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>massive movepools with tons of powerful moves early, maybe even getting coverage that they need
>items are given out to you like candy
>X-Items now give you +2 instead of +1 (starting with Gen 7)
>Affection gives you a pseudo Focus Band, pseudo Brightpowder,
pseudo Super Luck, pseudo Shed Skin, and pseudo Lucky Egg all in one package with zero downsides. You can have this applied to your entire team
>You barely have to use up moveslots for HM, or even at all starting with Gen 7
>progression is much more streamlined starting with Gen 5 so kids don't get lost in Mt. Coronet or whatever
>O-Powers, Pass Powers, Rotom Powers, whatever you want to call them, give you insane boosts and benefits to exp, money earn, capture rate, and so on and so forth
>EV training is easily accessable starting with Gen 6, so that means you can hyperfocus into your stats instead of gaining "random" ones

>despite all this, some people believe the earlier games are easier because... the AI is kinda dumb.
How does this make sense? How are the "latest games" harder than the "earlier game" when in the latest games I basically walk around in God Mode in these modern titles?
A Dragonite was livestreamed spamming Agility against a red hp Venomoth for an audience of millions.
Everyone on the earth now knows Gen 1 AI mindlessly picks the SE moves even if it's a support move and they will run this meme into the ground to make Gen 1 look "worse" than the modern Switch games
the hard part is enduring the cut scenes
That is a pretty big ask. I don't think I could stomach a third visit to Alola.
The only thing that definitively makes the old games harder are crits doing 2x rather than the 1.5x they do now.
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>How are the "latest games" harder than the "earlier game"
Because you keep conveniently ignoring that the opponents you’re fighting are 10x better than the older games, sagefag.
>Because you keep conveniently ignoring that the opponents you’re fighting are 10x better than the older games, sagefag.
This doesn't matter when my Pokemon dodge their moves and then crit them every other turn, while I'm also at +2 in all my stats.
>he says, while also conveniently forgetting to mention that Mina gives you a Z-Fairy crystal DIRECTLY before the fight, letting you OHKO the Kommo-o before it even attacks, let alone summons a partner.
yes and I can use that same time to grind levels in older games, which guarantee me a win instead of only giving a chance at triggering like affection does
This isn’t an argument no matter how many times you spam it, sagefag.
Cool! How do I use the Fairy Z-Crystal with my Incineroar? Or my other 5 Pokemon which have no Fairy moves?
>yes and I can use that same time to grind levels in older games,
and you somehow can't do this also for the newer games?
No, because I’m using that time to grind affection, like you suggested. Pay attention, sagefag.
Sounds like a skill issue on your end.
Imagine going into a DRAGON fight, and not bringing anything that lets you defeat dragons.
Comes down to this, really. There’s a reason why most people (correctly) think BDSP Cynthia is harder than DPPt Cynthia despite all the player buffs.
>You can only do one thing or the other
Not my fault you have brain problems.
And in "the hardest games in the series" you can reach max affection with 2 rainbow beans.
In the older games I didn’t need to bring a specific counter to beat any of the bosses. It’s almost like the older games were easier or something…
>You can only do one thing or the other
Yes, because we’re allocating the same amount of time grinding to each game. Pay attention, sagefag.
>In the older games I didn’t need to bring a specific counter to beat any of the bosses.
You don't have to do this for the newer games either. But if you go into a fight with a Dragon, and then claim the game is "harder" becuase you refuse to use the tools the games give to you.
That's not the game being "hard", that's just you putting self-imposed restrictions on yourself. And that's fine too.
Nobody is forcing you to use all those items is the excuse here. When I watched streamers play S/V they refused to switch out their pokemon after they defeated any trainers mon. The same could be applied to any thing in a game so these people could say their game is hard.
The people who tell you that the older games were easier are generally the people who soloed the game with their starter. Then they call you a retard if you played the game in a different way than they did and so had a different experience.
And it's not poorly designed if you can powerlevel with EXP Candies?
>Yes, because we’re allocating the same amount of time grinding to each game.
Not at all. In fact, it's more efficient to spend tie boosting your affection because you gain experience at a boosted rate with the affection.
Even more so, the exp boost is the FIRST beneift you gain when you reach affection levle 2, which takes very little time to do so, even in Gen 6. Maybe 5 minutes at most.
yawnfag thread
> The people who tell you that the older games were easier are generally the people who soloed the game with their starter
Or just literally anyone who didn’t retardedly train an even team of 6 the entire game

I think I’d rather listen to the opinion of someone who actually understands the mechanics of the games instead of smoothbrained campaignshitters with no knowledge beyond “hurr water beat fire”

> Not at all
Yes at all. It’s literally the premise of the post, sagefag. Pay attention. If you’re going to spend x amount of time grinding affection then I can spend x amount of time grinding Audino your precious DS games.
>It’s literally the premise of the post
No it isn't.
I never once said you either have to grind affection or grind levels. You're just making assumptions because you can't accept the newer games are easier.
And evne if I'm playing by your weird arbitrary rulings, grinding for affection is the better choice in the end because of the boosted exp, and the increased critical hit ratio and the focus sash, and the brightpowder, and the shed skin.
All you have in your older games are just some increased levels, which is still also possible in the newer entries.
> I never once said you either have to grind affection or grind levels.
I never said you said that, retard. My argument is if you’re going to go “hurr spend x time to grind affection to break the game” I can just as easily go “hurr spend x time to grind audino to break the game”
>I never said you said that, retard.

>No, because I’m using that time to grind affection,

Alright buddy, I'm going to explain this so you can understand.

>You playing older game
>"oh no, I'm stuck on this boss. Time to "grind Audinos"
>get to the next boss
>"oh no, I'm stuck on this boss. Time to "grind Audinos"
>rinse and repeat

>Me playing the newer games
>"oh no, I'm stuck on this boss, time to grind affection"
>get a massive slew of boosts after about maybe an hour (or a minute if you're playing SM/USUM)
>get to the next boss
>don't have to "grind Audinos" because of the boosted exp. I also have a free Focus Band, a free Brightpowder, a freee Super Luck, a free Shed Skin, AND I can still hold an item on top of that
>blow past the game

So if you're spending all this time "grinding Audinos" every time you get to a roadblock in the older games, and I'm breezing through the game with affection and don't have to worry about "grinding Audinos" all the time, what does that mean? I believe in you anon, I know you can get this correct.
>get to the next boss
>"oh no, I'm stuck on this boss. Time to "grind Audinos"
Doesn’t happen because I’m already permanently ahead by grinding Audino the first time. Try again, sagefag.
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>needing to grind at any point outside of Victory Road where the Champion is legit 15 levels above you and you need to close the gap
Jesus, how bad are you guys at team building?
And I'm more permantely ahead because not only am I ahead in levels, I also have the ree Focus Band, free Brightpowder, free Super Luck, free Shed Skin, AND I can still hold an item on top of that
Your starter is at level 60 at the end, maybe you might have another Pokemon around level 50 with the exp share. Meanwhile, my entire team is at level 70, and they all have affection boosts on top of it. I have more tools at my hands, making my job easier than your job, as I have more options to choose from whereas you have one or two.
>And I'm more permantely ahead
While being stuck having to fight bosses that are 10x harder that you have to rely luck to win. Get a better argument, sagefag.
10 times 0 is till zero, buddy. I'm still OHKOing them. And I still have more tools to use in the end.
Your problem is that you want to play the modern titles exactly like the older titles. You refuse the use the options given, and then claim the newer games are harder.
It'd be like me playing Elden Ring like Dark Souls 1, when Elden Ring is an easier game due to the sheer amount of options at your disposal.
>The people who tell you that the older games were easier are generally the people who soloed the game with their starter. Then they call you a retard if you played the game in a different way than they did and so had a different experience.
it's literally only one guy that does this
yawnfag didn't even mention that you don't get the fairium z until after the dragon trial in USUM. he doesn't actually play the games.
> 10 times 0 is till zero, buddy
You still haven’t told me how to beat Totem Araquanid or Kommo-o or Ultra Necrozma with my Torracat/Incineroar, sagefag. If you’re telling me I need to rely on amie boosts, that automatically makes it harder because I didn’t need to rely on luck in prior games. If you’re telling me I need specific counters, that automatically makes it harder because I didn’t need to rely on specific counters in prior games. Go on sagefag, I’m waiting.
sagefag is the one shitposting about usum being easy tho
>You still haven’t told me how to beat Totem Araquanid or Kommo-o or Ultra Necrozma with my Torracat/Incineroar, sagefag
You have a party-wide EXP share and affection and Rotom Powers at your leisure. If you can't beat a chidlren's video game with your silly wrestling cat, despite type disadvantage, may I recommend you pic related?
>You still haven’t told me how to beat Totem Araquanid or Kommo-o or Ultra Necrozma with my Torracat/Incineroar
use a z-move
Toxic and 6 Revives
Which Z move?

>dodges the question
>>dodges the question

>(You) proceed to ignore the answer, for the 50th time this thread
>bro just catch another mon
But every games from gen 1 to 5 can be solo with a single starter without even having the need to catch another mon tho
> If you’re telling me I need to rely on amie boosts, that automatically makes it harder because I didn’t need to rely on luck in prior games. If you’re telling me I need specific counters, that automatically makes it harder because I didn’t need to rely on specific counters in prior games.
Glad we agree the older games are easier.
You can also solo Gen 7 with one Pokemon, if you have even the most basic of thinking power.
>still ignoring the answer and twisting words, so he can come out as the "winner"
>Which Z move?
breakneck blitz
What’s the answer? Go on, tell us.

Doesn’t do enough damage.
I already told you, you keep ignoring it. Not my fault at this point.
use the free second one rotomdex gives you

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