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Psychic should be immune to Ghost again
psychic and ghost should be super effective vs each other.
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Ghosts get into your fucking head and you don't understand how they do it. Psychic being weak and NVE to Ghost makes perfect sense.
Ghosts should be immune to everything but psychic types.
you should die
Except if you're smart enough to not believe in them. Checkmate atheists, also, checked.
/x/ here
psychic should absolutely be weak to ghost. if you open your mind and start astral projecting or stuff without protecting yourself first demons and other negative entities will mess you up
>schizo saying SCHIZO BABBLE
It never was you retarded frog.
In RBY Ghost was intended to be immune to Psychic, and it was even stated as such ingame, however, a bug caused the opposite. Psychic was made weak to Ghost in the following game but strangely Ghost does not resist it. I think Ghost should resist Psychic, and Psychic should resist Fairy, both would be useful resistances that would improve their standing in the metagame.
Ghost absolutely does not need a buff, it's already one of the most retarded types in the game.
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why is ice and rock weak against steel?
>a bug caused the opposite
which one? Caterpie?
nah, I like psychic/fairy types having another weakness besides poison and steel
Thanks for the meal skinny, Looks like your house is on fire...
Why? it would just be cancerous
Why isn’t Grass weak to Steel because of shears?
why isn't grass weak to the move Cut?
Softer materials. Try hitting steel with a rock, the rock will always break first. Same thing with rocks and ice, though rocks can be made up of a variety of substances, most wont break before ice after hitting it.
t. actually received education before the third world expanded to the rest of the world

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