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>current OP count: 100
>threads since counter: 103

Previous thread:

Rusefox GF pastebin:

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown)

Untitled fic (deceptive Zoro GF)
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Zoroark cucking my GF! How was I supposed to know?
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sha canonically baby traps human men
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>She's using illusions to hide her breasts in zork form
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Where's her breasts?
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When Zoroarks are under emotional stress they will subconsciously illusion themselves. In this case, she’s making herself smaller and weaker to elicit forgiveness
>Someone actually writes Hisuian Zorua content
>It's good
>It only updates every 3-4 weeks on average.
Every fucking time. At least the chapters are big, I guess. Does anyone know if this author has written anything under a different name before? If so, do they have a history of abandoning shit? https://archiveofourown.org/works/53446699/chapters/135277282
>it's over
So I've ordered a copy of black 2 and I plan to use the /ruse/fox by breeding N's zorua to get a female one. I'm looking for possible name suggestions
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In Legends a H-Zorua tricks you into bringing it food, among other /ruse/s

I like to give them human-like names even though I consider them more above humans
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Any more pics like this?
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>He wouldn't do it.
>You can't believe your luck.
>At first, you thought it was you.
>Were you not desirable?
>Pretty enough?
>No, no, he admitted you were all those things when he gave you the ring.
>What a weird human custom.
>"No sex until marriage." He says.
>Insisted, would be a better term.
>And he means it. Not an inch of budging.
>You have a mate you hasn't mated with you...
>Utterly bizarre.
>What males do this?
>No way your sisters had this problem.
>The wedding's a half year away.
>Stupid sexy human...
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>timeskip 5 years later
>already has eight kids with another on the way
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>heavily pregnant wife goes into labor
>take her to the hospital
>hours later she has dropped her disguise and you are now the proud father of 4 zorua
>"don't worry mr anon, this is more common than you think! congratulations by the way!"
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I tried to translate what the mother Zoroark said and I don’t understand the result I got.
oooh. my guess would be "heavy" or "big"
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Why are they like this?
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Because they want to protect what they love.
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Pretty sharp teeth... but so long as they're not being used against me, I like that.
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Vulpix or Fenneken because they’re fire types. Not the Nickit because they only perform petty theft, not grand theft.
Attempting to control their trainer’s thoughts
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The greatest lie ever told was that the Zoroark line isn’t psychic and can’t mentally manipulate you.
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Where to I find my own dirty little liar?
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>black claws
Never noticed this until now
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But they’ve done it right before
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My waif
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Holy thighs, almost as good as Delphox's
A bit more Jessie-Zoroark has been found
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>posting the version without coomshit booba
Based even more than usual OP.
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>pride flags
>public-facing RP
>Emmet posting

Yup, raw Tumblr searches are still a cesspit
She cute. Who is this?
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The Tumblr is Yamujiburo, who's most noteworthy for Jessie/Delia shipping but did a bit of more general pokemonization.
The hell is a fictive?
Not entirely sure myself, but I THINK it's a subset of the "otherkin" pointed at fictional characters/species.

Such is the dangers of Tumblr.
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The ship is forced and wierd but them as Pokemon is alright
Zoroark really should've kept the Zorua tail when they evolve
>doing mind numbing paperwork
>randomly start thinking of Christmas songs
>get back home and look at thread
>see this
Mariah ... she cometh, I can hear the ice cracking
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who’s emmet and what is emmet posting?
One of the conductors from BW. The one that didn't get isekai'd. Good characters but the fujos like them and so ofc it's all homo art of old men
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Can a Zorua/Zoroark disguise as a Ditto?
If so, what happens?
>have to have 2 zoroarks in your party so they don't disguise as another pokemon
What's the point of a sexy shillmon if they're stuck with the appearance of another pokemon half the time whenever you have one?
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>Zoroarks are afraid to not illusion themselves unless they’re with another Zoroark
i need zork correction
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Married human men
>force their trainers into chastity
aren't these NTR cards supposed to have downsides?
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Train then young so they won't do this
>cuck shit

please just die
I don't think so?
Haven't seen one with a single downside yet.
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Delete the 2nd paragraph and I’m good to go
>Zoroark is possessive of their master and expects to be their one and only mate
>Will trick and deceive you and others so she has you all to herself
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>Weird pica preggo urges hit zoroark wife
>Demands frosting from ultra processed food
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Even better. In addition to being a Zoroark she can be any girl.
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crazy shot in the dark here, but I'm looking for an old M/M fic that I'm reasonably certain I read on SoFurry or some other website, about a man serving under a wealthy noble who turns out to be a Zoroark. If anyone here has any leads I'd be so grateful!
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Consider the following:
Zoroark with a birth defect where her eye marking came in wrong, making it look like bags under her eyes and always looks tired.
Why would that be better? There's inherently no trust with shapeshifters
This is the image that made me fall in love with zoroarks.
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Her name is Rose because because it's one letter away from /Ruse/
How long did that take? Also found a copy of Black 2 for $170 at a game store. Good thing I got 2 copies of it still.
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The other Pokemon threads are dead.
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>cuck shit
Even worse than all the sparkledog shiny trash itt, kill yourself
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How long did the name take? It was between Rose and Slyvia
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The dream
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>Its only table scraps, what’s the worst that co-
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In my house all Zoroarks are welcome to sit at the dinner table
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I've been getting more into fox women thanks to her

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>and the entire population of new york city.
She doesn't sound that bad.
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See you next week maybe
H-Zoroark in a Hugo Boss Uniform…

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