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"Hey, pervert! Why are you staring at muh belly?"
i read that in shrek's voice
What's Tinkaton's anime voice like?
built for groping and blowing raspberries
i mean look at it she has a cute belly bulge and a soft muffin top of course i would want to squish the tinkatummy
built for squeezing
Fat fuck
tinkafags should be executed
This but with every coomers on the board
only the pokegirl and pedomon enjoyers THOUGH
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Scary and demented: https://x.com/kiravera8/status/1804499345737134454
Because I want to put a human inside there
That's not where I'm staring at.
she like a good fuck
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I'm rooting for something else
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She's not round enough!
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And let me guess. the dub will make her sound like a 40 year old fat chain smoker trying desperately to sound like a kid like they usually try.
What can help in telling the direction of Tinkaton's dub voice is by how they do Tinkatink's dub voice.

We can only hope they do justice until then..
>that brick break
I would sign for that, much better than hiring an old Mexican actress from a 70s comedy show to voice Vanellope.
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Tinkaton big_butt -breasts
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>all the westoid art gives her sheboon proportions
Be the Change You Want to See in the World...
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Tribal sexo
I’m aiming my firearm so I can kill you painfully
That won't hurt Steel types
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Can I lick it?
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thrusts before cumming.
pokemon stealing designs again
Out of 10
Children with Tinkaton
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If they wanted to steal Digimon designs, she would've looked like picrel
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She's right here.
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>The Better Minervamon
Why doesn't Digimon have good quality images for their monsters?
japan is still stuck in the 90s internet era. Occasionally they give us high quality images nowadays on the website but a huge chunk of them still have their old low res images.
It sucks because they have artists pump out cool designs with cool little details, but you can't see any of it.
I don't know if you know, but if you look around enough, you can find high-res images of Minervamon X with details like the X on her belly is a scar and not paint, also there's risqué detail as well which you can't really see with the low-res image.
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You look hungry..
I thought it was a raw ore
Might as well be, do you know how many calories are in those things?
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I have seen other drawings of this specific Tinkaton somewhere, but now I can't find any of them for some reason..
I've notice there is two Tinka threads, so is this one for horny and the other one is for funny?
"Hey honey, you ain't ready for this bootay!"
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Tinkaton and her trusty husband.
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Yeah, I like Tinkaton. How could you tell?
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wtf is wrong with people
arent you all 30+ males in here?
and how old are you?
>he thinks being an adult means you're not allowed to feel lust
What are you, a cop?
Based but how would that work? He doesn't have a dick
Not yet
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a simple tap with the hammer alters the genetic code of male corviknights to make them have cocks. similar to how artists do it.
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What the fuck, no.
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I caught a huge one in Scarlet
I'd like to see such a pair and their hybrid children
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“I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Tinkaknight!”
Is that cropped porn?
Funny, it's not, the artist saw the weight of Tinkaton and it reminded them of an old drawing of one of their OCs named Gorji IIRC being heavier than she looks with the guy trying to carry her asking "Why the frick you're so heavy!?" and the OC's reply is "That's my bones, boy!", so the artist decided to make a Tinkaton version.

The artist is the one who made Poppy O' Possum
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Does it mean I can't grope it?
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Squish the belly~
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More Bnuuy
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>Thinking Tinkaton would accept no as an answer
>I get to run my hands across and kiss her soft latex belly every day
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Da Bunda
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Tinkaton bellyjob...
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Lo suponía
>constantly teasing and bullying you about it the whole time
>stops when you're halfway to cumming until you beg her to continue just so you admit how much you need this
>then she laughs in your face about it
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AIOIU is based
Chica Caliente
the design of this creature is a bit bad
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Built for BBC
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More Tinka tummy
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Why is she so fat?
The better question is, why isn't she fatter?
I will be in about 4 months.
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For eating too much
Any obese/fat related Tinkaton draw requests?
Yeah, do some facesitting. Focus on the belly, please.
Draw her going to college and getting an education..
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Very nice. Thanks.
This looks good
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Honey, your belly is the least of your worries
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meh facesitting wasn't working out so I just opted to make it into something cute
that's some good belly
I guess that's fine too...
If you've got some other ideas, maybe...
Well, I didn't want to double dip, but I guess nobody else is asking.
Just some general belly-related teasing would be nice. For example, one where she pinches and lifts up her love handles and she's looking at the viewer like she knows he wants of it. Or wearing a shirt that's a couple sizes too small so some of her flab is poking out at the bottom.
I don't mind, I like seeing other people make their requests as requesting isn't my strong suit..
Don't feel bad. My requests basically amount to "I like this character, this character, and this fetish"
What I do is I find situations that are kind of hot in other images, then I ask those situations to be applied to characters I like.
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bitch is like two feet tall, I'm looking at all of her at once.
Hello Nurses!~
I would assume it's rather ticklish.
Draw her doing the truffle shuffle
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There needs to be more cute pics of Tinkaton eating things
>There is no pics of Tinkaton having her belly tickled, googling it just gives nothing but bunch of foot fetish stuff
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Guys, we hit the funny meme numbers
I can love Tinkaton with huge power ass, but when they give her a tall anthro body that completely kills my boner worse than any "gross" fetishes, is that weird
no because that isn't Tinkaton. It's a girl cosplaying as Tinkaton. It's natural to be repulsed by it. You wouldn't fuck some random girl dressed up as your wife would you?
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Holy shit Jumbo Tink is massive, would an Alpha be even bigger?
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Good ass thread. Definitely sold me on the pokemon.
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>no chubby short gf who teases your ass every now and then
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I want to see her in Gigantamax form
Like my sister lol
But what if she was a painter?
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That'll be fresh
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*Gremlin Noises Stops*
Why don't you just get yourself one, they do exist, you know?
Some people think short = child, so they think making her tall is like aging her up to prevent making a loli, idiotic I know.

So, no it's not weird to be turned off by it as >>56136436 said, it's not Tinkaton.
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I think it's a cool design and i used it in my Violet playthrough. Everytime i used her giga hammer attack, i made an audible "bonk" sound and giggled.
Rly wish inoreppep was better at art but I admire the tenacity
The ol' xitter "height of consent" gambit
Well, do you?
I read that in Shrek's voice
I just though Tinkaton was cute and fluffy.
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She is..
There is a bikini version, but I'm too scared to post it as mods can be fickle at times
>shes bottom heavy
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She be looking like Smough fr
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Fun fact, most of Tinkaton's fanart is either mostly porn or mostly cute
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>the last 2 belly threads made /vp/ angry for days
>but when it's a pedobait pokemon, /vp/ is happy about bellies now
Cute Bellies > Not Cute Bellies
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>Everytime i used her giga hammer attack, i made an audible "bonk" sound and giggled.
The uber Chad.
Anons got mad when they saw their "bros" in fetish art. Who's getting mad about seeing Tinkaton in fetish art?
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Kind of understand their point, masculine Pokémon in fetish art is gross
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I'm not even a foot guy, but it's a shame what could be a kinda neat alternate form type deal is just ruined by those feet.
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Is this better for you?
Now it just looks like an ARMS character
In the sense of being an alt form, yes. Although the gloves were better with the first one as a reference to the hammer texture. Extendo arms is kinda whatever.

Coomwise, no.

Feet being back on the canon region, yes.
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Why Paldea doesn't have any cops or campus security?
It's also strange that the place is surrounded by the ocean and has ports, but no sailors.
How you guys feel about Gijinkas and how much human you prefer them to look?
if they have the belly I will at least accept them
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>Mission: Difficult
Most artist doesn't draw them chubby for some reason..
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Not a crime
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I don't want to be an offmodel fag... But damn... those tinkatoes though...
Who is the artist? I searched and it looks he is here
That's not fair, he cannot tease us with such delightful sight then vanish
Ligma IIRC, they usually hangout in the hidden /vp/ board, they're a rare case though..
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nice seeing my drawings still used in tinkaton threads

sort of makes me want to play through violet again, or at least pirate the DLC or something
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You know what grinds my gears?
When some anti-female hyper gay artists try to forcefully make up a male Tinkaton which ends up not looking anything like a Tinkaton...
If they like female characters/creatures, why not admit they like female characters/creatures?
Thank you. I looked some of his arts in e6 and they were high quality
I was expecting to see more of the pic because I seriously thought she was on the top of a Corvknight but I found nothing. I wonder if it was tagged as "unknown artist" somewhere
Where can I find his newest stuff in the future? Is he showing up in the draw thread?
I don't think they show up in the regular /vp/ draw thread, at least not anymore, but like I said earlier the last I heard of them was in the hidden /vp/ draw thread, you might have to dig around for their art though, I don't know why no one is archiving their works and putting them into a gallery to make it easier to find?..

For the people curious what the hidden /vp/ threads are, It's /trash/
>tink is 100% female
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Yep, Tink is a girlmon aka waifumon, I don't see how some people find that hard to see as her design is very feminine.
yeah since incels started complaining that their waifumon can't be male we've been getting more 100% female Pokemon. I just want my femboy Pokemon
You just got Fezandipiti
I don't find birds attractive
Tons of Tinkatink making with Tinkaton
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This is an ideal Tink shape
Closest I can think of is Inteleon. Or a male gardevoir
Gardevoir is the one I see it most often with. Occasionally Lopunny
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I was 13 when I came to /vp/ in 2010, so I would guess there are still a lot of people around that age now.
because i can smell your stinky fish pussy from a mileaway wash ur fuking vag stinkaton
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She sees what you're doing in this thread..
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>Mods after anon confessing that they were underaged on 4chan in 2010
if she doesn't want me to fap then she shouldn't be flaunting her fupa for all the human men to see
She has squiggly outlines like an Ed, Edd, n Eddy character
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Found this cool Tinkaton/Fluttermane fusion
Wildly overdesigned, why did they give her hooves of all things, but she do have the curves.
>Young Human
>Young Human-like
Both tags, that Tinkaton do not use, though Tinkatink will be going and maybe Tinkatuff.
>Off-model stood
>All On-model art pruned
I just checked, it's still there, nothing got removed
>sexualizing child like monsters is okay as long as you give them giant tits
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>"le right side of le fandom"
Go back, yiffnigger.
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What just happened?
A lot of the posts are getting deleted..
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Also, my birthday is on the 20th, you're all invited
Im pretty sure most E621 mods are just sick fucks and are trying to cover their asses with overcorrection
>even Tinkaton looks better than Pikashit
There's always a guilty conscious in these affairs. Expect allegations soon.
>Being short is child-like
There is a difference between being short and child-like for example.
Kannai the 1000-year-old dragon loli vs Midna the short imp woman, guess which one of things will be getting removed, hint the one who acts and looks like a child.
With that said things are looking grim for Lalafells and other similar creatures..

Most of the Pokegirls are gone, most of the short Pokémon are staying, the only stuff of Tinkaton they removed was the ones that had Poppy and shotas in them.
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I want DrunkOak to draw Tinkaton more..
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I'm laughing at ya bitch
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>Still gets killed anyways
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A whole ten images got removed lol calm down
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Just read a good ao3 tinka x human fic called Hammer Time
Both very cute and sex
>Googled it
Whoa, that's alot to read for 1 chapter
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Go away, stop coming back here..
> poppy O' possum
you say that as if I have even the foggiest fuck what that is.
Eh, it's nothing important just a furry artist that got pretty popular back in the day, they made a comic series about an opossum lady who goes out on some wacky adventures, you can find it just by looking it up on google.

>Captcha: AGNPH
If you know, you know
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Love a gunt
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I miss those Paldean Pokémon Roulette Draw Threads back when we were waiting for Pokémon S/V to release..
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Did we really ran out of Tinkatums!?
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It's time to choose, /vp/. Should Tinkaton be
>a skrunke gungly social media mememon
>a fat fetish bellymon?
>As if she wasn't already both of those
I'm okay when people do the obvious of making a blue Tink be a feminine/rowdy boy ala the rowdyruff boys to the powerpuff girls, but when they miss the appeal of the mon, it's not really a gender flip anymore.
>It's a guy so it's gotta be hyper masculine. Anything else is secondary
You see the same shit for fanmade split evolutions for shit like Lopunny as well as the other waifu Pokemon. You'll occassionally see Machamp just for a "see we don't just hate seeing feminine males. Masculine females gotta go too"
Inteleon is a bishie, not a femboy
You mean Inteleon can't be both a bitchy and a femboy?
no. Bishies are just pretty boys, non masculine males. Femboys are feminine males
That just sounds like one stage below femboy.
You know that meme that shows the different stages of how furry something is? Well, I see Bishi being the first stage as it moves up into Femboy then Trap then Trans.
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No, bishies very clearly do not have feminine traits. They are clearly male to those who look at them. No one would particularily call them masculine however
That is why I think they're the first stage before femboy, because a lot of times whenever they get put in a dress that is when people start calling them femboys for example James from Team Rocket, Cloud Strife from FF, Link from TLOZ, all will be counted as Bishies but was called Femboys at some point which stucked.

Though Tuxedo Mask actually look more like the fantasy handsome man than the modern bishies, what comes to mind for a Bishi will be Young Armin Arlelt for AOT.
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>It's this >>56174794 Anon's birthday today
>He's now 30+ years old
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>Vroom Vroom
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