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Kill yourself zoophile
your dad should kill himself for fucking that slampig beast that you call mom
>t. seething Zoophile
Animals cannot consent and Pokemon are animals
Cope faggot, you know it's the truth
>obsessed with sex
/vp/ coomers are no different from Chris-Chan
what's a furrry?
My wives.
Replying to yourself to boost your ego won't make zoophilia legal zoophile
zoophilia is based though
They're monsters, not animals.
Murder is supposed to be illegal, anon.
Congratulations anon, the feds are watching this thread right now and just for that post you got added to the "to watch out for" sex offender list
How would you know what this is unless you've already looked at it?
I'm probably already on the list, normalnigger
Are you 12? Every single adult knows what zoophilia is. Didn't they teached you about laws in school?
No one learns about zoophilia in school.
They simply find it.
What school did you go to where you got to watch Dagasi in class?
>teach you about laws in school
Honestly, no. Never had a class all about "don't do x" other than those special anti-drug days but they don't explain what drugs are so it does nothing to teach me.
I'm only obsessed with sex because it is one of the markers that I am already living together with someone happily. It's why I don't do prostitutes to be rid of my virginity.

I don't know about other countries, but I sure as shit didn't get taught laws in mine. Jurisprudence is not standard curriculum, which is a little bizarre given jury exist does exist here.
>jury exist
Meant jury duty, fuck.

Yeah, it was always weird to me that the war on drugs didn't emphasize what the drugs did to your body. Like seriously, it'd be really easy to talk kids outta meth if you talked about how the brain deteriorates rapidly under usage of it.
Hearing about how it causes you to become paranoid and to lose your memories, while also causing you to become violent even to your own loved ones and friends would've prevented a LOT of cases.
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if they dont want me to fuck it why they put it in a frilly dress then
I did have the one instance of a cop telling the class never get drunk, you'll pass out, swallow your tongue, and die
I'm now picturing some Canadian kids wanting to watch Degrassi and accidentally google searching Dagasi
Try telling that to wannabe extremists on Twitter and Facebook who call for the death of various politicians and people just to be visited by law enforcement.
Didn't the DARE program backfire and effectively encouraged drug use?
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Yeah, that's more or less what happened. A large part of that is because teenagers are rebels without cause, so if an authority figure they don't respect tells them not to do so... well... y'know.
Pretty funny, in a morbid way.
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A furry but even more furry.
So degeneracy at incomprehensible levels where things are only created for the sole purpose to be sexualized (because everything else imaginable before then was already gooned to).
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based on >>56057346
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I use 4chan X so stay mad.
To be fair, that's fanart.
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Oh don't worry, I'd still fuck it
You better not find actual animals sexually attractive, iPad kid.
Feds are gonna be gutted by Trump come next year.
End the Fed!
Alea iacta est
actual animals cant consent, pokemon can, and eeveelutions have ass, animals dont
so what if I do?
concerning how you can't tell Pokemon and animals apart
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it's an outfit from Unite
uh ok

hook line and sinker
Equines have butts tho
Most obvious samefagging I've ever seen
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Pokemon are monsters with near human level intelligence, not animals.

Cute outfit, but I don't play chinese skinnerbox garbage.
Amazing how I'm not attracted to glaceon until the second it gets a maid outfit
You're cultured, you can't help it.
holy cope
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So this is sexual?
Only 90 poké...
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I question your sexuality if you don't like Dagasi's straight stuff
>see a cute picture of some eevees
>mind immediately jumps to porn
the problem is (You)
You can tell it's a porn artist, even if you aren't familiar with Dagasi's work. The blush and hips give it an extremely horny vibe
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>managed to turn an entire imageboard community into his own personal army of bootlickers
How does he do it /vp/?
he did it by having people not know what bootlicking means
This dude >>56058653 unironically called anon gay for not liking the artist.
>only draws extremely mainstream pokemon and Nintendo characters.
>never risks drawing anything new or different
>not boot licking cumbrains for a living
bootlicking would be trying to gain favor with dagasi through those actions
I have no reason to believe a coomer on an American website is in cahoots with a Japanese cub artist
the phrase you're looking for is short-sighted or autistic
Pussy Pink Sisters.
ur'e a pedo
You're based
Who asked, though?
Thanks, I was going to ask :>
>stopped replying to himself after he got called out
>hours later and nobody replied to him as well
kek it was so obvious
go talk with yourself to deny this now
pls post more of this thick critter
Cute dog things. I recognize the artist, he does a lot of eeveelution porn, among others. Pretty good furry artist, but probably popular enough to get the >Shad treatment

There it is lol
this is AI, isn't it
you can tell from the filename.

Please give more I love a chubby feral
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holy shit
nice. wish this thread was about Gundam and not recycled tranny dog butthole fetish
lmao you made him seethe at this post and think you are samefagging
omg bros.... dagasi drew the same scenario he always draws..... this is so fuckin sick..... muh dick.......
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this but unironically

I like when he draws them playing :3
It's like all of his art are commissions by 2 people only
He doesn’t always do mind control/hypnosis.

He has done various SoL scenarios with various pokemon
hypnotism is a massive turn-off for me
trans coded thread
Maid outfit mixed with a hime cut. Weebs cannot resist.
trans coded post
>Animals cannot consent
wat about alakazam smartguy
or calyrex
Pokemon are monsters.
I'm not even a weeb, it's just the second I see a maid dress I want nothing more than to tear it off
>I get hard to the artist's pics so i project by saying its porn
As if you arent doing the same, puritard
>blushing is porn

Uh huh.
Only human boy CUM can pregonate females pokemon
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What even is this image implying, is that the synchro machine and hes going to sync with glaceon to fuck sylveon?
I have seen this image multiple times and have never figured it out.
He jerked off to the thought of the plushy arriving soon? No wonder he developed an attraction to it
Now this is based anon.
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Shut up you nigger!
Because my true lord and personal saviour from this nightmare called "living without Pokémon being real" has been DMCA'd by Ninty for the unforgivable crime of not being Japanese.
At least he had sex, unlike me though.
He flew too close to the sun and now he'll never publishing draw pokemon again. He even canceled that yinglet comic since it featured eeveelutions heavily.
Publically draw*
What happened?
Given the glaceon sexos meme, he's going to sync with sylveon to fuck glaceon
He started a patreon and Nintendo C&D'd him. He had done a bunch of world building for an island of sentient pokemon and pivoted to making them original species instead to avoid getting taken down.
But why did he get sued? Its not like he was teling people to pay for the comic itself, right?
He didn't get sued, he just received an apparently legitimate C&D. Nintendo doesn't really need a real reason to do that, but it would be too costly to contest it for just about any independent artist
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Pretty sure DAGASI is female.
Wouldn't be surprising considering how much degenerate female mangaka artist out there.... there's also Nezumin too.
Have you clicked on his profile?
Considering they're geo-blocking content on there, not reliable....unless this is a recent thing or maybe the author got tired of coomers trying to flirt.

That still doesn't explain where all the talk of DAGASI being female came from.
>has been DMCA'd by Ninty
Sauce? and is this like super recent?
>started a patreon and Nintendo C&D'd
I'm still seeing Pokemon stuff on their Fanbox and Inkbunny.

Even if it's true, It's paid shit, so what were you're expecting?
Then again, there were some cases of porn artists making up bullshit for pity points or troll DMCAs. (or cases like Zero-sen where people make rumors due to lack of content)
>That still doesn't explain where all the talk of DAGASI being female came from.
People do this with every coomer artist.
Everyone wants to imagine that the artist whose work they've been gooning to is female because it would make it feel less weird.
You can write whatever you want in your pixiv profile. He literally had to type male in there
I don't know what else you want. A timestamped pic of his genitals?
The DMCA stuff wasn't about Dagasi, it was about Tom Smith/Insomniacovrlrd which is what >>56063330 was referring to
Ooooh I see then.
I want you to apologize to my waifu for calling her an animal.
To be fair, certain artists, like Zumi, ARE female.
It's just not common.
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oh no no Sylveon sisters...
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>He even canceled that yinglet comic since it featured eeveelutions heavily.
I'm fairly sure that's mostly due to the girl who commed it from him just refusing to make it public mid-way thru it's completion (in adittion to deleting all porn of her bird-rat OC from Esix), as I saw that comic be teased by somebody on Reditt once before it even got coloured - around the time that C&D letter freshly arrived at his doorstep (back when r/FeralPokemonPorn wasn't turned into a hidden sub-board).
Also KemonoParty still has the drafts of those '"abandonned"' pages undeleted, if you wanna try to feed it into an AI upscaler and coax the LORA golems to finnish-up what humans aren't allowed doing.
Any idea why this new stuff from him doesn't activate my almomds even half as quick as his older (from times before Patreon turned everyone into a gigajew) Porkyman content did?
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Dude was a dumbass for paywalling content using an IP he doesn't own. Watermarking his content with links to his patreon is probably what did him in.
It's baffling he thought he could get away with it which makes me think it was intentional.
They're literally pushing people to add proof of consent on that platform now.
>the pokemon that shoddily pretends to be something it isn't
I can't speak for why it didn't work for you but the high amount of vore combined with the over 50 page swinger content has really been doing me in. I just want to see reptiles but they never ever win the votes
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>TFW the Quilava × Krookodile segment of Haven pt.2 is probably the only set of images to this date that gets how crocodillian dongs function correctly
T_T / ∞
BTW no I'll never let UB count as voreshit.

Blame the conservacuck-jew MasterCard & Visa alliance for that one, credit card companies are not your friend just like every single megacorp.
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>hates science
You wish, not-Lumie
>credit-card companies
I take it you don't live in the US
UB is fine, I like it even, but a lot of it is oral and a small amount is anal which makes me feel sick
Its still accurate tranny rep
Dagasi always makes my dick twitch without fail
he only draws the same 4 pokemon and in the same 2 situations (rape, mind control)
faggot is boring and just desperate for easy cash
(with his mom)
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amogus sisters...
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Syuro is better
>artists always draw what people wants
no way. Why doesn't he draw chinponi from chinchini transforming into underwear?
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Only troons and closeted troons believe those Pokémon are associated with them. No one in their right mind would give shit about what deluded dick/tit choppers think.
no? artists experiment, explore ideas, attract different kinds of audiences
not repeat the same 2 jokes they have.

A lot of Japanese artists on pixiv draw a different pokemon everyday. often in groups
you have a misconception of what an artist is and what a researcher is
based syuro enjoyer
art -> artist
selling porn - > broke faggot
>yeah you may draw porn that lot of people like but...IT'S NOT REAL ART AHA! GOTTEN!
you may read a dictionary
No wonder I like him
He draws young pokemons being raped and abused it's so hot
God syuro is the artist that turned me into a total faggot
>furfag is a pedo
always the case
Dude is pretty much exclusively dedicated to pokecock.
Dagasi has a much better straight/gay ratio.
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but isn't it cute when pokemon looks almost retarded?
Gaypornaficionado is more based anyways
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pedos having shit taste, whodathunk
is that Lucario shitting dildos or cured sausages?
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He said "alliance", you fucking retard.
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based, but even I can see you projecting, pedo

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