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Do Pokemon enjoy sandwiches?
don't you fucking dare
All my Pokemon always seem thrilled about sandwiches. I've heard though that it's possible to make a shitty sandwich that will make them look disgusted or faint.
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That's such a silly question to ask, OP.
Of course they do!
Do you dare?
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Dare what?
Mmm... footlongs
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how are you guys so sex obsessed to recognize what OP is talking about? What was the last time someone posted you faggots
Oh shit is that subway exodia?
Great filename.
A nice, meaty footlong sounds great right about now
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This thread shall not die in the name of the Forbidden One!
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Another satisfied customer!
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He looks so happy :)
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Dude, "Picnic" literally means "sex" in the latest games.
>the meme in question involves defecating onto a sub roll
I would feed koraidon a shit subway sandwich, yeah
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The one and only answer
Wait, proof?

Spoiled it.
>subhumans who weren't even 12 when the original exodia deck dropped are now allowed to post here and vote
How do I coax Pakistani fundies to smuggle their illegal nukes into Palestine again?
>filename indicating this image came from the furry porn website owned by a former beastiality film producer
3B sends his regards David
You mean e621? lole
Just say e621 you fucking fag
I want her to slurp me up whole
Just lay between two pieces of bread and I'm sure your next bike-dragon ride will be in the dark and partially submerged.
It might be your last ride though...
That's a given by default for anyone with a working brain, unless you're a zoomer who has no idea where BD really got the money for building their dildo sweatshop from.
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Here you go newfag, now fuck off
Breeding Pokémon in SV is done by setting up a picnic, having the Pokémon you want to breed in your party, and waiting while staying rooted to the picnic table the entire time. All compatible Pokémon in the picnic have a chance of producing an egg; this includes Pokémon from your Union Circle friends' parties should they join in.
this card would not fucking survive modern yu-gi-oh
Still less powercrept than what's happening in Pokemon.
Where's the fanart of Miraidon interacting with sandwiches?
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Is there any story-related dialogue mentioning picnics that could also be interpreted as sex?
There doesn't seem to be nearly as much. Idk why.
They should get my cock into their mouths
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They should start at your feet and with your way up, bike-fuel-to-be.
What would most likely happen if Agias didn't get his bocadillo from you that day?
Bad bike! Humans aren't food, they're your rider!
He'd find a replacement (you)
If you're not food, then why are you so edible?

Depending on how assertive he is, either a sad bike or a very well-fed bike.
How does one look edible?
Give it back!
... uh, pretty please?
I'd let him keep it if I were you...
vorefags are sub human
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here you go
You lack taste, vanillafag
What's the worst that could happen?
Well, the bike needs organic fuel~
Well he gotta get his own organic fuel, I'm not sharing my snack
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Even Miraidon? I mean, we see it eating sandwiches, obviously, but you could potentially just... plug it in.
I guess it depends on whether it's fully robotic, or if it's more of a cyborg with organic parts in there that need nourishment. Its digestive anatomy is probably pretty interesting either way.
It probably needs normal food for all kinds of bodily functions on top of generating electricity with it as well. I doubt you could just feed it with batteries
This one's cute
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Not a mentally-ill autist who gets off to my own death here unfortunately, go find another target for your asexual queer ERPs
Got deleted lol
Not every vorefag is asexual
This looks like the "poor little Trainer girl" got cropped out of the picture.
Anyway, it's only *probably* vore; it could well be that the raidon leaves you for a more appreciative Trainer instead. One with more sandwiches.
Idk but i hope its vore
Why do vorefags flock to pokemon and why is it always the weirdest kinds of vore
1. Theyre hot
2. What would you define non-weird vore?
>why is it always the weirdest kinds of vore
What do you mean? We've only talked about oral vore in this thread.
Oral vore is normal. I've seen jacket vore and vacuum vore with Pokemon recently
I never saw those, are you sure you arent just talking about shitty deviantart doodles?
Haven't seen jacket vore, actually. Myself, I tend to stick to commonly-sexualized body parts, plus the mouth and tail. And again, none of those have shown up ITT, so it sounds a bit of a non-sequitur.
You like tail vore?
Yep! Though not the unfortunately popular Cell type that's basically a Like-Like but dumber. Tailmaws and that petal-like thing that MGQ succubus has are great.
Cool taste!
Those are neat
(You) got a cool taste!
Thanks! It's unfortunately a little tough to mix them with Pokemon, though Nickit and Ninetales are good candidates.
I mean, Goodra can work with slime vore through whatever part of their body, but you know.
No you sickos, that's how GIS crops image previews from Pixiv, and I can't post the full image here because its animated in Ugoria.

But it's always cringey alt-sex queershit tho.
second part?
He won't be your friend anymore
Give. Sammich. NOW.
Human sandwich
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Another one, please!
Not really
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for me it's Cyclizar using his two holes
Lucky cyclizar
I want kori to eat me
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ywnbas sorry anon
Koraidon would never do this canonically, in pkmn scarlet she literally begs the protag for a sandwich and doesnt take no as an actual answer, so she wouldnt share at all
You don't say no to the croc.
You just don't. That's not a thing.
What if you do it anyways
That sandwich has nearly nothing
I will if kori is hungry enough
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sandwich time when
Unbirth is too based to ever count as part of your disgusting (self)murder fetish
Why is there a plank in Fuecoco's bun?
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Maybe it's a low cal sandwich, lol
Koraidon needs to eat a lot of calories before going out to be used as a bike
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*snake with legs
He shouldn't try to fit that big thing in his mouth all at once! He's gonna choke!
No worries, mate, he can fit bigger things down that craw of his. Such as Trainers.
Except he would never.
Sandwiches are much, much tastier.
trainer sandwich...
How would she know without trying beforehand?
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I bet they're cheeto-scented
File deleted.
Is this the thread?
>asexual-core fetish meme
It isnt
Because all it takes is one sniff. Do YOU smell like a tasty sandwich? My guess is no.
A lot of food smells awful but end up being tasty anyways, not very reliable
Guess not since your image got deleted. :p
Go back to /d/
He wants it now, lol
Stupid sexy pachinko machine
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A snack and a water-type meal for the kori!
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I find my nose quite reliable. I never put anything in my mouth that smells nasty or questionable.
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You've already got a sandwich!
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I've tasted good food that smelled weird, through
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Now now, don't hold out on him!!
It's the of those things you only have to see once to instantly recognize on the horizon
Because I'm not an election year tourist zoomieshitter like you are.
Does she still pretend that she got raped by her ex and cope by only drawing voreshit?
oh, that was me most likely
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Can you repeat this in non-schizo please?
They should get their tongues all over me.
I should get into their mouths
I wonder if these bikes secretly gulp other creatures behind your back
Hide between two pieces of bread and you'll get there in no time! Though they'll probably send you further pretty quickly, too.
Sharing a yummy sammich!
>ywn share a sandwich with your agias
>ywn pull a Lady and the Tramp and end up smooching the cute bike dragon
What makes you think they'd want you in their mouths? You're not a sandwich...
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I think it's really cute when Arven is tsundere for the sandwich lizard and maybe even a little bit hot haha
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weird ass dog
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retard dog
the last thing you see *you had sandwich crumbs on your face*
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shlop shlop shlop
Don't we all do weird and stupid stuff sometimes when we're hungry?
Do you think he purrs like an idling motorcycle
other creatures don't come with lettuce, tomato, mayo so I doubt it
Sandwiches occupy my thoughts frequently, too
nom :)
Give him what he wants Arvin :)
you mean he wants... his tie? :)
Arven got a little sandwich sauce on his tie! Of course Miraidon noticed!
The chunks of meat are tomatoes
And the mayo is what comes out of their trainer's penis when they get handsy with their trainer
So where exactly does the scliced ham, cheese, eggs and sausage for those picnic subs come from?
From your bag obviously, duh! What do you mean, they've been in there for months with no cooling while you were running through the Paldean sun...?

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