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Hi trannyjanny!
Hide your women, lock up your children!
Was a cat pokemon in a previous life, evidently
why is the shiny one the special one? ugh so tiresome
Lycanroc fell off + you're a dog
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I wish only Midnight Lycanrok existed
Literal dog and literal dog (orange) are boring and drag down the whole Pokémon.
why did you post your selfie?
I like having the options, different form for different playthrough.
why did you waste an image slot by not posting LYCANROC?
"Whoops"? "WHOOPS"!?
I have a lycanroc GX card it is pretty old
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Calm down Dusky
I honestly never appreciated lycanroc until now I just realized how cool of a pokemon lycanroc is
Yeah, Whoops, or oops as I like to say it
>natural predator of deerling
>even with a type disadvantage
wtf based??
Settle down
Settle down!? How about I PUT you down!
Everybody knows that Olivia is a coconut hag desperate to get laid, not-Iori!
You really should settle down
I only went off topic once
*murders all the lycanrocs here*
Can I kill you with my dick, pretty please?
stop bumping your own thread.
I need cock
Dogs petting dogs is cute! CUTE!
I wish it wasn't gay to feed you mine.
Depends. Are you handsome?
show ur butt
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It's not
Thankful for the intimate display, funny is that I am about to go to sleep, I'll sleep with my face on your ass
sΙeep tight pupper
Don't call me that.
Sleep. Now.
In a bit, I'm watching youtube
You woke me up
show me your biscuit please
I got balls of steel
Balls of stone is what you meant to say
I'm roc hard
Me 2
Wake up, rocsuckers
I'm gonna nap
You gonna fap
I did
What did it cost?
A dirty carpet
A little less conversation, a little more action, please
I'm sleepy
Do you want to play fetch
Can you ask me that instead
Lichen Rock :D
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All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me
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A little more bite and a little less bark
I've never barked before, this metaphor is useless
no, this thread deserves to die
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A little less fight and a little more spark
I'm not posing for you
Close your mouth and open up your heart and maybe satisfy me
Show your butt instead
Cute pups!
You've got my demeanor
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I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye
Hand over your balls
They're mine
You can touch them

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