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She cute
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sex with flygon
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flygon the shitty elphydran knock off
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Semen demon with large belly
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Belly dragons keep winning
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we were robbed by AIfags
Fat ugly shitmon
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:( you made me cry
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Huh, been awhile since I checked on the tumblr this is fanart for. I wonder if it's been abandoned yet.

Oh, I recognize that fic. Got off to it once.
To be perfectly honest, I focus more on the devouring part than the digesting. Flygon turning the first set of women into dragon fat was more as a way to make the next human less wary of the Pokemon's hunger than to arouse, from my perspective.
Would've been about the same for me if it had simply thrown them back up and left them unconscious and out of sight before gulping down more.
I know the suffering is your whole deal, but I figure I'd answer honestly.

>Flygon is Ground/Dragon with Bug as a "3rd Type" ( Basically just means you get pseudo-STAB 1.25x boost on Bug moves, and resist Bug slightly. 3rd Types don't otherwise affect weaknesses/resistances.)
>Flygon now has 120 base speed
>Levitate is removed from existence (Pokemon that look like they fly/float in there air are just innately immune to Ground now) so now Flygon has abilities: Arena Trap, Sand Stream and Tinted Lens.
How do I get to this alternate universe? It already sounds infinitely better than the one I'm stuck in.
The red orbs look like nerd glasses.
Loser lmao
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It's goggles...
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she fat
This is really beautiful!
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> "She is cute!"
fixed your grammar for you, esl faggot.
my "brother" likes Flygon, so I'm legally required to say it sucks ass.
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dumb EFL doesn't know common board lingo, typical
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Imagine the belly play
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you not cute
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You have to be 18 to post here.
Sand bath!
Uh oh. I wonder what prompted THAT reaction?
Someone wanted to see how long her tongue is, I think.
I'm about to use one for the first time in a BW2 replay, as the Hoenn rep in my team where I try to use at least one mon for every region. Wish me luck.
Good luck anon, post results if you feel like it.
I dragon tail'd on Dryden's entire team.
Can't wait for EQ and Stone Edge TMs tho. Will also replace tail with outrage eventually
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Why would someone want to know that?? Unless it's for research purposes, there's no reason to ask such a thing of Flygon!
She is
Belly Drum time!
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