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Of course it doesn't matter what tier a character is, what matters is their unique and special abilities no matter what supposed tier or rank they appear as. I believe every character is valuable and has hidden potential. Even the so called low rank heroes could have some special power that gets revealed later in the game once you've spent enough time with it, like a Magicarp just waiting to be appreciated for all the time and effort you've put into holding on to that character. I haven't found that to be the case with any of these games but you never know.
power creep will make sure that doesn't ever happen
Honestly for Mobages there are only like 4 Tiers in practice IMO.

1. "Good out of the box"/Meta Defining Game Changer.
2. "Good with 'Investment'"/Deliberately Overtuned Whalebait.
3. "Good in a Niche"/Good in specific gameplay Set-Up (AKA F2P Memery).
4. "Do not use this if you have options"/Filler that you burn or Sell enmasse.

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