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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Ho-Oh

- Ceruledge has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>55992728
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The meta isn´t ready for this shake up
Now that the dust has settled how is Ceruledge?
My emblem have better speed than yours.
>building over 133 speed from emblems
LMAOOO could never be me
>Using 133 speed for shit and giggles.
>Building 147 Speed at top of additional 420 speed in items.
>Outspeeding the side lanes first to go to the enemies jungle to make myself more annoying.
>Stealing the Buffs by last hitting it.
>Refuses to elaborate further.

We're not the same.
>Mimi and Comf
And there's no Draft yet for me to ban them.
Pretty fucking average with a good initial powerspike and a strong ult, bitter blade's healing is absolutely embarrassing.
My Boyfriends
Man I bought Machamp to try the fucker out. I´m hooked now. I have been steadily murdering my rank all day today.
There was a point in time where an Unstoppable Machamp barreling at you at Mach 5 was the scariest thing in the game.
>Report confirming
Shut the fuck up game, That Greninja left at 3:00
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Why is there a Mega Man X character in my Pokemon MOBA?
making her a mother on father's day...
Poor man's Zacian
So just for clarification Ho-oh isn't confirmed right? It was just hinted at by some barely credible guy? But it the only lead we have unless we want to go back to tropius
nah we saw the move icons (he also showed ceruledges move icons which were later confirmed real)
It's Battle Network.

On another note, I'm baffled about my last match. Had a jungler that never went back to jungle after the first rotation, but they've got a couple thousand games with 53% WR.

Also I fucking hate all these retarded Sylveons that keep being put on my team. They keep picking MF against teams that keep on wanting to death ball.
My rationale for picking MF over hyper voice is whether the enemy team has range casters. The only time ill pick hyper voice is when we have plenty of special attack mons that can use the Spdef shred of hyper voice. Sure hyper voice does more damage but MF provides way more utility in the form of a low cooldown dash.
Uniteapi is dead, just like this thread.
I just checked and they have Ceruledge partially up now, 47% winrate which is to be expected with how undertuned its kit is and the fact that giga all rounders are currently running everything.
>just got the Ho-Oh emblem that I've been missing for over a year from the energy gacha
>Emblem Dex full (for now)
Fucking finally
>Pyro Ball Feint and X-Speed
Watching the Enemy Metagross Ult and build a wall around him was the only good thing about that match.
>Clefable switches to Mew
>2 Speedsters, 2 Attackers and a Defender
What items do i put on goodra
>miltank is a mob in china version

it's over....
Did you win
Safe to say the other guys too. Once a mob, always a mob
There's this Zeraora and Clefable duo that I keep seeing.
They're very good together but FUCK are they incredibly selfish. Often going out on their own and don't really help unless they're done doing whatever goal they have.... like fighting Eleki from reaching home base.
How long until they put out a patch to make edge not trash?
Phantom force just seems way more useful than flame charge
When Ho-Oh gets released, maybe.
Man, I think the enemy slowbro used literally every single ult it had in that match on me. I think I got hit by 3 of them.

Hilariously we still won because they burned fug to like 1% and then I walked in and stole it after respawning and running over there, thanks to our Blaziken stalling them just long enough.
craving her curvaceous creaminess...
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did one of your favorite mons become a chinese event mob?
Ah yes, the "Enemy recognizes you as the main threat and tries his damndest to shut you and specifically you down" episode.
>lurantis got shafted in favor of tsareena AGAIN
Poor thing can't catch a break.
>Flamewheel straw
Bramblin or whatever its name was?
boy i sure do love losing in the loading screen because the enemy is umbreon comfey tyranitar miraidon sylveon and my team is machamp goodra gengar talonflame
Haven’t played for months. Who’s meta right now? Also why an I getting bot games every other game on Great and Ultra despite winning every single game?
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I think it's some sort of insane chink desert tumbleweed celebration thing
dead game I'm not even joking
No idea why you're getting bots in ultra unless it's not the second to last rank where you're at. The meta is ttar and falinks.
>Also why an I getting bot games every other game on Great and Ultra despite winning every single game?
they just dump them on you if you're a returner
With these guys confirmed as mobs, its almost certain to me that the beta mobs will also still me mobs. Like. Galvantula and Toxicroak
Hmmmmmmmmmmm we're ahead and it's 2:05 better GO GROUP UP IN ENEMY JUNGLE AND GET BLOWN UP BY THE GYARADOS CHANDELURE A9 WHOOOOOOOOOO YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! literally unable to carry these retards
>miltank mobbed
Sucks, was hoping she could be a deckard cain like healer with milk bottles
You get a bunch of bot games when you're a returning player.
Meta is Tyranitar, Falinks, EX mons, and whoever supports those.
Not just returning players, there isn´t enough players until you hit mid to high expert to get consistent real matches. Honestly a lot of players that are in higher ranked would be populating the lower ranks if the game allowed players to lose and win as it comes, instead of giving pity matches and the loss protection point system.
I had my first match against a Ceruledge and it feels squishy. I guess it will be too reliant on auto healing.
>Umbreon doesn't use his Unite Move until his health's low enough to be killed during the jump animation
Why are they so afraid to just use it?
seeing gameplay of the chinese beta makes me glad we'll never get to play it. Jesus christ it's complete slopshit, i'd rather our game die then turn into that.
my girl feels squishy...
>Mewtwo using it after everyone dies during Fug and that was the only time in the match.
Who's that girl?
>our wiggly picks rollout
For what fucking purpose?
I'd much rather you put the whole enemy team to sleep than roll into the backline and then immediately die.
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same reason why people pick flaillax because they get to kill shit I kid you not this is why we don't get new supports since casuals think they're boring
>Deathball of 5
>Stored Power
Poor Espeon lane partner
It's fun... also sing sucks ass with all the Miraidons running around.
+100 in an evening.
Tomorrow my matchmaking is going to be so fucked...
Sing is more fun and effective for me. Sing Wiggly is my favorite tank, heh.
I also like sing best. Rollout is frustrating to use for me.
Itll have to be gogoat
Actual minigames with different gameplay to relax between matches doesnt sound bad to me honestly
this is unironically my preferred playstyle
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New patch notes
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Patch in 3 hours.
>Mimikyu shadow claw buffed
Did it really need that?
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>Ability: money
Buy that battlepass!
They just choose to make Slowbro immortal
Duraludon Ult buffs?????
I predict a return of Duraludon meta. It will be an unstoppable flash cannon menace.
>As a balance type often facing 1v1 situations, its durability was insufficient. Therefore, the HP recovery amount from Shadow Claw and the frequency of entering a defensive state with Play Rough have been increased.
Hello? Trick Room? Hello?
I don't know, losing 20% of it's attack speed that'll make it attack as fast as dnite without ddance and the boosted auto does a lot less now. They didn't even bother giving dragon tail a buff to make it's more defensive role make more sense.
>they actually buffed shadow claw
>say that duraludon wins mostly because of its quick objective ripping and securing capabilities, so they wanna make it better and actually fighting enemies
>slightly increase the damage on its moves and ult, but also nerf its auto attack speed and damage, the main way it's able to fight in the first place
What an absolute dogshit patch, feels like 1/4 of what an actual patch should be.
I can't believe they didn't touch Lapras. She's so fucking bad.
>team all instalocks a good looking bunch
>go blissey to round it out
>miraidon last second swaps to mime
>tyranitar last second swaps to metagross
>only real damage dealer is dragapult
>team still doesn't protect him
> Mime healing buff
> Slowbro healing buff
I see the potential for this lane and it’s fucking raw
>slowbro buffs
LMAOOOOOOOOO WHY??? Fuck me guess I'm back in the slowbro gaol for the foreseeable future
Now we're actually the same, anon.
>Stuns and unkillable
EoS soon
pretty much exactly what it needed
well, the healing was a bit much, so okay I guess
not enough, but I'll take it
I don't think it needed any nerfs but whatever
the real problem is healers which hasn't been addressed so far
electro drift is fucking garbage that can be avoided with any dash by anyone with a brain, fix that first before touching its damage
what this thing needs is nerfs, not buffs, especially to its tankiness
a welcome buff, but you should've nerfed scald's damage correspondingly
just no, what the fuck were you thinking timi
it's already a strong brawler, and play rough's hit and run utility is fine as is
even more damage, even more powercreep
pursuit needs a rework where it always crits if hits from behind and never from the front, that's it
nobody's going to use the other set anyway
at the very least make it combo together and give unstoppable to earthquake
not sure, but seems like it's going to be really difficult to get close to
>bringing back pika party
the worst ever quick battle mode
>nerfing hoopa
>because of fucking tournament play
>nerfing the build that has to compete with hyperspace hole
No one even uses trick ffs
Why do people pick defenders just to play back line? Like Blastoise I really need you to take damage while I deal it buddy
>drain crown float stone razor claw slowbro
Fuck this game
Blastoise has zero regen. He can tank some damage but not as much as other defenders. Slowbro and Umbreon, those are real walls.
>team feeds the fuck out of cinderace and leafeon
>team has finally decided to follow me, their tank, and prep for ray
>get slowbro and leafeon ulted at 2:05
>have cinderace shitting out damage on me
>take a massive chunk out of them before finally dying
>team is too busy chasing enemy sableye
Yes, but Blastoise is still more survivable than any attacker. Can´t even make the argument that it was peeling because they went spin spout.
E-sports are and always will be a fucking mistake.
The fuck balance patches have their own branding?
Blastoise being a good defender is independent of it's ability to self sustain, it was great before nerfs and it never had healing. Shit, Crustle can't even self shield outside of it's ult and it's still a good defender.
After some games with Duraludon: Basic Attack nerf basically killed Dragon Pulse even with the latter's damage buff, but Flash Cannon went from meme move to genuinely scary area denial when done behind a wall of teammates. You won't be scoring many direct kills with it, but your Assists will be through the roof. Ult buff is also nice. I don't like that it kinda plays into the "Ult as a panic button" design, but I've played Dura enough to have it cancelled by slight breeze with NO refund a fuckton so I'm not really complaining.
sneaky pebbles is actually legit with flash cannon now since it's basically an instant stun
>Buffing Mimikyu and Blaziken
whelp I'm playing all rounders and tanks for the rest of the season
Between Blaziken, Urshifu, Mewtwo X, Metagross and Falinks which would be the safest to main? Just got back into the game and don't really want to play the meta but I like the punchy Bois.
>enemy scyther is literally unkillable cuz he has a mime up his ass 24/7
I am NOT ready for the Mime meta to come back.
Falinks is tearing ass right from what I´ve seen. Urshifu is basically dead, you might see one every hundred games if that.
all are very strong, but
falinks > blaziken > urshifu / metagross > m2x
>mimikyu and Blaziken get buffed
>Ceruledge untouched
Whyyyyyyy? They talk about survivability and buff their healing while bitter blade is still stuck with completely unnoticeable recovery.
>teammate hoopa's hyperspace hole sends me back to base right as i was using my machamp ult so i blow it on fucking nothing
>Doesn't even use RS properly
We already had a solid lead, you didn't need to do that........
I thought it was a new map for a second.
God this game keeps finding new ways to disappoint me
Everyone is screaming about the mimikyu or kfc nerf. But the devs broke Dur/Toilet by buffing Dragon pulse even if its by a small margin because that move is so busted on a range mon.
Will the nerf to Dur base attack speed even do anything when it has access to rapid/muscle?
Dur will dominate the meta but pretty sure it will be with dragon pulse again. Flash cannon buff is good though
>pick blaziken
>suddenly slowbro / solarsaur / sableye every single game
fuck OFF
It's like how anytime I pick Dodrio all the Eevees and Clefables show up to ruin my day.
>Comfey and Greedent
Is there a Pokemon that DOESN'T work well with that flower cock ring?
>stuns you with magical leaf so their squishy gets to kite and kill you anyway
well, you are playing against two people, not a good idea to face them alone most of the time
Ceruledge in a few hours. How to win with him?
score more points than enemy
I am very much enjoying being immortal with slowpoke early game. Who knew the buff to surf charging 1 sec faster would be so good!
Ceruledge sucks. Wait for buffs.
>cursed incense slick spoon choice specs
>hp and defense emblems
>chunking enemy lane for half health with water gun
>doing half their hp bar of damage the moment I get Scald
HEH. Surf is also fun when appropriate of course but I'm enjoying shitting on falinks and the toilet with the scald buff
>shellbell wise glasses cursed incense
>doesn't ult once all game
scoring points with my girl...
what a goal...
Ceruledge blade wiggle on the character select screen is so fucking goofy I just can't.
Not a single draft match this season yet, they need to just make a separate queue option or a set of tick boxes you can select for standard and/or draft.
I'm still at 1340, and I'm climbing pretty quickly, just not nolifing.
Too early in the season for 1400+ to be common...
I got one last week somehow, never since
PECHO go neck yourself you useless cunt. Why the fuck would you switch from tyranitar to sableye when we have a dodrio on the team
>spend 3 minutes drafting for a 10 minute game
>someone gets dcs during draft and the team surrenders one minute into the game
Draft can fuck off until they speed up picking, and fix all the prematch crashing issues and general UI sluggishness
Didn't crash a single time last season. UI on switch will forever be garbage because it's a shit port. Adding a few extra seconds before or to the first ban would solve some issues and cutting the final prep by 1/2 to 3/4 would speed things up significantly.
smooth and supple softness...
>Ceruledge stays bot side while we fight for top Regi
>We lose 4 v 5
>Ceruledge now goes to farm jungle and they break bottom tier 1
Masters 1400 player btw
See isolated enemy give him the full whombo combo special, bitterblade into boosted, into flame charge, into boosted, into another flame charge + boosted combo
Only did 75% total HP damage to a fucking cinderace. The damage numbers on this thing is fucked, if I was using Zoroark/Blaziken Cinder would have been dead 5x over
It's pretty fucked up that on the other virgin unite social platforms, anons/bots are bitching about the slowbro buff, but ignore how Blaziken and Mimikyu got buffs to their already stronger kits.

Also not sure if hoopa getting a nerf because of 1 tournament fag is fair or not but I really didn't use the mon anyway but what are Hoopa mains opinions on the nerf?
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a day at TIMI's smoggy chinese apartment office
>holy shit we keep losing profits what do we do
>ummmmm buff a random tank and give it some skin slop we have leftover
>what about actual pokemon people care about, like Charizard?
the FLOP never stops with this shit fucking game!
>EXP Share, Score Shield Gyarados
>Battle Item: Goal Getter
At least he had Scope Lens.....
>enemy umbreon/blissey/ttar trio destroying our assholes
Thank the Lord our Zera stole Fug cuz we sure as hell wasn't winning that fight.
Why does Bitter Blade take 3 years for Ceruledge to actually slash.
A strong trainer win with their favourite mains, regardless of their buff status
You're just a slut that cockrides the current meta.
If Charizard ever gets a buff all the other sluts will hop on the bandwagon and so will you. You deserve the neglect and the abuse, loser.
The difference is blzaiken and mimikyu were already being consistently and loudly bitched about, whereas slowbro was more quietly bitched about. Slowbro getting a buff for no reason therefore hits harder compared to the ones already being yelled about at 100% volume.
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>Gabite at 2:40
>Blaziken, Umbreon, Sableye were in the match, so it wasn't a Bot Game
>Ceruledge focuses bitter feelings towards the world of the living into a slashing attack.
Too bitter, it takes too long to compress.
Anon this happens to majority of defenders when they get a solid buff.
Trev buff, anons bitch
Blastoise buff, anons bitch
Slowbro buff, anons bitch
Crustle buff after being ignored for so long, anons bitch.
You see the pattern? Let's face it, the offensive fags do not want defenders to get buffs or keep up with the offensive meta. But then they always scream "Defender needed" during Draft.
I will not add lapras or umbreon to the list because they were really overtuned at launch.
Blastoise and Trev had nerfs coming so it was gonna happen regardless
Snorlax buffs... please...
silky shapeliness...
>(See at >>56039678)
>(182 Mov. Speed)

I'm fast af
>Friend that I duo with only wants to play his favorite pokemon.
>Scizor(never scyther even when jungling)and now ceruledge.
>He likes dragapult so he will play one when we absolutely need an attacker but other then that it was always scizor until ceruledge came out who he tries to play like scizor but he picks psycho cut/phantom force and then wonders how he keeps dying.
>I am pretty much always forced to pick something that will hold the team togeather because we always have an all-arounder with no cc that evolves at level 5 and doesn't have stats that make it any better then a single stage all arounder.
>On top of this he always uses attack weight and will usually die for a stack very early on, giving the lane opponents xp, points and free reign on the mobs all for 12 attack so I have to reverse a snow ball almost every game aswell

We just got back into the game and are trying actually get into master but because these pokemon don't synergize with any other pokemon and theres a lot of instalocking we end up playing in different lanes. I'll go trevenant, espeon, mr mime, etc... in top depending on who I'm laning with and he'll go scizor with azumarill...

I don't what to do bros, hopefully the put out a pokemon he likes more then scizor or ceruledge that is a actual asset to the team instead of a self healing little late evolving low pay off all arounder
Bitter blade doesn't make a lick of sense, especially when you have a very similar move on a different Pokémon that is no retreat megahorn just completely demolishing it in every aspect. Bitter Blade is a long windup without cc res for a small amount of healing that gets worse against wild Pokémon and does a below average amount of damage while megahorn gives a fat shield, cc res, does way more damage, and the cooldown pretty much resets on the boosted auto it gets.
it's simple: with no retreat / megahorn you trade damage and bulkiness for pretty much zero mobility
to my surprise, I've actually had a lot of success on bitter blade / phantom force, dealing 80k - 100k in every game so far
Megahorn is still a powerful stunning dash, you have no mobility only if you stay in no retreat 100% of the time instead of swapping out to your extra move on a different cooldown.
>trio throws the game
>queue up again 15 minutes later
>same trio
>instalock a speedster
>mute them all the second the game starts
>spend all game hunting enemy duraldon
>trio throws at 2:10 trying to get regi
>trio tries to surrender
>enemy easily takes ray since I can't 1v5 to get duraldon
>one of trio leaves game, surrender vote is 4 people
>fuck you you're stuck in here with us
>didn't leave with enough time for it to protect my rank
Oh well
Start playing Sableye every game.
>enemy has surfbro, sing wiggly, ninetales, and pika
I think I'm just gonna go make a sandwich since I can't play anyway.
>playing falinks
>every enemy team today has had some combo of lucario, petalsaur, pikachu, and ninetales
Nice one, I´ve given up on my speed meme dream for now. When I get decent emblems I´m gonna do some freaky shit with Machamp and Decidueye
Do players in Master really not know that staying withing the goal zone while an ally scores increases the speed?
We win a fight top side and all 5 go to score. Most have between 5 - 15 while I have 50. One by one as they score their points they back off leaving me a sliver away from scoring before I get jump pad knocked up. The team then decides to go in on the "solo" venasaur before the rest of the team dunks after dunks after dunks. Now we´re wipe, they set up around fug and these low mental retards go for the surrender.
>Am dead, 1 enemy left
With the new round of CN leaks, I'm less optimistic for the game as a whole. I used to be in the camp hoping for the CN version to release globally, but it's looking less like a better version and more like an online chat room with avatars and party games.
Players in masters don't even know to go to ray
>fug time, four teammates alive, including eball pika and dragon breath gyarados
>opp team is wiped out except spear glaceon
>team starts ripping
>glaceon walks in
You already know what happens next, naturally.
Shit bros I lost my team the match in the dumbest way. It was a close game all the way down to fug where we jockey around for about 30 seconds until enemy ace autos fug and tornados causes everyone to leave bushes and fight breaks out. We wipe them with 2 left so they wait it out until our team comes back since we have slightly faster respawns. 4 strong we start ripping, fug low as enemy starts peering through their side bush. We take it and run. Me a Machamp with 37 points and Gengar with 50 head to bot side tier 2. Calc that we can both score to maximize score without having to go to base. I break the goal. Gengar gets blocked going to base and loses shield, can´t score their points and we lose the game by 18.
>So many 1 KO Glaceons
Have they finally fallen off.... or do I just have awful eevees?
They're on your team, that's why.
Snorlax needs a massive buff to its entire kit and unite since its ability falls off in mid to late game. Either that or they replace it with thick fat and just let snorlax get a damage reduction and goes on CD.
Is there anyway I can play unite on PC. I just hate playing games on mobile and switch is so slow
>Ceruledge in a bush, trying to literally Unite Move at Ray, while a Pikahcu, Garde and a Ttar are there
>He failed
Sitting alone in a Bush waiting for the right moment, does not make you look badass. Especially if your team's dying.
>Sprigatito and Doduo fighting over jungle, I'm now alone
>Oh but wait..... A Snorlax is invading them
Playing Kubfu is like a Black Cat walking across the street.
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I have played 1(one) match with the new flash cannon toilet dragon, and I feel like it's pretty fucking strong.
Godspeed to your endeavor to get your desired shits and giggles, anon.
deep sensual penetration...
Deader than Phantump
Yes, but it's technically bannable. No one has been banned yet, but losing all your progress because one day they decided to actually enforce it would be sad.
Funny that I see this, I went Sableye with lane Dodrio in one recent game, we stomped the living shit out of the enemies.
Oh hey, a new draft survey?
Anything works in Ultras anon, we know that
Game's deader than Peak of Combat lol
3 Boring Slog wins are done, now to forget that it exists again.
>this is your average teammate
Haven't played ceruledge yet, but reading the passive, 6 stacks to activate seems kinda excessive.
This thread totally is. But i get games constantly no problem
It's kind of meh overall, like a shittier Meowscarada. Only Phantom Force is annoying, and Meowscarada does that better with its passive.
Eh, still shreds
Thoughts on flash cannon Duraludon so far? I think it's pretty damn strong if there's no long range mage or sniper to nuke it.
Yeah, it's pretty fucking scary if you have reliable frontliners keeping you safe. Basically makes the zone around it a no-go for squishies
I´ve had decent matchup against it with submission, crosschop Machamp. Patient speedsters who wait for dragon tails to be used or who carry full heal get it done too.
same as before but only a little bit stronger
>Team doesn´t rip fug while Scizor is soloing 3 at their base
>Start it after enemy respawns
>Delphox wastes ult on fug where there are no enemies
>Mime steals it
>Team almost surrender despite massive lead we have
>Win by 40 points
The Delphox and Goodra must have stood at fug bush for a full minute doing nothing only to fuck it up last moment
>Team doesn´t rip fug while Scizor is soloing 3 at their base
>Team almost surrender despite massive lead we have
>Delphox and Goodra to rip, 2 enemies unaccounted for, your team has a massive lead
Sounds reasonable.
I know Slick Spoon carries special attackers but i really wish had more of them
Seeing teams mostly composed of physical attackers, can get a little monotonous
I suck at retelling things. 2 were dead and the other 3 were wasting time on raid boss Scizor. They decided to start ripping after the other two spawned and Scizor finally died.
Ideally they would have either started asap or ignored it fully and waited for enemy to try but they did the worst middle of the road option.
How is duraldon, I'm on the verge of buying it
>ended up double exp share with comfey
I blame laggy ui for not being able to switch my exp share in time...
We need special attacking All-Rounders and more special attacking Speedsters besides Gengar.
There aren't that many close contact special moves but they can easily make up shit anyway like with hex or dream eater or just make a special melee like goodra.
Ceruledge isn't awful imo, but it's kinda just more effort than what it's worth right now with Blaziken and Mimikyu gallivanting about with their better healing and burst. I think it really needs to be played as an almost Dodrio-esque hit and run mon, engage with Psycho Cut/Bitter Blade, auto, disengage with Flame Charge/Phantom Force, tiptoe around until you can engage again with auto, repeat.
>up against moonblast, volt tackle, acid spray and psystrike
>pick leech life anyway
>13 kills, 101k damage
bet it was embarrassing losing to this
Anything can work as long as the enemy is retarded.
Mostly shit in soloQ majority of the time unless you have a front liner doing its job. It is basically a pre-made team build using flash cannon and dragon tail.
If anything the mr.mime buff is stupidly broken. It plays like a slowbro now while making melee mons like Fal/Mimikyu/Blaziken even stronger.
Had a mime/absol duo eariler today on my team and they just slaughter the enemy
>enemy is duraldon petalsaur falinks slowbro clefable
>my lane partner is a leafeon lol
>baby the shit out of it as blastoise 1v3 since enemy jungle camps us
>this is fine, I'm doing good damage and CC cause lol blastoise and leafeon could follow up with sol-
>spends all game immediately getting blown up before in range to ult duraldon
Cerudledge's Ult is a fucking Machamp-tier teamfight winner, good lord. It's stun is outrageous and it basically deletes squishies.
>0 - 0 Cramorant, 24k
>Played Farm Simulator
This is the 1st time I've seen a Cramorant act like a bitch. What a rare sight
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I'm sure they'll listen.
If I'm going to be totally honest none of the EXs are in a spot where they end up centering a match around themselves currently. Seeing a Miraidon or Mewtwo Y or Zacian on the enemy team honestly makes me go "oh neat" over feeling any sense of dread, if I even see one at all. One EX license per team is fine.
This is a draft questionnaire. I don't give a shit about EX mons before 1400 masters, but once you are in draft I want them pre-banned just like they are in all tournaments.
Why does Night Slash get canceled by the slightest jitter while Feint Attack can continue even after 5 seconds of being stunned?
The wind up and slight pause before the damage hits is really fucking cool, I don't care if that makes me a 12 year old, it's edgy and cool like it should be. It makes the normal moves look even more flaccid than they already are. Mechanics wise I keep forgetting you can cleanse it like a schmuck lol
Just buy it. Not a lot of people use it but its fine
creamy pulsations...
>finally get a draft game
>enemy team has OCE tourniefags
>my team has first pick charging charm scope lense crustle and well known backcapper only machamp
lol why did i expect anything different
Is charging charm actually good? I don't think I run it on anyone, it's like Razor Claw, but RC gives some crit stats at least,

I don't think I run CC on a singlemon.
This is the longest ive ever been stuck in ultra. Fml
nta but the only mon I've found use for it on is Dragapult and even then I should probably replace it with something else already
I was stuck last season for like 103 matches or so, finished it in more than half that this season.
>last season took me 74 games to get from ultra 3 to master
>this season took 9
Last season it took me 13 games to get to Masters.
This season it took me just under 40.
Ya win some, ya lose some.
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Ceruledge can put in work if you play him right and also have a Comfey on your cock 24/7
>Slowbro offers to switch for my Sableye
>Now I'm at Bottom lane as a Slowbro with Buzzwole and he's with Delphox
>He goes Shadow Sneak and Feint Attack
>My lane has a stacking Blaziken.... FUCK
should've gone with phantom force for 200k
Yeah i went on a run and finally made it back. Playing with people with a couple hundred games which is fine but then playing against people with 3k plus can be frustrating
I'm not vibing with it unfortunately, I like the invuln+AoE but I find myself over-extending way too much and eating shit because of it. Flame Charge's 2 stored uses+shorter CD plays into where most of Ceruledge's burst damage will be coming from (boosted auto crits) anyhow.
That said, having a Comfey on me providing the extra survivability probably would've been the best time to try it out again. Ah well, I can just farm timmies in standard when I want to practice.
I had two promotion matches yesterday and now I'm back to Ultra 3. Fuck me
If any of you want to duo or trio your way to Masters feel free to add me and we can play. Will be free for the next few hours.
IGN: BustaDonut
Code: CXXNQ68

Not sure if there´s a limit for certain master ranked since I´m sitting around 1450. If that´s the case add El/Castañero instead which is fresh into master
Decent season for me, I'm at 1450 without nolifing.
No, the only requirement for playing with masters is ultra+
Just came back after a break.
Gyarados is fun.
I thought Ceruledge would play more like Scizor but he leans more toward speedster-type stuff, yeah? Wish I had more items for that kind of build.

I really hate how slow leveling the items is compared to obtaining licenses. Wish f2p games didn't have so much stats wrapped up in home screen min/maxing.
You only really need level 20, and it's cheap.
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what a sexy skin it got with those leggings
why do pokemon leakers do this faggoty watermarking shit
Can't wait for my teammates to do stupid shit then revive them just so they can do stupid shit again.
Cuz everyone's a fucking attention whore.
To prevent retards from claiming they got the leaks and prey retards to give them money for more leaks
Revive AOE seems pretty big like metagross scanning range.
Im f2p and i have them all at lvl 30. Item enhancers are another dead currency to me
At this point they should be leaking the next pokemon, because there's a next pokemon, right?
Why didn't ElChico leak this?
>why do leakers attention whore
So CentrashLEAKS, one of the least credible rumor reporters don't take full credit.
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>prey retards to give them money for more leaks
It's sad that's how things are nowadays.
Glad this bird faggot got caught before he could pinch a cent out of anyone.
because he's "too scared" of getting his account deleted. Dude's genuinely holds onto leaks so it doesnt "ruin the hype"

god he's insufferable and im glad there's another leaker out there that just sells the stuff to youtubers
brb I need to pee
Evee gonna be pissed
ok I´m back now
Has he really said this? -_-
Well, he waited for Phil to leak stuff to then say he already knew so...
So the game released the 21st of July 2021

The following 12 months from that they released 16 characters
Second year they released 19 character
On the third year so far we've got 10 characters (looking like that'd be it), that's counting Mewtwo as two

So they halved the releases compared to the previous year. I really hope that was because of the Chinese version and once they release that maybe they could go back and speed up again the character production, otherwise the game's dead.

But considering the Chinise game will not release with all 64 licenses they wouldn't really feel obligated to making new characters since they can strech the releases of the already done ones

I want to believe
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I guess the game decided I was winning to much, because now I'm being paired with absolutely braindead subhumans. Kill yourself Blingerisy you useless throwing piece of shit
intensely passionate plapping...
nah the game game just doesnt make enough money so they put less people on it
ho-oh being playable is retarded since you can pick it on maps where ZAPDOS is the giant faggot bird king lording over this fucking spicy birdlet that's probably competing with talonflame as the pocket prince of the map
ZAPDOS speaks to you... The gun is good.
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>Everyone calls spragels "le wholesome streamer" all the time
>Finally tune into a stream
>He's shitting on his teammates 75% of the time
>Sometimes he's mad at inconsequential plays
>Meanwhile, he makes just as many mistakes as the people he's criticizing

Did I tune into a bad day or something? This guy is just as annoying as CrisHeroes.
He had another daughter recently, he might be stressed
The game's gotten so bad that even Mr. Yeehaw man broke down and flips his shit at this game and his teammates.
He´s so hot it hurts
Lane Zeraora is pretty fun and a little bs. X Attack at level 3 gives a kill on most first neutral minion contest. At the very least you get them to back off and berry up early giving an easy jungle sweep if the jungler is attentive to map.
The title Solarbeam King has finally returned to the king of the jungle Vensaur since it now hits hard, then that slut Mew thanks to the sludge bomb buff! Anons overlooked how good sludge/beam is now that it melts anyone even fucking Slowbro!
Sup anons, got unite yesterday and Ive been having a great time with it. What are your favorite 'mons to play? Im likeing Venusaur and A.Ninetails so far.
Ninetales is decent and Venusaur is pretty good right now. It'll be nice to explore the variety since every few week the game buff or nerf some of the pokemon to keep balance and it's useful to have something to move to if your favorite mons get hit too hard.

My favs are Blastoise, Metagross and Dodrio but I like to have at least two pokemon of each class that I'm familiar with in case it's necessary.
Sup dude. Can't play Ninetales because of its weird turning animation, heh.
My personal favs: Espeon, Mimikyu, beam Venu, Wiggly, Garde, Cram.
All the ghost types.
Been meaning to try out Beamasaur's buffs but never got around to it because Mimikyu's Shadow Claw getting buffed AGAIN is just funny.
Weird or lack there-of?

Also Armarouge seems to be coming to the game
Love scrappy dudes like Machamp and Lucario found in the all-rounder class and the bitch boy defenders like Slowbro and Lapras.
I´m braindead so I avoid fleshy attackers except sniper Decidueye.
>Also Armarouge seems to be coming to the game
That would be cool. I'm still wishing for a separate Pikachu unit that can evolve into Raichu.
Lack that looks weird on a long mon.
To be fair I am playing with my playboy bunny gf Wiggly so Wiggly really helps shut down mimikyu but sludge/beam is great when you have that 1 meat shield present to protect. Saur plays like a better Garde now since it has a stun in its auto and its attack range/aoe is larger then her now while having a stronger sp-def down.
my absolute favorites would probably be absol, sword, ceruledge, tsareena and talon
since you seem to like mages I could recommend mew also
I love Mimikyu, it's been my "general purpose" mon since it released cuz it can deal with pretty much anything.
And for some reason they keep buffing it lmao.
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>well someday i would had to say this, this last update added the "Ho-Oh is coming to Aeos Island!"
>i really didnt want to mess the surprise but for what, it has been leaked early af so there you go
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Rate my tier list
>those bitter blade winrates
I can't wait for this to get buffed, if only for the funny JP patch notes.
Lickitungin' her legs all night...
ElChicoEevee got his tools from SkinSpotlights, the guy who does similar things for League of Legends content. I'm pretty sure he mentioned on his Twitter or Discord that after the extremely early TTar and Mew leaks, SkinSpotlights got in contact with him and told him to only "leak" content as it shows up on the PTS, since that's how SkinSpotlights does it. The issue is that Unite's internal servers update months prior to the PTS, so he usually has the content waaay ahead of anyone else and just doesn't say anything until the PTS updates (notice how he only uploaded incredibly beta Ceruledge gameplay the evening it was revealed).
TLDR the word leak no longer means leaking things
I love Scizor. Tanky brawlers have always been my go-to for mobas and he's just perfect in that role. Scyther isn't bad either but it's a headache always switching his items and emblems around.
Gyardos has a nice character fantasy. Lots of raw tankiness but not much sustain. Just drops in and blows shit up.
Mr Mime is my favorite supporter, but damn playing supports soloqueue is a miserable way to get through the day.
I'd rather another cancerous eeveelution than another one of these megaman cunts, fuck this shit lmao
How are you feeling Scizor after nerf?
Removing the ones that got NEVER EVER'd due to Chinese event, here's the current list of those left that could happen. Post the ones you want most to come next based on this. Also if I missed any that got heem'd by other means by the devs, lemme know so can keep this updated. Keep in mind this only goes up to base Gen 9 mons.
Ceruledge doesn't suck and the noob anons bitching that it needs a buff just suck with all-rounders as they only play overtune purple mons. The issue why Ceruledge is underwhelming on release is because their are just better/overtune all-rounders to pick from instead of the Megaman Battle Network rip off mon, that was given a playstyle exactly like wifu Gato but placed in the color purple.
diggin' deeply with my Wiglett...
Not shocked that people are not using slowbro/wiggly as much to counter the all-rounder meta They rely on your offensive teammates to follow up but, majority of players who play offensive mons go full retard in games.
Why are my zacians such cowards even worh full energy
dunkin' my full energy...
Please be true it's one of my top 6 mons. When's the soonest we'll find out? late July?
I guess we should know by then, but ElChicoEevee seems to have confirmed this as well.

High chance for Palafin, Cyclizar and Koraidon too
go into spectator mode and pick a ninetales match then set the speed to x8
>Armarouge basically confirmed
>Palafin and Koraidon looking likely
Just add in Ogerpon, Lokix, and Pawmot and my Gen 9 wishlist is complete. The only thing I'd want from then on are playable Marshadow, Breloom, and Hisuian forms like Zoroark or Lilligant.
>all those mons
>tinkaton is left to rot in a shitty side mode
After playing it for a while, Ceruledge should've 100% been a Speedster. It's self-healing is probably the absolute worst among all of the All-Arounders that have it and imo it's best played like a hit-and-run burst damage mon like Dodrio
Why would I torment myself so?
>Cradily never ever
We need more unconventional defenders
Too many are just "roll into the enemy team and hit all your buttons"
God, I hate Eevees so fucking much it's unreal.
>all shillmons

i get why but damn, very lame
>it's best played like a hit-and-run burst damage mon like Dodrio
Funny because I came to the exact opposite conclusion, once you've engaged there's no retreating. Since your passive only gives you the damage bonus after 6 stacks it's a shame to immediately disengage and Cerulege is actually pretty decent at man fighting once the 15% damage boost kicks with x attack active.
Do you use Phantom Force? I use Flame Charge and I find engaging with Psycho Cut, auto, and then disengaging with Flame Charge so I can tiptoe around and engage again by peppering in autos to lower Psycho's CD is the most effective means to play it. I also use Eject instead of X Attack .
Is Palafin really a shillmon?
I use both depending on the situation, but psycho cut is non negotiable.
You should give a full offensive Cerulege a try honestly, go full crit emblems, both crit items and the 3rd slot being anything and also x attack.
Play it suicidal, once you've picked your target never stop attacking them until you or either one of you is dead.
Go jungle and try to hit that level 9 powerspike asap since your life steal and crit literally doubles.
When's the palafin movie coming out bro.
Not even Bitter Blade? Everyone everywhere says it's terrible.
nta but I've been playing Ceruledge since it was made buyable with Coins, agree with his assessment that it's nowhere near bad, and still think Bitter Blade is massive ass. You think it'd make up for it's massive wind up with either significantly better healing or range than Psycho Cut, but not only does it have neither, it's overall damage potential is also VASTLY worse despite having the higher modifier fomula because unlike Psycho Cut it's cooldown isn't lowered by using autos.
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just fuck my shit up
Yes because it is just an excuse to have another overtuned all-rounder mon because the playerbase is accustomed to overtune All-rounders who can deal high damage and take hits when Ceruledge plays like a speeder. In Unite a moveset will typically have a inferior combination set for a mon. This happens for majority of the mons in Unite with the exception of two. Cram who can dominate a game with any combination of movement and mimikyu who has both shadow claw and play rough as strong moves to be paired with shadow sneak only, but /Pug knows which is stronger between shadow claw and play rough
Another jungler coming exclusively to take farm and leave episode. Fair enough the fucker got fed but they didn´t join any fights to make use of the advantage.
I'm not exactly a super master player here and I might be crazy BUT- I'm always wary of putting all my eggs in one basket
I prefer Bullet Punch + Double Hit
They don't exactly combo but Double Hit's QoL just makes everything so comfortable. The leap is amazing for map navigation and dis/engaging freely.

Swords dance is great damage but when the enemy team is wise to you and saves some stuns it can be hard to get around in a fight.
And when I'm low on health and need to keep spamming bullet punch to stay alive the swords dance that's off CD can really irk me. It's dash isn't long enough for a proper escape tool even when used with the bullet punch dash as well.

I'll pick Dance when the enemy team has more beef on them or someone who's likely to get in to a lot of prolonged 1v1s with me.
Ceruledge was really obviously only designed with one kit in mind, as a lot of mons are (Trick Room on Mimikyu lmao). Flame Charge is essentially the same niche as Leafeon's Aerial Ace in that you get a crazy amount of mobility, but compared to Phantom Force which is basically an on-demand Shedinja Doll with a followup that jumps through terrain, fucking ignores the ENTIRE Defense stat AND shields, it's worthless.
Bitter Blade is slow, telegraphed to hell, doesn't have any sort of CC resistance, and the healing is shit. Ceruledge is far too fragile to make any use of it, and will usually die before going in. I think the healing scales with how many opponents you hit, but it doesn't make sense to use vs. Phantom Force because you can still get stunned and blown up before the cast comes out... whereas Phantom Force IGNORES ALL DEFENSES and has a window of invulnerability right before it.
Psycho Cut beats Bitter Blade by a country mile because despite having less range, it has virtuallly no windup and it slows enemies + lowers Defense so allies can help you clean up. The cooldown is also lowered by autoattacks and does account for Ceruledge's 4th auto dealing two instances of damage, so you can cast it more often, keep the debuffs going, continue to get Razor Claw procs etc. I think the intention on the dev's part was to use Psycho Cut with Flame Charge due to the latter's Atk Speed increase, but man you just cannot pass up Phantom Force lol
>Bitter Blade is slow, telegraphed to hell
mostly true
>doesn't have any sort of CC resistance
it can't get canceled and comes out anyway, so not really
>and the healing is shit
kinda, but it's still something especially if you position yourself well
it has bigger aoe, higher damage and, most importantly, casting it doesn't root you in place
timi killed miltank and bewear, i'll never forgive or forget
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>bought some gems when there was a sale because fuck it like $10 into a f2p game isn't a horrible rate for how many hours I put in
>had plenty left over but never used it
>not really paying attention when using extra energy tank
>bought a new one since Obtain is the first option
I know I only have myself to blame but man it hurts a little
Everything is so overpriced that the only things I would consider buying is a battlepass or maybe individual skin if I use the mon enough
You're really underselling Flame Charge imo, the extra mobility is a game changer in certain matchups and the extra boosted autos gives it higher sustained damage potential than Phantom Force when playing into Ceruledge's crits. It's not just "worse Phantom Force", it gives it a fairly distinct mode of play
I'm subscribed, so accumulating gems over time. Buying battle passes and skins, yeah.
I mean, I'll give it a go but I doubt it'll be as cool... Phantom Force is a beast for secures since you can just chilll in space until Ray gets low enough for a snipe, or in the event that you used your unite earlier.
>kFaroo on enemy team
>kFaroo on our team
RNG giveth, RNG taketh away. I need to remember this guy's name and steal his jungle every time they're on my team.

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