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Why did you do it /vp/ ?
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The art is so accurate to the shows style that i wonder if the artist actually works as an animator for the actual pokemon anime
Hotelfag, you still alive?
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I doubt it but some people can copy a style quite well.
i wanna fuck that buizel
i wanna fuck that miltank
i wanna fuck that braixen
i wanna fuck that maycario
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Its still scarily accurate through
who is the artist?
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>Tranny tf
Get the rope
>You get to go to the pokemon world
>But you're cursed to forever talk in shitty google translate
The monkey's paw strikes again...
bui returns!
I wouldn't mind if she transformed me into a pokémon, as long as she either trained me herself or gave me to another nice trainer. It's comfy life, resting in pokéball, fighting some weak shits like weedles and rattatas, eating snacks... no need to worry about working, wages, rents...
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sex with witch girl
We needed more episodes like this
It will never happen again sadly
It should've at least had one episode instead of just resolving it in the opening minutes of the next episode.
And the Synchro Machine happened.
File deleted.
Doesn't count bitch
Why not?
I was sad when this artist deleted some of their work including these. It was so good.
Synchro what?
Device from I think the newest game that lets you mind control your Pokemon, and it's supposed to also synchronize your mind and feelings together. It doesn't transform you though, I think it just sends your consciousness into your Pokemon.
Sounds like nightmare fuel.
That's awesome, so you could canonically transfer your consciousness to your pokemon while it's in the daycare? Imagine
i literally had a dream like this today, where GF released a spinoff in which you got uploaded to your mon's consciousness because something got fucked up with the pc system. it then devolved into a weird cross between mega man battle network and digimon cyber sluts because you were stuck in cyber space
>turns fr*nch

Truly a fate worse than death.
>digimon cyber sluts
Finally, a game where I can fulfill my bisexual Guilmon harem fantasies.
Sounds cool
sucking milk straight out of ashtank's teats!!
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Realistically what do you do in this situation?
Skip work and sleep
Panic a lot, also who has mirrors like that in their room?
People who aren't fat or ugly. I'm sorry.
eat ducks at the pond
I am fat and I bought one of those mirrors. It is simply not in my room. Retard0.
Voring shit won't be as tasty as eating a steak, I am sure you would find this out quite fast.
But yor mouth woudl be bigger
Be slightly sad that I didn't turn into a pokemon I wanted, though I have a TF fetish so after some initial body exploration, I'd masturbate. After the post nut clarity kicks in, I'd probably panic a little bit.
Whats the sexual appeal of TF?
It's different for many people, but personally I'm just extremely curious what having different body parts feels like.
Because you're a buizel (Female) and I'm going to use you as a breeding sleeve.
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Imagine waking up and being a smelly Pokémon with a brain the size of a peanut, forced to obey humans.
I'd rope.
the backgrounds tend to just be copy-pasted from screenshots, so that's half the work right there.
>fucking miltankash in his cowpussy
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Let's be real.
This bayleef wanted his bod as a human.
As a Bayleef as well she's not stopping until his plant dino shlong is tapping her newly made eggs.
He will be swirly eyes out, and she will be doing her best imitation of a water pokemon.
>TFW you'd get turned into Cryagonal or another genderless shitmon
You're so fat you weren't able to look at yourself?
Kek. Not surprised they don't get it.
>"the 3d on this thing sucks"
>draws a fucking DSi instead of a 3DS
immersion ruined, i can't fap to this
>bui returns!
and leaves once his address is leaked once again
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>"Anon, you stayed human!?"
>"Boy, did you get lucky."
>"My new body is... weird."
"Oh yeah, I got lucky."
"Really, really lucky..."
Based on the other threads, a lot of people seam to be ok with being something like a Porygon
Because even a chained-up animal would probably reject me IRL
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do i get to keep my penis
this got me thinking about something. humans irl managaed to enslave quite a lot of animal species, for entertainment or for food/material. now in pokemon, humans did this too, but the stakes are way higher. like 11 year olds can have creatures capable of provoking natural catastrophes at their command. kinda wild.
>have inflation fetish
>thinking of the nido as a giant inflatable is kinda hot
>cant unsee the ash parts though
this is unfappable. anybody got a pic thats just a nido with air valves?
wait for the next inflation thread
Yesyesyesyyes i wanna be a woman and a pet uwuwuwuwu gimme gimme gimme meowww
Theres a difference bewteen a fat fetish thread and an inflation thread, fag
No there isn't. It's like how vore and a pregnancy fetish are the same.
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I'd press it
It's not forever eventually you will be a Primarina.
No see you have an everstone fused to your body so you can never evolve either.
Then not worth it
Even if being a pokemon > being human
What like Unova Mewtwo and the Mewtwoite?
Just rip it out
i know that. but anon seems to be into pooltoys, and that falls under inflation, not fat.
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You sure about that, have you tried doing it even once?
Pooltoys look nice but they arent that hot
I can and will. Shifting and Manifesting is a thing, sweetie.
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You Will Never Be A Pony?
>creature who's only purpose is being deflated and inflated, even has valves for it
if you have an inflation fetish, its quite hot
>creature who's only purpose is being deflated and inflated
Then it's an inanimate object, not a creature.
If it's an animal it should have ripable guts.
What do you mean?
sauce pls
Hope to get found by my partner and future love interest
If not, spend some time examining myself, then panic trying to decide whether I should wait to be found by a relative or flee into the wild
Ever wondered what a real, biological
pussy feels like? Not so much different to wonder what different genitals and sex using them feel like. Like a cloacal kiss. Although I guess it would suck if they worked like animals', you'd be cursed to a few seconds of sex on average.
There's much more to it though, I've been a TFfag long before I found any sexual appeal in it
>I've been a TFfag long before I found any sexual appeal in it
I genuinely wonder were the interest in TF comes from especially since I am among those who are cursed with having it
Probably Disney
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Possible influences:
>Disney - Huge One
>Power Ranger Related Media
>Anime with Magical Girls doing the transformation sequence like Sailor Moon
>Old Obscure movies while growing up that feature TF like Willy the Sparrow
>Random cartoons featuring TF as an episode premise like that Spongebob episode where they turn into snails
>Video games with TF, heavily present in Majora's Mask for example and is a primary mechanic

Pick a poison depending on your age.
I wish I was a zoroark.
The first memory was some cartoon (idk the name) where two thugs jumped a girl and her friend(male), she grew thorns and then became a huge plant monster (though I've never cared for plants)
Another was Willow and the scene where the witch screams from her tower "you are all pigs!" and people below become pigs in agonizing pain, and then run around like mindless animals. Saw that single scene on TV and it terrified me. (I've never fantasized about any TF related to pigs, ever)
Anither one was in Heroes III Armageddon's Blade, Dragon's Blood campaign, where the hero Mutare eventually transforms into a dragon in an animation sequence which was really fucking good for its time and budget. In the next mission she even had a unique dragon portrait and the story told about her checking out her new claws. I wasn't scared, I was fascinated and so damn envious. And hard, duh.
Other honorable mentions would be covers of Animorphs, featured in Donald Duck magazines; Remus Lupin TF scene in Harry Potter 3 film (and the concept of shapeshifting wizards like McGonagall) etc
Went downhill when I found out WoW had a class of shapeshifters and you could become a bird. I happily lived out my fantasy. Later I looked for fitting shapeshifting art (brought me to DA which wasn't dogshit at that time) and it was over
I'm not a TFfag, but the scene where girls slowly turn into dolphins from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids TV show was one of the first sexually exciting videos I watched.
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a number of things, mostly cartoons I'd say the biggest influences would be cinderella, magical girl shows, alice in wonderland and rando shows I probably couldn't tell you the names of, though I was also exposed to alot of degenerate stuff by a family member (alot of /d/ tier stuff) on top of child hood trauma and the 'tism has lead me to that.

though despite that, for whatever reason I seem to think of stuff in the most absurdly wholesome manner with conscent and lovey dovey themes, and not body horror/rapey, make of that what you will, I have alot of issues, mang.
the whole point of it is that the pooltoy is alive, and able to feel pleasure

I want to turn everyone into May and be surrounded by big breasted cuties
I wonder what pokemon anons here would want to be.
>I was fascinated and so damn envious
to be fair, who wouldn't want to be a powerful dragon?
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>I wonder what pokemon anons here would want to be.
Cyndaquil, my personality-appropriate PMD pick and my first starter of all time besides. It was destined to be.
I have other picks too but I'll go with something basic this time
How about you, anon?

I sure wanted to be one badly, and to have this happen to my body. Still do
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I like big birds, a bit boring I know
>I have other picks too
Tell me, and that is a cool looking dragon.
Too many transformations involve permanent brainwashing, vore, not to mention turning into inanimate objects or into soulless mindless organs. I'm not into death, thanks.
I know right? Even if you're into domination, what's the fun if they're not aware to experience it?
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Not boring at all. I can relate very well. I've always wanted to be a medium-large, blue red and white bird native to Hoenn. Or its preevo. To the point that in playthroughs of Emerald I was calling the bird myself, and the player character something else.
I just think it's neat, even if nothing special (like me).

Based. I want to keep my identity (internally) and have to adjust to my new body, learn it and all, maybe even with a friendly Pokémon tutor of my (new) species.
Even better if the changes are slow and gradual, and you witness your senses changing and discover new instincts.
TF doesnt necessarily require vore, and nobody sane wants to turn into shit like a toilet or a vein.
Cyndaquil was what I got when I first took the quiz in EoS. Before I reset and cheated for who I actually wanted. I did use that for my partner however
Sorry bro, you go to the competitive neckbeard
What's your full quiz result though? The short one in EoS kept gaslighting me with Jolly, which I sure as fuck am not
>which I sure as fuck am not
You just lack self-awareness. Ask your friends if you're "jolly" or not.
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And Brave, Relaxed, Serious and Bold too? Which one of these then, if 64 questions gave me Timid (which actually makes sense)?
>cheated for who I actually wanted
...which was?
Honestly, I don't really see the point in identity death since it's just killing the character and as >>56091552 says, it should be something you have to adjust with over a long period of time. imagine having to relearn how to walk with talons or in the case of becoming something like a Galvantula, multiple limbs
When the vividly level of my dreams reaches real life and I'm an animal the control of your body just comes naturally. Even as a bird you know how to fly, take off or land.

One time as a magpie I was flying towards a mountain and started to feel an updraft. The wind pulled on my feathers which allowed me to adjust instantly I just knew what to do, it was pure instinct.

Don't envy if you can't experience such dreams btw. It just makes you depressed, there's just something so freeing about it which you'll never be able to experience in real life willingly.
I dream about being in plane crashes enough that it is a trigger for me to enter lucid dreaming.
Least autistic /vp/ thread.
>Don't envy if you can't experience such dreams btw
What else can I do besides feel envy?
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>you will never turn into a pokemon
>I wonder what pokemon anons here would want to be.
Maractus. I will not elaborate further.
>imagine having to relearn how to walk with talons
And digitigrade legs with your knees mostly cuddled up to your torso and hidden in plumage
And of course having wings, folding and unfolding them, saying goodbyes to your fingers and having to use your new knife-face and talons to manipulate objects

Honestly telekinesis would be cheating
I should get back to lucid dreaming training. I do envy you, I've only ever had a few short and blurry dreams where I was just flapping my wings and barely lifting off
It's pretty much the only way to ever experience life in a different body. Maybe some day we'll have technology to induce lucid dreams and stabilize them?
Last time I made the effort, the peak of my achievements was commanding the sun to rise to the top of the sky
This but unironically, it's comfy, honest and free of shitposting and resident schizos that make this board so shit
If it's not your thing, then why stick around?
Because I can.
I am basic.
If you want something to do you can pity me.
I was told the best way to lucid dream is to do reality checks and do them as you walk into a new room. Eventually you will do them in dreams. When I did them I got about 5-6 fully lucid dreams, each ranging from 30 secs to 20mins.
5-6 lucid dreams a month I meant
Eh, in my dreams it's mostly flying (with height limit) and going through walls. I can pretend to do more, like transforming into a mouse or creating objects, but even in a dream it's pretty clear that I'm just pretending and nothing actually happens.
Also I dunno if ever actually experienced lucid dreaming; certainly I believe that I do experience them while a dream, but how would I know that I'm actually lucid, and not just following the "script" of the dream and pretending to be lucid?
>do them as you walk into a new room
That's actually a great tip. I knew about "All Day Awareness" but getting the mindset is like deciding to swim across the ocean. Making reality checks a habit while coming into different places sounds like a great help.
I'll try this. Thanks, anon.
Can't read the text but Maractus is a good choice.
At least you would have real good eyesight
get some peanut butter
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A steady childhood diet of superhero comics and Pokemon gave me the fantasy of fighting crime as a Lucario.

Bonus points if I can transform back into a human to keep a secret identity. If I couldn't, at least Lucario are close enough to humans I could still do most regular activities. Typing on a computer might be harder though.
i would love to be a dwebble
Ok dweeb.
You wouldn't do anything evil with your illusion powers, would you?
>ack snow!

What's your "reality check"?
It's really hard to pick just one... maybe a Scorbunny or a Zorua. Or even Sobble.
I've never had a dream where I was an animal but I can routinely fly in my dreams. Although it feels less like flying and more like jumping without falling down, and I usually have to keep "jumping" to stay in the air. I can also "hover" with my feet just a few inches off the ground like I have invisible roller skates or something (also unrelated but when bad things start happening in my dreams I'll feel myself putting a lot of mental effort into "reloading the quicksave" so to speak; it sometimes works)
Actually being an animal who can fly would be really cool though.
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Would also be cool to be able to carry friends on my back
And peck them if they pull on my feathers

Not him but I pinch my nose and try to breathe. If I can, I'm dreaming.
Depends. If I turn into a cat or dog, I will enter a girl's house, act cute, and then take a bath with her I guess? If I turn into Flying-type, I'll fly around the city, explore and shit. If Ghost-type, I'll put a curse on everyone I hate. If Gholdengo, I'll rob a bank.
Would anons turned into bird mons be affected by imprinting?
No, we are not animals. Standard bonding with humans applies. Of course, you also need to apply the factor of being a former human. A big factor.
I don't think I would be evil, but I would definitely sneak into places I shouldn't be. Temptation is easy to speak, hard to know.
I dream of being a Mew... alot.
Flying, psychic powers, mewing, telepathy.
Why always a Mew?
That looks extremely painful.
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I have a giantess kink
What do you do as a mew?
Mostly fly above everything and no joke Fight Astral Glowies
For you
Not yet
Keep up the good fight anon
At least she won't have to worry about being cold anymore. do you think it would be harder to get used to being an unknown gender mon or an opposite gender mon?
I assume you'd just find out your new gender somehow, feel it on instinctual level
It would be hard for human reasoning to figure out whether you're male or female if you grow a cloaca
>are you a boy or a girl?
>I'm a bird
>but what's in your pants?
>why would a bird wear pants
>but I would definitely sneak into places I shouldn't be.
What do you have in mind?
Your mum's bedroom as you.
>knowing instinctually there is something else wrong with you despite not being able to see it
kinda scary and intriguing to think about.
That looks even more painful than the last ones, especially since the wings are made of metal.
Explore historic buildings. Follow infrastructure. Chill on a penthouse balcony. Enjoy museums up close and their collection in storage. Observe a shipbuilding yard. Watch a rocket launch from the control room. Eavesdrop on reporters discussing abreaking story. Be inconspicuous in forests, parks, and streets at night. It is living the slow life anywhere, inconspicuous. I would probably get mangled in an industrial accident lol.
>It is living the slow life anywhere, inconspicuous
Such a comfy way of living.
>I would probably get mangled in an industrial accident lol.
As long as you keep your mane in check you should be ok.
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>legs disintegrating but you can hover and fly
>new limbs growing and ripping your clothes
I could deal with such pain.
But imagine growing additional heads or losing your eyes. Or becoming an objectmon. Terrifying.
>You become Voltorb
>You panic and accidentally initiate Self-Destruct move
>The End.
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>keep your mane in check
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>But imagine growing additional heads
how would multiple heads, or in the case of becoming a Falinks, multiple bodies function?
>Or becoming an objectmon.
As strange as it sounds, I wouldn't mind becoming pic rel, but the rest are a hard no.
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Do you agree?
………. I got better……
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>multiple heads
I just don't know. Would you have one mind, or would they be "independent" and compete for control over your body? If the former, they would be effectively like extra arms, but instead of grabbing things you can see and eat and bite...
I choose to believe you'd become one of them and have to find the rest of the squad.
I was thinking something like Klefki. Your body twisting into a metallic ring with random keys dangling from it? I think I'll pass
Chandelure more like a creature with limbs at least... Kind of
Chandelure is*
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he turns himself into a pokemon
funniest shit I've ever seen
No way
Multiple head Pokemon require multiple people.
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I think you would look great as a plush abomination resembling a Maractus.
sex with a plushie abomination resembling my waifumon
>A zipper acts as its mouth
>If it opens its mouth, its cursed energy escapes.
Basically Banette? Given that you're animated by "cursed energy"/Strong feelings of hatred/grudge, just commit suicide before you've become insane and killed everyone around you.

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