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Honest opinions on Nate?
Very rapeable
Yancy please...
Nate Higgers is a great name
Cucked by Clay
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he does not look stupid
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I want to lovingly give him a cream pie. :)
Second or third best male protagonist
Best MC, love the design.

It feels like millennials shat on him for not looking like a stock Red clone while the girl protag became a waifu icon
What can we say about Nate? He was Nate.
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People shat on him because his hair looks stupid.

It looks better without the weird visor hat
I would suck his dick. love his hair and slim body. I bet he has a cute butt too
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>I bet he has a cute butt too
Oh, he does. And you just know with how skin-tight his wetsuit is, his cute butt is fully on display for all to... appreciate. ;)
Yancy being an obsessive Yandere over Nate is kinda hot
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Why doesn't Unova have a cycling road?

Because everyone rides Nate.
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Would you let him cum in your mouth and if so would you swallow it
He's cute.
NTA, but not only would I, but I'd be using a finger to milk his prostate the entire time so that I'd have even more of his delicious cum to swallow.
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Top 5 worst MC design.
What about Kate Hikes?
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Made for Yancy
Anyone else still feeling a bit bummed out by what happened in the manga? I mean shit, she deserved better than that.
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Fuck Blake, Nate is the real BW2 protag.
Pretty cute without the hat
Looks retarded with the hat
Nate has a gift for some lucky anon...
bred for rosa pussy
I love art that draws Pokeboys looking older like this
Holy shit, artist name?
nate feet....
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>Movie star, dating an idol
Would worship. And every other part of him. Every. Part.
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I might be in the minority, Idk, but I've always preferred Pokeboys that at least look like they are in their teens/late teens.
Arent the BW2 Protags 15-16?
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Yes, but artists often draw Nate in a way that makes him look younger. This also happens to the other teen male protags (Hilbert, Calem).
cutest feet
I want to destroy his cute little butthole and ruin him for other men.
I like Hilda more
Why would you ruin something you could go on enjoying many times over? Think, anon... think.
Nate Higgers?
Love that guy!
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Hilnert is for N, Nate is for Rosa and Hilda and Yamcy and Elesa and Skyla and Cynthia and Professor Juniper and Fennel and Sabrina and Hilnert's/Hilda's mom
he looks like a sex haver that doesn't have to try hard for it
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his design is so goofy that I always end up choosing rosa instead. he looks like a fucking palm tree
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Oh lawd, he finna brap
What did they get him, anons?
I want to cuddle with him forever and ever
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>And especially Nate!
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what if we stick a pokemon on his head, does that make him look less like a palm tree
Looks goofy as heck when forced to suck-off Haxorus and choking aloud on the torrent of dragon cummies.
Sexy Nate! What curves!
... Thanks anon, I thought I had successfully blocked the memory of when I accidentally stumbled across that animation. Now I remember it. Yay.
n8 is gr8
i r8 8/8
He's handsome <3
Hugh's boyfriend
Bodysuit shota
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He's cute, easily one of the best male protagonist designs. It's unfortunate that Rosa is flat out 10/10 the BEST protagonist.
I want to make him cum in his wetsuit
Personally, I prefer Hilbert and Hilda.
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Artist name?
Didn't care for Nate's country club kid aesthetics. Hilbert was cooler.
>country club kid aesthetics.
He kinda looks ready to go to the local country club dressed like this, lol
Cute boyfriends
Love how he wears swimgear under his clothes. Gives the impression he's ready for the adventure, rain or shine. A true pokemon trainer.
Can't be easy though when he's gotta... y'know, go and no I'm not into that.

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