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Friendly reminder that Megas shouldn't be given to shitmons and the gimmick actually would've been more balanced if they wasted less time giving it to garbage like Beedrill or Audino and instead just made more that can compete on the level of Salamence and Metagross.
shit opinion. It should've been used to bring shitmons up to par instead of widening the gap more
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>you should make shitmons up to par by forcing them to be locked to a single specific item and heavily hampering team building options when there are dozens of examples of pokemon that got buffed by not needing this
Honestly ever since they decided to bring back normal cross gen evolutions I've got that feeling I got when initially revealed of mega evolutions being wasted on some Pokémon that could have just evolved normally. Imagine if there was Mega Ursaring instead of Ursaluna. I always wanted a Cerberus like Houndoom evolution. Camerupt probably would have benefited more from a regular evolution than a just bad Mega. I don't mind the third stage or legendary Pokémon just getting them but anything that could have gotten a normal evolution is a waste.
their main downfall is that they're competing with shit like Mega Mewtwo for a slot
How the fuck do Blaziken, Rayquaza and Sharpedo have no utility before Mega Evolving?
Also Houndoom and THE WALL are decent
Are you a campaighnshitter?
Sharpedo does and you could argue Rayquaza too because you can’t change airlock with primal weather, but what the fuck are you gonna use regular Blaziken for with before you mega evolve it?
May Zebstrika get a mega evolution so that OP will piss and shit himself.
Hey, if you want Zebstrika to forever be a shitmon instead of becoming permanently good like Girafarig and Ursaring, be my guest.
If it makes shitposters upset, I'm for it.
Mega Slaking
150/160/100/15 (-80)/90(+25)/255(+155)
Ability: Procrastinator (90% chance this Pokemon will go last, like reverse Quick Claw)
Mega Blaziken is just stat boosts
You can use regular with Sash, Leftovers and even some stat increase berry
>cares more about trolling other people than his """"favorite"""" actually being good
you're only proving their point, anon
The utility is about what a Pokemon can do before Mega Evolving. As is you can use the base form in some way before hitting the Mega Evolve button.
Like Intimidate with Salamence or Regenerator with Slowbro/Audino.
Then 90% of Pokemon with Megas are useless as there's no reason not to Mega Evolve
I miss mega audino so much. I wish they would just make that it's regular evo.
I do care about the Pokemon I like.
That's why if I were to make a ROM hack I'd buff said Pokemon as long they're weak enough to warrant a buff. Type changes included as well like for fossil Pokemon.
If I were to make a romhack, all my favorites would have 800 BST. Of course, that means some of them get weaker as they evolve. Sorry Gardevoir fans

HP: 130 (+92)
Atk: 80 (+45)
Def: 120 (+85)
S.Atk: 200 (+135)
S.Def: 120 (+65)
Spd: 150 (+100)
BST: 800
The real issue is giving them to mons that simply could have evolved.
>no argument
>Charizard is good before Mega'ing
>Scizor, Swampert and Tyranitar are not good enough to be worth using
Holy retard
Why in the absolute fuck would I use any of those three Pokemon’s megas
Because they're good? If you honestly think Mega Slowbro and Gyarados are better than any of these 3 you didn't play competitive back when they existed
>Because they're good
They aren’t though. Swampert is only situationally good and Scizor and Tyranitar are complete sidegrades which isn’t worth it when they exist in the same game as blatantly broken Megas.
Are you serious?
Scizor but better, enough said, regular Scizor fell to UU while Mega was always one of the best Pokemon in OU
Same reason as Scizor, this one is a bit more arguable, but still
This thing is a monster on rain teams.
>Scizor but better
I can use other items on Scizor to accomplish the same thing and not have it waste my mega slot so it’s a sidegrade.
>Same reason as Scizor
I can use other items on Tyranitar to accomplish the same thing and not have it waste my mega slot so it’s a sidegrade.
>This thing is a monster on rain teams.
I’d rather use a Mega that doesn’t need to rely on rain to sweep.

Obviously these Megas are better if you play fanfic garbage where all the actually good Megas are banned by the discord council.
>Obviously these Megas are better if you play fanfic garbage where all the actually good Megas are banned by the discord council.
Why are 90% of the megas you put in the upper slots garbage in VGC then?
>Mega Manectric

Man, some people just hate the idea of an Electric-type actually being good.
Bait list
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>I can use other items on Scizor to accomplish the same thing and not have it waste my mega slot so it’s a sidegrade.

No you can't lol. Mega Scizor is so much, much better than regular Scizor that it's beyond funny suggesting something like that. Mega Scizor is the 5th best Mega in the whole game, only below Gengar, Salamence, Mewtwo (Y) and Rayquaza.
Tell me a item that gives my Scizor 100 bst with no downsides
Tell me a item that gives my Tyranitar 100 bst with no downsides
Funny how you put Blaziken and the Latis up in the tier list when you could use the exact same argument
>I’d rather use a Mega that doesn’t need to rely on rain to sweep.
Because you have 10 IQ
UBs and Paradoxes must have braindamaged the community about how much 100 BST matters, Mega Tyranitar always shows up in tournaments yet people here are claiming it sucks lol.
>Obviously these Megas are better if you play fanfic garbage where all the actually good Megas are banned by the discord council.
You know Mega Scizor, Tyranitar and Swampert had way more sucess in VGC than shit like Slowbro, ZardX, Sableye Lucario and Alakazam right?
Mega Scizor is generally better, especially in Ubers due to Xerneas, but you can still definitely make a case for using regular Scizor in lower tiers. Namely if you want to use a different Mega and you can give your Scizor Leftovers or Life Orb to get similar results.
>le vgc is le only official format that exists
why do campaignshitters always think this?
In OU? Not even close
Regular Scizor was C-Rank in ORAS and Unranked in SM
>Mega Scizor is so much, much better than regular Scizor
no, it isn't
why would I want to waste a mega slot on "scizor but with higher stats" when slapping a choice band or life orb on scizor already does that

completely different meta that doesn't exist in the actual game, therefore it's utterly irrelevant
bait thread. I hope yawnfag kills himself with a malfunctioning dildo
>"they should make the game less centralized around salamence and metagross, and buff shitmons in more permanent useful ways like they've done before" is considered a bait opinion now
campaignshitters are beyond help
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/vp/ clearly isn't beating the "/v/ but Pokemon" allegations with how people want to make a strawman and shitstorm out of everything there is.

Mega evolution? Flamewars & retardation
Physical/Special split? Flamewars & retardation
Rock, Ice, and Bug? Flamewars & retardation
Post-gen 5 starters? Flamewars & retardation
Pre-gen 5 starters? Flamewars & retardation
Anything Gen 2 or Gen 5? Flamewars & retardation
Hypothetical Pokemon game that adheres to what /vp/ wants? Flamewars & retardation
Someone casually saying how they like a Pokemon regardless of it being popular or not? Flamewars & retardation
Flamewars & retardation? Believe it or not, even more Flamewars & retardation!
Few reasons
>Mega Scizor is way bulkier, having 70/140/100 bulk compared to 70/100/80 bulk regular Scizor has (very useful for role compression and setting up)
>Life Orb has recoil which adds up
>Choice Band locks you into moves
>Both items can be knocked off
>You do more damage sure, but so much so that it’s worth giving up that bulk you have
252+ Atk Life Orb Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Abomasnow in Snow: 237-281 (73.8 - 87.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Abomasnow in Snow: 272-324 (84.7 - 100.9%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Technician Scizor-Mega Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Abomasnow in Snow: 204-240 (63.5 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
It’s very rare to find a Pokemon Mega Scizor fails to KO while Life Orb would and you still can do chip damage anyways. And Choice Band can’t use Sword Dance either.

Yeah there is merit to using regular Scizor but in general Mega Scizor is usually better.
>but in general Mega Scizor is usually better
in the context of the rest of the game where other megas exist? no it isn't
Mega Scizor is higher rank than regular Scizor is every single meta they’re both available in. Some times regular Scizor isn’t even ranked with Mega Scizor.
Yeah it’s absolutely better.
That bulk does in fact matter.
4 Atk Mew Flare Blitz vs. 248 HP / 112+ Def Scizor: 284-336 (82.7 - 97.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
4 Atk Mew Flare Blitz vs. 248 HP / 112+ Def Scizor-Mega: 220-260 (64.1 - 75.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0- SpA Mew Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 128 SpD Scizor: 244-288 (71.1 - 83.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0- SpA Mew Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 128 SpD Scizor-Mega: 204-244 (59.4 - 71.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
/vp/ really underestimates how important defenses are even on offensive Pokemon. It’s especially important for Scizor since it can function as both a wall and offensive threat.
>Mega Scizor is higher rank than regular Scizor is every single meta they’re both available in
Yes, that happens when you ban every mega that's better than it.

And please stop doing that cringe thing campaignshitters do where they spam irrelevant calcs to pretend they know what they're talking about, it's getting annoying
Shut up Yawnkek
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>and instead just made more that can compete on the level of Salamence and Metagross.
>option C
friendly reminder base salamence and metagross suck so much in actual meta only it's mega form make them salvageable
>friendly reminder base salamence and metagross suck so much in actual meta
>Flamewars & retardation? Believe it or not, even more Flamewars & retardation!
that's like the entire site sans slow boards like /po/
>mega Blastoise
>not strong enough
>he doesn't know
This isn't gen 7 anymore, OP. Blastoise has shell smash. That mega is BUSTED now.
Mega Scizor lost its best tool in gen 9, roost. It's not going to be nearly as good when it comes back in gen 10's HOME update since pokemon rarely get lost moves back.
they got rid of roost? for why?
Indeed, I feel some pokemon that got megas should have gotten cros gen evols like Sableye, Loppuny or Banette.
Because Scizor's wings are too small. It's why Dragonite no longer learns dual wingbeat.
Mega Banette might be kinda scary with poltergeist.
Regardless of whether you might have a point, I disagree because Mega Beedrill is peak pokemon design.
>Nearly half of the pokemon that “should have gotten an evo” are third stage already
Mega Scizor doesn’t exist in Gen 9. It’s only usable in National Dex where it gets Roost.
>it’s only usable in [format that also doesn’t exist]
But it will be in gen 10, where Scizor is relevant for more than the twenty people that play Nat Dex. More importantly Scizor is not getting roost back, which will signficantly hurt its mega's viability when it returns.

All mega discussion refers to gen 10's post-Home metagame half a year after release. That means no Nat Dex, no Tera, no genies, and no Urshifu or other gen 8 legends.

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