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They ditched Jesse, James and Meowth for this?
I see Zygarde, I like it. Simple as.
No, they ditched Jessie and James for THIS...
The old man looks cool. Probably has a Hisui Zoroark too.
Z-A marketing has started I see.
Guess we are due for a reveal soon.
He better be dubbed like Pegasus.
Absolute zero chance. Dubbing companies now just use the same 4 voices for characters and refuse to have any fun. As much as people riff on the 90s era of dubbing with things like 4kids censorship and some awkwardly delivered lines. They had way more variance with voices because they weren't just trying to imitate the Japanese and were fine throwing in a funny accent or adlib. None of the absolute peak dubs of that era like Pokemon or Yugioh or Trigun or Cowboy Bebop could ever be made today.
>Liko my girl! Are you ready to pokemon battle?
the zygarde was shown in the anime before Z-A was announced
You are grown ass man, go to work and have a family retard stop complaining about the quality control of kids cartoons.
Oh ya , lets fuse Pegeus and Z-one into one bigger generic villains we can think off
i hate to be that guy but zygarde debuted at the end of march
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What the fuck is this? I stopped following the anime after xyz. Why this random npc Sephiroth lookin ass cheap copy have one of the most powerful legendary ever..shiny on top of that?
If you give me a good enough reply i will start watching the flopanime again even tho i think it's kusogé
We literally do not know yet. We only got introduced to him recently and yesterday's episode was the first time we saw his face. We know jack and shit.
What do you think the ge stands for exactly? Please fucking learn what words mean before using them ffs
No, it first appeared a couple weeks after the Z-A announcement.
>they ditched comic relief bad guys for an actual thread
Aside from being a death-knell for your childhood, how is that a bad thing?
Holy crap, now I kinda regret not keeping up with the LikoKino... Oh right, I stopped because of token character Roy
>Actual threat
All they've done is job and job and job.
It's impossible to take them seriously at all no matter how much they try to present them as serious business. They feel like even bigger jokes than TR since we're supposed to believe they're an actual threat despite plot demanding the turtle remains safe until a climax.
With TR you know they're ineffectual from the get-go. Not so here. And that makes them feel like even bigger jokes than the rocket trio.
>inb4 they kill Roy for dramatic effect and stakes
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You will never be japanese Jimmy ,get the fuck out your fucking basement at least for dinner, your mom is worried about you
To be fair, the comic relief bad guys (Jessie, James & Meowth) were more entertaining to watch because they're already designed to fail in their "missions".

The current ones are supposed to be a threat. But after the initial success, all of a sudden they start to job a lot which makes it jarring to watch.
>4 year long anime needs to fill time somehow
When the new era nears, you'll find they start getting more actually threatening, if the implication is Perfect Shiny Zygarde vs Black Shiny Rayquaza.
That final poacher from MPM was more threatening than this.
That thing on the top right is not a Pokemon.
In an anime as lighthearted as pokemon, you already know the good guys are going to win every time, and any victory the villains get would be reversed in less than an episode, maybe 2 episodes at most. Having a serious brooding dude yammering on about plans and whatnot just to get embarrassed by our protagonists just makes a lame villain full of hot air. Atleast with established failures the entertainment comes from seeing how they fuck it up at the last second.
Are you sure it's 4 years long running weekly anime? The new Gen 10 games will be released in 2026.

Putting that aside, it feels awkward to have a plot running for 3 years. 2 years of plot is plenty enough in my opinion.
We had better get Zygarde's new 200% complete forme vs roy riding on black Mega Rayquaza as the final battle
>he watches the anime past first season
Lmao even loser
Sure it is, and it's a well designed one too.
>he watched the first season
Yes it is and created by the best artist
pic not related
Well, it'd feel more awkward ending it after exactly three, so unless you've a more likely scenario, we've got this shit till november '26 at least. Remember, at its core, it IS still an advertisement for the series and games. That's why they're doing Paldea, while hunting Liko's ancestor's pokémon. Wouldn't be surprised if they showed up in Kitikami at some stage or Briar shows up (for once, the anime is not restricted by "tell Ash failing at the league, to do the new region in a re-tread fashion", they can actually add the characters GF created for the game and tie them into the plot if they want).
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how is this an actual fucking pokemon design
I rather prefer Ash and Annihilape beating down 200% Zygarde after getting really really really angry at Gibeon.
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Because the Japs find buttholes funny, so putting a hexagonal asshole on it was hilarious.
Afer a hundred episodes they got boring
why did you even like them
Because of nostalgia
>she will get brain damage
>implying she hasn't already
I would
You would, what, exactly, Anon?
I would have sex with him
>10 cells
>Zygarde's new 200% complete forme
No, you'll get the new A legendary from Z-A.
Because they remained fun and interesting unlike some boring group of uninteresting villain lead by a generic guy with long white hair.
Because they always fail hilariously to the MCs in the Ashnime (except early to mid BW where Team Rocket became "serious").
Spoken like a man who lets a tablet raise his wife's son
Remove the stupid plot device and they'll be an actual threat.
You just know
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Don't forget that it glows in the dark.
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literally just a heartless from kingdom hearts
no one has drawn that
Do you think they will be THE villains for the whole thing, or do you think bigger fish will come along?
>Z-A marketing
Zoomer-Alpha marketing.
They’re having to astroturf their nugen slop hard because Millenials had the highest engagement during pokemon’s golden years, and they’re desperately trying to reproduce it.
Stalwart Blade would've made for a good shiny.
the same joke 400 times isn't funny
Yes it is. They always made me chuckle.

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