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He needs more love
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He can be such a softie...
>even barafags don't post him
flopped shillmon
buy his japanese exclusive boyfriend pillow plush
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Fuck you
>un buzzes your buzzwole
Some do, but I suspect Buzzwole being part bug-type and having mosquito-like qualities is a turn-off for many of them.
really wish he had more fanart
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Looks like an enemy from Bowser's Inside Story.
She/her pronouns only please.
too much details I guess


shut up, miss
imagine his smell
weirdly enough i tend to find regular baramons kinda eh...

but i really love buzzwole for some reason, maybe is the fact he has a robotic feel and that he is silly?

i want him to hold me and protect me while flying menacingly and flexing
She/her. Buzzwole is not a male-only species like Hitmonlee.
Shush, woman!
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i really love art of this, there is something about a big, intimidating and powerful man being nice and careful that i really love
I respect Buzzswole as a chad committed to the grind, and I feel like we'd have a chill time together drinking beers (or in his case, miltanks) and having weightlifting competitions (he'd win every time, but I'd like to believe he'd appreciate the hustle)
Big types never miss, I swear.
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Speaking only for myself, I see Buzzwole as a reverse trapmon, since its energy-sucking behavior is based on the female mosquito.
t. barafag
No he doesn't
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Its not even "unanimal" enough. Instead of a having "mosquito-inspired" head its a literal mosquito head. Going full-fledged fantasy would've helped
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well I'm an ass man so he does nothing for me
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bump if he real
Geez, he's so much bigger...
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He is fairly... uh, top heavy, isn't he?
I like him better blue
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I like the buff mosquito. I just wish he was a little better for competitive stuff. I mean, I don't even play but still, big damage big defense, what's not to love?
better than his shiny
I think so too.
black and blue is the best shiny combination
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he is like a gentle giant in a way, this massive faceless titan alien that will protect you

on top of that he will flex and show everyone his muscles constantly
He's a HERO
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The funniest thing is that everyone thought he would be Xurkitree
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Buzzwole and Pheromosa are the two Ultra Beasts that I really want to see what they look like in the earlier states. Even if they copy-paste mosquito larva and cockroach nymph, should be fascinating.
Buzzwole are a gender unknown species. Don't use gendered pronouns in general for them.
Seems dangerous to get too close to one. One wrong move, and...
What a pose lol
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i'm getting a heracross/scizor/buzzwole keychain
These two should have more pics together
oh, I'm talking about Buzzwole and Heracross
Nice! Hope you enjoy it when you get it!
this is both blessed and cursed
Santa's little helper!
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cute combination
not even the shillmon of UBs
Buzzwole is one of those Pokemon I have a really hard time of seeing as anything other than one gender; in this case, male. And yes, before any anon rushes to post proof that it is possible to envision Buzzwole as female, please don't, lol. I'm sure it's out there and I need not see it for myself.
Strike a pose!
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thanks to the buzzwole anon for bumping my thread for like a week now!

glad to see more people loving him

apologizes for not helping too much but im running low on buzzwole pictures myself

what made you like this based creature so much?
Someone loves attention a bit too much...
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what is this exactly?
love this couple
Only female mosquitos suck blood, OP.
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Unite disagrees
I love Buzzwole hanging out with other bugmons
he is based, but attracts straggots
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i made this thread over a week ago how is it still alive i didn't knew there was this much buzzwole fanart

im grateful for it though
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that his cock was out from the thumbnail
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There's actually a decent amount if you poke around deviantArt, pinterest, various boorus, pixiv, and so on. Just... be prepared. You might find the kind of artwork that you weren't... uh, really looking for, lol.
>Where do you work out?
>The library
Flexing with Machamp and Buzzwole
Urshifu and Calyrex
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getting vintage comic book cover vibes
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>blocks your path
What do?
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>fighting type muscle bug
>not in Pokken
>not in Type:Wild
>not in Close Combat
>in Unite of all things
y-you wouldn't
... would you? :(
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where's he taking him
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I don't know who came up with the idea of putting these two together, but I love it.
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he deserves all the petting
He always kinda weirded me out...
In a good or bad way?
he looks... strangely squishy
Kinda nuts that they are the only mons based on flies
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squish the buzz at your own risk
He's gonna be a pancake if you keep doing that :(
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he can handle it
weirdly mesmerizing
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just don't squish his armpits
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Oh dear... dare I ask what happens if I do?
Handsome bug
bump for buzzwole's big naturals
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he needs more lewds!
Great thread
Surprisingly cute
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>No one's posted the thread theme yet
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Silly Spheal!
Buzzwole and Xurkitree eating good
there's always gen 10
I still don't get why flexing trees of all things.
Like, mosquitos live in humid places mostly, I understand that but why do the trees need to be flexing?
Those trees are actually the remains of really old Buzzwole.
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Buzzwole unlocked his Lisa frank form

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