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New leaks
>23GB predownload
>Game launcher asks if you're 16+ before starting (Weird considering game is currently 12+)
>No weapons banner right now
>You craft weapons with materials similar to how you enhance ToF gear
>Too many collectibles
>Stole wallrunning from Wuwa
>Stole outfit buffs (given to Kibos) and minigames from Infinity Nikki
>You can tame Kibos after beating them to low hp
>You can breed Kibos (disabled in test)
>Game is already fully translated in English
>Combat is like a slightly slower tof
This is from a self-proclaimed former Ubisoft tester leaking stuff in Gateoo's D*scord, an echo chamber for ToF paid shills
>There's too much shit to do and he doesn't know what to do.
>This dude seems to have a history of talking a lot about testing games over a period of longer than a year since 2023. He has tested other games like Enfield and Mecha Break
>>1629246 (OP)
Any idea what's the engine the game used, Unreal or Unity?
>>1629246 (OP)
Toilet status?
Back to your schizo containment thread
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>>1629246 (OP)
>No weapons banner right now
God fucking please, I'm suffering at GFL2
obviously unity
It's a simple question, does it have homos or not?
The only playable male in this game is MC.
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>The only playable male in this game is MC
>>1629246 (OP)
i hope its not granny panties censor everything
It's not a porn game
We don't know that yet. But from >>1629246 (OP)
it's likely that they will increase their rating to 16+ and that's enough for showing normal panties like GFL2.
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>>1629246 (OP)
Fake as fuck.
>>1629246 (OP)
This is literally "revealed to me in a dream" tier but I'll believe it.
>>1629246 (OP)
its gonna be garbage cause manjew are like mihomo now
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More like azur PAGmilia lmaooo
They want to branch out from flash games? Sounds good.
I mean, snowbreak has 18+ and it shows less skin than GLF2, yet it has been censored to shit by the government, it all depends who the gacha cartel wants to fuck over.
>>1629246 (OP)
>no signs of removing FEMC
Into the trash it goes again
its a shame lynn doesnt work at manjew anymore. she wouldve removed the femc
That's because snoggers are braindead and got into fights with mihomo of all companies/playerbases.
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>>1629246 (OP)
Cool if true
Can you prove that it's not bullshit? Like post screenshots or the leaks or something?
I made it the fuck up
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since when?
She still works there, but not as CEO. She left the company like in 2020, then rejoined in like 2022 with a different role. You can check the official chink website, it has a listing of the C level employees like any corporation. I'm too lazy to check the dates.
Having this fucking SEAnigger blacked NTR addict as lead artist and the FEMC are killing my hopes for this game
what that anon said. manjew has gotten worse since shes not ceo anymore
At least I take in the comfort that he's a shameless coomer, shame about Taihou META though.
same, i love azure lane but i dont have faith this this game
Cuckwasher being such a disingenuous faggot with his constant "it's not NTR teehee" backpedaling was obnoxious as fuck in Azur Lane, I hope it doesn't leak into Azur Promilia
>Can you prove that it's not bullshit?
See >>1629796
>>1629246 (OP)
>Source: my Ass
fuck off back to the aids infected shithole that is /alg/
how does his leak track record look like?
>defending pagpag hack artist
Seamonkeys stays unite!
You need to go back and kill yourself in reverse order.
dont care as long as it has lolis with small to medium breasts, although busty petites are fine too
>dont care as long as it has lolis
Hope you like genshin potatos.
It's fucking over

Dishwasher just quit working at Manjuu, this will add more months of delays
Who is this Dishwasher guy?
The main face of azur pagmilia.
Speak like a human
That doesn't explain anything but thanks I guess.
>nooo, not the hecking male gaze, from the devs who made azur lane
go join your 51% brethren xis
A fraud who only do fanart, rest is history.
gaslighting seapag, did ntr porn, pretending it was all in our heads, not a good look for manjuu, but good news he supposedly quit, never liked his artstyle, hopefully it's true he quit
>>1629246 (OP)
Not getting my hopes up for it being changed to 16+ but if it is then the game is saved.
Sorry about your homosexuality
Correct, which is why I only want hot chicks in my game.
Why do you hate romancing hot chicks?
does he know?
Male protags are fine in games where you don't see him, like Azur Lane, Blue Archive, or Gakuen Idolmaster.
AP's male protagonist looks like a little bitch while the female protagonist has big tits. Of course any straight male would prefer the latter to be in their game.
You didn't answer the question,why do you hate romancing hot chicks?
You know one of the suggestions is to make the female protagonist a playable character too right? Just as long as she's not the main character.
I didn't answer because it's a leading question based on faulty premises. Post better.
>pretending it was all in our heads
Damn dude, you're halfway to attaining self-awareness.
>gaslighting seapag
That seems something in common amongst them and redditors too, since they are the only one defending that seamonkey cuck. Anyway, is very good news that his faggot ass is now gone from AZ and AP, his dogshit art and his cuck fetish wont be missed
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Dude saw the 4chan leaks, he wasn't too happy with that and then started criticising AP a lot.
>saying the game needs at least 60% reworked
>that the game is fresh but buggy, like Kibo's in background only 2fps
>character models are pixelated
>there's a weird combo you can do to start walking in air
>the main menu can crash the game
That's the point, if the FEMC is still in the game there will be no romance.
>leading question based on faulty premises
>faulty premises
LGBTQIA+ is banned in China.
An ex artist for azur lane, there's an schizo on /alg/ that rabidly hates him and many other things, and makes the general unusable if you touch his taboo topics, this guy being one of them.
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>no i quit
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KR refused the trademark
they will have to ask again
I wonder what was the reason.
It's over. They'll have to change the name to Blue Genshin Impact now...
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We're at almost 3 million preregistrations. You think there will be any news to commemorate or we'll still have nothing?
I'm a patient man, as long as the result is worth it.
I'll wait until the end of January 2025. There's no way they don't give any news at that time.
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Okay so now what?
>shartnots got their latest trailer
>mugen got their latest trailer
>yostar just announced a new game with gradual news updates that will release soon next year
yeah im thinking its dead
hope this post is ironic
More like moronic. But honestly, does that retard forget that Mugen goes silent longer than this game?
Why do I see faggots here complaining?

project mugen took practically 1 year without traces of life.

Arknights Enfield since the teaser trailer 01 approximately 1 year although it had a stan at gamescom 2024

Azur Promilia is 9 months old since the trailer and had a stan in BW2024.
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Yurifag here I'm glad chinks failed to remove female mc. Fuck Azur lane for forcing male mc with that Onii-chan shit.
You’re both uninformed.
Mugen staying quiet makes sense, the game they’re making is way bigger than AP so of course it’s taking longer. That’s why they’ve been quiet and it’s not like there’s been zero news. They’ve done interviews, leaked designs here and there and even had an offline beta test a few months ago.
As for Endfield they’ve literally been all over ACG spaces these past few years. Plus they actually had a technical beta test you could play which is more than AP ever managed.
These games always drop news slowly if you know where to look.
>AP had a stan in BW2024.
Compared to the other two gachas, that’s literally the only thing Manjuu did for AP. LOL. It’s like they don’t even care about marketing it and want it to fail.
the biggest difference is AP has a license thats expiring with no sign of renewal anytime soon
and of course bigger companies can afford to drop their updates slowly they will survive with the tough competition regardless
its so over for manjew
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fucking faggots.. were literally shown as 3 new characters in BW2024, a blue loli, a milf elf and the maid cow girl in addition to the playable model of the dragon loli.

they registered the trademark in the United States on 11-12-2024, after having already registered it in the EU and also registered it in TW.

you don't know shit
>Mugen staying quite makes sense
Nope. Everyone thinks it's cancelled for a reason. And after 1 year, they're still not releasing any gameplay yet.
Yeah. Even Wangyue is more complete than Ananta, lmao.
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So not global.
>registered the trademark
Registering the trademark means jackshit. Nobody cares about that except manjuu’s men in suits.
Bottom line, after the first trailer they haven’t said a damn thing to global players, not even to their KR and JP whales. See >>1640492 it’s like they don’t even care about marketing it and want it to fail.
>Everyone thinks it's cancelled
That’s just you. If you know where to look there are still """leakers""" spilling details about the game’s development every couple weeks to at least keep the hype going. manjuu has done nothing like that.
the faggot believes that operational projects are registered because they are going to die?

You fucking retarded shit, you just showed that you're fucking unemployed behind that screen.
Wrong target schizo.
lol looks like I hit a nerve with this Manjew shill.
Anyway the point still stands, if they don’t want their game to die, maybe try actually advertising it. Or if they’re broke at least talk to their passionate players so they can shill for free. But nope, they didn’t bother doing any of that for some retarded reason.
>That’s just you.
Your imagination isn't reality, bro. If "everyone knows it" then I will at least see anything in project mugen subreddit, etc.
ngl anata releasing the trailer right after the nte beta makes it seem like they are scared
lol looks like I hit a nerve with this Ananta shill.
They absolutely are. Even they give interview when AP release their trailer, which contains nothing.
Do note that they are still in the very early phase in their development. That's why they don't dare to do CBT yet.
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>Ananta shill
It's just one chink schizo seething on AP for a long year. First it's wuwa, snowbreak, then ananta. I don't want to know the reason and it's best to just ignore him.
I see you discordfag.
>If "everyone knows it" then I will at least see anything in project mugen subreddit, etc.
It's a shame you can't read, my post said there was news if you knew where to look. Of course leaks can't be posted on the official sub, only the terminally online fags have the time to dig up and check out leaked stuff but that's the point, Mugen is a brand new IP and the studio behind it is known to be sketchy so the devs have to cultivate new free shills from nothing to defend their game. Leaking news here and there helps with that.
AP devs on the other hand are cocky as fuck. They think just having the AL brand is enough so they don't bother with advertising, and now all you see about the game is the same shit that you've already seen months ago. It’s even worse for global players since they don’t even communicate after the reveal trailer.
Cope just play your incelbait snowbreak or the png collector azur lane
>Leaking news here and there helps with that
Except they won't fulfill their goal if anyone can't see it. I see nothing of that sorts, so it might as well not exist.
>AP devs on the other hand are cocky as fuck. They think just having the AL brand is enough so they don't bother with advertising, and now all you see about the game is the same shit that you've already seen months ago. It’s even worse for global players since they don’t even communicate after the reveal trailer.
Pure schizo. It's simply they're not ready yet.
so glad that i'm the target audience for this game.
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A lot of mindbroken faggots itt
>He didn't deny it
>No news
>Just the same shitpost in gacha drama thread and the gacha news thread
How many pointless threads do you faggots need?
Oh, oh
Tranny meltdown...
FeMC stays btw.
>FeMC stays btw
Newless game stays dead.
I fuck FeMC 24/7
femc >>>>>>> ridiculous sissyboy cuckfaggot
it's not even up for debate, sorry homobros
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No man self-inserts as a woman.
based samefag.
Meanwhile in reality it's the complete opposite.
Your news sis?
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I self-insert as gojo.
Hasn't it been a year soon since the announcement and we got pretty much ZERO news or information since?
its time to accept this game wont be available until 2026 at the earliest
>COPE: The Thread
We are for sure getting news this January. If we don't then AP might as well be stillborn.
Nothing is happening in January, Manjuu is going to ruin the game by removing femc and it will flop harder than wuwa
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snowbreak is downtrending hard fyi
nobody cares about the inclussion of a femc
Why yes, all the big gacha with a femc option are flopping badly, idiot
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No sane person self-inserts into fiction.
I always write my own character into a fictious work I like so I can have the female protagonist for myself
>big gacha
Why yes, all of the games that are raking tons of money are also flopping
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Manjuu annual meeting on January 6. There might be some AP news.
>>1629246 (OP)
Any news about the mc or are they still gay and letting you choose?
>cucking yourself on purpose
Yes, there's still the gay male MC option. Don't worry.
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Here's the leaked MC of Azur Promilia
Just admit you're a cuck tranny
News tomorrow.
>femc ragers got completely btfo by stella sora's bunny sluts
>still posting the same shit here like manjuu's girls won't be even sluttier
wtf this game is fucking SAVED
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Manjuu is now recruiting planners for Azur Promilia. It's theorized they're getting ready to work on subsequent version updates for the game.
>stella sora
nobody cares about that game judging by engagement.
Well for starters, the name sounds like something a weeaboo would come up with by mashing random anime-sounding words together.
Is it even worth looking into if you're not a phone player from South East Asia? Sounds like it would be cheap and shitty.
>the name sounds like something a weeaboo would come up with by mashing random anime-sounding words together.
You are talking about the average japanese engrish title
A japanese title would be full engrish and sound dorky but kind of cool:
Stella Glow is alright
Stella Sora is pure condensed cringe
irrelevant. the point is that the presence of a femc did not prevent it from clearly being meant for the male gaze. the same will be the case here.
>manjuu's girls won't be even sluttier
It's releasing on PS5.
>What is Stellar Blade
Not censortendo? Sounds good
You mean the game by the same disingenuous devs who promised to not self censor even they actually did because they care more about appealing to the masses.
Semi realistic is not anime either ffs, itll be as censored as a mihomoshit game if it was
To be fair the "censoring" was because of copyright, the retarded character designer decided to wholesale copy branded costumes, so they had to change them to be legally distinct. After a month they released exactly like they were in the beta, but with different colors, and then they released even lewder costumes with the summer, christmas, and nier automata DLC.
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Official merch?
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From Manjuu anniversary meeting. No AP news.
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state of manjuu office
>>1629246 (OP)
>recently my internet barely hitting 1Mbps, yes bit and it's staying there
i guess i will be giving up on gacha
It's 2025... where's the news?
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is it finally happening? are they making an update announcement now?
I think they're limited backgrounds for a chat app.
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Abby is my wife!
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This game is DOA. After playing the Endfield beta, it's clear that Endfield is superior in every way, graphics, combat, progression system, and gameplay variety (like tower defense and base building). The character design is on another level, and the most important detail: each character has a unique height. You don't realize how much this matters, it makes every character feel truly distinct instead of just reskins. On top of that, the characters have unique gestures during dialogue, which is both impressive and revolutionary. Unlike Genshin, where the same four animations are recycled endlessly, playing Endfield's story felt like experiencing a high-budget game, akin to Persona or Metaphor.

After Endfield's release, Promilia will face an incredibly high bar to overcome. I honestly believe postponing its release was their biggest mistake, because after Endfield, the entire gacha landscape will never be the same.
Me on the right
Okay, but does it have unique footwear? I hate how every Mihoyo girl wears the same little heels.
Endfield unironically looks like a bootleg Star Rail thematically.
Yes yes I agree, but Endfield has men and that's gay. I'm not looking to play a gay game long term, I'll happily experience all they have to offer then uninstall.
>because after Endfield, the entire gacha landscape will never be the same.
you're saying this when the game doesn't even look like it offers anything new outside of the factorio gimmick. Ananta looks to be more promising since it's actually the more innovative one with the urban city exploration and customizable outfits. It also has better graphics and no faggots if that 1 male only character is to be believed.
Endfield is literally a ripoff Wuthering Waves and it's somehow even worse
>replying to bait
manjuu didn't send their best...
It's ok, I'm replying to bait with more bait
manjuufans are notoriously easy to bait
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Manjuu is now hiring QA. It's speculated they're getting ready to for AP's first beta test.
Like isnt their one license to release the game practically over
They can extend it, not an issue unless government declines the extension.
Yeah there's that kind of rule. But I never heard any game that does that and the clause is too vague.
(You can request extension of the license, if you give plausible reason). But there's no explanation for what constitutes as "plausible" reason.
Of course they can just re-apply it. That's what they'll likely do. It's not like they can't obtain license anymore if they waste it.
Normally when a company gets their license they're already going to release the game in one year (or at least have a paid beta test which is considered a release I believe), since extending your license costs more money and like you said, is pretty vague and the government can deny it.

But Manjuu works in bizarre ways.
Yeah. It's crazy to me that they just apply for license without having CBT yet. I think it's ready at that time, but CN drama gave them cold feet.
It's a good thing for us though, because they won't pull WuWa(lacking time to fixed/implement feedback from CBT). While the gameplay from the video looks fun, I think beta tester opinion is still important and can break or make the game. This is manjuu, so I don't think they'll ignore feedback like ZZZ dev.
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More QA recruitment has appeared. The first beta test is getting close!
Finally gameplay footage
>nobody couldn't even refute this post
it's always funny seeing the seethe
Fuck off. Genshin invented video games.
so does the game release today or was I baited by speculation journos
You(we) get baited. I still think it needs at least 3 more months and this is just for CBT. The fact that they only just recruiting QA >>1661422 means that it's not complete 100%, but I think it's at least 60% done.
I wonder how different this game will be from the trailer. They've likely complete it when they ask for license, but didn't release or at least beta testing it with this timeframe.
Today in China it is the 26th, that means the 1 year after obtaining the license is over
I wonder whom they borrowed money from.
I don't think they need to borrow money like kuro. Even Hoyoverse with their minuscule revenue from HI3 can develop Genshin by themselves.
>Even Hoyoverse with their minuscule revenue from HI3 can develop Genshin by themselve
it's dead on arrival
not even sex with blumine posters could save this shitty ass game
Is that real? Picked up if so.
Provide proofs.
Safe to say this won't be Manjuu's 'big break' they expected it to be. They'll have to be content being tier 2 company for the next 10 years.
Good. I don't want them to chase after wider audience.
b-but the money...
>Safe to say this won't be Manjuu's 'big break' they expected it to be.
chinks were creaming their pants when this game was first announced. all they need to do is say it's now a ML game, sell sexy interactive skins and hire some good PR and AP will kill the other mixed toilet open world games.
Even if they don't kill other mixed toilet open world games, they'll still survive with harem niche. The other mixed toilet games will compete with each other and this is their chance to carve their own niche.
Well, we'll see their decision in CBT. And even if they're trying to Omni pandering in CBT, I trust Chinese will bully them to oblivion. Heck, even if they don't listen to Chinese "feedback", I'm sure that they will change their mind if this game is flopping.
Expecting ML to kill mixed toilet games is just unrealistic. Even now Arknights and hoyogames dominate the top charts. Most people are not that insistent once they see women they like from Endfield or Ananta they'll abandon their ML only principles and play mixed toilet games. Pretty soon the airwaves will be filled with games from big companies, it's really hard to break through without being the first to release.
Ok but when is this game going to release?
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>Expecting ML to kill mixed toilet games is just unrealistic.
Hoyogames dominate the top charts because all high production value 3D gachas are hoyogames. High production value 3D gachas without men simply haven't been tried yet.
Even in hoyogames women massively outsell men, meaning normal people prefer female banners too. Liking women isn't exclusive to just MLfag losers that prioritize self-insert wank over game quality, everyone else likes women too.
Even if mandatory skip banners in the form of male characters aren't a deal-breaker to most people, not having that shit is still an advantage.
>High production value 3D gachas without men simply haven't been tried yet.
Infinity Nikki.
Well it doesn't have women in the gacha either, what's your point?
Kek. To be fair, LaDS killed Hoyoverse games indirectly by taking their female players. For AP, they'll only take otaku players from Hoyoverse games and I doubt that otaku players make up a big portion of hoyoverse playerbase. Most of them stop playing after Sumeru. The current Genshin player is someone that won't care about a harem game.
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are you sure? because in the world wide revenue 2024 LADS does not show anywhere
>Using android data when most, no, all of rich female using iPhone
Yes. Though truth be told, they should lower the multiplier for LaDS to be lower than *1 if they want to include LaDS.
I mean you can look for any data collector with 2024 revenue and it will never give you those gacharevenue numbers in LADS, if i remember correctly sensortower reported only 394m in LADS in 2024 it is a big figure but not even close to making mihomo tremble.

you know not even Uma musume with 900m in their first year nor NIKKE with 555m in their first year, made tremble mihomo, much less a game that wins less than the previous 2 omni.
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ML is already starting to kill mixed toilets.
Why are you ignoring Monster Strike?
What's stronger? The random chinese game multiplier or the random LaDS multiplier?
>Uma musume with 900m
>NIKKE with 555m
>394m in LADS
shiiiieeett people have to understand that mihomo is not a just a videogame company, it is a brand and because of the brand people will not stop buying it, yes LADS is nice and all but it is a shit that concentrates only on CN and mihomo does not care only CN because their games its in multiplatform even their worst game zenless zone zero did around 300m on its honeymoon on multiplatform, how the hell are they going to care when in a single month it did almost the same as the year of LADS?
Don't we have a drama thread 24/7 for this shit?
>not knowing that AP is the original drama thread since there is literally nothing to discuss
The thread has been dead for like 3 months dude, let it die.
For some reason AP makes everyone seethe uncontrollably, either the 'ml' side or the mixedslop side. I'm looking forward when this shit drop.
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>MC still stuck in limbo
Who cares?
https://youtu.be/vxRe7sL8ve4 [Embed]
I just saw a review for Endfield, and holy shit, this anon is 100% right. If things don't change, it might be over for AP. From the few character events I saw, the game also does pandering super well. This might be my first gacha where I pick a male MC just so I can fully immerse myself in the fanservice.
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>the game also does pandering super well
Can you give timestamps please?
>women massively outsell men,
they don't, what sells is meta.
>Even if mandatory skip banners in the form of male characters aren't a deal-breaker to most people, not having that shit is still an advantage.
It's kinda a requirement for me to try a new game by this point. The risk of them locking the gameplay you want behind a male char is too high.
why do all their lolis look exactly like genshin potatos
>they don't, what sells is meta.
Tell that to hyperreal lee in PGR, most meta unit released, sold like shit. Shortly after a female on the same role was released, was shit in gameplay. Still sold shittons more.
No man self inserts, period
That is for children and mentally immature man-children that can't tell the difference between reality and a game
You can't self-insert because you only play female characters, troon.
and that's supposed to be a good thing? there's a reason why normalfags consoom slop because the way they are enjoying fiction is wrong
You enjoy fiction by having basic empathy skills. This is probably beyond someone raised by /pol/.
Yeah and that's the reason why you self-insert in the first place, tranny.
Self-insert fags are simply incapable of enjoying stories that don't feature MC that is "literally me". The whole world must revolve around them.
God forbid the main character is a girl. Their fragile sexuality can't handle playing/reading from a female perspective, believing it will turn them into"trannies". Truly a pathetic existence.
Is this the newest cope?
>Truly a pathetic existence
Enough about yourself. How pathetic can you be that you can't stomach the thought that "you're special"? It's sad that you don't even have a shred of confidence in your own self.
Read my reply better, retard-kun.
Female MC fags are simply incapable of enjoying stories that don't feature a MC that is a female. The whole world must not have men. God forbid the main character is a guy. Their fragile self-worth can't handle playing/reading from a male perspective, because they have such self-hatred for themselves. Truly a pathetic existence.
There's a difference for me between story for novel and game. I don't self-insert in novel stories. But if it's a game story, then I prefer to participate in it.
Kek. This is really accurate.
>Self-insert fags are simply incapable of enjoying stories that don't feature MC that is "literally me".
>in fucking video games, the most immersive form of entertainment media
lol, lmao even
This post isn't saying anything
>It's sad that you don't even have a shred of confidence in your own self
If you had a confidence in your own self, you wouldn't project yourself onto a fictional character in the first place.

>video games are immersive only because I have a blank state MC to self-insert into
So you basically can't derive joy otherwise? Thanks for proving my point.
>still no news
Dead game
>If you had a confidence in your own self, you wouldn't project yourself onto a fictional character in the first place
You have a flawed logic, troon. Because I have a huge confidence, that's why I am a narcissist, something that you won't understand.
>So you basically can't derive joy otherwise? Thanks for proving my point
That's just you, troonsis. We can just read other stories just fine. It's just we prefer to self-insert in gaming media. Meanwhile you can't enjoy self-insert stories.
the best and most popular games are blank slate mute mcs or characters they can relate to yes? way to disprove yourself with such embarrassment
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Azur Promilia is looking for a new art project manager (normally it's one of the first jobs of a project) that means they just lost their art manager (or they fired him)
Dishwasher quit/was fired after all.
Not a good sign.
Not a bad sign.
Not a sign
a sign!
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Better translation, it just seems like an assistant job. Wouldn't be too worried about it.
I hope they are not wasting dev time and money on some meaningless shit like EN voice-overs.
but then the normies won't touch the game
Yeah. Nothing is better than half hearted something. WuWa got trashed because they use bad(normal) Eng dub.
You shouldn't touch it either.
There have been no news for ages, there's nothing going on. How do you people keep a general like this, what sort of brainrot does it take.
sir this is the gacha drama thread
By asking the thought provoking questions, such as, "What's the point of having an option to play as female MC in a game where you can only roll for females?"
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>What's the point of having an option to play as female MC in a game where you can only roll for females?
Fuck that is a good question desu
Actual fair point, you can't even use the "I want to stare at a girl's ass" because then you can just switch to the female characters you rolled for
>you rolled for
That costs money, the MC is free and available from the start
They always throw you some cute freebie at the start to keep you playing no matter the game though.
And what happens if I don't like the freebie?
More characters to choose from is always a good thing, you're not guaranteed to like every low-effort SR char they throw at you. MC is an SSR, always has more effort put into her design, and gets regular powerups to keep her relevant for all of the game's lifespan.
It seems the average chinkhomo crying about female MC doesn't even play his chinky games he cares so much about.
If I see a game with playable MC but no female option I just assume the dev is being greedy and trying to fuck with the new player experience to make them spend on the banner
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GOOD NEWS! Azur Promilia is getting ready to make more PVs. The wait is almost over bros.
i want not!gojo or not!scaraheng as my MC
I've laid off from copium and I've prepared myself for waiting until end of 2026. I don't even have any hope that they'll do CBT in the middle of 2025. I feel like they're lacking too much stuff. Maybe because their employees wages are nothing special. As long as the game is good(or at least it's a harem game), then I will play it.
Honestly, same. The current MC looks like ~16 y.o. boy. I want at least ~18 y.o. man. Fortunately, it's not a deal breaker for me.
>harem game
>with an option to play as a female
This shit is gonna attract so many deranged yuritroons.
I don't really care as long as there is dating mechanic or affection system. Of course I prefer if we don't have that deranged trans/closet trans in the playerbase, but as long as they demand romance between MC and other characters, then I don't care.
Yuri is why people play games like this and WuWa. Deal with it.
LMAO. Your kind is a small minority in every community. The full power of yuritroon is in HBR and they are losing to 7 years old waifu game.
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>like this and wuwa
They're called yuritroon because they're delusional, just like a woman.
They lost their art director in the middle of their planning stage and everyone started pissing on him because of his shenanigans so it's almost like they have to go back to the start, or at least get the rest of their art team to scrub down everything he was involved with (everything). It's not a deal breaker but this will definitely cost them time and resources. Could be a blessing in disguise. Could be a curse. We'll see.
I thought kincora was the lead art? Or is it just for character designs?
>it's almost like they have to go back to the start, or at least get the rest of their art team to scrub down everything he was involved with (everything)
Nah. It's a recent happening and I don't think this consumed many resources.
It's more likely because they change their direction. Just like WuWa, they need a really long time for rewriting 90% of their story and we can see that Kuro still can't fixed it completely (Where's Calculator in story?). From the first trailer, I think AP is CGDCT series like Atelier and will be focused on Kibo. Of course this is just my copium and we'll see the result in CBT.
>AP is CGDCT series like Atelier and will be focused on Kibo.
So they're trying to copy Atelier EOS? Seriously who the fuck would want to spend on a gacha where the main focus is on the Kibos instead of the actual characters.
>So they're trying to copy Atelier EOS?
Used to. I don't think that they're that stupid to think that CGDCT is the way forward. And if they really that stupid, then I don't think this game will be delayed this long. The fact that this game is delayed(without clear release date in sight) means that there's a big change in content. Don't forget that they've applied for license and you don't do this if you're not confident in releasing the game before it expires.
>Seriously who the fuck would want to spend on a gacha where the main focus is on the Kibos instead of the actual characters.
True. But what I mean about that is they're not focusing about character interaction mechanic, etc and focusing to Kibo instead. About the story, I'm pretty sure that it'll focus on Character, just like in Genshin.
You will never be a woman.
Except the Kibos are waifu material too, like that butterfly boss. I hope we get some kind of relationship system with them.
Right thats why the yuritroons are playing an obviously male gaze game like wuwa instead of an actual feminist game like hi3, oh wait
I doubt it. At most we'll get barebones trust system.
But I can see them adding Humanoid kibo(like that rabbit) as a gacha-able character and if there's a romance mechanic, then we'll absolutely can romance them.
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webm related is the first thing a yurifag sees when starting the game for the first time. Kuro knows exactly what they are doing, trying to bait these mentally ill people into playing the game.
The same shit is gonna happen with AP, as long as they keep the fem MC.
yuri fans are straight men who want (You) pandering and a cast of nothing but cute girls
sorry that you're a faggot with the hots for aether
you are not making any sense
it really depends on how the girls are written
actual yuri bait that focuses on being attractive over anything else are made by incel men because they have 0 idea on how females communicate with each other
real yuri will be liked by feminist because the dynamic of the girls will be like irl women while lacking the male gaze or fanservice
well from what I've seen on the current twitter the modern yurifag doesn't really like self-inserts (it seems that they relate the insertions a lot to incels and they dislike it) but they go crazy with the interactions between yuri characters, ZZZ currently has more yurifags than wuthering waves just for the simple fact of evelyn x astra yao >>1678634 this is correct, I remember that yurifag really liked yuni x mihara from NIKKE then when they discovered this, they started making NIKKE shitpost and abandoned ship i have to admit it was pretty funny watching their brains melt from anger.
What if i write girls according to your second point and have them boned by the end of the story?
>yuri fans are straight men who want (You) pandering
How can you retard typed this stupid sentence full of contradiction confidently? I forgot that you're a yuritroon and delusional is par of the course for your kind.
why does the presence of a femc, the thing you're seething about endlessly, encourage yuri fans? do you know what an mc is?
can't you see the whole picture?
harem game + all female cast + female mc = ???
any idiot can see the outcome here
can you not follow more than a single post in a chain? look at who i'm replying to then look at your own reply.
Non-sensical post
I'm not the same person, retard
i didn't say you are
holy shit learn english dude
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They will try to avoid clashing with Endfield at all costs, since it's next big thing on the horizon. Expect Q4 at best and 2026 at worst.
I don't see AP coming out until the end of 2025 at the earliest. Most likely it comes out in the first half of 2026, assuming no issues.
i wish i was born 5 years later, this sucks
Straight male "/u/fags" don't care about about /u/ outside of titalization which most gacha /u/ doesn't do.
>modern yurifag doesn't really like self-inserts
They are shippers the possibility of the MC being male ruins it for them.
>closet homos who want to larp as the femboy in a croptop pagther all day
if MC is not a gigachad, you better give me the female option, there's no way a straight man wants to play as a wimpy soiboy
You're not a real /u/fag.
Only westerners want that.
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As i said MC should, at least, look like picrel.
Remember when we thought the game would come out at the end of 2024? It's already been a year...
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looks like shit
Is the new weapon supposed to be good or something? They normally pair god weapons with the horrible trap healer weapons
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New recruitments. Seems clear Manjuu is preparing to make PVs, I saw someone speculate these positions are for making character PVs.
Now that Genshin is pandering to incels will AP step things up to compete or will it lose at the one thing people know the Azur name for?
Don't worry trannybro, in a couple of months once the yuri bait is done for zzz they are going back to cuck bait in genshin, then it's hsr turn.
No I mean it as a good thing I want this game to have hotter designs than what it currently has
>then it's hsr turn.
Nah, Castorice is so clearly made for (You) that she has a passive ability killing anyone who touches her, except (You). They’re not gonna fuck it up.
Time for Genshit to die.
No, because AP is unique that they're the only upcoming open world game that's not mixed toilet. Even if another open world games(Ananta, AKE, etc.) become ML, most ML players will still choose Azur Promilia over them. Of course this is assuming that Azur Promilia become harem game.
for lord gnaeus*
>because AP is unique that they're the only upcoming open world game that's not mixed toilet
If manjew keeps pushing back their game it probably wont be true for long. Theres that nikke open world coming out in <2 years and plus i saw news about Love deepspace devs making a new ml game for male audience.
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Manjuu's hiring planners now.
> Theres that nikke open world coming out in <2 years
Oh yeah, what's the name of their project? I don't even need the name of their game, just their project name.
> i saw news about Love deepspace devs making a new ml game for male audience
Again, I only need to know what their project name. Without it, you can think of them not releasing that game for at least more than 3+ years.

There's none female-only open world or high quality game other than AP for at least 2 more years. The only one I know is Star Savior(from Counterside dev) and we still didn't know what kind of game it'll be(there's a chance that it's just an idle game). And I honestly can't see that other upcoming games like Ananta or Duet Night Abyss will salvage their male characters.
No matter how much you (Sigil) want to doompost this game, the only one who can kill AP is Manjuu themselves.
Two more weeks saar.
>There's none female-only open world or high quality game other than AP for at least 2 more years
You're thinking AP is coming out in the next month or two, the game is most likely not coming out for at least another year though so it's only got a year to be the only female open world gacha before Nikke open world sequel shows up. By the time AP actually releases Nikke's cbt trailer will also be out and steal some hype (see how Ananta destroyed NTE's hype), their marketing guys are actually really good at their jobs creating artificial hypes that's why Nikke got popular in the first place. Also Shiftup actually knows how to make optimized 3D games so Nikke probably won't get delayed like AP and being non-CN devs they don't have to deal with censorship bullshit.
If you don't think Shift Up's upcoming gacha is a threat to AP you're just ignorant.
They already announced the collaboration of Stellar Blade x Nikke and brought the game to the PC so they already fulfilled part of the statement from a year ago, in that same statement they said that we would have information of project witches before mid-2025, and all the Chinese developers have to hold on to their balls because shiftup does not have to deal with mentally ill CN or artistic limitations (only those imposed on them by the faggot at Sony) and knows how to write top peak stories, I would say that they have the best writing of the current gacha scene
>You're thinking AP is coming out in the next month or two
No. I'm thinking that it'll release in a year or two.
>it's only got a year to be the only female open world gacha before Nikke open world sequel shows up
You're talking like this game will release in a year or two. They haven't even release any trailer. It'll release >3 years at the earliest.
>By the time AP actually releases Nikke's cbt trailer will also be out and steal some hype
Bro, we don't even know what kind of game it'll be.
>Also Shiftup actually knows how to make optimized 3D games
I'll give you this. But is it a fun game? Stellar Blade is mid. And Nikke is unoptimized slop, so we don't know how their optimization on phone will be.
>and being non-CN devs they don't have to deal with censorship bullshit
Hahahahaha. If we're talking about other Korean devs, then sure. But it's ShitUp. The one who censored their own games even when no one asked them to do it.
>If you don't think Shift Up's upcoming gacha is a threat to AP you're just ignorant
It's ironic, coming from someone that didn't know about ShitUp history. And you're doomposting AP with a game that we know nothing about? There's a limit with idiocy.
Like seriously, just give me info, promotional poster, or anything about that ShitUp upcoming game. I've searched it and the only thing we know is their Project name (Project Witch).
Doomposter squad really isn't sending their best.
>Trusting ShitUp at all
Lmao. This is the dev that said they won't censored their game. I'll see it for myself before I believe them.
>Thinking that CN limitations are overall net negative
While sometimes I don't agree with them. Most of the time they're correct. I dislike that legendary commander thing in Nikke and I'm pretty sure this won't fly with CN folks.
>I would say that they have the best writing of the current gacha scene
Not a high bar. And FGO hold this title.
>won't fly with CN folks
literally who cares? game is already successful, if those schizos keep away, that's a net positive. look how they reacted to blue archive collab, and tried to get us to outrage, absolute cringe, they should be ignored
>Who cares?
Me. I'm not a cuck like you, so I care whether the girl is for me or not.
>look how they reacted to blue archive collab
While I'm not completely agree with them, they have their reasons for this outrage like, how the collab differentiate Mahjong soul MC & Sensei and Blue Archive didn't get anything from this collab(I don't agree with this).
so you're a schizo too? okay glad you're honest, AP might not be for you
>confirmed to be a cuck
reddit might be the place for you
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You should've ignored this retard from this point.
I'm not gonna give any (you) to shitposter like you.
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In case anyone was doubting, AP is completely breaking away from Yostar. Manjuu will do even community operations themselves.
>>1629246 (OP)
All of this sounds good
I have mixed feelings about this. Manjuu has always been pan-cn. I don't want to be second class citizen
Yeah. Even now, they only have social media presence on CN. Let's hope that with >>1682674 they will communicate with other server seriously.
>chink schizo in meltdown
haven't you realized that all the recent chink games expand to GL to survive because you idiots are retarded and mentally ill to the point of being comparable to western wookies
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Customer service being hired. Is the first beta test close?
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I think it'll be around May. But seriously, did they really lack this much staff?
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I read this as Azur Prom Ilia. Where do they get this?
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From lotteries that Manjuu did or from their anniversary event.
They're literally a small studio. I think the bulk of the game was commissioned. Remember the rumored sequel to Azur Lane Crosswave or something similar around 2021 or 22? Apparently, they ordered Compile Heart to make it. I remembered it was teased on a stream.
Makes sense to focus on the home market and be active there first.
But I do hope the game does not end up giving the global version late updates because that fucking sucks.
Straight up kills any hype to see CN have a character months ahead.
>CHADICUS maximus the pussy breaker
Finally a male MC I can properly relate to
I agree. And it'll always result in bad outcome. It's whether they make small revenue because we have clairvoyance, resulting in them needing to catch up with home server and we'll get less overall rewards. Or they're not doing catch up and we don't get the hype of new characters.
But the fact that they're recruiting community manager means that it'll likely be simultaneous release.
Scam game
Cum game
AP will be full blown yuri
>>1693180 →
retards playing that garbage were literally asking for it
Look at all this cope. You don't even need to bring up other games to doompost AL, considering it's in obvious development hell by devs who don't know shit about developing 3D games, with completely safehorny designs and female MC option. It's complete fucking slop.
>Make someone seethe this hard before it even release
Yeah. I think this game will be a success.
>implying it will ever release
>implying it get cancelled
lmao. You don't need to be this obsessed with this game, bro. They'll eventually release this game and I fear that you will go crazy from that fact.
>You don't need to be this obsessed with this game, bro.
Just like everyone said the same thing for vaporware like silksong
That's really retarded, bro. What's the relation between Silksong and this game?
Neither of them are one
Sure. But one of them isn't indie game and will be forced to release because they're burning resource to create it. Or are you really this delusional to think that AP will be cancelled?
>They're literally a small studio.
They literally aren't, manjuu isn't huge but they're not tiny either. Quick search says manjuu got like under 500 people while Genshin 1.0 had about 400 devs, AL doesn't need much upkeep so most manjuu devs are probably on this new AP project so they probably have a similar number of ~400 employees to Hoyo for making AP.
Genshin only took about 3 years to make 2017 to 2020, AP devs most likely aren't as competent as Hoyo's tho since this game took way longer to make than Genshin even though the scope is smaller and not a real open world. Although I know it's shitposting this anon is partially right >>1693319, it's in obvious development hell by devs who don't know shit about developing 3D games.
I like the art on this game very much.
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Yeah. I like the design, but I think the 3D model still can be improved.
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>china wank from the get go
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how did we go from this to promilia... i don't want genshit clone number 236
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I'd take Abby over that titty monster everytime though.
I don't think they want to put all the meat on the griller at once.
probably because they're tired of ccp breathing down their neck. also they want to be perceived like mihoyo, a culture company or whatever, not a coomer company
literally no different from genshit potato tier lolis
I would hate to be an azur lane or arknights player right now, knowing the money you give them would go to fund a 3d scam as they look at their 2d game with contempt and as liability
While it's a shame that it isn't a sequel or anything of the same soul(WWII), unlike arknots, they can still make it up with coomer contents.
>coomer anything
>with basedcuck release
el oh el
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Manjuu's hiring staff for their English branch now. Thank god they will be self-publishing everywhere so we don't have to worry about Yostar.
>communicate in both English and Chinese withoout any barriers
how many even fit that requirement?
>English localization
fucking cancer
Dead game stays dead
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en dub is bad, but jp dub is overrated and in some games like genshit they're objectively worse due to their inflexible character archetypes and their own headcanons taking over original characters and concepts
Agree, gachashits are better off muted.
really? what?
pls tell me it is not true
was waiting for a 3d coomer gacha at last only to be disappointed here looking for any news.
i dont want another mainstream genshit clone
Of course not. You're just talking to a shitposter, lmao.
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>Of course not. You're just talking to a shitposter, haha.
>a 3d coomer gacha
You're never going to get that, it costs too much money to make them so they have to cast a broad net to get the normalfags.
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Game's not even out but Manjuu's already preparing to make physical goods.
This is for their kibo plushie. But honestly I don't think it'll be that popular, except they have huge marketing budget.
If yurifags are so niche why did they make a femc instead of locking it to male like the normal azur lane. Why are lumine gudako and djeeta more popular than the male mcs?
Heterosexual men don't like looking at another man's back, I would rather look at a female character.
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Ask yourself whether you want this fag on your screen or not.
Gbf allows you to switch MC and unlike type a type b shit they're a different character. Dunno about fgo.
The self-insert argument is so stupid because they always apply it only to male characters but never to female characters in any case. It seems like it’s only considered a self-insert if the male protagonist has a harem or several girls romantically and sexually interested in him, but if it’s a woman in the same situation, whether with a yuri or hetero harem, I never see anyone calling her a self-insert.
Be a little more honest and don’t hide this behind fake maturity or morality. If the self-insert issue really bothered you, it would bother you in all cases, not just in one specific instance
Uhhh everyone calls bella a blank slate self insert. Nobody cares about host club me included but I bet Haruhi is a harem/fujo self insert
I'd rather the MC be customizable but who knows if Manjuu can deliver.
Manjuu removed the "release in 2025" from the Douyin (Chinese TikTok) ads for Azur Promilia
last month it still showed 2025 and now since the beginning of March they removed it.
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My daughterwives. The elves look great too but these three are perfect.
i feel like what's gonna happen to promilia is
>al players won't even try it because it's sanitized and clearly not meant for them
>some normalfags may give it a try but they'll end up dropping it because they already have genshin
manjuu should have made this the big budget 3d ml game people crave and own that niche
they'll direction shift when they realize they're not getting the genshin normals
Yeah and it's honestly a foregone conclusion. But of course they'll still trying to do that. Even Snowbreak did this before.
At least Promilia doesnt seem to have Chad Thundercock as a playable character. So that's something.
But we have female MC, so it's minus point for us.
when the casuals and normals figure out there won’t be any male characters in the banners and questionable lolis they’ll all rage quit like the crybabies they are
I dont understand the complaint for selectable mc gender thats been a staple for gacha since its inception.
>inb4 yurishit
Meds. Fem characters sell and its clear the same people that shitpost about it are the same ones that have troons stuck in their heads when it became political.
Because you end up with a single character stripped of gendered traits instead of being a distinct male/female lead with gendered traits and interactions.

As a direct but extreme example, no one is going to write an implied blowjob into a game where the MC might not have a dick.
>selectable mc gender thats been a staple for gacha since its inception.
Not really, most of the time it's just kept unspecified so you can headcanon whatever you want.

>no one is going to write an implied blowjob
no one is gonna write that in a family freindly game either.
Gachas are largely stuck in the past of the early days of dating sims in terms of blank MCs, VNs evolved to having real protags so I assume gachas will as well as selectable gender is just ultimately a pointless choice that restricts the story and promotes cameraman faggotry.
>selectable mc gender thats been a staple for gacha since its inception.
Chain Chronicle, Shironeko, Rage of bahamut and along with most Fanza gacha have canon male MCs.
You do know that by law, you can't put lesbo shit in chinese games right? Why do you think mihomo only does teasing in commercials, but nothing in the game proper, unlike they did in the past. If they make selectable MC that you can see on screen (unlike GFL2) you can't have romance, only very weak pandering like wuwa does.
To answer your question:
- I want to read the story from male pov. It's obvious when the story is created for male mc, ambiguous gender, or female mc in mind. Male wants to play as a male because it will increase immersion. Of course, it's hard to understand if you lack masculinity.
- In AP female mc is really dangerous, because if there's no content change from their trailer, it means that female mc is the canon one. Cuddling with Kibo, acting cute, passive and needs to be saved. AP trailer is created with female mc in mind.
- No romance and (real) marriage. It'll be platonic. At most the character will say that you're important person to her.
- The most important thing: I don't want yurifags or tourists in my community. I don't have a problem for women of culture(like fan service or know that they're second class citizens in this community) playing this game. But yurifags will always screech about self-insert and demand that MC portion on story is reduced. So is tourists that will demand less revealing and more modest design. We're all demand different contradictory things and forcing us to share place with each other will make most of us unsatisfied (this is where the term mixed toilet comes in).
> family friendly
If that's what AP ends up being so be it but I probably won't be playing it in that case.
In less than two weeks, it will be a year since its reveal. You can tell Manjuu is scared of showing this game kek.
Irrelevant. Chinese will still chewed them out if AP isn't harem game. It's actually worse, because the longer they wait, the more disappointment will build up. AP cbt will be interesting.
>Chinese will still chewed them out if AP isn't harem game. It's actually worse
You guys are kidding yourselves. ever looked at who actually plays monster collecting and farming games? The majority are are women, google it if you don't believe me.
This game has everything an usual female gamer would want, a female mc, cute graphics, cute pokemons and the girls aren't running around half naked. They can just focus on catching monsters and farming even if there's no lads romance stuff and no males to play as, just look at how popular Pokemon Go is with women and men is the minority of the demographics there.
Women aren't gonna play this lil bro
>monster collecting
Man. Where's the woman who plays Digimon? Or DQM?
>farming games
It's more like Palworld, and again, how many woman vs man who plays it?
C'mon anon, you know the reason why they play Rune Factory and Harvest Moon, right?
There's a very small numbers of woman gamer, so there will be a very small numbers of women who will play/pay on AP. Just look at Infinity Nikki. Do they make more than WuWa? Let's see how Manjuu try to get this illusive customer and we'll see the result in less than one year.
Women will be praising this game due to the lack of coom and male gaze, it will be the next coming of infinity nikki.
>There's a very small numbers of woman gamer, so there will be a very small numbers of women
The no of males being greater than females is irrelevant. Mihomo has a lot of women in their team despite having more males, and yet they pander to the gays. Yurishit like hi3 and the genre as a whole despite having a greater male ratio, appeals more to the sensibilities of women more so than any masculine man.
So you're saying that it depends on the developer? You just ignore your own argument then.
Obviously it's correct. But for live service game, the fate of your game rests on your playerbase. If they don't like it, then it'll EoS. And we are talking about Manjuu here, so they won't ignore their playerbase. Obviously, we should shut our opposition mouth and support anyone that align with us.
>everything an usual female gamer would want
where are the bishies?
>There's a very small numbers of woman gamer
>there will be a very small numbers of women who will play/pay on AP
>Do they make more than WuWa?
Are you talking about player numbers or profits? Not the same thing, anon.
If you consider someone who only plays candy crush saga as gamer, then consider I lose.
>Are you talking about player numbers or profits? Not the same thing, anon.
Both. Infinity Nikki losing to WuWa in player number and profit.
I've read a study about that topic during my university days, and while the majority of genres had 90%+ male players, there were 2 where this didn't apply - RPGs (with 30% females) and casual games (with 55% females).
Now, that was from before the MMO hype, which probably attracted some more female players to RPGs, but the interesting question is now - what about gacha? Something like AP would probably be closer to a RPG, even if most gacha are closer to casual. Even if you want to dismiss casual players as not gamers, the RPG numbers are still not negligible. But is AP actually interesting for female players? They probably don't care for a waifu collector so if AP goes down that path they won't matter, and I don't currently see how a female only gacha could be anyhting else. Still, they are out there, they're just going to play something else.
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>You guys are kidding yourselves. ever looked at who actually plays monster collecting and farming games? The majority are are women, google it if you don't believe me.

Even Pokemon has ~70% male audience. The audience for monster collecting games, whether it's Roco Kingdom, Shin Megami Tensei, Digimon, Rune Factory or Dragon Quest Monsters has always been men. Women might play some of these casually, but once you get to levels like competitive battling it quickly becomes 100% men (see Pokemon).
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>Even Pokemon has ~70% male audience.
>...and youre using demographic charts from literally 15 years ago to prove that?
Gramps time to get with the program, it just takes a few years to have huge demographic shifts let alone 15 years. These days most Pokemon players, especially on mobile, are women
Its true that more competitive games pander more to men but do you seriously think AP will have competitive PvP lol? At best it'll have endgame abyss leader boards so the whales can flex but leaderboards are already a thing of the past, no recent open world 3d gacha has them so I doubt AP will. So yeah AP will stay casual and wont ever be competitive to scare off female players.
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>...and youre using demographic charts from literally 15 years ago to prove that?
As opposed to you posting a survey that's 9 years old? Niantic Labs doesn't even have official data on gender. Meanwhile what I posted isn't some shitty survey but actual club nintendo registrations. It's true Pokemon Go probably has a higher number of female players, but it's a highly casualized and social pokemon game. Even Genshin only has a 30% to 40% female playerbase, so if you expect a game with only girls like AP to have a high female playerbase you're fucking delusional. Also Infinity Nikki is a huge flop.
>average user is 25 years old with 90k income
that sounds so alien here it's not even funny.
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>still no news

News here >>1706583 →
yurifags from zzz vandalized the previous drama thread, it's time to use the one from azur promilia
that's not really saying anything about the game, just that working conditions are shit (as expected of China)

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