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End of Lando Raids and Spelunker's Cove Edition

>June Info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

>Server Status


>Silph Road Info

>PvP IV Checkers & Battle Simulators

>Estimated Shiny Rates

>Submit Your Friend Code Here

>Find Friends Here

>Spoofing Tools

Previous Thread: >>56020343
Caught myself a 15/13/13 shiny Yveltal. Is it worth using an Elite Charged TM to each it Oblivion Wing?
You could use it on better things but if it's worth it to you that's all that matters.
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So it looks like I can't find a way to get my team ranking better than this. Any suggestions? Or is this the best I can hope for? Is there any such thing as an all A team?
>get gym down to 2
>someone joins me
>it's fucking midnight and i can't see anyone else
>3 pokemon from the other team deposited immediately
i hate bots so fucking much
or he's a local faggot with a spare phone up his ass
not entirely sure
I assume a lot of water/ground/rock pokemon, especially the less bulky ones. Of course that also depends on the pokemon delivering the solar beam.
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put legend teams from last season in and see what it says
the rankings have to be taken with a grain of salt, same goes for their number list
>shadow alolan sandslash
it can be bretty good
kinda bad #s tho
Makes sense. I feel like there are a good number of pokemon with low meta scores that people here say they'll never work in higher elo, but turn out pretty good on the right team.
Lol I'm gonna power him up and use him just for the hell of it
I think I have a crush on t3ddi
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hory shitto finally lucky
deleted about 20 friends that were either inactive or didn’t open/send gifts. I’m sorry /pgg/ but it was time.
Guaranteed reply in a few hours from now, which means baited
To answer your question, Swampert, Whiscash, Rhydon, Onix etc
I feel like 90% of people here have stopped, only japs from raids send me gifts and play.
I blame postcard anon
Well that went and pissed me off.
I have five friends where we’re one interaction away from best friends. Four appear to be inactive and one still plays but hasn’t opened my gift in over a year. I’m seriously considering just removing them all.
Finally getting my skarmory ready, just need a second attack now.
Lol just went 5/5 with shadow gator, pelipper, and lanturn.
lol just flipped a coin
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Lol I just shitposted on 4chan
Central OK pokés
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PvPoke has been telling me this is a pretty good team, and I've done fairly well with it, but I keep struggling against Spark Lanturn leads.

The 2023 champ was dominating with Shadow Gyarados a few days ago, which has a lot of weaknesses in Summer Cup (it's ranked #152), but with enough skill and the right meta he was able to take it to victory.
Has Moore been wiped off the map yet
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>free research for a meteorite
surely it will be "free" and require you to complete an elite mega fug raid to earn the meteorite. can't let non-raiders stock up on it for the future
Literally standing outside the Warren where the tornado went through rn
What's wrong with that?
If the meteorite is for the pokemon you're going to have to do it anyway
https://dotesports.com/pokemon/news/niantic-doubles-down-on-pokemon-go-remote-raid-limits Lmao
I might try to run a couple mega raids for some XL candies but I have no reason to other than that. I don't see how anyone who did this last year would go out of their way to do it this year.
>I will say what we found after we made that change is exactly what we were hoping for. We’ve seen more in-person communities coming back together again… those local communities are flourishing in a way that we haven’t seen since pre-pandemic.
I guess that's probably true, the college I'm currently going to has had a bit of a resurgence in community gathering for Pokémon GO (some elite raids had over 20 people showing up to do Enamorus). My hometown area, however, seems to have mostly given up on the game for good, especially since a lot of them got spoofpilled after the announcement and were too dumb to not get banned 6 months later. Even the local scanner has been down since the end of April.
Yeah I was surprised how many people play. I found some group on the campfire app. Showed up last Wednesday and there were like 20 people there. There were also another 10 randoms who aren't part of the group but show up anyway. Good variety too, some kids and adults despite it being 100 + degrees
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Off to a great start
16 fucking balls
From now on I’m just going to have to bring my best friend alt for more balls fuck Hanke
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Just walk a little more fatty
How many did you miss?
All golden razzed
All great-excellent throws
>13 friends
>12 haven’t opened their gifts in months
Leave me alone already I don't even like you.
I honestly let one get away because I wanted to try the glitch of letting another shiny appear but it didn’t
I feel this way about Lickitung and Sableye. I even transferred a shiny Sableye that I caught during the March Rocket rotation, and then caught a 93% shiny Sableye an hour later.
Off topic, but anyone suggest a good emulator for playing Soul Silver? I don't want to reset my cartridge, just for a quick fun run. Also, I've never emulated DS games before, are you fucked with the touch screen?
When did they change how raid hours worked?
yesterday, Niantic held an emergency meeting and decided to fuck you over specifically. Sorry anon, your GBL participation is too low, niantic really needs you to step up your game.
They tested it the week before Sinnoh Tour and people were really happy with the concept, since it made it a lot easier for people either with small groups that didn't want to drive around or people stuck at one particular location to do multiple raids during raid hour. One of the few raid changes that was unanimously approved of.
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Im in ace now... where is free yveltal? I hate this meta so much
Just have sex instead.
Don't tell him what to do, bitch.
Just got back from the sausage fest. Got two of these cock suckers. Nice turn out, there were like 50 people not counting the hobos
I don't get it
I started by hosting raids on leek. It works for the 5 stars but I have problems getting people to join for megas. Maybe with Charizard I can get some people
I Never actually considered hosting kek, id join on megas if I had remote passes
they are probably banned
trust hankes vision!
Thinking about switching from valor to instinct, I’ve been valor since 2016 am I retarded
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Reminder that Niantic endorsed Bidenomics.
werent all of those listed felons?
when are they not?
>“players that have stuck around and, you know, love Pokemon Go for what it is, can see the positive impact that that’s made in their communities.”
Between the lines: we might have lost a lot of players and revenue, but spoofers stayed, therefore they liked the nerf.
Yay, community! Still D-E-A-D in my town with nobody showing up for CDs ever since Froakie. We had 2-3 groups wandering about, now we don't have even one. Great success!
Drastic, Desmume, and no$gba are all fine options. Touch screen responds to clicks instead of taps. Or stop being poor and buy a refurbished DS and an R4.
I'm so ready for summer to end already.
>i chose red is that bad
no kek
its a popular color\team
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I hate the family mart
I don’t like being led by a black woman
should have thought about that before you picked your team, your account is already tainted with the black blood its too late
sex with female grunt
sex with female trainers
sex with female pokemon
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>Going through all 9 of my 2km eggs right before the Larvesta egg event using the incubators I won from showcases
>Hatch pic related
I've had weird IV luck with eggs in the past, but this is insane!
>the 13 is in ATK instead of DEF
I honestly think the game does that on purpose. I've gotten so many 96% and 98% where ATK is the lowest stat it can't possibly be bad luck.

I also think the game denies hundos the same way too.
>Have to go to an area with tons of gyms
>have to hope the raid spawns in the very limited time frame
>splitting the time frames apart widely
fucking hell. it's like they're going out of their way to make it difficult.
he finished the route but because pogo is so fucked it didn't register him finishing it, it's denying him extra items.

I had the same problem on a route I MYSELF CREATED.

i could never finish it because the end point never registered, no matter how close i got to the end location.
I don’t think I’ve hatched a hundo in like two years. But that’s probably because I don’t pay for incubators.
>I don’t think I’ve hatched a hundo in like two years.

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I hatched some cool hundos, or at least useful.
>hundo igglybuff
when the FUCK is the next apk releasing? 0.317.0 pisses me off with the retarded throw bug.
it's been 2 weeks
Suck Hanke's cock and get gud, tranny.
aw hell naw, my first time being called that :(

if i was that garbage i would've killed myself. no thanks
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4* 1488 entei
Are raid Pokemon stronger than wild pokemon? If I go catch a beldum is he better than a regular beldum?
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she isn't real
or maybe she IS a canonical diversity hire kek
black bitches get hired into the workplace all the time
a professors assistant gig would be no different
not dating a half-black cutie with a squeezable peach in too-tight "tiktok pants" aka paper thin textured leggings
why even live
Raid Pokémon are more likely to have higher IVs than wild Pokémon. The minimum for each wild Pokémon’s stats is 0, 4 if they’re weather-boosted, and 10 from raids, research, GBL and eggs.
Raid mons have a set level, so they can be lower or higher level, but raid mons have a higher IV floor
I don't remember which level are 1* raid mons though, 5* are 20/25(WB)

It doesn't matter in case of Beldum though, you just want shadows of them. When megagross comes around it's gonna be in mega raid anyways
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>when the FUCK is the next apk releasing?
Two weeks
Make a wish!
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I think this is my best bet moving towards open gl. I haven't really gotten to try it yet so I'm excited to have a starting team and see the difference. Just need to have them ready.
>the strongest carbink anyone will ever face in great league
ngl that fuckers gonna piss some people off.
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spread your cheeks and lift your sack.... - swampert
>loses to vig
>they still haven't reverted the character "upgrades" changes
I’ve got a 1488 Rosalia too, but she’s dogshit stats and I keep her for the funny number add me 505376893977

Add me 505376893977
Hell yeah, this guy gets it.
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Gotta be honest, when I said I expected this to be the worst GBL season yet, I didn't expect it to have the highest concentration of tankers as well. This is gonna be a long three months...
Whats a tanker
Someone who purposefully lowers their elo so that they fight against easier opponents (similar to smurfing). GBL gives you little to no incentive to actually reach the higher ranks aside from cosmetics and pride, so anyone that doesn't care about those things tends to tank for easy win streaks.
Oh cool. I hate that I care so much about my win percentage. How many matches do you gotta lose to make a difference?
a lady who refuses to change her diet
says she is "big boned" but is clearly a fat bitch
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I should really do this shit more often
Lmao that's funny because my ex wife was the first thing I thought of when I saw the word tankers.
need 3 friends and Im sure I already have everyone in the doc since like forever... just add me anon
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We're 8 days away from best friends. Open my gifts
wait, you can email them and get pokestops moved?

what's the link?
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>game crashes during a raid
>can't even re-open the game
>have to restart device
>go to capture yveltal
>game crashes again
i'm sure my device has just massively degraded in quality overnight
Need to send 60 gifts for quest, add please 505376893977
Sent ; )
Is Yveltal good against Messmer the Impaler?
I don't know
Can you repeat the question
You're not the boss of me now and you're not so big
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now and you're not so big
Life is unfair
Do I know all of you fat bois on here or not? 783125479612

I’m assuming yes but you never know about lurkers, fake it from the other sad bois here, I gift and open every day
We're already friends but here's mine for anyone who doesn't have me.
I think I’ve tapped out the number of frens from here
>Submit stop
>Choose existing picture I took before
>Picture uploaded is lower quality than if I just took a new picture
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i can add you boys with a few new zXrocket accounts
however i can only OPEN gifts daily until
i manage to get a proper spoof situation setup
you were seen flattening boxes outside of the box flattening area.
How kind enjoy your Oklahoma pokemans
how would I go about installing both pgsharp and ipogo? I tried installing one through secure folder but that failed probably signature error or some bullshit
>music has the right to shitmon
kekked audibly
pgshart is android only
3rd party apps\servers will result in a hardban.
there was just a huge banwave a few weeks ago

it doesn't matter WHAT you do within the app itself
simply logging in is enough to warrant b&
i suggest a proper gps spoof w\ tether
or at the very least never spoof on your main
>i suggest a proper gps spoof w\ tether
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What’s your longest stint in a gym? I managed to lose a honchkrow to this place for over 3 months, it’s deep in the Arbuckle mountains of Oklahoma with the spottiest signal imaginable
I'm almost there bros...
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Postcard there >>56063982 is retarded and is spreading myths. You can tell he's talking out of his ass because he assumes you're not on android even though secure folder is a Samsung app lmfao
He got banned on his accounts which he played (multiboxed) on mumuplayer on his computer and he thinks everyone has the same experience

NOBODY knows what flags you for a ban
NOBODY has the right to claim that "it doesn't matter what you do within the app itself"
I'm on PGSharp and have yet to see a warning
There are reports of bans for EVERY way of spoofing, including the sacred cow of clueless shitters, rooted method

In his entire bullshit-filled post he's only right that you shouldn't spoof on your main

And now back to you matter, I don't know how to install PGS alongside ipogo, but you can have 2 instances of either in addition to 2 instances of clean pogo (samsung store apk). The doubles are made with secure folder.
You cannot install campfire alongside modified apks either
There probably is a way to modify apks to sideload to your heart's content, but I haven't done that
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>Nearly used my master ball on a Shiny Cyndaquil
>Slightly underneath perfect stats in all categories
I should have trusted my gut.
are you saying VPN tether is as unsafe as pgshart? retarded
Who said that, retard?
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Going to try and play for Cyndaquil CDC today. How bad is the disconnect between how you throw the ball and where the ball actually lands, still? Last night I tried throwing the same curveballs I've always thrown at an Yveltal and they'd just go completely offscreen instead
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It's still pretty bad. The muscle memory of throwing at ~40degree angle will whiff almost every time. Had more success with throwing at a ~70degree angle since contact pointed on everything is shifted back
If 4chan can block you from posting when using a VPN, niantic can just as easily ban you for using one as well.
Would impregnate
Prove it.
did they decrease the maximum speed until the game doesnt consider you walking anymore?

i feel like im hatching less eggs recently despite going the same routes as before
actual speed always fluctuates and gps has become worse over the years so there's that to consider.
oh damn
this guy fucks
>place with 3 stops
>pop an incense
>pop a lure on each stop
>pop palkias ability
And 5 min later and already have 11 shiny cyndaquills. Lofe is good
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>And 5 min later and already have 11 shiny cyndaquills. Lofe is good
>install game
>still ugly
>uninstall game
anyone want to add a new casual so i can get get some pokeballs to catch some cyndaquils?
nvm this lasts 15 more min lmao what is this shit
a day is only 3 hours according to niantic
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Too bad he sucks
should have kept him a cyndaquil for the johto remakes in 4 years
Yes, but you can extend it for $1 per 30 minutes :) Just need to do a simple raid with your community ;)
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post fc
majoras mask vibes
might get a eTM meme move
just stash it for later potentiality
>talking out of my ass
by explaining exactly what happened to me & telling the truth? ok anon
i have been v transparent\forthcoming here
banwaves aren't a myth or there wouldn't be thousands of leddit pages constantly popping up when they happen.
its a cat & mouse game.
again, don't spook on your main unless you're ok with the risks
feel free to do whatever you want but the least i could do is try to warn others it becomes a waste of time otherwise "playing" this game
I think it was about 60 days at an abandoned cemetery on the outskirts of a small town
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i sent spooks to remote caymen islands
i sent spooks to the depths of the deepest country
i sent spooks to stops that are no longer physically accessible in real life

niantic is run by retards
the gym shouldn't be a death sentence
you should auto-time out after a week
niantic doesn't understand (or care to) the source material whatsoever
Thunder Punch makes Typhlosion a servicable spice pick. That said, weather boost in all 3 hours sure is a bitch, huh?
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Not really, its not the greatest (mainly because its glassy and water types are everywhere) but ever since it got a charge move that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to use its an OK in the great league and pretty good , its the ultra league
>by explaining exactly what happened to me & telling the truth? ok anon
You were talking out of your ass and I've already explained why. Such as that you claimed what results in a hardban and whether your in-app actions matter, of which you have zero clue. Nobody does.
Yes, you were talking out of your ass, not just sharing your experience. Stop pretending like you know better as if your dad worked at niantroon HQ.
>banwaves aren't a myth
Nobody said otherwise. I've already outlined what bullshit you were spewing, but let me do it again: all your claims about how bans are applied or how accounts are flagged are guesses. But at least now you've learned that Secure Folder is an android app, haven't you?
You mean spoof.
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dont understand the hostility anon
"we got rocked hard
6 of the original 8 nuked from orbit
nothing out of the usual was done,
location mock was within 4 miles of physical irl location
using pgshart during that specific timeperiod is what i believe triggered the ban
actions in the past had nothing to do with it as the spooks that didn't login were untouched

i would imagine this is how the "banwaves" happen, niantic picks a date and anyone 3rd party app usage during that time period results in the ban.

the girls received NO warning
we got NO response from customer support (expected)"

how is this talking out of my ass again? sheesh
src: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56008273/#q56017657

using deductive reasoning\logic is how i came to my conclusions, via months of sharing info with people here over time.

again, the v& is random
the spoofs have done their jobs though, this july go-fest will be their final task
im trading for my final missing shining premier ball legendary this week

i'll miss u guys
In the OP guides it says spoofing isn't 100% safe, but what does that mean? I'll get banned if I teleport around like a tard, or does just walking around normally pose a risk? Do any of you guys use it? I've been considering it, but not at the risk of losing my account.
The second you spoof your account is at risk, any action you take while spoofing increases that risk, playing like an idiot while spoofing guarantees you'll get banned.

I've had two spoof accounts for years now, one is perfectly fine and has never been hit once, the other is on its 2nd strike. Both accounts play exactly the same, mostly just walking around NYC with auto discard and auto transfer with goplus activated.
I'm sorry, but did Pokemon Go already lose? Oh, that's right. The game isn't even over yet. In fact, not even all the dex is released. Does not having all the dex released after eight years count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still playable? I still play GBL right now and have had the best ELO in the GBL for how many years now? Yeah, I played one of the worst teams in Master League who just happen to hard counter my team. But you know what? You still fucking suck. I have one of the best fucking ELOs in GBL and went 3-2 in my first set and would have went 5-0 if the game didn’t fucking lag. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when I win regionals and someone bumps this topic. Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-/pgg/ posts because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the game. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking anti-/pgg/ threads on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
My coworker was putting me on pgsharp like a drug dealer showing kids crack. Should i go down that road or stay as a good little boy
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3 days left to find a shiny, hopefully I get one.
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>Anon already has 16 Larvesta
>I've only gotten 1 Larvesta and a shiny Turtonator after using a sixth of my premium one-use incubators
Honestly, I was more interested in hunting shiny Slugma, but I also hope I get a decent Larvesta from one of these eggs. Who's that guy above me talking to and why does he sound so angry and upset?
do both
use alts
>did pogo already lose
how do find a big tittie goth pogo gf??
the cyndaquill cd was Saturday? Why the fuck do they swap back and forth between Saturdays and Sundays for this shit?
Yeah I was preparing for Goomy day only for it to be "Sunday actually" instead of the usual Saturday and I had shit to do that Sunday.
I didn't even bother with today and I love Cyndaquil
You will never pass
I could trade you one of each directly on GO if you want, ended up with 30+ of each
>Why the fuck do they swap back and forth between Saturdays and Sundays for this shit?
It's to "accommodate" people that are usually busy on one of those days either for work or whatever regular event they do on that day.
I haven't been able to participate in a CD since they took away the first 3 hours. devs are cancer
pass what?
big RIP
You made claims how it all works, I called out that you can't know that. You cannot know what triggers flagging for bans. You cannot know that "it doesn't matter what you do within the app itself". You cannot know that "simply logging in is enough to warrant b&". At least now you've switched to "i believe" and "i would imagine" instead of presenting your guesses and conclusions as cemented rules and facts (I don't doubt your personal experience though).
Have a nice day.
speculative claims yes
this is 4chinz & only a fool would take things posted here as 100% undeniable facts
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& to clarify it is definitely not me making shitposts telling people to "just spoof" kek
I thought it was a pasta but I can't find anything. When in doubt,
>taptaptap lmfao
Exactly, this is 4chinz so you shouldn't be surprised when someone calls you out or points out you don't have a clue what's a secure folder
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>Been running Shadow Gatr/Virizion/Aurorus for months now
>Get sick of frequently getting shut out by Charizard switch (because tankers love runing Charizard apparently)
>Decide to put Virizion in the front this time
>Do very well for a set, then go several sets against mostly ghost-types leads into Razor Leaf or Counter switches (three Shadow Machamps in a row at one point)
>"Fuck it, I'm just gonna run a raid IV Giratina Altered Forme with my Poliwrath and near-maxed Shadow Steelix. I haven't seen any fairy-types besides Sylveon in months."
>First two leads are anti-Giratina with a legendary switch that should counter Poliwrath
>Rest of the set is against complete shitters that have SE STAB types, but without any good moves
Ultra League is driving me crazy. This whole season has been nothing but pain, and I have no idea what to use against tankers in any of the leagues. It seems like every set I get trashed by 1-2 lvl. 50 legendaries and it doesn't matter if I'm in tanker elo or pushing ace rank. I miss when I could run whatever the fuck I wanted as long as it was in the top 30 for the league/cup and I'd usually get consistent 5-0s even against negative leads. This entire season I've felt blessed if I don't get completely shut out by the coinflip lead-swap.
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That sucks, even worse is that they don’t really advertise the community days well in the

>want to have community days on the weekend
>want to accommodate people who might be busy on either Saturday or Sunday
>you could have community days on both days, would be especially nice since you previously halved the length of community days
>or you can flip flop between the days, meaning the Saturday workers AND Sunday workers are both guaranteed to get screened over half the time and making it harder to everyone else to keep track of the days
It’s insane how much Niantic hates Pokemon players. They don’t treat Peridot players like this
its not hard to keep track of the days when they announce three months worth at a time
Because constantly fucking over players fosters a sense of community.
hey guys I can trade a shiny for another shiny I dont have?
lets say I want a shiny charmander, I've had a shitton of charmanders but never a shiny, can I get one from another player?
I'm going to assume it's going to ask for a shitton of dust right?
80k stardust if you're best frens
that's just the first time or any time O want to trade shinies?
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thanks anon, this answer anything I was wondering
only niantic could ruin something as fun as trading pokemon
only niantic could ruin something as fun as battling pokemon
only niantic could ruin something as fun as catching pokemon
only niantic could ruin something as fun as training/leveling up pokemon
only niantic could ruin something as fun/popular as pokemon
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I can trade you, anon. Via Home (easy mode) or in pogo (not that easy but doable with spoofing magic, though limited to 2 trades/day). Alternatively you can wait for December, but then my PMD alter ego gets mixed in with other community day spawns.
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>something as fun as catching pokemon
lol, lmao even
It's never been fun except in Legends Arceus, in pogo you can at least skip the animations. Wish the franchise would already completely and permanently abandon the 3-shake time waster.
Unless you mean catching raid bosses, then yeah it sucks donkey balls
Can't mistreat players who don't exist.
You can thank me by having sex with me.
I'm a girl btw.
trannies aren't women
In base games stats and movesets matter most, with a wide range of mons fit for any role of your liking, plenty of which you can obtain with relative ease after clearing the league
>in pogo if you aren't lucky enough to have the specific meta picks at high IV's and with enough candy to power them up you get folded in half 90% of the time, and even with a meta roster it's a fucking coinflip on the lead swap
In base games you can fly to whatever route you want to go catch mon there
>Pogo hard locks you to current location, has no means to allow players to visit other places and will ban you years down the line for daring to spoof even minimally
In base games trading is as simple as knowing another player or owning another copy, regardless of distance and with no costs nor rng
>in pogo you need to be next to each other, need tons of dust to trade anything that isn't basic and have a daily trade limit, all on top of the trade rng that can make a 3* into a shitter
Base games you can speed up egg hatching in several ways
>in pogo: "no you can't go that fast!", "no, you don't get to reduce egg timer except in events!" "no you can't hatch freely you need incubators!"
In base game you get to bring 99 of each ball to a legendary encounter
>in pogo you get 1x premier balls and some berries, after having to beat a raid that requires multiple people and that is limited by passes

It's amazing really how they absolutely fucked up every single aspect of a basic ass game. The ONLY thing they managed to get right is the whole "finding pokemon while walking around" bit but even that is fucked because of the dogshit diversity.
>in pogo if you aren't lucky enough to have the specific meta picks at high IV's and with enough candy to power them up you get folded in half 90% of the time, and even with a meta roster it's a fucking coinflip on the lead swap

tell me you have no idea how GBL works without actually telling me you have no idea how GBL works.
do NOT give up switch!!
do you guys seriously battle like this?!
switch advantage is critical in a 3v3
in GL you are only gonna have time to do it once (most likely)
if you have a bad lead bait/bluff/nuke
dip dodge duck dive and dodge!!!!
if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a shitmon
I'll just power up my hundo to park at gyms
I did this CD 6 years ago. Waste of time.
>They don't treat Peridot players like this
The flipside is that Peridot events are all the same shit over and over again. They added traits that literally look like they were generated by an algorithm and they've been relying on them for the past several months for events. There has literally been nothing else since April and the players are losing their fucking minds.
this game isn't for people that have been playing for more than three years at any given time
>still no Larvesta after 30 hatches
I just want one....
About how many likes do stops in an area need so niantic will allow another stop in game?
I don’t think other stop likes affect stops chances of being accepted or not, I think the only thing they do is guarantee which stop will become a gym when enough stops are added to the area.
Ah makes sense, thank you
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>reach 296 yveltal XL yesterday
>doesn't matter since I don't have an acceptable yveltal
>do one raid today just to not overburn raid pass
>it's 4*
okay well that's that taken care of
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I have an elite tm and I'm torn on who to use it on. I don't have anything that needs a legacy move, and I want to get these two ready. Skarmory only needs a charge tm because sky attack is the only other move left, but ape has like 3 other moves. Basically I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and use it on skarmory if he'll be way more useful than ape, or if I should use it on ape and just wait for my next charged tm for skarmory. What would you do?
>They don’t treat Peridot players like this
I feel like a better comparison would be Pikmin Bloom. There’s not a ton of content outside walking, and most of the events are just FOMO for special decor Pikmin and seasonal flower nectar, but they let you join whatever mushroom challenges (basically raids) you get invited to without needing any premium passes (you can also join 3 per day, 5 during special events), community days last the entire weekend and even reward you for participating with unique badges, and whenever Niantic Tokyo screws up something (e.g., accidentally ends all event bonuses worldwide when the event ended in Japan), they’re willing to still make it up to players by giving them items that they would’ve lost out on and apologizing on their social media.

Regarding GBL, you’re basically comparing it to competitive Pokémon which, as long as you’re not actually trying to be the best, you’ll usually be able to succeed “with a wide range of mons fit for any role of your liking,” though of course the difficulty is knowing the meta and how to build good teams. In terms of obtaining them, Niantic has been making Lickitung, Lanturn and Mankey extremely easy to get these past few seasons, but yeah legendaries are always gonna be hard to get by design.
>still no pokegf after playing for almost 8 years
I just want one..
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Seems like they've made it very easy to get them. I just started playing again a month ago and have just.gotten into pvp for the first time these last few weeks. This is my roster so far, a few are things I already had from playing in the past but most of them, especially the higher meta picks, are just from the last few weeks. And with the exception of a few non meta ones, they're all above 90% pvp iv with a few 100%ers like carbink. Not sure if it's like that for everyone or if hanke is just luring me in more since I started pvp.
single move Skarm with Brave Bird, and only ever throw brave bird.

Seriously, sky attack is almost never used outside of a few fights. 99% of the time you're better off using Brave Bird and dipping or just dying.
>take over gym
>put a shitmon in
>someone kicks me out minutes later
>take it back from them and put in Blissey
>golden razz til raid starts
>person trying to kick me out joins in the raid
>doesn’t accept my friend request
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hey bros I have ZERO idea of which of my pokemon are good/decent for pvp, I've seen some screenshots posted here with something called PokeGenie that may help me with that but... What is it exactly? can you guys teach me what it is and how operate it properly?
thanks in advance guys
Quick, I need 1 ONE UNO friend
Awesome, good to know. Thank you. My only experience so far is with summer cup so I haven't really used him yet. In that case I have another 97% skarmory with steel wing and brave bird, I'll power him up and try running them both just to be annoying.
you will eventually want to double move skarm, but sky attack is your bait move....except it sucks and most of the time when it lands you really wish you would have thrown brave bird instead, even if it got blocked.

Sky Attack just does no damage if it's not Super Effective.
Added you, but what for?
How long does the speed limit thing last for? Only as long as you are moving too fast?
Sad day
I changed my phone to an iphone and did not know that Pokemon Go is unable to be played on that thus I am free yet at the same time I am sad I lost all my pokemon over 7 years including a lot of shinies
>iphone and did not know that Pokemon Go is unable to be played on that
? i play pokemon go on an iphone, and all you have to do is just relog into your account so the difference in brands doesnt even matter
But how do I get it? It's not on the apple store and I don't think I can access the google store on an iphone
idk dude its like top 10 in a bunch of different categories like ar/roleplaying/free2play. the only thing i can think of that would make it so you cant see it is you set up your phone in some kind of parental mode that restricts what you can see.
Sweet, just hit rank 19 and got another elite charge tm. Really wish I had a registeel that was worth a fuck. I usually end up using them as just regular charge tms.
Regi isn't really worth an etm atm anyways. It's good but not really that good given the current main meta.

Granted it's strong and probably beats the fuck out of what you're seeing down there.
Right on, not really sure what else to use it on? Is goodra any good with only one charge attack? I feel like power whip will be good against all the water/ground fuckers l.
powerwhip hits harder, tpunch is a bit faster. Generally though you just Dbreath and Atail with goodra. There aren't many matchups where Tpunch is really needed, it is nice vs Feraligatr/Skarm, but you can't switch in (or even lead) get to Tpunch to win the 0s against Gatr packing Ice Beam, and in the 1s Atail is enough damage to KO gatr (you need to 2s if they land a bait on you though, even if they don't have Ice Beam you risk the chance they 2s and flip switch with energy)
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Oh don't worry I didn't miss this ComDay, (got a couple of shinies and was able to evolve some good PVP Typhlosion, was just pointing out how dumb Niantic is being about them

>The flipside is that Peridot events are all the same shit over and over again.
Thing is, Peridot's doesn;t really have much of a gameply outside of rescuing dots, breeding dots, and playing with them, so there's not much that a community day could even do.
>they added traits that literally look like they were generated by an algorithm
kek, that's because they actually are. It's literally a selling point that they created an AI that an make every Dot unique
Though one issue about Perdiot is that things are crazy expensive.

Fair point, I;d forgotten Pikmin Bloom was a thing
Lol for a sec I thought that was my picture from earlier >>56067512
But hell yeah man. I've been using him a bit and he hits really hard with incinerate but he also dies quick. Debating on also giving him thunder punch or solar beam for coverage
Thunder Punch no question, it'll often die before reaching Solar Beam unless you double shield it
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Are these deceptively good looking chances or am I finally going to hatch one of these
you'll get turtonator and you'll like it anon
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is Sharpedo grayed out in anyone else’s dex despite catching one already? there’s one in the wild near me grayed out so I checked my dex and that’s grayed out too
That's been happening to me a lot since I started playing again.
happened to me for a wild venomoth, i specifically went out of my way to catch it thinking it was special but after spending like 10 minutes comparing it to one i had there was no diff. just a bug i guess
Dammit I just want one good for pvp
I found it, got it an have my stuff back, thanks anon
thats good
i play on iphone basically exclusively now
the app still runs like ass but i have blue txts for the ladies now
any girl who gets upset at you for having an android is a girl not worth investing time on, and I'm not going to spend all that fucking money just to try and fuck some random sluts.
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>not worth it
objectively you could say that about almost anything
its not that the bubble color is a dealbreaker
its that you aren't making an effort to communicate
that you dont care to or worse you have some type of mental anti-apple block in your mind
that is what they hate about androidfags not the green txts
its a sign of autism, caring about what type of phone OTHER people use kek
I just hit rank 20 and it said my elo was 2500 something. How do I check it again? Or can you only check it now when you rank up again?
lmao, you're just as much of a tool as the girls who give a shit about message bubbles are anon.

Anyone who gives a shit about the phone you use, or tries to make you switch just to appease their stupid retarded bubble color issue is a garbage human being.
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anon i think you are missing the point im trying to make
its not a big deal ultimately
however imessage has features that are missing on android
if you are dating\texting someone everyday for a year and your phone upgrade comes along
then you actively choose to not have the same messaging platform as your partner its kinda fucked up

i dont personally care either way
i used to just use whichever platform had better specs\camera features up until around the iphone X

i am not emotionally invested in what phone i carry kek
those that ARE have some type of underlying mental problems

there are insufferable androidfags, and there are cringe iphone fanboys both are equally abhorrent in my opinion.

so again, its not about "muh blue bubz" its about communication & carving a life out together

>pic not fuckin related whatsoever its my windows 8 phone hahahahah
>so again, its not about "muh blue bubz" its about communication & carving a life out together
Tell me you're single without actually telling me you're single

No woman, NONE, worth spending your life with will give one fuck about your phone of choice.

>for a year and your phone upgrade comes along
Why the fuck am I wasting my money and upgrading my phone every year? My current phone is perfectly fine and will be fine for at least another 2 years minimum, and it's already a year old.

>i dont personally care either way
nah anon, you care.
IPhone = subinsect
androidbabby = autismo
IPhone = retard cattle
>windows phone
people actually bought these??????
I'd rather be an autist than a cooperate dicksucker
Never mind just figured it out. Did another set, I'm at 1537, not 25.
Every apple store should be raided by united states special forces where they show up to each apple store 1 by 1 flashbanging them and wiping the entire place out then blowing the place up with an AC-130
yeah that sounds waaaay better anon. It's not impossible to hit 2500 out the gate, but given the way you've talked about your opponents that would have been a very crazy happenstance.
>Peridot doesn't really have much of a gameplay
>there's not much that a community day could even do
This is correct, but what I meant was every single event just has the same selling point over and over. As in there's nothing new. It's all just the stupid Chaos Traits and it has been for 3 months now, and the playerbase is mostly starting to get fed up. Every single event has just been Chaos Traits. Niantic has also been trying and failing to add new content to the game that's unrelated to the core loop (albeit slowly) when they could be designating their events to fixing and adding benefits to all of the useless nonsense they want us to use for some reason. We haven't had an archetype challenge since February when we used to have them every month or two because it helped the playerbase feel engaged with the game because I guess the Chaos Traits are easier to pump and dump.

....And now I wonder how Ingress and MHN are doing.
I have no clue what it goes up to but I felt like that was pretty high too. I tried tanking for a few days to see if it made a difference and I regret it. Now I have to climb back up and then some. I have some really good meta and non meta picks, I'm just finding a good balance for my team.
usually a minute or less if you stop
I want her milk.
Typically the end of season see a max elo around 3600. Legend is 3k and anything above that is just bragging rights, usually you need at least 3300 to make top 500 for the season though.

2k is Ace rank, 2500 is veteran, 2750 is elite. The only two ranks that really matter are Ace and Legend though, Ace gets you another etm and legend gets you the pose. Veteran and Elite only get you parts of the outfit for the season. Some of those you can get during GBL weekends though.
I just came back to pogo after almost a decade. is this game still popular? has anyone found any dead bodies on their explorations? are most of you actually walking, or are you spoofing?
Spoofing is dead except for the really severely autistic and insane
No this game is not popular anymore, Hanke's shitty ass decisions utterly killed it for most people
Dead bodies? Nope, found a bunch of used condoms and dildos once,tho
So it's not just me ..
iPhonechads, rise up
I wonder if we are already friends?
First egg really good hatch candy too

I had to double take when it actually said 64.
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>its a sign of autism, caring about what type of phone OTHER people use kek
So you go for autistic girls now or...?
Holy fuck, postfuck, do you read your own words? It's the second time in this thread you're an absolute embarrassment.
>so again, its not about "muh blue bubz"
Holy mother of all cope, you JUST SAID IT HERE >>56072400
>the app still runs like ass but i have blue txts for the ladies now
And then you try to make it about "missing features" (which you never mentioned) to not appear as a retard, and about "insufferable androidfags" which aren't even present in this thread
>then you actively choose to not have the same messaging platform as your partner its kinda fucked up
Brother in Christ, all your points are fucked up and not just kinda fucked up. Carving a life together? By switching to the ultimate consoomer cattle status symbol? You're carving a life together by getting a fucking iphone?
What happened to you, postcard?
Holy shit, stop. He made a point about garbage human beings (which he is correct about), not android phones.
What the fuck happened to you, postfuck? Are you drunk or did something horrible happen to your life?
I did once, I actually liked it a lot. It was a time when android was still a hot buggy mess and WP8 was qucik smooth as butter. The downside was the amount of store apps, but I didn't care for them. I think those Nokia devices were also the last ones to be manufactured in Finland
Then MS shitted out W10 and they went to shit and the OS quickly died
Kek, I can't believe there exist Peridot players. My Samsung A53 5G still cannot even install it
Not that popular, no dead bodies, spoofing since the remote nerf last year
2 more shiny legends I'm missing, then I'm free
We can’t rise up, we already on top
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I've checked. Nope.
Why? Need something?
why does everyone always think the shitposters are postcard?
As a matter of fact I do.
I am trying to complete my Shiny Kanto dex.
Staru, Goldeene, and Snorlax.
I open gifts everyday if I can
I say that but lately the new updates to go have made it very unstable login is a roll of the dice, and I can not raid... at all it will hard crash every time.
Similar posting style, a lot of unnecessary line breaks, lusting over girls etc
Mistakes happen though
Is that app I see everyone using that tells you how good the IVs are and what for an overlay? Also does it have any chance to get you flagged for ban?
Either poke genie or calcy iv. I prefer genie. Both overlays, no risk of flags. Cacly iv will show real time ivs before you catch, genie doesnt.
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oh heyyyyyyyy bb

mobile posters hitting the enter key
i really should make a secure tripcode
but i figured its kinda pointless as im not making many trades these days
for future reference shit like >>56072655
is not me, nor my posting style; (if such a thing even exists on these mongolian image weaving boards)
as a general rule of thumb;
posts attacking other users or slinging insults
you can usually be pretty sure that its not me kek

i dont think pokegenie can be detected by niantic
& on ios you have to manually screengrab and upload within the app itself

>all phones are trash and are going to the same place
the landfill & bottom of the ocean eventually
conspicuous consumerism is a blight on the earth
middle answer is probably the closest to objective reality
you shouldn't brush people off bc of their worldview (it can change)
no one is disposable
if you are ugly\disgusting it wont matter WHAT phone you use
6 10km eggs in and I've only gotten Turtonator so far. Two of them were shiny, but I definitely wish one of them was a decent Charcadet or Larvesta. Thankfully I got 2 more incubators from the showcase, so I should have more than enough incubators to keep fighting.
>takes the middle road so everyone is right
postTARD is pussified
when the FUCK is the next rocket event? waiting is getting fruatrating.
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I’m still fighting for one shiny Larvesta. I got a few but nothing shiny hatched at all.
pls understand
>real time ivs
why can't pokegenie implement this? calcy takes quite a toll on my phones battery
Wait can Larvesta now be shiny?
Yes since Friday with the scorching steps event. Slightly boosted hatch rates for fire types and a tiny chance for shiny Larvesta until Tuesday from egg hatching only. 10ks are the best odds but I’m over 160 eggs in and no luck yet.
I wish it did, I much prefer genies interface.
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Post your current team and your favorite thing about it. My current team, my favorite thing is that I know it pisses a lot of people off.
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shadow D / vig / shining talonflame
i just need dust and candy and for the fights to end quickly
around 60% wins rn

have also used the "toxic" team of
bastiodon / shadow victree / wiggy
even faster matches
>been playing for 3 years
>still know jackshit about PvP/leagues, which IVs are good for X or Y reason or simply which mons I should look for said modes
I just catch shit, never train anything with less than 40 IVs spreads and mass release non shinies
I played like that since 2017 until the last couple weeks when I discovered that pvp is where the actual game is. Easiest way to rake in dust and useful items too.
please teach me your secrets anon
tap tap tap tap lmao
what about
swipe swipe swipe swipe?
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>lost interest after first pgsharp banwave that made the app vulnerable to bans back in 2022
>come back if pgsharp is stable and okay now so i can play again
>read previous generals with hundreds of neets getting their accounts banned

dead fucking game sirs
what kind of autistic retard spends a dollar buying a rooted phone just to spoof
Download poke genie to check pvp ivs, go to pvpoke to see what's relevant in the meta, and start fighting.
Also, ask questions here but take answers with a grain of salt, that's what I've been doing. Adapt your teams and moves to your wins and losses.
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