You did roll for them, right?
>>1649864First for my husband, Amorey!!!
>>1649869you did get his eidoi right
>>1649864i got the snek... and then i realized that i don't really like his design more than i like my current tank's design and prob won't use him much. 5 star thomas is outrageously good.
>>1649877also we are absolutely not getting vore involving him so what's the fucking point.
>>1649879that's sebek
>>1649864I am STILL rolling for Zach and crying about it.. 70 rolls in..
>>1649873>>1649869I love him!
>>1649920oh so we can't have a second vore character even if it's a literal naga? please
>>1650126We should have never had a first desu though I guess it's good they quarantine off these "kinks" as quickly as possible and we can move on
>>1650153sorry man when you're playing the furry game where there's straight up animalfucking and people in these threads are having meltdowns about the incest not being hot enough you forfeit your right to whine about kinks you find icky
this complaint feels so artificial
got nothing despite saving for three multis. and i though live a hero had dogshit odds
smegma enjoyer besides Amorey huh
the new biogolem stills were too fucked up for me. shame because it was one of the highest ever scenes i've seen in this game but man.
>>1651556arent the biogolems practically snuff
>>1651556>highest everhighest effort* jesus i'm tired>>1651564i guess so. in this one a biogolem breaks into a place and multiplies. it's too much for me.
>>1651556The cumflation was nice at least. This game needs more of it.
>>1650277Anados doesn't even have spark pity after 3 years how could lah be worse lmao
>>1651959i just like to shit on live a herp
I find myself wondering what the cast was like in their teens. How was Amorey or Baccarat, Fu or Zacharoff at age 12-17? I know this will instantly be hit with the "you're a pedo" schtick, but its not even really about sex, I just wonder how they grew up, what they did, what their lives were like.
>>1652474I hope they had active sex lives at that time as well because that's literally all the entire universe revolves around
>>1652481It is honestly kinda inconsistent about some stuff, like:>Virgins are supposedly difficult to find according to that NY event IIRC.>Chabo was one before his first scene due being a seething underwear stealing stoner Manfailure.>Mafia Billford's Top scene suggest that there are still homophobes because that NPC guy was apparently not a virgin but was taken aback and screams insults upon realizing he gonna get Gaysex'd for the first time.>All the sex stuff in Pay Blanc flying right over Morgans head.But it is porn, so not like you are supposed to think hard about it, but point is i think they are probably all over the place when they started fucking, it probably isn't impossible to miss all the (gay) lewd shit making the world turn when young.
>summer forte getting his stilllooks like we're finally going to be progressing toward gamela.
I fucking love Charlotte!
>>1654031I mean, ye. They just showed a teaser for it.
WAKE THE FUCK UP GAMELA NATIONTHIS IS NOT A DRILL yessssss, he is a TOPbreak dyne apart, flood him and all of verdancia with your tsunami of cumRAAAAAAAAAAA, i am going to goon to this until i cant feel my legs
>>1654690basedfuck dyne
>>1654690When's the next update for the drive folder?
>>1654698DESU I mostly like the idea of him flooding entire lands over fucking someone, but I am still hype for this.
>>1654858let the man speak
>>1655021speaking and acting like a turbo autist is two different things
>>1655022nah habbit's been edging gamelafags for half a year now, more if you've ever wanted him to see in any position resembling dominant, it's time to go full autist
>>1655043No, it really isn't. Closing these replies btw
>>1655046yes it is
>This week, Sunshine Mask Gamela's still will be released! Let's play with muscle! At the manly festival, the massive cannon's sights are set on...! Sexual knight! Holey Knight Dyne will accept the challenge! The battle to decide whose spear is strongest will soon begin! Smear that suntan lotion on and get those muscles going! Duel, start! Wh-wh-wh-what's gonna happen~?!yup im thinking kino
the only thing better would be gamela cockvoring dyne and then shooting his helmet out along with the rest of the load that made
Gamela Harris really is the worst character in Anados huhUnbridled autism
>>1655152Honestly his "fans" have 100% ruined him in my eyes. Hyper is already a shit fetish but to act like a retard in others faces just pushes it to a new level or cringe. Thankfully we can just make fun of them and move along
>>1655022damn, your life must be super fun.lmao, sorry other people actually feel passion for what they like and are not empty bitches that act high and mighty for being a fucking plank of wood, hope you learn what happiness is at one point of your insipid life.
really, the worst character?we have: kids, rapists, zoophiles, cheaters, kidnappers, murderers, evil scientists and a LITERAL tyrant with a room filled with eidos that belonged to murdered foes, and the worst one is gamela because he has a hyper dick and his fans are not "quiet"?Even when only taking the fanbase, are we really worse than the people that gets the hots for looking at an animal fucking the snow bandit?damn, you really need to get checked in the head"make fun of them and move along", lmao, you are the ones whining like kids and crying at a character from the most stupid and ridiculous porn game ever not having a silent fanbase, YOU are the clowns, literally plastic mold 4chan users people make fun of, the type of guy that lives off being miserable and a piece of shit to other for being AuTiStiC, oh what a grown up you all are, such big Boys.We may be cringe somethimes, but at least we are not a pathetic sad excuse of a human being
>>1655243This pretty much sums up these strange haters. I really don't get why they hate Gamela so much.
>>1655243fucking yikes.
>>1655071Seeing some cockvore could be cool.
Cock vore would be cool, i think lemon is up to draw that kind of stuff.Its one of those weird kinks the game lacks but should be here, this game should become a staple of weird kinky shit, its funnier that way.Cock vore.....i think the best artist for that would be KNN, is one of the most popular that draws CV with everything and digestion
>>1655295dude a knn sequence of gamela cving lucifer would go so hard holy shit
>>1655243And? They're not being posted all the time like Gamela HarrisBig penis woke virus infected your brain
maybe you guys should just post about your favorites more instead of whining when others get excited about theirs
>>1655373Hyper has never been an okay fetish, nor is cockvore or any vore for that matter. All that gross shit is lumped in with scat, gore, beast, etc. Freak fetishes go to their own dedicated threads. Like wtf. Only reason they mildly get away with it here is because these threads are dead and have like 10 active posters. Try this in a /vg/ or /trash/ thread and watch what happens.
>>1655398>nooooooooooowe're literally talking about shit that is in the fucking game and daydreaming about shit that will be in it in the future. add words that hurt your feelings to your filter so you dont have to see posts that contain them.
>>1655408Honestly I just think we should all just ignore them and just keep talking about the game.
>>1655398holy shit, sorry but that self righteous bitch attitude does not work here, this is not a fucking classical literature thread, its about a gay porn gacha game were magic works with sex and morals dont exist, i dont know where you vanilla white bitches came from, but if you get this pressed about some kinks you should go play cookie run or a hoyoverse game, it has that good vanilla flavor you so desire.habbit are a bunch of perverts, the game is and will always be a compendium of kinks and very weird shit, know why? because they like it. dont like vore?, sorry, habbit made 2 vore units, dont like hyper? suprprise~ we have the protagonist, 4 hypers and an a whole event dedicated to it, so clearly habbit thinks of those as an okay fetishalso, dont talk to me about ThrEadS i am not a chronically online 4chan user, i am just here because i like talking about stuff of the game and seeing other fans of gamela, not to be lectured by an vanilla idiot about how having a giant dick is as bad as fucking an animal or dismembering someone, dont care whats on those threads, and dont care about what people in those threads will say to hyper. Game was done to appeal to people with those kinks too and if you dont like it, go to another porn game where the spiciest thing you will have to consume is onions sauce.
>>1655429true, gamela conversation will begin when his still is released soon.lets talk about the next banner, instead
>>1655449Gigabrick banner easiest skip of my life
>>1655449>>1655453Art direction for Solve looks cool though.
>>1655449Dude the Snake is in the Farouk still! That kinda makes me want to roll even more for him.
>>1655449kind of surprised to see another new solve. is he popular?
>>1655470his demon form has been teased for a long time
>>1655449Oh fuck I love Farouk's artist, but I don't really give a shit about Alec...
>>1655449Who the fuck would ever want Alec? I want Alec's DAD.
>>1655398Thank you.
>>1655449>Solve (forma de rape monster)kek. I mean this is a hard skip for me all around but cool art. The other two are boring and generic as usual. NEXT
>>1655449>Solve getting a second alt before Hybris gets his firstI sleep>Prologue Alec showing up as a limited unitlol, lmao even
>>1655449stallon is honestly better than alec deserves
>>1655498What is his lore?
>>1655957gay sex
me and who
>>1655449Why is Solve always cursed to be paired with ningenshit?
>>1655467Scene is from the event, so you are in luck
>>1656147I thought for a second Rokudenashi came back from retirement.
jesus christ why is there so much smegma talk lately in the porn scenes
>>1656328god i wish
Well we got Elaine to call Jalam daddy. >>1656355The writer made me hate the new snake guy with how he talks.
>>1655449Curious if his cg will be screwing his father in law or with Stalon.
Still waiting on my Bal plushie and slit. I've got a spot on my shelf right between Lil' Sal and Pompom begging for him.
>>1656674not even talking about hamamsh, why is forte talking about dick cheese
>>1656684its weird how smooth he looks here, its like he has skin instead of fur
>>1656674I shall return to this shit game only due to Jalam and Zach sweet stuff after being cucked by seeing Chabo and Lyon NTR shit. Death to the writers for ruining those two.
>>1656674He's so tsundere, it's cute.
So is Gamela slowly becoming a danger to the world? Did you guys see how the new still ended? Hot but yikes.
>>1658106gamela just became one of the top 5 most powerful characters in eidos, before we thought he was extreme, filling a massive lake with just two ejaculations, but as it turns out he was just fooling around, literally that meme about how he is not even using one percent of his true powerhe ejaculated so much he made a cum ocean so big it even covered a vacation house in a beach, mind you, said house is apparently raised above the ground, so effectively its 20 to 30 meters above the ground, but the cum even covered the roof, and the beach house is not shown or said to be located in a low concave land, which means the cum reached kilometers away from where gamela is, not only that but it has an insane thickness to be kept like that instead of spreading even more, probably 30% of Verdancia is now covered in gamela's cum.jesus, "the world is freezing because of the Azureterra shadow king" does not seems like much of a problem considering gamela is a walking apocalypse, if gamela can do this on on a daily basis the world of El Dorado is doomed, gamela says he wants to flood the world in sperm, and with this its shown that he will succed one day
this is before, still beyond impressive and probably what would have been broken minds already
and this is shocking afterso no dear anon and fellow Gamela fanGamela is not becoming a danger to the world, he already isi genuinely think that the sea level rose by a few meters after this
>>1658677>>1658679Imagine the cuminflation...
>>1658679Now if only they could do this with pecs and milk.
ICYMI, new NSFW gaycha "XXL Woofia" coming soon, preregistrations now open
>>1659196Nah I'm good
>>1659197oh ok
>>1659196i appreciate that it's clearly a game for homos and most of the guys are big but their designs aren't very exciting to me so far.
>>1659196I can't say I care about any of the designs.
>>1659196Shark and polar bear's cute, I'll see what the gameplay's like before I commit.
reminder to get your daily exchange of bronze elixers for 5 exp boost thingies. every day! okay? your hubbies need it!
>>1660965having posted this cutie again (mammon) i'm realizing it's been nearly a year since the last main story chapter. i've been thinking "ooh azureterra soon" since chabeau's first event iirc and we still haven't gotten it...more importantly, i hope this cute gobbo gets a limited version soon. i need him. top tier boy.
>>1660968I do not like chabeau or lyon after the literal ntr winter event. At least Zach and Jalam are still OTP and don't get off to literal cuck crap.
>>1661115that was quite disappointing.
All the fuga characters have suddenly appeared in Anados, what happens?
>>1661549I'll whale for the fat one and the MC, thanks.
>>1661549the game is called tamacolle
>>1661549kemoshota s e x
>>1661549Kemo orgy with Britz Malt Kyle and Jin
>>1661549i make 800 schizoposts about the lack of new human characters in a row
>>1661798humans are boring as shit lol
>>1661662mmm...Jin kemoshota sexo..
>>1661869well *i* like them
>>1661920>I like humanBased anon.If it has a male cock I like it be it kemo shota bulky man but oh dude if the lack of bara humans in homogacha and humanphobia needs to be talked about
now that sunshine mask gamela's still has been added i dont have anything to be excited about
>>1662131You could always look up more hyper dick and cumflation porn in the meantime.
>>1662136obv i meant in regards to anados lol. i think i'm going to begin trying to actually save gems for once and see if i can stock up a huge amount of pulls so i can be ready if mammon or magritte ever get limited versions.1/24/2025 i have 25 gems and no tickets
>>1662146completely forgot i specifically came to this thread to go "god i love mammon for missions where you have a low deployment limit"
>>1662147Wow what a based team! Gotta love all of those huge muscles, dicks, and pecs.
CharlotteGODS, do you think our cute boy will get any more units? seems so far the common "trio" of units has been the standard, the awakened, and a "holiday" variant for most units. I appreciate his eidoi (hot as fuck scene) but damn I want him to get another unit. Summertime charlotte? idk
>>1662101I like human and Furries but i think that for Anodos it is not really necessarily that much of a issue of the ratio in the roster being THAT bad so that it is that Furries just get more varied designs that end up more memorable&stand out more in the crowd because they can lean into the animal aspects, doubly so when a new addition in question doesn't really have something to stand out and is just "20 Something Baradoujin Protagonist with a chinstripe/Goatee" and gets fucking boring event (Virgin New Year and the Hero one comes to mind).Bart Best Human and deserves a third version.Snow Wolf Best Furry.Harold is overhated.
Chat is it a good time to actually return to the game (as someone who just opens it every now and then) and play it less casually? I just have trouble not getting bored of it/good enough to the point of not even logging in at at all, which is obviously my very issue and not the game's
>>1662468I literally log in, skip ticket 4 missions for currency, log out. Rinse repeat until some hot furry guy is on a banner then pull
>>1662499But the lack of pity makes it so hard to find motivation, I don't think I've ever gotten a banner unit (Playing since release but not farming a lot of gems obviously)
>>1662450even though i shitpost about them, i like most of the furry character designs just fine, i just like humans more in general and the game always gives me the furry character instead of the human one on split banners.>>1662350thank you, i still need some new 6 star human shooters/casters to come out (and to actually get them) for me to be fully satisfied but i'm happy with my current team>>1662468casually is the only way to play this game, they barely even bother making 100 enemy missions anymore! i really hoped that since they're making gear, they'd also make some more challenging stuff, and since there's 2 pools to pull from now, that they'd increase gems to compensate, but... hahah... th-thanks habbit...
Was this the first time they didn't even bother to give you an option for a SFW version of the scene in the story? That was pretty funny.Zach and Jalam were cute as usual and I'm glad their scene was hot. If we're basically done with the event now, then I'm satisfied.
>>1662392I hope so but probably not anytime soon considering he got one last March It would be nice if he got like a speedo for summer or a jockstrap for his little package and walked you like a dog with a collar and leashI think we'll probably get another kemoshota first before another Charlotte alt
>>1662751I think so, it's a somewhat meta way of saying that "there's no way this can't end in sex". And yeah the Zach and Jalam scene was cute, I was also a fan of the Solve Hamamsh one. Think we're done, Hamamsh and Farouk are dealt with, they'll probablly do something to help putting faith back in the trinity, and Hamamsh has a new fuck buddy with Solve.
>>1662778>It would be nice if he got like a speedo for summer or a jockstrap for his little package and walked you like a dog with a collar and leashFucking hell. Yes please.Thought I agree the likelyhood of a new kemoshota is still more likely than new charlotte. I kinda want more anyways so it's win/win
>new Hybris CGyay!>it's with the gross human guyugh, it wasn't enough to get baited in an earlier scene thinking he'd be fucking the goat demon, was it?
>>1663027I love Hybris but damn that sucks
>>1658677>>1658679that's fucking disgusting ew
>>1663133Yea welcome to anados. Cum is hot tho.
>hypercock ortaPLEASE
>>1663236hyper is shit
>>1663285youre shit!!!
>>1663503>youre>!!!ESLs need to leave
>use five tickets for summer hypercock>get two 5*s>Bel and Dsharp hotel guyI CURSE THIS GAME TO DEATH
>>1662131Same anon, honestly gamela is my favourite character, and the cg was peak from the beginning to the end, but now the only characters i like that are left is mammon and some furries.Now all that remains is waiting for gamela eidos, a second gamela alt or another character made by dokichi.I just hope we get more hyper dick content, with enough luck habbit will make another event focused in hyper that does not suck ass
>>1663570if u think im gonna effortpost on 4chan dot org slash vmg slash anados gacha thread youve got a big storm coming>>1663675another dokichi character would go so hard actually, another guy with a giant cock to be gamela's rival would be fucking amazing AND guarantee us another gamela alt
>>1663767I may be alone in this, but a character with hyper pecs attempting to give Gamela a pecs job would be perfect to me.
>>1664276more exaggerated body types in general would be cool. i like that idea in particular, probably the only way you could have sex with the guy without just fucking dying lol
So does anyone know what the sex gimmick of the snake guy is yet? Like does he lactate, mind control, or something?
>new qt3.14 mammon still>have to pull for eidosno............ NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>1668549Harold's is a masochism CG? Might be interesting, but I'm not gonna pull on eidoi until there's limited ones, which WILL happen.
>>1668591id only pull for eidos of my favs... i wanna read the scenes not just see the cgs
>>1668549hard pass unless the actual effects on the 6* eidos are good, guess we'll see
Hi, can someone explain to me the context of Corca's Eidos equipment called "Call me daddy" pls? I saw the CG of the scene, but I would like to know the context or if someone has the recorded scene please send it to me pls.
>Seahorse, Electric Eel and Octopoid Sea Dweller have been added.LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO
Okay but when is it HIS turn???
holy shit mammon eternion kuroma specialI LITERALLY COOMED
>Amberdon annuls its tradepact with the Federation, because Volund's creations are garbage compared to Sepia.>Cute dads moment with Zach and Jalam>War arc imminentIt is so hilarious, how the Federation keeps getting shitter and shittier everytime it's on screen, how does it keep happening? Worst place to live in Eidos for real.
110 pullsI'm so fucking glad..
i did not get the mammon eidos :( back to saving
>>1670332I got it. It was great but too short. It almost felt like it was setting up some future macro shenanigans that we did not see. But yes it is good just short.
I wanted mammon and siddeley so fucking bad. Fuck this game's shitty gacha. Never returning again. Just fapping to the datamine.
>>1670449>macro shenanigansmacro shenanigans with mammon would go so fucking hard i never even dreamed of that
>Got harold's eidos>boosts attack speed self 12% and 6% to entire team>slap it on Kafka>deploy him first in all battlesmy boi is support GOD holy fuck
>>1670673god damn i want thatmercifully they changed the folker/atmos eidos skill to not increase the equipped unit's cost by 3 anymore (this wasn't mentioned in the patch notes)
>>1670007>war arcToo bad it's gonna be a whole bunch of nothing, we all know they're too cowardly to actually kill anyone. God forbid, some stakes in this story...
>>1671476I memeber back when the game released i thought Corca was gonna steal Jade off Equus. I still think that would been a better plot development and perfectly in character for everyone involved.
Fingers crossed for mpreg valentines event.
we need a fully vore-themed eventor another hyper one
>>1674205Hopefully we would finally get some hyper pecs.
>>1674205I'd rather have a scat themed one over another vore on
>>1674228Ok that would kill the game. You should probably lower your realistic expectations to a scat themed character not event.
>>1674205If it's Valentine's I want them all to wear diapers and be dressed as Cupids
>>1674234I... don't want it. I mean I feel like the game is extreme enough I'm surprised lol
>>1674205>vore>hyperShit tier fetishes, so nah.
Valentines Event should be mpreg-focused, as in they actually do it instead of just using it as dirty talk.
>>1674737God I fucking wish, all I got was Zach and Jalam's summer scene and it's just not enough.
Probably going to be an unpopular opinion but I just want an actual POV choose your adventure style scene like Valentine Corca’s where you can choose if it’s your first time topping or bottoming being the big choices with other smaller choices later. If you choose to top you’d be guided on how to do it and if you bottom it would slow and passionate. Add in some sensual kissing and after sex cuddles and it would be amazing. If it’s with Bashkar, Domay, Volund (when hell freezes over maybe), or Xiaolong and I’ll consider it peak fiction and I will never ask for anything else ever again.>>1674737Say they actually go the all the way with childbirth and everything would that actually be something they keep permanently? The only way I could see them doing that is if they like pull a fast one saying at the end and say that all the children born were unstable manifestations of magic or something and so they just disappear into nothingness. If they do go that route they’re probably going to be some characters traumatized losing their magic child while others would probably celebrate that they don’t have to raise a child. But I can see the first banner title being something like. Fertile virile tops ready to defy biology.
>>1674800Having anything under whatever Charlotte is would make the game a landmine of unnecessary issues. They could just do the route of games like CoC and Flexible Survival where right after birthed, children grow physically and mentally to adulthood in seconds. That seems the easiest way and they can just excuse it with whatever magic bullshit they want, it even enables incest if they want to go that route later. Alternatively just make everyone shit out eggs that vaguely hatch off-screen or whatever
>>1674933>Having anything under whatever Charlotte is would make the game a landmine of unnecessary issues.>Cute kemoshotas bad!>(scat, mpreg, vore, hyper, scat, piss, smegma) good!Not gonna happen bud, if you let one degenerate in, you're ALL getting in. Charlotte is based and we need more
>>1674953>Cute kemoshotas bad!Not what I meant, I was talking about making it as unambiguous as literal babies. I'm sure they'll be fine making more vaguely aged shota-body characters
>>1674958If japan can get away with the 9000 year old loli trash in 99% of their coomerbait games this sure as hell can, but yes I agree with you on the second bit. Here's hoping.
>2 years in>still no fox characterLiterally how. >Amoreyclosest we have yes but not a fox in canon (it's a kobold), only fox is the npc fox from the back alley amorey CG. That's not a unit though it's a generic npc
>>1675006bro what the fuck kind of whack ass looking fox is that? That is not a fox. Pic related on the other hand
literal actual pedophiles be like "i'm morally superior to you"
>>1675006Zacharoff (and Elaine) is a striped hyena
>>1674953>Having anything under whatever Charlotte is would make the game a landmine of unnecessary issues.>Cute kemoshotas bad!>(scat, mpreg, vore, hyper, scat, piss, smegma) good!a) we don't have scatb) yes it is bad's event will be happening in Yamato, vaguely seems like a sequel to the Onsen story since Habaki is one of the first limited unitss presented.
>>1675427this is not my XXXL Valentines sequel habbit
>>1675427Habaki is kinda hotFuck that Crave Saga ass looking design for Jigoro
We need a sumo even for Bal so he can look like >>>/trash/72856020 since he eats donuts all thr time.Also I finished the new event and it's sad that Zach and Jalam are going to be the world war antagonists. Might as well ruin every character and those to die and go to hell in some twisted retarded homo "tragedy" way since the writers in this kusogame can't produce anything with substance.
>>1675427What a shit ugly event. I feel like the furry artists are avoiding this game since they don't want their characters to be literal cucks.
>>1674800I’m glad I’m not the only one who wants more romantic stuff. Gang bangs, you say no but your dick says yes and the like have gotten stale to me.
>>1675518I do wish we get a proper love orgy
>>1675336c) hyper and vore is equally just as badWelcome to eidos :)
>>1675633>c) hyper and vore is equally just as badwhat did he mean by this
>>1675636Learn English, pretty simple to read.
>>1675640could say the same to you, cubfucker. right now no one will give you side eyes with hyper or vore
Problem with fetishes is if you want to staunchly defend your fetish you better be prepared to deal with everyone else's fetishes too. You don't get to pretend your fetish is somehow behind a protective glass.No one gets to stand on a soapbox and preach "Ummm piss and shit and vore are actually totally okay you see but inflation and shotas?? crossing the line, bro"You're all fucked in the head and you don't get to draw lines. Too bad, get used to it.>>1675642>right now no one will give you side eyes with hyper or voreKey example of a delusional retard. You're just as fucked in the head, voreshitter and hyperfaggot :)
>>1675643oh you're mistaken, you'll still get the "oh fetish guy" look but the side eye I'm talking about is diddling with childrengo ahead, try it
>>1675642Hyper and vore is disgusting
>>1675645and yet doesn't involve fucking with childrenone day you'll understand when you're part of society
>>1675644Go eat people and make your dick the size of a building first.Go ahead, try it :)see how retarded you sound
>>1675645This. I don't care about cubs but vore and hyper is nasty. So is smegma
>>1675647you keep bringing up children when no one her said they want to fuck children. Got something you want to share, voreshitter? you mentally unhinged or something?
>my fetish is better than yoursYou're all disgusting faggots and I hate every one of you
>>1675648wake me up when posting vore or hyper will get people to call chris hansen on you>>1675650>yeah I'm totally not into children, that's why this cub is making me horny
>>1675650It's literally the "last line of defense" when hyperfaggot has nothing to actually defend with. "Bro you like kemoshotas?? you MUST want to fuck actual kids"It's literally a non argument, but he has nothing else :)
>>1675651See I wish that was the case, but cubfuckers sadly like to posture their shit so they need a quick reality check.I'm fine with whatever sick shit you go in but the moment you try to sound better and go all, as fags would say, uppity, it gets hilarious.
>>1675652>wake me up when posting vore or hyper will get people to call chris hansen on youSo why is there cub porn on e621 and on 4chan right now and it has been that way for years?Oh no, hyperfaggot is literally retarded what a surprise
>>1675656Don't (you) me you retard lol, you're just as bad as they are. All of your fetishes are fucking disgusting
>>1675656Says the hyperfag that actually thinks hyper and vore are somehow acceptable fetishes lmao. You're just as bad
>>1675657>so why is there degenerate content on degenerate websiteoh no cubfucker is literally retarded what a surprise>>1675658oh I know, I'm not saying it is "better". I'm just putting them in their place. Reminds me of sonicfags getting all worked up because of breadcrumbs.
>>1675661anon, I'm not the one on the thread mewing about cub characters and getting all superior about it.
>>1675662>backpedallingHeh. See what I mean? no actual argument. Cub is allowed because it's nothing "chris hansen" has to do with it. No one is talking about kids except you, pedofag. Cubs are hot and hyper and vore is shit. Cope :)
>>1675662>oh I know, I'm not saying it is "better". I'm just putting them in their place. Reminds me of sonicfags getting all worked up because of breadcrumbs.Uh yeah...good luck with that bro lol
>>1675665>proceeds to go uppity and using buzzwords againtypical>>1675668I know, I just find it hilarious that they're spending their time in this gacha when other gaychas have more cubs in it
>My fetish is better than yours!Gentle reminder that this is why we all hate Gamela. The one guy that doesn't stop being an autist in the thread is the one that is shitting up the thread
This place reeks of /bara/.
>>1675669>no argumentAnd there it is :)
>>1675672It's just one guy. The Gamelafag that's always raging about hyper. He's trying to start shit with the vore friends and kemoshota fans
Good morning anothereid..
>>1675674Prove him wrong (you can't)
>>1675675>autist acts like an autistwhat a surprise to no one
>>1675675>tfw I like hyper but mostly on kuroma/vorusu level
>>1675675>The Gamelafag that's always raging about hyperThe fag that types like an autistic RP fag is actually a fag? wow what a shocker! I've said before they're cancer and no one listened. Also all your fetishes are shit and only mine is acceptable furry femboys, but before you piss you jockstrap don't worry this game is too focused on strong guys to ever get those (I hope I eat my words one day though)
>>1675687does buck a rat count
>>1675687>spoilerGod I wish, but yeah the game leans more towards bara, hell we only have a few "slim/athletic" builds as is. Like Fu, Amorey (who's really just short), Hybris, uhhh..idk, Marlon maybe?>>1675690definitely not, but falls into the slim category for sure. God I love that rabbit
>>1675692hybris is more lean than slim I think, mostly because he's old
>>1675695I guess I was just more thinking of any non buff anthro guys in general. Almost forgot about bakarato he's really good and I miss the guy that used to post images of him
>>1675671Woah now it's true that anti cub guy is being an autistic fuck, but you know darn well it is more than just that one guy who likes Gamela. Honestly at this point the anti hyper and vore guy is being just as bad, Why can't we all just accept each others fetishes and just be "oh darn" when it is not our turn for an event?
>>1675671Gamela Harris strikes again
To counter the annoying people I'll say this. Baccarat is a big reason on why I started to get more into working out and athletics. I really liked him, wanted to have a body like his and just started being autistic about being fit. This dumbass scrimblo has made me more healthy and I believe everyone can come together to be good bumchums!
>>1675850I love him and desire the bumchum status!
>>1675850That is very sweet anon. I wish more people were positive like you.
>>1675850Ohh anon I'm so happy for you... I wish I could find the motivation even in something so insignificant like a fictional character...
oh the hyper haters are still as annoying as usual, noo what will i do, an anonymous moron called us autisticahhhhhh, how terrible, anyways i will enjoy a gamela cum bath, im glad my happines brings you misery petty pieces of shitalso, surprise surprise but there are a lot of gamela fans, just because you live in your little vanilla flavored world does not mean they dont exist, i know at least 15, in fact i am sure there are more gamela fans here than haters, since your insidious pattern of speech is only repeated two times compared to that of gamela fansbe positive and lets keep enjoying our fave character boys, with enough luck these hoes will die from an aneurysm, guess the rumor than 4chan has the worst human scum was true, you are pathetic
we're getting a new Xiaolong version right
Literally what is wrong with hyper dicks/balls/cum? Are you saying you wouldn't like to have your lover rub his 6 foot massive tree trunk cock all over you as you hump his shaft and lick his huge tip while it leaks gallons of pre? The only thing I would like is a hyper character that is bashful about his size, but goes wild in bed.
>>1676456I like hyper cum but cannot stand hyper cock/balls.It unironically creeps me out
>>1676485The bigger the better
>>1676224>>1676456This is why we hate Gamela btw. Literally the worst autists in these threads lolEveryone else keeps their raging autism to themselves but you smear your shit all over for all to see. No one likes you
>>1676450I would guess so, or it'll be a case like Jalam and Hybris in the last event. Where both of them got new clothed sprites but for story reasons.
>>1676485The nice thing about hyper is you can pick and choose what you like! Hyper cum is a must because cumflation is too good and kinky. Imagine being made into a cumfilled waterbed and having your partner sleep on your slooshing belly as you both go to sleep. Cute!
>>1676541>wereddit is that way champ
>Xiaolong alt>Kagura alt>This bannerI needed to skip after how many pulls I threw at Zach, thank god.
>>1676224>>1676456Bro take your meds and take a shower all hyper fetishists are turbo autists who crybully themselves into every fandom and want to be the victims soooooooooo badYou like an ugly indingenuous freakshow of a character in a game full of far better designs, have some self-respect
>>1676456OK bro Gamela is like one of my favorite characters, but please tone it down just a little. I agree that the others are being bad with the fetish hate talk, but you are being the most annoying one here now with how you are antagonizing them still when it was over.
>>1676773>>1676541"we" sorry but the whining's of two people are not strong enough to make an impact, most people here talk about their fave character the fans talk a bit and move on, you two pathetic hoes are the ones getting their tits in a twist when they see gamela, no one likes you either, you are a whiny bitchalso, i refuse to hear about self respect from the man whining about a harmless fetish in a porn game thread, someone needs a little meds because your mind must be fucking rotting if you think hyper is as bad as you make it out to be, i hope you know your efforts are only making me want to keep posting more and more about him, but i guess thats the mind of an after all, cant help clown take off the suit if he insists on keeping it on
>>1676783you know what i dont like?cucks and shota looking characters, and you dont see me tell the people that say they like it how shitty they are, sorry but in this game its all or nothing, you cant bash a fetish simply because you consider it "bad", mind you these minus 100 iq idiots are treating it as we were sayin we want to fuck dogs and rape babies, so no, that man is not annoying, he is making a stupid person mald and with good reason
>>1675683vorusu has not drawin hyper in two years man, his last hyper art is literally that gamela fanart he did.
>>1676859Did you forget Valentine's Nitro and that scene in the event?
>>1676861sadly that was also two years ago, which is a shame because imo the story cg is better than Vnitro intimacy cg, they really dropped the ball witih that one
>>1676855Gamelafag is too braindead to understand anything you just wrote, he'll just parrot the same 5 sentences and RP rage while he smears his shit all over the thread. Literally just proves how bad hyperfags are with each posts he makes.
>>1676859i'm talking about the artist in general, his last hyper art is Hajime from fortnite
>>1676928Jeez don't lump all hyper fans together.
>>1676965Fucking hot. You better have acquired that very same shape too anon
>>1676988I was, thankfully, blessed with an above average dick, I was just depressed and felt like nothing really mattered so I didn't do anything but play games. I'm 100% autistic and probably have ADHD so when I was obsessed with Baccarat I just really, really wanted to look like him.
how do I cope with having a tiny cockI feel "forced" to bottom when having sex due to it
>>1677602how many inches is tinyactually, what's "average"
>>1677017Well dw I think you pretty much described the average player there lol and you're better now anyways>>1677602I have a big cock and still feel forced to bottom frequently lmao
>>1677603around 4.5 inches
>>1677943We don't speak in inches here, we speak in anados character cock sizes
>>1677602>>1677943same except it looks even smaller because i'm tall and largemy solution: simply not gonna have sex
>>1678220Wait... then maybe I don't have a big cock and instead I'm just small>The hyper was real...
Maybe since Jugger is saying he got hired to do a costume there won't be a Xiaolong alt during the event, if there was an alt he'd probably advertise it when the alt was out.
What if my cock is average size, but it curves to the left?
>>1678920That's the perfect cock right there anon...
>>1678948Why? I'm a 32 year old virgin so I don't why that is good.
>>1678954Trust me it's not appreciated enough but it's hidden gold
>>1678956Thanks for the feedback! Looking at it now I guess I could say it curves like a pirate cutlass sword as a reference.
>>1678958Visual learner btw. Yea in my case it's curved as if wrapped around my left leg
>>1678973Yesh baybey dm meh
Eidos x MOKI whenEidos x Harusuke whenEidos x Danzi engine when
>>1680350Housamo just got a character by shiba yuuji and desu with how kinky he is I'm surprised he doesn't have a single character in the game
Kancrow love!>>>/v/702754281>>>/v/702755386
another kamui billford
>>1680988Can crave and anados collab already
>>1680988At least he has a more prominent muzzle unlike Horkeu and Bill
>>1680935Ben and Lycaon?
>>1680988>c 2022ok and
>>1680988>MC's tat on his wombBased, won't beat Hakuma though.
>>1681394It's not MC's tat really>Beat HakumaHakuma is so insufferable as a character tho. H'es hot, let's give him that
>>1681401>Hakuma is so insufferable as a character tho.I think he's incredibly cute due to his slight tsundere nature and how shy and cute he is about his feelings for MC. Nothing insufferable about him, but this isn't on-topic for thread, so whatever..
is this to play? That one gooey green dragon guy makes me feel......things.
>>1681854Good luck getting the characters you want, because the game will only give you the ones you don't, if anything.
>>1681854>>1681861I hope when the game ends they make an offline version, I would pay 60 bucks for it even.
>>1681854it's a gacha game. you get a pittance of gems for playing through it, though if you start as a new player today you could get a pretty good amount just from clearing all the story + event content. once you're all caught up, gem acquisition is unfortunately pretty terms of actually getting the character you want, it's pretty goddamn unfortunate but there's no pity system. this means you could potentially spend hundreds of gems and not get anything good. the only way around this is that twice a year, they sell tickets where you can just specifically purchase the character you want for around 45 bucks or so (this ticket also comes with like 3 or 4 multis worth of gems).if you play casually and don't really care about getting every new guy, it's a decent game with a lot of hot guys in it. out of all the homo gachas, it's by far the one that's the most fun to actually play, even though it's easy.
>>1682403I'd argue LAH is way more fun, but the problem is that it's in full on Japanese to be enjoyable
holy fucking SEXO
>>1682581idk i only played it for the first 2 years or so but i found its battles to be pretty uninteresting, especially considering how 99% of the challenge content both required you to have a perfect team for it and gave you shit-all for rewards. i'd have forgiven that if the story wasn't also dogshit on top of that, and if it had actual gay characters in it, but alas.the TRUE biggest problem is that almost every fucking banner introduces a new FUCKING f*male character, making a bad pull in that game 500x more soul-crushing than it is in this one.shame because lah has plenty of incredibly hot dudes in it like marfik but anados wins for me. if only they'd give us some actual decent challenge content it'd be perfect.
>>1682619there is a gay one, vulpecula
>>1682620is he actually gay or is that just you loving him>>1682618my fucking gems dude
>>1682622no he literally is searching for his gay lover
>>1682623does the game specify his lover's gender? do we see him? they did that shit with the polar bear dude too.
>>1682624go ask in LAH general, but that's the gist of itspeaking of which still no fox bara
>>1682581LAH is Fun, but it has had issues from Day 1 in that it kinda feels like LW doesn't actually want to make/support it and is very much the ugly stepchild when compared to Housamo. It also kinda has the same issue as Housamo in that while everyone is "Player Sexual" it just kinda lessens the supposed "LGBT" angle, especially since it feels like nothing ever gonna come to fruition because of it, i mean, say what you want about Eidos having everyone be SLUUUUUUTS, but honestly the fact characters aren't just player sexual (MUH CATCH) and are pursuing their own relationships like Jalam and Zach, Corca and Barlitz, and Lyon and Chabeu and so on is something. Like i really liked the Pubraseer dates (Best Guy, like probably the only character that i felt like he had chemistry with MC IMO between his events and interact lines, too bad he is in Event Jail and ain't ever gonna have MSQ relevance.), but he ain't gonna be pissing a love confession into the snow any time soon. Barrel is a good standalone design and personality, but honestly he has pretty boring interactions with the rest of the cast, he is honestly hardcarried by being a Takemoto and the luxury of being a early addition to the Pool.
>>1682629I know you're talking about story-wise quality here housamo's being better, but both anados and lah shit on housamo when it comes to gameplay, and maybe even story wise for anados, with how unsubtle it is (which makes sense ig being NSFW and LW's being SFW)
>>1682629>but he ain't gonna be pissing a love confession into the snow any time soon.I MISS HIM BROS...
>>1682634I was more considering how much LW themselves support each game compared to eachother when comparing how each is running its content cycle, i definitely think Housamo is at the bottom for gameplay, it is really showing its age and the bloat REALLY shows even with, Speed, Auto and the UI revamp.>>1682634Probably one of the best scenes, if not the best, in the game. Which is funny when Snow Bandit probably has one of the worst.
>>1682640I still can't believe Snow Wolf is a werewolf
>>1682618He has a FAT LOG OF A DICK, holy shit.
>>1682650praying that him and the other hairy-chested oni guy that just showed up are on the same banner. if they are, i might actually swipe my card as long as it doesn't randomly feature some dogshit third character.
>>16826692 ugly humans and 2 hot onis. Praying neither of them end up on the banner with the new twunk. Ending up with Kagura alt is fine I guess.
Guess they couldn't convince kalchivo to come back for more. Makes me sad, baran's not as hot with wasp.
>>1682672it's really sad honestly he looks so like... domesticated...
I’m just starting the game and I was wondering about Domay Sigvaldi and Solvé. Like about their backgrounds and personalities are they good bad or neutral? Also how good are they in battle?
>>1685400domay seems pretty decent, his skill activates automatically and seems strong enough to make up for his dogshit passivesigvaldi has 2 different versions: the defender one seems kind of bad (like most defenders are), the fighter version seems... not great but it's hard to say. it's probably fine.solve has 3 versions. healer version seems meh, vanguard seems pretty good, pretty standard for a vanguard and it's hard to say how good his nature/skill combo is without using him (i have him i just don't lol). caster version looks gimmicky in a decently strong way.generally speaking, though, this game is very easy. if your guys are ranked up to silver and decently leveled (around 50-60 or so) and skilled up then you should have no trouble clearing with just using whatever your favorites are.idk anything about them as characters within the game tho lol
Current lineup so bad I'm saving my pulls in anados for the first time in 2 years
>>1685709habaki sexy but not the little redheaded fuckwaiting for oni pecs
>>1685709fucking this holy shit ugly after ugly
>>1649864i quit because I hate tower defense gameplay so much
>>1686989Me too but people play this for the story and the cocks desu
>>1685510I learned about the wiki and Domay seems really good especially when a boss is around and he has an Edioi which nice with his attack speed. I’m wondering if I should try for his Eidoi now since it’s a rate up or wait for Domay.Sigvaldi seems nice as a healing evasion tank and his summer version does basically the same thing but as a skill and not a passive. But are defenders really that bad?Solvé seems not terrible as a healer. But his other two versions seem good. His demon version has a lot of range. But getting two other versions just over a year after being released is surprising is he popular or something?>idk anything about them as charactersIt’s fine I read their interaction lines on the wiki and all of them seem nice especially Sigvaldi hell even Solvé’s demon version has some sweet lines.
>>1687319Domay is a nice old factory boss, who lost his hand in an accident and sells his body regularly.Sigvaldi is an old friendly dungeon explorer, whose partner died and now copes with a replacement one (which is supposed to be your self-insert).Solve is a morally dubious demon, who supposedly just observes the going-ons of the desert kingdom, but secretly influences shit in the background.
>>1687319eidoi are pretty much strictly for the fapping. you REALLY do NOT need your guys to be stronger than the default systems allow them to become and habbit has made no effort to bring anything in terms of challenging content
>>1687648>and habbit has made no effort to bring anything in terms of challenging contentWould be nice if they'd change this.Make some damn challenges already. Limit quests that only let you use x type units, nation quests that only allow units from x nation, etc etc. This is my gripe with the game in terms of actually gameplay. Just make the content optional obviously
>>1687650i thought that since they added gear they'd be adding more stuff to actually use it on. i thought now that there were two pools of items to summon on, there'd be more handouts. these two things would go nicely hand-in-hand: reward the whales (and big grinders) for spending by letting them earn more f2p shit with the stuff they've bought/grinded for in order to make them feel like it's worth it. alas!
>>1687648>>1687650>>1687677Eidoi are basically the equivalent of Housamo AR cards in gameplay. They really don't matter as much other than some minor perks. Best ones should actually be the ones with exp/grinding passives regardless.
>>1687764yeah the hope was that that wouldnt be the case at least for me
>>1687650Do you want the gacha to be even more gatekeepingI do buy it if it's optional indeed tho
>>1687796>even more gatekeepingFucking where? You can literally clear the whole game without a single 5 star, there's a whole youtube channel proving that. Habbit has nothing to lose by making meaningful daily/weekly content for more gems. That is, unless you somehow enjoy our currently amazing gameplay of: log in, skip levels in whatever event is relevant, (optional: roll into banner of choice if you have enough gems, get nothing) close game. With slight changes once every week because you get to do whatever new stages got added
>>1687319Don’t get attached to solve he’s going to die in the world war arc.
>>1688093Again very few people play for the gameplay and not for the sexo, so I didn't mean gatekeeping in that way, I meant it in the character unlocking way where it becomes hard to get them
>>1688180i find the gameplay fun when the game actually bothers to make it a challenge but that having been said, having a second pool of eidos means your gems are split, if you're interested in getting those. challenge content would give us more stuff to do in the actual game, more to do with our characters beyond "fap to the sex scene" and more ways to get f2p goodies.
>>1688180If anything, having meaningful and consistent sources of gems means you get more characters, of course, that's only if the game allows you with it's ever-so-generous odds. It wouldn't even need to be ultra bullshit hard, just something to actually bother strategizing for in this tower defense game.
I love my "keeps appearing in events, but has gotten 0 content in 3 years" bird bf so much bros!!!(also i forgot eidos has seasonal lines, it's valentines right now, some are pretty cute.)
>>1688882>that editkek, though there's "blur button" there
>>1688883That deletes the whole UI, including the text, so it's pretty bad unfortunately.
>>1688884oh wait, it's not that button. but I swear there's a setting that keeps the UI but blurs the CG thumbnails
>>1688919>not really into piss>snow wolf's valentines is cute as fuck even thenman... talk about kino romantic gesture
>>1688921Did I hear piss? What did I miss?? Where how who
>>1688882>(also i forgot eidos has seasonal lines, it's valentines right now, some are pretty cute.)yeah except>give my hubby chocolate>he starts babbling about some other character
>>1689051Nothing much, his cg just has him peeing after sex. It's not as much of a watersports case, but more of a "pissing with my bf/bro" thing. I do wish they did more with piss though, the defender slave's cg was hot
>>1689087Damn sadge. Will have to stay rashopilled with that one scene where he pisses on Jinnosuke from the very release. Shit is fucking hot. Unrelated but still find the cheese victim in the datamine spreadsheet so goddamn funny lmao
>>1687326Thanks for the small overview. I want to give Domay and Sigvaldi all the love and support they need. Solvé I’m slightly torn about mainly because his interaction lines are surprisingly sweet even if he’s probably doing heinous things in the background.>>1687648I’m interested in Domay’s Edioi for the battle effect and the still. Him being a bottom for smaller guys is great and would like to see it. But again don’t know if I should risk it for the Eidoi now and try for Domay later since I’ll need him for the still.>>1688150They wouldn’t actually kill off characters would they?
>>1689175>Him being a bottom for smaller guys is great and would like to see it.You can actually see this in the main story chapter in Sepia. You can choose whether he bottoms or tops for a small guy. Don't need Eidoi.
>>1689175>They wouldn’t actually kill off characters would they?i dont think it's happened, and i dont think it's gonnathis game really does not take itself as seriously as some of the people itt wish it did
>>1689175the only dead characters are the mummies and the symbiotes so it's not really "serious dead" it's more "died so they can become sex toys"
i really want ginji but he's a 5 star, a defender, AND splitting his banner with kaguraand this means the super fat cock red oni guy is going to be splitting his banner with the ugly-ass human that i don't give a fuck aboutfuck this event as always
>>1689757Holy mid, dead game
>>1689759ginji's hot as fu- *remembers everyone in this thread is an "eww is that skin??? not FUR??? barf" type of furfag* yeah you're right hahah...
>>1689760Imagine simping for garbage looking humans when Jinnosuke Pius and Rothhart exist
>>1689772jinnosuke's a top level cutie, i'm happy to have both versions of himrothhart's also extremely cute, wish they'd use him more and give him an altpius i'm whatever on tho
>>1689757>super fat cock red oni guy is going to be splitting his banner with the ugly-ass humanI was praying he would be with Kagura, but now I don't wanna get spooked by him, when I want the super hot oni. Whatever, skipping.>>1689772Pius is too uggo, sorry. Other 2 are good.
>>1689757If Ginji has milk I pull, if not I skip. Simple.
>>1689757fucking vomit, this game is going to shit lol
>>1690577hey don't complain. Every mid banner = more chances to save stones for the actual good banners!
I swiped my card for the oni set, please thank me for keeping the servers up for 23 more seconds.The random 6 star was 6 star Fu (not a character I give a fuck but at least he was new)then for some reason in my pulls I got THREE FUCKING COPIES of Fullhouse? Which was incredibly upsetting, and then I got spooked by Spica, who's also a 5 star defender, but finally on my last bit of gems, I managed to get big fat oni tits Ginji. So this guy will probably replace 5 star Thomas on my team. Fuck I wanna bury my face in his tits so bad.Look at the size of those fucking things.
>they gave him one of those fucked up warty dicksNOOOOOOOO>he bottoms for Jigorou's fugly assNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>1691139I hope his pecs are the focus of his scenes. GOD I hope he lactates.
Eternion CG was kino
>>1691225It was really good. Kuroma knocked it out of the park. Really perked me up after seeing Ginji's weird warty cock.
I appreciate the game having an official standalone PC version but man it's a fucking pain in the ass having to update it every single time, if doing it why not doing it properly
holy shit, Orion CG has TF
>>1691260It's why I prefer Spica.
>>1689760We've already established since the dawn of forever that furries are mentally ill nutcases anon. In our case they're our equivalent to the SEAfag coomers infesting the /vg/ gacha generals who have a mental breakdown whenever a male character is announced in their gachas.
>>1691146>he bottoms for Jigorou's fugly assI swear if the star of the show red magnumdick oni bottoms for one of the two new ugly humans as well, this shit's gonna be sad.Don't give the onis huge dicks if they're not there to be used.
>>1691602Hahah don't you think whoever tops wouldn't ever want to instead be pierced by those spiky cocks of theirs
mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnthis suckks
>>1691700?There's a lot of sucking in the game anon, what do you even mean by that
>>1691700Yup. The drought is real.
>>1691602i dont mind small top/big bottom, it's a dynamic i like, but only if the top isnt a fuck ugly garbage design. hopefully his still is better than the shitty event one
>Harlot Charlotte and Slutcana rerun>no reason to roll because I own both of those cutiesMan it's tough being rich...If only I was this lucky in Housamo and LAH...
>>1691783I want em both but oughhh the farming....
>>1691800Never give up on your husbands anon, if you want them hard enough they'll come!If not this rerun, the next one for sure, you got this :)
>>1691800you should simply purchase the ticket next time it's in the shop, support the devs AND get your fav in one go
>>1691817Thx anon, I could've probably by now if I hadn't slept on the game like I have>>1691828How am I possibly gonna spend my money on something that doesn't guarantee what I want at all
>>1691817he's so fucking cute
>>1691846Ypu mean hot, cuz oh god what a cock
>>1691817>acanathat's dog food
>>1691989I mean both! gorgeous boi with a massive dong
>>1691831>How am I possibly gonna spend my money on something that doesn't guarantee what I want at allbecause the ticket lets you pick what you wantthat's why i said to wait for the ticket
>>1691783>>1691817>two of my favorites back on bannersI have them from before but happy others get a second shot at them. I love charlotte and arcana, right up there with amorey
>>1691817If only his alt looked like this..
>>1691260Huh, didn't we already have tf?
We better get an event with zero humans/humanoids after this. No furries on any banner for a whole event is insane, I hope they make no money and realize how badly they fucked up
>>1693189tbqh I still think this is way better than hero timegod what an awful event
>>1692199god I wish so much
Legitimate dead game
>>1693189I like both humans and furries (with furries a bit more) but honestly I'm with you, anon. All these recent homos are just UGLY. Give me some hot fucking furdaddies or twinks already
>>1693189the onis in this event are hot as fuck sorry for your dogshit taste
>>1693189What the fuck. How about skipping the event? Pretty sure that'd benefit you too. They have to feed every fag, both furfags and humanfags, so what's so wrong about it.
New Baccarat alter soon.
>>1693329No please I only have the normal one
>>1693257irony: the post
>>1693329god, yes please. Save us from this hell, bumchum rabbit
Rerolled a bunch of times for fun, but now that I saw white beard red oni part of me want to wait for him before I properly start playing.Anyway if anyone wants a fresh start SSR account I have 20 kek
>>1693779Oh me
>>1693805Add me on discord (mogg00), these are the guys I pulled for anyone else interested
>>1693257Yep, the onis are hot as fuck and the humans are boring, typical.
>>1689264Really? I thought Eidoi gave characters brand new stills is that not the case? Or is it that he has multiple stills where he bottoms for smaller guys?>>1689434Yeah from what I’ve seen so far that’s seems to be the case.>>1689526That’s a bit unsettling. But I know they cater to a lot of things so I knew what I was signing up for by playing this game.
>>1694375>I thought Eidoi gave characters brand new stills is that not the case?Yeah, that's what they do. I don't actually know what his eidoi scene is, but I do know that his main story still lets you choose if he tops or bottoms for a smaller guy yeah.
are these things honestly worth stockpiling from the shops? I really am not seeing the value of them in the exchange for the stupid price they are per currency. What is the use
>>1695525Ehhhh I thought they were until I realized what you can buy is only good in the long run (because it has a daily limit) and since I'm a casual player... You probably can buy whatever you are wanting to buy right now in the event shop without having to get those ethers
>>1695525no, i don't think they are. maybe if you're new and don't have dupes of 6 star characters to trade for the exclusive shit in the shop, then you could grind some of these out, but other than that, no.
>>1695525as soon as you get the free eidois from the shop they're not worth it over the tickets and mats for 6 stars
>>1688882What'd we get for an alt anyway? Dark hex to make Gaia return his affection backfires leading to him getting loved by everybody else, used by a group, and cured of his oneitis?
>>1697536That actually sounds likea solid idea for an Eidos event. A Kancrow harem comedy event of Kancrow trying and failing to get Gaia to fall for him and everyone else sexing him up due to hexroofie.
nothing super interesting in the new update. well, the new talk sprite for oni jinnosuke is cute, as is the cg for ginji and jigorou.i guess red oni (rikufune? i can't remember his name yet) will be next week.
>>1697977They're pairing both onis with the two ugly humans, it's fucking over.
>>1698352the one mentaiko drew is really just kind of generic and lame, not that bad. jigorou is way worse
EoS when
>>1699411furshits be like "if i'm not happy nobody can be happy"
>>1698487Wait what who did mentaiko draw and why did I miss it
>>1699589Because you haven't read the current event at all, I guess. Generic saunakeeper human, who will get with Rikufune by the end of the event.
>>1699593Merely watched the CGs in the datamine like I always do, and since he wasn't there I wondered
>>1699595He had 2 'safe' CGs so I guess those weren't included.
>>1699486I like humans and I'm not happy with the recent shit. It's almost as bad as Hero Time.
>>1699606Can't wait for Hero Time 3 and the incredible Gou 6*.. whoa....
Speaking of sauna, surely now that they added that new shop that gets mobs, they'll finally add my senior citizens as playable within the year..?
>>1699627>migiriThere's that guy's work I haven't seen ever since UGCP ages ago.
>>1699606nah you're out of your fucking mind lolplus bulkski is extremely sexy and cute (shame how mid his sex scene was though)
>>1699606Truth nuke
God I sure want to FUCK a kobold right now.
>>1700211Fox bandit... that you..?
I dropped this game like a year ago, despite a lot of the designs being great and the fetishy sexo. But it was the absolute fucking terrible gameplay that you were forced to slough through that really made me drop it. Has it gotten any better?
>>1700443It's still the exact same tower defense slop like AK, so no.
>>1700443i think the gameplay's decently fun, and 99% of the time you can just spend your stamina on skipping anyway...
>>1700211100% based
>rikufune trapped on a 3 way split banneri'll just wait and buy him with a ticket, not gonna swipe my card for this. the other options aren't too bad but i'd be pretty upset if i got them regardless.
>>1702129actually what the fuck he's also a defender? why?? we just got ginji as a 5 star defender too... cmon...
>>1702129>Suddenly XiaolongNow that's mean, I was hoping to save all throughout this event. I even thought that Jugger was for real when he said "outfit".
>>1702129Momiji being the only decent character there...
>>1702129If I'm going to be cucked by this boring-ass ugly human from both old men, I'm gonna be so disappointed.
The human ain't even that bad... Not the worst one we've gotten, at least. Just wait for the scene previews, he might have hot furry seggs
>>1702655just boring as fuck, give me unique looking humans at least