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Can we get some love for Lumineon?
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she’s getting a mega
Give Quiver Dance
>Named LuminEON
>Not an Eeveelution
I used one in Platinum, not as bad as I expected
In the lower tiers it can work because it has Defog and U-Turn, it's just outclassed stats-wise. For doubles, Lumineon's support traits are...usable? It has Tailwind/Icy Wind for speed control and Storm Drain to protect its partner. Overall it can contribute, it's just kind of linear with that 69 (not nice) Special Attack.
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>Not a psychic dragon plane
deserves quiver dance
if gyarados can dragon dance and clawitzer can swords dance then lumineon the BUTTERFLYFISH should be able to quiver dance
i genuinely like lumineon but i like shit like corsola and relicanth because ocean faggotry
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I find it odd that apparently it's another abyssal Pokemon but doesn't really have those traits. To date, there's like ONE deep-sea Pokemon that actually looks like a deep-sea thingamajig. Two if you count Chinchou and Chinchou only.
>abyssal pokemon
nigga it can be fished in rivers what are you talking about
Almost all it's dex entries state that it lives in deep-sea environments and specifically it walks on the sea-floor.
then why is it living in the river by the valley windworks?
because they culled Dive from gen 4 sadge

appreciate the huntail love btw. such an underrated mon.
windmills can only be built over deep sea trenches
>not light type
>not rock type
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I’ve always liked Lumineon, it’s got a cute design that sadly often goes underappreciated.
Yeah it actually has a pretty solid movepool, just shitty stats.
Hell if it were up to me I’d make it Water/Bug and give it QD and Bug Buzz, it might not literally be a butterfly but it’s the same idea as making Yanmega Bug/Dragon.
Based, the water type has lots of neat designs that get overshadowed.
Probably my favorite water type.
>not an electric type
Also not the inside of a tubular organ.
>does not come with a Lum berry
>can’t fuck her
Used one for my first (and last) BDSP playthrough. She did a decent job. Best thing about the mon is its gorgeous cry.
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it has a scary noise
Give dragon dance
They should've made this line half Fairy during Gen 6 to make them stand out a little more
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Oh wow that's really gorgeous!
Why? It’s a butterfly fish. It might as well be half Bug.
cute balls
Good design. Don't know why they were adding tropical-adjacent animals like Lumineon/Chatot/Hippopotas in a cold region like Sinnoh, though.
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I always thought it still qualified as a tetra.
Cute fish friends
Make it bug/flying
Erase Mothim from existance

+10 speed and +20 sp. attack
I like its cry. And this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzZVAGWsgz4
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That's a separate Pokemon. You have to get an Eevee drunk and fuck it to get that one.
like the design, like the cry, even like the movepool a bit

it's just too weak statwise and its ability(s) noncomplementary
you forgot Relicanth then
she has cute testicles
Any design that looks cute or girly can have the Fairy typing.
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Give it the flying equivalent of steelworker, allowing it to be a water pokemon that has "stab" flying while being a mono water type
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>One of my first shinies was a Finneon
Always loved it.
Pokemon Vega has a cool evolution for it too.
tsk tsk glowie
>Because the corpse flower is native to Indonesia
All right, that's admittedly pretty based.
Likely gen 3 rejects. Same with Buizel and Mantyke
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I hope not THAT mega...
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kissable fishe
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Cute fishies in love
There's a Lumineon in the new Pokemon Snap who you see lounging on the seafloor, making bedroom eyes at you. Like she's welcoming you to her seaweed boudoir. I never appreciated this fish until then.
This thing deserves an evo, letme eviolite it at least
What a cute smile :)
>Erase Mothim from existance
Beautiful fish.
One pokemon I would capture just to stare at in an aquarium
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So pretty
>Hell if it were up to me I’d make it Water/Bug and give it QD and Bug Buzz, it might not literally be a butterfly but it’s the same idea as making Yanmega Bug/Dragon.
Ooh, I like the way you think, anon. If only...
Love this art style
>Lumi thread is still up
this one dont look right, doc
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Lumineon is my favourite Water-type
Going for a stroll on the sea floor!
Only this pokemon needs is a moveset fix as its VERY trash.
Itsa support mon that learns most of its good moves at 50s
It should have got Tailwind at lvl 20, and Soak at 22. Also give it a thunderwave at lvl 25
That's just a fish
I like Lumineon
prove it
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The world needs more people like you, anon.
Eleanor Bick?
is that you?
why is she looking at me like that
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nice fx
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I love the lighting in this art. Really pretty.
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One of the best gen 4 designs
What's wrong with that? No real life fish looks like this, so it's fine.
thx :D
You drew that? Nice
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sure why not
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What would its evolution look like?
thank you
>19 day old thread

I dont understandu, you dont even want to fuck it
Some of us just like pretty fish anon what is there to understand
Do you plan to draw more?
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Can I get a picture of this.
I've never found this fish hot, but I'm open minded.
Touching noses!
blue rocket
more lumineon? i guess i could try haha.
>Lumi thread still kicking
last bump from me

robbed mon imo
>robbed mon imo
Never know what the future holds for Lumineon (or any Pokemon for that matter).
don't be so sure...
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>Lumi thread on page 10
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Lumineon is weird its like that is found in freshwater and saltwater to be like both it's fish inspirations being based on freshwater butterflyfish and deep sea tripod fish. Played the new pokemon snap it was fun seeing it walk around on it's pelvic fins like a stubby tripod fish
>give fairy type
>give better stats
>give quiver dance or at least calm mind
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She came in with one of the best cries in the game, only to be forgotten.

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So pretty...
This thread is proof she is not forgotten!
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That cry brings me back to when I used to stay up all night till sunrise when I was playing Pearl back in 2008. It's really magical.
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Sounds incredibly comfy...
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I remember seeing a Lumineon when it was the last Pokemon I needed to unlock the national dex in Diamond and it didn't count, lmao. I think it was because I saw it in the Battle Tower.
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why would english nomenclature matter to the nipponese?, did you forget that umbreon's nip name is blacky?
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Mega Lumineon
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This fish has now survived an entire month on /vp/
So pretty
Love her cry, and it's got a great design
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unironically my favorite sinnoh water type
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What's Lumis' move set?
yawnchad's a lumineon fan!
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Such a worthless Pokemon
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that's good
Are those star constellations? Really cool. Beautiful coloring, too.
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such a serene scene
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funny blue fish
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Lumineon evo from Pokemon Procyon/Deneb.
Cool fish with bioluminescence
I love bioluminescence
Therefore I love Lumineon
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Get that fish a bigger bowl, anon :(
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It doesn't look too unhappy there. Just look at that smug smile.
Not sure what all is going on this art, but I love the colors.
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I'm running out of fish pics
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I wonder what they're saying...
>they keep calling you a she? don't they see the massive black dong you got there in the back?
>eheh, let them be
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Who knows? They sound fishy though...
I just love how Lumineon is always smiling. Such a happy fish. :)
Still would like to see him get a nice big tank to swim around in!
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lol, that got a chuckle out of me :)
I do like Lumineon because some people think all pokémon should be set to the same standard, when it's fine to have a bunch of simpler pokémon just to flesh out the world
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the smuggest
I think so, too. Makes sense from a realistic standpoint as well since the Pokemon world would be made up of all kinds of monsters, and not every single one is going to be some stunning legendary.
Same. Luvdisc is a prime example of this.
There's something appealing about art that just simply displays a Pokemon in its natural setting
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I have officially ran out of Lumineon pics :(
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I see. But consider the following:
Have you run out of Finneon pics?
Yes :(
But I found another one! Don't I'll be able to find enough to reach the image limit though.
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This feels like such a random mash-up of Pokemon and Mario Kart... but... I'd still play it, lol.
Lumineon is so _____
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