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FRLG came out too early

It had barely been 5 years since Pokemania
nah it was the perfect time. the series evolved a lot between gen 1-3, but the core gameplay remained mostly the same. so they were able to bring it up to speed with modern (at the time, but it still holds up) QoL and mechanics. that's why FRLG and HGSS were such successful remakes. too much of a gap between the source material and the current games, and you end up with stuff like LGPE and BDSP that is trying to be both at once and fails to be either.
marketing wise, they were able to sell Kanto to a whole new generation of kids who had grown up at the tail end of Pokemania meaning they were familiar with Kanto, but might've been too young to actually have played RBY. it was a great opportunity.
>already seething about BDSP
Least obsessed Kantoddler/Johtoddler
The Internet didnt exist back then or it was too new, so remakes of games like frlg and hgss ended up working because it had been a long while since anybody had played rgby or gsc
people were crying that they couldn't use CHARIZARD in the first 5 minutes of RSE so Gamefreak had to make FRLG so they can trade CHARIZARD into RSE
I disagree. I don't see any arguments supporting your view other than the time passed, which is reductionistic considering the amount of drastic changes.
>the amount of drastic changes
FRLG is the godfather of romhacking today. W.
Don't worry though, we're getting Kanto Re-Re-Remakes in 2026 thanks to our old pals ILCA
>tail end of pokemania, familiar with Kanto but didn't play RBY
Exactly how it worked for me, I had been watching the anime and didn't even know there were games yet. Ruby/Sapphire were the first ones I ended up noticing, so it really was perfect timing. This may have actually ensured Pokémon's longevity, because the anime never would be as iconic as Gen 1, so by constantly looping back to that they keep people on board while adding in new players.
>Mediterraneans out of nowhere
As someone who played Gen 1 on release and lived through pokemania, I can say it was absolutely needed because of just how shit gen 1 is.

The best way I've seen it described is that Gen 1 was a buggy unfinished alpha, gen 2 was the beta that refined gen 1, and gen 3 is the proper 1.0 version of the game, with Emerald being 1.1.
You’ve never actually played gen 1 and it shows
>The internet didnt exist back then or it was too new
The internet most certainly existed in 2004, what are you talking about?
Consider this, Gen 3 is mechanically closer to Gen 9 than it is to Gen 1. So much changed in that timeframe.
>Special Stat was split
>Hidden Abilities
>Dark and Steel types
>Held items
and more
remakes should come after 10 years or more
Gen 1 IS pretty glitchy, through.
Tons of games are glitchy. That includes beloved ones like Final Fantasy 6.
However, because Gen 1 has been played so much there is a microscope documenting everything in the games and it's often used as a gotcha to fight against genwunners. Except it got to the point where it just seemed like people genuinely had no idea how the games were successful because they were so busy with their witch hunt that they forgot how this game captivated millions in the late '90s
yeah I’m sure if you haven’t actually played it you would think this
>Special Stat was split
>Hidden Abilities
>Dark and Steel types
>Held items
literally none of this has any relevance outside of PvP or battle facilities which FRLG didn’t even bother putting in the game
It was necessary since people needed a way to complete the national dex in RS, but couldn't transfer from RBYGSC.

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