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Welcome to /wfg/! your thread to communicate with other trainers.

This is the thread for all your Trading, Battling, Raiding and Camping needs!
Missing a version exclusive?
Want try that team you are building?
Maybe need a Pokemon or two to fill your Pokedex?
Wanna do a Giveaway?
Need a carry for a difficult Raid?
Feel like doing a BBQ with other trainers?
Say no more!

Please try to not offer clones or modified Pokémon, or at least warn about them and no "hacked/injected" Pokemon please!
Have fun Anon, and be excellent to each other!

>Prepare to Face a Mighty Emboar is ongoing
Blissy Raid is ongoing as well

>Ranked Battles Season 19 Is Under Way!
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet Ranked Battles Season 19 has begun!
Running until Sunday, June 30, 2024, at 4:59 p.m. PDT, Ranked Battles Season 19 will follow Regulation Set G. Also, Pokémon are allowed to Terastallize during battle.

>Current Mystery Gifts
>Mythical Pecha Berry Gift
(No code - Receive via the Internet)
>Neo-Kitakami Case for Rotom Phone
D0T1STPARTNER. (November 30 2024 - 23:59UTC)
L1KEAFLUTE (31st Aug 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>1x Sweet Herba Mystica / 1x Spicy Herba Mystica
SWEET0RSP1CY (30th Sep 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Sprigatito with Partner Ribbon
L1K0W1TH906 (30th Sep 2024 - 06:59 PT)
TEAMSTAR (31st Oct, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Chest-Form Gimmighoul
SEEY0U1NPALDEA (30th Nov, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Terastal Cap
WEARTERASTALCAP (30th Nov, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Expert Belt
SUPEREFFECT1VE (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
>30 Quick Balls
G0TCHAP0KEM0N (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
Y0AS0B1B1R1B1R1 (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)

>Previously on /wfg/
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>Power went off just long enough for the thread to die before I could bump it
Annoying but at least it was close to the bump limit I guess so it wasn't too bad. But between thread before last reaching the bump limit and this one almost reaching the bump limit I guess /wfg/ is sorta starting to gain life again.
Anyone down for some BBQ grinding?
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Hey all, still working on my Beast Ball Living Dex, and I'm very close to finishing this! In SV, I've only got Fezandipiti and two Kubfu left to get, as well as evolving all 63 of my Milcery into every form of Alcremie

In SWSH I've made preparations in my second Shield file to catch Calyrex Ice Rider, and I still need to unlock Split-Decision Ruins to get Regidrago. I still need to catch Latios, Dialga and Reshiram in Dynamax Adventures and while I could get them in Sword, I really don't want to. Getting Sword and Violet is one thing, but buying the DLC for Sword just to catch 2-3 Legendaries I can already get in Shield just isn't worth it. I will have to buy 1 month of NSO for my second account, but that's pretty much nothing

So if anyone has routes for Latios, Dialga or Reshiram, please let me know!
One thing I've noticed about me is that I really enjoy using the pokemon traded to me by others. Even if it is an undesired mon I still really enjoy using them as I feel like I'm giving them a second lease on life. Sorta like that oldman from THAT hentai manga.
What's even good equivalent trade bait for mythicals?
I'm missing Zeroara and Zarude and I'm not sure how one would even go about trading for that. What's even remotely on the same level as a mythical?
A shiny mythical, even ones from GO could be desired

A non-shiny mythical, but one of those not currently readily available. The rarer the better, examples: not the ones locked inside BDSP, SWSH, SV, neither GO, HOME or recent event distros. Therefore, unless a "common" mythical's origins really tickles someones fancy, you'd get very few candidates. I'd say Zeraora, Zarude and perhaps Hoopa (Confined Hoopa was available for a limited time in GO and Unbound Hoopa while more commonly available can't be transferred to HOME)

A shiny legendary or several in a single trade, where event distros are more coveted: SWSH doggos, Silvally, Poipole, other really older distros. Bonus shiny legend: Type:Null

Once per file non-shiny legendaries/paradoxes or several in a single trade. SWSH's and/or SV's once per file could be good trade bait if your trade partner doesn't want to replay those games to acquire them

Run of the mill shinies (several of them) to entice an interested trade partner
Anybody free to help me evolve a Feebas real quick?
what do you need me to do anon?
Thanks anon! Code will be this post number. Just trade it straight back so I can get bigger fishy. I'll drop the code in 5 minutes?
No problem and whenever you are ready.
Alright codes up.
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Thanks for helping me out again
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No problem anon and also your milotic wanted to learn water pulse but I didn't let it. Just thought you should know in case you wanted to change it.
Great. If you need anything traded, just summon me in the thread. I owe you one.
Thank you I'll make sure to take you up on that one day but for now I'm good.
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>Check my trainer card for the 3 time since I started
>13 shinys battled
Please tell me that counts you using a shiny pokemon IN battle and not just encountering one.
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>65 shinies battled
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>only 58
>65 shinies battled
If this is for shinys you've battled and not used then I will say that this is the cruelest feature they've ever added.
Anybody up for BBQ quests?
ugh is there an easier way than having to play sun and ultra moon for the exclusives?
Unfortunately yes, no more online means no GTS or trades online with others
Damn it I guess I've got no choice but to speed run then.
Yeah… if you’re still alive.
Anybody got a spare Gligar I could have? Trying to complete the Violet DLC dex.
Anything else you need?
Not off the top of my head, thanks. Code will be this post number.
Brother I’m not that fast. I'm doing a raid.
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I'm going to bed. I'll post again tomorrow, thanks tho
I just finished tho nooooo.
I’ll be back in like… 20h
did some googling and it may include just ones you have and evolved
for what it's worth, i imported a box or two of shinies from another game and that's why the number may be higher for me
Why do people trade Vivilions so much?
FT: OT for all
Shiny Spoink, Premier Ball
Shiny Spoink, Ultra Ball
Shiny Slugma, Luxury Ball

LF: Offers
Because they have rare pattern variants that most people can only get via trading
pretendo needs to come back online already.
I miss Ich…
Anon... I am ready to receive your monster.
Not them, but I got a Gligar in Home if you want it.
Also, phrasing
Thanks! Code will be this post number.
Hold on, moving it from Home
Alright, searching now
You there? Not finding you for some reason
Alright well it's kinda late here, so I can't continue with this. Hopefully that other anon gets back to you though
Nooo, I just re-checked the thread. Thanks anyway
Am at work. 6 more.
Check your deck if you need more stuff or the evo item.
Are you there?
Alright, I gotta go shop to make brownies for work. I will keep an eye on this thread.
Anon died of no Gligussy.
Gn8 wfg
Good night anon see you later.
Second Gligar haver here, not gonna actively check but let me know if you want it but I won't be here that long
Rip, guess they >>56075159
Gligar bros..... is it finally time to recieve him? I am ready
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Post a code when you're ready
Code is this post's number.
Gligussy status: ONLINE
Epic, thanks for the Litwick
You don't have a spare Cramorant as well, do you? I need that as I'm on Violet version.
Does /wfg/ ever battle each other? I've got some holidays from the wagecage coming up and was thinking about setting up a comfy tourney for the thread, maybe with a few different gimmicks for each round.
No but i would be up for it since i never battle. All i did recently was cloning and shiny hunting and cloning. I found out that cloning isn’t possible in areas where Pokémon don’t sleep, like the Snow Biome.
Nope, I'm also on Violet and I haven't even started on the DLC, so I can't say for sure that I have Cramorant.
Got a home living dex.
Want me to breed one for you?
That'd be awesome. Thanks!
You still there? I need two fodder mons.
Anyone able to touch trade Glastrier and Regidrago for Spectrier and Regieleki in SwSh?
Make a new save and play the game again and go catch them.
And then what? Don't I have to register them in the main game to move them from home to it?
That only applies for GO's mythics (and not sure if GO legendaries too)
Nah bro thats only Go legendaries, go get your legendaries with your OT
Yeah, it applies to GO legendaries too.
Yo I need to grade Graveler, Gurrdurr, and Feebas to evolve for my kitagami dex. I have all the pokemon ready to go just need to trade back and forth please someone hit me up because the discord trannies yelled at me for asking to trade in the trade channel

link code - 55553333
Hopping on if you still need
in a trade now thanks!
I sleep.
>All the *iolet players suddenly appear after I already traded for a Ceruledge.
You people are worst than Bowser.
Next raid is sceptile for anyone who cares
Hope y'all farmed those Blisseys as much as you could
It's just me bro
I cloned some curse armor if you need it.
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>Needing clones
game for children hard, pls understand
cloned to give out as gifts for gits like the likes of you. It’s also because I bred several comp mons and I wanted multiple sets ready.
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>I cloned some curse armor if you need it.
I mean I wouldn't be APPOSED to taking a set off of your hand if you were offering anon.
I’ll be off work in 1h30min, gotta eat n stuff. 2h?
More like 1h40 now that I’m thinking about it.
No problem anon I'll be here all day so take your time. please note though that if I don't reply after a long time that means that my power went out so please forgive me if that does happen.
I am here.
Your answer will be the trade code.
Not sure where the 2 went but yeah I am ready to give you the armor.
I can't find you anon.
Forgot to turn the internet. I’m the second smartest person within this skin suit.
To make sure we got the same code, we use my/this post its ID.
Thank you anon. By the way you don't know how much your OT name threw me for a loop when I saw it.
You are whale cum.
What did I do?
Nothing, your name is just the same as my brother's so I was confused for a moment.
That’s not possible, I do not have a brother.
Then there is something I must revel then I Am your brother! But jokes aside thanks again anon if you ever need my help with something don't be afraid to say something.
I am good and thanks for the offer.
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Any SWSH players have a Dynamax Adventures route for Latios? He's the last version exclusive Legendary I need from DA since I already caught Reshiram (non-shiny this time) and have routes saved for both Dialga and a second Tornadus
Did you hunt Zygarde for a shiny?
No, but maybe some day if I ever get really bored or just want to grind DAs. I still have Zygarde available for capture in my second Shield file. I don't have its route saved right now, unfortunately
Hopefully we get another chance at these mighty pokemon.
I need to get money quickly.

Tall order unless your name is Charizard
Thousand Arrows
Scarlet and soon to be sword or shield.
SV: date skipping with the DLC and item printing. If no DLC then you can farm EXP candies and sell those or get a turbo controller and farm the Academy Tournament all night long
Oh and one of SWSH money farms comes from farming Watts then buying Luxury Balls at NPCs with that currency and selling those Luxury Balls back at the store
>SV: date skipping with the DLC and item printing. If no DLC then you can farm EXP candies and sell those or get a turbo controller and farm the Academy Tournament all night long
Thanks hopefully it won't be so bad doing this.

Now this sounds like more of a chore and I hope God has mercy on me because I am not looking forward to this.
Isn’t it easier to use gmax Meowth during the tournament with no attack animations?
Looking for peeps to do BBQs with. Reward is a rare ball of your choice.
I have to go to sleep but if you are around later I can help out.
What’s later for you? Cuz imma go to sleep in 3h myself
I wonder how much online support that S&V's has left?
Previously I'd say 2025 but next game at door is PLZA and they are not using that for their core (TCG/competitive/mobile/anime/etc) in a long years stretch, that's for true mainline games. No news about next Gen so three year cycle will be on hold for the moment. After SV's own tech performance being an embarrasment (Switch itself's pauper specs in part to blame) and Palworld dealing them a slap to the face, it was time for GF to finally sit down and change things if they want to continue farming wallets for another 30 years

7 stars Sceptile is up
arceus it is
>puts up shield
>maxes out attack and speed
>nothing personelle kiddo crit leaf blade
>crit leaf blade
gay raid
>Clefable w/ Unaware + Calm Mind + Draining Kiss
>Ape w/ Bulk Up + Defiant
Go crazy.
>only saw it use Drag Dance once
>uses it again
>Sceptile Attack and Speed are already maxed!
>It freely gets to stack it on every players individual turn
>cant Taunt during shield
Thats the gayest shit i've ever seen.
>Trusty ol Rapeape
How much I love you Donkey Kong
Did it with a weird cast of teammates. Reshiram, Corviknight, Galar Weezing, and Mew.
I just beat Sceptile with a team of Magearna, Metagross and Corviknight. The Pokemon I used was Armarouge, specifically one I bred for Raidcat when that was the strat
Modest nature
252 HP, 252 Def
Weak Armor, Leftovers
Mystical Fire
Acid Spray
Clear Smog
Helping Hand
I basically just spammed Clear Smog over and over to keep resetting Sceptile's stats, which helped out a lot alongside Corviknight using Reflect and Bulk Up to then do some damage. Metagross was supporting with Trick Room and boosting with Bulk Up, and Magearna was using Calm Mind to boost and Drain Kiss to deal good damage and keep healthy

I probably should've switched Armarouge's ability to something else, since the stat raising and lowering probably ate up more time than necessary, but whatever. I fucking hate this raid, so glad I'm done with it
I'm getting back into pokemon after a long time. Dumb question: it sounds like if I transfer pokemon into SV, it will overwrite its moves with its gen ix moveset? So no more transferring up old Clefables with Softboiled or things like that?
>Dumb question: it sounds like if I transfer pokemon into SV, it will overwrite its moves with its gen ix moveset?
Unfortunately, yes. If you transfer a Pokemon from Bank to HOME, it will have its original moveset in HOME, but when you transfer it to any of the new games it will have its moveset replaced with whatever it would naturally learn at that level. This is also true if you transfer a Pokemon from one game to another, such as SV to SWSH. However, that's only true the first time, as HOME will remember a Pokemon's moveset for each game it's been in, so if you move a Pokemon from SV to SWSH, then back to SV, it will still have its moveset from SV when it returns, regardless of what changes you made in SWSH

While we're on the topic, Abilities are saved between games as well, so unless a Pokemon has different abilities between games (or none at all, in the case of PLA) those Abilities will carry over to those games as well, and unlike with Moves any changed made to those abilities will not be reverted. There used to be a bug where Abilities changed with Ability Capsules or Ability Patches were game-specific, but that was thankfully patched. Natures changed with mints will carry over just fine between games, since every game from SWSH onwards have them
Cleared Sceptile with randoms. Used Contrary Malamar with Skill Swap. Got a couple Swaggers off before the shield went up and after that just Psycho Cut or heal cheer when needed.
Is there anyone who would be wiling tto breed a couple of eggs for me?
I think the academy farming still works with dlc, but just needs a more specific stat build
Fuck playing pokemon right now. I'm tired of Japanese hours being a no fun allowed zone. How come I can't play fun gimmick teams when the bugmen are awake
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What are you looking for?
I'm back for a few hours if you are around.
Kinda. Work followed by training, shaving and showering. Idk how long that’s gonna take.
I'll be around, just let me know when and I'll try to respond.
I tried to solo with Ape on my 2nd profile that doesn't have NSO, didn't work. It had too many attack boosts and leaf blade crits. Up til now either Ape or Flutter would work solo on pretty much all of them, looks like I have to transfer in somebody else to clear it.
Are you?
I zzz
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I wouldn't be apposed to it really but I really do wish that they would release one more DLC to complete the
I beat it with an Armarouge too. Got a burn with Lava Plume turn 1 then had to Clear Smog pretty much every turn after that. Seriously I look away for one second and he's already got some more Dragon Dances up from other players turns.

Same. Debated Dusk since the colours match but the entry animation wouldn't suit. Nest Ball felt like an insult and I didn't like the idea of using a Net Ball on something not water and/or bug. Safari would have been great if I had one too, in the end settled on Premier just because.
EZ Clefable, just those critical Leaf Blades were annoying but nothing too serious
So what's the strat for Mighty Sceptile, preferably one that doesn't rely on having to transfer a 'mon in?

>>56094303 here, did it solo with:

Clefable @ Shell Bell
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 HP/252 SpA/4 Def
Tera: Fairy
Ability: Unaware

Draining Kiss
Calm Mind

Turn flowchart was more or less the following:

Turn 0: hopefully it doesn't target you with Leaf Storm
Turn 1: Moonblast
Turn 2: Draining Kiss
Turn 3: Draining Kiss
Turn 4: Terastillize and Moonblast (it will reset your stats here)
Turn 5: Protecc
Turn 6: Calm Mind
Turn 7: Calm Mind
Turn 8: Hopefully it didn't back to back Leaf Blade crit you up to this point, if it killed you then reset. Otherwise heal up with Draining Kiss here
Turn 9: Moonblast
Turn 10 and upwards: Keep pressuring with Moonblasts when your HP is high but if it falls to 180ish HP or lower heal up with Draining Kisses.

Best NPCs for solo: burners, Intimidators and paralyzers. Won't recommend going to +6 with Calm Minds because you risk eating those back to back crits while setting up, 2 Calm Minds felt enough for me to race the clock no problem
I could have sworn that I finished this post. What I meant to say was that I wish the DLC would complete the pokedex so I could have the Ultra beasts in Paldea.
Looking for anons for BBQs, Ogre Oustin (still need that Munchlax), willing to help with dexes. Will hunt the shiny Moon Bat in SwSh for now.
Clefable or Malamar. With Malamar use skill swap to give Sceptile contrary so it loses stats every time it use dragon dance. Let Malamar get knocked out once to get your ability back. Then use superpower til you can terablast stellar. You'll gain attack everytime and whenever Sceptile uses breaking swipe on you. Avoid intimidate npc for this one cause it'll give it attack.
Someone baited me, Stellar Draining kisses do nothing to his shield
iirc Tera has to match the attack's type to mitigate shield's reduction, which means Stellar doesn't apply I guess?
based monkee

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