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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading. Watcha readin'? Whatcha writin'? What've you been workin' on?

Old thread:

>Thread Question:
Who is your personal "I want to read more stuff with this character but what little I can find is crap" character? For me, it's Clair.
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The G.
Synchrolysis Chapter 2
>A highly anticipated showdown between two powerful Pokémon Trainers unfolds in Vellio's capital, while Eya struggles to recover from her brutal assault. Tragic loss and exciting discovery cross paths with one another as we start to learn more of the situation Eya has truly found herself in.
Kahili and Jasmine
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Good taste
I wish patreon would let me write human x pokemon smut. Do you think if the pokemon is an isekai'd black transwoman they'd let me get away with it?
They don't let you?
Can't you just use another platform to share the NSFW sections. Some artists do that now with an email list.
Anabel, though I'd also take some Lorelei

Hard at work picking up writing again. Dug up an unfinished story at 40 pages the other day, at 53 now. This was meant to be short and I can see this thing adding another ten or twenty pages at this rate. I just keep seeing a need for more depth and clarity, better character development, shit like that.
Post the draft. I don't care how unfinished it is.
Add an invisible disability for extra coverage.
Eh why not. Here's an excerpt, there's already plenty I want to touch up in here but it's something.
Hmph, now show me the power of NUTRITION...
I'm terrified that I do that when I'm writing. It's like I woke up one day and using "he" for characters with undefined sexes just disappeared out of existence.
>"I want to read more stuff with this character but what little I can find is crap"

James, that's mostly focused on him and without the whole Rocketshipping. Tried finding high and low for a James retired from Team Rocket story, couldn't find one.
Political revolutions are like that.
When it becomes "bad" to be a man, "he" will become a slur.
>"you're a third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck"
>characters with undefined sexes
Writing protip: Define the sex of your character since human beings have an objective sex outside of a handful of unfortunate individuals born with physical or genetic deformities. If your character is a legendary pokemon or a genderless objectmon, you get a pass. Otherwise making your character's gender undefined is the equivalent of going out of your way to mention in every sentence that you aren't going to tell the reader what their hair or eye color is. The character definitely has one, you just aren't telling us for some weird reason.

Writing an enby character in a world where enbies are real and are accepted as a norm that nobody bats an eyelash is this generation of the smug mary sue whose outfit takes two paragraphs to describe in every scene and who outsmarts the world's leading experts on things while anyone who dislikes them is presented as the devil. That is to say, it's an infantile fantasy and just bad character writing. I hope the works you make when you grow up are better than this.
I didn't read more than a couple of lines of the linked writing, but the main character is a Metang
Even a low class self insert with no powers can surpass an aura user, a cultivator or a nutritionist if he trains hard enough!
How do you keep yourself sticking to one idea for a story? I keep getting distracted by new ideas and now it feels like I'm getting sidetracked from the story I actually want to write.
I just force myself to not think about it until it goes away.
Create an outline that leaves room for detours. Plan out the Where, Why, & How for where you want your characters / world to end up, but don't get so caught up on the What or the When. Trying to plot out the pacing or every little stop along the journey is where so many authors go wrong, in terms of quality and in terms of getting burnt out.
>TL;DR - Define your endpoints for an arc / chapter / story, and then leave room along the way of bridging them so that the new ideas you'll inevitably get don't feel like a sidetrack, but rather a sidequest
Script everything. Don't just know where the story starts and ends, organize every single event that will occur. Once you're done with that, start writing.
Illiterate chuds owned again
>The fabled "everyman" character.
I kneel.
Synchrolysis Chapter 3
>After waking up from an intense dream, Eya is met with an offer from her new friends. A very disappointed Griffon meets up with Orro and Pelus to discuss their game plan.
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Should Batman be able to beat the shit out of most Pokémon trainers out there, or should he job to them?
>Batman without his "prep time" cave
Little chance, and it would be full of asspulles.
>Batman with his "prep time" cave
He'd invent a pokeball jaminator and the captureizerer 3000 and take over the entirety of the tri-state area, or something.
>the captureizerer 3000
Already exists, it's called the Snag Machine. He'd just use a Snag Machine and counterfeit his own Masterballs.
>"Death Battle"
>One side is a guy who never kills
>The other side is someone who doesn't even fight, instead
having their minions do it for them
Fucking stupid.
What's the consensuses on fakemon/original Pokemon in fanfics?
there was a decent ashfic that involved her, it was brought up in the thread a couple of times because it actually did something with his character by making him take up that offer to become a frontier brain
I don't know about any consensus beyond it generally being advised against, but as a reader it's very annoying having to conceptualize many fakemon with words alone. You better include pictures somewhere or my eyes are gonna start glazing over after seeing fakemon after fakemon and, eventually, I'll lose interest entirely.
I've never actually seen a fic with fakemon, only deviantart accounts with personal pokedexes or fangames. Do you have an example?
nta but off the top of my head at least two popular fics with fakemons exist. The New Normal, which had fakemon mega evolutions, and Villainous Ventures which had a few hybrids and variants that are akin to regional variants.
Never read either story, but I'll rate the uses.
>Fake Mega Evolutions
Based, it's pretty easy to picture and imagine and all Pokemon should have had them.
Based, you have all the pieces you need to imagine them and the technology exists in-universe.
>regional variants
Based, not hard to imagine them and it give some extra character to a fan region.
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Singular they/them is perfectly fine, it's mainly used when it's an object (Voltorb), when it's a singular unique species (legendaries), when it's a merged being (Metagross, or DBZ fusions), when contextually he/she isn't enough and it could apply regardless of the subject ("Every trainer must submit their contest registration on time", "Oak gave away his last Pokedex, as any proud professor in their town would've done.") or when it's ambiguous/undefined for the moment (hooded Team Rocket grunt that stole NUTRITION books from the local Pokemart and nobody knows where they went, "Someone left their Pokedex at the pokemon center", etc).

Grammatically, "singular they" has been a thing in English for hundreds of years and the general usage also varies by language. That said, >>56026908 is right in that some people go far the fuck out of their way to do that shit just for the sake of enby crap. What makes it particularly egregious is that it's such an outside-context problem for the Pokemon world that it genuinely should not exist with how advanced Pokemon's medicine is, which is why it comes across as wankery even if you are someone who does not give a shit about those folk and what they do.

Realistically, the Pokemon world most likely has Ditto Cell treatments for that and genuinely life-threatening injuries, but if that's somehow not an option then there would almost certainly be psychic treatments that can be done to fix the underlying mental/body rejection aspect or to outright body-swap two people with the same issue.
>Fake Megas and Regional Variants/Evos
Perfectly fine, just give a good description of what changes. Variants/Evos should be given a brief lore dump for the how/why though if you can though. A flying-type Eevee evolution or a similar split evo is much easier to justify as a side grade compared to something like a final evolution for Snorlax.
It's almost always advised against for multiple reasons, but the other anons have gone over most of them. If you absolutely want custom Pokemon, then you'll need to have a ton of reference pics ready imo.
Your story dies unless you provide a cool design/concept.
What are a good explanation or justification for Pokemon and Humans being together for battling?
We're told many times that under the guidance of a Trainer Pokemon grow faster, better, stronger, etc. Why exactly? What does the Human "do" that adds to it? Why do Pokemon follow the orders of humans in battle against other Pokemon?
We also hear lots of times that Trainer-owned Pokemon are stronger than wild Pokemon but I find a massive contradiction in this matter since there's plenty of wild Pokemon that are extremely strong and even stronger than very highly experienced humans such as even Gym Leaders.
And let's not even talk about Legendary Pokemon who despite being wild can measure up to E4 and Champions and even absolutely trash them without even trying.
What are your thoughts on this matter? Have you been able to find a "something" to explain this way? The closest I have been able to is that the "connection" between Trainer and Pokemon becomes a "booster" so if a Pokemon in the wild gains 10 EXP by performing an action then they gain 100 instead if done under the guidance of a Trainer. Why though, I wouldn't be able to tell you. It's a instinctual Aura connection formed between the Trainer and Pokemon?
Humans provide nothing other than servant work like preparing meals and cleaning the toilets.
It is less that humans accelerate a pokemon's growth and more than the lazier or weaker pokemon are unable to get a good servant.
Lazy, weak, stupid, etc pokemon get a foolish Youngsters at best, while all the actually determined or talented pokemon find themselves a nice subservient Ace Trainer that will gladly devote his/her life in service of the pokemon.

In other words, people mistake up the cause and effect. For example, living on Orre doesn't turn you into a madmax retard, it just seems that way because all the smart people leave Orre as soon as they can unless they can exploit the mouthbreathing populace in some way.
>We also hear lots of times that Trainer-owned Pokemon are stronger than wild Pokemon but I find a massive contradiction in this matter since there's plenty of wild Pokemon that are extremely strong and even stronger than very highly experienced humans such as even Gym Leaders.
Through a level gap, sure. But human trained Pokémon have better moves, and the training itself has objective benefits that gets abstracted in the g*mes as stat exp, ev's, etc. It's some vague "power of friendship" style deal that's also used to explain why the game protagonists are so overwhelmingly strong compared to everything else.
Think of what benefits your own pokémon have in-game compared to wild pokémon:
- Access to better moves through TMs / reminder.
- Higher stats due to accumulated EVs (read: knowledge obtained from battling varied pokémon instead of the same old boring local wildlife).
- Fancy items other than a fiftieth fucking Oran berry.
- Free food and healthcare.
- The mon gets to be part of a diverse team composed of vastly different pokémon. That would be unthinkable in the wild, where you would never know whether you can trust another pokémon of a different species or even different type.
- Since the mon is part of a team, overspecialization becomes possible. You want to focus on physical attacks, or support, or stall? In the wild you would need to cover all bases to survive, but in a team you could focus on what you’re good at and let the rest of your teammates cover your blind spots.
- A good trainer would be expected to have an ample, encyclopedic knowledge of pokémon, their moves, abilities, roles in battle, etc.
- Humans in the pokémon world are fucking obsessed with the critters, and build their entire societies around them.

tl;dr: that wild Lv30 Butterfree is trash because it has 0 EVs and the moves it knows at its level, while your darling Lv27 Butterfree that’s been with you since she was a Caterpie has minmaxed EVs and a hand-crafted moveset to fit perfectly in your team. Levels aren’t everything.
Grammar time!

"She" is used for objects when personified. This is because in English feminine is default, masculine is used whenever non-trivial amounts of masculinity or male membership is reasonably expected. (See below.)

"It" is used for Pokemon universally. Any other pronouns are supplemental information.

"Singular They" exists specifically when you are talking about a plurality that is taken in a singular case.
>When someone visits my house, they never can figure out where the bathroom is.
This is because you're talking generally about "my house guests," a plural notion, though you're using an example of one person at a time. This would not be valid if you were only talking about one particular house guest who couldn't find the john.

An abstract person takes "he" in most cases because there is non-trivial amounts of males in the general population. If you talk about the winner of a popular lottery, "he" is correct. If you talk about the winner of contest that targets a female demographic, "she" is correct when talking about the future winner even though nothing bars males from entering since it is not reasonably expected that many will enter and one of them win.

Another case of "they" which may prove singular is the abstract collective. "I saw someone in the alley but I don't know what they were doing" is valid because you saw one, but you're really talking about a group of 1 or more persons. "They" in this case indicates you are not certain that the group is not larger than 1. Works normally involving multiple artists can take "they" in a similar way. "They did good on these sound effects," is valid even if you're pretty sure you're talking about a film that is a solo production, because a film normally has multiple artists involved and you are abstracting the artist as a one-man form of what is usually a group effort, effectively retaining "they" from the expectation of group.

Region matters, too. A rock band is plural in UK, singular in US.
"It" is perfectly fine as a pronoun for a person. There is an issue that it is very rare among sane persons that gender is deliberately obscured, so it is not often needed during conversation. But we use "it" for people quite often when identity is uncertain but singularity is certain.

A knock at the door.
>"Who is IT?"
>"IT's a-me, Mario!"

There is nothing "dehumanizing" about this, though that one episode of TNG claimed so to push through lame writing.

We also IT-ify freely whenever someone is a representative of a Corporate Person, transferring being a soulless monstrosity to the serf it commands.
>Who called you on the phone a minute ago?
>IT was a telemarketer.

And most importantly, though it has a less natural cadence, pronouns are never required. You can always use a name in every case and if it sounds repetitive, use better writing to avoid needing to repeat the subject so God damned often.

Now, stop bullying strangers about the words they use and get back to writing Proper English when you're responsible for it.
Thank you all for your inputs. I'll stay in the realm of evos/split-evos, Regional forms, and Mega/Primal forms of existing Pokemon in my planned story.
Grammatical gender is more about passive vs active. A noun is acted upon? It’s a she. A noun acts upon other nouns? It’s a he.
They/It should be used as a signifier that it’s not clear or that you’re dealing with an equally active relationship between objects, or a mixed class of objects.

Obviously language is a mess of crap that changes over time and borrows from other cultures, rather than a strong logic circuit, so things are inconsistent across millions of vocabulary words, but if you ever are wondering why a particular noun would have a certain pronoun or what pronoun to use for an imaginary or fictional noun, that’s the heart of the use pattern.
That's not passive/active, that's subject/object. And I've never seen a pronoun for a personified object change because of the verb it's involved with. That's be like saying "The ship I sailed, she carried me for days before he ran aground on the rocks at low tide." Nonsense.

Is there a language with grammatical gender based on being subject or object of a verb?
>tfw my ship is a tranny
>a she while I steer her at the helm
>a he when he drifts to sea and crashes into another ship(female) after me bilgerat crew didn't tie him to port
It’s not about the structure of the sentence, it’s about whether the speakers feel a noun has agency.
>tranny out of nowhere
Germans use male gender for a ship because they feel they have agency. The English don’t, so they use female grammar
Boats are a 'she' because a sailor will sail 'er, not because of whatever nonsense you made up
just ignore the retard baiting, he tried saying an anon he agreed with was bullying strangers lol
Isn't it better to just cast nets when you're out at sea?
If you want to breed your genderless pokemon, simply tell one to breed and tell the other they're free to do whatever they want after lacing their food with an aphrodisiac. One will become a she and the other will become a he.
Isn't it "gender unknown"? Sounds like they need a REAL researcher to figure it out.
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Moth of the time you can plainly see that they lack genitalia of any kind. If they reproduce at all, it's asexually.
Name three(3) penis bulges or open peni you've seen on humans.
Hard mode: no weird manga panels allowed
My own

Your dad's

Your mom's
It's a shame how rare they are nowadays as an MC. SI or no.
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I don't think I've even seem Shannon in any fic. I want to see more of this Cinnamon Roll. Kind of shock there no slash fic of her and Iris.

>"Death Battle"
Ah yes, the internet equivalent of my dad is better then your dad fight.

This is useful, Thanks. Also how do people feel about fan regions both personal made and from fan games? This is total not me trying to justify the cost sink of making an entire region from scratch. Speaking of.

>How do you keep yourself focus on just writing your story instead of endlessly plotting and world building?
fan regions are fine and you'd have to try to make a region worse (in writing potential/entertainment/quality) than some of the official ones desu
>how to focus on writing instead of endless plotting/worldbuilding
write a chapter or two, or at least a little bit between worldbuilding sessions. or maybe even write a lot of worldbuilding details into a .txt somewhere to organize it so it can be used.
Only good in old fics, I'm talking very early 2000's pre-Johto when the West only had the original 151. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/362862/1/Illusions-of-Grandeur
So we all know Kanto is the most written about Region. Where the most fics are set on.
How about the other places? What would be the Ranking like?
What's the second, third, fourth, etc?
And obviously we know why Kanto is the most written one but why are the others written about the most second or third or are the least written about ones?
second is probably hoenn for similar nostalgia reasons
Nobody likes Johto
>nobody likes johto
People like Johto, the main issue is that anyone who would write a Johto story starts with Kanto and then goes to Johto afterward.
Hell, a lot of stories that go for multiple regions go to Johto second, even if they're Hoenn/Sinnoh first. If you account for the total regions represented in fics, Johto would probably be somewhere between Hoenn and Sinnoh.
Traveler's new chapter was fucking kino it's rare for fics to have moments like that without going full edgelord.
I mean traveller 100% is full edgelord and that chapter in particular is one of the edgiest things I’ve ever read, but it’s still kino, edge can be kino
Huge war-style pokemon battle with death and OC time warp reality altering shit
>Kanto has all the things people stated
>Hoenn has starters and the tropical atmosphere
>Unova is the most juvenile-centered of the bunch
>Sinnoh benefits from last gen restoring its vitality
>Kalos had the anime leave a giant mark on it
>Galar has waifus
>Alola the same
>Johto has mythology on its side
>Paldea fucking sucks and it's telling when not even GF wanted to explore more of it in the DLCs
I'm new to pokemon fan games/romhacks.
Any recommendations not written my edgelord teenagers? I tried Rejuvination and this shit is painful.
Play my visual novel, it's only a little bit cringe.

Why are there so few Galarfics?
I mean, sure, anyone with half a brain knows Galar is shit, but even that works in its favor since the fixfic is one of the biggest fanfiction genre.
And as much as I hate to say it, Galar is very popular, nips fucking love Galar for instance, and the thing sold super well overall so on paper there should a bigger quantity of fanfic writers among those people who played and liked Galar.
There's also a lot of very popular characters there too. Bea, Raihan, Nessa, Kabu, Piers and even Leon who's also a good fanfic fuel for battling autism considering how hard he gets wanked in story making him a decent enough goal and beating him serving a greater purpose to wank the SI/MC by having him beat Leon.
So what happened?
>So what happened?
forced diversity
Galar didn't have the anime shilling and expanding on its lore 24/7 like with what happened during OS-SM. The anime is very important for introducing new locations, characters, Pokemon, and side stories that the games barely touch on. I can't name a single Galar city or location outside of the Wild Area. Same with Paldea, I can't remember the locations or characters because none really stood out during the game and I spent a good amount of time on both SV and SS. The games left no real impact in the enviroment. The sole thing Galar introduced that was semi-interesting was Dymax but that's limited solely to the Galar region so you can't take it everywhere with you, Leon being the worlds strongest, and the concept of sponserships which went nowhere.

Galar was plain and simple boring. I like the original fake leaks that Marnie was supposed to be Galar royalty in hiding and you were supposed to help her get back to the throne. Also both Galar and Paldea's "evil" teams suck. The poor mans Team Skull. Who wants to read about school bullies when you can have gangsters wreaking havoc on the Hawaiian Islands with tactical nukes on the wrist and aliens which come out of worm holes.
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Yes, OP. I actually read it every fucking time. It's very interesting and cute to see nurse Joy type something new every thread. In fact I only enter this thread to see what she writes and then fuck off again.
Let me tell you something

I've created a region based on the Nordic countries, ok? and in Iceland, the abortion rates for babies with Down syndrome are sky-high. And I'm afraid that some readers would try to force me to address it when I have zero intention to.

And know what? I don't blame those parents, ok?

Child rearing a neurotypical child is enough of a daunting task for a neurotypical parent. Do you want to throw a wrench like that into the gear works? no fucking thanks.

I bet you if a baby can get an autism diagnosis while in utero, some mothers would reach in and yank it out of her body and throw it against the wall.
OP here. My hope was that people would recognize Nurse Joy at a glance and immediately know what thread it was without thinking. But I didn't want to actually post the same thing over and over, that's lame.
>But I didn't want to actually post the same thing over and over, that's lame.
Yeah, makes sense
I like it that way, it's like a sane haven amidst the turbulent chaos of /vp/
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>Galar was plain and simple boring. I like the original fake leaks that Marnie was supposed to be Galar royalty in hiding and you were supposed to help her get back to the throne
Holy fuck I'd completely forgotten about that.
Man, swooshie had some pretty good fake leaks when you think about it. Remember Armor Evolutions? Good times.
So, anything with the new anime kids? Last I heard the girl is everything fanfic writers wanted Ash to be but canon
Right now they're speedrunning Paldea for training for Tera.
Next week they're fighting the E4 alongside the Gym Leader they fought against. Which is a laughable prospect considering when you remember how OP E4's used to be portrayed as.
Liko's anime just feels directionless imo.
World traveling format is a mistake.
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>Black Rayquaza
>literally a rarity of the highest caliber
>the main Pokémon of a Japanese emperor
>and every other version (even non-shiny ones) is portrayed as incredibly powerful
>somehow, a bunch of thieves and sky sailors can WEAKEN that thing
As someone who will make the distinct decision (or mistake, depending on how you view it) of featuring characters from both Ashnime and Horizons for a story, I'm nerfing the shit out of the latter by a long margin.

There's no way you can justify inexperienced kids and petty thieves being more than capable of taking down legendary Pokémon and Elite Four trainers.
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>Last I heard the girl is everything fanfic writers wanted Ash to be but canon
This was mostly true for the first little while, but then she got turned into a damsel in distress for some reason.
To be fair, it wasn't really that weakened. It was barely scratched and still had the juice to kick everyone's ass without breaking a sweat.
The worst offense to Rayquaza was from one of the movies, where it was losing against a bunch of floating cubes. Like holy fuck, what
I hate to sound like a shounenspic, but the anime has had absolutely horrendous powerscaling ever since Journeys.
I dearly miss when the E4 and Champions all felt like impossible to surmount walls and absolute monsters in battle that when you knew they appeared whoever they were gonna battle was gonna get curbstomped even without them trying.
The damage Journey caused to this franchise is untold.
>To be fair, it wasn't really that weakened. It was barely scratched and still had the juice to kick everyone's ass without breaking a sweat.
That fug reeled at all to Fuecoco's attacks is just utterly ludicrous.
Liko's even worse because at least we see Roy training and tryharding 24/7 but then Liko and the cat perform just as good if not even better just because they're just built different I guess despite Liko being a pussy who's just sitting on her ass 98% of the time.
The other issue is how arbitrary it is, too. Their powerlevels. Both are newfag trainers, not even a badge to their names, but at this point I'd bet good money they'd sweep the Indigo League that we saw in OS without even trying because ??? and despite 95% of the time them being bailed out by the meme turtle or walking k-k-kantooooo ad or something else altogether.
It's like they've got a x1000 exp boost, and Liko has a x10000 shoujo manga yume vn boost too.
Isn't that how it's always been? Ash's Charizard had barely fought any battles and yet it was going toe to toe with an invincible Entei. The anime's always had x100000 exp all on.
Ash's Charizard only fought Entei after it went through like three character development arcs and spent a lot of time at Charific Valley training like a motherfucker after it was shown it was a small fish on a big pond.
And he still got fucked by Entei at the end of the day. And Entei is a legendary of a lesser degree than Fug too.
There's really no comparison.
Big fish on a small pond. Fuck.
Also, it was a movie. Three years after the anime had started.
Even on Journeys the rat at maximum wank levels couldn't get a good hit on a Lugia in one of the last episodes.
Let's think about all the matches where legendaries fought against humans:
>Giovanni with Mewtwo vs Gary: Giovanni stomped
>Mewtwo vs everyone: Mewtwo stomped them
>Charizard vs Entei: technically a stalemate, but Entei was ready to kill Zard
>Latios and Latias vs Annie and Oakley: also a stalemate, but environment shenanigans ended up killing Latios
>Groudon vs everyone: Jirachi had to stop it
>Fug and the wo Deoxys vs fucking tourist robots: somehow the robots were stronger
>the Regis vs Ash and co.: stopped by Mew
>Charizard vs Articuno: Zard won
>Ash vs Brandon: Ash only beat Regice, the other two stomped
>Brandon vs Paul: Brandon stomped
>Zoroark vs the shiny beasts: no one won, but it was on the beasts' side
>Ash vs Tobias: Took four Pokémon to take down Darkrai and two to defeat Latios
>Alain vs the Hoenn duo: the Hoenn duo stomped until Fug put them in their place
>Pikachu vs Silvally: Pika won
>Pikachu vs Tapu Koko: Pika won
>Guzzlord vs everyone: literally required everyone to vanquish them away
>Lugia vs a group of trainers: Lugia stomped
>Articuno vs Ash and friends: Articuno stomped
>Urshifu vs Regice: Urshifu stomped, but one has to wonder how and why Quillion and Danika even had Urshifu to begin with
>Regidrago and Regieleki vs Gary and Goh: Gary and Goh won
>Latios vs a hunter: Latios won, but thanks to Ash's help
>black Fug vs the Explorers and the Tacklers: somehow the humans got the upper hand until Fug managed to get them away and escape

Most battles were won by legendaries. Really, the only bullshit fights are the Deoxys movie one and the matches from Journeys onwards, and maybe Zard vs Articuno if you think about it.
It seems like a pretty fair comparison to me. Rayquaza had finished getting hammered for several minutes and then had to face against a regional professor who had the power of kanto and emoboys on his side, and the only 'damage' it took was a little knockback.
The Entei movie was a bad comparison, I had forgotten that was around Johto. But there were still many similar scenarios taking place in Kanto that just didn't quite add up to the effort put in, like in the second movie where Pikachu and Charizard were at the level where they could fight off direct attacks from the legendary birds while dragging a sleigh across the frozen wastes.

But it's your fic. If you want to dial back some characters and dial forward others, who's to tell you otherwise.

>black Fug vs the Explorers and the Tacklers: somehow the humans got the upper hand until Fug managed to get them away and escape
>somehow the humans got the upper hand until Fug managed to get them away and escape
The humans never had the upper hand or 'escaped'. Fug was there for his trainer, and when he saw his trainer wasn't there he fucked off after slapping them around.
The movie entei doesn’t count as a regular entei since it was imaginary and made up by a bunch of unown, I don’t think it properly scales, Charizard probably would’ve still lost against regular Entei regardless. The most bullshit scaling fights with legendaries would probably come from Mystery Dungeon though since those have first stage mons beating Zapdos as early as the 6th dungeon.
>Ash's Charizard had barely fought any battles and yet it was going toe to toe with an invincible Entei
That's not what happened at all, Entei was this close to killing him
After a drawn out battle where Entei was giving its all. An Entei that was coded to perfection by the Unown.
So, the MC of the thing I'm planning is gonna have a Fairy-type affinity, and dare I say it, Aura.
What type of powers and abilities or gimmicks can I give her based on that?
She crossdresses.
>Charm to eye lazer people into being weak in the knees
>Moonlight to heal themselves or others
>Fairy wind for mid range invisible glitter wind shenanigans
>Moonblast/Dazzling gleam for moon lazer shenanigans
>Play rough for wrestling/close range
>Drain kiss for life drain
>Spirit break for boxing/swordsmanship
If you want to get crazy with it you can use real fae mythos as inspiration. Make the MC fae-like rather than fairy-type-like, to play off the idea that humans aren't exactly pokemon.
>never "give" your name to a fae, it gives them a level of control over you
>never lie to a fae, they treat lies as a serious offense. This also means fairies hate trannies because they lie about their gender and who they are. Wordplay and misdirection are okay however
>never thank a fae, it implies you now owe a debt to them
Have her Moon Light as a Magical Girl.
Sorry I saw Jasmine in your pic and I got distracted and didn't finish reading your post

Need cute Jasmine fic :3
Just posted the 4th chapter of my story, Synchrolysis. Instead of posting the synopsis like I usually do, I thought this excerpt came out sounding pretty cool:
>A huge explosion of fire rumbles the office, emanating from Picto's face in a sharp V shape. The stripped interior of the makeshift lab is instantly set ablaze like kindling, with countless folders of precious research now amounting to little more than fuel for the flames. Having been right in front of Picto, Jones is flash-cremated into gusting heaps of dusty remains. Novu's laptop gets whipped off its shelf by the explosion's shockwave and splatters into the back of Rigel's head. As the inferno consumes him whole, even more research melts into him. In this one moment, these scientists and their stories have come to a brutal end, smoldering away in obscurity with information that the world may never again learn.

>Two Pokémon fly away from the scene in opposite directions. One is a representative for the despair of humanity, the other its hope. One doesn't look back out of confidence, the other out of fear. How could either of them know that these clashing emotions, both resulting in the same lack of precaution, would lead to years of turmoil? The creature of despair is a fearsome Rayquaza, who tears through the night sky at supersonic speeds. Our clandestine beacon of hope is a lowly Noctowl, barely able to flap herself off of the ground with a beak packed full of folders. These two airborne Pokémon might not have crossed paths, but their stories are far from done intersecting with one another. Leaving the ashes of this night behind them a year ago today, where are they now?

Chapter 4:

Chapter 1:
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We always talk about isekaijins using their meme knowledge to fuck the world, but what about honest to god regressors? That's probably easier to write than Fallers using smogon and for some reason making it through the world without problems because they're the only ones that thought about using type matchs
What the fuck is a regressor?
>He doesn't know
We throw around stupid terms like cultivation, system, Dao, Heavenly Tribulation and so on but that's where you drawn the line?

Anyways, regressor is the fucker that goes back in time, either sent by a superior power that can be a god, ancient ruins or magic, to fix things that can go from the world to his shitty life where he starts to use future knowledge to jerk himself while making everyone else look like an idiot despite stealing their stuff
Nigga that's just peggy sue that genre of fanfic is old as fuck.
What would be an interesting character to send back in time though?
Someone who didn't make it and could feasibly be unhappy with their current life even if the games tell us otherwise.
Hop would be a good fit for that.
NTA but of my mind:
>the villains to make sure their plans succeed
>Sabrina can already see the future
>Kieran might be insane enough to rewrite history just to become the hero the player is
>Lillie and Gladion in what if scenarios where Lusamine is too irredeemable to save
What could they accomplish tho? Malva, I suppose she can make sure Team Flare succeeds, and Plumeria would probably travel in time to prevent Guzma from working with Lusamine (since most versions of her imply she has a thing for him, but only the anime made it clear), but what about the rest?
Rate my Team Rocket taking over the world idea:
>TR has 9 Elite Agents, ranked 01-09, where all are given specific fields to work in in order to try and take over the world (Politically, Business, Contests, Battling, etc)
>All of the Elites know who each other are except for the mysterious #8 who has never been seen or heard from
>Domino, 009, is the top agent and has the sole goal of furthering TR's quest for domination through any means necessary and is Giovanni's most trusted agent
>Domino's current assignment is to recruit a top Trainer into Team Rocket in order to have a TR member attain Champion and potentially Master rank as those ranks grant the Trainer total control over a regions Battling and Contest circuits and can potentially lead to political sway through their contributions to the region (increasing trainer foot traffic, battle watching tourism, difficulty scaling, etc)
>Domino finds someone she can potentially break and bend to TR's plans: Ash Ketchum
>Finds and obtains blackmail information to threaten him and his friends and family with
>Kidnaps him and attempts to make him work for Team Rocket under threat that his mother and friends will be hurt or worse if he fights against it
>After a back and forth between him and Domino it's revealed that he's Team Rockets #8, and is already working for Giovanni as a Trainer attempting to attain Master rank
>Through shenanigans Ash winds up using Domino to further his own methods of becoming Master - revealing to the world that while he was kidnapped by TR for months he fell in love with a TR member (setting up the worlds population interest in a Romeo and Juliet esq situation)
>The pure hearted Trainer who everyone adores and an evil syndicate member
>On the surface it's outrageous, but behind the scenes the entire setup is for show
>Ash declares he'll take down Team Rocket to be with his girl (Domino)
>Through taking down TR he'll actually be in control of it after supposedly destroying it
Cynthia. She's already an archeologist and mythologist or whatever the word is. Send her back in time to the period she's most interested in and watch her nerd the fuck out over being able to experience ancient cultures first-hand. Woops, turns out women have no rights in this time period and even wearing pants in public is seen as grossly indecent, so she ends up a pariah. Except she's also the most talented pokemon trainer alive in this era so she becomes this legendary sort of hermit, living away from civilization to save them from her massive power... or so the legend goes. Until one day the local militia is faced with an unwinnable battle with the oncoming barbarian hordes, so they have no other choice but to call for help from that mysterious witch who lives in the caves, which is a call that Cynthia chooses to answer because she's still too good of a person to just stand there and let them get wiped out, even after they treated her like shit. She wins the battle handily despite the odds being seemingly stacked against her, and that just adds to her growing mystique.
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Literally anyone, who succeeded in original timeline through deus ex machina and plot reasons. Because of butterfly© some shit differntiates in the beggining and all later plot is about them comically trying to stitch everything into original timeline with barely any result, so they fall into depressia and await inevetable end so they ofc would be said again in the end by another deus ex machina, but memories of helplessness will remain and will haunt them further, from where the arc of the fight against trauma will begin
I'm currently reading a fanfic where a 13 year old girl impregnates a boy with a Glalie. MANUALLY.
Boys can't get pregnant dumbass.
I don't know bro, I think TR stuff fits PokeSpe Red more than any other.

I could see Ash as a glowie tho
Surprise, I also posted the 5th chapter, the 4th one was already 99% finished this morning and I really felt my groove this afternoon. These first 5 chapters serve as the introductory arc, and for now I'm taking a slight detour to work on a different story. I hope some anons here give it a try, I'd dare to say I'm crafting Kino here.

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In his timeline May/Brendan didn't come back from space and he feels guilty because he wasn't able to help
Ghetsis did start a world war trying to make himself King so everything got fucked, now Bianca is trying to find someone able to stop him but knows she isn't a battler and Hilda/Hilbert never appeared again
The world got fucked so now she's trying to stop Lyssandre while still working for TF
Guzma fucking died thanks to crazy Lusamine and the worst is that he never fucked her thanks to being a simp
Someone from a thousand years in the future trying to change destiny but his autism went off the rails because the future is just that bad
Humans=pokemon that lost the ability to use moves/abilities unless they have some form of atavism or specialised lifelong training.
Humans in turn gained the ability to passively use Helping hand to bond with each other and pokemon to power them up depending on how intent they are on bonding through respect, friendship, family or love.
Hatred or being targeted by hatred reverses that effect tho hence goody two shoes humanity.
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>>Spirit break
Aurafags going full Bleach at each other while normal people wonder what the hell is wrong with those autists changing their expressions and panting like crazy sounds hilarous
Did he just bust?
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So, why the fuck was Colress chilling in Alola after all the bullshit he did in Unova?
The same reason there's a bunch of Germans chilling in Argentina
If Colress was so smart, why did he bet on the losing team?
No, like really. Ghetsis had already lost by the time Colress joined him. Surely he, being a genius with such complex thoughts, would have known that it was a doomed prospect that would also doom his future by making him essentially a war criminal, right?
He is a scientist with no moral compass who gets by on having money and bargaining chips to trade.
Getting by seems subpar for a character that we know is so intelligent.
I think, ironically, Colress has a very powerful brain but lacks the complex thoughts necessary to really gain from it or put it to use. He could easily forge his own company and drive devon/silph co/macro cosmos into the ground, but instead he's just making shooty lasers and annoying noise emitters.
All he cares about is seeing what pokemon can do. He doesn't give a shit if Team Plasma wins or loses, so long as he gets to watch it happen. Also, at the end of B2W2, he had the whole Plasma frigate all to himself. That's a hell of a consolation prize for being on the "losing" team.
Didn't he push Black to the orb in PokeSpe?
>at the end of B2W2, he had the whole Plasma frigate all to himself
Was that actually stated? Surely the humans who run the league, with their complex thoughts, didn't leave such a powerful weapon in the hands of the madman who could join another villain on a whim
It was Ghetsis actually. Not that it makes Colress any less of an inhuman piece of shit in the manga. Then again, everything Unova from the BW ending onward is garbage there.
What did they do with Rose anyways? Last I remember was Sword being evil or something
PokeSpe is a completely different take on most of the characters though.

It's just sitting in the harbor undisturbed. No one in a position of authority seems to care that it's there. To be fair, without Kuryem to power the ice ray it's unclear how powerful/useful the frigate actually is. But at minimum it's a whole-ass yacht.
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So are fighting type specialists aurafags or not?
No. Most of them are just punch harder apes. They're more likely to dip into it than some other types sans psychic because their whole gimmick is mastering themselves, but as we can see from the games most fighting type specialists are punch harder scream louder apes.
>punch harder scream louder apes.
But that works like 99% of the time tho, even Fate with its never ending muh hax wank always ends with "the harder you scream, the stronger your beam gets"
Yeah but it aint aura, it's fate.
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What would happen if a Human ate Pokémon supplements like Protein, PP Up, etc. Would they die? Is it safer in smaller doses?
Suppository only. The human digestive system will rush it through the system if taken orally, so a suppository is required to ensure the human's slower aura system manages to break down the components before the body itself does.
The effects are about as noticeable as they are with a pokemon, but because humans are much weaker than pokemon nobody bothers unless they're gay.
Smaller dosages.
Similar results.
PPup is used like Viagra with most people opting for safer Leppa berries instead.
Aura fags are the fighting type specialists who figure out how to use the shockwaves from Detect and Rock smash.
Most fail because they go for the powerful moves instead of mastering their basics so they end up super weak or unable to use aura at all.
Brawly is the weakest fighting type specialist for a reason.
It would be very painful
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Speaking of fighting fags, is Hard Enough the one where Bruno and Chuck are a gay couple with the later being Brock's uncle?
LMAO whut?
I think Hard enough is going the route:
>Flint is Brunos son given up for adoption
>Bruno suffered brain damage as a kid and his brother inherited the gym
>Brunos brother died during the war due to dealings with TR/The Granite family (Brocks shady grandpa and his criminal nephews who helped incite the war)
>The local elders pushed for Flint to become gym leader citing his wife as the main contributor to hide his identity
>No mention of the Harrison family name in the novel as of yet despite Brock having it in canon
Hard Enough theory schizo, your takes are wild and I respect that.
Anon i am from a Balkan country.
I understand a more realistic take on a post war shithole more than most people.
Wild things like this happened all the time.
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I swear it was an actual story, I think Hala was mentioned too

>more realistic take on a post war shithole more than most people.
Something like vid related? Still thinking of how to make use of that
Right that was the episode after the deleted gun episode in the Safari zone.
Lets use aura shenanigans and reasonable explanations side by side.

>Ash got held up at gun point during the Safari zone episode
>In order to keep him quiet to avoid a scandal the staff notably consisting of veterans with PTSD helped him train his top Tauros (which is why it doesn't suck at the league) and trained him how to spot traps/ambushes/maintain cover

>Ash is notably most skilled with flying types
>Most flying type specialists have great dynamic vision as a passive boost but also a terrible sense of direction creating the in universe ronin using swordsmanship as training to get over the weak point
>Ash stops sucking as a trainer in Hoenn where Brock picks up a Ludicolo and constantly dances for some reason
>Dizzy punch and Teeter dance apparently are great for resolving issues with ones sense of surroundings and timing so Hoenn is chock full of great trainers that are well put together compared to Kanto choking to "aim for the horn" shenanigans (still has cartel/drug dealer issues and Slateport basically being bangkok with Gardevoir instead of humans providing service)
We need more aura slop
>"I was isekai'd to the pokemon world but I was given the weakest aura roots possible and then I was kicked out of my journeying group because I had the weakest aura affinity(dragon) because it has such weak and slow growth but actually it is secretly the strongest so the league sends assassins after me but I defeat them all with my aura alone not even using my pokemon and then the elite 4 go to my home village and kill everyone by the roots and even though my home village betrayed me they were still my village and my mom said something nice to me once before she learned I had dragon affinity so I feel like I should avenge them anyways I go to the orre slave market and buy a slave with a different weak affinity but actually hers turns out to be really strong too and she joins my harem but I never touch her though so then I..."
Anchor Stitch, Chapter 1
Was there any good romance stories you guys read that's worth a read?
I don't remember the name but it was a LisiaxBrendan
Cool, but what about dumb redhead trying to kill you and constantly being hatesink for a reader then so that you can have her later a s a slave ?
Why are Psychics so superior?
Alola is Ash being in purgatory, he died from his coma and is now being tested before getting into heaven Ash went into multiple challenges testing his kindness, all of the characters he met in Alola are angels, some of them disguising as the characters he made up in his coma, their job is to test Ash's kindness to test if he's pure enough to go to heaven. Some characters however are now angels and also died and are in purgatory together with Ash. Lillie: She is the first person Ash met in a long time that wasn't made up in his coma. She, along with her family died after getting killed by a pokemon for an unknown reason. Gladion: Lillie's older brother, he become edgy after Lillie's death. Lusamine: After her daughter death she's more than happy to see her daughter again in purgatory.
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That sounds way too religious, Pokémon is a fantasy sci fi society
my diary desu
If you had to retcon a single story in the entire Pokémon franchise out of existence, which one would it be?
There are storylines in Pokemon?
Unova for the ashime, that did untold amounts of damage to the fandom desu. The most obvious one is Iris being so annoying she's barely good for correction stories.
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This shit right here, that Oak must be either a retard or a villain
>be me, professor oak
>go out of my way to make the pokedex, a handheld encyclopedia of knowledge that also functions as an ID card, a recording device, etc etc
>hand out prototypes to new promising trainers to field test the device
>for some reason decide to keep production severely limitted
>for some reason hoard all information obtained
>for some reason never try to create an app for smartphones once they become popular
>for some reason I no longer want to make the world a better, safer place
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It's Oak's fault for not actually getting more people who would actually make catching pokemon their entire lifestyle and would just randomly give the pokedex to people (the fact that the person he was supposed to be giving the dex to in this final segment of GSC was Emerald still pisses me off to this day). Anyways, I guess if I was picking a story to kill it'd be Reburst because it's a concept that was dead on arrival with the general public reaction to it.
Not a retcon per say but everything gen 6 and after could use a rewrite, so much wasted opportunity.
Has anyone read The Most Evil Trainer? It seems it has aurashit too
That’s the one with the Kalos isekai guy with the exploding electrode? He’s got a ghost type aura or something. I liked it because people in universe were pissed off the guy used a bunch of dishonorable tactics during the championship.
If you do decide to read it, just be aware there is a nasty lie going around that the main character is actually a 38 year old man with a neckbeard. Trolls are trying to make it sound like the main character is a pedofaggot who hangs out with children and only wants to return home so he can return to his fat gay lover and continue grooming their adopted child. I just want you to know that NONE of this is true except for the fact he has a trap boyfriend back on earth.
Also unrelated but do not look at any of the art the author has posted. In fact, if you see any colorful images while you're reading you should quickly close your eyes and scroll past it.
>the main character is a pedofaggot who hangs out with children and only wants to return home so he can return to his fat gay lover and continue grooming their adopted child.
That does explain why Spacebattles likes it...
the story is a self insert anon and the author is a 38 year old homosexual neckb-
>Also unrelated but do not look at any of the art the author has posted. In fact, if you see any colorful images while you're reading you should quickly close your eyes and scroll past it.

in other news, I can't bring myself to even try to read his new story. Every other line is about how gay and faggoty he is with his faggot lover. He also trooned out a bit at the end of TMET with the whole "they" nonsense and hoopa flirting with lapras. It was obvious he started falling further down the faggothole
I have. I liked it. Until it was revealed that he's a legit faggot. And that aura shit. Damn shame.
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You can't tell me Burgh can't sniff out bugfucker from ten miles away and is only being polite about it since he's stuck his dick in bug before
I happened opened SB in years but at the same time want to see what the art is like now.
haven't* fuck
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Tobias and/or Unova anime.
You could argue everything that went wrong with the anime had its roots in these two things, specially so as one directly led to the other.

For the games I'd just retcon swooshie as a whole into one of those fake leaks where Marnie was royalty on the run, Leon was a fraud whose matches were rigged by macro cosmos and just a prop for Rose, and all that stuff.
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him being dishonorable in battle is not nearly as bad as misusing the way of nutrition™
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Aura Guardians should be like Athena's Saints in Saint Seiya, they refuse to use weapons because Pokémon fight (mostly) with their bodies
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>using "he" for characters with undefined sexes just disappeared out of existence.
The singular "they" has been used to refer to someone of undefined sex longer than the USA has existed as a country.

You're as brain rotted as those a03 twitter trawling trannies. Get a fucking grip anon.
Propaganda. Allies keep shouting this as though they aren't revisionists furiously misrepresenting things that they know their intended victims aren't educated in.

Singular he has long been the standard for a SINGLE person.
They is used only when talking about an abstract or uncertain number (thus plural) of people, though thus qualified it may be used in a singular context to refer to one of those people at a time.
I'm not worthy of being a trainer and if I ever got isekai'd my Pokemon would instantly tell how spineless and pathetic I am through our bond. I will NEVER be a main character, I should kill myself
You should train a magikarp then.
Post your fic.
The way I see it anyone irl who is capable of training their dog to shit in the right place and listen to your commands outside the house = above average pokemon trainer at least.
Remember Pokemon are smarter than any irl animal but are actually friendly.
If someone brings up abortion rates of a real world country in the comments of your pokemon fanfiction, you can just call them an idiot. If you bring up abortion rates of a real world country, you are an idiot. Problem solved.
First written example that comes to mind is that Shakespeare used it in his writings "And every one to rest themselves betake"
This war between they and he has been going on since the 1500s but they has been used in written form since the 1300s and used verbally before then.
>still using trannybattles
>"every one to rest"
That's very plural. It's not even, "Of everyone, each one individually, to rest themself betake." (Makes you wonder if, were Billy needing to write of individuals, might he have said "himself" instead?)

But no, every one to HRT themselves bemoan, and think thyself a Bard reborn, when correct pronouns others use and you scorn.
Post your fic.
Trannybattles is good if you don't read any of the forum aspects of it. It has a great category system that allows the writer to include side-material without either bloating the chapter count/squeezing them in a chapter/creating an entirely separate story where they post the side content. I very much like having seperate tabs for the main story, art/media, information like maps and race classifications, and fan-created ministories. You can't really get that anywhere else.
It's a shame that trannybattles has such a schizophrenic moderation team and userbase, but if you don't look at them they don't matter.
That's cool man. You should write a fic for it, I'd love to see more rocket-centric fics. Everyone loves a good evil power creep.
I think there's a lot of room for someone to make a humanity-fuck-yeah type TR story. Not just a violent criminal organization, but one with an agenda that wants to blast humanity up to the moon, and damn be to the pokemon who should be nothing but power and profit!
It's where I'm trying to go with my own story but I'm afraid I'm not an excellent writer at present. Past me started it in first person for some godsforsaken reason.
>Past me started it in first person for some godsforsaken reason.
You can't blame yourself for not knowing any better. It's not like we have anything like a "school" where things like "writing" or even just "literature" could be taught.
It's true. My english classes were like 60% holocaust studies and 40% grammar and spelling.
>but if you don't look at them they don't matter.
Mate, they writers there cry and shit themselves when someone doesn't agree with their views and they delete, ban or throw their followers to dogpile you
That's a user problem, and also something that wouldn't affect me as a reader because I don't make posts on stories or care to read any posts other than those of the story.
And if an author is such a little bitch that they begin to let the events of the internet forum bleed into their writing, well their story was probably shit to begin with. I can't remember something like that ever happening and me feeling like a great loss has been incurred when I stopped following.
>schizophrenic moderation team and userbase
Yeah I saw someone get piled on in an ASOIAF fic because the poster described the mc as a trap and apparently trap is now a slur?
Really don't get that one, trap has never been used in a negative context ever.
Trap became a slur because Trap means someone who passes so well that straight white men either don't realize it's a man or they don't care because they're so beautiful.
This, obviously, upsets trannies, who will never pass and will always be disgustingly ugly. Their justification for attacking the term is because "trap inherently has negative connotations and implies we are trying to trick people!". Which is funny because if they truly were women then there wouldn't be any deception involved, so they admit that their whole fetish is a lie.

Basically, they're mimikyus who got the word p*kachu censored because they're jealous.
I haven’t been keeping up, but is this beef kind of like the “They Not Like Us” of /vp/
I don't know what you're referring to by that, but traps pass while most trannies don't and yet traps still consider themselves men instead of women. So, in a way, traps literally are not like trannies, who delude themselves regarding their true sex.
>first person
>present tense
>SI OC Isekai
>nihilistic themes and a wicked sense of humor
Oh yeah, it's fanfiction time.
Genuine question, what's the difference between this and the OC thread?
Link it, idk what you're talking about.
Do they use AI to generate images of their OCs and then post quick summaries of their powers/teams? If so that's pretty different that this thread, where we talk about which fanfic is the biggest trannyfag fic of all time.
>>56045757 is the thread. They have links to writing pastebins. I guess the main difference is they focus on single trainers rather than broader writing.
Do they roleplay with eachother there?
Yeah that looks more character and RP centric than story-based writing with world building.
I don't post in that thread.
We have Nurse Joy.
To be honest, present tense is fine as long as you can keep it consistent. It seems like most folk fail entirely to do that.
>putting fics behind a paywall
i hate grind culture
Such is life in a dying civilisation, with how things are I don't blame these authors.
Simple to finesse that if it's a succesful story that's actually popular.
>that pic
then what about Alakazam?
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I'd make N Ghetsis' actual son because
>why make them both have green hair otherwise? just for the twist of them not being related?
>it's more tragic that Ghetsis doesn't care about N if he is his actual flesh-and-blood son rather than some kid he adopted to further his political schemes
And the mother?
I think there is a theory that Ghetsis is N’s father, but he abandoned N in the woods as a baby so he’d be raised by Pokemon and gain the ability to understand their speech. Then he came back to get him later, pretending to be a random guy and not N’s actual father
>open the thread in hopes of finding good fanfic recs
>there are basically none
RIP. Still, instead of whining, I might as well beg everyone here. I will take anything good, though personally I lean towards the combat autism side of things in preference (though I wouldn't say no to cute trainer-pokemon romance). The Traveler Indigo League arc genuinely made me coom.
This does raise the question of why there isn't a pastebin in the thread starter
>I will take anything good
Bro, Do You Even Lift?
Ghastly Adventures
the old template had a long list of reccs, someone that isn't lazy like me should copy that over.
Isekai slop is even worse than betrayal trAsh
Thats your 4chan 'popular = bad' creeping up.
Isekai is pretty bad but it's still leagues better than Ash betrayal.
Kek, that one was hilarious, sadly I already read it. Thank you though, it was nice of you to recommend it.
I'll check it out, thanks for the rec!
I've been enjoying Spitfire by Y-ko on ff.net
Don't generally like female leads but how they all act seems accurate, the divide between battlers and coordinators is interesting, and the dynamic between the Mc and her starter... well let's just say I've rarely seen a Pokémon give less of a fuck. They have to develop a relationship a bit differently then the usual 'I'm master lets go win hell yeah best friends!' method.
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How do you write women in an entertaining way? Any good examples fanfic or otherwise?
That's just I Will Touch The Skies (No Cynthiawank version)
When is a Spoon a Sword
Depends on the woman, are they smart, are they dumb? Are they young are they old? etc.
What's Ash betrayal?
Bianca's mother or Cheren's mother

Absolutely crackpot theory with no evidence for it, but it's an interesting idea. On the one hand, tying literally everything together like that so one man is responsible for all the bad things in the backstory is kind of childish one-dimensional writing. On the other hand, anything that makes Ghestis more of an over-the-top piece of shit of a person is a win in my book, since being an actual monster of human being is a somewhat unique trait in pokemon canon.
>as if mothers matter in pokemon
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It's a generic self-insert fantasy where Ash's friends turn on him for losing and then he becomes a Shadow the Hedgehog-tier parody of himself to wreck everyone.
so it's a social reject's fantasy
>Absolutely crackpot theory with no evidence for it
Erm... there is actually evidence to suggest that N is a descendant of one of the ancient kings.
>King talks to all beings
>King is hope for all.
and since this King is from the Harmonia line, which Ghetsis is a part of, it can be assumed that Ghetsis was hoping one of his children would fulfill this criteria to validate a right to power.
The theory only begins to become crackpot when we get into the possibility that Ghetsis was essentially tossing his children to the wolves until one survived by befriending said wolves.
Is EV training "canon" or would trainers be confused about your MC specifically fighting 252 Zubat and running from everything else?
Obviously not, unless the story in question is a gamerfic.
That actually sounds hilarious, I might have to look one up and read it now.
Start with shit like The Wrong Boy Who Lived and Neglected Naruto to get an idea of what to expect
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>the shadow triad are red, green and blue
>the red, green and blue waiter gym leaders are conspicuously absent when all the gym leaders storm the Elite 4
>in Black 2/White 2 they specifically put in a flashback showing the shadow triad teleporting next to the waiters to mumble mystery speak at them before teleporting away
Why did they feel the need to deconfirm that? I don't think the waiters are even that important to warrant a visit from the triad. Aren't they just waiters that have a sidegig as babbys first gym?
I have three theories:
>Matsumiya felt like pulling a "Rinoa is not Ultimecia" for shits and giggles
>executive meddling because Cilan was Ash's companion in Unova and they didn't want him to be tied to an evil organization
>someone really hates Kusaka and felt like fucking him over for trying to confirm the theory
I mean, if you take a look at all the bullshit Cilan can pull on the anime that does make a little more sense, it's still hilarous how Kusaka was cucked from that after all the foreshadowing he did tho
That's Cynthiawank?
>writing down the outline of a fic
>backstory of the villain is so over the top that it’s another genre entirely
I meant for the backstory to tie things together and explain how Paradox Evolution works (fanfic shit) but it’s gotten so convoluted that I can’t help but just go for it.
Am I the only one who thinks a xianxiatard cultivator being reincarnated into pokemon would potentially be a great start to a crack fic?
>Is EV training "canon"
It translates to practical experience for the Pokemon, I'd say.
Whereas IVs are just genetic predispositions.
Just a game abstraction for training gains. In a story you'd have them perform strength training for attack power, running for speed, sparring for a bit of everything and so on. The regiments would grow more demanding and plateau over time which would be the equivalent of an "EV" cap.
Anything decent on webnovel?
No, that place is full of system shit in Marvel/DC
Which Marvel and DC superhero respectively would make the best trainer if they got isekai'd?

They don't get to keep their superpowers
Batman unironically.
Deadpool would already know everything about the series and metagame reality like a boring fic protag, my pick for DC is controversial but Question. He’s a better detective than Batman, with a natural inclination towards bizarre conspiracies, so he would naturally bumble his way into the middle of an evil team plot and then take them down from the inside with his party of niche shitmons who synergize into an unbeatable team.
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Batman's eternal mission is to fight crime and protect the innocent, but while he's hard on himself he doesn't have what it takes to push others into his same insanity. See: the Batfamily.

Batman's too much of a pussy to turn his Pokemon into the tools he'd need them to be.
That means he has protagonist energy that will make the Pokémon stronger.
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Spiderman. He's a world class genius with an indomitable will, and is extremely charismatic on top of that.
I'd love to see how he reacts to the likes of Team Rocket, who see 'mutants' as tools, or Ghetsis, who is much the same but preaches falsely about freedom for 'mutants'.
>b-but magneto isn't a superhero!
wrong. Marvel's confirmed otherwise
Bane. He literally wrecked everyone in the TMNT world when he was thrown there, and he'd probably do the same in Pokémon.

>but he's a villain!

Then Iron Man. Imagine a full team of regular Pokémon but with broken armors.
Best FULLSTOP would be Superman imo. He's just such a nice guy. Especially in JL:TAS you can tell he's very good at relating to different people on the team. Best trainer in terms of combat would probably be Batman, don't think I need to elaborate on that one.
>though personally I lean towards the combat autism side of things in preference

I got you bruv (or rather Michael does):

>I will take anything good

Well, you're probably not getting that, but I haven't dumped these for a while so why not?

Galar fic, ongoing. A pussy poke-yank new to the region ends up being sponsored by Leon (along with Gloria and Hop) to compete in the league, despite having no battling ability and arguably balls. Big focus on how fucked the Galar league is in general, and the main character is actually starting to grow so there's character development. Probably my favourite fic to read at the moment.


Pokewild. Slow, autistic, and the main character might actually have an evolved pokemon before starcitizen releases. Maybe. Main character is an isekai chump that loses more fights than he wins, so you have no fear of op'ness here. Could scratch the itch for those people who love the slow burn, hyper focus on training a pidgey and digging in the dirt and mud for survival.


My current favorite shitfic to read. Not as much combat as others, unless you count the struggles with sexuality, trans penis envy, disabilities, and those heckin' capitalist colonial Trump/Xerneas worshipers as a fight. The Iraq war, Trump, and probably the Rape of Nanking is cannon and almost every one of the main characters' (plural) pokemon are just unhappy to be there. There is no happiness, only Alohan angst.


Throne of Mud, an isekai where the main character nopes the fuck out of Unova because Plasma is scary and runs away to train under Koga. Started... okay, then starts to go to shit during the dreaded tournament arc. Still an okay read.


Female MC, marine POG is ripped from home and dumped in Hoenn. Able to understand pokemon and very prone to injury. Focus on team bonding and a little wilderness/camping action. Not that bad, not that great (especially the last few chapters), but it's not a chore to read and does a few things differently. I like the main character's pokemon and their personalities, which make up a bit for the woman herself.


Crime Sometimes Pays is a Team Rocket centric fic with the main character apparently raised from the dead (and sucked in from our world) via an experiment funded by Giovanni. He's put to work first as a normal grunt (despite never even having heard of pokemon before) and then, because of some fuckups, as Gio's personal wetworks guy. Differs from the usual isekai protag due to being a sometimes aggressive fatty who uses his size and (british/australian?) attitude to intimidate people he doesn't like. Recently gained a stolen Meowstic who doesn't like him as a personal pokemon, which is not much of a surprise considering he also was churlish enough to prompt a personal beating from Giovanni as 'training'. I like the two rocket grunt side characters and their pokemon a lot. Fic itself is needing an update, but the author is apparently working on the next chapter according to a spacebattles message.


The End: Rekindled. A completed PMD-like (no human I think, no dungeon or game mechanic) fic, also with a meowstic as a main character, set in a darker world with racial (dark/dragon against everyone else) war going on. It's something different with good characters, setting, and a plot that is serviceable. Not a bad read, and what the pokemon are rather than just type play into the fights throughout the fic. I liked it.84n28tvv
How do you imagine the Pokemon world looks like? I think it's just an alternate earth with some islands flipped around, complete with oriental/occidental orientation. Maybe it's "Pacific" oriented because they're Japs. I've seen plenty of maps but I don't see why complicate it. Pokeworld was always meant to be Earth.
Cont (again).


Dripping with edge, another Rocket fic with the main character being a teenage/child glowie assassin who kills people for Team Rocket as a cover. Gio's top assassin, has to kill best friend/lover at start, pokemon are potentially the only beings in the world who are edgier than him. Full of violence, secret societies vying for control of the world (and MC), and more anime 'nani!?' moments than you can shake a blunt katana at. Very popular fic.


Rare for me to read because it's a *gasp* romance fic, but it has a sneasel/weavile in it so I can tolerate it. Centers around a sneasel and her trainer, falling into a relationship while getting caught up in a time travel plot courtesy of Celebi. Not horrid.


Dead fic, one of the big 'start in wilderness, adapt and survive' fics. Different approach, interesting characters, unfortunately hamstringed by a latter plotline that ended in author burnout and unhappy reviews. Still enjoyable for a bit however and clocking in at 400k words.

>General bitching

Any fic with 'inspired by Hard Enough/The New Normal' in the description is generally not worth the time to read, probably not helped by me not liking the parent fics much either.

Also avoid those 'reincarnator' fics in general in my opinion, the ones where the author self inserts into a dead canon character only to make them super cool and powerful. They tend to be repetitive and dull.
Is it controversial to love tournament arcs in pokemon fics? It almost feels like that's what they're for.
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>Pokeworld was always meant to be Earth
Doesn't line up based off what we've been told in-game. LiarMakerToby got it mostly right, with Hoenn's placement being the most uncertain. All we know about Hoenn is that it's south of hoenn and southwest of Kanto/Johto, so it's probably where he put the dick of Africa.

That said, the amount of times the actual geography is referenced in-game is so few and far between that you could get away with anything. It's obvious Gamefreak doesn't care too much about it, so neither should anyone else.
>south of hoenn
south of sinnoh*.
Plus the swimmer show swam(or claimed to swim) from Kalos to Hoenn.
>It's obvious Gamefreak doesn't care too much about it, so neither should anyone else.
Name three things this doesn't apply to.
>getting their paychecks
>keeping others who are more talented than them from replacing them and thus taking their paycheck
>putting in the bare minimum effort needed
>neither should anyone else.
But this is the fanfiction thread. Seems it might be useful to people writing cringe like war and politics, anyway.
In the earliest games it was obvious Kanto = Kanto region in Japan, complete with references to South America, America, and Russia.
In the latest games the DLC region is in the "East" and the player takes planes to Kitakami, Paldea, and Unova. They seem rather far away from each other.
>>Pokeworld was always meant to be Earth
>Doesn't line up based off what we've been told in-game.
Pretty sure anon was referring to the lore of Red and Blue referring to the real world multiple times - both via locations (Mew notes on Cinnabar Island specifically referring to Guyana, South America, and some Pokedex entries referring to real animals)
It's rather clear that Pokemon was retconned into its own world where Pokemon became the equivalent of our animals rather than the original intent. Not saying it's worse this way, but it is very interesting to view Pokemon from its original lens which has long-since been abandoned.
This one is some Pokemon/human romance from me with some action and fight scenes in the sequel and a slice of life threequel in the works now, since you specifically requested human/mon romance.

Lonesome No More is a PMD fic and I think it has some bomb ass fights.

Vines of Deceit is by the same author as The Dark Type recommended by other anon. I also enjoyed The Dark Type, Celebi is a well written fey in it. I don't recall the fight scenes in either work being noteworthy as great or bad.

You shouldn't do that with your Pokemon has every flavor of Pokemon/human relationship from romantic to toxic.

Homunculus is an old classic, if you're new enough never to have read it.
Tears in the Tapestry is a PMD spinoff of it.

Ears is another classic series, SPMD fic with human turned Pokemon romance with partner and excellent fight scenes.

The Guardian Coalition is one I'm still early in reading, just got to it on my read list after poking the first two chapters a long time ago. Has some Homunculus vibes early on but I don't really know its direction yet.

Ocimene is a very broad series, every entry is different, but very skilled writer at nailing tone and narrative voice.
>putting in the bare minimum effort needed
Gen 8 still exists
Old Red and Blue lore is like the pre-OoT Zelda lore. It's interesting from a curiosity standpoint, but it really is better left forgotten. There are fantasy worlds that are better off as their own thing than trying to tie back to the real world.
Ah yes, Gen 8, how could I forget.
Later in the series the games also reference real world languages (Unown is English alphabet, Spanish and French are spoken, etc.). I think the fake text they made up in Gen 8 to make localization "easier" was the biggest departure in a long time.
Even though it's now it's own world it borrows its geographical locales from the real world. Probably something for authors writing travelogues to keep in mind when their characters teleport from Unova to Sinnoh or something, or hike from one town to the next like they're walking down the road.
Any good John Wick inspired fics where somebody beats the shit out of team rocket and underworld mafias in general? Not expecting much given something more mature in this fandom equals a retarded Ash Betrayal fanfic.
If you don't mind crossovers... There's Monsters of my Own on Spacebattles. It's a SI crossover fic of Pokemon and DC Universe.

Pokemon Steel Grey on FF.net. A crossover with Halo. Decent read though it's long dead.

Boldores and Broomsticks, crossover with RWBY, also on Spacebattles.
Yeah, yeah, I know. Just give it a shot. May surprise you.
This series has been surprisingly good for crossovers.
No kidding. And now that Rooster Teeth is gone, it's every writer for themselves when it comes to RWBY.
It's the town bicycle of crossovers
>Boldores and Broomsticks, crossover with RWBY, also on Spacebattles.
Just a few posts ago we were talking about that place and their faggot writers that piss and shit themselves when someone doesn't agree with their views, and guess what? That faggot is on that list

Outsiders is unironically better despite Saito being an OC in everything but name
Nah, that's Nardo, HP and DxD weirdly enough
So, who's exactly in the shitlist on this place? I know that Fuggmann (Borne of Caution) and Crossoverpairinglover (Reset Bloodlines) are hated here, but who else?
>That faggot is on that list
Really? What pissed him off?

Someone told him that Pokémon has way more hax and raw power than the entire RWBY verse iirc, and Ash for some fucking reason

RWBY dying in such a pathetic way is still pretty damn funny tho
>Someone told him that Pokémon has way more hax and raw power than the entire RWBY verse iirc
Well, that's true for the most part.
Author of 'The Most Evil Trainer' and just about any fic that has a large amount of politics/loicense talk (e.g. The New Normal) are routinely sledged.
>Hey You! The guy with 8 badges, you were chosen to fight for your region!
What to do?
That dude who's writing the Jasmine fic that's over a million words long and has no end in sight gets shit on when he occasionally shows up and insists he's going to finish it, he has a grand vision and he totally knows what he's doing, and he'd like to one day edit it to be publishable as an original novel.
Donate to their Ko-Fi page :)
That trash is far too foidbrained to be written by a man or tranny
Tell him you're from Orre. That'll scare him into leaving you alone.
okay I'll admit, I'm new to this board. but what's the deal with this >>56065062 schizo over there? he kind of reminds me of Paul Revere's ride, if you know what I mean.
Larger than our earth, sparser human population. With many more lands to explore and species to discover.
Where did this Orre Stereotype come from I've seen it in fics as well.
I dunno. I like it. People seeing you as an PokeAmerican violent savage has it's strange appeal to me.
Because in Colosseum you play as a literal criminal who reforms his ways and only steals Pokemon for "the right reasonsTM"
Combined with barely any league/authority presence, it's really not surprising people jump to concluding it's a lawless shithole
And that Orre is also inhospitable for wild pokemon. Somehow. At least until Gale of Darkness rolls around and shows the upper left of the region is growing grass and you can catch wild pokemon with bait.
I looked at the most recent chapter and it has a footjob with no sex. She's just stepping on the dude with one foot, and he cums in his pants. Women don't write like that. That level of footfaggot degeneracy is definitely written by a man.
>>executive meddling because Cilan was Ash's companion in Unova and they didn't want him to be tied to an evil organization

You know what? Considering how the Unova anime was, that would've been a welcome treat.
They even aborted the whole TR vs Plasma segment. It's like they wanted to make it boring.
Have you seen how huge the people there are? The Orre gene is no joke.
I'll have to take your word on that, since I bowed out ages ago and have no intention on ever going back. But you haven't considered it took over 1 million words of nothing but dumb bland melodrama to get there, complete with constant handwringing over the MC's super special secret trauma that I'm assuming still hasn't been revealed. Everything I read felt like 100% legitimate foid nonsense.
Never heard of him.
eh you'd be surprised
I think emptier and sparser is correct but not necessarily larger. I think it would be significant if Hoenn was the size of a continent and not the size of Kyushu in real life and it's worth exploring for authorfags if they think it's that different.
Male authors writing coom longfig about their waifus have stamina.
I always assume these fic threads and the OC threads are full of more wimmen than average because making up characters and backstories sounds like a girly thing to do. If you're a man writing long enough about a female you'll turn into one a little.
I'm sure more women than men are into fics but they are likely concentrated in the AO3 slash-shipfaggery scene. Haven't seen that many female(?) authors on Pokémon and other anime.
Naruto and KHR are full of them, I think the hope of the senju clan writer was a girl
>I always assume these fic threads and the OC threads are full of more wimmen
Remember that the handful of actual women on 4chan never reveal themselves.
Simply look up NYU in the archives

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