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We need a nidoran thread for real nidoheads.
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Due to lack of replies, the nidorans have passed away.
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Nidoking is sad there's no posts on his family's thread...
He's the only survivor of the Fuchsia Massacre.
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dw Kaiju bro
here's a bump for the 2nd best Kaiju family
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Fuchsia Massacre you say?
sex with nidoqueen and nidoking
>banned from paldea
ITS FUCKING GAY! Why must we still put up with this shit?
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Cute little rabbit thing
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not the hecking nidorino!
Why the bizarre infertile Nidorina/Nidoqueen lore? It has to be a reference to something
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Nidorina's on the pill.
They're only compatible with human males
It's a load of baloney, that's what I think.
Nidoking and Nidoqueen are the perfect pair of parents, in-game breeding mechanics be damned.
that specific ingame breeding mechanics are based on the lore from the pokemon encyclopedia written by tajiri himself before breeding mechanics were even a thing. its bizarre
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He has a biological need for little girls. That's why he's the pedoking.
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I love nidoran and nidoran and their two dads and their two barren hag aunts!
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nidorinx queen?
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I would give Nido a head
You mean the capsule.
His thread has plenty of posts, though.
>Verification not required.
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No one can arrest him.
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She's such a good mom
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We Nidoran fans need a catchy name for ourselves.
How about Nidders.
I see nothing wrong with us going around calling ourselves a bunch of Nidders.
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'Nidofan' is right there you shit-stirring imbecile
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Looks like she should have a ? instead of a <3.
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They probably had the same designer.
And both of them had their cool fangs taken away... sad.
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Reminder that only female Nidorans can reproduce. Nidorina and Nidoqueen can't reproduce.
>implying that'll stop anyone from trying
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Aw these Nidos want some back massages
For me it's Nidorino getting groomed by Nidoqueen and Nidorina
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Even the Gen1 anime has more SOUL than everything else made after it.
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I can't believe some people argue that these aren't bunnies.
I love that so, so much
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Nidorino beats gengar.
They're bunnies...?
She can learn a couple water moves
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... I'd rather they be bunnies.
Now post the other 4 images of the set.
Sleeping cuties
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Never really cared for them growing up but right now I'm pretty confident that Nidorino is in my top 5 favorite mons
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>Never really cared for them growing up
I blame how they were barely appeared on the anime
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The pocketest monster
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close. Although not wrong since Bulbasaur and Nidoking line share a lot of similarities
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they're surprisingly cute. i think it's the ears
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i'm the little girl
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now that i think about it, most of the gen 1 lasses had a nidoran, didn't they? they're like the og little girl pokemon
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I guess I’m a little girl then, because I love Nidoran
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The ears ARE pretty cute...
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Reminder that if the Nidorans were from any other generation there would be one less numbered in the Pokedex because they suddenly wouldn't be different Pokemon, but just gender differences of the same singular one. The two being separate is literally a vestigial indexing accounting for Gen 1's lack of considering gender for the rest of the dex
they have different names, different stats, different moves. functionally they are different pokemon in every way
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Isn't that true for Indeedee male and female as well? And they still count as a single entry in the pokedex.
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This fat bastard's gonna take up six of your precious dex slots and there's nothing you can do about it.
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It is. Honstly, i think the Nidorans would've got grouped into one slot if the lines were more recent.
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not enough, they should have a regional form already, where's the kanto favoritism when you need it
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*Nidorina cry*
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Perfect size for hugs!
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Nidofan agents infiltrated TPC and pushed for Pokétoon 3 to be made to indoctrinate the youth into their ways.
>tfw the comic about Anon and his Nidoqueen will never be finished
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Oh, have a little faith. It'll get an update eventually... right?
Now this is the kind of indoctrination I can get behind
All 6 of them are perfect for hugging
>lore from the pokemon encyclopedia
the one that some dude on /vr/ got translated to english about 2 years ago? care to post a screenshot?
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I love this poisonous rabbit like you wouldn't believe.
What's a good moveset for them if I wanted to run both in fire red?
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>They're bunnies...?
They're Al-Mi'raj - a rabbit monster from Arabic mythology that has a large, poisonous horn on its head. They step away from the rabbit traits and lean more heavily into kaiju territory as they evolve, but both Nidos start off as stylized versions of these little devils.
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Let's not pretend Sugimori looked into arabic mythology. Nidoran is based on the Bunicorn from Dragon Quest which is based on the Almiraj from Dungeons & Dragons which did base it on mythology.

Also, the horn of the mythological Almiraj (or it's DnD/DQ adaptations) is not poisonous, that's an original Nidoran trait
Why is the girl blue and the boy pink?
Why is the shiny boy blue and the shiny girl puke green?
Aww cute!
>Nidoran is based on the Bunicorn from Dragon Quest
Yeah, that seems perfectly safe.
>you don't know
>you know
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yes it is
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>what westerners see
>"Dude, that's a badass monster. Look at those gnarly spikes and armor"
>what japs see
>"awww cute little rabbit"
Nidoking is like 4 feet tall btw
both based
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Why did Oak hand out cringe snowflake lizards when the obvious best starters were just down the road?
Well thank goodness then they originated in gen 1. :)
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Nidorino is NINTEN's canon ace.
Nidorina is cute
and fat
where that from?
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