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Kanata soon
/vmg/ clan: StarSneed
put /vmg/ in your profile to sign up
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>>1674282 (OP)
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This better not be another double banner, I don't think I have enough gems/tickets to get one unit to LR, let alone two. I just barely got Claudia to LR on this final day because I didn't save up enough Reds thinking it was only gonna be Anne. I'm already pissed I missed out on Rachel's outfit because I could only get her to UR1 before running out of gems, if they do another surprise double banner again the FOMO will probably make me drop this game.
They probably just put Claudia since people will skip Anne anyway with Ilyana on the horizon.
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The patch notes are out in-game which just mentions Kanata. A bit sketch but nothing crazy. Good thing cause if it was Kanata + Taliafe I'd be fucked. Also getting the Yurizia skin that dropped in KR too. They also got an Arcphase skin too but since we don't have her, who knows when.
This looks so much better than her dumb drinking hat.
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Man, I probably will only roll Ilyana till UR1 due to fodder problem. Kanata cute tho
I am definitely LR5ing Ilyana, drill sexo!
How the fuck do you fight Marionette? My team can only deal sub 10k damage, is that normal? Fuck this shit unable to see other team composition.
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>It's that another weekly episode where they won't give you any LR dispatch
generic yurizia + kaito + rachel slop team with rayhoe + tank. Maybe some Eradica kanata whale comp somewhere.

Idek anymore my whole guild doesn't try and we just chill somewhere top fiddy
What's your damage and team level? That's exactly my team comp except Shale.
nta but I only change rachel for kanata and I got 20m on sync 200. Probably can push higher with 1 supp instead of 2 if I bring 3 dps instead but eh, I'm not on cartel's guild to care about that.
>Can only do 10M on lvl 190
I know I should've upgrade my LR gear but it feels like a waste spending mats on non set equipment.
Just upgrade the wep and the gloves for the DPS if you feel you're lacking. It'll be long before you get a proper set.
>No fucking LR dispatch on last day
Holy fucking nigger, I can't complete the weekly task you dumbshit
Good morning saar, do not redeem this
I'm playing it, just waiting to pool hard on Illyana.
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This but Frederica so I can quit after failing to grab her LR.
I managed to get Eradica to LR with less than that, so there's hope for you. I also had fucking horrible luck at first, probably spend 50K before I got the first copy of her.
hoarder god....
I managed to LR5 Eradica with exactly 1k pulls, think I'll also prepare 1k pulls for Frederica but I'll also drop the game if I fail to LR5

DPS just gets cucked if not fully maxed
not much to talk abt, just same old sector pushing, comfy and quiet general fr
I planned to grab Marilight if I got Frederica to LR. But it seems that you need so many after that, Comet and Echidna being the primary objective.
>3 pulls away from LR5ing Kanata but can't push any higher in tower and have exhausted every other starbit source
Tomorrow I guess.
>3rd in World Raid
Man. I shouldn't be too upset, but I was 2nd before going to sleep. Guess someone stopped sandbagging and did a last minute run or got super lucky with the Kanata Damage Skip bug.
I will likely just LR Marilight since she's a support and LR5 Comet/Echidna since RGBs are easy to LR5. Pretty much everything after is a must pull, including the DOA Fox cunny that ended up being meta with the new dark cunny (Leia)

Think I'll have enough gem income being on a dead server
Might be easier for RGB, not the fodder part though. I remember still scraping gacha ones despite getting enough dupes to LR5 Kaito.
Contrary to that one dumbfuck's vid, Rindel helped perpetuate the 0-second meta in PVP, so she wasn't really DOA. If anything, Leia was almost DOA because KR whales were dissatisfied with her and didn't think she was worth being an L/D unit. Got buffs and is great now.
Leia's taller than Sia though.
>>1674282 (OP)
Am I too late to start on this game? How bad is to F2P this one?
As long as you don't care about chasing top of the arena and such, yeah it shouldn't be too hard to catch up. This is a game about getting dupes for everyone slowly unless you care about getting swimsuit costumes at a character's release, so there's no rush to max characters out immediately otherwise. The game is fairly generous and the pity system works well, I enjoy it a lot as a casual side gacha.
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Not at all late. But if you want to take it seriously then here's how you do it. In fact, you can top a server as a f2p/low spender with this progression.

Feel free to skip post if casual and just pull on waifus you like, it's an idle game after all.

>wait for a new server to launch (IMPORTANT!!!)
>hopefully reroll 1 copy of Rayhou on day 1 of server launch
>reach 14-60 on day 1
>14-60 on day 1 of server launch means you hit chapter 22 at 130 sync
>this is equivalent to sector 30 at 180 sync down the line
>only merc on 3 stage teams and numerically impossible bosses (for example 9-55 on day 1 is impossible numerically, forced to merc here)
>mald all 3 team stages if possible and time debi 3s

If you progress like how I outlined above you will be 5-7 sectors ahead of the ENTIRE server. Unless a tryhard malder whale comes in. But even then at this progression, you will be able to compete with whales for the first few months.

An early lead is super important since it snowballs down the line and you will permanently be getting more rewards from arenas/raids/ and so on.

More than viable for f2ps assuming you want to put in the time.

t. 1st place in my server everywhere, monthly + BP only.
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I haven't used Ferrel in ages. Crimson took her spot the moment Rachel came out. Cause Crimson's bleed go brrrrr. I run both Crimson and Kanata anyways for the most part
Managed to get Illiana to LR3, should be able to finish her before the rateup ends.
Huh? What happened to the starseed previous thread? Why is that not in the archives?
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How does it matter for Rachel that Crimson's bleed go brrrr? Is there some synergy that doesn't get explained?
Crimson more or less perma bleeds world boss and Rachel has skills that deal additional dmg when target is bleeding.
Nah not really. Ferrel is still a strong option even by today's standard in KR. I use her and she'll always deal a considerable amount of damage with great synergy.
Crimson's plugin gives allies in middle and back row bonus attack against target's with bleed after she ults. It makes red units do 50% more damage in general to targets with bleed. Since both Rachel and Crimson cause bleed constantly, Rachel gets a spike in dealing damage.
Newfriend here, when does Marilight release or have I missed her?
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We don't know but certainly not the next month at least. Probably in May I guess.
Thanks, I'll prolly dump my starting gems into frederica next month then save for Marilight.
>>1674282 (OP)
Signed up for the guild, name starts with W with Patricia as my pic.
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>Signed up for the guild
It's dead jim, there's only 3 people active and the danchou is on maintenance mode since the first month of game launch
Christ, that better be LR5 level 300 showcase.
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Iliana's ilianas.
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Frederica soon™
Honestly just started playing when her banner came out cause big drills and big tits
got her to LR4 within these 2 weeks
game was real generous with its gems
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Yeah, this game is comfy and easy to get what you want.
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>didn't get jackshit on previous week
>get this
Great, now I can't redeem until the next week.
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If you play long enough you should be able to LR5 every RGB banner assuming you rank high enough in all types of ranked content.
(You) are now subjected to manual dispatches saar. DO NOT REDEEEEEM
these niggers aint letting me gamble what the fuck is this maint ext? let me get my LR5 Fred already before I rape all the Asnia girls
I really hate the creator/destroyer banner type. 300 pulls on Eradica and got shit and now another 300 on Frederica and it's still shit. I'm just gonna save my extracts for Marilightwife and once I get her to to at least LR I'm never touching the C/D banner type again.
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It's that expensive. It feels like 200k jims is needed for LR push. Half-assing for one copy does kind of bad too.
bunnygirl Belebeta is sexo
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Words cannot describe how angry this pull made me.
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I bought the season pass for the costume ticket immediately when I saw this.
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in a sense lucky I guess, sector 35+ is just LR5 Mea check
That's good I guess, this brought her up to LR1 for me.
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>Update adds a new upgrade mechanic which can give some pretty neat abilities
>But it costs 1000 gems each try, it's also random from a large pool of abilities
Damn they really want to drain you dry. You get to keep every ability you get so eventually you'll get something good but it's only for that character you roll it on. Pretty much just more whalebait shit, I imagine the only time I'd use it is for the best possible units.
bro...just roll it for free from new team arena rewards (rainbow crystal thing)

obviously rolling with bits is whalebait, I'm just waiting for my free weekly handouts
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What's up with hard mode of the event stages being locked behind so many days?
Comet is like Claudia and doesn't have an event story. So the extra time is filler for Comet's event

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