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Ask for and recommend mobile games ITT

I'll start by recommending Seedship as a great text-based game.
I can't find anything else like it.
>>1668380 (OP)
Well, it's a rather unique game. Other text-based games I found worth playing are Path of Adventure and 80 Days. For other text-based games try looking here: https://minireview.io/browse?sub-category=text-based
>>1668380 (OP)
recommend: delta touch, which is basically just a doom frontend

ask for: i have a retroid pocket 5 on order, and i want to stack it with some android games in addition to bog standard emulators. any good 2d platformers to look out for? how about anything more on the creative side like terraria or minecraft (already have and enjoy those)?
Free, non-pay-to-win games on android I can play online with a friend. PvP or co-op are both fine.
I can think of Frozen Bubble, Pocket Tanks, Bombagun, and SuperTuxKart, but I don't feel like checking if it's online multiplayer proper. Super Auto Pets should have a versus mode, I think
Any android online pvp games with hack&slash gameplay similar to dynasty legends but a better f2p experience/less p2win?
>>1668380 (OP)
soul knight
Otherworld legends is the only one i can think of.
Any good offline idle games? Recently got Cookie Clicker and enjoyed it a lot.
There's a lot of browser games like that that work on mobile. Shark Game and Kittens Game weremy favorites.
I like nonogram games
Short racing/adventure game where you pilot a small rocket transferring data that needs to boost propulsion using walls to beat the course times. Also has a very ignorable and boring story.
If you check the archive you I'll also see this commonly reposted list of good paid and free games divide d by category.

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