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Where are the ryona doujin of Kieran brutally mauling me and turning me into a submissive slob, fellas?
You're gonna get the thread deleted again.
Where are the doujins of me turning Kiki into my loving, happy, touch-starved little husband?
Hope not...
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Sorry anon he's already my husband, at best you can be his mistress. Please be his mistress behind my back.
But Anon, I don't want to be anyone's mistress, nor do I want Kiki to cheat on me either. You deserve better! You deserve the best!
Did you see the semi-NTR Kiki comic I shared in the previous thread?
Yeah but it was pretty tame I fear. Appreciated, still
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Yeah, I understand it was pretty tame but I'm glad you appreciated! Always on the look-out for Kiki content my Anon frens might like
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made a quick parody of that episode from wonderful precure

Sometimes I think Litten is also a kikicore mon
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Cute, wonderful job Anon!
>Sometimes I think Litten is also a kikicore mon
Totally. He's like a little wet cat
ok can we at least keep the disturbing masochism stuff out of the OP fellas
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Anon, if you want wholesome fantasies, then post wholesome fantasies. No one will judge you for any of that. I'd welcome that with open arms for sure
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kieran making himself obese to seem more cuddly to ogerpon...
nurturing the wet sobbing cat!
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I want to nurture this little boy like you wouldn't believe
Cute and canon.
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How does this slut get away with wearing the school uniform so provocatively? Blueberry should take it away and make him wear nothing, maybe then he'll learn shame.
>kieran forced to come to school naked
>amarys joins him hoping for his attention
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Absolutely shameless behaviour that warrants swift correction. I offer to deliver such correction myself by stripping Kieran down and fucking him passionately in front of the whole school
autistic femanon...
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Can't stop thinking about Kieran being incredibly horny during his edgelord phase. He's constantly sexually frustrated and seeks relief from his own Pokemon, from Drayton, from other league club members. But all he can think about while he has sex is the protag.
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He always belongs to the protag even when being a slut, that's hot...
Bump for Kiki
That makes a lot of sense. Admittedly the idea of teenage boy being motivated by horniness is a bit big cliche, but those feeling are a real part of puberty, which the game itself implies is that part of Kieran's behavior. Carmine says something about "Kiki's teen angst" but I don't remember the exact line.
His newfound desire for sex +his toxic fixation with power+ and his desire to defeat (you) specifically, seems like the perfect recipe for a fantasies where he rapes (you)
And seeing as how he essentially had near-unlimited power at BBA, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for him to use his position as Champion to make the other league members play the part of (you), while he acts out his fantasies. Though seeing how he's a weak little baby, the league members likely don't feel anything while they let him shout, beat, and thrusting into them until he tires himself out. Of course they'd be sure to put on a show of pretending to cry and beg for him to stop so Kiki doesn't feel bad.
>Though seeing how he's a weak little baby, the league members likely don't feel anything while they let him shout, beat, and thrusting into them until he tires himself out.
I usually prefer fantasising about Kiki fantasising about being submissive but that's just how I roll
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Kieran is the reason why schools should have strict uniform codes, honestly.
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Kieran and hydrapple
Anons. if kiki suddenly appeared in your room right now, wyd? Would you have a slow burn relationship or would you pounce on him until he… accepts.
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Slutty little brat setting a bad example for the other students and seducing me. I volunteer to give him a lesson...
Good question Anon. I'd attempt a slow burn relationship, the sledge hammer approach is not my style. I wouldn't want him to be uncomfortable
pound his cute manlet hole until he gets pregnant so I can babytrap him and then correction until he becomes the perfect wife
Not hating but why does this smug faggot got so many fans? I literally jump in my screen and beat his ass everytime i see him in the second DLC because of him being an arrogant and egoistic cuck
I literally want to jump*
Should proofread my shit before posting but oh well. Kieran is still a faggot though
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>Pregnant Kiki
Oh fuck please no.
I still want to pound his hole and make him my perfect husband though
it's ok anon, he needs it, to be humbled with my child
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>Japanese artists deleting fucking everything
Friendly reminder to all my Kiki friends to download all the pieces of art you like, because you could have the rug pulled out from under you at any time. Take the advice from the resident data hoarder, treasure your Kikis if you love them. I offer help with downloading pics from sites that don't allow right-clicking, or with generally annoying shit like Twitter resizing stuff if necessary.
Sorry Anon, breeding fetishes always get me for some reason. Plapping Kiki is still just, sacred and 100% within our rights regardless though!
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Sandwich boy
>Japanese artists deleting fucking everything
wtf, what is going on though? last time I witnessed a mass deletion was because of ishmaelgate
>wtf, what is going on though?
I *think* it's because of Twitter removing the ability to see who liked a post which I believe brings out a whole slew of issues, regardless of art, but I'm not the expert as I use it for art exclusively, I was lurking the husbando general and I saw people talking about artists deleting their stuff because of that. I don't believe it's related to that but I've already seen one artist delete their Kiki porn from Poipiku and I thought that was enough to give Anons a heads up.
Oh, what happened? I'm always insanely fascinated with this kind of stuff
>I saw people talking about artists deleting their stuff because of that. I don't believe it's related to that but I've already seen one artist delete their Kiki porn from Poipiku

oh... maybe they moved on from kiki, often happens to the best of us

game studio fires cg artist because she had a few tame feminist tweets from years ago, korean game studio btw, so kind of expected the schizo behavior
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>oh... maybe they moved on from kiki, often happens to the best of us
That is a massively depressing thought. Don't think that's necessarily always the case though, especially not for the porn artist (their sfw stuff is still there I think)
Oh... I like KPop a bit and follow the news from a safe distance from time to time, so I know how much of a hang-up Koreans have with feminism. It's an extremely conservative country, which warrants its version of feminism being just as extreme...
I wanna sandwich him indeed
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>Thirteen, sneakin' out of Grandpa's house between shades and a hat, tryna get to the cave
>Did anything and everything that grabbed my mind, riskin' my life late at night 'cause my mind was made up
>Boy, you ain't gonna make it, it's what everybody said
>My friends, family, people who knew me turned their backs 'cause I was different
>They never understood my vision that strength was my reason
>I knew for sure what I wanted in life so I made my moves and now my game is tied
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Because as a fan, i also want to jump through the screen, beat kiki up then have him breed me until i get pregnant so he can stay with me forever. He needs to be corrected for bullying me…. (I need him so bad anon i need kieran to be mean to me and claim me, i will kiss him until he’s stupid)
Dunno whether he'd sing Grow a Pear or have it sung to him
god the puppet show he'd pull off to sing it to himself
I wanna kiss him stupid until he drools too...
Kiki puppet show doko?
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it's delicious!
Thinking about Kiki again, my beloved newest fixation <3
woah mega cute art, anon! I wonder if he’d make puppets of everyone else like the bb league and aoi
It pisses me off every day that he isn't real.
It pisses me off every day that I can't annihilate his rectum 24/7.
Damn it how do you guys cope?
wheres the doujin where i utterly and completely blow the fuck out of him and then go home and bang his sister
Currently coping by making selfship art… it hurts me too anon… someone needs to make a kiki body pillow or i’ll fucking explode
>Damn it how do you guys cope?
By writing fan fictions, sharing my fantasies in this thread and reading other Anons' fantasies
>Currently coping by making selfship art…
Anon can you share? I love and treasure Kiki Anons' creative endeavours ;_;
That's just the first DLC.
Ofc anon! The kiki love needs to be spread. I wish i could cuddle him right now if he was real but i guess selfship art will do for now ;w; i bet he smells nice….
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Oh Anon, your art is great! Cute self insert too. Ara ara onee-san >>>
>I wish i could cuddle him right now if he was real but i guess selfship art will do for now ;w; i bet he smells nice….
Same Anon, same except replace art with writing. ;_; I think I'd love his natural smell, that's just what happens when you're this attracted to someone...
i look exactly like kiki in this pic
slutty anon...
Thank you, anon! That means alot since i don’t post my art very often. uoohhooh, kiki oneesan’s need to rise up… (frankly im super sick of super curvymilf/shota trope and don’t see enough modest booba size stick femcel|woman/shota..).
>Same Anon, same except replace art with writing. ;_;
I hope you can post your kiki fics if you’re comfortable~ i’d love to see a work that includes something about kiki scent in your work as a little treat ToT wearing his jacket and smelling like him!! (Or keeping his underwear for later…) ah so cute and romantic~
You are not safe in this thread, kiki-anon… Do you require an older sister by any chance?
Personally, I'm very tired of passive self-inserts, whether it's Juliana or OCs. I've seen so much Kiki/Juliana porn like this and I only enjoy it a bit because it's Kiki, I wouldn't spare it a glance otherwise...
This kind of thing seems to be ubiquitous in shoujo manga in general
>I hope you can post your kiki fics if you’re comfortable
Oh Anon, of course I've already posted them! Here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Sugupocalypse/
I don't know if you're the Anon who said they've read all Kiki fap fics, you might've already seen them in that case. My second fic has something really close to what you're looking for! Smelling Kiki and his boxers. I'm working on a third one including something about his jacket. Cute and romantic indeed...
>Personally, I'm very tired of passive self-inserts, whether it's Juliana or OCs
Ooo that’s fair, is there a specific thing you enjoy more than the normal form of ocxcanon?
>I don't know if you're the Anon who said they've read all Kiki fap fics, you might've already seen them in that case
Kind of embarrassing to admit twice but yeah that was me;; but happy to say that I have read your works! I literally adore how you write fluff&smut (and softboy!kiki my beloved) so much even though I’m typically a bully!kiki kind of girl (i actually read them before i discovered this thread). Looking forward to the third fic’s release!! i have the other two book marked, we are into too many of the same things and im grateful,,, keep up the wonderful work anon ^w^
Y-yes please
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>is there a specific thing you enjoy more than the normal form of ocxcanon?
Hmm, I definitely don't mind OCs paired with canon characters (I mainly write OCs, but they never intersect with canon characters), I just dislike it when such content is way too male-gazey and features overwhelmingly dominant male characters. In Kiki's case I've noticed OCs/customised Julianas tend to fare better than canon Juliana, but there's a lot of good exceptions. If I could draw, I'd definitely draw my customised Juliana, but that's just my taste. I tried to make her look as adult as possible to fit my onee-san fantasies I've seen a lot of great Kiki/Juliana nsfw art that fit perfectly into my tastes after all. It's wonderful to have options! And it's wonderful to have a place to discuss such things. I can elaborate more if you want me to.
>Kind of embarrassing to admit twice but yeah that was me
No need to be embarrassed Anon! I'm embarrassed whenever I have to share my fics because I've already done so before for new Anon readers...
And thank you so much, you made my day! I aim to please my other Kiki fans. I just got unstuck on a hard part, so the third fic is chugging along. A piece for an important part of it just fell into place into my mind and that motivates me more. I just hope my irl obligations won't drain my soul too much and that I'll be able to complete it fast enough for you and other people to read!
>i have the other two book marked, we are into too many of the same things and im grateful,,, keep up the wonderful work anon ^w^
Love ya. <3 Keep up the good work too, I live for Kiki ship art like yours!
>I just dislike it when such content is way too male-gazey and features overwhelmingly dominant male characters.
Male-gaze thing is soo true.. .—. Now that you mention it, quite a bit of sgao art can be quite bland bc of what u mentioned… it gets so boring after seeing thousands of the same thing in other ships nd fandoms too (i’d love to see your custom juliana btw!)
I’d love to discuss/see more of nice kiki ship art for sure
>thank you so much, you made my day! I aim to please my other Kiki fans.
Ahh i’m glad to have brightened your day even if it was just a little! Us creatives need all the positive energy we can get, to be honest TwT please don’t overwork or stress yourself too much over completing the fic though! Mental/physical health and irl obligations come first. Kiki fans can be patient, I'm sure— So take however long you need <3 glad to hear that progress is going swimmingly now though~
>Love ya. <3 Keep up the good work too, I live for Kiki ship art like yours!
MUAH love u too anon, it’s rlly fun to chat abt fandom topics like this on our comfort character <3 goodluck on your writing and irl stuff!
holy shit, cute... hand is dangerously close to his...
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>Now that you mention it, quite a bit of sgao art can be quite bland bc of what u mentioned
I've touched a bit on this in previous Kiki threads, my personal pet peeve is when artists draw porn with older Kiki as this sexually predatory, aggressive guy who's for some reason cosplaying as Rika some times (similar outfit and piercings, lmao), and Juliana as a helpless victim in turn. Makes me wonder what these artists see in shy little shota Kiki if they want to change almost all his key aspects, honestly. I understand my preferences are very defined as left-of-centre and I definitely don't expect the majority of people to share them (we're talking about being shotacons after all) but surely those artists must appreciate Kiki for what he is, so why change any of that? Ruins his shota charm completely. I've also read at least one fan fic that made me audibly go WTF in regards to this, but that's my playing field so I'll shut up about it.
>(i’d love to see your custom juliana btw!)
To avoid taking up a Kiki image slot: https://files.catbox.moe/0xide9.png
I've also imagined a personality for her that could warrant canon events with Kiki happening... well, like in canon, and that coincides with the Aoi from my fics. Hopefully I'll get the chance to show that a bit more in my next fic. I'd love to see yours as well of course!

>I’d love to discuss/see more of nice kiki ship art for sure
I like most of the SFW Kiki ship art I see, both with male and female protags/self-inserts. I stalk tags for Kiki pairings on Pixiv daily!
As for the porn, the best (imo) stuff I've seen that comes to my mind now:
Best Kiki NSFW art imo is with Florian and Drayton otherwise. Those artists tend to keep Kiki's shota charm intact.
Cont'd, post is too long
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>please don’t overwork or stress yourself too much over completing the fic though!
That's very sweet of you Anon, I really appreciate it! Same to you of course. I can only say procrastination is a bitch... but inferiority complexes are a bigger bitch and I have a fuck-ton of them towards other fic writers. I'm doing my best to improve though, even if I know it's a long road ahead!
>goodluck on your writing and irl stuff!
Thank you, I'll need all of it! Same for you. I hope you can keep hanging out here, it's been comfy so far!
I would do the most evil sinful things to Kieran's butthole and then comfort him in the sweetest way after
Sleeping kiki
They haven't moved on from Kiki. They just announced that they're making a doujin.
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Cute video
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Immaculate Kiki, would place a blanket on his shoulders and gently let his hair down so he's comfier
I knew already. I'll miss the weird cocks on Kiki...
Adorable TM Kikis. Random, but as a big fan of JPop, I think these videos always have the weirdest songs
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Here's a winter Kiki I've made despite being summer where I live kek
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What do you guys think about my boyfriend? (he's not mean he's just nervous because I told him you all think he's a cool guy)
Fuck, I hated that
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Great job and super cute Kiki, Anon!
Your boyfriend is (Our) boyfriend!
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Delicious Kiki...
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got blocked for being a westerner from a Japanese artist. all I did was like a few of their posts. antis ruin everything.
This is the reason why I made this post >>56026779
Limit interactions as much as possible and make new, completely empty accounts if necessary. Hoard pics as much as you can. Fuck gate keeping and fuck whoever ruins our fun
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damn, did you have too much on your bio? or fanart as a pfp? or the word proship? I remember getting blocked by an artist because at the time I was using fanart as profile pic checked with another account because the artist was complaining
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nope. They blocked someone else I know too.
Real talk, Why is the plot of the DLCs just us bullying a shy and thoughtful Kieran until he tries to toughen up to overcompensate?

Like it's a pokemon game, he can't keep Ogerpon for himself. But jesus we didn't have to crush his hopes and dreams for no reason.
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>antis ruin everything.
I though antis were mostly westerners.

My working theory is at least one employee on Game Freak has shota humiliation fetish and they're using Kieran as their outlet for it. Some of the stuff they put him through just seems excessive.
Kieran at the beginning of the Teal Mask was innocent and nice and did nothing wrong. It's not my fault that Gamefreak made me cuck him when the local Ogre pokemon he always liked just happened to be real and the good guy like he always imagined. I didn't want to take that from him, but it's a Pokemon game and the player has to catch the legendary.

I want him to let his hair down and to be his old self again.
Soooo cute
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>But jesus we didn't have to crush his hopes and dreams for no reason.
That's also what happens with most other rivals in the previous games, it's just that with Kiki it's taken to the extreme. That does end up giving us a way better character than the ones who came before, for sure...
>I though antis were mostly westerners.
Not that Anon but from what I understand, some Japanese artists have been warned about some westerners being self-righteous morally grand-standing cunts (technical term for "anti") and that's why they'd be wary of them. But just blanket blocking all western followers seems a bit too much...
>at least one employee on Game Freak has shota humiliation fetish
That would also explain Hau and Hop, wouldn't it? Oh, to be a fly on the wall during discussions about Kiki between whoever was responsible for him. What would I not give.
>I want him to let his hair down and to be his old self again.
He does go back to being his old self for the most part though. He's still friendly and sweet and obsessed with you in the end
Menhera shota cock
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Sorry anon, he doesn't like being shared!
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Day dreaming about kiki again, praying that i could isekai to him. Yes im delusional and utterly inlove with him
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Butler kiki
I wanna kiss and suck it
But Anon, he's made for all of us.
I'll concede he gets one lover per play-through and nothing more
Same Anon, fucking same. I would sacrifice a hundred men. Maybe more.
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Ogrepon and the MC at least had a chance to build rapport justifying why we get it. Meanwhile Terapagos literally just comes to us because… MC privilege. Admittedly Kieran had no connection with the turtle either and only wanted it as a way to beat us, but the narrative could have at least allowed him the dignity of coming to that conclusion himself and giving us the turtle on his own accord.

> That would also explain Hau and Hop,
SM focuses so much on Lillie, and SwSh is so lazily written that if the writers wanted to humiliate their little boy characters, there just wasn’t enough of a chance to do so.
Meanwhile with Kieran: his first appearance is him cowering behind his sister, said sister spends most of the story infantilizing him or yelling at him, his only friend lied to him for seemingly no reason, the Pokémon he looked up to his entire life hates him, his attempt to prove his strength to that Pokemon falls flat so badly he has a mental breakdown and literally does the dogeza pose (surprisingly Game Freak let him have clothes on), when he goes back to his school and becomes a champion, you swoop in and knock him off his throne (something you were only able to do because Kieran himself let since otherwise you wouldn’t even been allowed in the BB league), he has another mental breakdown (ex-champion style). Then after pulling out a Pokémon out of stone with his bare-hands, it rejects him for (you), even when he catches the thing with a master ball it hates him so much it breaks out (some anons compared it to a impotence metaphor)
Even the freakin Offical Pokémon Twitter can’t help joining in
And while Hau shown to be mostly well adjusted in the first place, and Hop gets handed a legendary and a cushy lab job and iirc never had any established goal in the first place), Kieran (despite his life being much better now, having friends and genuinely become stronger) He never really completed his goal of defeating (you).
having invasive thoughts about sh and imagining kiki comforting me and kissing my scars is the one thing keeping me stable
>the narrative could have at least allowed him the dignity of coming to that conclusion himself and giving us the turtle on his own accord.
That's my main complaint with the whole thing. In order for his arc to come full circle, he should've had at least a realisation about not needing a legendary to be strong...
>(surprisingly Game Freak let him have clothes on)
LMAO. Poor boy doesn't deserve any of this.
And what's worse is that even some of Kiki's fans want him to be humiliated! Like, I get it. I get the humiliation fetish, I get the twisted love, I get that people also love him because of what he's been through. But he doesn't deserve any more of that...
Anon, please, I beg you. Take care of yourself. You deserve the best. ;_;
I hope you're okay, anon...
Don’t worry, unsurprisingly kiki is the best medicine for me. Thank you though, anons (*´︶`*)
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I want nothing less than happiness for my Kiki friends and I'm being completely serious, Anon. If you ever wanna talk or just see cute and soul-healing Kikis, I'm always here <3
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Kiki should strip me naked, throw me at the entrance of BB Academy and look me with a mix of ennui and disgust while everyone else laughs and takes pics and videos of me. Prove me wrong.
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I want to walk up to him and smack his ass and then offer to buy him anything he wants with food stamps.
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Anons, give me a single reason why I shouldn't commit mass human sacrifice in order to make Kiki real.
Based and same, I would spoil him to the point he forgets what it was like before me
God this is so fucking real, he needs to spit on and berate me.
Kiki needs to squat on my face like that
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POV you're a piece of candy that fell on the ground and has now dirt and hair sticking to it, which upsets Kieran but he considers eating it anyway
tempted to learn how to make a nsfw model of kieran
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I desire Kiki in every way possible.
He's cute when he acts disgusted, then...
Lewd Kiki expression...
i don't think it would work
Some tulpamancy bullshit or stuff like that. I care about the result, not the stepping stones!
Don't worry Anon, I was joking
>no alternate path where Kieran defeats you
>Kieran will never remain a power hungry brat
>You will never endure his cruel long-winded rants about how worthless you are
>You will never witness him become more sadistic the more opponents he defeats and the longer he remains undefeated
>Blueberry will never turn a blind eye to Kieran forcing you to be his slave because apparently being Champion gives him the right to do that
>Your naked body will never covered in bruises and burns from Kieran testing his Pokemon's attacks on you
>Your will never feel a constantly tightness around your neck from the choke chain Kieran forces on you
>The left side of your face will never be permanently marked with Kieran's hand print
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Raincoat kiki
I'd kiss him deeply while jerking him off.
>when there’s no kiki to conduct experiments on you with pokemon attacks and lewd (sadistic) acts.
>kiki cant have me leashed or marked while calling me a stupid bitch
Is it genuinely worth living anymore?
Same. Would do my best to shove my tongue in his mouth, deeply but gently... and then replacing my tongue with my fingers so he can suck them
It's still worth living just to experience our Kiki at all, Anon!
Personally I just want to humiliate and embarrass Kiki!
You already have the dlc story for that anon.
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I wanna embarrass Kiki playfully and sexually!
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I wanna show Kiki some naughty stuff
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Here's the image for you anon
Does this absolutely delicious picture have any context? What the source?

Oh, I thought a pokemon had ripped off his clothes with an attack or it was a nightmare or something.
Regardless it’s still yummy as fuck. His complete humiliation and desperation to cover up his ripe pubescent little body while his sister taunts him is so hot. I want to pounce on him

The sequel/ID version is pretty sexy too, despite being less rapeable.
>you will never rub yourself against Kiki's leg in a despite attempt for his affection
>you will never see Kiki's look of contempt and utter disgust seconds before he slams his foot into the side of your head, knocking you in a daze that you immediately get woken out of by the harsh yank of your chain
stay strong anon
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I wanna make this beautiful boy endlessly flustered with my adoration...
I like how you think Anon.
i need his cock
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I need to kiss his shota cock so fucking bad man
eww gay
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i wanna have sex with him in a cave full of geodudes
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>the geodudes watching this happen
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I guess we could say the sex would be... explosive
Neuron activation
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Kiki, no!
Sauce Now hasn't been working well lately. I've personally had more luck with the Search by Google option
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>the current club members leave and instead get replaced with perverts who enjoy being humiliated and abused by Kieran
>Kieran is none the wiser and is power tripping off all the people who let him do whatever he wants
>ywn be one of the club members grooming him into more perverse punishments
>Kieran will never piss in your mouth and force you to choke on his cock while others watch and secretly get off to this
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Thank you Anon! Artist has some excellent stuff.
And yeah, Saucenao has gone to shit forever ago. It used to index all Pixiv posts, now it can only find art if it's been reuploaded on a booru...
Degen Anon wanting to turn Kiki into a little pervert...
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If I have to lose at strong arm, then I need it to be like this
Bump for Kiki
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We all agree this slut will get naughty as soon she meets Kiki in the Terarium, right?
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She can only fucking try. I will go back in time and milk her slutty ancestor so dry he dies childless and she won't be there to get her grubby hands on my Kiki
I know it's hypocritical as fuck, jk
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>So you are the new champion of the academy, nice to meet you, Suguri-kun!
>You are the hottest news right now, did you know? That's why I'm here to take photos of you for the academy's paper!
>Yeah, that's right, give me everything you got, Sugurin~
>Do you mind me calling you Sugurin? Hope not, hehe...
>Yeah, keep it going, show more your shoulders, they are so fair and pretty, you have a great image, champion!
>Humph, maybe we shouldn't have done this in the savanna area, I'm getting all hot and sticky... do you mind if I get rid of this top?
>Ah... much better... Hum? Oh it's okay, you can look all you want, this is a natural take on your personality after all, just stay still for the camera!
>That's it, keep looking at me, don't focus on anything else, there's no one in the world, just you, me and my camera, Sugurin!
>Hum? Why are you covering your crotch? ... Ah.
>It's okay, it's okay! You are entering that age right? It just means you are healthy hehe...
>But you can't keep covering yourself like that, Sugurin, it will run our job here.
>Okay, okay, don't blush like that, I'm sure we can do something to calm you before we continue, just take those pants off and big sis will teach you a secret!
I can't believe this is canon.
Fucking cute, how did I not think of this sooner
I both love and hate this, Anon...
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>Oh, hey, partner, I didn't know you were attending this academy! I just finished taking some photos of the new champion, Sugurin.
>Ha? Yeah, that's how I call him, I guess you could say we are pretty close haha... *redoes her lipstick*
>Perin will never force a white kiss on you with Kiki's semen and laugh it off pretending nothing happened after
This isn't fair...
>You will never give Kiki a white kiss with his own semen
I must stay strong
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Just finished the second DLC
I cant believe the indigo disk is just a quest to give drayton back his sub
What's wrong with your colors?

But yeah Drayton really seemed like he was kinda gay for Kieran and was mad that his shy, subby twink crush turned into an edgy, dominant twunk or something
He enjoys bullying Kieran a bit TOO much

>What's wrong with your colors?
Reshade to saturate the colours >>56048409
I see, looks weird desu but might depend on your screen
Don't know if it matters but I'm pretty sure the line about Kiki's hair is English translation fan fic. I went through other language versions a while back and I remember the gist of Drayton's dialogue being something like "I find him kind of unbearable now, he used to cower behind Carmine before but at least he had fun battling instead of giving everyone a hard time".
I like the bright colours, though they're a bit TOO bright.
Settle down Drayton, Kiki is my sub
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Look at this huge-ass cone head
What are they looking at?
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>I like the bright colours, though they're a bit TOO bright.
I think thats because the bloom option, after using reshade i cant look at the base game anymore
A video demonstration of what I'm gonna do to Kiki (sexo)
I play on emulator too (I haven't gotten very far though, computer is a toaster) and normal Switch screen shots look so crunchy now compared to mine.
Cute protagonist
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2x scale definitely makes the game looks better
Thanks, I finally was able to make a trap in pokemon after Sw/Sw lack of long hair, too bad i cant put him on a cute school skirt
That's a guy? I thought he was supposed to be a girl with a unisex name. Could make for a cute opposite of my PC who's a girl with the same hair style, more "masculine" clothing choices, and no long eye lashes. Cool enough to leave an impact on Kiki...
And yeah, I think the male hair styles in Sw/Sh were particularly shitty. The one game where the male protagonist had way better options was PLA, I think
I don't really see the difference desu
Also have fun with the epilogue
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pic rel is ppr_p2
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Uoooh, excellent lewd shota...
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Unbelievably cute
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It feels like there are 2-3 posters per thread nowadays.
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Yeah, it's pretty sad when the last three posts are all mine but I still do my best to keep the thread alive. That's just how it goes some times, it's not always like this
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Chibi kiki
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it's weird, because Kiki still gets a ton of new art every day so its not like people lost interest in him.
Likely there are just less people on vp right now. the board as a whole seems a bit slower lately.
Smiling onion boy
I'm always super happy whenever I see new art but I feel like that's slowed down too. And yeah, it's likely it's because the board itself is dead, or Anons are busy. I always am...
>Kiki's cuck queens
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Not me, I just self-insert as whoever is depicted as fucking the gorgeous boy
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I'm glad we're getting so many lewd summer Kikis
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Minecraft Kiki skin!
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There's nothing wrong with being a cuckqueen
Nintendo Dream selling Kiki post cards as a result of him absolutely crushing his competition in that one popularity contest. Would probably be pretty hard to get ahold of...
Nothing wrong with wanting Kiki all to (You)rself either
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Totally Kiki domination
Absolutely deserved and vindicating.
I want TPC/whatever to submerge Kiki in merch that I'll never have any hope of owning...
I wish more cool western artists like this would dare to draw Kiki.
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Paldean Kiki...
I wish pokemon merch was easier to get that isn't USA or japan
They'd have nothing to lose and everything to gain from running an on line international store
They're literally forcing me to buy Chinese knockoffs because they refuse to export to my country. Their loss.
What kind of knock-offs, Anon?
Plushies, mostly. Some figures. They're actually pretty good quality. I have a brother who refuses to buy anything that isn't official merch because it isn't as good but it's good enough for me. Better than not having anything.
The Kiki figures I've seen some artists post pics of are very cute, I'd love to own one. Official merch tends to be pretty hit or miss, I think...
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I haven't seen any figures I like yet but I love this plushie. Unfortunately it's not sold anymore. I haven't found another that looked as cute.
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Oh another Anon got this one. I considered also getting it but it doesn't look close enough to actual Kiki for me...
Kiki needs a figma and a nendoroid with interchangeable hair and torso so we can even have well dressed ponytail Kiki and slut shoulders shy Kiki
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Anon that's a wonderful idea. Add the festival outfit and the different facial expressions and we're set
Slutty shoulders shy Kiki does things to me. But who am I kidding, he does things to me regardless
I've fallen deeply in love with this picture, thanks for sharing
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What's his paldean team?
>slut shoulders shy Kiki figma >>56063286
that combo is too breedable. Anyone who bought one would lose control and there would be mass reports of women having Kiki figmas lodged in their lady parts due to “mysteriously” falling on them at just the right angle.
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I think Palafin would fit him well because of the hero theme. Maybe also Tatsugiri, because sushi. Arboliva and Squawkabilly as some sort of counterparts to Hydrapple and Cramorant maybe?
>that combo is too breedable.
Totally agree, it turns my already sky-high desire to trap him against a wall, kiss the fuck outta him and touch him all over up to eleven.
>there would be mass reports of women having Kiki figmas lodged in their lady parts
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Bump for Kiki...
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>he sees you eye his shoulders
is it SA if you grope his shoulders
His shoulders are meant to be loved and touched so let's go at it Anon
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Balloon kiki
Pennywise kiki
That smile...
Took the champion title
Took my heart
Took my virginity
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What a thief...
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What else can he take, Anons...?
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He can take all of me, my existence belongs to him already
I'll never get tired of these declarations of absolute love and dedication to Kiki. I want him to belong to me and I'd treat him with the utmost care...
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>That pic on the left where he's taking his tank top off
Hot, I want it...
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I wanna feed Kiki pizza
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Will Kieran ever actually get any merchandise?
Teal Mask came out nearly a year ago
I want a figma of him so bad....
It feels like SWSH characters got so much merch
Yeah, so far they've failed to strike the iron while it's hot and properly capitalise on his popularity, despite his excellent results in those polls. It's weird because you just know his popularity must've been intentional/expected on GF's part at least on some level. I think the same happened with Rika though?
I want a Masters unit or three, fuck. And an animated appearance that isn't just a split second. And a particularly unlikely Kitakami movie
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Kieran is going to be in Mastersex eventually, most likely in 2025 or 2026
There's apparently 1 more Mythical so if we're getting a movie it's most likely about it rather than Pecharunt
>most likely in 2025 or 2026
That kind of wait will drive me crazy. I've seen talks about Sw/Sh DLC characters being a likely addition next, which would create a precedent for DLC characters in general. Guess we'll see in tomorrow's update...
Is the new Mythical just a rumor? I could only see it being from the next generation as new S/V DLCs seem very unlikely. Would be kind of a kick in the face if we didn't get a movie with the ogre/turtle/peach, sad...
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Currently yeah it's a rumor but does make sense when you think about it
SV still has another 2.5 of content left (since Gen 10 is in 2026)
I think we'll just have to wait and see for November since that's when they announce movies also there is that unknown gorilla Pokemon in the Scarlet/Violet Books
As for Masters, SWSH DLC characters are probably being added late because they are honestly pretty big flops aside from Klara
2.5 years of content*
>SV still has another 2.5 of content left (since Gen 10 is in 2026)
And it looks like GF doesn't want to move onto PLZA that fast, which I appreciate. I don't know though, S/V looks like a done deal to me by now...
Oh that genuinely went over my head
>SWSH DLC characters are probably being added late because they are honestly pretty big flops aside from Klara
I was under the impression the issue was with licensing because of something like the DLCs being technically counted as separate games from original Sw/Sh, but that's just speculation I might've read somewhere. I don't know shit about fuck otherwise
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These threads may be on the verge of dying, but my love for Kiki never will...
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Would make a new thread but it's been so inactive these days sadly
It's just a normal lull of interest in Pokemon at the moment anon. Scar/Viol is coming up 2 years old now and the DLC wrapped up in Feb. If there's any talk of Pokemon it's pretty much TCG related until a movie announcement or a new game.

When it gets closer to Legends releasing the activity will return and Kiki threads will explode again. Obviously people enjoy him, I haven't seen any other Pokeboy sustain a constant thread for this long before with hundreds of posts on each, not even Hau and he was pretty popular.
I am gonna miss those threads
I havent posted here in a while im sorry
You're right Anon, the board has been slow in general after all. Though when PLZA was announced, the board became so active the Kiki thread got bumped off
Hey Anon we can still have a new one, I was just sad because of how slow it got
>See fanart of pokemon I like
>It features Kieran
>Have to debate whether to leave the post be without supporting the artist or dropping a like and get bombarded with Kieran artwork to the point where I'll probably end up missing more fanart of the Pokemon until the algorithm realises the actual reason I liked the post
You Kikifags are more powerful than you realise. I'll miss seeing your threads in the catalog.
Sw/Sh DLC in Masters confirmed. It's just a matter of time before Kiki breaks the game
I'd just save the art and leave it at that but I'm just greedy like that. I save plenty of art with mons/characters I don't particularly care about because it also features Kiki.
>You Kikifags are more powerful than you realise.
Aw, thank you Anon. I might still make a new thread because I love being in /Kiki/ too much and I got some little things to share
how many anons would be interested in a kiki plush? Usually the minimum production requirement is 50 for most factories and sadly that’s too many kiki’s for my home to have.
Depending on how it looks I could maybe want one but I have zero room to put it and it would just end up gathering dust... I don't know how it works, where would you buy such a big Kiki lot?
Usually from alibaba, if you ever wanted to make your own custom. Finding a vendor that won’t steal your design is sort of tough though.
Would it be hair up or hair down Kiki?

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