présent at all
They keep vetoing the one team I invested in
So who will you be voting for this year in the upcoming CYL?
doubler lance looks pretty good, but good luck getting a bors
Black Knight
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Sakura and Nephenee
My Wife as always but I'll try and give a few extra votes to Morgan.
Debating between Freyja and Baldr. For the male side, Black Knight.
Oliver like always
Framme and Goldmary. But I'll drop some votes for Baldr too.
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last year my meme magic finally brought mozu in
this year it's all in on jade
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Knoll because I am based
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Mia's placed top 20 in almost every CYL. This year for sure.
I would have rolled another copy of ninja laegjarn if it was fjorm as the lead.
Same thing with bunny freyja, summer plum, and a few others.
>bunny freyja, summer plum
Eh, the art for those 2 were weird and I don't know if I'd roll for them even if my preferred was the lead.
I'm voting Sothis this CYL I kinda want to see what IS will do with a character with divinity (though I think like always it won't be too interesting). So I honestly would be ok with any of the God characters winning.
Nino as I did every year since Eirika won
Big softie
myrrh as always
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Same as usual.
Severa again
>3 tickets for the sothis banner
>neat, time to summon
>forget to pick up tickets and summon 3 times with orbs
Well, fuck.
>Free pulls for shitty chrimbus banners
>b!Felix from Gifts of Winter
>b!Alfonse from Glorious Gifts
I guess IS feels bad I didn't pick either from CYL8 and they want to fix my account.
>fucking Virion, Sakura, and Clarine with the tickets
>Get jack shit on the newest Christmas banner also
You know, this would hurt less if I didn't also get cucked by a Forde right at 5 percent. Worst Christmas ever.
Probably Leif, but might change my votes for Baldr if there's a chance she might actually win
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My daughter.
I am simple man, I see big tiddy with big drills that goes oooh ho ho ho and thats really all I need.
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>roll for Duo Fjorm for Shield Fighter fodder
>forgot how hot Nifl looks
>urge to fodder them off begins too falter
God dammit
That's why you get another one.
I still jack off a lot to the set lexorez did of her
when is the emblem trailer
OK coomer
One Ayra, One Mareeta, then 3 Hodr 2 Baldr
In two more days.
now that's a blast from the past
Who is the Emblem trailer
Dragon's Scales and Guard X slot, or just Reopening and then flex X slot (DC, Far Trace if possible)?
For which unit?
Old dragons with no real prf/usable refine (Chikis, Fa, Myrrh etc)
So basically just looking for generically good build to go with the Grima arcane really
I think it depends on what you've got access to.
I'd probably only go with Dragon's Scales if you get Dragon's Roar, mostly because that Special doesn't really work with Laguz Friend. Otherwise, well, Laguz Friend will likely still be your best bet.
>free edelgard
>Seven free rolls
>Complete dog shit results
Man, and I wonder why I don't spend money on this game
blessed tickets
I almost got my gun and shot myself then and there
Got a free A!Joshua and the thing so can’t complain
I really wish they at least adjusted percentages for those old ass banners. But ISIS seemingly is dead set on punishing people three times over if they dare to desire using one of those old seasonals: First, it's way too difficult to pull these units, considering how horrendously fucking bad they are, such that they can't even clear recent PvE maps without major investment; second, it takes way too much effort to build them up compared to just using some new unit which comes with giga cancer skills out of the box; and third, even if you do build up an old seasonal to the best of your ability, it's STILL going to be shit compared the current year's aforementioned cancer units. If ISIS insists on making old seasonals unusable in any competitive mode, the least they could do would be to fix the first problem and give them out more freely.
I assumed it was a guaranteed unit at first, like CYL banners.

Like, w!lissa is absolute dogshit IS, would it really hurt your profits to gimme a free merge once a year?
>no guaranteed unit
>no spark on the banner either
>to top it all off Lissa is colorsharing too
Yep, that's ISIS for you.
My favorite part about old seasonals is still that IS just refused to give prflets prfs and refines
I will personally break the kneecaps of everyone with Emblem Sigurd on their AR team
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I know that feel bro. I've been working on this since year one, and she was literally always just worse nino anyways.
Should I?
>not inheriting the x skill
shiggy diggy
Is the Christmas Black Knight banner next?
You have to be a ranged unit to inherit that.
Sorry sweetums, but this is GODgurd's game.
You're first
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This will go well
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>emblem lyn
>call doubles
>lyn gains complete invincibility for the first 4 attacks of the fight before her illusions are defeated
I don't even know if this would be considered OP at this point.
>emblem lyn
>potent+ so she gets brave attack per attack, 6x attacks
>also gets mapwide range
>emblem lyn
>if opponent exists
It's Emblem Roy.
>Go into the hero battle
>Get nuked instantly
Potent+Brave is 5 attacks
trailer where?
I ate it.
as in the potent itself would be brave too
lyn privilege
I just hope they don't do any of the DLC Emblems before the main Emblems.
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>tfw dreading the imminent release of new units instead of feeling excitement
It's going to be Emblem Edelgard
I like looking forward to new rings to put on my units.
Cute Bors
>emblem lyn
>first unit to have 3 range
>at start of turn 1 summon 4 clones (kinda like divine vein) that will form around her that can absorb normal hits and reduce damage of specials per clone alive. reduce damage by 10 for each active clone after combat/hit reduce clone count by 1
>emblem Lyn
>her boobs grew again
she went to the same plastic surgeon ninja tharja went too
It might be time to replace Attuned Nino's weapon with that new Arcane dagger. I mostly use her for AoEs anyway.
Wtf spit it out
And Astra Storm hits five times, so I feel like Emblem Lyn coming with Brave + Potent seems possible, if not likely.
I'm not sure how they'd implement the clones and the massive range (though I've seen one suggestion to make Emblem Lyn the first 3 range unit, somehow).
Could you use Nino's C skill with an Arcane weapon? I know rearmed units can equip Attuned skills with their exclusive skill, but not sure about the reverse.
Yup, Attuned Heroes can equip Arcane weapons and still keep their prfs
I've given Arcane Thrima to my Attuned Peony, for instance
>got gangbanged on turn 1 with safety fence with everyone within fence's range and catapult not destroying it
Sure, I guess.
Nevermind. I thought safety fence covered the entire row by default, but I have to move it in one of the 2 center spaces. Fine. My bad. Wish I didn't let that cancer defense get away with that win. Had a solution, but needed the fence to actually work.
How the fuck do I beat Níðhöggr???
fatal smoke 5, armor/beast effective, flash debuff/sweep skills. I used FS5 and flash to chip her down at the end of the map.
I should have specified. How do I beat Níðhöggr in Summoner Duels?
Gonna feel bad replacing Citrinne's Prf since it's pretty unique, but I think I'm gonna feed her a Lilina the next time she's around. Citrinne's Prf feels a bit pointless since anything she's getting is probably due to an ally with a "grants unit and allies within 2 spaces the following effect", which means allies don't really *need* Citrinne to pass them buffs since they're getting them anyway. There's not much for her to give them through C skills or X skill either aside from Oath warping which isn't really amazing or Incite or Pledge which also aren't that impactful. And her Prf's GFU effect is a joke.
Would be a bit easier to stick with her Prf if she could pass Sigurd Ring to the party, but unfortunately she was released a few months too early for that to be considered within reason.
>Fatal Smoke 5
He's from the future
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I've got no clue, sorry. She must be a whole new nightmare in that mode.
Pull Emblem Sigurd and pray
I've tried that and it only works like 50% of the time.

My team is
Emblem Sigurd
Aided Dagr
Duo Lucina
Rearmed Plumeria
Rearmed Marianne

Marianne is the only one that could be changed.
bro, your X™mas alear?
>free mirabilis from tickets
Nice, I wanted a copy of her years ago, but she was always overshadowed by something else.
If only seasonal dancers got prf refines.
Fomortiis is really fucking evil.
>it's a Marni vs Marni stalemate in arena episode
are they really gonna give us 6 and 7 more tickets?
this is uncharacteristically generous for IS
and perhaps acknowledging self awareness that old units are functionally worthless
I'm honestly surprised they didn't inverse the ticket amount to give us more tickets on the old banners and fewer on the new ones.
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Eirika bonus week was fun
All of the demotes are worthless and so are the units on banner reruns, so it really doesnt matter if satan gave us 50.
so what the fuck was that TT ending?
Is there anything more demoralizing than getting some ancient 3* turd like Virion off these tickets? They might as well have gifted us a couple hundred feathers and called it a day.
I often regret buying orbs but never once have I regretted buying FE cipher cards
If they don't have her special precharged an effective weapon like AMicy or LChrom can deal with her, brave bernie should also be able to but it depends more on their seal.
i don't get how they could possibly run another nidavellir sequel, yet here we are
They are setting up Mythic Nidhoweveryouspellit
In book 9 or 10, all the free girls will band together to open the rainbow bridge to Ganondorf castle for the askr trio and seal Alfador to stop ragnarok. Alfador will be using previous bosses for a boss run.
It's either that or it was supposed to be Eitri talking to him and mentioning how he will get summoned in the future and all mechs Will be named after him.
That's the difference between spending money on physical possession you can keep and feeding money into a slot machine, the payout of which will go Poof in a couple months.
>99th percentile'd by Manuela again
I think I've spent a total of around 700 orbs for her over the years and she's only at +9 now. Fucking end me.
Playing against some of my max score friends in AR is making me realize how powerful Ice Lock can be in that mode. Makes it really easy to move up closer to the opponent while still being out of attack range due to DV Ice so you can be more aggressive while still meeting Safety Fence's conditions.
It's 155 orbs to spark an Emblem banner, right? I've got about 127 saved up
Yeah, 155. Plus we have a TT coming up for New Years
Do we know which colour the Emblem Hero will be?
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Hell yeah, thanks, I'm gonna go crazy

I'm seeing most people guess Green
Rare case where I might just roll full circles
The worst option there is Veronica, but even then I'm sure someone wants Panic Smoke
Do we know for sure she's coming back on this banner?
To my knowledge she's only speculated to be in
It's her or Timerra, I think. Could be either.
I really hope its Timerra, her fodder is crazy. I'll put that shit on Garon
Glad the duel sim still gets updated. I'd have given up long ago.
I'm surprised no one was autistic enough to make an AI simulator since we know the AI logic.
Maybe if the game wouldn't have killed its own fanbase with PvP and powercreep.
Like recreate the AR map you're fighting and see what moves would work? Would be funny.
Wouldn't that depend on knowing which unit is in which team slot? Assuming that's even a factor, at least.
Yeah, it can be a tie breaker in some circumstances IIRC
It would be easier to do it for arena where you know the slots based on map and starting positions.
Trailer in seventeen min?
Yes. Get that f5 key ready.
It's Emblem Leif. Just trust me.
And he'll be just as good as he was in Engage!
...He was good, right?
Emblem Reinhardt*
It's Lyn
This game cannot get any worse
This game is so fucked beyond repair.
I do not know how they continue to make this game less and less fun for PvP
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>Lyn AND anyone using her ring can just hit five spaces away
They really let her safely nuke from 6 spaces away, lol.
>we need the whales to spend this christmas
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>they actually ported the range mechanic
bots wont be able to use this, right? This must be complete ass cancer in SD. at least they built in some "counter"
Emblem units are fun to toy with but are really pushing the boundaries with this game and it's tiny map.
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>the people who will still play Summoner Duels
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>need reginn merges
>also want Lyn.
I'm surprised there's still no extra options for restrictions beyond book 3.
So does this shit all over Fomortiis? I like his little Christmas scarf
She completely obliterated Fjorm by more than 3 digits. I'm not sure it's looking good for Far Save tanks.
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Hey guys I just made a new gimmick for my OC. What do you guys think?
Look on the brightside guys. We can have siege tomes now.
They actually fucking made Astra Storm, map wide and all, damn lmao
Although, when she actually uses Astra Storm she just fires the arrows straight up and they fall on the opponent, which I thought was also a nice way for them to show its long range
And then they just... gave her a billion range anyway
No, he's probably the best counter to it because of WTA and he meets several of the criteria to retaliate from max range.
Hope you all pulled for him, fuckos!
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So if you still play SD, you're just a retard, right? Like, you just enjoy splashing in a puddle of everyone's piss and feces?
Boy I can't wait for this to result in fucking style enabling buildings for AI control or just outright fucking 3 or more range attackers
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that's what i think too, it's an extra button and AI already doesn't use duo/harmonic skills
so it really doesn't affect me at all honestly and lyn's fairly tame otherwise
>Fomortiis saving Christmas is incorporated into the game
Pure Cinema
>cue Style Building that makes enemy controlled units default to style mode
They've never let AI use buttons before and they're not going to start now, that's the one silver lining to this
That and AR offense is going to be incredibly fun until they finally release a save unit to surpass metal gear
I'm coming for your asses Heiðrun and Micaiah you fucking cunts
Fjorm kind of feels invincible against any ranged unit
But, wait, Hardy Bearing should still help out, right? It'd prevent both the Desperation follow-up and Potent follow-up, I think
I dont have all the rewards yet. I'm sorry :(
She probably does just straight up lose to Hardy Bearing, yeah.
Nigga don't be sorry for me, you're the one in hell
>They've never let AI use buttons before and they're not going to start now,
Kek what's next? You believe Santa Claus is real?
SD is a really fun concept and it's design isn't actually too bad, but it's stuck in a gacha AND a FE game which makes it really fucking miserable to play.
Is Momentum in HoF yet?
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>he doesn't ho ho know.
They never let anything have beyond two range before and yet here we are
Don't forget about A!Hector that just came out, he probably shits on her too. Might want to run Hardy Bearing to prevent Desperation horseshit though
I know you're dooming right now and I'm sure it's very satisfying, but this simply isn't going to happen.
>Engage Lyn with Gullveig
This seems not ok
I'm surprised they didn't let Speedtaker ACTUALLY steal Spd by permanently reducing the foe's Spd like a reverse Great Talent.
It breaks SGull's duo skill and stops her canto and possibly her second action effect as well, so it seems like it'd suck on her.
Do we have anything on rulings for how that'd work?
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>any unit can attack from 5 spaces
What the actual hell I thought the emblem effect would be gains status after every battle permanently not drop an intercontinental missle
I am too tired to rewatch it to see if they adress it but does this also work with AOEs?
It does say it only works once per turn.
>even this won't quite save armored mages
bold fighter 4 WHEN
5 spaces in 3 columns!
It turns off AoEs thank god
Basically the unit becomes a ballista
A good enough Far Save with Hardy Bearing should basically prevent both Lyn and the one with her ring from doing anything at least.
Honestly bad news for me since I wanted her to be good.
Yeah, this is still less cancerous than Sigurd, Felix, and Celica by a longshot. Those faggots essentially have infinite range, get to zip in and out of combat with warping and canto and extra moves, Sigurd has that self-refreshing AoE, and what does Lyn get?

>locked in place, cannot canto
>can't use it again after being danced
>no AoEs
>ranged units only can get the full benefit of engaging
She's good if you want to turtle in AR-O but that's about it
I know I am giving Lyn Ring to my Nergal so he can steal shit from across the map
Oh wait I could have just used Sigurd or Celica and get basically the same effect
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I was just about to say the same thing, that's probably the funniest application of this skill
But I'll probably just give it to my Canas assuming I can still Glacies loop without Marth's ring
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BK's got this in the bag.
>They actually passed out Lyn's mapwide orbital strike
This fucking game, man
And the instant they introduce an armor she can't kill she's useless
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wowowow so we’re getting all 3 lords then? (yuri too please…)
BK's already finished swinging his axe while Fomortiis is in the process of punching so
It really is funny how much better of a Christmas this has been than last year
Doubly if you believe that Yunaka's shitty Christmas had the outside chance of causing her to lose CYL to Robin
>tfw wanna pull so i wont miss out on the shiny new toy, but i also want to wait for Lyn's rerun since i already have everyone on the banner except reginn.
More than likely, yes. I just wish the wait wasn't an entire year.
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i'll never understand their thought processes
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>Emblem Lyn is essentially a ballistician
Jake and Beck will be on the next Archanea banner, trust the plan.
Fuck Dragons specifically.
Always bet on the Burger King.
so, she's pretty much guaranteed to be at the very least in the ahr banner, right? that or she'll outright be the winner
most emblems have a good chance because their engage effect's are an extra ability for any unit.
Insane that they still think adaptive damage is worth any of the limitations dragons have, the only thing that buff did even at release was prevent you from walling Tikis with a fucking Rhys in melee range or something
There's like half a dozen characters in the game adaptive damage would maybe counter, and they're all alts of the same 2-3 girls who come with Mystic Boost somewhere anyways
Not for Lyn herself, apparently
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Was honestly looking forward to adding Speedtaker to my Duo!Sothis since my current B Skill (Counter Roar 4) isn't cutting it in this current meta. So it sucks dragons got locked out yet again.
Fuck off and die, stupid retard.
I got a free Dorothea merge. What about you?
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so who are you guys planning to turn into a ballista?
i'm surprised that DC circumvents its range completely
HOI4 large-caliber cannon aside, is it just me or does Lyn looks weaker than the past Emblems?
Me too. First worthwhile unit I've had from tickets.
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>Regular Lucina from Arena ticket
I got a Phina...
Ranulf :/
I'm happy I got another Surtr merge now I need one last merge to finally finish him.
AI opponents CAN use styles btw
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>fliers can use it
I just finished TT+ Book 5. It was meh but Nidavellir is also meh. I wanted to see Sindri and Eitri.
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I'm so fucking tired of this game. At this point they're just performing one big experiment how hard they can push their absurd shit before even the sunk cost fallacy loses its hold on people and the last of the minnows quit in frustration. You can't convince me otherwise.
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Kek what did I fucking tell you?
>still up
Man, mods really don't do shit, huh?
Wouldn't surprise me if AHR was all emblems this time. IS has no concept of restraint, so not only do they provide a great bonus effect to any unit you want to buff, but they're also broken units all on their own. A two-for-one special no regular unit in this game can match.
It's so fucking over. We're cooked.
They finally had a way of keeping the bullshit to player phase and they drop this shit.
It's fucked.
I mean, it does say "Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range."
Amusingly, it means that close counter should also work.
EoS! EoS! EoS! EoS! EoS!
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I haven't gotten a single, not one, good unit off these tickets
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>nothing good from the tickets, not even a humble merge for a shit unit I like
>nothing good came from the regular banners either, I was forced to spark everytime I wanted something, reducing my orb stash to ash
>now they have announced the worst cancer emblem yet, which is naturally paywalled, making PvP slowly but surely entirely unplayable for f2p fags
Could this christmas get any worse?
Fomortiis could steal your orbs.
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What orbs?
Why the fuck would you spend orbs when you know a new emblem is coming out?
Because the new emblem is factually out of reach for me anyway, since I refuse to reward IS's predatory practices by spending money like they want me to. I'm not buying the pass to spark Lyn, fuck you.
I have all emblems and have never spent any money in this game.
Everyone is freaking out about Lyn, but isn't her ability or type of cancer already in the game? She can hit anything within 6 spaces, or 5 for engaged units, but celica could warp 5 spaces as a ranged so she had an effective 6 range already, right? Sigurd and Felix can fly across the map turm 1and kill two people as well. Lyn's seems like she is just more of the same shit people gave been dealing with.
Yeah. Lyn would be much more difficult to deal with if you couldn't counterattack, but while she can potentially kill a unit from 6 spaces away, she can also suicide into a unit from 6 spaces away also which is pretty funny.
It becomes more and more overbearing as whales can stack all of that shit. They can now field an entire team of 6 units each of which gets to cover the whole map to oneshot whatever they want, and you can't counter it all. But in principle you're right: Celica was the beginning of the end.
She still can move so she has even more range, doesn’t need to worry about terrain or surrounding enemies all while staying in the range of supporting allies.
She can't move and still use her style unless there is a dance, 3x3 is also quite limiting for alot of modes.
I too got many of these nerds while rolling for hector.

What can I do to build a maximum Marni?. I got Hector to give marni the distant counter echo, but I'm a buildlet. Help me anon I don't nothing about nothing because I play so casually every single day.

I undestand Pannette is also worth investing in. T. someone who has played since day one and never gotten a crown in arena.
Baby Minerva was already voted out of HoF rerun wasn't she? fuck I could give her arcane giant axe but can't afford to make her a monster. I hate being too scared to inherit skills on people.
You can at least block Celica with terrain or your units to some extent, limiting the units she can target. Celica's engage effect can be blocked by warp bubble.
But Lyn? Nothing can really stop it or her engage effect other than a save tank.
new status effect on next mythic hero. the attack range bubble.
Thankfully save tanks are unkillable as of now
All we need is a nuke with "foe can't activate defensive specials" that's actually good.
That's only half the story. Most cancer save tank right now doesn't even use a defensive special.
we will once we get brave caineghis
I don't use Marni personally, but she'd probably want Fortifications, Slick Fighter, and that new Near Save skill that one of the Halloween dragons had.
>panic smoke
So what C skill will Lyn actually want instead?
I think the idea behind Panic Smoke is that you'll be using her at start of Aether Raids (turn 2 safety fence) thus giving your entire row of units Foe Bonus Doubler.
If you don't like that, I dunno what's better. Fatal Smoke 4 I guess. Even Atk Wave will add a cool +5 damage to attacks if you outscale their atk.
>>1639287 (me)
Nevermind, only melees can use even atk wave n
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shit the duo dragon?? I think I pulled her but that's a big ask hmmmmmmmmm. dare I be brave enough to actually use a unit instead of benching them. I can give her the slick from hector and distant and then use my CYL banner that I always sit on for alfonse and fortifications. I might just bitch out and give her BOL4 from him too.
I'm not sure if it was the Duo or Nah, but yeah she wants the near save version. As for Fortifications, just roll on the Emblem Lyn banner and you'll probably get a copy of Alfonse AND Lyn. Use that free summon on Felix since Red on the Emblem Lyn banner is good, but not as good as some of the other colors.
Oh, so NOW the AI can use buttons? I'll be sending feedback daily until this isn't a thing.
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Am I missing something or is Speedtaker really unimpressive compared to LF or Momentum?
It's not like potent was amazing either
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Ha Ha Ha! Your +10 Nowi is no match for my Shtoyle!
>V!Lyon can now end turns from across the map
No joke, I am fully expecting IS to not allow Emblems in AHR
That isn't even a bad thing in a grander scheme. Do you want Everyone to get a free celica or Lyn and have it on every team in every mode?
>ai can use the nuke button
So... Emblem Lyn with Embla means you can just snipe stuff freely without fearing any Save tanks to stop you, right
And Embla IS on a banner rn
i know most people don't appreciate how cute she is so she ends up underutilized, but yes
far save specifies "foes with range 2" but emblem lyn also has a line that says it's treated as range = 2
>Do you want Everyone to get a free celica or Lyn and have it on every team in every mode?
Yes. Level the playing field. The utterly shameless p2w kikery of IS would make even actual Jews blush at this point.
Pulse up ploy is an absurdly good skill for high res mages who want to charge an AoE. Any kind tome unit you want to give any of the recent arcane tomes is a good choice.
Bride Embla would be nice for galeforce too, but I can't spare any orbs right now
>Use Ninja Camilla
>Reverse nuke them
I'm as excited as I am for seeing Celica herself in AR
only if they don't have freyr or any other type of cleansing.
>adrift camilla
Meh, I have her at +4 now.
i should do my arena before lyn arrives
PvP has been dead forever, who cares?
I would kill for a Book 7 and Prior restriction
The notifications said that you can only have 1 style unit per team
>get tired of chasing colorless from arena tickets
>decide to go blue instead
>still haven't been getting anyone i want either way
i don't know what i expected
>Forget to finish arena last week
>No ticket
>Not upset because I was gonna get shit anyway
It be like that
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>begin arena run
>min maxed Marni
>min maxed Marni
>min max Marni
it's long past time for you to build a marni counter
>comfy rest week in arena with the Hector I luckshitted
>See min maxed Marni
>Oho in her path
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>>Oho in her path
lol Brave F!Robin is fucking ded
same with leila and she might be better because she is newer than embla
Im saving doing my AR-O till after I get her lol
>arena has been suffering since brave felix and emblem celica
>Emblem lyn can now just snipe a unit for free
Fuck this game.
With Emblem Lyn, boss characters like Fallen Takumi can finally be closer to their true self
at least in arena, unlike AR, units might start far enough away lyn can first turn snipe you
Thought it was turn 2 only, but it looks like that's only the case if you're using the ring version.
i will NEVER pay for my betrayal
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based, clapped his stupid ass
huh i didn't realize they gave that to leila
but she only inflicts it on the closest foe, which is a lot less flexible
Too bad Feud skills don't work on the one thing you'd want them to work on. Red Feud would look good right now.
it'd be wild if they gave feud 4s undefended
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>>also gets mapwide range
why must you curse us so?
>IS now accurately recreating ridiculous emblem mechanics in-game, even if it completely shitstomps 99% of other units
>IS also ok with shit like drunk snake lady just completely statchecking 99% of units
Just let all the final bosses and dragons have their bullshit at this point, a fat fuck with 100+ HP and twice a normal unit's visible stats would barely even be anything to flinch at these days, some of the newest cancer might even still one-round it
If something's going to fuck me in the ass I'd rather it at least be super Medeus or something instead of super Felix or some Norse rando
>grabbing some skills for half assed builds
why is armor march still 5* locked
Because not enough grail units have Atk/Def Ideal.
You are not entitled to good freebie units, chud
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I've yet to roll a single copy of Pandreo or Yumina but I can +9 Leonardo and Caspar. This shit is personalized and weighted.
I have like 15 Yuminas, but have never rolled a +Spd copy so she's still sitting at +9.
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The urge to quit this fucking game intensifies with every single Emblem they release.
It wouldn't be bad if the meta was cute girls I didn't mind using myself. Unfortunately most of my favorites end up being mediocre.
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>here's Emblem Celica!
>here's Brave Felix with her ring!
>here's Emblem Lyn!
>here's whatever nuke you want with her ring!
>and here's old tree man
I already struggle with arena runs and I've dropped all other PVP-like content a while ago.
I somehow manage to still have fun in AR, but mainly Chaos season. I hate bringing shitters for score in Astra/Light, and I'm not going to spend orbs for every new Mythic that comes out, so I'm more or less stuck with the free book girls and now shota.
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Lyn is a different kind of cancer since you can nuke a unit without putting your unit within harms way. Celica ring users are countered by warp bubble and similar abilities or terrain. Sigurd ring is countered by canto control and divine vein ice. Lyn's ring users I'm assuming counter is save skills on a bulky far saver.
you can also just position yourself to not be in her 3x3 on enemy phase, she can't move before activating it
which is already a common tactic because of ploys and all the other shit enemies have as is
We still have yet to get Goldoa Will Not Move man (other than his long outdated seasonal)
Even still you're talking about being forced into one half of the map which can be hard enough to do as it is in AR since it's easy to place structures that force you into Lyn's LoS
oh, well AR is made for suffering and personally i don't do it beyond auto dispatch anymore
>Nothing from tickets (Actually got Melady but that was from the weekly banner free pull so it doesn't count)
>Olwen from arena ticket
Merry fucking christmas
>Squeeze out 155 orbs
Let's fucking go, I'm gonna kick that banner in the ass
Siggy, Felix, Celica, a faggot of your choice wearing Celica's ring, Lyn, a faggot of your choice wearing Lyn's ring = team of six who all can cross almost the entire map on their first turn. Two of 'em even come with prf galeforce for good measure.
That's how much you need for a full 40 summon/spark? I got 127 atm, so probably after Lyn's map I'll come just a bit short, but I should be able to get more a little afterwards (since we got the NY banner and TT in a week too)
Yeah, 155 is it. It should be manageable by next week with 127 with daily orbs and the various arena mode rewards
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Merry Christmas /vmg/ and all 12 other Aversabros
Do you think healers will be able to Lyn Style on their second action after healing with Magic Shield or Ice Lock? Healers are pretty much the only units I can see myself throwing Lyn's ring on.
She will get a bridal this year, trust the plan.
Second action/galeforce stuff doesn't work with the lyn style, I think. It might have been something else.
You can't trigger galeforce/canto after using style, but I don't think there's any limitations for attacking normally, then getting galeforce or danced, and then triggering style
I thought she was a shoe-in for this year since Binding Blade got two years of bridals in a row and last year was Robinsexuals, but alas.
I'm trusting the plan, brother.
>christmas eve
>No 5x sp
Come on
Merry Christmas and may your pulls in this miserable gacha go well
Merry Christmas.
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Merry Christmas anons.

May your pulls on the Lyn banner be blessed.
I hope I get more merges for literally me (forma de female)
Thank you, Anon. You too.
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Good luck!
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Merry Christmas, Camillachads!
>hel resplendent that doesn't look like dogshit
They finally did it.
Merry Christmas, anons
Hope you guys get whatever units you're aiming for
it's no thrasir alt but i'll glady take it
Zappy Holidays!
>it's the sacaen PTSD tents again
>Accidentally did a second summon after a free summon on christmas banner
Brb just gonna kill myself.
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okay that was very easy
>40 summons
>Heidrun, Alfonse, Bernie
>no Lyn or Reginn merges
I don't know if I want to spark Lyn or a reginn merge, or even keep going on this banner. It's not really cursed, It's just not giving me the characters I want.
>Ascended Tiki, Sayri and Duo Byleth from all the free tickets we got
Is there a way to summon without using the spark?
I did not kick it in the ass. Merry Christmas FEHbros
Guess I'll call it there. Too few orbs to go to spark "just because".
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You get her yet bros?
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>350-400 orbs
>2 Alfonse
>2 Bernies
>1 Heidrun
>demote Sonya, Miccy, and Hapi
>sparked Reginn merge
>no Lyn or Reginns
this makes me sad. I really want to snag a lyn, but she wont show up and the same goes for Reginn.
Your problem is you save that many orbs.
I saved nothing, got lyn first 5 star.
You and I are not the same.
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I don't like this face, it's scaring me
Summoned to the spark (for Lyn), here's what we got along the way:
>uhh little sister of the Nifl siblings from the 4* special
I already have all of 'em (sans the last one), so they're either merges, or I can give away their good to great fodder
I think Brave Chrom might really like Reginn's Shadow Shift
It's definitely odd. I also don't like the way she's holding the arrow.
I got a spare Emblem Sigurd, is Momentum worth replacing GB4 on Ashnard?
>Fomo wrecks Lyn
Alright, sick, guess he's in my main party now
Depends on what Special
No Quarter? AoE? Or something else
good memories of fighting her in engage too
I plan on giving him No Quarter when I get that Dimitri manual
Would Lyn actually be better if you replaced Speedtaker with Windsweep?
Merry Christmas to all Anon and I wish you all have a great gacha pull!
>hop into ranged training
>turn on auto
>lyn chooses to use astra storm style every turn
4th roll: Alphonse
14th roll: Bernie
20th roll: A!Amelia
42nd roll: Lyn
46th roll: Sigurd
84th roll: Alphonse
91st roll: Heidrun
Fucking finally holy shit, I blew 461 orbs just chasing Lyn and Heidrun
The game purposely fucks you over if you have a lot of orbs saved to trap you into buying more orbs due to sunk cost fallacy
>can canto after using lyn ring
I thought it said you couldn't do that.
Also, just tested this >>1639752 and you can Lyn ring after gaining a second action, so you can adjust positioning if needed to snipe.
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Nice don't even have to spend my orbs
I got heidrun at the 3rd and 11th roll, then went dry until I got Lyn in the 37th
She doesn't have nfu naturally so you'd have to get that some other way but it can be better if they have hb but no ncd.
>No Lyn or Sigurd
Fuck, who should i grab out of the two?
Depends. I personally would go for Lyn, but Sigurd is a really good option too.
>will run across the map and explode an entire group, twice. aoe is a very potent counter to a lot of problems
>susceptible to trenches, weak enemy phase, baitable AI
>very flexible emblem effect that you can always pass around, mov and canto is always useful
>can snipe one target across the map, regardless of terrain, and staying mostly safe from enemies
>susceptible to saves/DC but probably outdamages most of them, for now
>emblem ring only helps ranged units but to great effect, though they can also still get countered so it unfortunately doesn't patch up old units very well
Yeah, this shouldn't work given the wording of the skill, what a fucking surprise IS fucked this up
only prelim but am I crazy for feeling emblem lyn is actually balanced?
sure she's strong as fuck at what she does but she has very clear answers that completely nullify her and those answers aren't particularly rare.
might be the first emblem since marth that isn't unfair bullshit. good job IS.
Freerolled Duo Byleth, are they still good? I'm guessing Sigurd rapes them
The cooldown on her ring skill actually makes it pretty shit
They are hardcrept by every armor unit released in 2024. The only thing they do of any worth is press the button the gives AoE protection
I think she just needs a Windsweep seal to eliminate some of her counters.
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Season's beatings you stupid bitch
I'm thinking either A/S Pledge or Inf NFU. Fatal Smoke only seems like it'd be useful if she fails to kill the enemy in one turn, and if that happens then you might as well be using a different unit to begin with. As for the rest of her kit she probably wants Sigurd's ring, assuming IS doesn't nerf her being able to canto after sniping, and maybe Guard or S/D Tempo in the S slot if you're running Windsweep? Or just Bonus Doubler I guess

Also has anyone tested if 2-range units with Close Counter can counter her?
They can.
Why does your Hort have close counter
In case I need it for LHB solos.
Nice going IS
For whatever reason i reinstalled this, i think i quit during that CYL where adult Tiki won, i'm not gonna tryhard but i want a phone game for the commute, what should i roll for with all the story orbs? I can even barely do arena because everybody seems to have 2 extra sacred seals and shit loads of effects (that are a pain in the ass to read) and my characters have no chance, are mythics and legendary unit banners still the way to go?
>Lose to some sped running celica ring marni
Like why? Who fucking runs this dumb shit? It's like a lineup of professional basketball players losing to cripples because they're too busy laughing.
As long as you can withstand her first hit and you have Hardy Bearing, she doesn't seem too bad to deal with
>are mythics and legendary unit banners still the way to go?
legendaries tend to suck, mythics are often good but it depends on the unit
biggest whale bait right now is emblem heroes, it's a third thing like legendary and mythic
emblem heroes are often really good by themselves (at least on release; ike was fucking cancer that is still barely manageable and sigurd is just cancer period) but their biggest feature is giving you an emblem ring to equip on any hero
only one hero can have that emblem ring equipped (think of it like a super good sacred seal)
so far they are:
>Marth - ring gives -1 special cooldown (stacks with -1 cd on weapons but doesn't go below 1, also reduces special damage if the unit has a brave effect)
>Ike - cancer ass infantry sword that tanks everything, ring gives unpiercable, one attack 40% damage reduction against ranged attacks if either unit in combat has special ready, or had special ready
>Celica - infantry blue tome that can teleport to enemies and bypass anti-warp effects - ring gives same effect but at a lower range (enemies in 5 spaces) and without the bypass, arguably the best ring so far
>Sigurd - lance cavalry with FIVE movement, ring gives +1 movement (unless equipped on a ranged cav) and canto 3 if melee, canto 2 if ranged
>Lyn (newest, released today) - green bow infantry that gets a second follow-up, has a new button that lets her attack any enemy within 6 range, ring gives the same button to the user but with 5 range, can't be used on turn 1, has a cooldown of 1 turn (I think)
The Lyn banner right now has her, Sigurd, and Ike, also has Brave Felix which is plenty cancerous on his own (although you can get him for free with the CYL pick)
Marni with Celica's ring is viable if you run Alfonse's A skill
lets her attack someone and get the stone terrain. these two bitches got me a crown last month
But fucking why would you ever? It's the most mouth breather thing I've ever encountered.

I've come to realize the problem with SD. Anyone I could possibly have a shred of respect for got their 5k and got out.
I don't know why you're insulting them, you're the one who lost
Bathing with Best Boy
Emblem Lyn refine when?
That must be a huge hot spring if the Demon King can fit in it
Simulating Windsweep seal with inflicting "prevents counterattacks" debuff, Lyn still can't kill relevant Save tanks.
On the bright side, she also buffs allies with Desperation and Preempt Pulse, so perhaps she can be vital in certain compositions to make other allies much more devastating threats.
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Easy stuff
Do you need dupes for multiple rings? Or just one? Do emblem heroes improve arena scoring or are they just strong? I feel like I need a bunch of new units because my old units just can't keep up, also how do you get those extra seal slots, do you need to beat the story?
She's a lot weaker than I anticipated. They really tried to pull something having her dick on Fjorm in the trailer
Only one unit can have an Emblem effect at a time. Merges give the engaged unit extra stats. Emblems don't affect arena scoring, but they're unequivocally the strongest units in the game. The X slot can be inherited from Attuned Heroes.
I was kind of under the impression that you could have her in Astra Style and then continuously snipe units and just refresh Lyn each time to do it again. Not only are you limited to just doing it once per turn, you also have to commit to using the style, like you can't just move and then switch and then attack.
It does actually seem a bit balanced, in the sense that like... if you can already deal with Emblem Celicas warping from across the map, you can probably deal with Emblem Lyns attacking you from that far too.
1 emblem unit is enough for ring. Merges don't do anything but offer you more stats when equipped with a ring for a total of +2 to every stat if you own a +10 Emblem unit.
Emblem units don't offer score bonuses. They're just typically powerful units.
"Extra seals" are from rolling a new hero type called "Attuned" units. After rolling them, you can inherit their X skill to whoever can learn it. The Attuned hero doesn't disappear after inheriting them, so you can both keep your Attuned unit and offer new skills to whoever you inherit them to.
You can only have one ring of one type.
Merges will add stats to whoever equips the ring (+2 to all stats at +10 emblem hero)
They do nothing for scoring

There's still only one seal slot. I think what you're referring to is echo skills
Echo skills are on attuned heroes and can be inherited to other heroes like a normal skill but require no preceeding skills. You can't equip an echo skill and a prf skill that isn't a weapon (for example Peony's dance + echo skill) UNLESS the hero in question is attuned or rearmed. Also if you fodder an attuned hero, you get to keep the hero.

Rearmed heroes are like that too (don't lose them when foddering) but instead of echo skills they have arcane weapons (basically a better inheritable weapon), they're not particularly good compared to modern prf weapons but it's fun to make old shitters usable with them
To some retard literal who strat no one uses.
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I got jack shit from all those gifted tickets, but I'll forgive Feh this time. Merry Christmas.
Damn so all the new stuff is behind the gacha and not the story? That sucks, I'll keep taking it slowly but I'm going to be demoted to like tier 15 at this rate, I don't even want to begin to imagine what aether raids look like nowadays
Emblem Sigurd makes AR pretty manageable for me. He's the only meta unit I use on my AR team and I typically handle the mode just fine.
>drunk snake and tree guy
Same shit all over, nobody use e.Marth the king hero bc he's useless like so many others it's disgusting, idk how they manage to make their game so despicable in one year, almost impressive, good thing it encouraging to move on
I see, so should I try to get all the story orbs to get at least 1 Sigurd to make it bearable? Like I said I got BTFO really hard in arena, a lot of times I can't even do intermediate with my +10 units
No Lyn but I got to 40 pulls so I can get pity. Should I buy the FEH Pass for Lyn?
Grabbing Sigurd from the banner and Felix from your free CYL pick should start making content a lot more manageable, yeah. Of course you won't score very high in Arena with 2 +0 units, but it'll certainly make the experience less aggravating.
Yes, b8% banners are built to sell passes because they suck
I just kept pulling Alfonse. It sucks.
Surprised Astra Storm doesn't come with the 40% unpierceable DR that every Special comes with nowadays
I love how after a year of fucking horseshit like Lyon, Ike, Felix, and Sigurd they got to Emblem Lyn and were like "alright why don't we rein in the powercreep a lil bit, no need to go overboard here"
Which Emblem ring should Emblem Lyn herself use?
Sigurd is the only one she'd be able to make use of.
If a melee version of Ike's ring existed I'd be using that. They probably wouldn't release it at this point cause it wouldnt be broken enough.
Doesn’t she already has DR piercing in her season?
She has it in her B slot.
i can see emblem hector getting it regardless
it's free unpierceable DR which will only fall off once they release the direct counters to that
Lucky to have finished my merges for Plush Sothis. Honestly thought I lucked out here because I needed 7 merges but only had ~750 orbs which was cutting it close if I happened to get unlucky. Hope everyone else has done well on their pulls. I now need to save orbs to get emblem Lyn now since I'm practically depleted on orbs.
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>started digging into unfinished maps for more orbs
>finally pull a reginn to get her to +7
FINALLY. Now to save for her next rerun. Hopefully she shows up on the anniversary banners.
What kind of characters want brave bernies curved shot over the standard deadeye? Atk/spd prime seems really niche, and a lot harder to build a demote with. Are there any weapons or set ups that work really well with it? The prime skills overall seem to have faded away on any non PRF user, but that might just be a tier issue on my part.
Your assumption is correct, Prime skills are pretty bad unless you've got the Prf or team building to back it up.
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Ok, but for real this time, there's no need for Save tanks to get any stronger than the last 3 good ones we got.
they need to get stronger because nukes will get stronger to stop save tanks and then the role will be obsolete.
It's a vicious cycle.
Yup, that's the only way you're keeping up. Him and Felix are what you need to solve pretty much any problem
So if an opposing team has Freyr or Attuned Micaiah, there's no way around preventing a foe's Save from activating, right?
You can get around Micaiah by also having other debuffs that have priority over the undefended debuff for her cleansing effect
I wanted to get Soaring Echo for Plumeria, but apparently I can't equip it even if I take off her Prf weapon? I thought you just needed to unequip either the Prf or the non-weapon exclusive skill, but according to the unit builder, I can't have Sweet Dreams and Soaring Echo at the same time even if I unequip Flower of Plenty. That's lame.
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I guess getting rid of her dance is probably the better support option anyway.
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>110 orbs spent
>got B!Alfonse, B!Robin, Sigurd and Lyn
A perfect way to end a lovely Christmas Day.
I think I'll come back to this banner later on, those green and blue shares are so good. And I really wouldn't mind some speedtaker fodder for L!Hinoka, although I'm sure Lyn will appear on the AHR banner too.
>Christmas day
>no 5x sp
They need to run this shit way more often with how much sp you need to get all of a new units skills
Anon, NY is upon us and they always base it on the last Book's OCs. Meaning snake lady and tree dude. Then Valentine's a month after.
It's only gonna get worse from here.
I wish ELyn was actually insanely busted so I could burn my 4500 orbs just to +10 her like I planned to.
>150 orbs
>2 heids
>2 alfs
>1 EIke
I guess that's cool... thanks intsys...
They want you to buy the special deals that give extra SP
Aren't they kinda really outclassed now?
They're still good enough, but yeah new stuff is better. They need a new Fighter 4 to stay competitive.
I wouldn't even mind if these armors were unkillable if they didn't also kill on retaliation. I feel they should be choosing one and not both.
Since Breath of Life 4 is a Def check, it should be good on Mythic Eikthnir (or however you spell it) right?
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I don't even have a Soaring Echo to give her right now anyway, so for the time being should I feed her Rearmed Plumeria's skills or Summer Ivy's skills? Speaking purely for AR purposes. Ivy's Soaring Guidance can help me approach/retreat faster, but Plumeria's Def/Res Ploy can help me break through bulky units easier.
Soaring is better than Ploy, but both is best via Soaring Echo like you want. Maybe just start with Ploy.
Yeah, I was thinking Ploy since I'd never equip Soaring Guidance again after she gets Echo. Selfcest it is.
Definitely, they are outclassed but when +10ing a fav it negates the issue for me because I'll use them anyway.
Yeah I need to start gathering fodder for them since most of my orbs of the year went to their merges and now I need to update their kit.
Best of luck on your journey to making them a menace
>Makes unit that can tank newest bullshit also it can kill on both phases, sometimes it even has 3+ range
>Sell 10 solutions in a row that can one-shot the unit, survive it or both
>Now the newest armor is unusable and also the hundreds of older tanks are even worse off than before
IS's complete lack of self-control has caused the game's current state
Though maybe even worse is a PvP and monetization plan based entirely on hoping an AI-controlled unit manages to kill any one of your tanks
>but when +10ing a fav it negates the issue for me because I'll use them anyway.
Fair enough, plus they still at the very least have Scowl (and it's like, super Scowl too, I think it can remove up to three charges)
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No one has posted these yet?
Is Nidhoggr going to be even more busted than she already is?
Is that Innes? He has the Nidhogg bow
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>new year alcoholic snake
>no orbs left
I feel so retarded for only realizing it now
You put Lyn on A!Ivy (basically base Ivy) and with her Deadly Miasma you can remove any of the ebenies positiveterrains and deal some damage to enemies around the target, they made the emblem synergise with the royal of the kingdom it resides in
Yeah I've been sitting here wishing I could throw a DV on Winter Hortensia to get rid of enemy DV Stone/Ice from a distance. So far I've just settled for >savage blow seal.
ny kvasir released shortly after legendary kvasir, and ultimately they were sidegrades
they can't make a seasonal more busted than a mythic or else people won't spend on the mythic rerun
Which villain do you want to be on a christmas banner and take over twitter for next year?
Ashnard? Medeus? who?
Rudolf only because he would actually look like a Santa
I'd say maybe Garon too for that same reason, but have there been any Fates characters on these banners?
The big bad of book 8. I don't remember his name but if he was a literal christmas tree that'd be funny
Surtr, I like him
>tree man
>as an actual Christmas tree
Now I need to see this be a thing
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>Nidhoggr NY alt
silhouettes already? It's the 26th
NY silhouettes usually get revealed pretty far in advance
> busy with holidays and forgot to get the heroes Journey hat
Missed accessories from HJ show up in the acessory store after a few months, right?
Yeah, Emblem Lyn just isn't the game changer she looked like she'd be. Positioning gets in the way of using her style way more than I expected it to, and almost any properly built save armor (including the one on the banner JUST before hers) shuts her down. Honestly the second worst emblem unit to Marth and the second worst emblem ring to Ike.
Good, I'm still catching shit from Sigurd. Do you really think her ring is that bad?
Honestly, something like this is probably the way I'd use Lyn's ring. Gets shut down by Fjorm and Byleth due to NCD, but people seem to be on the Hector train for their Far Save of choice right now.
Saul comes with Incurable which deals 3 less damage but also inflicts Deep Wounds.
Also, healers being able to reposition themselves with Ice Lock or Magic Shield's second action is useful for fixing that positioning complaint. I really do feel this is a healer ring.
That's what I had in mind, too even if I can't use it, DVs being triggered by Astra Storm is actually really cool. I wonder if Dazzling Shift or WoM Echo work well with that
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Lyon summoned every bit of his remaining willpower to come back from the abyss just to force Formotiis to play Santa. A fitting punishment
Yeah, it's just really limited in its usefulness compared to the three rings that are better. Marth's slaying effect enables so much bullshit that wasn't possible before, and pretty much every single unit can use it well. Sigurd's extra movement and Canto really helps make any unit much more mobile (although this is the ring I'd put at #3 pretty easily). And Celica's stupid fucking ring is still game-warping and requires careful attention in every PvP scenario.
I don’t want to buy the FEH pass but I got to pity with no Lyn and I refuse to spend more orbs…
IS paywalling and featurelocking is shitty but it's too late to change at this point
objectively it's a good value for the cost in terms of the orbs and stuff you get, and you can triple dip on the christmas and ny pities if you want
It's around 9 shekels and you can find that in loose change between couch cushions.
I'd put Sigurd above Marth. Slaying is only make or break on a handful of builds and if you're using the Marth ring it means you aren't using Sigurd/Celica. Not to forget it's the only ring with a con built in (-8 damage when brave), plus it fucks up Laguz Friend builds more often than not since everyone comes with Slaying or wants a weapon that has Slaying (Arcanes).
Putting move+1 on anyone and Flat Canto on anyone that isn't a ranged Cav is fantastic and frees up either your B (Trace), your C (Rein Snap/Tempest), or both. There's much more broken effects coming out biweekly that you want your skill slots open for.
Do we have a list yet of the best units to equip Emblem Lyn on? If I don’t have one of them, I would be less incentivized to buy the pass.
Just wait for AHR, bruv
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I used Lyn ring in AR today. It was fun.
maybe i should do AR again now that i can isolate the team with embla, snipe someone important with lyn ring, and watch as someone runs across the map to explode my entire team regardless
Safety Fence is broken as fuck now that you can upgrade it to rank 2. That made AR a lot easier to deal with. You just need to make sure Catapults or Duma don't break it.
>Play SD
>Only 1.5k points to go
>Match starts
>See snake
>See tree
>Close app
Is this game going to Eos in 2027? I want it to last forever…
Whales are still +10ing units every single banner. Top 30 list of AA has like 10 +10 Lyns with more as +10 rings.
That doesn’t give me the reassurance I want it to
I don’t want this game to Eos
I like watching the trailers and some units I love and I don’t want it to go away
The anxiety won’t stop. I don’t wanna lose this

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