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"Bulbasaur is the easy mode" has to be the biggest fucking meme I've seen this fanbase perpetuate

I finally tried playing Red while picking Bulbasaur (I only ever picked Charmander or Squirtle before) and it's complete garbage because it doesn't even get a proper offensive STAB until lv13 so you're forced to go through all of Viridian Forest just slowly spamming Tackle, and immediately after Brock you're in Mt Moon and Nugget Bridge with multiple Pokemon that quad resist Grass because it's such a shitty type offensively. Even for Misty Charmander is unironically better because by the time you get to Misty you'll be so overleveled type match-ups stop mattering anyway
there's a reason no one picks it for speed runs lol
It's easy mode but that doesn't mean you don't need any other mon ever.
That sentiment only applies for the first 2 gyms since it has an advantage against Misty & Brock. By the time you're headed to Vermillion, you have enough options to flesh your team out and cover any weaknesses.
OH MY GOD does it reall doesn't get stab until 13?? Fuck thats rough buddy
Also imagine the pain of having to Tackle through Caterpie, Weedle and even Zubats!
Bulbasaur is only considered to be such because Brock's Pokemon all have a 4× weakness to Grass.
Guess what, Squirtle also has the type advantage with Brock's Pokemon having a 4× weakness to Water. Squirtle as gets its first STAB (Bubble) at level 8 while Bulbasaur gets Vine Whip at level 13. Bubble may be weaker than Vine Whip but keep in mind that all of Brock's Pokemon have a 4× weakness to both moves and also have a shit Special on top of that.

It's just the Pokemon community regurgitating the same dumb shit over and over again.
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Buddy's struggling with feeble pokémon.
>by the time you get to Misty you'll be so overleveled type match-ups stop mattering anyway
>filtered in a game made for toddlers
Charmander is only way.
>y-you were filtered!
no, the fanbase is just retarded and keeps trying to spread a lie that the worst option is actually the best
The people who seriously gas gen 1 bulbasaur up are trannies
>noooooo easy mode should I get super strong moves in the first 2 minutes!!!!!!!!!
Fuck off, dumbass
you are the reason why the newer games are piss easy with no sense of challenge

Bulbasaur still has the best stats out of the three starters with a moderately good speed (faster than Squirtle) and great defenses (better than Charmander).
just because you need to spend more time to get Vine Whip doesn't mean it's a hard mode.

once you get Razor Leaf with its 100% critical rate, the game becomes comically easy too
anyone saying pokemon is an easy baby game is obligated to post their hall of fame time
if it's under 10 hours you're a fucking shitter and your opinion should be discarded
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someone already beat most of the pokemon games using only Bulbasaur.
it's a piss-easy franchise
Remember that this kike tried to claim he """overlevels""" his starter and that you """don't need STAB""". Now he wants to pretend it took too long, in the part of the game that goes by too quickly. That's because he'll never be a real Pokemon player and will never belong on this board. He and all his (((kind))) only exist to infiltrate and subvert the communities of their betters.
The Gen 1 speedrun meta is Squirtle for an HM slave
>spam max potions with overleveled pokemon
not really proof of anything.
>Bulbasaur is only considered to be such because Brock's Pokemon all have a 4× weakness to Grass.
>Guess what, Squirtle also has the type advantage with Brock's Pokemon having a 4× weakness to Water. Squirtle as gets its first STAB (Bubble) at level 8 while Bulbasaur gets Vine Whip at level 13. Bubble may be weaker than Vine Whip but keep in mind that all of Brock's Pokemon have a 4× weakness to both moves and also have a shit Special on top of that.
Squirtle is neutral against Misty and then weak to the next two Gyms.
Bulbasaur is good against the first two gyms and resistant to the next two.
>conveniently leave out the time in every screenshot
no one plays the games
If the hall of fame time were to be under 10 hours:
If the hall of fame time were to be over 10 hours:

Its plainly obvious that's what you're planning to do, setting up a lose/lose situation to make yourself seem smart. Only a faggot who sucks at the game would discard the opinions of people who say that pokemon is piss easy, you sont want to admit that you suck ass at games made for kids
Those aren't mine, dumbo
Yeah. He's desperate to feel he discovered a huge secret
>le kid game is le hard!
Ice Beam
That's the selling point of the Squirtle line for the gyms, it's got the coverage to overcome both of its weaknesses.
Brock will never recover from this.
>squirtle is neutral against misty
not true in frlg, bite is dark type
>weak to the next two gyms
imagine not using the useless dig tm you get after the second gym on wartortle and one shotting the third gym lmao
for the fourth gym you have plenty of options available, including a growlithe/arcanine you can easily catch right before the gym
But Bublasaur IS easy mode - easy to cum that is.
what the fuck are you talking about nigger
>under 10 hours: i take you seriously
>over 10 hours: i call you a dumb faggot
simple as. now kill yourself dumb faggot
t. beat Lance in HGSS in 70 hours because of all the """content""" lol
You literally said that if its under 10 hours you're a fucking shitter: >>56067917
Damn your IQ is real fucking low if you think that's what she meant.
bros were SPEEDRUNNING (the professor oak challenge)
This thread brought to you by a charizard faggot
It has positive type matchups for the first 3 gyms, which was how guides and such used to justify it back then. It’s a cool crit machine because of razor leaf, but it’s probably the middle of the road choice. Squirtle is the most optimized which is why it’s used on speedruns, and Charmander is just dogshit in Gen 1.
I picked Bulbasaur on Blue version when I was a 9 year old and I had no issues. I still remember getting solar beam after clearing the Elite 4
Sleep Powder+Leech Seed is a pretty top tier combo for lots of fights I had trouble with. I ended up in the first Rocket Hideout in a recent play through underleveled and Ivysaur carried.
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>Pick Bulbasaur
>beat Blue's two encounters
>get vine whip fast this way
>beat Brock
>beat Misty
>beat Surge
>start catching level 10+ wild pokemon for Erika and Sabrina
>Giovani's gym is a total joke
>you can find lots of strong water pokemon before Blaine
>Loreli's team are all half-water so no problem
>Bruno gets raped by Bulbasaur
>Agatha walls Bulbasaur so you need something else
>Because of Gen1's broken AI, Lance will spam a non-damaging Psychic move against Bulbasaur, so easy win
>Blue's team is hand-picked to counter Venusaur so this is the hardest fight
>but still saved lots of time by not grinding low-level early routes pokemon
>and reached the end with a good team in a quick way
Tl;dr: use other pokemon after Lt. Surge

Literally proving that Trannysaur becomes nearly useless after the early game when you get better options later on kek
>the retard was shartfox all along
No wonder his arguments were so wrong and everyone was correcting his ass lol

stick to your pedophilia and samefagging threads, loser
Even if you don't level to 13, Leech Seed + Tackle is still way more reliable against that Onix than a Charmander that can only do damage with Scratch.
>Mt. Moon
Yeah the Zubats suck, but they're pretty obnoxious no matter what you picked. There's value in bringing a Rattata or something similar. Bulbasaur is going to be good against the Geodudes though.
Bulbasaur is super effective and will at least have Leech Seed + Vine Whip by this point. Unless you're doing a starter solo run or close to it, your Charmander isn't going to be so overleveled that type matchups don't matter.
You're meant to catch and use other Pokemon, not just your starter. That's the point of the game. But for the first 2-3 gyms your starter is going to be the strongest thing on your team. Venusaur still kicks Giovanni's ass and is good against most of the Elite Four though.
>vine whip had 10PP
but why

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