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This is a bonk thread. Bring shiny objects at your own peril.
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I want to bonk a Lucario
I could see a gang of Tinks tearing apart a Lucario for their metal spikes
Based on the Pokken model, Luc's shoulders also resemble iron weights somewhat
Oh I forgot mons have realisitc textures in the
main games now.
Both spikes and the weights share the same metal
tinkfags should kill themselves
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>119.0 lbs
Based on their size-to-weight ratio, their bones are probably made of steel, they are heavier than Pokemon with similar anatomy like Delphox (86.0 lbs), Lycanroc (55.1 lbs), Zeraora (98.1 lbs), Cinderace (72.8 lbs), Meowscarada (68.8 lbs)

and many of these surpass its height
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Maybe a reference to Wolverine, this pokemon is a set of cliches
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>then he got married to a Tinkaton and they go boom boom in the bedroom everyday
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So, what do you guys think of Tinkaton's debut in Horizon?
The Copperajah should be torn down for scrap metal after letting la Gremlina down like that.
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Me no get context..
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Tinkaton is so adorable!
How can anyone hate such a cootie patootie!?
because they're a genuine menace to other steel pokemon
We have steel workers who would do the same thing to steel Pokémon and any metal bodied Pokémon would rarely ever have a burial as we will scrap them for resources just like Tinkatons..
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Whoa, things got real, let's go back to cute Tinkas! XD

Tinkatink has a lot of cute moments in the anime too: https://x.com/TheAdmiralMoe/status/1789287394128048166

it's pretty sad that Tinkatuff usually gets the short end of the stick when it comes to discussion about the Tinkas(Tinkatink and Tinkaton is getting tons of merch while Tinkatuff practically has no merch), maybe when Dot's Tinkatink evolves into Tinkatuff or they meet one, maybe people will start caring more about Tinkatuff?
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Jesus, /co/, could you have saved a worse image?
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What a nice thread we have here mind if i join?
If you don't mind leaving without a measly limb or two
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>Warchief Marowak wants to form an alliance with the Tinka Tribe!
>Do they accept?
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>We Tinkafolk choose WAR
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Tinkaton made herself a new car
For some reason I always misremember Tinkatink's name as Tinkatyke.
Tinkatyke does have a good ring to it, to be honest.
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If he was turned into a Pokémon in PMD
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Tinkatink needs to get bullied. Take her hammer away and play fetch with it and Rockruff, let the food tangle slightly above her head as she hops with her little stubs for legs to reach out for it. Savor every single tear that falls from her eyes when she hears the thunder hollering on a stormy night and cowers into herself. Wake her up with the Airhorn. Take long sips from the berry juice made out of her lunch right before her blurry eyes.
Play the sounds of a motor engine at night to haunt her every senses.
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Tinkatuff is cool, she needs more love.
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So is this thing only popular because it looks like a loli and /vp/edos love that or am i missing something?
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you're missing a lot
She's cool and cute at the same time
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That's actually a better name than what we got if you ask me.
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>Tinkatink must beat the rock as it's on the great book of grudges
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Gee bill, two Tinka threads?
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And this is how Namari the dwarf got her long leg fetish
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Left girlfriend with anger issues
Right boyfriend who tames her with kindness
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Twice the fun!
Tinkaton should just open Hatterene's dress. She won't be as upset
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Get your Tinka a game console, so she'll take her violent tendencies out on pixels instead
Huge power and change Gigaton hammer pls.
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I was going to say there was a reason why she doesn't have Huge Power, then I remembered Blood Moon Ursaluna and Mega-Mawile which made me realized there is no reason for her to not have Huge Power..

They could at least give her a special item like Marowak, in the anime Dot's Tinkatink hammer is different and whenever they decide to bring Dot's Tinkatink into the game will she be using a special hammer? They could've also made her the Pseudo-Legendary instead of Baxcalibur another boring Dragon..
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