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Shamefur edition.

Previous thread: >>56001513
Old Thread Catalog: https://archive.palanq.win/vp/search/subject/Eevee%20Friday/page/1/
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Love me some early /ef/ threads!
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Oh, I remember Joltanon! Have my Jolteon pic I snapped from like a decade ago!
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Same. I was just in the Pikachu thread, and this pic is perfect for the occasion!
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Tell me something, who could possibly resist giving a great big hug to something as floofy as this? What kind of masochist would pass up hugging this maximum comfy bundle o' floof?
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It's the best time of the week, yes oh my, yes oh me!
It's the best time of the week, yes it's true, can't you see?? (~˘▾˘)~

It's time for ee-vee fri-day! (yea yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (alright!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (uh huh!)
Ee-vee fri-dayyy~! (YEA!!!)

It's the best time of the week, gather around, if you seek!
Yes it's ee-vees all day, it's for you, yes for free!! ~(˘▾˘)~
It's time for ee-vee fri-day (it's here!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (that's right!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (woo hoo!)
Ee-vee friii-day (YEA!!!) ~ (ゝˬ ∂)
Ee-vee fri-day! (cha cha!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (aw yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (you made it!)
Ee-vee friii-day (EE-BUI!!!) *+°\(*'ᗜ'* )/°+*

- ripped off from an old tripfag in an old thread
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What game is that? Is it the same one as picrel?
Someone who doesn't want to end up like those curtains, probably.
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baby Eevee here is learning how to read! Everyone say hooray for baby Eevee to cheer him on in his new adventures in the realm of the page!
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Wish I had a picture of an Eeveelution yelling out 'NERD!'
Nice, you managed to keep it safe throughout the whole thing, thanks!
Boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff
it’s worth the risk
Yeah, those are all screenshots from Pokepark games.
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I love you baby veevee you are so cute and smart!
I wanna cum in her ass
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Weekly reminder~
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Many thanks. A great thing to wake up to.

Someone who doesn't want to suffer first degree burns... But I AM not afraid!

I'm glad you remember him. That's my ultimate goal.

Picrel :)
>random ribbons and not actual in game ribbons
How did only the curtains burn and not the entire house?? Or did Flareon just REALLY not like those particular curtains and purposely target them??
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That came later.
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>you managed to keep it safe throughout the whole thing
I'll always protect the cute Eevees!
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borg, she fire it.
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I'm very glad I gave you something nice to wake up to.
I woke up to the news that one of my friends lost her battle with a terminal illness.. she was so sweet & so kind, she didn't deserve what happened to her...

These "welcome back" 'vees are truly a dose of serotonin for me. They genuinely make me smile whenever I see them in response to my weekly reminders. I hope to see one of each Eeveelution as time goes on.
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Damn, sorry to hear that :( There's an awful lot of "the good die young" going on around here.
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My condolences, anon. I know how it feels to lose good friends like that.
holy checked
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I'm sorry for your loss, anon. I'm currently witnessing my own friend's destruction from deteriorating body strength in action, and I'm PROBABLY going to watch another one of my friends destroy themselves with a VERY poorly calculated move on their part in the very near future.
May the future bring new things for you to wake up to with childlike wonder.
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Riiight into the paws of this hungry vee!
Is it just me or does this image give off vore artist vibes? I know I've been using it for a bit but I just feel.. off about it somehow.
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Only to a minor extent - the saliva string, mostly. Mostly reminds me of this image.
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>off-model eyes
furshit detected
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>the eyes
I was hoping to come up with something witty but I am left flabbergasted with the conclusion that the EYES being drawn off model is enough to be considered "furshit." What the actual fuck???
furfags always give eeveelutions giant white sclera disney eyes
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As a dedicated furfag, Sketchy Protogen.
You're right though, it is common for furfags to do it, but this is pretty common even in non-furfags. You said it yourself, "Disney eyes." That's why they do it. There's no deeper meaning to that stylistic choice.
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NTA, but eyes drawn like that are very often seen on furshit.
I myself find them a bit "off-putting", it just looks too human. I prefer Eevees with their on-model eyes. Though I think off-model eyes can work well in some highly-stylized artworks, like picrel.
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Yeah, you know what else is common on furshit? Animals. The big problem is that the white sclera isn't a furfag thing, it's a "I grew up on Disney" thing. A lot of furries did, but so did a lot of completely normal people, because Disney was a cultural powerhouse for 60+ fucking years. It's the "Hitler drank water too" offense.
I like this guy's art style too by the ways. I need more pics from him, but I don't know where to really look, and I'm lazy :P
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anon... that eevee will go bald with all that boffing :(
Hmm... But they love it so much! What is a good solution?
I know, I don't think the "Disney animal eyes" is exclusive to furfags. I just don't feel it works well with Eevees, I can't put to words why but I know I'm not alone here.
Speaking of furfags, this artist changed his Xitter handle to @KurosameHaiki. He doesn't seem to post a lot of Eeveelutions anymore.
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She had just turned 31 in December, just 4-&-a-half years older than myself. Last I heard, she was happy to have a somewhat pain-free day & she was looking forward to spending it creating art.. Then this. I don't need any more confirmation of the unfairness of life.

I'm sorry you know how it feels ):
I almost didn't post this week 'cause I'm just devastated, but she would want me to keep posting the weekly reminder & she'd be overjoyed to hear the small difference it makes to some anons.. She was just that kind of person..

It's such a difficult & painful thing to watch, especially if you genuinely care about them & they're decent people. Even worse when you're powerless to help. I do hope your friends make it through.
Man, that sucks. Guess I oughta sign up and start scraping...

I'm worried for my dying friend but this batch is practically invincible. It's just going to be a long road to recovery, especially thanks to the stage 2 dementia.
I'm very worried for my other friend though. He's not shown the best risk assessment. Thank you for the kind words on that front.
If nothing else, I'm glad your friend was able to enjoy a day with reduced pain.
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well theres more than its head to pet!!
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>this guy has had a wife and kids for like 9+ years from now.
Effing how, how do you manage that Iceman-tier level of concealment?
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Jolteon, Flareon and to a lesser degree Glaceon are the only eeveelutions I don't really like. Please sell me on them.
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Why did everyone stop posting?
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Because I'm depressed...
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My friend just did the thing I think is incredibly stupid.

Well I went to bed at 5:30.
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Flareon won't move!
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Glaceon is just too cute to handle, cutest eevee of them all imo, just look at her hime cut!
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Look at that big goofy smile
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That smile IS goofy, you're right.
Why doesn't it go all the way around her head? That's what I don't like about glaceon, how she pretty much just has half a wig glued to her. Otherwise there's nothing wrong with her.
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Personally, I think it's meant to more invoke a tiara. It looks a lot like Articuno's, just stubbier.
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I experienced loss a few times over the decades. It's one of those things only time heals, but it does get better and the support of friends and family helps out a lot with the pain.
I had to go grocery shopping, then do my house chores. Then I fell asleep... I'm sorry :(
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Flareon is fluffy and cute, it's the "Eeveest" of the Eeveelutions.
I've never seen flareon be this fluffy.
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Eevee goes hard
I've seen fluffier, but it was technically cheating.
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Happy Father's Day, /ef/!
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I don't know if it's canon but I always imagine Sylveon to be the biggest eeveelution, Vaporeon being the second largest and Umbreon being pretty much tied with Vaporeon in terms of size. Something about Sylveon just leads me to think that they're all pretty tall.
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Sylveon is tied with Vaporeon, Umbreon and Leafeon as the biggest Eeveelutions. I think the ears makes it looks a bit taller than the others.
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Yeah, you're definitely satan for pointing out that the tallest vees are half my height.
I've been convinced that the Japanese fundamentally do NOT understand heights. It's like fuckin' weight.
I knew it, I also love it. I don't like how small people typically portray the eeveelutions.
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Yeah, the portrayal of their size is very inconsistent, even in the official media. But these life-size plushies can give us an idea of how big Eevees actually are.
Imagine getting all of them and arranging them like statues guarding the way to your room. Except humaneon over there. Fuck her.
I'm not a furfag but I do that when I draw Pokemon. I just prefer the look of whites in the eyes.
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Happy Father's Day!
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I want to pet it
>eevee with anime eyes
I want to breed with you
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I just want to pet Eevee, it's adorable and fluffy

Now if it was an anthro, that's a whole different story

SV was the first game to actually scale them properly.
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I prefer the sizes in the top image anyway, having them be more around the size of a cat or a small dog. The bottom not only makes them look as big as a small horse, but Eevee is laughably tiny. Not only is it even tinier than the that image, but it's evolutions look like giants compared to it, it just looks plain wrong.

Also, if you're going to make them big, then might as well just go all-out with it like picrel.
>Fuck her.
Yeah, I guess I would
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Their height includes their ears, so it's a little misleading. They're big but not *that* big.
I wish someone would make a better version of this image. The figures aren't lined up properly, they're all in different stances, and some are even sitting down!
And it doesn't quite match up anyways, since Leafeon and Flareon look almost the same height despite there supposedly being a 4 inch difference between the two in Leafeon's favor. Flareon even looks like it might be slightly taller, but hunched forward to give the illusion of equality.
>I've been convinced that the Japanese fundamentally do NOT understand heights
They don't. Most quadrupeds are measured from foot to the base of their neck/shoulders(and even then a distinction is made for height and length, because the two can be very different depending on the species). Yet for some reason pokemon measures height based off the top of the head.
And let's not even get into how pokemon handles weight measurements.
Is that actually how pokemon handles height measurements? They include the ears? It's bad enough to use the top of the head, but damn that's just insane.
The pokemon world's professors are a bunch of clowns
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Yeah. The lady in >>56040175 is quite short which makes them seem bigger.
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Well, you know, just normal things that's all
Kissing, cuddles, hours of baby making sex, hand handholding.
Normal stuff like that
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It seems quite simple to me.
The more human like something becomes, the more enjoyable as a potential romantic and sexual partner it becomes.
Nice of you to try to help her evolve into a Sylveon
Nah, she's evolving into an Umbreon though.
you insult the eeveelutions by rejecting their natural form
95% of /vp/ would disagree
most of them just pretend to disagree, let's be real
back to /r/pokemon with you
But what if they are naturally anthropomorphic in the world they're from?

2% agree with me and that's all that matters. 3% are non-decided or neutral.
>But what if (headcanon)
Reddit? No thanks, I don't bother with that place.
You're right it is misleading, it's not a great image to show their true size but it does shows how the anime makes the Eeveelutions look small.
The best way to measure them is probably by using their official life-size plushies >>56040175
Even if the woman in that pic is quite short, you can still see that Eeveelutions are about the size of medium to largish dogs. They're supposed to be about as heavy too, but Pokémon weights are even more inconsistent.
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>rejecting their natural form

Oh believe me, I don't.
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Yeah weights are all over the place.

>Almost 7 feet high. Huge tail. Incredibly thicc
>Only 300 pounds
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A big congratulations is in order for baby Eevee! He has graduated High School at the young age of 5 months old, and plans to attend Princeton University, just like his favorite superhero, Carlton Banks!
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What a nerd!
Fat flareon, fateon if you will.
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Time to lose some weight, then.
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Fisheon is the thiccest going by the dex, but that's probably all in the tail.
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That's fine. Thick, long tails are a good thing.
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Sylveon really knows how to keep in shape.
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Thanks again for helping the Glaceon thread get all the way to the image limit! Here's some cake to celebrate
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Glaceon deserved a thread that wasn't just coom shit and I'm always glad to help those sort of threads out.
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I wonder which vees are the most/least commonly posted in /ef/ overall
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But tiny 'vees are also cute
There was one anon who used to make sure to post at least one of each every so often. It was pretty nice, since that made sure all of them got enough love.
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I made something for Leafeon Day. I usually post these in the Drawthreads but figure I'd share it with you guys.
Cute! I like it, anon. Very good work.
That looks great
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Big vees are cuter
Thank you, anons! I hope that inspires more artfags lurking on /ef/ to share their work.
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Another one to my collection!
Credits to this Drawfriend >>56044553
Oh hey, I know that artist.
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Speaking of Vaporeon, that damn thing is always up to no good. Picrel is me trying to catch a Gimmighoul, but that damn Vaporeon just appears and tries to seduce me and break my concentration!
Cute! Would hug that fluffy cutie
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hello :D
This is awesome
Why do people keep trying to make electric cars, we should be investing in giant vees
The colors are beautiful and Leafeon is adorable. Thank you for sharing and contributing to Leafeon Day. :)
So people would invest in Eevees instead of EVs? Does the Eevee need to have good EVs for that kind of work?
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He's always ready to crash the party
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Nah, they just need to come in a wide selection of colors and features.
And also be easier to maintain than the electric vehicles, and less likely to catch on fire in event of an accident.
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Did anyone say EVs?
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Time to post some Leafeons.
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Happy Leafeon Day, then!
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And here's some Leafeon Day cake!
Thank you, Leafeon needs some love too!
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Have a happy Leafeon Day, everyone!
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But all that neck fluff ;_;
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Good thread. Glad Leafeon got some love. To answer your question >>56044225, I think it's Leafeon.
Would eat
You're Croatian, aren't you?! Stop being Croatian!
Hard to tell overall, since that would require manually checking thousands of images. Glaceon seems to be the least posted vee this thread, I assume that's because there was a Glaceon thread active at the time >>56004578
I know I posted my Glaceon pics there. Perhaps others here did the same.
that looks really painful

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