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Would you be trustworthy enough to be given a female starter in the pokemon world?
Absolutely fucking not.
Yes. I can be trusted to satisfy her sexual needs.
If they gave me a female Starter, I would bring it right back and demand a male one.
I am not a porn addict who uses female mons.
Yeah, i can be trusted to handle them properly when they're on their periods~
Yes. I would fuck her daily just like she wants to
Judging by that picture I'm not the one who needs to be trustworthy.
This but because I'm a porn addict who uses male mons.
Of course, I'll ask for consent first.
tranny claus is back with the worst opinions again
I would not be trustworthy at all with a male starter, or any male pokemon hehe
However I would wait until he is fully evolved
>I would wait until he is fully evolved
What would you do then?
Would you fuck his bussy or would he fuck yours?
Yes. I'm not a tranny zoophile
Seethe, degenerate wretch.
I come and go how it fits me.
And btw, yes I am trans. so what?
depends on how humanoid it looks. if it’s baby form is a literal green cat i’d wait till it’s fully evolved. if it’s the seal i’d wait till mid stage. fox i’d skip. it’s final evo is so bad.
trans-coded shitmons
rent free faggot. trannies look like mr mime, jynx and charizard.
and starters that look feminine while having 78.5% male rate
that’s only because half the female starter population is kept by the lab to breed with. and to make more starters to give out. use your brain retard
Which Youtuber gave you this fanfic?
but enough about trannysaur
rent free
If you weren't a porn addict, you would have zero problem handling a female starter.
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>Tranny coded shitmon
trans-coded post
>those seething replies
man you really did hit a nerve
keep talking to yourself ban-evader
Why not.
I have taken in my fair share of strays and yes some have been female, and no i do not fuck animals.
No. And I'm tired of pretending I would.
they aren't real
never will be
you are wasting your time and our time with your stupid questions
pick a hobby
animals and pokemon are not the same and you shouldn't be bragging about not fucking animals, it's not an achievement
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all futas
Okay retard.
I only fuck end stage evolutions, anything else is pedophilia
It isnt
middle stages are hebephilia, get it right
I prefer female starters and female Pokemon just because it seems like the majority of trainers you run into who have a Pokemon with Cute Charm/knows Attract or female. Also if you ever decide to breed them.
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evolution isn't age
you can have a 80 years old base form
No. Not because of sex reasons I would probably just box my starter
they still look underage tho
Then I'll wait until they're Lv. 18.
Go away Dwang.
So short people cant fuck because "they look underage"?
I wouldn't be trustworthy enough to be given any Pokemon, let alone a female starter.
OP is finally a based and cultured heterosexual!
Looking underage is a lot more than being short lmao
All male.
That Treecko is fucking wrinkled.

Get the fuck out of here with your weird progeria fetish.
In the game you can breed pokemon unconditionally. So any pokemon you train would say "yes". Is it really consent if the chance of rejection is 0%?
I don't even want any of these ugly shitters
i'd take an Eevee instead, thanks
I want to say "she's too little for your dick in the first stage", but Skitty on Wailord exists, so...
Pokemon can shrink
I had female Pokémon in my team before. I can handle it.
>start fapping to anthro pokemon
>it devolves into fapping to feral pokemon
>it devolves into fapping to bestiality
Its over??
How is some bipedal lizard underage looking, what human child traits do you see in it?
as long as you don't fuck actual animals I don't give a shit what you do
I demand Ogerpon as my starter.
I'll be honest. I would be trustworthy. I'll always keep her well feed and clean. Making sure to praise her with each battle and knowing when to take rests. Understand that she'll need her own time, but try my best to give her my attention. I will always encourage her to mate with her own kind, but if she really wants me to be her partner, I will gladly stay by her side for life and be gentle with her.
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what went wrong?
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I love my Grassmuncher so much.
I'd fuck all 6 of these.
I can be trusted with a female poppilo
I won't be weird with her
I promise
You accidentally put an Eeveelution in the Pokémon for normal people section.
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What's so abnormal about an eeveelution?
a cat is fine too
Don't see why not, I'd ensure she could reach her pinnacle form and be able to develop a sufficiently strong enough bond with her.
The original designs are shit. Off-models are improvements
What other grass cat pokemon do we have?
A female seal is somehow appealing to fags? Cmon anon, you may be an obnoxious bitch but you can at least bring up a more convincing example.
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What's your argument?
- Most male seals are single
- Most male seals are gay
- Most female seals have harems
Not sure how any of this is relevant.
A female seal is appealing the men that fuck anything with girl coding.
Usually a signifier of some form of autism but it's vp that's a given.
nice pretending, but a "female" looking seal that can be male is the argument here.
They wanted to make a loliseal and just saw the gender part is just "mechanics".
they could make gender-difference forms but they know what were they doing
If they can shrink, does that mean they can also do the opposite and 'stretch'?
>It's another "to insecure in my masculinity that any feminine mon that can be male offends me" episode
>i'm proud to be progressive pro-trans but I get mad when people call my monster trans then ironically calling others "insecure"
>Sent to /bant/
Sure? If she ends up wanting fuck later that's fine, but I'm not a danger to any mon.
>The height of consent
Long cuties
Don't underestimate fags or any other mentally ill pervert.
Yeah, but a faggot attracted to men is attracted to a female seal??
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Yes because I just want to lay on giant Primarina's belly.
ones attracted to femboys would be
t: someone who's attracted to femboys and male Brionnes
I don’t see how they have much of a choice.
Either I get a female starter or I catch my pokewife harem. What does their trust matter?
I prefer male mons so yeah, it kinda has to be female. Otherwise I would 100% end up abandoning my life to run off into the wild with my starter and have a life of gay Pokephilia sex as a feral child
Anon, I... have news for you
You're bisexual
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>OP made this shit thread expecting everyone to tell him based and post porn
>most comments are shitting on him instead
/vp/ was based for once
>assuming I won't have sex with male pokemon
I know. I never denied that. I like femininity regardless of which set of genitals they have. Many people would still consider bisexuals fags
bipeds are for normalfags
It's literally just you samefagging because you're butthurt that other people have a libido
first time I agree with you, Glaceonfag
Nobody is even shitting on OP, thought?
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Z-A better have Primarina, I want to see alpha
Is he underwater on a couch or are they both just kissing a window between them.
A forcefield that stops only seawater
What's so underrated about that post?
samefagging to bump my thread is underrated XD
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Since someone is mad that this thread exists, I'm bumping it
Why's there a shrimp in his ass?
to make Braxien's smell even stinkier
seething ivyack
Yes because I don't get off to Pokemon of either sex.
I wouldn't trust myself anywhere close to Sycamore or Volo though.
It's a classic joke.
>will you do it correctly?
>yes, I will correctly do it wrong
>Female starter
>She wants to start a breeding session with her trainer everytime before bed so she can use her wet pokepussy to Draining Kiss her trainers cock so he would sleep better
>And then she wants to do the same damn thing every morning when her trainer just wakes up with morning wood, ready and ripe for more Horn Drilling

Nah that bitch would end up making me look like a dead onion fairy.
Eeveelutions are for chads
You wish.
It's not in his ass though. That his tail.
Ill meet them once i shift realities
The Merge is coming!
>cumbrain is an underage MCU slopper
imagine my shock
>MCU out of nowhere
I would never disrespect such a precious little lady in my care...unless she makes the 1st move
No. I'd fuck it.
Yes. I'm straight, not a rapist troon
I will cream inside my female starter, you can trust me on that
Based braixen with a shrimp poster
You can trust me the seal and the cat. On the contrary, none of the fox holes will remain un-stretched.
threadly reminder ivyack is a homosexual toad fucking cuck
Didn't know that. Thanks fren
Why is ivysaur such a trans icon?
id sex a male one too so it wouldn't make a difference
That image makes it seem like those three Pokémon want to commit humanphilia. If that's the case they should be punished for having those feelings.

This. They don't look like they should be around humans.
They do it like fish, Skitty lays the eggs and then Wailord cums on them.
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Sure, I'm a nice guy. Nothing weird would happen
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How would you punish a Pokemon for loving their trainer so much?
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>but that's a g-
They should be rewarded for trusting their trainer when it comes to satisfying them
I already know, you love Gardevoir yet hate Gallade
Thanks for the mental image. Seriously.
sluts for trainer cock
Feminine looking male Digimons
If it’s female mon doesn’t matter if they seal or dragon or sparkledoggo or weasel thing
It’s still hetero and autistic heterosexuals are the worst fucking people.
They’re deranged in ways the autistics that just fuck anything aren’t because they often have like a million mommy issues as well.
>autistic heterosexuals are the worst fucking people.
learn English before your criticize your masters, faggot
scum like you is why we have AIDS, Monkeypox and emotionally scarred children everywhere
Heterosexuals that are also autistic.
Whatever mommy issues this mommy issues mommy issues that you never will return to the womb no matter how much you cry to mother dragon for the privilege.
You're a straight autistic male just pretending to not be one to argue with yourself on the internet in front of other people. You don't even play Pokemon. You just fap to fetish porn of it.
Get out of this place you cumbrained subhuman.
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>Wow, these girls must really want my big human cock!
Can't compete against horse cock even with the highest percentiles of male human endowment
horses have zero stamina and jizz in just a few seconds of fucking
Lol horses can't handle it
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Considering I'm only into the homies, I guess so.
I love pokemon
Rapidash has a huge ass
Wouldnt it be a bit more exciting if they last a bit longer?
from those faces, I think they are laughing at your micro penis, OP
I bet you could fit you're whole head inside!
>this thing is biologically compelled to stomp on snake like objects
Secretary bird pokemon when?
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its 5 inches flaccid
must be a shower, not a grower
Yes, i would be able to cater to their sexual needs as they want me to
Why is weed cat eating the fire fox?
the shrimp in his ass attracted the cat.
cats love sea food
But that's his arm. The cat isn't biting anywhere close to the shrimp.
the shrimp's smell stuck on Braixen' hands when he was playing with it like a dildo
Ivyack can't stop thinking about his gay fantasies
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floragato can smell the ivysaur meat braixen ate earlier that day
Because she's delicious
your neither nice or a guy, your a incel
which gen?
Yes, I'd like to hear you sing one day.
The circle of life, Braixens eat Ivysaurs and Floragatos eat Braixens
Braixen eats Ivyasur's grilled meat, Floragato eats Braixen's pussy
>Floragato bends Braixen over
>swallows her whole, crotch-first
kinda impressive, ngl
>if she doesn't get her paws off me very soon I will have to toast her
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Yeah sure, my only issue is that I don’t know how to show affection, not a big hug guy, kinda feel that I’m to gross, gross to the touch
>Braixen* (No s for Pokemon plurals, newfag) eat poison type
>Braixen die
Thanks for the bump
Ugly bald clown.

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