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You did roll for them, right?
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First for my husband, Amorey!!!
you did get his eidoi right
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111 KB PNG
i got the snek... and then i realized that i don't really like his design more than i like my current tank's design and prob won't use him much. 5 star thomas is outrageously good.
also we are absolutely not getting vore involving him so what's the fucking point.
that's sebek
I am STILL rolling for Zach and crying about it.. 70 rolls in..
I love him!
oh so we can't have a second vore character even if it's a literal naga? please
We should have never had a first desu though I guess it's good they quarantine off these "kinks" as quickly as possible and we can move on
sorry man when you're playing the furry game where there's straight up animalfucking and people in these threads are having meltdowns about the incest not being hot enough you forfeit your right to whine about kinks you find icky
this complaint feels so artificial
got nothing despite saving for three multis. and i though live a hero had dogshit odds

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