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Big bird
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That's impressive, but it doesn't look very safe!
It should use one of those taxi things that Corviknight uses.
>Be croc
>Fight battles constantly, learn lots of new moves
>Face Fug himself and put on a good showing
>No evolution

>Be dickbird
>Cant fly because scared of heights
>Never get sent out or used in battles
>Never learn new moves or practice flying
>Evolves out of nowhere
>Can fly, reached life goal already
>Any potential for gradual development is now down the drain
What a waste.
Gee, it’s almost as if he’s supposed to be the cute and funny sidekick pokemon who will never evolve due to having a butt ugly final evo much like grooky before it.
We're not talking about the croc, you obsessed retard
>Be croc
>Fight battles constantly, learn lots of new moves
>Face Fug himself and put on a good showing
>No evolution
>I-it’s not about the croc goys
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>Dickbird thread
>Episode is centered around dickbird
>Post is talking about the rapid progression of dickbird's growth in comparison to the other hardworking Pokemon and the wasted potential it brings by resolving it now
>"It's about the croc, guys!"
At least the croc gets moves, Floragato is still stuck with this trash
At least Liko used Leafage in interesting ways before, coming up independently with move mastery. Now it's just green leafbeam spam, which isn't really different from before but there's no tactics involved anymore.
Is this a birb thread or are you guys just gonna talk about the anime that I don't watch
Idk. Either way, birb bump.
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Big bird? Biggest bird.
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>lose your grip and fall down
Why is he risking it all for basically nothing? You only have one life, how can you act so careless?
Don't say a word, let natural selection take its course.
>gets a fully evolved powerhouse before he even catches his third pokemon
>talks about croc
>"we're not talking about croc though!!"
holy autism
It's a big birb thread
Why -wouldn't- it be anything but one of those giant bird stealth threads that terus basically runs?
Good, good. Just makin' sure.
Hah, I bet it could swallow him whole, haha, wouldn't that be funny?
if it's not big enough to be rideable then it's tiny
I worry about those stubby bird legs supporting that much weight
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If Leaf can be carried by a Pidgey, he's fine
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She's too busy taking care of Red.
At least he didn't catch the garden ornament bird first thing like how you can do in-game.
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I love that it can puff out its chest like that.
Enlightenment mutt
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Kanto is the micro(penis) region confirmed
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He literally fell off a cliff and his bird swooped down to catch him in mid air before he landed.
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That looks... painful.
Funny thing is, Kilowattrel's throat sac is actually smaller then the real deal's.
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Of the ways that male birds try to attract females, it's one of the more amusing ones, for sure. I mean, I can see why it works. It'd definitely get my attention.
Most birds just go a simpler route of having flashy, colorful plumage, and doing mating calls. But some also dance in funny ways. I guess that's why we have mons like Oricorio and Quaquaval.
I feel like it's equally (or more?) likely to attract a predator as it is a mate because of how plump it looks, lol.
Seriously though, it's really fascinating and fun to see how different species go about attracting mates, or just playing/interacting with each other.
I wish there were more pictures of this fun birb
that guy’s fetish is shit, shiiiit
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what fetish are you talking about anon?
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its a giant bird size fetish
hey how are you all doing?
After I read up on what Kilowattrel is based on I fucking love it. Based bird.
Male peacocks live life on hard mode due to how unwieldy their tails are.
Huh looks pretty normal to me
He looks cramped :(
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Fucking stupid bird, you mean to tell me that cute fatty Roy shared the sandwich for no reason aside from forcing a peaceful resolution, spared that faggot bird and even captured it... and its arc is about fucking flying!? Fucking waste of screentime.
Kids are dumb
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the lil' pidgey that could
Ten-year-olds are practically super humans in the Pokemon world. Pretty sure there's nothing to worry about.
I kept him in my team for the entire game, I love him. Cool and competent.
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Plus it just looks awkward as fuck. At that point, just either have him fly in its back like a normal person or have it carry him by his shoulders
Cute bird family
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lucky croc
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why are you so angry
Roy certainly wouldn't approve
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That expression xD
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Big bird is not only big, but scary, too.
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My neck hurts just looking at this art
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Nah, it's the Absolfag who eats his own turds AFAIK.

Long time no see, dear Anon…
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I still wish the shiny version had the yellow parts recoloured red, so that it could also double as a Frigatebird based PKMN.
Kilowattrel might be the coolest regional bird
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I'm okay
I still don't have anything new though
he's black, anon. they're not known for their awareness
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That bird should choke and die
That looks like something that would hunt me in a nightmare
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That's a big birb
What would something that big even eat?
>5'10 vs 6'0
clearly you
I'm no vorefag though
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Lucky me!
I mean, uh, that'd be terrible, haha...
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Why bird when Golem?
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not soft and feathery that's why
Look how happy he is to be able to hold his hand! aaaa!!!
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I see surprisingly little Dynamax art. Like, that's a canon way to make your mons huge, and it seems really underutilised.
People were just already set in their ways, I guess. If it was introduced earlier in the franchise, it's probably be a lot more common. And maybe it's more fun to have big mons be big all the time, without any stipulations.
The fact that its so limited, maybe the hologram theory, and SWSH backlash in general probably hurt it a lot

The gimmicks are so short-lived its difficult for people to form an attachment to them.
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I hope he's friendly...
A modern day dinosaur indeed!
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I want to walk up to him and give him headpats
>Gen 5 out of nowhere
kek fuck off dude
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What happens if it drops this?
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I like braviary a lot.
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how does he not have a doozy of a headache
good taste
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Talons have a very strong grip. Corv's not gonna drop it.
I'd be more worried about these bastards... who thought having a bunch of Squawkabilly carry a taxi around was in any way a safe idea??
what the fuck
there's better birds for this than those parrot pieces of shit that could fit in your hand, even without corviknight.
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There are bigger bird mons to choose from than Squawkabilly, for sure, but none of them are anywhere close to being as big as Corviknight. Unless you count the titan Bombirdier... but at that point, you could probably just ride in its pouch, instead of needing the taxi car.
I think Alola had it right using Charizard as a ride 'mon. Riding on the back of something decently-sized, like a dragon, just seems a lot less likely to go awry. I don't know why they don't just strap a saddle on Corviknight in Galar, it's big enough to do that easily, and riding on a bird like that seems way more fun.
anons, they used a bunch of small birds on purpose because it's funny
Remember when you could fly on "any" mon?
Big bird!
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>Doduo/Dodrio spinning their heads like a propeller.JPEG
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Alola is Ash being in purgatory, he died from his coma and is now being tested before getting into heaven Ash went into multiple challenges testing his kindness, all of the characters he met in Alola are angels, some of them disguising as the characters he made up in his coma, their job is to test Ash's kindness to test if he's pure enough to go to heaven. Some characters however are now angels and also died and are in purgatory together with Ash. Lillie: She is the first person Ash met in a long time that wasn't made up in his coma. She, along with her family died after getting killed by a pokemon for an unknown reason. Gladion: Lillie's older brother, he become edgy after Lillie's death. Lusamine: After her daughter death she's more than happy to see her daughter again in purgatory.
Becky the early years
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Hey, been a while since I've seen this character! She's pretty. And pretty big.
She actually started out a lot smaller, though. I guess she had a bit of a wild growth spurt.
She ate her vegetables and became big and strong
pretty ugly redesign to be honest
Admittedly, it's a bit busy with all the fluff sticking out in weird ways... but I think she's cute, overall. And she gets bonus points for being the perfect size. Able to pick you up and cuddle you like a little teddy bear.
as far as I can tell, there hasn't been any pictures of them in some time.
Indeed. It's a shame, but what can ya do.
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Team work makes the dream work!
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Maybe we ride on Pidgey *comfortably* now!
Riding a big bird would be so cool
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Would my pidgeot still love me if I were a worm?
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Image didn't upload for some reason
Depends. Were you always a worm, or were you transformed into one? If you had a connection with Pidgeot before becoming a scrumptious worm, your feathered friend might not have the stomach to slurp you down.
as soon as you see this, delete that picture from your system and save this one.
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Forget Latias, Ash should've met and bonded with Ho-Oh
that's a motherfucking man
Ho-Oh appeared to him twice (or was it three times?), so there's a chance he will eventually; we just won't be along for the ride to see it.
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big ice birb
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How I wish a human sized pokémon or even a bit bigger would pick me up and cuddle me like that
Is he okay...?
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I miss that sicko, he had great taste for a ryonatard.
cute talons
what would a giant torchic want with candy
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Pretty ice birb!
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If he were a girl or at least a cute tranny, I would let him rape me.
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Idk who or what you're talking about, anon. I just like Articuno.
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Time for a kiss.
I like that idea, but beaks make that kind of difficult, no?
You can smooch a bird on its cheek or its forehead, but it can't exactly do the same back, sadly...
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giwtwm honestly

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