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I'm thinking about creating a fan game in Holon and I'm trying to dig out as much lore as possible.

Most interesting thing I found out so far is japanese site talking about power spots in mirage forest. Also that bulbapedia article about holon's landmarks is buch of unsourced bs. Im looking mainly for stuff in japanese interviews/comercials.

Discuss origin of delta species, landmarks of holon favorite cards and other shit.
Said article:
Gen 3? TCG only? Most likely never had its lore in the English material? Good luck, OP.
There's a video on TCG exclusive lore that described it and what you linked to if you haven't seen it yet: https://youtu.be/0XOosJq8QaY?si=gFb9FctRuGDricED&t=1070
I was disappointed to find out that the Delta in Delta Species stood for the 4th Pokémon variant discovered in that era (Alpha = Normal, Beta = ex, Gamma = Star. Where's Dark Pokémon?) and nothing more beyond that.
Bump for great justice
Speaking of Dark Pokémon, do you think that part of the reason why Holon and Delta Species existed was to balance the distribution of Darkness and Metal in Gen 3?
>gen 3 TCG
>dual-type, or Dual Energy as the English TCG blubs call them, Pokémon cards were introduced in the Magma vs Aqua expansion
>all dual-type cards there were dual darkness and either Team Magma's or Team Aqua's
>the next batch of dual-types came from Dark Pokémon in Team Rocket Returns, also all dual darkness
>after Dark Pokémon, the next and final batch of dual-types in gen 3 were various Delta Species among the Delta Species expansions, all dual metal
>darkness and metal energy were still special energy only at this time
>all dual darkness were from evil team influence, all dual metal* were from scientist experiments in Holon
>Holon Transceiver has the symbol for the metal type on it
*Except for Metagross and Jirachi from Hidden Legends.
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bro delta species were rad. I thought of putting them into my own fangame but idk if I'll go through the effort. i don't have anything to contribute but good luck
It really shits me that the tcg has had way better locations, gimmicks and ideas than the games.
Instead of getting kino games based around the locations from sets like Aquapolis, Skyridge, Delta Species etc. We get grotesque garbage regions like Paldea and Galar.
>Delta in Delta Species stood for the 4th Pokémon variant discovered in that era
Yeah that's fuckin dissapointing but frankly if I ever make the game I'm going to ignore that (also I never understood what ex stood for, so it makes even worse for me)
>Floating island mentioned in the video
Wtf I've never noticed this. (I probably never had cards with those ilustrations but still) Also correct me if I'm wrong but promotional material not even once mentions a floating island (but mentions a chain o regular ones where delta species dwell)
Gamefreake's ability to create cohesive regions theming-wise dissapeared when they moved out of Japan and has been garbarge ever since. And even if they had a nice idea for a region, they've never possesed technical knowledge to do it properly. With TCG you can easily create a nice micro region all you need is a good idea and artists but you create essentialy just snapshots of this place not a whole functioning game.
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Basic info on Delta Species:
>Delta Species Pokémon are of a different type than the one typically seen for that species of Pokémon
>Energy Cost for moves match that of their new type
>Weakness and Resistance do not change from their old type(s)
>Lacks a change in appearance aside from an aura of the color matching the new type, although not all cards featuring Delta Species Pokémon have this
>If the Delta Species has 2 types (for TCG), the secondary type is always Metal and is almost always fully evolved
>Delta Species doesn't affect evolution (in terms of TCG gameplay), e.g. A Pokémon can start out as Delta, evolve into a regular variant, then evolve into Delta again
>There's no known restriction to which or how many types a Pokémon can change to as a Delta Species, e.g. Delta Horsea have been seen as either Fighting or Fire
To correlate with later introduced terms, Delta Species can be seen as a mix between regional variants and Terastal.
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List of Pokémon that have a Delta Species variant.
Entire evolution line or single stage is seen with a changed type (* = Final stage adds Metal, ** = Final stage is ex):
>Grass: Snorlax, Wooper
>Fire: Ekans, Mankey, Jynx, Aerodactyl, Mew, Heracross, Taillow, Ralts**, Feebas
>Water: Togepi, Swablu**, Mimikyu
>Lightning: Charmander*, Pidgey*, Psyduck, Kabuto, Totodile, Gligar, Mantine, Beldum*
>Psychic: Vulpix, Lickitung, Omanyte, Cyndaquil, Smeargle, Treecko**
>Fighting: Shellder, Exeggcute, Electabuzz, Pinsir, Chikorita, Carvanha
>Darkness: Nidoran M, Natu, Lileep*
>Metal: Pikachu, Nidoran F, Ledyba, Zangoose, Tropius, Chimecho
>Colorless: Seel, Mareep
>Darkness/Metal: Meowth

Entire evolution line is seen with Metal type and the final stage adding another type:
>Gyarados (Lighting/Metal)
>Eeveelutions (Typical Type/Metal)
>Armaldo (Fighting/Metal)

Incomplete evolution line is seen with a changed type:
>Lightning: Fearow, Pelipper
>Fighting: Cacturne
>Fire/Metal: Kingler, Ludicolo
>Fighting/Metal: Blastoise
>Typical Type/Metal: Beedrill, Sandslash, Marowak, Starmie, Crobat, Azumarill, Mightyena

Seen with multiple Delta Species of different types (* = Final stage adds Metal, ** = Final stage is or has an ex):
>Meowth (Darkness/Metal, Darkness)
>Horsea line (Fire*, Fighting**)
>Dratini line (Lightning*, Grass**)
>Mewtwo (Fire/Metal, Lightning)
>Larvitar line (Fire*, Lightning**)
>Gardevoir (Psychic/Metal, Fire**)
>Trapinch line (Grass*, Psychic**)
>Bagon line (Fire*, Water**)
>Latias (Lightning/Metal, Fire**)
>Latios (Lightning/Metal, Water**)
>Rayquaza (Lightning/Metal, Water/Metal, Fire, Lightning**)
>Deoxys (Normal: Colorless, Attack: Darkness, Defense: Metal, Speed: Lightning)

>Charizard Star (Darkness)
>Oddish (Water), Gloom (Psychic), Vileplume (Psychic/Metal), & Bellossom (Water)
>Gyarados Star (Fire)
>Mew Star (Water)
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Holon's Pokémon also can't be forgotten when talking about Delta Species. Artifical Pokémon that can also act as Energy; 2 Rainbow for evolved Pokémon and Castform, 1 Colorless for the other Basics.
Pretty useful list, I'm going to have the types randomized but some cards are going to have special encounters based on them. I'm thinking cards like red Gyarados, some legendaries, Mimikyu and some of most iconic cards from this era (fire ludicolo, fire/steel tyranitar, bug/steel Beedrill etc)
>also I never understood what ex stood for
It stands for "extra", which is more explanation I've seen compared to GX or V, which I don't know what those stand for.
Giga, since the previous set had M(ega) Pokemon and then V standed for Victory iirc and now we're back at ex
Alright some ideas that I have about the game:
>Pokemon from first 3 generations + cross gen evos (to stay faithfull to the setting)
>Starters: Bulbasaur, Cyndaquill, Mudkip (you get to choose one before your game starts, and choose its typing)
>Most of the game area is immediatly open to you and you get to explore and catch pokemon with random types.
>To progress the story you need to research delta pokemon by catching multiple of the same pokemon with different types.
>In Holon city there will be a lot of trainera to battle and after you beat them they will offer to trade (to make researching faster)
I remember getting a TGC boxset as a 4 year old and being awestruck by a electric Fearow and electric Charmander card.
The Delta Pokemon era of the TGC is probably what got me into the franchise next to whatever of the gen 3 anime I could catch in TV at the time.

I also really loved the one water type Latios card zooming through.
The whole reason why I started researching delta pokemon was because I wanted to see from which set my first pokemon cards came from. It was Legendmaker deck Groundbreaker, so then I started reading about delta mons which I had a fev as a kid but nothing special (I had delta vileplume and blastoise from what I remember and a buch of commons and uncommons). I got into tcg tournaments a little bit later in dp era but I remember fondy the end of ex era and they always looked so magical for me.
I can't help but sounds kino Anon, good luck. The EX era of the TCG overall is super underated in my opinion.
I'd not use any crossevolutions and stick to gen 3 sprites (or DP sprites at most) for extra authenticity.
Hmm, I'll think about it but I like crossgen evos and some pokemon feel incomplete without them (mostly gen II shitmons). I think they'll be mostly late game mons that don't appear in the wild or in trainers teams but they'll be available to players
(Also my biggest complaint for all Kanto remakes is locking the gen II evos from them, so now doing the same for gen IV would feel really hypocritical)
How faithful to Gen 3 would it be? Would it have Gen 3's battle mechanics or a later gen's?
If it were me I'd have the starters be Treecko, Charmander, and Totodile since their entire lines had Delta Species cards while still fitting the 1 starter choice for each gen pattern, but whichever helps game balance better.
Another idea for a starter would be going the Orre route with Eevee. The game would likely start at Holon's city with the research tower during the set of EX Delta Species. Eevee in that set is a pure Metal Delta Species whose evolutions are Metal combined with their original type. This could help ease players into the concept of Delta Species while also may fit better with the lore given Holon's prevalence of the Steel-type.
I read that the research tower used to track Mew gave off radiation that mutated the Pokemon into Delta forms. But apparently, there are also islands that have weird crystals and lots of dragons, as well as natural Delta Pokemon for some reason. I’m not sure how that was explained.
I'm probably going with phys/special split and some moves from late gens. I like the eevee idea, and also it sort of resolves my problem with secondary metal typing (which is very important for the lore of the region) In general I didn't know how I was going to handle 2 random types (one of which would be metal ofc), but now that you mention it I could make some special encounters near the city with secondary metal type (such as a starter but also stationary pokemon/story encounters)
I don’t like how he lists a bunch of fake info and then says “sike, here’s the real info!”
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Tried to do a quick summary of the setting using a combination of Bulbapedia, that card lore video, and the JP TCG article.

EX Legend Maker (JP: Mirage Forest)
>location: Mirage Forest
>Mew is prominently advertised, but not mentioned in Holon lore
>inside the Mirage Forest is a Power Spot that would give people a surge of energy through their bodies and be healed
>researchers established a village named Holon at this Power Spot to unravel its mysteries

EX Delta Species (JP: Holon Research Tower)
>location: Holon village
>almost all Pokémon cards feature a landmark or an environment that matches with the village's overview image
>the symbol for Metal type is prominent, including the research tower's layout
>the magnetic field from the research tower caused the Pokémon living around Holon to change into types abnormal to them
>said change is dubbed Delta Species for being the fourth discovered Pokémon variant after Normal, Extra, and Star
>Holon's Pokémon were also discovered at this time; Pokémon that can change the energy within themselves and can also become energy

EX Holon Phantoms (JP: Holon Phantom)
>location: outside Holon village
>landmarks feature more ruins, a lake with a monument, and a mountain range surrounding parts of the lake
>the lake monument resembles the symbol for the Metal type

EX Crystal Guardians (JP: Miracle Crystal)
>location: a remote island far from Holon village
>the island has little human activity and is filled with naturally growing crystals said to grant special powers
>said crystals in this expansion have an effect that negates or neutralizes

EX Dragon Frontiers (JP: Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends)
>location: an island chain beyond the horizon
>inhabited by natural Delta Species
>a floating island surrounded by clouds is seen in the JP packaging artwork and several Pokémon cards
>Holon Legacy (JP: Holon's Holy Site) features a megalith that also resembles the symbol for Metal type
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I started looking at the pokemon cards in holon phantoms to see the mountain range. In a couple of them there seems to be a strange rock/crystal formation but it looks very out of place in my opinion. They are quite tall and very sharp and have this blueish color. On Anorith's card they're scaled down and look almost normal but on others they look quite like crystals from next expansion. In addition on the Areodactyl's card there seems to be a normal mountain range which is much more proportional and realistic looking.
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Great cards from this era.
>Delta in Delta Species stood for the 4th Pokémon variant discovered in that era

It also has to do with the fact that delta in science is often used to mean "a change" and the pokemon that are "delta species" have all had their typing changed.
Commercials for relevant sets:

All I could find on YouTube. I'd search NicoNico for more JP commercials, but it's down. Couldn't find any for Holon Phantoms or Crystal Guardians.
Thanks I've never seen the Dragon Frontiers commercial. It gives us quite a good view at the island (the one in water while the floating one is nowhere to be seen). We can clearly see that most of it consists of barren rock formations and its clearly communicated through pokemon's artwork in this set (man I gained new appreciacion for those artists). I think they are few exceptions with artwork depicting pokemon among trees and grass but we can a) assume they are small patches of vegetation on the "regular" island b) that this artwork actualy takes place at the floating island (the cards I'm talking about: Snorlax, Ralts and Ninetales)
So kinda like Legends Arceus? Sounds interesting.
They really should do the Holon region for Gen 10. They're running out of real world inspiration and a landmass they can do whatever they want with would be pretty cool. Holon has some fun lore too.
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The TCG has done a few card-game-only lore locations, and they've always been kino. You're just figuring things out based on card illustrations.
How will delta species be implemented in said game. How will they look? Will they be given different abilities to work with their typing? Different weaknesses?Different moves etc.
Was delta treeko line psychic, ghost, or poison?
Cool thread.
Will go into my lore folder.
I assume left to interpretation unless the illustration, moves, or abilities give any hints.
Delta Species do use moves of their new type, but any moves from the games are ones the Pokémon can already learn in the games in most cases with the seemingly impossible combinations being moves that are TCG only or were TCG only at the time e.g. Delta Vileplume having Poltergeist.
The bigger problem with having Treecko, Charmander, and Totodile as starters if one were to stick with the card representation to a fault, then Charmander and Totodile would both be Electric and Treecko would be Psychic or Ghost (Poison was represented by Grass in Gen 3.).
Apparently it’s based off the noto peninsula
Whats the significance behind the metal type?
Interesting. May I ask where did you get that image of Holon? Bulbapedia's article on "Pokémon world in relation to the real world" mentions Holon, speculating that it's based off the Philippines with similar unassured wording most Holon articles there contain. Granted, there is a fan speculation disclaimer at the top of the article.
I think it’s from deviantart desu, nothing official just a mockup of how they thought it would look.
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I've finally found out where the image of Holon city comes from. It's from japanese Eevelution half decks and there is some lore with it (mostly information from the japanese site) but I OCR'd it and you can see from yourself.
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More Delta Species and Holon Pokémon facts:
>in EX Delta Species, the Basic and Stage 1 stages of the pseudo-legendary lines became either Fire or Lightning type, legendaries and Stage 2 pseudo-legendaries became either Fire/Metal or Lightning/Metal, and the remaining Delta Species are of their typical type combined with Metal aside from Eevee who became pure Metal
>all Pokémon in the JP versions of Holon Phantoms and Dragon Frontiers except for Holon's Castorm are Delta Species; non-Delta Pokémon in the EN version were cards exclusive to decks or promos in JP, most unrelated to Holon
>the amount of Delta and Holon's Pokémon compared to all Pokémon in the Delta Species and Crystal Guardian sets (JP version) are 33/75 and 8/66 respectively
>with the above 2 points, the percentage of Delta or Holon Pokémon in each set (JP) are 44%, 100%, 12%, & 100%
>all legendaries that were Delta in Delta Species reappear in Holon Phantoms with new typing; the Lightning Mewtwo and Fire Rayquaza in particular were promos in JP
>Dragon Frontiers lacks any dual type Delta Species
>Meowth is the only not fully evolved Delta Species seen with a dual type
>Delta Species can combine with ex and Star; most are seen in Dragon Frontiers and one of each are also seen in Holon Phantoms and Crystal Guardians
>Delta Pikachu in Legend Maker is only found there in EN; it's a promo in JP
>the 25th Anniversary celebration had a Delta Mimikyu as a callback with the card's illustration featuring crystals seen in Crystal Guardians
>Holon's Pokémon only appear in EX Delta Species except for Castform who was in EX Holon Phantoms
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There was a place called a power spot to build an ``imaginary vessel''. Power spots are filled with mysterious powers, and when you go there, Energy flows throughout a person's body and they are healed. In order to uncover the mystery of power spots, Researchers came to this place and built a research village. This power spot and research village came to be called "Horon".
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>「デル」のポケモン ホロンには強力なパワーが発生していた。 そしてあるとき、ホロン周辺にするポケモンに 変化があらわれた。ポケモンが、もともとのタイプ とはちがうタイプを持つようになったのだ。ホロン のパワーをうけて、 ポケモンたちのねむれる が引き出されたのだった。 これは「ノーマル」「x」「公(スター)」につづく の見になることから、研究 ポケモン16 (デルタ)」という たちはこれらの にさだめた。
"Delta" Pokemon
A powerful power was generated in Holon. Then, one day, a change appeared in the Pokemon around Holon. Pokemon now have a type different from their original type. Under the power of Holon, the Pokemon's sleep powers were brought out.
This follows "normal", "x", and "star" From what you can see, research called ``Pokémon 16 (Delta)'' we are these I saved it.
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>しゅ 「 デルタ種のポケモン」や「ホロンのポケモン」 けんきゅう けつか をさらに研究していった結果、 「ホロンエネルギー」 あら という新たなエネルギーも作り出すことができた。 ごうせい 「ホロンエネルギー」は合成エネルギーともよば ぽん < あ とく れ、ほかの基本エネルギーと組み合わせることで特 ベラ こうか 別な効果をはっきすることができるエネルギーだ。 ほのお とう みず ちょう くさ かみなり げんざい、 「炎と画」 「水と超」「草と雷」の組み合わ ほんのう づくせに反応する3タイプのホロンエネルギーが作られ ている。

"Delta Pokemon" and "Holon Pokemon" research Kekka As a result of further research, "holon energy" fault We were also able to create new energy. Gousei “Holon energy” is also called synthetic energy. Pon <A virtue When combined with other basic energies, Bella Kouka It is an energy that can manifest different effects. Fire, Water, and Grass Genzai, a combination of “flame and painting,” “water and super,” and “grass and thunder.” instinct Zuku Three types of holon energy are created that react with each other.
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>「ポロン」のポケモン しば けん 場パワーのえいきょうをうけたポケモンの研究 ゆう をすすめるうち、ポケモンのまったくあたらしい りょく けん 力を発見した。 それが「ホロンのポケモン」だ。 じゅん なか 「ホロンのポケモン」は、自分の中のエネルギーを 萎えて、自分自身がエネルギーとなることができ るのである。 ただ、この「ホロンのポケモン」はとても質が少な く、貴重なのだ。

"Horon" Pokemon Shiba sword Research on Pokemon affected by field power excellent While recommending Pokemon, I found a completely new version of Pokemon Ryokuken I discovered power. That is the "Holon Pokemon". Jun Naka "Holon Pokemon" can wither the energy within itself and become energy itself.It is. However, this "Holon Pokemon" is of very low quality. It's so precious.
As you can this translation is a litte janky (probably because of the image quality and resulting ocr) there's not a lot new information. Interesting in my opinion is the so called imaginary vessel (perhaps Mew) or some more info on Holon Pokemon (that can wither the energy inside them to become energy)
"Imaginary vessel" looks to be a mistranslation of Mirage Forest.
The site article when Google Translated says that Holon Pokémon change energy in itself and become the energy itself. Both translations aren't 100% on the last sentence saying how they're few and valuable.
The manual's text seems to be near word-for-word of the one seen on the official site.
I'm still working things out at conceptual level, but my idea would be that delta pokemon would have a random primary typing and if they have a secondary type they would retain it. Pokemon close to the city would have random primary type and steel secondary type. There would be a pool of generic typed moves (something like thunder punch, ice punch fire punch) that would change depending on the delta pokemon's type. Those pokemon would look normal when encountered and you would have to figure its type during battle. Maybe when attacking they would have a colored aura that corresponds to the type. I still don't know wheteher I should include regular pokemon (because some of them still appear in those expansions, and Holon pokemon are all their regular typing)
Also I'm probably going to ignore abilities and each pokemon would have its regular one, maybe special encounters would have unique abilities.
Based Holon thread. Would be nice to see Orre receive a TCG set in the near future. I have delta Flygon and Holon Lass.
Do you have any experience making games, OP?
I would include both. Tera is a good base to work off of, maybe you could do something similar with the delta species. Have them spread out across the open world.
Based. Electric/steel gyarados with steely spirit would go hard
I've messed around with pokemon essentials ( I hate that atrocious framerate but its easy to create something), tried some romhacking (but just maps/encounters, def not going to do a rom hack)but never made anything complete. I still haven't decided on the engine/platform, and when I do I'll probably seek someone to help with programing.
Consider it done, frien
Unironically based. Always thought the delta species concept was neat, and the holon region lore. Theres a lot of stuff in TCG that would be interesting to build a game around. Parallel worlds is another interesting one that definitely has some potential.
Yeah I was considering making a game in that setting as well (made some maps and sprites like 5 years ago) but ultimately I didn't have much of a story (basic premise was two pararel kanto regions with different gym leaders versions, one from past one from future). In this case I have like 80% of the story worked out, besides stuff like sidequests.
Do you know about Insurgence's postgame? Are you planning on taking some inspiration from that, or are you going to do something entirely original?
This could work something similar to like link to the past, where you could travel between future/past version of the region. Different regional forms for both.
Never played insurgance and from what I've seen of their interpretation of Holon I'm not a fan of. Too me it looks like a generic gen IV/V area without any of the mystery that the TCG ilustrations had. So I'm going to do my interpretation of Holon , closer to the source material.
There's just something about Dragonite with Electric/Metal and Natu/Xatu with Dark typing that goes extremely hard
I was hoping they would use this concept for legends ZA, but I doubt it lol
What do you think about basing the region layout on Mindanao island in Philipines. There's a real lake Holon there which is somewhat similar to the depiction of the lake on delta Latias card. There are also some smaller islands to the south of Mindanao which can be adapted to crystal island and dragon frontier islands.
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Forgot to add a photo of the lake
Also as the island is quite large I think I'll adapt just the southern part of it.
That's good. I'm not a fan the redesigns given to the Delta Species as it strays way too far from the source material. Glowing auras consisting of one color and some elemental flair at most should suffice.
Try looking at all the Delta Species cards and sort them by illustrator; it's neat to see how each artist handles the aura effect. Some of my favorites were done by Hajime Kusajima, Kagemaru Himeno, Kouki Saitou, Masahiko Ishii, Masakazu Fukuda, Sumiyoshi Kizuki, and Yukiko Baba. Also mention the texture effect on Water-type Deltas by Ryo Ueda and the stylized auras seen on the JP pack art for Dragon Frontiers.
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Landmarks of Holon seen though Stadium cards with a brief description of their card effects:
>Cursed Stone (JP: Cursed Shrine): A cave entrance in Mirage Forest. Slowly damages Pokémon with Poké-Powers at a rate of 10 damage per turn.
>Full Flame (JP: Lasting Flame): A ring of fire in Mirage Forest that may be or merely resembles a campfire. Burn cannot be cured via evolution and has its damage effect doubled.
>Giant Stump: A huge cut tree stump in Mirage Forest. Reduces the allowed amount of benched Pokémon to 3.
>Power Tree (JP: Strange Large Tree): A massive tree in a more open area of Mirage Forest. Allows 1 basic Energy to go from the discard pile to the hand once per turn as long as the discard pile lacks Special Energy.
>Strange Cave (JP: Mystery Cave): A water-filled cave inside Mirage Forest. Allows fossil Pokémon to be played without the need of a fossil card.
>Holon Research Tower: The centerpiece of Holon village. Converts all Delta Pokémon's attached basic Energy to Type/Metal Energy.
>Holon Ruins: A presumably abandoned building located in northeast Holon village. Allows players with Delta Pokémon in play to draw 1 card then discard 1 card during their turns.
>Holon Lake: A lake found outside Holon village that's home to a strange monument. Allows Delta Pokémon to use the move Delta Call which can bring 1 Delta Pokémon from the deck to the hand.
>Crystal Beach: The beach of a remote island far from Holon filled with numerous crystals. Converts all Special Energy that provides 2 or more Energy into 1 Colorless Energy.
>Holon Circle: A crater found on the remote island with 3 conspicuously arranged crystals inside. Negates 1 attack by an Active Pokémon.
>Holon Legacy (JP: Holon's Holy Site): A monolith in an arid portion of an island beyond the horizon. Negates Delta Pokémon's weaknesses and Poké-Powers.
If you're wondering about the Poké Ball pattern, that is seen in a lot of stadium cards.
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Good luck, but talk to me when you have a project with the Dark conti...err I meam Puzzle Continent, home of the mythical Mew
Mfw casually being exposed to ungodly levels of radiation from demon core tower
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Kusajima absolutely killed it on his illustrations during this era.
Top tier
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Pictured are the people of Holon seen though Supporter cards. Below is a brief description of their card effects:
>Fieldworker: Draws 3 cards with the opponent allowed to draw 1.
>Holon Farmer: Discards 1 card from the hand to shuffle 3 basic Energy cards and 3 Pokémon cards from the discard pile to the deck.
>Holon Lass (JP: Holon's Miss): Discards 1 card from the hand to look at as many cards from the top of the deck as there are Prize cards remaining on both sides and move any amount of Energy cards found to the hand.
>Holon Mentor (JP: Holon's Guru): Discards 1 card from the hand to move 3 Basic Pokémon with 100 HP or less from the deck to the hand.
>Holon Researcher: Discards 1 card from the hand to move 1 Metal Energy card or 1 Delta Species Pokémon from the deck to the hand.
>Holon Scientist: Discards 1 card from the hand to draw cards until the amount in the hand matches the opponent's.
>Holon Adventurer: Discards 1 card from the hand to draw 3 cards, 4 cards instead if a Delta Species Pokémon was discarded to activate this effect.
>Castaway: Moves 1 Supporter, 1 Pokémon Tool, and 1 basic Energy from the deck to the hand.
>Island Hermit: Flips up to 2 of the player's Prize cards face up and draws 2 cards.
I don't know what is it with shitty mid 2000 cgi but those locations go hard (probably good art direction and some of the uncanniness actually transfering into the atmosphere of the setting)
When I was a child I was very curious about this region
I just sat through the entire video of TCG artbook.


No mention of anything Holon related besides one illustration from Mirrage forrest expansion (nothing interesting) and one Larvitar ilustration from Dragon Frontiers (nothing interesting as well. Welp I'm dissapointed.
>Welp I'm dissapointed.
Quite. Just an overview of a few illustrations over the entire TCG at that point (and only consisting of Pokemon and trainers), the creation process of a couple illustaitons, and some interviews.
I know what delta species are. Kind of. But I had no idea what holon is. From this thread I'm guessing it's a semi developed region with bits of lore scattered in the card game? If you made a game that compiled as much canon lore about it and then duct taped it together, I would play it.
Did the English Theme Decks have anything like this?
It’s essentially like tera type
Honestly, I'm not 100% sure if the region is named Holon. Unless I haven't come across it or I missed something, all official material for these sets that mention Holon's lore refer to Holon as the research village from EX Delta Species and the term "Holon region" only appears in fansites because there's no other proper name to give to the region; the closest hints to link the name Holon as a region belonging to the stadium cards Holon Lake, Holon Circle, and Holon Legacy and the Trainer card Holon Fossil.

Yes, bullets are cool.
Great observations anon and an interesting piece of info as well. It's quite interesting that like 15 years later they still are very explicit that only the village is named Holon (or even more so than originally during the delta species era)
>EX Delta Species gives you the opportunity to experience new adventures in a faraway land never before seen in the Pokémon universe! Researchers have built a city called Holon. The people of Holon study mysterious, magnetic powers in the area. The powers have affected the local Pokémon in ways that scientists have barely begun to understand. These new Pokémon are called Delta Species Pokémon because they are different from standard Pokémon, Pokémon-ex, and Pokémon "star." The people of Holon are hard workers, and their industriousness is reflected in the new Holon Supporter cards. And, as scientists begin to harness the power around Holon, new Energy cards become available... including Pokémon that can become Energy cards!
>In the EX Holon Phantoms expansion, explorers and trainers search deeper in the forest near the research village of Holon, locating even more Delta Species Pokémon.
>Come along for the exploration of EX Crystal Guardians, journeying further from the research village of Holon in search of new Pokémon Delta Species. Explorers and trainers have left the deep forest surrounding Holon, traveling across the water in pursuit of knowledge and new discoveries. What did they find on the beaches of the islands just off the coast?
>EX Dragon Frontiers takes you to the farthest horizon where you’ll discover new and exciting Delta Species Pokémon. The journey has been long and hard since the discovery of the Delta Species Pokémon back in the research village of Holon. From Holon into the deep forests of EX Holon Phantoms, then on to the wonderous beaches of EX Crystal Guardians, you’ve now arrived at the farthest point in your journey: EX Dragon Frontiers.
Maybe it was originally nameless but then it was named Holon after the city. That’s headcanon of course, but I think it’s better than having the region be totally nameless.
Also note that there are at least 2 locations that have Holon in the name despite being far away from Holon City/Village, which might suggest that the name Holon does indeed refer to the entire area.
High quality thread 10/10. You should make a Holon fansite with all of this information.
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The blurbs seem to have existed as far back as 2010 according to archives. Trying to find any info off the official English sites when these sets were relevant is a pain thanks to the site during Gens 3 - 5 being riddled with Flash.
I've also found more rumors like how early versions of the Bulbapedia article thinks that Holon is located north of Kanto, Mirage Forest was mistranslated as Eidolon Forest, the crystals in Crystal Guardians causing the Pokémon to become Delta Species rather than the reverse or left mysterious, and the assumed relation between Holon and Mew going as far back to when the sets were recent.

More links of interest.
2008 thread from the PokéBeach Forums that also tried to gather as much lore info as possible. Contains lots of speculative rumors and incorrect info. (Tracking Mew? Holon Lake has marshes? No floating island.)

2020 article from a JP TCG fan blog about Pokémon Star during the Delta Species era. Mentions that Holon is not a region and that the changed types of the 3 Pokémon Star that are Delta Species matches their colors.

Pokémon USA press release for Holon Phantoms, Crystal Guardians, and Dragon Frontiers, archived on Pojo. Mentions that Holon Lake is nestled deep in a forest south of Holon city and that Dragon Pokémon rule the islands set in Dragon Frontiers.
I'm sure there are some internal archives at TPCi where they fleshed this region out a little more but just never included it in public format because it was for the TCG only.
I wonder if there is someone you could contact that could provide more information?
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Terastal seems to have taken from or have similar concepts to both Delta Species and Crystal Pokémon from Gen 2's Puzzle Continent*. All 3 have the gameplay gimmick of changing types and involve crystals somewhere in their lores, but each have their finer differences.
*Which may also be a misnomer as Bulbapedia is considering changing it to go by the JP name, Mysterious Continent, but that's a discussion worthy of its own thread.
>Crystal Pokémon (JP: Neutral Pokémon) are naturally Colorless regardless of the Pokémon's original typing, but can temporarily change into 1 of 3 types. Their movesets invovles a mix of the 3 types, each move requiring at least 2 different types. Only fully evolved Pokémon were seen as Crystal.
>Delta Species Pokémon all possess a different type than their regular variants'. Moves require Energy of their new type(s), but they maintain the Weakness and Resistance of the original typing. Any species of Pokémon can be seen as Delta. Variants seen with Delta include ex and Star.
>Type-Shifted Tera Pokémon can be seen as the opposite of Delta Species despite also possessing a different type; they maintain the Energy requirement of their original type, but change their Weakness and Resistance to the new type. Tera is seen as a variant of Pokémon ex.
>Stellar Tera Pokémon do not change types at all, but do have a move that requires 3 different types.
Delta Species can also be correlated to regional variants; they're initially discovered and/or specific to a certain region where what sets them apart from their contemporaries are the type and moves learned. Any species can be Delta or a regional variant and the new type is maintained through the evolution line in most cases (for Deltas, that's if you're looking at the lines in a specific set).
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Items and weather found in Holon seen through Trainer cards:

Items that debuted in previous sets, returning with new artwork:
>Mysterious Fossil (JP: Some Fossil) (Debut: Fossil), along with Root and Claw Fossils (Debut: EX Sandstorm) are found in Mirage Forest with updated effects.
>Rare Candy (Debut: EX Sandstorm): Found in the outskirts of Holon around the Holon Phantoms.
>Memory Berry (Debut: Aquapolis): A berry Pokémon Tool found on the remote island of the Crystal Guardians. Allows the Pokémon holding it to use any move from its pre-evolution(s). Discarded after the holder attacks.
>Crystal Shard (JP: Crystal Fragment) (Debut: Skyridge): A crystal Pokémon Tool. Changes the holder's type to Colorless. Discarded after the holder attacks.
>Old Rod (Debut: Neo Revelation): Why would this be found all the way in the island chain of the Dragon Frontiers?
>Strength Charm (JP: Piece of Strength) (Debut: Expedition Base Set): A Pokémon Tool found in the distant island chain. Increases the holder's damange by 10 before type matchups. Discarded after the holder attacks.

New cards:
>Holon Transceiver: An audio communcation device from Holon adorned with the Metal type symbol. Searches the deck or discard pile for 1 Holon Supporter card to put into the hand.
>Holon Fossil: A fossilized egg found in Holon's forests, the illustrated sample is shown hatching out a bright light. Sends out a fossil Pokémon into play from either the deck or hand.
>Windstorm: Weather seen on the remote island. Discards up to 2 of any combinaton of Pokémon Tools and Stadiums.
>Mysterious Shard (JP: Fragment of Mystery): A crystal Pokémon Tool. Negates one attack done by a Pokémon-ex. Discarded after the opponent's next turn.
>Cessation Crystal (JP: Crystal of the Seal): A crystal Pokémon Tool. As long as the holder is Active, all Poké-Powers and Poké-Bodies are disabled.
>we will never have this much kino in the tcg in terms of lore and art ever again
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Energy found in Holon:
>React Energy: From Mirage Forest. Provides 1 Colorless Energy. Works with certain Abilities and Moves.
>Holon Energy GL/FF/WP (JP: Holon Energy SYN:GL/FF/WP): Synthetic Energy from Holon. Provides 1 Colorless Energy and various effects depending on the basic Energy also attached to the Pokémon. Does not provide bonus effects to Pokémon-ex.
>Delta Rainbow Energy: Energy that resembles Holon Lake's monument and the set symbol for Holon Phantoms. Provides 1 Rainbow Energy to Delta Species or 1 Colorless Energy otherwise.
>Double Rainbow Energy (JP: W Rainbow Energy) (Debut: EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua): From the remote island of the Crystal Guardians. Provides 2 Rainbow Energy to evolved Pokémon that aren't ex and reduces the holder's damage dealt by 10 before matchups.
>Scramble Energy (Debut: EX Deoxys): From the distant island chain of the Dragon Frontiers. Provides 1 Colorless Energy or 3 Rainbow Energy if the player has more Prize cards remaining than the opponent to evolved Pokémon that aren't ex.

Holon Energy's bonus effects:
>Grass: Holder is immune to Special Conditions.
>Lightning: Reduces the holder's damage taken from Pokémon-ex attacks by 10.
>Fire: Holder has no Weakness.
>Fighting: Holder's attacks ignore Resistance.
>Water: Holder is immune to the effects of the opponent's attacks.
>Psychic: Holder's Retreat Cost is 0.
given how much 3d enviroments we have of holon it might work more if it was a game in the style of the Orre games
At least we have the video games showcased more, right? ...Yeah, it's not the same.
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Theme Decks featuring Holon
>Pre-built Starter Mirage's Mew: Tied to the Mirage Forest set. Half-deck ft. Mew with Psychic and Lightning types.
>Holon Research Tower Half Deck 1/2 Fire/Water/Lightning EX: Tied to the Holon Research Tower set. Quarter decks ft. Flareon/Vaporeon/Jolteon ex with Fire/Water/Lightning types.
>Pre-built Starter Earth's Groudon/Ocean's Kyogre ex: Tied to the Miracle Crystal set. Half-decks ft. Groudon/Kyogre ex with Grass, Lightning, and Fighting/Fire, Water, and Psychic types.
>Shockwave! Tyranitar ex/Imprison! Gardevoir ex Constructed Standard Deck: Tied to the Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends set. Standard-sized decks ft. Delta Tyranitar/Gardevoir ex with Lightning and Fighting/Fire and Psychic types.
>Groundbreaker/Shadowquake: Tied to the EX Legend Maker set. Features Golem/Gengar with Grass and Fighting/Water and Psychic types.
>Breakthrough: Tied to the EX Delta Species set. Features Delta Crobat with Grass, Lightning, and Metal types.
>Steeplechase: Tied to the EX Delta Species set. Features Rapidash (despite the Rare Holo being Delta Salamence) with Fire, Colorless, and Metal types.
>FireMist/FloodRush: Tied to the EX Holon Phantoms set. Features Delta Latias/Latios with Fire and Fightning/Water and Psychic types.
>Green Cyclone/Storm Surge/Earth Shower: Tied to the EX Crystal Guardians set. Features Venusaur/Blastoise/Swampert with Grass/Water and Lightning/Water and Fightning types.
>Shadow Blaze/Power Wave: Tied to the EX Dragon Frontiers set. Features Delta Typhlosion/Feraligatr with Fire and Psychic/Lightning and Fighting types.
The majority of cards in the Japanese theme decks are not found in the main set. Most of those cards were added to their respective main sets when released in English.
Around this time, theme decks promoting the 8th movie were also released. These have no relation to Holon, but have had some of their exlusive cards added into the English version of the sets.
I can get Mirage Forest, Legend Maker, Delta Species, and Holon Research Tower, but the rest? Who is or are the Holon Phantoms? Who are the Crystal Guardians? What is the Miracle Crystal? Is the island chain called the Dragon Frontiers?
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bumping this gemerald of a thread

Legend Maker is unique among the delta species sets. It's placed among them, yet contains NO delta species pokemon (aside from the secret rare pikachu). It also features no Holon architecture or cityscapes. It's focus is on Mew and its playfulness. Perhaps mew led the researchers to holon, where they then discovered the delta species phenomenon?
After reading through this thread a game set in Holon sounds pretty fun, if there's a discord I'd be down to help make it. I know a bit about using the pokemon gba decomps.
nu tcg is too boring it's basically 1:1 with only game locations and a few outliers that mean jackshit because there's no lore behind it like Lost City? Where the fuck is that?
mfw have the Delta Crobat deck...
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Pokémon availbility version differences between regions in Holon's sets: (d = Delta Species)

Japanese sets:
>Mirage Forest (In EN's EX Emerald): Swablu, Altaria ex

English sets:
>Mirage's Mew Starter Deck to EX Legend Maker: Voltorb, Electrode, Mew, Sentret, Furret, Shuppet, Banette ex
>Promo to EX Legend Maker: Pikachu d
>Holon Research Tower Quarter Decks to EX Delta Species: Ponyta, Rapidash, Magnemite, Magneton, Staryu (84), Starmie d (30), Ditto (61, 63, 64), Eevee, Vaporeon ex, Jolteon ex, Flareon ex, Dratini d (65), Dragonair d (41), Marill, Azumarill d, Bagon d (57), Shelgon d (53)
>Promo to EX Delta Species: Azumarill
>Master Kit to EX Holon Phantoms: Pikachu, Raichu, Wobbuffet, Phanpy, Donphan, Torchic, Combusken, Sableye, Mawile
>Gift Box Mew - Lucario to EX Holon Phantoms: Pikachu Star, Mewtwo Star, Mew ex, Poochyena, Mightyena ex, Surskit, Masquerain, Nosepass, Aron, Lairon, Electrike, Manectric, Numel, Camerupt, Torkoal, Zangoose, Seviper, Barboach, Whiscash, Corphish (62), Crawdaunt ex, Baltoy, Claydol, Absol, Relicanth
>Promo to EX Holon Phantoms: Mewtwo d (24), Mew, Blaziken, Corphish (63), Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias d (21), Latios d (22), Rayquaza d (26)
>Earth's/Ocean's Starter Deck to EX Crystal Guardians: Bulbasaur (45), Ivysaur (34), Charmander d, Charmeleon d, Squirtle (63), Wartortle (42), Blastoise, Treecko d, Grovyle d, Torchic (65), Combusken (31), Mudkip (57), Marshtomp (38), Swampert, Kyogre ex, Groudon ex
>Shockwave/Imprison Standard Deck to EX Dragon Frontiers: Horsea d (50), Seadra d (37), Jynx d, Electabuzz d, Gligar d, Smeargle d, Smoochum d, Elekid d, Larvitar, Larvitar d, Pupitar, Pupitar d, Tyranitar ex d, Ralts, Ralts d, Kirlia, Kirlia d, Gardevoir ex d, Trapinch d (68), Vibrava d (42)

Master Kit and Gift Box Mew - Lucario are part of the aforementioned 8th movie theme decks; Pokémon from there may not be canon to Holon's lore.
Have you seen the packaging for the English theme decks? Look at the decks from >>56080471 then compare them to the Battle Decks from Gen 9. They all have the same design, I can't tell the difference between a Battle Deck from Scarlet and Violet and a Battle Deck from Temporal Forces at a glance.
They probably rebranded them to Battle Decks in Gen 8 because there's no theming anymore.
For what purpose are you posting these? What info are they providing?
I was a kid during the gen 3 era snd I remember being fascinated by this set. Really would be dope to have a game that expands on its lore. So many rom hacks feel uninspired.
Anything and everything that could be used to help OP's planned project with digging out as much lore as possible, down to the most minute detail of trivia. Info is scant and what's there are like puzzle pieces, from major parts like the gimmick of the Delta Species to the minor like the aesthetic of each set.
Items and weather are a given.
Energies, I guess they could be seen like items, but they're a major part of the TCG and must be noted. Even the article on Holon brings up Energy.
Theme Decks are an extension of the sets.
Regional differences brings to light which parts may not be considered canon due to the international release adding in cards from the Japanese theme decks, especially if the card's illustration feels out of place with the rest of the set's theming.
It also helps keep the thread alive with some content.
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And apologies, there is one more to post in continuation with >>56081969.
Trainer and Energy card version differences between regions, additions to English sets:
All cards debuted in previous sets and reprinted in the Holon sets, most taken from the JP theme decks as the reason for their inclusion. Unless noted otherwise, the decks they came from were the ones respective to the main set.
(Set names are abbreviated.)

Trainer & Tool:
>Dual Ball & Potion: DS & CG
>Switch: DS & DF
>Great Ball, Master Ball, & Super Scoop: DS
>Mysterious, Claw, & Root Fossils: HP. Seen before in LM.
>Double Full Heal, Energy Search, Poké Ball, PokéNav, & Warp Point: CG
>Buffer Piece: DF

>Mr. Stone's Project: HP & DF, the former set from Gift Box Mew - Lucario.
>Professor Cozmo's Discovery: HP from Gift Box Mew - Lucario.
>Bill's Maintenance & Celio's Network: CG
>Holon Mentor: DF. Seen before in DS.
>Copycat, Professor Elm's Training Method, Professor Oak's Research, & TV Reporter: DF

>Rainbow Energy: LM
>Darkness & Metal Energy: DS & HP, the latter set from Gift Box Mew - Lucario.
>Dark Metal Energy: HP from a Promo with new artwork.
>Multi Energy: HP from Earth's/Ocean's Starter Deck.
>Basic Energy of the 6 types that had them: HP with new artwork. No idea if or which Japanese set they came from.
>Boost Energy & Delta Rainbow Energy: DF. The latter card is seen before in HP.
>Holon Energy GL, FF, & WP: DF. All seen in DS.
Op here
I haven't started working on the game and theres no discord. I'm writing my master thesis and then it's off to the real world so I think it's going to be a while untill I start working on this (probably about half a year).
Most of the info I've already known but those compilations are great and its good to have everything in one place.
Best tcg era. Closest second is the parallel worlds during xy and it's still a hell of a gap.
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That's why I'm infodumping; gather everything that can be found and post it all here for discussion and hopefully archival.
Speaking of, found some fun stuff: Wallpapers for the English packs. All Holon sets except for EX Delta Species got them and so did every expansion after that up until Supreme Victors, at least that's what the latest version of the page that got archived got. I'll only be posting the wallpapers related to the Holon sets, 16 in all.

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I'll be posting the 1280x1024 size. The site also has them in 800x600 and 1024x764.
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I really like the border on Legend Maker. Combining with what >>56074047 said, it gives off a pretty pleasing aesthetic overall.
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A couple from Holon Phantoms does show landmarks from the set. Mewtwo's has the ruins seen on cards like Holon Adventurer to the left.
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The glowing border seems to be more of a stylistic choice in this set of artwork. Zangoose is not a Delta Species in Holon Phantoms, but was one in the POP Series/JP Promos.
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Holon Lake's monument can be seen to the right of Kabutops.
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If there's any TCG set where the English version had better art than its Japanese counterpart, then Crystal Guardians is certainly one of them.
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I remember using this one for my computer's desktop back in the day.
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Terastal wish it had wallpapers like these.
They still make wallpapers for TCG sets to this day, but the ones I've seen featuring Tera Pokémon are just okay.
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Dragon Frontiers does show locales from the set, but not one of them seems to have the floating island. This one may be the closest, but that's just overspeculation on my part trying to figure out that glow in the distance.
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In the sky, mountain range by a coastline, no mountainous island in the clouds.
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Another sky shot, this time just mountains covering the land. No floating island anywhere, unless it is the floating island, but again, near baseless overspeculation.
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Final wallpaper. No, this is not from Crystal Guardians, notice the lack of crytals. I don't think many cards in Dragon Frontiers, if any, featured a beach.
>The glowing border
I meant outline, sorry. Not sure what I was thinking when I typed that.
So would Delta pokemon be turned into regional variants or convergent evolution?
any kind anon want to make the wallpapers extend a little more so it's widescreen wallpapers? i had no idea they actually had wallpapers
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>Did you know that there is a village called "Holon" deep in the Phantom Forest where Mew is said to live? It is a power spot filled with mysterious power, and researchers are working every day to solve its mysteries. Then, one day, the strong magnetic power generated by Holon caused changes in the Pokemon living in the area! That's right, Pokemon with different types than before began to appear. And because these Pokemon are the fourth to be discovered after "Normal", "Extra", and "Star", the researchers named them "δ-Delta" types!
Google Translated text from Pokémon.co.jp's card section for Holon Research Tower.
Has an archived image of Holon, same as the one seen in >>56069481, but alas, the only resolution of it is tiny for modern monitors.

The EX era, in its entirety, was centered around Dual Type Dark Pokemon that could use Special Dark energy and Dual Type Steel Pokemon that could utilize Special Steel energy. There were no basic energies for dark and steel at the time. The first half of EX block focused on Dual Dark types from Team Rocket, Aqua, and Magma who pushed their pokemon too far and turned them evil, and the second half if the EX block focused on Dual Metal Types from the Scientists in Holon who went too far and made their Pokemon half robot/tech whatever.
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Love delta species cards. These illustrators were at their peak here.
i keep telling people tcg art peaked with expedition to gen 3 and it has not been topped since
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So good. I hope it's not just nostalgia talking.
Though, contemporary sets do have amazing full art cards that really showcase a "slice-of-life" for pokemon. These modern sets have done more to showcase pokemon personalities than decades of the games and anime.
Extended with photoshop ai, here you go anon
All this Mew, yet nothing about Mirage Forest.
You know, anons, I had a mishmash of ideas from years ago to make a Holon fangame, but I had a lot of trouble tracking down the lore. I might just have to give this a shot again. Thank you for this wonderful thread, dear anons.
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Binders featuring these sets also exist showcasing some of the packaging artwork better. Of particular note is the one for Holon Phantoms with the art for the FireMist deck showing an aerial view of the set's forest.

Semi-Source Info and Gallery:
nice are you gonna do the other ones as well?
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Turns out there were wallpapers for EX Delta Species and they're some of the hardest to find out of any set. I've searched for hours and the only one I could find a full version of is Salamence with the rest cropped to remove the text. Thankfully, Salamence's is the most interesting one with the background showing a rear view of one of the buildings in Holon's inner circle, another angle of the village's architecture.
It also doesn't look like there's any wallpapers from the JP sets that I am aware of as the JP TCG site didn't start including wallpapers until Gen 4.
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I have found the poster ads for Holon Phantoms, Crystal Guardians, and Dragon Frontiers in German, but there's no new art or text. There's another one for Delta Species (pic related) where running through an image translator gave out the following:
>What happens when your favorite Pokémon gets stuck with a metal Energy connect? From the depths of the Trm, the Astwort can pick up a whole new species! In EXDelta Species you will discover these rare and unique Dual Energy Pokémon. You can also experiment with the Holon energies-animals that make your Pokémon even more powerful! With more than 110 new
Cards, EXDelta Species is a quantum leap in Pokémon science!
Going to an archive of the link on the ad led me to this banner ad.
This really should have been White Forrest and Black City.
Ghost, fire, grass, normal, rock, electric, psychic, water, ground, dragon, champion

Well, that takes care of most of the gyms and elite 4.
More info than what played on TV.

I know there was a Holon Phantoms ad, but I can't find it.
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Found page scans from CoroCoro, but there doesn't seem to be much info that isn't already covered, mostly yet more "Look at the new card and see what it can do! Combo it with this to win!" Miracle Crystal and Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends were barely covered, opting to advertise their corresponding theme decks more. At least the August 2005 issue has more art of Full Flame.
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With that, I think I've exhausted just about every card list, image, product, advertisement, and webpage relevant to the lore of Holon and Delta Species that could be easily found through some internet searches at this point in time. There are material that have yet to be rediscovered such as the commercials for Holon Phantoms and Crystal Guardians and 3 of the EX Delta Species wallpapers. Also the rulebooks, card lists, and other material that come with the theme decks, but I doubt there's much more beyond >>56069481.
>tfw it's unlikely that Holon will never be mentioned in any official capacity ever again... unless it's another anniversary
Thoughts on how the holofoil was treated differently for Delta Species compared to regular Pokémon from this era? Do you prefer the Holo or Reverse Holo for Deltas?
So this is the power of autism…
It’s cool to have so much obscure info being gathered up like this
are you gonna post the images seperately? also it sucks that we'll probably never get anything like Holon again because they want all the cards to reflect whatever the current game is
Maybe not all but tell me which ones do you care most about (photoshop was annoying as hell with the generative fill in this case and it took many tries)
I'll take a Nidoking and the Delta Species Metagross from >>56091375
For me it's delta Flareon, fire steel type, the illustration is really cool. I'm phone posting rn tho so you'll have to look it up but trust me it's really really good. Too bad I can't post the image right now. A pity. Can someone maybe post it for me?
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I'm assuming you mean this card? I agree though the art did peak with gen 3
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Generally, I go for the reverse holos since I like the stamp, and I like how it adds gold lettering to the pokemon names and foiling on the borders. But I do understand why it's not for everyone. The reverse foils of all cards (aside from those in legend maker) all have that prismatic/refracter style foiling. Even cards that aren't normally delta species, who had regular cosmos foiling when holo, will get the refractor style treatment when in the stamped reverse holo. And some cards just look amazing in cosmos foiling. So it's a trade off and not everyone is down to make that trade.

But for me, I like all of it.
Will this be a gen 3 rom hack?
Makes sense, gen 3 was the last peak before the franchise as a whole entered its dark age
Ok I was actually thinking of Jolteon oops mb. It's a lower angle pretty cinematic. It won't let me upload images from my phone but it's really good. Trust me. Better than Flareon
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Here you go
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Just for clarification I stiched the Metagross from >>56091375 with full art from >>56090914 but I think it turned out alright.
I don't know yet but if I go with rom hacking it will be gen 3 for sure.
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Image was a little bit grainy (especially near the rings) so here is denoised version
holy based
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Not the best translation
I was extremely autistic about saving everything pokemon related, tcg wrappers, magazine clippings, tags from plushies, etc and my gen 3 card collection is pretty complete, there's a good chance if I dig through it all I'll have at least some of the stuff that was packaged with the theme decks. I just gotta get my shit from my mom next time I'm in Florida, hopefully the heat and humidity hasn't totally destroyed it and no bugs or anything got to it, those boxes haven't been touched in several years.
>We' re waiting then, fellow autist
It probably won't be this thread unless I can get her to ship it all to me to sort through. Next time I'm driving cross country will be for cristmas/new years.
>holon part 2 thread confirmed for christmas
based has anyone dug in to the lore for aquapolis and skyridge?
I had them together since they weren't the full wallpaper. I'll go ahead and post them separate as I found them. They could make for cool banners.
Godspeed and best of luck. I'm down for a Delta Species Christmas or even that fansite or group suggestion.
>has anyone dug in to the lore for aquapolis and skyridge?
I'd rather save that for another thread some other time that delves into that or overall TCG exclusive lore and mechanics outside of Holon and Delta Species. I'd love to, but after spending most of my free time over the past week searching and compiling info on Holon, I could use a good break. Hopefully it shouldn't be as hard with those lores being less extensive and/or more well-documented.
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Combo breaking the Delta Metagross with Dragonite.
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Another Salamence to complete the set.
Found more JP commercials. It never ends.

Holon Phantom: https://archive.org/details/pokemon-tcg-horon-38
Miracle Crystal: https://archive.org/details/pokemon-tcg-kiseki-40

Pretty disappointing if those are the only TV ads for those sets. The JP advertisements in particular overall would've rather focus on the Kyogre and Groudon decks over Miracle Crystal itself.
I find it neat how Delta Species have their own holo pattern and style compared to other cards in the set like with super rare cards seen in other eras. Even if the artwork didn't feature a glowing aura, you can still tell a Delta Species by how the holofoil shines (Except for the POP series for some reason.), and on ex, Star, and reverse holos no less. It's little details like that that helps them and the sets as a whole stand out more. The same could be said for the logos on reverse holos, the logos themselves for those sets are cool on their own, but it makes those reverse holos look more appealing when combined with artwork that features the set's theme and works with the logo, such as that Tyranitar.
To christmas then. I'll try to have some gameplay to show by then. (And maybe some chrsitmas themed holon fan art)
Have found the blurbs as far back as 2007, so they're probably since release.
Adding blurbs from the JP website's product page in both Japanese and Google Translated English.
>ポケモンカードゲーム 構築済みスターター「まぼろしのミュウ」と拡張パック「まぼろしの森」が好評発売中!! また、拡張パック「まぼろしの森」のパッケージにはミュウのほかにも気になるポケモンがたくさん描かれているのに注目しよう。
>The Pokémon Card Game pre-built starter "Phantom Mew" and the expansion pack "Phantom Forest" are now on sale!
Also, pay attention to the fact that the package of the expansion pack "Phantom Forest" features many other interesting Pokémon in addition to Mew.
>新要素たっぷりの、ポケモンカードゲーム「ホロンの研究塔ハーフデッキ1/2」が好評発売中! まぼろしの森の奥深くに存在する「ホロンの研究塔」を舞台にキミはいったいどんなバトルをする!?
>The Pokemon card game "Holon Research Tower Half Deck 1/2" is now on sale, and is packed with new features! What kind of battle will you have in the "Holon Research Tower" deep in the Phantom Forest?
>拡張パック「ホロンの研究塔」が好評発売中! 「ホロンの研究塔」は、「ホロンの研究塔ハーフデッキ1/2」にも登場する「δ-デルタ種」という、もともとのタイプとは異なるタイプを持つポケモンなど、新カードがたくさん登場する期待大のパック!
>The expansion pack "Holon Research Tower" is now on sale! "Holon Research Tower" is a highly anticipated pack that features many new cards, including "δ-Delta species", a Pokemon with a different type than its original type that also appears in "Holon Research Tower Half Deck 1/2"!
>「ホロンの幻影(かげ)」は、「ホロンの研究塔」で登場したホロンよりさらに奥地へと進んだ場所にある湖を舞台にしているのだ! さらに「ホロンの幻影(かげ)」のポケモンのカードはすべてタイプ違いのポケモン「δ-デルタ種のポケモン」か、エネルギーに変化するポケモン「ホロンのポケモン」なのだ!
>"Shadow of Holon" is set in a lake located even further into the interior of Holon than the Holon that appeared in "Holon Research Tower"! What's more, all of the Pokémon cards in "Shadow of Holon" are either Pokémon with different types, "δ-Delta species Pokémon," or Pokémon that can transform into energy, "Holon Pokémon"!
>ポケモンカードゲーム 拡張パック「きせきの結晶」が好評発売中だよ! 今回は、「δ-デルタ種のポケモン」や「ポケモンex」などが住む、絶海の島々が舞台になっているよ。
>The Pokemon Card Game expansion pack "Miracle Crystal" is now on sale! This time, the setting is the remote islands where "δ-Delta species Pokemon" and "Pokemon EX" live.
>拡張パック「さいはての攻防」は、ラティオスとラティアスが炎と水のパワーをまとい空を飛ぶ印象的なイラストが目印! 今回は最果ての島を舞台に「δ-デルタ種のポケモン」たちが究極のバトルを繰り広げるのだ。
>The expansion pack "Battle at the End of the World" features an impressive illustration of Latios and Latias flying in the sky with the power of fire and water! This time, the "δ-Delta species Pokémon" will engage in the ultimate battle on the island of the farthest reaches.
Of particular note is Holon Phantom's title having furigana seen in >>56066765 and the text insisting that the Phantom part is read differently, leading to the "Shadow of Holon" Google Translation. For what purpose does it have? Mere wordplay or a deeper meaning?
Damn, OP is not a faggot for once
Good thread, have a bump. I always liked the concepts behind old sets like aquapolis, holon and such. Do you include Dragon Friontiers ? Because it's a remote Holon Island I think.
>Do you include Dragon Friontiers ? Because it's a remote Holon Island I think.
It will be a post game area while locations from Legend Maker, Delta Species, Holon Phantoms and Crystal Guardians will be in main story.

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