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Delphox Brando Edition

>Tumblr Tag:
>DA Group:
>Dropbox (alternate archive)
>Drawcard Template (+ some old examples)

This thread is for the growth of artists and those who draw for fun. If you're going to give critique, please do it constructively. Rude or blunt critiques won't help anybody.

Requesters are free to request what they wish, but avoid bumping your request every half hour as it's only going to put people off; try giving it a few hours or more.

Please provide references in ONE image, especially when requesting something outside of the Pokémon universe. If you request something from the old Drawthread or a separate thread, COPY & PASTE the actual request instead of posting a link.

Also, be mindful that requests are done at the discretion of the artists, not on a first come first serve basis.

Please remember to save any piece of art you like from these threads, as we may never know when the archive will start deleting images again. Artists can and are recommended to post their works on other outlets for archival purposes.

Previous thread: >>55979859
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Can someone draw this joltik/audino fusion I made please? thanks in advance
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Requesting nadya and allister having sex
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i was bored and didnt know where to put this, so here it goes.
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Requesting a sweating Geeta taking off her suit because of the hot paldean summer, showing off her sleeveless undershirt and giving it to Larry (still in suit and unfazed)
Requesting Mankey angrily Shooing a very clingy Zubat while mounting a tired Rhyhorn
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Requesting my OC accompanied by her shiny meowscarada ready to face geeta and her glimmora in the middle of mesagoza
Seconding this.
Requesting the Anchormon >>56070075 with it's face covered in mustard.
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Requesting pic related but with Ann from Pokémon Horizons
Requesting Axew and Cyclizar hugging each other
Just gonna post something for whoever is drawing sunhat Lucario to reply to
Requesting a Ninetales painting with it's tails
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Requesting palkia splitting a solgaleo that is mid ultra wormhole like so
Requesting Azelf as a green lantern
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Requesting Croconaw holding a larger bottle of Gatorade
Or Feraligatr drinking from a large Gatorade cooler
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Requesting the three female champions captured and tied up like the time Ash gang was captured by Team Galactic in the anime. Iris can be replaced with Geeta
Requesting a wet Taillow wrapped up in a bird-sized towel and wearing bird-sized slippers
to the anchor it goes
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Requesting Virizion and Serperior resting together under a tree or in a open patch of grass/flowers
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Requesting a redraw of this, but in a different pose.
Pose: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1207708
Just gonna give you this. Just put whoever, do whatever you want with this base.
>Page 9
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Requesting Sygna Suit Hilda without her Jacket.
nice try, Shaun.
maybe if you made it into NYU you'd be smart enough to weasel in a believable request.
Can someone translate >>56074009 ? i don't speak schizobabble
Go back
>/pol/ack is raiding the drawthread now
Holy based!
Who the fuck is Shaun?
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Got a bunch of crazy request for y'all.

- Eeveelutions in a car, with one of them as a crazy driver and another one not giving a fuck.

- Stallman as Alder, harassing Cynthia with his GNU/Linux copypasta.

- Brock raising an eyebrow like The Rock, but with his eyes still closed.

- Misty driving into Grove Street on a bike.
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Would love to get donut'd by him!
Do you know about core schizo?
Some guy who shits up the board with images of Cynthia getting vored, usually by Seviper. “Shaun” probably isn’t even his real name, people just call him that to rile him up even more. I wouldn’t give him any attention, just report and ignore.
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>core schizo
I really hope that's *NOT* a typo this time around.
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Sorry anon I didn't have enough time today to do the backgrounds
>can use its silk to make bandages for injured people and pokemon
That pic goes hard.
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That looks great, I love how you drew the fur
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Requesting Carmine in this costume.
No one will draw ur oc lol
Needs headpats
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Requesting Reginiggas.

Change the bushes to black and make it look like African hair. Change the white to dark brown. Leave the black maze patterns as is. Change the yellow parts and the six buttons to gold.
i didn't asked
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requesting the smorgs from paper mario but it's a joltik swarm (also red smorgs = shiny joltik)
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Requesting Ground Miku meeting a blue eyed Hex Maniac in the desert. The Hex Maniac is pointing at Ground Miku and shouting 'Behold the Kwisatz Haderach!!!'
Requesting Jolteon knocking over a carton of apple juice
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Not sure this is what you said but I tried
That's so cute!
Requesting a comfy picture of Popo from Mushiking, a Heracross, and a Pinsir together.
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Forgot to post pic related
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Requesting a Ralts on a skateboard
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Requesting Sneasel in either a sundress or a wedding dress.
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I didn't know cyclizar is 2.5x larger than axew until today
Thank you so much anon! Gonna keep on spriting pokefusions knowing people like the stuff I make
OR here, this is absolutely perfect! Comfy work there, thanks, drawfren!
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is this good? thought i'd give this a try.
Requesting Buzzwole variants.
One filled with Honey, another filled with Space.
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BW2 plasma grunt girl
Your art is insanely good, got a bigger res for this?

>No seviper
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requesting depressed decidueye gaming in the dark wearing a grey hoodie
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requesting glaceon sitting in a chest freezer to cool off
>>56078115 OR here, thanks for the delivery. Looks as powerful as I'd imagine him being
Amazing, thank you so much
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Requesting my training happily hugging a grumpy Tatsugiri
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Requesting some female Ceruledge art. Nothing specific in particular. Just have her in a cool or sexy pose with window cleavage and a hourglass figure.
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Requesting Gholdengo as picrel
State of the meta in the background optional teehee
It's very cute! Thank you anon.
OR here, very cute! Thank you!
you're welcome!
Would anyone be interested in making DS-style sprites for my Fakemon?
I absolutely love this and want you to know it.
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requesting art of this fakemon line
>page 9
My mind immediately went to Red Lantern Haterenne and Orange Lantern Munchlax.
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I'd really like to get more pokémon just chilling in pokeballs please.
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Requesting nadya from pokemon duel naked in a forest.
reference: https://img3.gelbooru.com/images/a1/0e/a10e591ec04b1bb02bec319f9740292f.jpeg
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Requesting a partially broken and decrepit, but still functional and recognizable, AI Sada, propped up against a tree.
Requesting Rika in a bikini, getting a sunburn. Poppy pats her back, causing her pain.
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Requesting these two drawn as a cute couple with Aldith being the submissive one.
Am I to assume you want a Buzzwole version of this?
Just wanted to bump the thread. (And put this image in random places, too.)

If you can make a Rhyperior version, i wouldn't mind... (even better if you can include some parts of Bloodman's design...)
last chance
Requesting cute
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Requesting this, but with Rhydon.
Any of you folks know what type of brush & coloring techniques are good for best replicating the Gens 4-6 art style?
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working on this Snivy drawover. Next up is probably figuring out shadows - new frontier for me.
Either that or trying to thin out those lines.
Oh that's really nice!!
For you, my friend, anchoring >>56070075

Not OP btw
I would definitely take another crack at masking, see if you can get more precise around the thumb and joints. What software are using?
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Requesting this but with Cynthia on the right and Lucas (or any other young male trainer, if you prefer) on the left with the same tard face.
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blend tool my beloved

Autodesk Sketchbook for Android. It's a really weak editor compared to, say, the copy of GIMP on my PC, but I drew this at work, and I ain't using a work computer for this.
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Requesting an Electabuzz doing Thunder Punch that has a bigger-sized gut
I see! Not at all what I was expecting, but if it works, it works! Smoother lines look DRAMATICALLY better, especially when marking out what would naturally be a smooth object.
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A Gourgeist with a fat dumpy like pic related winning a blue ribbon at a pumpkin fair.
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