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Monica is canonically the strongest entity in Pokemon. Arceus is no match for the giant office lady.
imagine smelle
me on the right
That's fine, I'd rather be in her hands like that duck
Im the guy in the crotch of her tights
>gen 8 - Legends Sinnoh (4)
>gen 9 - Legends Kalos (6)
>gen 10 - Legends Galar (8)
Just in time for gen 5 remakes
i could dominate her
Imagine a Gigantamax Monica
Her design changes to the bikini version
something something handplay underrated
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It is
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Rosa is Monica in the manga
Wrong. This was in a Pokéstar Studios movie.

Pic related. This battle also happens in a Pokéstar Studios movie.
Which is canon thing that exists in univers. Not being real =/= not being canon
OP said
>Monica is canonically the strongest entity in Pokemon. Arceus is no match for the giant office lady.
Which is wrong because it's just a movie in-universe. It's canon, yes. But canonically just a movie. Do you not understand that?
I like how they went with THAT ending as the one that actually happened
She would step on him
They would Speed-tie tho.
lesbian sex between giant Rosa and giant Monica and the whole city watches
But Anon, Rosa is Monica's sister in the games...
And that's somehow a problem?
Which pokegirl would you cast?
There should be a doujin titled Trying To Shrink Monica Back To Normal similar to Dating A Team Magma Grunt where Nate comes up with stupid ideas and Ducklett gives straightman expressions of disapproval before immediately being crushed / squished because Monica thinks Nate had a great idea
>Maybe eating your favorite ice cream will shrink you down?
>*that's a terrible idea look*
>Let's go to my favorite shop then!
>*looks over to see what's casting a shadow over him*
>gets pancaked into monica's shoeprint crater

>nate and monica finish their ice cream
>Feel any different?
>Hmmm no nothing seems different
>Maybe some exercise will shrink you down
>I'll do my best!
>Let's start with some jumping jacks, like this
>nate starts some jumping jacks
>ducklett catches up with the two in bandages and limping with a crutch under one wing
>shadow casts over him
>*looks up with one good eye and one damaged eye*
>monica starts doing jumping jacks and continuously stomping on ducklett as nate loses his balance and bounces up and down from the shaking ground
Monica exercising would probably wreck the whole neighbourhood and not just Ducklet.
But fun idea
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Knowing her luck with showbusiness she'd end up in a porn parody of the movie
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Uncaring/unamused faces plus immense hands that could effortlessly obliterate you are always an excellent combination.
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Reminder that the only pokemon with BST above 1000 is a giant hand
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One could argeue we're here because of that combo
>post work-out building sized OL
Imagin the smell
I need to give her a foot massage while she's still wearing her pantyhose
She'll put you inside it so you can massage her on the go
I watch from in between them
Someone innocent and dumb who doesn't know any better like Selene
The island guardian Z-move is the closest thing to canon giantess Chicken and she's a psycho in that
Yes please!
>Klara gets a part time job in a lab to make ends meet
>gets in thorugh the open back door, but noone is there to greet her
>walks around the lab looking at stuff when she hears someone aproaching
>realises she probably shouldn't be smoking indoors
>puts out her cigaret in a random petri dish
>microscopic region located inside it gets destroyed after being used as an ash tray
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>A secretary named Monica
>Margaret's jpn name was Thatcher
Thanks for another reason to make me hate Gen5
>"Margaret's jpn name was Thatcher"
>look her up
>steel (Iron) type female (lady) trainer
Kino refrence honestly
Klara is so good for stuff like this. I could definitely see her doing horrible things to tinies being burnt out taking odd jobs, obliviously or intentionally.
What other odd jobs would have her interacting with tinies?
I want to be Klara's sweat remover
I miss when non-hags could be posted and the thread wouldnt get scrubbed
Isn't that just an OP issue?
Give render or animation ideas or whatever, or FACE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES.
>Embarassed Lillie towering over one of the islands, but looking up at viewer
>2nd shot from the ground showing that the sky above the islands and Lillie is a huge eye
>final reveal that all of Alola is in some dish in Lusamine's lab and she's inspecting it
Rare league card version of Klara looking around her apartment for run away Anon >>56021219, who's hiding behind a discarded can or some other object on the floor
Nemona trying to do the Galar gym challenge but her foot is larger than a stadium so she picks it up and enjoys watching the battle.
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How ridiculously small is still far too big for a protag?
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The green screen opponent that plays as monica is a real thing tho.
Imagine sending the majin green screen opponent to battle, dark/ghost with wonder guard before the fairy type? base 100 in every stat? busted as hell.
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a tiny drowning in may's cleavage as she zips her top up
>a giant Carmine on her hands as knees is trying to line up and drop the top bun of her sandwich perfectly. Like trying to finish a house of cards kinda stressing. She drops the bun, bun plunks off the sandwich. she seethes and slams the ground with her fist, knocking over the table. MC offers her their sandwich.
Kahili, going through a miniature city on a mini golf course, but it turns out to be an actual city?
Did she slap it with her hair?
At what size mini golf becomes just golf?
I'm pretty sure it becomes Dynamax golf, at this point.
>3D remake Monica
>regular form is finally a full body model
>g-max form retruns the design to just two legs disappearing into dynamax clouds (implyung she's much bigger now)
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Who's the oddly sized one?
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>hey anon wanna hang out today?
giant princess Hilda treating hilbert like a dress up doll
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>tfw i will never be stuffed into rosa's cleavage and promptly forgotten about
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>oh jeez I'm so sorry, I didn't hurt you did I? I can be a little forgetful...
Rosa might actually be one of the scariest to have to travel with. She wouldn’t be actively malicious but she’s such an airhead she’d eventually end up doing awful stuff accidentally to anybody set up to travel with her.
oh hey I remember your art from /co/, what was your twitter handle again?
With Rosa i see two potential endings.
She either grabs the wrong potion and shrinks you more instead of growing you back, possibly making the effect permanent, or grabs the growth thing, but accidentally gets it on herself and then takes a while to realise grey moss under her feet are cities
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>get jumped by a Team Plasma grunt and hit with some experimental spray that halves your height
>thankfully Rosa caught up to the grunt before she snuck off and managed to recover you post battle
>when pressed for answers the grunt jokingly suggests another dose of the spray will bring you back to normal
>both you and the grunt are shocked when Rosa sprays you immediately with no hesitation, making you doll sized
>and then again, leaving you bug sized

>the Plasma grunt has to practically restrain Rosa from spraying you again, since she was absolutely convinced "third time's the charm"
I wanna be stored in a girls cleavage like a pokeball and be capable of being recalled. You know like
>anon, return!
>Your pinwheeling arms accomplish nothing but cutting the air before you’re shrunk and drawn inexorably into breasts that wrap around your body possessively
do her breasts make the pokeball click noise when she catches you?
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Mature meaty soles
No they just wobble 3 times and then go
is it an intentional capture, or was this some freak accident that she just doesn't care about freeing you
Maybe it was an accident and she can't free you?
Honestly it seems like traveling with most of the region MCs would be pretty dangerous, either from klutzyness, viewing you as a nuisance, or just straight up bullying
>pulls you out
>size gets reduced as you’re pulled back in
>repeats until she can’t find you anymore
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god i love those bike ride images
nah she can let you out at will but you get pulled back inside when you get a set distance away from her
>Let's GO girl
Oh yeah I like this too especially if she can also do it at will.
what protag would just decide to tie you to a necklace
Serena would make one specifically to show you off.
Kalosians like their accessories
It’s really nice of her to help smaller trainers get around Hoenn, but it must get frustrating for her having to stop at literally every poke center to heal them back up
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I'm not sure Chicken has enough brain cells to bully, you could crawl into her pussy and she probably wouldn't notice.
I laughed so hard I sharted.

Feel proud of yourself.
Not enough brain power for empathy is what makes her so dangerous
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>but it must get frustrating for her having to stop at literally every poke center to heal them back up
Maybe she should take the Center with her?
I wonder how many photographers have gone missing using the shrinking version of this thing…
Imagin being downgraded from a researcher to helping some pokekid film her tiktoks
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My old drawing are so awful, holy shit.
I like them
Drawing the face in profile is harder than it looks
I forgot ;_;
I want to be paired with traveling companions where one is a klutz and the other is a bully
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Well if you insist...
You can always redraw the if you don't like them anymore...
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>file name
If you're looking for request perhaps a revers of this? Player from the present enters a portal to the past and finds himself standing on a single strand of fabric on Arezu's ass

Some other coloured things
I've seen this posted in like every thread, idk how ripping from New Snap works but I should really get this model for an image or something.
I'd go with Rosa and the edgy version of Juliana from the manga.
Regardless of canon heights Rosa looks ike she'd be a mini-gts next to the scrawny gen 9 girl.
Accidental manhandling by the amazone prompts the womanlet to unload her stress on the actual tiny.
Rosa doesn't notice all the tension and think's we're one happy family, before hugging both of us so hard neither me nor Jul can breath
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Been feeling in a mood for some Shauntal content. I'd like to request a sequence involving her noticing a disturbance/itch in one of her gloves, leading her to try and use her other hand's fingers to deal with the sensation, unaware that she's pressing someone stuck inside the glove into her humid palm.
Hi there. If you're open for suggestions, could you do a piece with Lana's mom, in a bikini, rising out of the ocean to see a cruise ship caught in between her cleavage?
Well I "can" but I need 3dsMax to get the models, might be more worth it to just do a custom model at that point, it's not all that complex.
>Klara ends up working with free roaming 1cm tall tinies
>she can't be bothered to look around when in a room with them, resulting in 4 of them getting steped on, 2 sat on and at least 1 eaten
>her boss is obviously upset at the accident rate
>to reduce it she gathered the few tinies she was looking after at the start of her shift, took out a fresh gum she was chewing and glued all of them under the table, immobilising them
>now she moves between the office couch to the employee fridge with no danger of crushing someone during her shift
>she forgot to scrape them off before going home only twice
Requesting Lisia outgrowing all of her clothing on-stage in the middle of a contest, due to a Mega Stone accident, requiring Ali to have to quickly fly a cloud-bikini around the frazzled giant Lisia.
And then the judges give her a perfect score.

Requesting a pic with Hilda, looking down at a tiny Rosa, with a hand on her hip, as she gave a seductive, cocky smirk.

"Wassup, squirt?"
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Maybe a group shot with your girls of choice posing laughing like the "HOW ARE YOU THAT SMALL?" meme while they loom over a seething little guy bonus points if you use those sick kaiju girl designs from previous threads and have them laughing at a tiny hero
could you draw serena with a tiny tied to a necklace she's wearing under her shirt
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what's a good multisize scenario?
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giant hands being overshadowed by even larger hands
Struggling Tiny wedged between the boobs of a bigger struggling lady wedged in the boobs of….
Each region is different scale. Like in Gulliver's Travels, but with more than 3 sizes.
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If you're still doing suggestions, can you do one with Briar, from Sca/Vio, searching the tiny Terrarium for a tiny Liko, with her Terapagos?
I misread the request and did it with Irida instead at first, this is somehow the second time I managed to mix the two up https://files.catbox.moe/dnbkpg.png
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Clearly people need to ask for one of those two for double output
Irida version
>Alola is Lilliput tier
>but any time giant foreigners threaten it the Tapus us their fairy magic to shrink them
>you might end up the same size as people living there
>or you'll be a mouse running from island giantesses you almost crushed few minuts ago
Did you ever fix the first mishap with the two?
I hope there's someone who can comfort Gloria tonight
I'm working on it
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Is this the only pic featuring Serena's recent anime redesign?
Hah, I'll admit that it's still a bit underrated, though part of the fun there is the amount of untapped creativity with giant hands.
I find it interesting how you laid the shots out in a way that makes the exact scale in size difference a bit ambiguous/up to interpretation, though I'm imagining a follow-up showing the poor dude to be like a small pebble on top of her hand, with emphasis on the vastness of her hand and the sight of her eye up close as she examines the little guy (possibly getting inspiration for an Incredible Shrinking Man-esque novel she could write...)
Very good job with this!
You know, I'd love to see you try a shot at Jessie. Could you do one, where Jessie is getting her boots shined by the female antagonist of Pokemon Horizons, as a tiny?
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just once I'd like to see art of giantess helping build a city instead of breaking it.
Where's the fun in that?
C-could you do Giant Woman Monica dropping Anon into her tights with a funny side thing saying "Monia used Imprison!"
Ontop of just being an absolute machine with requests, thank you for so much incredible May stuff lately.

I can understand feeling that way about old works but your poke and samus/alia stuff is so nice
>Giant Rosa/Selene decides to help build in the island's construction areas.
>Absolutely bumblefucks the whole thing.
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Placing houses around sounds like a job for the Galar worker
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Shauntal has to secure Anon inside her glove for their 50 Shades of Kyurem lecture to avoid explaining to the nurse how he got stuck inside her uterus during a book club meeting
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doing this one now, took a bit to even find out how to rip sun and moon assets for a few of the shots (there's no good documentation somehow), so this'll be done later today.
It's crazy how this niche community is the biggest fountain of size OC on 4chan.
Thanks to all Anons who are making stuff
Just realized the pastebin wasn't yet posted, wanted to share it again to see if there's any more writefriend interest still in the running.
Sorry for not posting it sooner, i always hasitate with a new thread and then forget...
God I wish that were me
Funny enough, I just started an idea from >>56032041 technically nothing has happened yet and I won't get back to it until tomorrow or next weekend

justpaste it elqmi
Sounds good so far, although i was hoping one of the Galactic women gets to keep her regular size as Dawn and the other one shrink
If it helps, you'll eventually get what you want. The idea is that the closer they were to Tapu Fini the more they shrank. Dawn will start mouse size, Mars regular person height and Jupiter at 50 feet. And the effect will slowly wear off, but will be quicker for those further away from Tapu Fini.

I need to get a new keyboard, though. I moved recently and something happened during the move and now my keyboard keeps acting up.
>Kalosians like their accessories
Diantha swaped to wearing sandals after getting another region shrunken and turned into a toe ring ornament.
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You know I feel like Lusamine would probably be the type to keep regions frozen in those ice things she keeps in her study.
Sorry this took so long, had to change the idea a bit since the maps are more segmented then I figured (and had to find a few things first and foremost), but hopefully this suffices.
Came out great!
Sorry for making you dig through files to get the models...
It's cool lol, I know how to rip from 3ds stuff now at least which could be helpful at some point, glad you like it
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Holy shit. Rosa's boob girl title absolutly obliterated
>Hilda uses Giga Drain to steal Rosa's boobs
>it's super effective and drains a bit more than just breasts
Can I request a pic, with Professor Juniper, without her lab coat, taking a stroll across the region, crushing entire cities underneath her shoe?
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Big women should be having their feet pampered by tiny me
Indeed Anon. But how tiny are we talking? Any favorite ladies in particular?
Can humans only be normal and fighting types?
Obviously they can be psychic too
>Iono is hosting the Gigantamax curry challenge at Jade Palace Garden in Levincia.
>First to finish their double big Gigantamax Curry wins.
>Down to Marine, Victor, and Gloria.
>Victor's done, Gloria taps out. Marine wins.
>Crowd cheers. Yell cheers real loud.
>Marine, in rare showing, decides to eat a scoop of Gloira's plate as a victory lap. Cheer stops cheering.
>Marine coughs, she sees a lil' dynamax cloud pop out of her mouth. She then sees her body's starting to glow. Uh oh.
>Everyone evacuates the restaurant as a giant Marine explodes from it.
>...crowd erupts in cheers again. Marine is confused. Iono and the crowd can't believe the lass when and Max'd herself to show off. Iono tries to interview Marine on her challenge win and also her Maxing herself. Marine is beat red.
>Marine gets a photo taken for the Dynahall Of Fame wall. The picture id Gloria and Victor holding up the giant embarrassed Marine's cheeks to get her to smile as she holds her tiny challenge plaque.
What's in the top left panel? A volleball net?
The side of the cruise ship
If you're still taking requests, would you be up for B2/W2 Bianca squatting down, looking at a tiny city looking for the trainer she's suppose to give their new starter to, only to loose her balance and fall on her butt?
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Requesting a short comic involving Erika discovering a weird gray moss in her garden, not realizing that it's actually a tiny city as she causes destruction touching/crushing it with her fingers
also add that "skull counter" thing for each of her fingers when she's crushing parts of the city
About the size in that pic, Drasna is definitely up there
>The picture id Gloria and Victor holding up the giant embarrassed Marine's cheeks to get her to smile as she holds her tiny challenge plaque.
>undefeated regional champ of a tiny region
>get straight up abducted by some Pokemom the moment you start your journey in a normal sized area, she just discards your gear and says its too dangerous for you to travel unattended in this region, so she'll take you in
>she just thinks its cute when you get angry trying to explain how important you are
>at least she says you're the champion of footrubs for her
Snapchat style post on its own https://files.catbox.moe/xm7ca5.png
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For me, it's Shauna
I like to imaging this is what New Game + would look like.
>After lureing Ultra Iono to Galar the villainous kaiju girls were able to harness the power of Dynamax, outgrowing our heroine 100-fold
How is she gonna get out of this situation??? Find out in the next episode...
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RQ side angle of this with giga Serena sqauting down to poke coperatively doll sized Iono with her fingers while the other 3 stand behind Serena laughing
always great
wish had pov from inside
Requesting Dendra, jogging in place, as we close in on her shoes, repeatedly stepping on anon's back again and again.
this is fantastic, the expressions and posing you do for these is great,
could i request hilda pushing a tiny into her buttcrack with one finger
What kind of Shauna scenarios do you like anon?
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could you color these too?
>Rosa tosses you and the spray into her bag and heads out to find help
>being bug sized among all her items means you have to dodge giant objects rolling around as she walks
>ditz forgot to lock the spray, so eventually it starts leaking into the bag
>play floor is lava as you slowly shrink on its fumes
>eventually fall right into the stain left by the shrinking spray and start diminishing rapidly
>Rosa throws out content of her bag on the Pokecentre counter
>finally get to see your new size as twin moons that are now faces of Rosa and Nurse Joy look for you among the mountain sized items
female trainer sneaks up on you and pushes your face into her cleavage you begin trying to push yourself away when you feel yourself getting sucked in, first your head then your shoulders then your torso get pulled in, she watches your legs kick futility before you fully disappear into her cleavage and she lets her top snap back into place as her breasts jiggle once twice tree times before settling down
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Sure, let's play catch up

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With how short she is, being a tiny dot compared to her always gets me.

Beyond that, I like the idea of her swearing to take care of and protect a tiny that she found during her travels, only to unintentionally put them in more danger along the way. Like say she puts them into one of her pockets for safekeeping, and then nearly squashes them later when she forgets to take them out when she sits down for a break.

I like anything really. I just love Shauna
these really highlight one of your strengths, it's the same general scenario but you took care to have each pic have a different tightness to each situation, may's sports top is the most clastrophobic, rosa's has a slight gap that could just be from the movement of her arm, and serena has the most open due to the necklace preventing him from being dragged deeper
>With how short she is
Haven't noticed that she's almost a head shorter than Serena before. Definietly spices up having to look up at her
Very nice. I certainly lean heavily into gentle/accidental/unaware with Shauna. Suits her just fine I think.
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They can also be Fairy and there's some instances of Ghosts
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Yeah she's very petite. Having your normally dainty friend suddenly turn into a looming behemoth above you is kino

Those definitely do suit her. A sweetheart like Shauna unintentionally putting her friends in danger, before eventually apologising with some giant-sized cuddles once she finds them is just the best
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>Iono spends like a full minute doing a powerup/costume transformation only to get snapped out of it by booming laughter
>The Kaiju girls just gently nudge her aside while they trample the city around her

What a cute but hopeless gremlin, many thanks drawfren.

>that filename
Surely a hero of justice wouldn't sandbag like that because she wants to get teased by the villainesses of the week, right?

Thanks for the incredible speed on getting everything colored so well too anon!
Can I request a little comic with Serena-Garde, as an army tank fires at her, the shot merely bounces off her chest, and she crushes the city block with her fist?
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>before eventually apologising with some giant-sized cuddles once she finds them
Very unf indeed.

>Yeah she's very petite. Having your normally dainty friend suddenly turn into a looming behemoth above you is kino
Imagine having teased her about being short for the entire time of knowing her before this happened. Maybe she'd be inclined to tease you back a bit.

What about worship scenarios, Anon?
>Speck type
>weak to Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Ground, Normal, Rock, Steel, Fire, Ice, Dragon
>resists water (so small they are use surface tension)
>is resisted by Bug, Fighting, Flying, Normal, Rock, Steel
>super effective to none
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>Maybe she'd be inclined to tease you back a bit.
She definitely wouldn't be able to hold back from a little lighthearted teasing about your new size and how you now have to look up at her, but it'd be more cooing over how cute you look in the palm of her hand and embarrassing you with how lovey-dovey she is than anything malicious.

As for worship, she would never force you into anything, but once the two of you got more comfortable interacting at your new size she wouldn't say no if you offered to give you a few tiny kisses as thanks for taking care of you (Though her face would be flushed bright pink)

Don't forget that the move Stomp is 8x effective on Pokemon of that typing
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>Don't forget that the move Stomp is 8x effective on Pokemon of that typing
Body Slam and Body Press as well
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Don't forget Double Slap
>What about worship scenarios, Anon?
Mental side effect of shrinking.
Shauna has to take care of slowly shrinking Anon while others look for a cure.
The bigger she gets in your eyes the more you feel compelled to worship her.
Initially you wake up from this trans whenever she notices, but the smaller you get the harder it gets to break out.
Eventually you're more like a pet fawning at her feet, to which she responds by trying to separate you from her to spare you the humiliation, but you get sad and eventually she realises it's best to just let you hug and kiss her foot
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>Couldn’t get away!
What if all foreigners had to be shrunk if they wanted to enter Kitakami and only locals were allowed to be normal?
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>giant Marnie
Unfathomably based
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Hell yeah
Entrapment is the best
Briar is friggin' sexy as hell!
I wish she actually was a twist villain like people predicted. Would have given her a much needed popularity boost
Re-requesting this one pretty please
Love to see a continuation of Briar grabbing Liko and keeping her in her sweater, above her cleavage
could you do this scenario with rosa?
Or if Terapagos actually was manifesting dreams into reality. One thought and Paldea has two more craters the shape of her shoeprints
Feh, I'll d another silly idea I had.
>Galar bobbies arrive at a battle cafe due to reporting a disturbance.
>They see a big ol' hole in it.
>Right next to it, they see a big ol' shifty eyed Marine holding her tiny Morpeko.
>The bobbies eye the giant marine, cake icing around her big ol' mouth.
>Marine points to Morpeko. Morpeko nods with gusto, accepting the blame.
>The bobbies, either accepting Morpeko's guilt or not wanting to deal with the giant punk girl, slowly go back in their car and drive away.
>Marine sighs in relief, until her stomach rumbles again. Morpeko sniffs around. He jumps down his trainer to the street and motions her to follow him.
>Marine tiptoes through the city to her next stop.
>Back at her camp site, Yell, now with a tom of curry ingredients, wonders where the hell Marine went.
https://files.catbox.moe/6lpxpu.png actual file size
Absolutely based, thank you for taking the request, drawfriend, I love the heck out of that last strut pose.
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I feel like this NPC would be turning people into her dolls, if the idea wasn't already taken
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.png version:
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Oh nice I already follow them, just haven’t seen the latest.

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>Lilligant: I don’t condone this but I’m just the pokemon here so do what you’re gonna do I guess
Lilligant is pouty she doesn't have a mouth to do similar
Well they only have one tiny, so she wouldn't get one in her mouth either way.
Unless she and her trainer made out with the tiny still there
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Imagin if the past-present portals had revers proportions. So the bigger thing travels back the smaller it gets.
Dawn enters human and leaves human. If a whole town got set back it would fit on a table and the inhabitants would be bug sized. And if a cataclismic vortex sucked in the whole region it would be microscopic enough to fall between threads of Arezus clothing and rest in a wrinkle of her anus
Very cute
I just got a fun idea to piggyback off of this actually:
>there’s a new battle cafe trend where trainers hide in giant cakes stripper style to initiate surprise battles
>one unlucky trainer is hiding in a cake just as giant Marnie arrives
>she doesn’t know about the trend yet
Based. She cute
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with every piece of art she gets bigger
In that case, I'm looking forward to getting planet-sized Juniper a couple of threads from now
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Mature professor soles
It's her shrinking wearing off. We're yet to see regular size Juniper

Now I wanna request Juniper, sitting down on the Earth, while she rests her shoes on the Moon, as she swats away a miniscule Deoxys
I want Juniper to smother me into her sole...
fantastic dont see size stuff like this often
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reminded me of the Twinbee Paradise anime gts scene
Where on planet-Juniper would you live?
One of the vast palms of her hand, of course.
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At that size small ridges in her skin would be like deep canyons. Good for hiding whenever she unleashes oceans of soapy water while washing her hands
>The ground shakes and a giant, leather sleeved hand grabs one of those cakes.
>Finally, food that isn't the size of a coin.
>Marine eats the cake happily.
>Until something's off...
>Her chewing slows.
>The taste, the texture...
>Her chews slow more.
>Marine reaches into her mouth and pulls out a very wet trainer. Marine is very shocked.
>The trainer wipes off the saliva and see what just happened. A giant girl. She went and ate him? She seems really embarrsed.
>The trainer really unsire what to do, shrugs and challenges her to a battle. "You, uh, got a...big appetite, do you have one for battle as...well...
>The trainer can't find his pokeball.
>Marine's stomach gurgles. What's happening now...
>Marine gives out a hiccupp and the trainer's Corvisquire pops out. Ah, that's where it went.
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Realy great picture, but technically the wrong Bianca. B2/W2 is the one with the glasses and a hoodie
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She slip.
Good stuff! What does she do with the trainer next?
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Another one I'll need to redo I guess
blue board anon https://files.catbox.moe/ryggyn.png
Wow, they're a lot bigger than i expected.
What's the chance of getting 3 Protects in a row? Cause stalling out the dynamax turns might be Iono's only hope here
You style is perfect for these giga and multisize pics. Very cute!
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This arc sure is exciting.

haters will say Iono didn't flip her like RAY seconds later
And the Hilda pic
Awesome work as usual! Think you could take a crack (heh) >>56065308 before the thread closes?
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name a more steep difficulty spike
>"faithful remake"
>Cynthia fight starts with shrinking you and dividing your team's stats and level by 100 to be faithfully hard to when you played it as a kid
You still alive Anon?
OR here.

Damn, she has a great chest! I'm going to assume that Serena-Garde is the leader of the Kaiju Legendary Girls?
If you want her to be
>Serena-Garde is the leader of the Kaiju Legendary Girls?
I'd support this notion.
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Who is this character again? And why do I want her to tease me for being smaller than her?
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I'm pretty sure it's
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>that Earth
>And why do I want her to tease me for being smaller than her?
Natural reaction to seeing a pokegirl
I hope the author of the Ultra Iono story writes another one about whatever is happening in the newer pictures with the evil kaiju girls
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my wifi was off, i am now back and going to try to do the rest lol
That dome isn't going to last.
Imagine being one of those Deoxys
Imagin being one of the people who's sky is Juniper's ass
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>look through old threads
>see image i haven't seen before
>try to open it
Also, dynamax was added 5 fucking years ago
Try looking at the same thread from the /v/ archive
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Taking Serena requests, big or small. Lewd or wholesome.
I'd like to see your take on the Zygard-Serena other drawanon made
Serena riding Callum mid-growth
lol oops meant for >>56085139
dunno if the other drawanon is still here but I think this one was missed
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does it count as grand larceny if what you steal is micro?
meant to do this since I missed the opportunity from last threads OP lol, still gonna try to get out the other thingies
Giant, embarrassed, naked Serena covering herself with the Lumiose Tower she broke in half for top and bottom.
>does it count as grand larceny if what you steal is micro?
If the inhabitants are shrunken inside it it is her duty to keep reminding them about their situation by calling it micro larceny
Truly a wonder what she does to convince them to do so
>local kaiju not so tough after being thrown into low orbit

based, the cut-in expressions are so good. I imagine they’re torn between watching Serena sail towards another continent and trying to keep a fighting posture even though they know one of them is about to get yeeted next. Thanks for another thread of great art. I was wondering though, in this AU is Iono the only hero among the girls or would any of them do good, even if it’s for selfish purposes? It’d be cool to see more hero-y looking alts in the future vs their monster suits if you continue to make stuff for it.
Wasn't a fan of the chisel chin I gave to Rayquaza/Zinnia https://files.catbox.moe/7mzuyn.png
>is Iono the only hero among the girls or would any of them do good, even if it’s for selfish purposes?
The former, but I'd be down to draw some heroic girls. Probably for the next thread, I'm not sure how much longer this one will last.
could i see your take on this concept?
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I guess Ill take a request. All I ask is nothing beyond Gen 6.
hg/ss sabrina using psychic energy to shrink and trap a trainer in her cleavage
Cool, honestly your outfit designs are so sick I love seeing the different thematic takes for each girl, and the added world building is really nice. It kinda adds more that she’s the only do gooder when everyone else is just going around smashing stuff.
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RSE Roxanne about to sit on a chair where a tiny May/Brandon stands
What did that blue dress girl just do?
I think we're bump limited. Anyone feels like a new thread?
i'd post in a new thread
Skykla outgrowing her flight/gym uniform and propeller hairpiece in front of a shocked Elesa, Skyla freaking out and trying to tug her outfit taut as she grows.
Let's see if jannies let it stay

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