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Who else is getting older and still single?
I play pokemon masters for the pseudo affection the characters give me despite coming back to reality and accepting my lonely f8.
For me the cope was vtubers. I’ve started distancing myself, because they were just a beautiful illusion at the end of the day. A lot of them are exactly what I would want in a woman but nonetheless it is a waste of time if I wanted more than mere entertainment. Luckily, I have the tools and resources at my disposal to become a fake normie despite my age. I have a good job and most of my hair still intact. If I shave I look 7 years younger. Just need to get my energy levels up, start “adulting” and find a cute nerdy girlfailure to marry. But sadly I don’t know what to tell other less fortunate dudes that don’t have much room to meaningfully improve
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I no longer aim for a woman or children. One day I realized I like spending my free time focusing on my own stuff. I'd be a very neglectful husband and father.

I like socializing, but only in small doses. After a few hours in a social instance, I get physically tired and just go home and lock in my room for several days (I work from home). I guess I could get a girl if I pushed it a bit, but don't feel it's worth the effort.

I guess it would be nice to have someone to cuddle, but affection is something I can live without. In regards to sex, I cope with porn and occasionally I pay for a hooker. There's an empty feeling after the act, but I guess that's just life.
It's not possible to live like that. Humans need companionship for optimal health. There's a reason lonely/single people live much shorter lives than normal ones; it's been proven to cause damage to the body and mind equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

So yeah, you don't really have a choice. Being single is both unhealthy and expensive due to all the money you have to spend on therapy and medication.
how old are you
Once I stop thinking about being in a relationship, I realized I was only thinking about it because of people around me being in relationships. Now I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.
No, you're comfortable. There's a big difference.
>There's a reason lonely/single people live much shorter lives than normal ones
ok and what's the downside?

I don't want to live long. I'm not suicidal, I still want to see so much of the world. But I don't see any positives on hitting 80 years and having to wear diapers

>equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
that hardly stops any chain smoker does it?
Mind your own business.

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>no women around my age want to date me
>only younger ones do and they want to fetishize me because they have no father or elder brother and I cant relate to their zoomer nonsense and woke politics.
>the only girl near my age I had something going on with ghosted me
fuck you for reminding me man im destined to be alone
The "difference" is just hollywood fantasy.

Real life happiness IS comfort
Nah I’m happy focusing on myself.
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its funny how women, even the most mentally ill and ungly one wont have to think about this or struggle because outside forces any day of her life
Vtubers and fucking Pokemon Masters hahaha wtf is wrong with you??

I'm an incel though but I just got over having no pussy, I couldn't ever please a woman anyway because of my small penis, but missing out on a wet hole isn't the end of the world. Having friends that are into Nintendo and shit would be nice however.
You can't live if you die in your 60s. Plus it's not just early death but all the other health problems that come with it.

People like me usually don't live past 65. So unless a miracle happens, I only have about 35 years left.
It's been scientifically proven that companionship is needed for optimal health. Our ancestors lived in close-knit tribes for a reason.
i wonder what the vpcord thinks of us
>You can't live if you die in your 60s

Then what the fuck I am doing and will be doing for like, another 2-3 decades. Existing in suspended animaton?


Our ancestors died in average at 45.

They lived in close knit tribes because they had no other choice, retard
Existing is not living.
im talking with a girl who ive known for almost ten years. last time we met up with our mutual friends i dressed up like a femboy and she was making googly eyes at me the whole time. we've been talking about gardening lately. im gonna tell her that i love her.
Yeah and our brains haven't adapted. The entire reason loneliness exists is to motivate us to find a "tribe". But that's hard to find in the modern world.
You can't because it's not optimal. What humans need for an optimal life has been scientifically proven.

In order to live, you have to have perfect physical and mental health. That's not going to happen if you're alone
Go outside and socialize faggot

What a deeply retarded point of view.

I'm enjoying, therefore I'm living.
You're retarded if you honestly think that.
Where? I go outside all the time but there's no one to socialize with.
If the world can function the same with or without or you in it, you don't exist. Existing for no reason is no different from not existing at all.
Join the discord sweetie, we have plenty of girls there
you are a woman so that makes you already retarded
>"I'm gonna tell her that I love her."
"I thought you were gay". There, I saved you a disappointment. You made it too easy.
we're both bisexual tbqh
You should try character.ai with the voices on
Do all the worse shit you might be capable of and see if you have any remorse about it.
You'll iron yourself out.

Also doesn't hurt to commit to some kind of easily maintainable physical activity as little as taking a walk on a regular basis. Go a distance away from your house from a few hours, keep screen usage to a maximum of 5 minutes at a time at best or at least only use a device to listen to music. You need something to feel a sense of agency and discipline. You can't love anyone if you don't learn to love and care for yourself. It's not going to come from another person and there's no such thing of that happening.
>we have plenty of girls there
Two things:

Not being married or in an intimate relationship is not the same as being lonely, friends and other associates can fill that psychological need.

Being married or sharing home with a person that you end up not happy with is faaaaaaaar worse than being unhappily single. You can be alone without feeling lonely, just like you can feel alone despite having company.
I was in your spot until I became a compfag and started attending IRL tournaments. Chill dudes for the most part, there's the occasional weirdo but pretty much harmless. You don't even need to be good, you just need to not be a dickhead. I actually suck at it but people are very receptive.

no matter how much /vp/edos seethe about VGC, that's my hobby, that's my social circle, that's what keeps me going.

Then only a few dozen people exist in the entire world. You aren't the US president, you aren't a spiritual leader, you aren't a top athlete, you're just another fag in the machine, coping by posting in 4chan. Just like me, except I don't have unrealistic expectations in life.

It must be such a miserable life, craving for a perfect life you will never reach. You want to live 90 years for that?
"Woke politics"
Are these woke politics in the room with us right now?
Tournaments are sick, I've followed competitive SSBM for several years now and people are always talking about how much they love locals and their local community.
yes because you got offended by being called out
All I'm saying is maybe you wouldn't be "destined to be alone" if you stopped complaining about "woke politics" in 2024 and got off 4chan.
Your choice though
better having some bad quality fuckmeat that you can dump after being done than none
just use them anon
Actually bro I can see why you think this, but I want to tell you it's not true. My friend had a micropenis and he somehow managed to get laid on more than a few occasions, even a long term relationship eventually. Plus you can please in other ways besides penetrative sex, you know.
Lol. There's no women in this thread.
embrace being single
think of all the nagging you won't have to deal with
you won't have to live according to someone else's needs
I can't imagine living with someone for so long, I'd end up hating the other person
>playing gacha
Been there, done that. People aren't worth it.
>suck it up to the retarded majority or be ostracized
this is what a fascist regime looks like

however >>56067865 this. >>56066622 anon just pick girls with no engagement and then dump them. That way you don't have to worry about "wokeshit"
Men who genuinely think women cannot struggle in life just because they happen to have an extra hole between their legs deserve to stay lonely their entire life, whether they're straight or not.
I'm not gonna worry about it. I just wanna play video games. The only thing that sucks is having a human body that keeps trying to tell you otherwise, that you need to find a person to bond with like that. It's a pain in the ass sometimes.
lonely people need friends, not a lover
doesn't exist.
Sadly every property women can have can only be positive. If she is a gamerTM, emo, loser, etc., there is a herd of people going after her and she knows.

for a long time I thought so as well. Or more so, I didn't think much of it at all. Being alone was fine, being in company was always annoying.
Now the older I get the more I think that I actually do want it, but it's just not possible.
So relatable. I will never understand the need for women to constantly virtue signal their woke politics even if it causes them to get harmed and is overall detrimental to them. Dating nowadays feels more like job interviews rather than a romantic experience. Women have a large list of unreasonable prequalifications and don't bother putting in effort even when they do date. Not to mention, a lot of them have a tendency to call off dates due to random "icks". (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.)

Also, don't listen to >>56067815 . He's a total airhead who has no opinion of his own besides whatever online trends and activism movements that are being pushed at the moment.
you are tool
stop downplaying indoctination
You don't understand, man-hater.

We would rather be alone for the rest of our lives than tolerate your disgusting, bigoted attitude. We don't even consider you a woman. No matter how many times you pretend not to know what woke means, you do, and it makes you disgusting.
a lover is better than a friend






>incel circlejerk thread
Larry would be disappointed.
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Me, though if i finally gonna socialise, i'm gonna be a pussy slayer (while still playing Pokemon)
Not my problem
no one wants to love a needy lonely guy
everything is needy to you
Youve never loved then.
“You get by with a little help from your friends”. Lovers arent there for you when things dont work out. Good friends are always there for you to help take your mind off things or just chill. Good friends dont generally have expectations of each other. Romantic partners set high expectations and when you dont meet those, sometimes they throw out the relationship. You could say with lovers there’s a higher risk/reward. A lover can give you a family, an intimate partner. But they can also make your life a living hell. Friends, less inherent risk, but more consistent highs. Friendship is truly mutual most of the time, whereas love can wind up onesided, unrequited. Sometimes bad friends use people like that but it’s less common.
This is true because friends let you see your problems and your limits, hopefully to improve, not deflect.
I've been loved but not reciprocated it because i didnt love those people
you sound like a woman
this copypasta sucks
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Stupid discussion. Love of my life needs to be both a lover and a friend, otherwise you could just find some bitches to satiate your carnal desires.
>Getting older
Define "older". I didn't meet someone until I was 26 and now we've been together 6 years. Usually when I see people crying about this they're 17 and think that their life is over before they are even adults.
Either way, it's never over unless you stop trying. If apps aren't working, find hobbies and interests, join clubs, meet people there.
>Define "older". I didn't meet someone until I was 26 and now we've been together 6 years.
I bet your girl was 18 when I meet you because women never cry about this shit because how easy they get it and go after older
She's half a year older than me.
The last part of this unhinged rant is the opposite of the truth, the straight white male is the one demonized by all of those.
In my case, I'm 31, almost 32. I've never tried because I never cared enough, but now it feels like a biological time bomb went off and I just feel shitty and lonely. It's obnoxious because it's affecting my mind, I wouldn't mind being single if it wasn't for this shit. I feel betrayed by my body.
Agreed, Sexism is pretty funny.
thread full of people whos whole personality is telling people how lonely they are but do nothing about it and consume slop or complain that other people are the problem
Oh, the irony of this reply. It's so palpable.
So sick of anons complaining about their lack of girlfriend instead of just playing a d discussing games
Have you not realized he male loneliness is a big epidemic and the fault of women
Kill yourself
Even of that were true who care? You wanna bring back arranged marriages for undesirables like those who browse this place?
obviously not, stop trying to bring up the worse case solution when even women choose out of their own free will abusers
Both men and women are liable to make bad choices when choosing partners, sometimes due to childhood trauma and/or lack of a good role model in the opposite gender parents. I think so anyways.

Anyways, nobody is entitled to sex or a partner. Make yourself someone well rounded, interesting, and self-assured before worrying about a partner and especially kids. Someone like that will give off a magnetic aura, the right women will come. You need to put yourself out there.
>For me the cope was vtubers
its so over man
genuinely terrible advice. maybe this worked for people back in the 50s but the dating scene today is not just "try to be le nice and good guy and hope you attract women". men already do that in large quantities and expend a lot of time and effort to do so and get completely ignored

women are allowed to be as picky as they want due to how dating works now, and most of the time they pick the worst fucking options, if they're not just outright horrible people themselves.
asking someone to just get lucky with dating bro is like telling someone who's out of work and desperate for money so they don't lose their home to just go win the lottery, just buy more tickets bro. if you want to fix the root cause you need to fix women
No, anon gave great advice. You can't find love because you have been brainwashed by "manosphere" schizos and grifters into hating women.
>the fault of women
>when moids have the most shallow surface-level "friendships" with eachother
lol lmao
try not being a socially insecure sack of shit next time
Personally, my case isn't the fault of women, but I'm hoping if I deal with it long enough, it'll eventually go away and I can be happy isolated again.
Go back faggot, this isn't your personal blog
>wahhh i'm too lazy to find someone wahhh
shut the fuck up. you are the sole reason you're lonely.
it is tho
While that may be true, what are we supposed to do, go around telling women that if they dont fuck is we are going to die? Because if so about 95% of them will just say "good" and move on with their day.
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I am not single, but I do not have any friends that also like Pokemon. It only ever gets lonely there. It’d be nice to be able to get hype during a pre-release season. Within that, it’d be nice to know someone who actually LIKES the games during prerelease season. At the age I am now, I do not expect good games from GF, so it’s pointless now. Mostly nostalgia chasing
i am a 27 year old touchless, handholdless, kissless virgin and genuinely dont care
i know i will die alone, so i just enjoy vidyagaymes instead of worrying about this
There's no need for people to get "brainwashed" into hating women. Women already do a great job of that themselves with their ridiculous expectations and hypocritical double standards. They constantly try to make anything and everything about themselves.

What's up with all these cucks?
Open up a history book and you'll find plenty of reasons for women to distrust and hate men. It goes both ways. Generalizing billions of unique individials by something like gender or race is reserved for idiots, doesn't make sense.
Post face
You've been brainwashed and you don't even know it.
Be honest. When was your last conversation with a woman? And I don't mean saying hello and bye to a cashier or coworker. A full on conversation with a woman that knew who you were and had an intrinsic desire to talk to you.

it's not even about looks. if you're insecure and lack self confidence nobody wants to talk to you
I won't claim men are perfect, far from it. But I do believe that women have a tendency to make bad decisions due to their overreliance on emotions. That's why they are known for their sudden mood swings, ridiculous social media usage, and excessive shopping. They live their life on the basis of "what feels good right now" instead of planning with the future in mind. The reason stereotypes are commonplace is because the public notices a pattern that stem from certain individual groups.
I value my personal privacy so I don't feel safe posting any personal photos online in general. Besides, I don't really take selfies or videos since I like the enjoy moments as they are instead of feeling the need to share everything on social media. I'll leave that to the social media managers and influencers.
I would say I look like your everyday guy. Not chad status that actively infatuates people or someone who is ugly enough that everyone feels pity for. I'm grateful for my appearance since it means I can choose when to have attention instead attracting unwanted attention or having people go out of their way to ignore me.
>overreliance on emotions
>sudden mood swings, ridiculous social media usage, and excessive shopping
You fell for incel propaganda. Women are not "overly reliant on emotions".
Men have sudden mood swings too, usually angry outbursts because insecure men think the only "masculine" and thus acceptable emotion is anger. They bottle every other emotion up until it explodes into anger. Especially when drunk.
Men also often use social media excessively, albeit often in a different way. 4chan is social media too, you know? Also not every single woman is addicted to instagram or whatever, there's tons of women who don't give a single shit about stuff like that. Of course you're lead to not believe that cause people love to share images of instawhores being dumb and vapid, and it spreads like a wildfire cause it fits the incel narrative. People who haven't lost touch with reality know that only a small percentage of women are like that.
Men also have excessive hobbies/behaviours. Usually not shopping of course, usually it's more something like binge drinking, gambling, playing videogames all night, buying a ridiculously overpriced car etc. That's all destructive consumerism that men are just as guilty of as women, as both can be vapid and indulge in contemporary pleasures instead of doing something more sensible, just in a slightly different way.
Open your eyes anon. You've spent too much time in an echo chamber, and it might be the main cause of your loneliness. You're surrounded by hateful propaganda than twists your view on reality.
im not
married and with a kid on the way
just be friends first and don't throw a tantrum if you get rejected, theyll introduce you to others that will be a better fit, its not that hard
The last time I had a conversation was with the secretary in my workplace. I would say we are decent friends. We remember each other's birthdays, talk to each other while waiting for meetings to start, and after work since we (along with a few other coworkers) usually stay at the office later than most other workers.
The other time would be with my neighbour's wife. Thankfully, she is very kind to her husband and people around her. She goes out to give out treats to the neighbourhood and we occasionally exchange recipes and mild gossip. She seems alright and I am happy that my neighbour managed to find someone that makes him happy.
Besides, I don't necessarily go out of my way to talk to women since I'm not interested in dating currently.
I didn't fall for "incel propaganda". I'm basing my perspective on my experiences I've witnessed and the experiences that other men have told me.
What do you mean? Men express other emotions as well like excitement, curiosity, and pride. The only emotions men don't feel comfortable expressing are fear or sadness because society (especially women) always shames and criticizes men for expressing them.
I will agree that men do have a tendency to smoke, drink, and gamble too much. That's a huge weakness that men tend to have and it irritates me when people go out of their way to defend that especially since it only causes them to make awful decisions and destroy their bodies in the process.
I know my beliefs are not a result of an echo chamber because even men who I vehemently disagree with are starting to share my beliefs. The biggest cases of this happening are the #MeToo and Man VS Bear trends. The fact that so many women say "all men are rapists and murders" yet still expect men to cater to their every want and need is insane.
And how will that help me get a GF who'd draw herself getting raped by my fave pokemons for free?
Already tried that - didn't help much, now its your turn.
opinion discarded
>theyll introduce you to others that will be a better fit
biggest fucking lie in the thread
I fucking kneel
You fucking shut all these cuckolds, women and simps screaming incel at you for facts as women making terrible decisions and being selfish in a very well spoken way
I kneel
You are based
>Men express other emotions as well like excitement, curiosity, and pride.
Yes, so do women, but apparently it's bad when they do it.
>The only emotions men don't feel comfortable expressing are fear or sadness because society (especially women) always shames and criticizes men for expressing them.
That is true, but it's definitely not especially women doing it. It's mostly other men. "Don't be such a pussy" etc, especially fathers force this mindset onto their sons. If anything, most women complain that men are too lacking in emotion.
>because even men who I vehemently disagree with are starting to share my beliefs.
What, you mean strangers on the internet who share sensationalist bullshit for attention? Come on anon.
>The biggest cases of this happening are the #MeToo and Man VS Bear trends.
Exact same thing. The Man VS Bear is pure ragebait. Most of the "opinions" you see being shared are from attention seeking women who say shit like this on purpose to farm engagement. A lot of people are addicted to the attention, no matter if positive or not. They want to the their notifications blow up. That's why they put out the most atrocious, offensive thing they can think of while still pretending to be genuine. That's how you get women saying "all men are rapists and murderers". They don't seriously think this, they say it cause they know it'll get people mad.
And before you say that that's "typical female behaviour" or something, look at 4chan. Look how much bait people post or how many terrible, abrasive "opinions" people spout here. They are fishing for (You)s. It's the exact same thing. It's people who are addicted to social media, specifically posting ragebait for maximum engagement.
>The fact that so many women say "all men are rapists and murders" yet still expect men to cater to their every want and need is insane.
You mean just like how "so many men" say "all women are worthless whores" yet expect women to cater to their every want and need?
>That is true, but it's definitely not especially women doing it. If anything, most women complain that men are too lacking in emotion.
try being emotionally vulnerable around your gf or close female friend, lets see how long they stand by you after that
>for me the cope was tubers
death by electric chair :(
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>no women around my age want to date me
>not even older women
>everytime a woman my age texts me it's because they want to shill their onlyfans/premium nude shit or think im going to toss them money just for existing
>cut my loses and try with guys
>guys my age or younger that text me just want to be used as bottoms and nothing else (no complaints here but still)
>same goes for creepy old wrinkly men way above my age
>the feminine guys act just like the girls selling premium snap/nude shit
my god it never fucking ends man
I am. My gf has seen me crying several times. We're getting married next year.
Women are never shamed for their emotions. In fact, society outright expects women to be overly emotional. If they were shamed for showing emotions, They wouldn't have public tantrums or go out of their way to cry on social media so often.
Women claim to want an "emotionally vulnerable" man but unfortunately, whenever a man does show his emotions, they end up being distant and detached to the point of breaking up due to that single interaction.
But those women do genuinely believe that "all men are rapists and murders". That's why they are always claiming that men make them feel uncomfortable in public and that they cross the street whenever they see a man. So many false accusations of "rape" or "sexual assault" all because a women misinterpreted the actions of a man or even accused the man after they both consentually had foreplay + intercourse. Those aren't things that women do accidentally.
Men expect the most basic requirements from girlfriends/wives yet women can't even fulfill the bare minimum. All men want from a potential partner is someone who looks decently attractive, supports them in their day-to-day life, and mutually cares about them as a person.
Women go out of their way to avoid these simple responsibilities all because of "He should just accept me the way I am.", "I'm not his mother. He can do his own chores.", or even "I went into a relationship for someone to care about me. Not the other way around."
>all the women (im friends with in a sense) post about muh mens mental health men are important and have feeling too guise :(((
>none of them have ever checked up on me
what a load
If you are relatively normie there will be events where social circles overlap - I've had women ask a mutual female friend for my number, and some just come up to me directly. I'm not a looker, I just learnt to dress better, exercise more and take life less seriously, all things that everyone can change
Based functioning human being
I wasn't talking about myself when I mentioned that, (Thankfully, my mental health is alright at the moment.) I was just talking about women in general. Women often say things they don't mean or the complete opposite of what they are saying. It's an irritating habit they have especially when they expect everyone around them to read their minds. Sometimes they'll say no when they actually mean yes, say I'm doing fine when they are not doing fine, say I'm hungry and I'm willing to eat anywhere but reject all the restaurants you suggest.
The worst part about all of this is that they constantly tell men to be honest and emotional only to proceed to abandon afterwards and talk behind their back about how weak they are.
It's a "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." type of situation.
While I only came in here to announce that I would fuck Larry until he was essentially mummified from how much cum I would drain out of him, I feel like sharing something some anons have figured out by now. Some of you younger guys should listen.

When some of you say you want a gf/bf, what do you think it would be like? Have you considered that besides being able to kiss, hold hands, cuddle, and fuck, what would your daily lives outside of that look? Could you tolerate living with someone and giving up your privacy for the most part? What about the living expenses? Living alone is worlds apart from living with someone else. It can be hard, but it can have its perks that you can't really have when living with another person. It's easy to glorify the idea of having a cute nerdy gamer girl gf but don't forget some of you would probably be the type of person that was tricked into believing the meme of sex being everything when in actuality you were blind to your own peace when you were living by yourselves. Don't find yourself longing for the days when you didn't need to be mindful of another person in your space.

But for those of you who still want someone, there is still hope, especially if you're young. I've seen some seriously crazy relationships happen to people who are almost definitely worse off than most of you. Anything is possible, never forget that.

In my case, I feel a disconnect between what I consider bodily needs and personal desires. Personally, I'd love to just be alone, because I'm aware of all the things I'd be losing by being with someone, and I know it's not going to be this dream scenario where life instantly gets better. And I like being alone. But there's this side that wants someone regardless, that refuses to listen to logic. And it's as if this side is trying to tell me to do it anyways, that I need someone else, and it manifests in physical pain. I suppose that's the frustrating part, finding out how to cope with a situation where there's negative consequences no matter what you do.
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Me. I have already accepted being single because i have expectations impossible to met for the modern western woman and whoever is pushing this war of the sexes is too powerful.
Trying to fight your instincts is pretty hard but with a little spiritual help you can overcome it.
Thank you
I appreciate the compliment. I do what I can to fight back against them. I'll admit it can be a bit frustrating at times but it is worth doing in the end.
On a side note, that art of Ranni dunking on Malenia and crossing Goldmask like that is very amusing. It's the crossover that I never knew I needed.
sounds like you lost your mind and/or were a fucking creep

seriously just be kind, normal, and make an attempt at hygiene and decent clothes (not cargo shorts and t-shirts) and you'd be amazed
no im still in contact with those women they just never introduce me to someone you projecting ingenuine fuck
>a GF who's not leftarded SJW
Winning the lottery is a more realistic scenario today senpai.
Nobody has any reason to so much as tolerate the presence of an awkward, insecure, disabled 30s dude who didn't get a family or a childhood. People in relationships are living on a different planet than me.

That's before even considering how many rotten, judgy, nasty people are out there like >>56077702
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I've been talking to a cute boy who is a Johtochad for over a year, the only problem is he's still in uni and also in a whole other country and I'm basically a girlfailure who gets by on a very low income because I stay too depressed to pull myself out of this hole
I'm American so there's no channel of help for my mental illness an even if I wanted to become a vtuber the models are too expensive
We met up and it was great but I just don't feel right making promises I may not be able to keep since it's hard to even imagine myself living long enough for him to graduate
The price of courting autistic girls, no matter how hot they may be, is that we are still autistic and so it's hard for me to even desire 3D contact in favor of fictional characters in the first place
Also being on 4chan hurts my self esteem sometimes seeing the blind hatred for women, but I do get it to some degree plus I've been here since I was a teenager I'd rather deal with realizing my value as a hole than be told to kill myself on twitter for liking shota/pokephilia or have racism against me because I'm white
Pick your poison and all that
Thanks for reading my blog
>LMAO! Just pretend to be somebody completely else than yourself and lie to anyone willing to tolerate you for long enough to give you a pityfuck, and maybe even eventually wallet-rape you if you're enough rich to be subjected to a suprize divorce down the line.
You foids chose to fuck a bear figuratively, and I've chosen to fuck a cartoon fox literally.
So please fuck off to meatspace and keep on accelerating the downfall of western civilization by importing 3rd world apes into developed nations with zero self-awareness in regards to why you can't just walk back home by yourself after nightclubbing out in the city anymore.
>I wanted to become a vtuber
is this your dream?
>is that we are still autistic and so it's hard for me to even desire 3D contact in favor of fictional characters in the first place
no you just arent able to appreciate people at all even one who went as far to meet with you irl and theres hundreds here willing to do the same
>post kantooo image
its over for that nigga
>I'd rather deal with realizing my value as a hole than be told to kill myself on twitter for liking shota/pokephilia
Damn, that hits hard. Same for me. Although don't let guys here talk you down either, they've been just indoctrinated by manosphere bullshit. In the end they are just bitter, lonely people who can't connect to others for whatever reason and cope with it by blaming it all on women. They see a handful of crazy women who fit their narrative on the internet, so it's easy to generalise, especially since they often never had a proper friendship with a girl and have no frame of reference what the average woman is like, or what other kinds of women exist. Especially hikkis, shy and/or autistic girls who don't really wanna talk to people either way.
Either way, their view on reality is twisted, so don't believe what they say.
Isn't that pretty much what she said though? As far as I understood she wishes she could appreciate 3D more but is not really able to.
Explain my existence then
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No, but I think it'd be fun and I could use the money
I only recently learned edgier "Eng Vtubers" are "allowed" ie don't get immediately cancelled and are allowed to make money by the overlords of payment processors
It isn't like I'd get on an immediately say "nigger" though but I'm militantly pro-loli/shota
I went to visit him, for one, and for two there is mutual attraction and feelings for each other but there's circumstances out of our control and a lot of distance. He's in an entirely other country.
I can be attracted to 3D it's just difficult and rare which makes it more tragic.
Are you physically disfigured and/or missing facial features?
Because that's the only kind of woman an avereage dude won't try to bang just to stop being a KHHhV.
>put a bunch of chemicals on food and other daily use stuff
>testosterone drops at all time lows
>boys start showing feminine behaviors
>"It was always like this!!"

not that incels escape of this, they are about as onions as feminist simps. In fact you're right about their violent emotional seething. You have to dig deeper for the origin of this though, muh "toxic masculinity" is not close to what you think it is
>each other but there's circumstances out of our control
like? Also reply with your favorite generation/region and pokemon
There are three possible explanations
- You have severe physical deformities
- You're actually a man
- You're actually fuckable but refused every guy who approached you
oh just thought a fourth - you refuse to leave your home
>you refuse to leave your home
bingo. that's obviously the case for pretty much everyone in this thread.
>the models are too expensive
Aren't some models free for the public or easy to edit? Maybe you can use one of those generic models and upgrade from there.
>muh chemicals
>muh testosterone
Do you have any proof for this
I will not have working legs to leave it pretty soon
The decline in testosterone over the years is well documented

What you call "toxic masculinity" is actually hysterical, hormonally unstable feminized men
Put the fork down piggy
Source of the graph? Also the levels are rising again. So how is that a problem?
You don't seem to understand what toxic masculinity even means, by the way.
mate, you have the biological advantage.
if you're rich you can pull well above your weight in middle age
compared to being a roastie who just gets completely passed over and has lost the chance for kids, ever
the talking behind your back thing is the fucking worst, every woman does it and they can't fucking help themselves
Not true. The autistic ones often don't.
Also men do it all the fucking time as well.
>2 non-single posters
>absolutely shit on for sharing their perspective
>"its impossible for me! truly impossible!"
no wonder. all you do is figuratively jack each other off about how single you are and how bad it must be out there. you actually like finding a reason to never try more than suceeding. deranged. self-induced psychosis

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