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Imagine being her research assistant and getting to go on adventures with her and then coming back to catalog data together
Since I haven't shilled in a while, I made a Cynthia VN! Hang out in Olive City and solve crimes with her. It also contains lewds. It's completely free.

>olive city
Fuck I'm tired. Olivine City. It also has Jasmine in it.
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Hi Shaun! How's Angie, your boar doing?
She is so smart
Its still so based that Cynthia has her own VN
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who does she get angry at the most
Shotas who run away afyer a fight before she can rape them!
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I want to see her having sexo with her great grand-dad. It would be hot
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There's honestly more art of her beating the fuck out of him

Okay I typed that and then spent like 45 minutes looking for a particular pic of Cynthia slapping him, which I think was modeled after Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. I thought I had it saved, but I can't find it. I give up.
My guess is on fairy type trainers, Garchomp can't click Outrage until pest control's been handled.
The BDSP Garchomp has poison jab for them
>shoe hang
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>being her research assistant and getting to go on adventures with her and then coming back to catalog data together
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Strongest in history
Strongest of today
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>Strongest in history
>Strongest of today
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I don't want to be her assistant, I want to be her pokemon pet.
haha wouldnt it be funny if she asked (You) for a foot rub after a long day of work hahaha...
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I would try and not sound too eager...
>want to be her pokemon pet.
Which pokemon would you be as her pet?
Milotic. Highest chance to see her in her swimsuit, plus I she would regularly ride me, as I would know surf.
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Badass bitch
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She is sexy
What a girlboss
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Cynthia I choose you!
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the cake
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I just wanna be the stool
Is this appropriate in Sinnoh?
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if dog marriages are....
Dawn = dog?
hi shun!
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Look what happened to shaun's self-insert, ackdith, when trying to use a seviper. Just face it shaun, you'll never have a chance with Cynthia, just like you'll never be able to finish uni!
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She is very well educated as well.
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What's the source for this pic? It's not a pokedad tournament clearly
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Should Cynthia wear a black swimsuit or a white one?
The Eternal Question
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Blue one-piece swimsuit would be nice for a blondie like her.
Pure sexo
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But she shouldn't go swimming; her hair, when wet, would weigh way too much and would make her sink.
Red > black > white
>Red > black > white
red swimsuit/linegerie is sex af
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Is her really liking ice cream just an ashnime thing?
specifically ice-cream - yes, anime I think
dont remember that in the games

but she likes cake in Masters
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>Is this appropriate in Sinnoh?
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>Male Cynthia
>GILF Cynthia
>Young Cynthia (now "canon" to the ashnime)
There's really a flavor of Cynthia for everybody.
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>There's really a flavor of Cynthia for everybody.
we eating good!

another anni Cynthia soon too
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Imagine being her foot sniffer after all those adventures. Why is she taking her shoes off in front of me that fucking footslut.
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Mommy yes
Teasing Cynthia about how smelly her feet are!
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>Christmas Cynthia
Hell yeah.
The one that tastes like sh**n's tears after getting him kicked out of Nasser Yorat University (not New YorK)
Kekeke, gottim. Did you run out of vore on your shitphone, shaun?
It's even funnier when he posts that pic, since he's the one screaming in all caps. Just makes him look like he's self-inserting as Cynthia.
It's decent as regular porn of Cynthia, so it's nice that you're just fapping to her regularly, but imagine having to save a thumbnail, lol. Did you run out of space on your shitphone, or are you just not smart enough to figure out where to get a full-sized version?
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So you have some outdated chinkshit that's falling apart as we speak. And inferior performance to a real phone, back when it was supposedly new (probably still outdated). If you weren't stuck with a shitty aborted degree that isn't from Stern, maybe you'd have a better one, or hell, wouldn't even need to phonepost!
The full-sized pic still works on this board, shaun. Either your shitphone just isn't able to save larger pics, or you just don't have the IQ necessary to find the full-sized version.
Is the library one of the 109 places you got kicked out of, shaun? I'm just saying it's suspicious as fuck that so many places keep kicking you out. There's Nasser Yorat University, the University of Tel-Aviv, that airline, the pajeet convenience store, and now the library...
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Silly, shaun, your betters who are actually from the only country that will ever matter don't even bother getting passports. Those are only for your kind, who need them to infiltrate and subvert better nations until you get kicked out of 109 of them!
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>still buckbroken
go see a therapist
Then why were you so desperate to deny being from Nasser Yorat and not New York, shaunberg? Of those 109 places you got kicked out of, some of them even had to expel you several times.
Millions of people managed to graduate from college without getting kicked out, shaun. It's no secret how much better everyone is compared to you. Hell, even Cynthia/Crissi/whatever's Tisch diploma is worth much more than your crappy CAS major that will never even be completed.
Don't cry so much about the crappy CAS major that slipped away from you, shaun! It's barely enough to get a burger flipping job, and more likely, all you would've gotten is another below-minimum wage job where you answer to a Puerto Rican again!
A Tisch degree is more than valuable enough to make up for any debt, unlike a worthless CAS major, shaun! No wonder she looked down on you to the point of making you sob for years about her!
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The queen of /vp/
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>Obsessed with BBC
Stop projecting your insecurities over others
Nice doxx mate
kek, he's probably lying again, just like he lied about being from Stern, and lied about being white. Either that, or he's gone senile at the ripe old age of 20, just like he developed arthritis and who knows what other obesity-related disorders.
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>never earned mininum
>yet thought that 3k$ monthly was impressive
so who cares if you made 1$ more than the minimum wage by being an accountant at your local grocery shop.
Learn to type ESL, or that's the other side of the wall for you. Trump will come back, cut your aides, expropriate you and your family and kick you back to phillipines
makes sense, being fat goes with being a vorefag
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Look how easy it was to catch ackdith, your self-insert, just like it was easy to catch you lying about which school you were in! You didn't even manage to get far, let alone get to Cynthia's level, just like you didn't make it very far in college, while she graduated with honors!
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What's an EBTS, I ain't amerifat
kek, is McGill the other university that rejected you, shaun? Did they take one look at your disciplinary record and laugh their asses off, then shred your application right in front of you while you seethed and sobbed impotently?
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You really have a great imagination when it commes to cock, and being a vore I'd say you have fetish relative to swallowing and puttingthings in your mouth.
Really makes you think.
Are you going to the pride this year? You'd make a fine queen
Well, which one is it, shaunberg? Are you a citizen of Israel, India, or Philippines?
The pride parade would probably kick him out too. He's well on his way to getting kicked out of 109 places. Very suspicious.
Just because Brandon and Trudeau are bleeding-hearts who let you in out of pity doesn't mean you're American or even Canadian, shaunberg. There's a reason why actual citizens don't need passports in their own countries, while you need yours to infiltrate and subvert the nations of your betters.
Actually got a lot more respect for NYU and Cynthia's lookalike for not feeling pity for sh**n lol
You are of mixed origin and coping with one of your parent being of scottish white ancestry. You never fit in during your childhood and barely had any friends. You lost your student job because you got mad over an anime character. You got kicked out of uni (by campus security, kek) because you made a scene in the dorms. your family got so worried about your behavior you got sent to emergency care back in canada.

Just stop posting, and reflect on yourself. You are pathetic and nobody wants to see your schizo ramblings here
Is that why you've been so fascinated with kuru, shaun? By looting and probably eating cadavers? Or is the polling center one of the 109 places you got kicked out of?
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>He got mad at the truth
Aww, did the chinee conquer your country, shaun? Were you from that one place in india that they lost to the chinee?
Could be xinjiang or tibet too.My condolences if it's the former. Uygurs are experiencing cultural erasure and demographic replacement by the ethnic hans
I'm white
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Does that mean Crissi/Cynthia/whatever was underage when you approached her, shaun? Is that why other universities laugh you out, because you're a registered offender?
Says the guy writing in all caps with typos.
Truly your are a stable genius compared to the other posters. Get well soon
The Uighur's would probably kick schlomo shaun shong out of their country, too. It's probably 109 places he's been expelled from by now. Really suspicious!
If you say so.
109 is the number of places you've been expelled from, shaunberg! Though come to think of it, is 109 that much higher than the IQ of a CAS failure like you?
Why so racist and antisemitic?
Did that Mississauga Mental Hospital use gas to sedate you, shaun? It's nice that they injected all those tracking devices into you, but those things also let them see through your eyes. Once Dr. Nosenstein sees that I know about them, he'll go "oy vey, shut it down!" and your organs will begin to shut down one by one.
I'd still say Fire Emblems resident schizo is worse
It looks like the first to go was your hands. It's not actually arthritis, but rather the tracking devices eating away at your nerves. They're also breaking down the neurons in your brain, and that's why you're getting more and more senile with every passing day.
Kekeke did they beat you up when they threw you out of their Kwik-E mart? Do you really think that doesn't make 109 places you've been expelled from?
Fucking hilarious that he's this weak that some malnourished pajeets can beat him up. I guess that's why he looks up to a weak grunt, the lowest on the totem pole.
Don't you remember how her Seviper got one-shotted? Is that why you identify with weak shitmons, because you're weak enough to get beaten up by some half-starved pajeet?
More likely it was just one of them doing the beating, while the others laughed and took videos. He's probably even shorter than a pajeet, which is how he got targetted for being beaten in the first place.
How do you manage to be smaller than an indian who was starved throughout his childhood, wtf
Based pajeet animals for beating up and raping Shaun

They could smell the voreschizo in him
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The nice thing is you'd never hear Cynthia dying, since a weak grunt who's even weaker than a pajeet won't even get close, let alone stand a chance again her.
You do, however, get to hear shaun screaming and sobbing when one malnourished pajeet beats the fuck out of him, while his friends laugh and take videos. Is there an indian youtube or something we can watch that on?
>raping Shaun
Did they really penetrate his crusty loose brown asshole?
you need a bullet to the brain, Shaun
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Then why is she still around, sneering at the weakling who got clobbered by a 4-foot tall pajeet who was still bigger than him? It's just that women can tell how much of a failure you'll be, even before you get kicked out of school and beaten up by a midget pajeet. That's why she looked down on a hobbit like you even before all of this happened!
kek, so they seriously did, wtf. How starved do those indians have to be to want to touch a diseased wreck like sh**n
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That's exactly how the fight between sh**n or rather his AGP self-insert and any random trainer would go. His Seviper would get beaten up in a hilarious way, and never even have a chance with Cynthia!
The fighting type Cynthia from Masters would absolutely destroy shaun in a fistfight!
Break his bones and leave him in ICU
Holy goddess
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>missed shawns melty
oh well, nothing of value was lost
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Cute babies
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Here's a semi-lewd for turning your thread into a battlefield. I hope you guys got some amusement out of it, at least!
Shoe dangling is hot as fuck
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a rare Umbreon pic
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Thx bro
Fits her
Cynthia my wife
I see you too are a man of culture.
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Cynthia if she Raichu
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Cynthia if she pianist
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Arceus, those boobs are amazing!
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Played it months ago and loved it. You da man, writefuck
i want her to kiss me on the forehead and let me suck her tits when im good for her, i'd let her kidnap me desu
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Thanks! You can help me by telling your friends about the game! It's been downloaded from itch less than 5000 times, and considering how often people download free games and never play them, probably half those people didn't even play it. I want more people to see the fruits of my hard work.
Badass and on-model!
Even 2500 is more people than I'd think /vp/ had. That's pretty awesome, so I hope even more will appreciate it. Also, kudos for making sh**n cry!
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I am so down bad for this woman
I think we spoke too soon...
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That's for third-world subhumans to worry about, though! I guess sh**n could be in danger, since he lost to a pajeet
god her smug look is so intoxicating
makes me hard instantly!
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HOLY crap

how much is that masterpiece ?
How do we know the NYU incident actually happened apart from Sh**n's Freudian slips, by the way? Is there a news report or something?
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I dunno if something like that would even make it into their school newspaper. Maybe people took videos of his chimpout on their phones, if he was funny enough.
There might be a better chance of an article or youtube video of him getting beaten up by his fellow pajeets, or whatever he was screaming about in this very thread.
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Maybe search the NYU subreddit or something?
Goth gf
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380 EUROS reeeeeeeeeee
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i wish i had a goth shirona gf
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would you drive this car?
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Teen brat!
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What the hell is going on in this pic? Cynthia is cute but why is Garchomp reacting like that? I think the text at the bottom says 미래아동발센터 but google trasnslate says that means, "Future Children's Foot Center." Fucking WHAT?
maybe garchomp's laughing at her pose?
What do you think her garchomps name is
>What do you think her garchomps name is
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ai sloppa
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reminder that artists that either draw her with shorter hair than her official art or draw her paired with dawn deserve the rope
which Sinnoh starter fits her best?
>which Sinnoh starter fits her best?
Empoleon because she is verity's aunt
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Regal Penguin
Cyndaquil, it even shares part of her name
Would Cynthia ever wear pink?
>Would Cynthia ever wear pink?
He'd be friends with Kevin Nash.
Were you raped?
>Were you raped?
shawn didnt report the rape, he was too embarassed to show his bleeding anus
nice and thicc
wtf, how desperate were those pajeets to want to touch sh**n's crusty diseased ass
Were you also kicked out of grammar school, shaun? Maybe even... 109 times? kekeke
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Pink is for little girls. Cynthia is a lady,
Only secretly.
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>Would Cynthia ever wear pink?
Pink lingerie
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Based Sugiman.
Where can I buy a life sized Garchomp plush
Japan probably + shipping

or ebay
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Japan had them a while back. I'm waiting on the lize-size Primarina plush myself.
sh**n would just get pounded *again* by a life-size pajeet, kekeke
Damn, did you get anal cancer or maybe even aids from your pajeet pounding, shaun?
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Not gonna waste an image reply putting Shang Tsung in his box. he knows what colour I am, he knows what colour he is.
What happened? Did the plagiarist admit to being raped by an indian?
kekeke are you living in a box now that auntie dearest kicked you out, shaun? At least put it in an underpass, in case it rains
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Oh it gets even fucking better, dumbfuck got run over by a toy bike, kek.
Did they rename your aunt's house to the "no shaun allowed" house after kicking you out? kekekekekekeh
Not nearly big enough, but still cool
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Someone needs to tell these lads paedos destroyed the average fag's ability to post porn under spoilers 12 years ago.
All this posting of Cynthia getting vored and she still looks like she'd get out in one piece. Such is the power of the Queen.
Grow up
Stop bumping the image limit Dinesh
she's cool!
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I love our Cynthia threads

even shawn <3
Damn I wonder what's the real image and reply count for this thread
417 posts, 253 images, fucking kek
Sorry for feeding him so much. It looks like he runs away more often now whenever you needle him about getting beaten by pajeets or kicked out by his aunt, though
Loved it.
fucker came back to the same thread for a week to spam it jesus christ
Thanks for playing
>253 images
What a thread man

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