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This thread brought to you by pic related, posted yesterday, the day after the holiday it's for.

>current OP count: 101
>threads since counter: 104

Previous thread:

Rusefox GF pastebin:

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown)

Untitled fic (deceptive Zoro GF)
oh lord she smokkin
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oh noooooo
stoopid foxe
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Stupid sexy fox…
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fox shouldn't smonk or else people will be able to smell through the illusions
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she can't keep getting away with it!

what if she smelled like weed instead?
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Yay its back
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Do you think people in the Pokémon world use Hisuian Zoruas in their version of those weird traumacore images?
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you can fuckin' hear that pic, i swear
to me it looks like it would sound like a mix between a grunt, bark, and laugh.
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They were there while it was happening.
>Zorua egging (ha!) you on for a brother or sister
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>Be me
>See this gag
>Start wondering if home pregnancy tests would work on a Zoroark
>Wait, how do they work in the first place
>To the Googles
>Find out they function by testing for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_chorionic_gonadotropin
>Find out that the protein's function is related to placental implantation
>Remember that this is a very uncommon adaptation
I still don't know what compounds react to Gonadotropins or even if they're limited to what varieties/species of the protein they can detect, but given the physiology involved, it seems unlikely that the kinds of home pregnancy tests used with humans would work on Pokemon.
>she knows this and just wants to trick you
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I mean, if a human can get a Pokémon pregnant, they probably share a lot of similarities, genetically. I know, egg groups and all that, but like... if there's reproductive compatability there, the anatomy's gotta be close to identical, don'tcha think?
It's also possible that they make eggnancy tests specifically for mons. Though that comes with its own set of implications.
Biology is incredibly weird and Pokemon are fantastical, so honestly, who knows how it could work?

Continuing the earlier train of thought though, livestock herders apparently use other pregnancy associated glycoproteins to detect pregnancies, so there probably is some kind of universal path to detecting pregnancy if there are close enough common ancestors to pull from.
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Would you go out with her in her real form and not care if your family and friends know? Pros and Cons of dating her.
Real all the way.
>Is fluffy Zork lady
>Is pretty
>Talks to you just fine
>Babies will be adorable
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is zork in your dream bunt rotation
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she tricked millions...
An absolute win
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>It was obvious right from the get go.
>She wasn't the best illusionist; far from it.
>Too happy? Her disguise would flicker.
>Eating together? Her teeth weren't human.
>Getting protective? Those little flare-ups of dark energy were a dead giveaway.
>Booping her nose was practically an off-switch.
>You'll let her have this victory.
>she got jealous if you looked at other girls
>but she got REALLY jealous if you looked at other pokemon
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>have you seen all those pokeballs i purchased the other day? that fat assed lopunny is prancin' around the backyard again!"
>*her eye twitches*
>"n-nope! haven't seen 'em!
>she hid them all in the attic while you were sleeping
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I love her
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What's she hiding under all that fluff?
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How do you get a Zork wife?
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True form if not illegal.
My friends and family already know I am a weirdo.
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why are they all like this...
Survive the night in a pitch-black dungeon without getting eaten by The Grue.
I can't deal with it after g\2953157\b92afe070f dropped recently, there's literally nothing holding me back to stay here…
I love it when they get all mean-faced
...and pregnant...

Pregnancy is great, but seeing that sinister smirk for a joyous or wholesome event is the cherry on top.
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What would you say to her?
I like thighs and all but this is getting ridiculous
>face pressed into her soft belly?
>her boulder crushing thighs around my neck?
>her rubbing my head while saying "sorry for tricking you"?
yep. it's apology time.
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I'm pretty sure that I am legally bared from speaking to anything female without a law enforcement agent nearby.
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no thoughts head empty
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>"Babe, you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life."
Where are her nips?
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Read the untitled fic. Cute detail that she never ordered the same meal twice. Exploring the culinary world of humans too.
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is this a sadpanda link?
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Was expecting a ruse. Kinda disappointed the guy at the beginning was a red herring.
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must sniff...
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Strong fox
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I like that zorks are good parents
Except for the rapists.
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Is this from something or standalone art?
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>wake up before Zoroark wife
>get dressed, shave, etc
>she yawns and stretches
>as she fluffs her fur and mane she illusions herself into her human form
>”Are you ready to go yet? We’re going to be late!”
She’s such a show off
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God, what beautiful peace.
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Bad Zorua!
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Just finished reading the zoroark GF stuff. I like the idea that your zork gf would need to be suspicious of zorks disguised as you. Somewhat inverse of common zork tropes.
>Many Zoroarks are starting to pair with humans because they have more resources
>As the population naturally shifts, more Zoroarks that grew up disguising themselves as humans try to find other Zoroarks doing the same in an attempt to find a mate
>A Zoroark successfully disguises itself as a human long enough to become the ruler of a human kingdom.
How would that go?
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>humans become a hot commodity for zoroarks to the point of them targeting young trainers and children
>mothers chasing off suspiciously attractive women that randomly emerged from the woods and approached their children on a playground becomes a common occurrence
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Imagine if this fear is why Ghetsis did what he did
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cotton candy chocolate hisuian zoroark
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Zorks are dorks
not sure if eyes or nostrils
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Watch smiling friends
Damn what a fine zombie fox
What a beautiful completely normal Mightyena. I should bring it into my home.
Strawberry and Cream or Chocolate Strawberry?
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Unovan is a cool creature I want on my team and as a partner.

Hisuian is a monster that will murder me if encountered in the wild
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Bump limit's still 151, right?
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Hmmm… YOU
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see you Tuesday
love big claws
Why Tuesday?
It is the ruseday.
I think the more apt comparison would be Strawberry and Vanilla vs Chocolate and Raspberry
lol this image is so pedestrian it is enduring
Sometimes the best fantasies are the mundane ones.
What did you say, punk?
Well those claws ain't just for attracting mates
So thread today or no?
Should be, just need someone to make one. Op, you there?

Based, thanks

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