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Walking up to strangers yelling "CLANG!" and asking to touch their pokemon
I'd let her polish my Pokemon
(inb4 houndoom)
I want Jasmine to touch my Pokemon...
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The CLANGing of her ass cheeks must have alerted mods
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It didn't take long either.
At least I didn't get b&
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I don't think she should be touching my slugma, or any slugma ever
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Jazzy is an adorable tradwaifu. she was made for wholesome dates at the beach and coffeeshops. eventually, marriage and having lots of kids
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Goddess, love her petite build.
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Jasmine is popular!
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She cute. Any hgss romhacks that give her more content?
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if only that was our reward to cure the sick ampharos
Her best assets were the ones in plain sight.
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Jasmine x Volkner is a cute ship too bad nobody cares and the only artwortk avaliable is from DPPt/HGSS era
>Posts cropped porn
Do /vp/edos really?
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>genwar threads despite genwars breaking the rules: fine (bonus points if it shits on Gen2 Pokémon or Johto because fuck johto)
>blatantly unrelated threads that belong in lgbt or pol: fine
>trolling despite being against the rules: fine
>racism despite it being against the rules and 4chan actually having /b/ as a place for retards to seethe about muh niggerinos, LatinX (giddit i called them LantinX isn’t that funny, except its not and it’s annoying as fuck and sounds stupid) or whatever group they want to use as scapegoat for their self inflicted problems: fine
>furry garbage despite being against the rules: 50% chance the mods will notice once the thread just about the be archived anyway but the rest of the time: fine
>a NSFW picture with the actual NSFW parts gone: BAN IT
Do /vp/ mods really?
>Jasmine thread
>Yet no one talks about her cute feet.
Let's fix that
Based mods, they should make pokegirl posting a banneable offense even if it's a non-lewd image just to piss you coomers off
NTA, but what would be left of /vp/ if the pokegirl threads were gone? like literally what else is there to do here that can't be found on reddit or twitter?
this is a racist furry genwar board. go back to plebbit
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I like to imagine that Jasmine has slim legs but her ass sticks out very far
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Isn't backseat modding an offense on every board or did I just dream that?
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Are there any other Pokegirls that have Jasmine's waifish figure yet slightly hip-focused figure?
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I'd say the closest is Tulip, but Jasmine still beats her
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Winona is effectively that if you put her in a dress, though since the 3DS she's become less flat.
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>the only Gym Leader to get a new outfit in the Sinnoh Remake
>New outfit
>takes away her sandals
It's a literal downgrade, why!?
...hey, yeah! I'm not complaining, but... why? Why her of all people? Her appearance was just a tiny little cameo.
what a downgrade, we cant even see her slim figure and wide hips since the dress hides it all.
I think Volkner might be commenting about that.
used a couple on image translatros and got these, not sure which one is more accurate

Customize new clothes
I got it
How about that...?
It's OK, I guess?
The previous work is
It looks cold
I was worried.
Previous work

The person with short-sleeved sandals has been around since the previous work.

I received new clothes and had them tailored. How do they look? Pretty good, right? I was worried the previous ones looked cold. From the previous ones, I've been wearing short-sleeves and sandals all along.
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Jasmine's body figure is shaped from heaven, and she isn't shy to show it off
No she's incredibly shy, she's just a little oblivious because she's too humble to think anyone would legitimately find her attractive. That's part of what makes her so cute.
Why would Roxanne do that?
Taking her back to the trainer school so the Youngsters have someone else to molest and skirt-flip instead of Roxanne for once
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Built for Big Magnemite Screw!
Dev likely wanted her to have something fancier to wear during contests, hence why the player's mom got one too.
I guess because Sinnohs is colder than Johto, Cynthia didn't wear less clothes when she appeared in Johto or even in Alola.
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Explain Maylene or Flint then.
*though by that logic that doesn't explain why Cynthia didn't wear less clothes when she appeared in Johto or even in Alola
huh, though I typed it all out

They're just used to the cold, but again that would mean they be abnormally hot everywhere else. so I don't know
The commissioner's fantasy for cartoon violence.
Or Jasmine's cake is surprisingly firm and rock-like.
They work out indoors. Cynthia walks around outdoors more so she has to dress warm.
It's canon Maylene walks around barefoot outdoors too, literally titled "the barefoot genius", and she's mostly likely younger or same age as Jasmine.
>and she's mostly likely younger or same age as Jasmine.

How do you figure?
>or Jasmine's cake is surprisingly firm and rock-like.
makes sense she seems to walk alot and even participates in the pokethalon, so her having a nice taut butt under that dress makes sense
I think they only truly settled on the idea of sinnoh being a colder climate in Platinum. as that was were they redesigned the player characters to have coats and scarves.
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Lewd and official
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Maylene is just an idiot who's deliberately dressing lightly in the cold for "training".
I'd save this argument for a Maylene dedicated thread, but she's just dedicated, the fact she goes barefoot in the cold just shows how much she's able to take to better herself. Even if she's not used to it, she doesn't want you to worry cause she doesn't want to seem weak. That's just cute.
Seeing Jasmine without her forks is like seeing Winona without her wings or Nemona without her green streak. It may be a choice they could make, but I don't wanna see them without it.
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She loses a lot of her Jasmineness without the huge forehead, and she only has it because of the bunny ears
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Out of boredom, I searched this up one day and discovered she actually has a power scaling page. What fictional characters could Jasmine actually beat in a fight or death battle when counting only her game appearances (main series, stadium, and masters)?
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Without her pokemon? She'd struggle to fight her way out of a paper bag. With her pokemon? Even her rematch team isn't all that strong compared to other pokemon, much less to monsters and stuff from other franchises.
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Cross-series comparisons are always a problem, even more so for Pokemon's since Pokemons rule's don't really gel with other monster-fighters due to having simplistic mechanics compared to other RPGs. Also for the fairest comparison we'd have to factor in things like the anime and possibly spin offs like Masters.

I'm assuming that the set up would be her commanding a team of 6 of her strongest Pokémon all at once, against whatever opponent she'd be up against.

Odd that the Wiki didn't mention her HGSS rematch team, which would add in Bronzong and Empoleon to her team. And if Masters were included that would open up the possibility of including Celesteela.

>Even her rematch team isn't all that strong compared to other pokemon,
one of them is a giant metal,
Gameplaywise most of her team seems decently strong. The only real duds seem to be the Magnemites on her first team and Mawile on her BW team. Though remember that many if not most pokemon are stronger than what the game mechanics allows and Jasmine's team is essentially a bunch of robots and cyborgs, one of which is a giant metal serpent.Though she never has a psuedo or or legendary in the main series.
>she never has a psuedo
Ignore that, RIGHT after I posted that I remembered her Metagross. (always remember to proofread)

Also in the Gathered! Gym Leader! Tournament she was the Gym Leader chosen to represent Johto. Misty, Norman, and Volkner were the ones chosen for their respective regions, Not sure if there's any significance to that.
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If Masters and Celesteela is allowed I wonder how much more powerful she is. I'm not sure how powerful Celesteela is , I know a dex entry says it burnt down an entire forest, but I also have no idea if traveling across ultra space in a short time makes you massively ftl like the vs wiki page claims for Celesteela
>Making any contact at all
I blame the windoor in the lighthouse for my crush on Jasmine. As a dumb autistic child I couldn't figure out you were supposed to go through it and drop down to continue up the lighthouse (because who the fuck designs a building like that). Thus I actually got stuck and just went and beat Pryce first before going back to Olivine and finally working it out. Because of that she had this air of mystique to her as this unreachable girl everyone knew and everyone spoke highly of but which I could never reach.
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Do you still like Jasmine now?
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>picture for ants
I wish I could threesome relationship with Jasmine and Whitney.
How's the sex like
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It's small but not a picture for ants. You can at least see what it is without a magnifying glass
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so like. she has a cartoon affliction and then is sexually harassed? wtf
The one I'm working on has her defending the Lighthouse from Team Rocket with her Steelix and you can team up with her in a double battle against Archer and a grunt. Always bugged me that the top floor of a tower didn't have a boss battle at the end.
Now that you mention it, the tower set up does lend itself well to having a boss on on top. Also it would give Team Rocket more presence in the overall story
Any other changes/ additions in your rom?
Give me a prequel game where you play AS her. Starting out training rock-type pokemon, with a shitty Onix as her starter. Making friends with a Mareep. Hearing the news of the recent discovery of Steel-type pokemon. Catching a friendly pair of wild Magnemite. Getting into a rivalry with that brat Whitney. Pining for the hunky fighting-type gym leader who lives across the sea. Evolving her friend Mareep. Hearing rumors that Onix can evolve, trying to figure out how to do it. Saving up her money to buy a Metal Coat. Defeating the old gym leader in Olivine City. Avoiding wild Houndoom.
Jasmine for doggy with her nice ass.
Whitney for cowgirl to make her tits bounce.
Jasmine and I milk Whitney.
>Jasmine for doggy
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Yes them too.
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Outfit kinda fits except Jasmine being a diva doesn't make any sense, she's too humble and reserved.
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I'm the one who posted that and I agree with wholeheartedly on that.
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So nice to see a breeding pair in the wild.
>still not a single pic of Karen and her Houndoom pegging both Jasmine and her Amphy with oversized strap-ons
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Commission it, bitch
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Many fetishes related to some sort of power dynamic or domination, Roxanne’s just claiming her prize.
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What do you think Jasmine smells like
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Like jasmine.
from https://phlur.com/blogs/perfumery-dictionary/jasmine-scent-in-perfumery#:~:text=The%20scent%20profile%20of%20jasmine,floral%2C%20fresh%20and%20green%20scent.
>The scent profile of jasmine sambac, also called arabian jasmine, is sweet, musky, and sultry, while jasmine grandiflorum has a softer, more floral, fresh and green scent. Some believe that the aroma of jasmine can act as an aphrodisiac, while others use it for aromatherapy to promote relaxation.
Smelling like jasmine would be a fun one, another could have her smell of mandarins or oranges. Her Japanese name, Mikan, means "citrus" and orange round hair ties seems to reference that.
Jasmine's cute sandals and pretty toes!
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Need more art of Jasmine going :3

Also what the fuck, this art is from 2009? Why do you even have this?
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This picture is from 2009 when HGSS was 2 month old and has always been one of my fav
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I love finding old fanart from before HGSS was even announced. I wish I could remember the names of websites where I could find fanart back then or that deviantart had a "search by oldest" function. Picrel is from 2007
NTA but they're missing Jasmine's "girl next door" vibe.
Ebaum's World probably
>or that deviantart had a "search by oldest" function
That would actually be convenient, which is clearly against DA's mission statement since they're going out of their way to make the site unbearable.
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I bet her feet stink
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Yes, and...?
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Jasmine takes good care of her feet. they're smooth and soft, and smell like oranges. her toenails are perfectly trimmed and glossy too!
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>missing Jasmine's "girl next door
You put it in better words than I could have
>There's no way these friggin' things are real~!
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>bust gap society
sadly aren't many Jasmine pics with that tag
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I learned that term today
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I came like a motherfucker with this so i hope you like it https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119537993
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Sketched out a redesign for her contest outfit, might ink, color it later
Much better. and maintaining her cute feet and sandals! Based anon.
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what's with girls liking to have gay friends?
What the devil are you talking about? She's there to get spit roasted by them.
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lick this
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After a good sniff.
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>posting gore
It's okay! they regenerate!
Dawn, how could you?
You were one of the good ones.
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You're welcome. anons.

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It took me a while to realize this was supposed to be Jasmine
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I want to kiss her!
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Thanks anon, she wants to kiss you too!
Cute! I'll give her lots of smooches on the lips while I hold her tightly and take in her sweet scent
Pull her pigtails, gently. She'll make cute noises.
That sounds like fun, I bet she'd pretend to get mad about it but secretly enjoy it.
She also secretly enjoys being grabbed sorta roughly. She's a tough girl, she can take it.
How tough is Jasmine?
She's built like a tree trunk! And she can really take a pounding. You could spank her really hard and she'd be okay with it. She doesn't have defined abs but her tummy is all muscle. She's got noodle arms though.
She can run a marathon and come out in the top rank.

Can anyone on /vp/ do the same?
>And she can really take a pounding.
With a body like that? I'll need some proof. She is a Steel-type trainer but can Jasmine herself tank anything?
>You could spank her really hard and she'd be okay with it.
Even if her butt is glowing red? She won't flinch?
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I just realized they both have a pink-haired best friend.
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I wonder if Jasmine ever brings Amphy out of the Lighthouse for battles or traveling around.
Masters has her battling with and traveling with another Ampharos that will take Amphy's place when it retires, she likely did the same with Amphy.
That's gonna be sad for Amphy when he retires. I don't know if Amphy even had a trainer of his own of if it was Jasmine's; I always just associated her to have one that took the role of being the beacon.
Still that's very sweet to hear. I always like the relationship of Jasmine and Amphy
That sort of implies that the one in the lighthouse never gets to leave, travel, or go on vacation. Kind of cruel.
all he needs is some Jasmine puss and he's happy
In Gen 2 Amphy's room was pretty comfy. Had a bed, table and everything so he was living quite fine. The remakes make Amphy feel more restricted.
Pretty sure Amphy goes hard on Jasmine's tight pussy everytime she visits.
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Amphy probably does get some vacations breaks, we just don't see it in game due to conversation of detail (Same reason why gym leaders or other NPCS stand in one spot for 99% of the time).
At the very least Amphy only really needs to be at the lighthouse at night and Pokeball teck means any Pokemon can be instantly transported from one place to another.
The light coming from the lighthouse is just Amphy giving Jasmine electrostimulation
Jasmine is pretty tough so I think she can take Amphy's electrical cock surging through as he stimulates her whole body.
She takes part in the Pokethalon so she's at least somewhat toned, and her official art has some rather wide hips so her ass should ne enough muscled and cushioned enough to to take whatever you want to give her

do her hair bobbles light up when Amphy finishes?
>do her hair bobbles light up when Amphy finishes?
When Amphy finishes that's when a huge electrical surge comes so yes.
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God damn Candace has huge tits
Those two lesbians are going to blow her mind later that night
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Jasmine does NOPT have sex with pokemon, don't be weird.
Feels conflicting and contradictory with Jasmine flirting with Amphy there...
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Is she alright
Good argument! Unfortunately,
>Search image on Google
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the search image on Google is so useless. All it ever gives is "possible result: fictional character"
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There was a long period of time where it would refuse to give me any result that wasn't Mickey mouse with the phrase "cartoon character".
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>Pining for the hunky fighting-type gym leader who lives across the sea.
Watching a young Jasmine losing her virginity being roughly fucked and manhandled by a older married man with a dad-bod is so hot. Also canon.
Jasmine is forced to be a diva/idol under threat of having creepshot lewds released of her. Or blackmailed into it after the producer had sexually assaulted her and recorded it.
nah, Jasmine is obviously dating Erika and occasionally fucking Erika's side pieces (gym trainers) with her
I always thought it was supposed to be like Erika is the friend she puts on a pedestal and Whitney's the friend that's always there.
Canonically, it's that Jasmine is too shy put herself in a position to ask out guys she likes, she's also too shy and nervous to accept when hot guys ask her out. So she asks her friends Erika and Whitney. They gather guys who will just have sex with her and use her body the way she secretly wants so she can release her urges without the pressure of having to go on dates and put herself out there. She just has her friends gather a group of men they've selected for her, she meets them in a secret room (or at the top of the lighthouse), they use her tight slim body and holes however they want, and they all head home after.
nah, canonically every pokegirl is a lesbian and/or a pokephiliac
Jasmine 1000000% seems like the skinny innocent looking pretty girl that ends up marrying an older slightly chubby-yet-fit dad-bod guy before she enters her mid 20s. She seems like finds the older men and their stability and confidence in life attractive. She also finds their former athlete bodies, now putting on some weight in their middle age, comforting; subconsciously reminding her of her own loving father.
That's even better. She mostly does it because she enjoys the feeling of being used and she has to release her urges. She's not emotionally attached, and she doesn't want the men to be emotionally attached to her either (although many of the guys end up falling in love with her while gangbanging her).
Erika is the sort of sweet but aggressive lesbian who doesn't really care if her bootycalls are into it or not. She shows up on Jasmine's doorstep and simply informs her that sex is going to happen

>B-but Erika, I'm straight...
>So's spaghetti, til it's wet! (licks lips)
Jasmine is such good rapebait, for both men and women.
I would love to pin her down and have my way with all her holes as she cried, before giving up and going limp. I would cum deep inside all her holes, in addition to glazing her flat chest with my semen while calling her flat to make her feel extra self conscious. I'd also cum on her forehead for good measure.
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Erika dragging Jasmine into tons of embarrassing situations
It's cute because she's try to fight back but with those noodle arms and limp wrists it would be like getting attacked by a puppy. She'd give in but retain enough awareness and faux-control that she'd tell you just to not cum inside of her, thinking you'd somehow conceded that much to her, only for her to be shocked and outraged all over again as you plant your seed deep inside her. Those shapely hips and hourglass figure just go to show how lusciously fertile she is, it'll be a minor miracle if she doesn't get pregnant with triplets.
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>the Normal-type brat calling the girl with citrus fruit in her hair, too plain
>Meanwhile the lesbian florist wants her to wear spandex
Jasmine has remarkably shitty friends.

Oh yeah and her gym is empty. I don't think she even HAS any other friends.
>the lesbian florist wants her to wear spandex
i can't blame her
>I don't think she even HAS any other friends.
It's okay, she has me.
God that's so hot
>>the Normal-type brat calling the girl with citrus fruit in her hair, too plain
what the fuck is Whitney's problem?
>Whitney made Jasmine feel bad
I'm going to go to that slut's gym and kick her right in the cunt.

>her gym is empty.
i think HGSS adds them to the gym, but they don't fight you because you already fought them at the lighthouse
She'd probably be too kind hearted to abort them. I want to make Jasmine raise my rapebabies! I want her to be a struggling single mom! I want to see her get sad when the children I forced on her ask about their father! I won't be around to see her get sad because I'll have left long ago!
Weird fantasy but okay
>Meanwhile the lesbian florist wants her to wear spandex
If trying to get Jasmine to wear embarrassing things common with Erika?
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>she's so flat that a child's dress fits her
Why is she melting?
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Does the game have a page I can look at and bookmark?
Peaches at the beach

Whitney should be less embarrassed though surely?
Steel types are sensitive to heat
Jasmine is sensitive in general, it's so cute.
Good thread

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