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What romhacks have you played lately? Any you recommend?


For a few hacks not on this list:
I'd probably put Gold 97 Reforged lower in "Really Fucking Good"
Black & White 3: Genesis in either "Holy Peak" or "Really Fucking Good"
Emerald Kaizo in "Really Fucking Good"
Crystal Kaizo in "They Cooked"
And move Renegade Platinum up to "Holy Peak" if you include Following Platinum and Altered Platinum.
All just my opinion, I tried to order it but a lot of these are interchangeable.
If you want to play some schizo bullshit try Emerald Enhanced. It has factions and player skills alongside the pokemon stuff, and it lets you fuck Nurse Joy.
>rad red
boring bait post, zzz. see me after class.
This. Radical Red is bottom of the barrel when it comes to difficulty hacks
I really enjoyed the fakedex in Solar Light/ Lunar Dark. It was a relatively simple game but it had charm and a lot of love clearly went into it. I'd recommend it.
difficulty hacks are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to romhacks
from on your list that I've played:
gave up at the second gym, got filtered hard by the lack of pokemon available and the weather effects
that said, from what I played it was pretty awesome, I loved the map design and soundtrack
completely fucked, designing a ton of fakemon and making 95% unviable is stupid, and the gym puzzles were a pain in the arse
gave up at the second gym after getting wrecked by perfect coverage hitmonchan and only beating the first because I overtrained the water starter
vega minus, however, is fantastic (difficulty is more reasonable)
fun, but the fakemon are ugly, the dex is bloated and the trannyshit is annoying
enjoyed collecting the tms and the map though
>flora sky
reasonably fun, but outdated in terms of features. great to see how far pokemon rom hacks have come
>dark violet
really fun. one of the best ways to play through kanto. shame the creator never finished it, so the postgame is nonexistent.
>light platinum
again, fun but extremely outdated. the whole second map you can't save so you have to use save states, and the free pseudo legendaries and shit gets old really quickly
>dark rising
never was interested to play through. I've heard the difficulty is a nightmare though
cannot praise this hack enough. never beaten it but the creativity involved is astounding. deserves to be in peak, difficulty is reasonably hard but fair, fakemon are funny, opponents are funny, soundtrack is great.
Lmaoooooo, I've heard the "legends" of Emerald Emhanced, morbid curiosity does compell me to try it eventually

Thanks for the suggestions and reviews guys!

I used to get annoyed by the Radical Red whining on here and chalked it up to casuals/contrarians (at the risk of spunding elitist), but after all my runs I thought about it some more and I do think there should be a better Easy Mode implemented for RR.

The Easy Mode only really takes out opponent EV's (irrelevant in Min Grinding Mode), lets you use items (I can't stand the thought anymore personally), lets ypu use Shift Mode (not a fan of this either), and lowers the levels a bit I believe. Cumulatively a pretty big nerf to the difficulty but maybe not in the way some people would want? It does exist though which makes the complaining a bit annoying.
In terms of raw QoL and gameplay efficiency it's unparalelled imo, asides from Unbound runs with the God Scanner that is. And unlike the newer official instalments it actually does have'em all.
>Radical Red as "Holy Peak"
Opinion immediately discarded.
Have you ever played any ron hacks?
radical red is actually the casualfag choice. if you can't understand that, you ARE the casual.
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Here they are, I guess I'll start with the order I played them
>Pokemon This Gym of Mine
Short game, it has a cool concept of being a gym leader but I don't think it goes far enough with the idea. You specialize in a type but are allowed two mons that don't have that type on your team, I dunno why. Also mon selection is bad, as there are way more of some types than others.
>Pokemon Insurgence
Actually really good, the story is pretty reddity but it has a nice level of challenge to it. It adds some replayability because of the optional challenges you can enable at the start of the game. It's the game that got me into doing solo runs with Delcatty.
>Pokemon WaterRed
FireRed but with recolored fakemons. That's it
>Pokemon Gaia
Pretty good, it plays alot like an official game than most other romhacks. Only real complaint is this game hands out way too much xp like most Romhacks but doesn't have the challenge to compensate for it, so it gets really easy later on despite being decently challenging early.
>Pokemon Snakewood
This game is terrible, I love it. The game has unfair trainer battles and terrible puzzles. It has the worst story I have ever seen in a fan game. While sometimes genuinely funny, a lot of it's humor falls flat on its back to. It is torturous to play through. It is a must play.
>Pokemon Unbound
It is really good. Fights usually have some gimmick to them, which some don't like but I thought they made things interesting. What I hate is the level scaling, it makes fighting enemy trainers feel like a waste of time, since fights get harder the higher level I am. You have to play on Vanilla(pussy mode) in order to play without level scaling. Overall its around the same quality as Insurgence, but I liked Insurgence more.
PART 1/2
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>Pokemon Sors (currently playing)
Not very interesting. Game is character focused but none of the characters are interesting. All the dialogue is reddit garbage, MC looks like he belongs in Paldea(I mean that in a bad way). They have unique mechanic called Eclipsing which permanently changes the type of a Pokemon into Eclipse-type and allows it to learn new Eclipse moves. Only problem is the game doesn't give you alot of resources to eclipse your Pokemon and not all Pokemon are allowed to eclipse. You barely fight any eclipsed Pokemon as well. It is such a wasted opportunity. The game also made random nerfs to some mons, like Delcatty be unable to learn Work Up. This game does not make me a happy camper.
I highly recommend Insurgence Snakewood and Unbound. Gaia is good too. This gym of mine is okay and really short, so it is worth a shot if the concept is interesting. WaterRed is barely different from FireRed so I guess it's fine if you want to spice up a play-through of that game.
I do not recommend Sors.
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>playing Clover
>at Wetback Trial
>this boss has presumeably 6 Sombuludo but his 2nd one keeps outspeeding and sweeping my entire party
>currently leveling up a new bird Pokemon to see if it can help
How fucking fast are these things? My Lizakbar has a positive speed nature and he still gets outsped!
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Just remembered I had a choice scarf so 6 Flamethrowers later and here we are.
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I keep going back to Inclement Emerald often just because its so good. I would highly recommend it on any difficulty.
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Thanks for your reviews Delcattyschizo, they're very appreciated, even if your nazi symbolism isn't.

Good shit!

Solid list!
If you enjoyed Buffel Saft's Inclement Emerald so much you might wanna try out Eternal X/Wilting Y and Photonic Sun/Prismatic Moon all made by him, great hacks imo. They aren't quite on the "same level" in some ways as IE, but it uses the Emerald Decompilation project so it has a few more creative freedoms compared to 3D romhacking.
Blazing Emerald is one I have my eyes on atm, pic related.
>radical reddit
whoa, babies first number tweaker! if I wanted to play the same boring firered for the dozenth time I would fucking play firered again. Fuck off, it doesn't do anything to meaningfully change the core game. Retarded nigger who learned how to change numbers in a binary file and thinks he's hot shit.
>how to trigger a retarded /vp/ shartennial starter pack
>radical red/any difficulty romhack good
>gen 5 good, gen 2 bad
>genning good, grinding bad
>anything related to battling
what else should i add?
why are so many hacks just difficulty/QoL changes? Not that I hate the concept, but I always get disappointed when I see a hack only to realize it's just a refurbished version of something I've already played.
>gen 5 good
Don't most people agree with this, zoomer or millennial?
No, see every genwar thread
>Don't most people agree with this
Most people are either mindless consumers who like everything or rightfully recognise gens 1-4 (+arguably PLA) as the only good games.
It’s easier than making something from scratch.
Easy to make and ecelebs love them.
Oh, you mean like Clover?
I genuinely don't understand this opinion. Unova is a phenomenal region and has some of the best sprite work and soundtracks in the entire series. I love gens 1-4, but I can't understand shitting on gen 5 if you liked the previous 4 gens.
Zoomer bad, that's literally it
Zoomers didn't grow up with the 3DS? Gen 6 is younger than gen 5, how come these same people never say zoomers played gen 6?
a youtuber that hates gen 2 and likes gen 5 lives in their heads rent free
I'm glad I don't know anything about pokemon youtubers, it feels like a shitload of people are either brainrotted by loving them or brainrotted by feeling the need to despise them.
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the only pokemon youtubers I like are OPJellicent (dead channel) and the people who make little cup content because I like toddler fight club
He made one video 4 years ago about it and they've been seething about it ever since. If there's a Johto thread, chances are someone is malding about some ironic shitpost he made years ago on Twitter or a conspiracy theory about Poketubers and gen 2 criticism. A constructive Johto discussion cannot happen on this board.
>region and sprite work
Literally 2 of the worst things about gen 5 but ok
That's cool but why are you replying to your own false flag post?
sleep snug snug, but not yet, I have to get through my class
smug, fuck
anon, did you even read my post? "region and sprite work" makes no sense as a response. I didn't say 'Gen 5 is great because of the region and the sprite work', I said 'Unova is a great region because of the sprite work and the soundtracks'. I'm open to real conversations, but only if you actually respond to things I say.
>Gen 6 is younger than gen 5, how come these same people never say zoomers played gen 6?
because they started with gen 6
sleep snug, smug
So what you're saying is that they are strongly biased and projecting their own insecurities onto others?
Calling them out on their porn addiction that they always need to make well known
Theres nothing inherently wrong with porn, only negative consequences from misuse.
I dunno, I wouldn't call porn actors anything remotely resembling healthy. You could argue it's not an inherent quality of the thing I guess, but that seems a bit semantic.
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A few more that I’ve played;
>Altered Emerald (Emerald with weird buffs and new maps)
>Theta Emerald (ORAS but actually entertaining. Apparently there’s a new version with Gen 7? Will check out soon after this post)
>Just Another Fire Red RH (has a lot of features that would become the norm nowadays. Also a lot of fun buffs)
>Pokemon Ultra Violet (I think that’s the name. IIRC it was kind of like a modern Kanto? It’s been awhile tbf)
There are definitely some I’m forgetting I’ll have to check when I’m home
I'm not talking about the coercion and prostitution, just porn.
Interesting, guess I'll check out Altered and Theta Emerald later too. You have great taste anon!
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Been playing Chaos Dreams, the encounter lists for each area are nuts
I also hope that the game keeps throwing trainer battles with Explosion at me.
I'm working on one for Crystal. I hope it will become popular after it's finished. The problem is, I don't know how to create a separate IPS patch since I'm doing it in assembly. I only know how to build the full ROM which technically I can't distribute legally. Or does that not really matter anymore?
>try Inclement Emerald
>All starters are shiny with crazy movepools
>Proceed to delete the ROM
Will find another one that supposedly fixes Emerald
would someone really do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?
"fixed" wasn't entirely wrong
Why would they do that? Don't they have things to do in real life instead of shitpost on /vp/ for over half a decade about how bad gen 5 is?
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Is Inclement Emerald really that good?
Pokecommunity throws a fit about roms, but fuck them. But if you want to host something there, you'd have to make a patch manually using BEAT and an unchanged Crystal ROM.
Yeah I think you'll need to figure put how to make a patch somehow, cuz like you said hosting and distributing actual roms is illegal. I never trust pre-patched roms either personally. Sites like PokeHarbour do carry them though if it's the only way.
Good luck with your romhack!
Stop downloading prepatched ROMs distributed by YouTubers. They almost always either are randomised or include garbage that's not in the actual IE.
>Captcha: AHOY
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Speaking of Unbound, did they simply give up on finishing the postgame?
I have a theory. Romhack devs develop their games 90% and then quit leaving it permanently unfinished so nintendo doesn't pay attention to them. A final full release of a game always generates more press than a 5 year long early access period.
You just throw the untouched ROM at a patcher utility and your hack, and it makes one.
FLIPS makes smaller BPS patches compared to that and the MarcRobledo patcher.
Has there been anything exciting or new to come out after radred/unbound? I remember everyone was hype over new fire red engine and I remember seeing demos of stuff, but afaik nothing ever took off. Drayano has also been radio silent for 8 months so no news on his upgraded gen 4 hacks.
i believe emerald rogue was after those and that's definitely one of the best romhacks ever made
>smaller BPS patches
Does it really matter when it's a GBC game? Crystal is under 2mb.
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I think it's a really solid romhack overall, tons of QoL, new areas to help put Pokemon distribution and help the region feel fresh, battles against Frontier Brains, you can choose between 3 difficulty modes, revamped exp share, new Megas, Pokemon rebalancing and buffs across the board, and a lot more.

You could argue it should just be in "Really Fucking Good", with most of the other enhancement/difficulty hacks, but since Gen 8 (and 9?), mons, an Insanity Mode, A.I overhaul, a drastically overhauled and updated Battle Frontier, and an extended post-game are all currently in the works it might've biased my choice a bit. Even without all that though it's still my current favourite way to play through Hoenn.
For all the RR haters they should find the difficulty much more manageable, even on Challenge Mode. Buffel Saft's hacks resemble Drayano's quite a bit in that regard.
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>take vanilla game
>add every pokemon from the official series of 1000 pokemon to the original region
>number tweak so it feels more difficult
>this is an incredible romhack
>improved ai
>more mons
>fleshed out region
Sounds great
>new megas/regionals
>new moves/abilities
Miss me with that gay shit
Oh wait I forget to tag the person I was replying too who was asking about Inclement Emerald, oops.

Well it does more than that, but yeah. Harder difficulty with more Pokemon and up to date mechanics goes a long way in adding replayability to such an old game. With every Pokemon run I explicitly try to use Pokemon I've never used before, that's a million times easier in games like RR for instance. Regular games can be beaten by 5 year olds, so I appreciate the "number tweakers" out there. Plenty of romhacks have almost vanilla-tier difficulty if that's more your speed, try out Gaia!

Mega Flygon in IE goes kinda hard though... but yeah new megas and regionals aren't for everybody, I've grown to appreciate them though.

Rebalances are super based imo, so many Pokemon are just fucked from the start without SOMETHING to keep them in the game. Like Gigalith in IE is a special attacker with access to moves like Thunderbolt and Dazzling Gleam, very cool spin on an otherwise generic but cool Rock type. Golisopod finally gets a non-Emergency Exit ability in Shell Armor. Meganium is given Triage and the fairy type for priority Giga Drains and Draining Kisses with Earth Power for coverage. Hitmontop is given an ability that makes its punching moves have priority, which is fucked but so fun to use.

I don't think IE has any new moves and very minimum new abilities iirc... now Elite Redux (which uses Inclement Emerald as a base) on the other hand.. lmao.
No you fucking retard. Babies first number tweaker is the laziest faggot tier kind of "enhancement" to mod a game, and if you take Kanto and add 800 pokemon to it you completely fuck the distribution rates and it becomes a completely schizophrenic bloated slog to play through. It doesn't make any sort of fucking sense to have 50 different species of pokemon on a route. These utter troglodytes who keep adding 700 pokemon to a tiny vanilla region are complete mongoloids with no inner monologue.
inclement emerald adds a ton of side areas to put the pokemon in, it's not like radical reddit where there's 20 pokemon on a route
Radical Red whiners don't even play the game bro.
From the beginning you can input the code "DexAll" into the SNES in the players toom to mske all DexNav Pokemon immediately count as "seen", then once you get the DexNav after Viridian City you can see all the Pokemon in any given area and instantly search for them. Lots of alternate forms and such are day/night exclusive, in Professor Oak's office one of his aides gives you an item to change the time of day.

Biggest fucking non-issue ever. That being said I still use codes to start with 6 Pokemon of my choice everytime because I hate waiting until some arbitrary point in the game to have my whole team, but if you play regularly scoping out and finding the next mon you wanna use is instantaneous. Nature changing is free, minimal grinding mode is godlike, ability changing is soooo easy by Saffron. You have so many tools man.

I do love that about Inclement Emerald
If I wanted to play fire red for the billionth time I would fucking play fire red again. But I don't, because I fucking hate playing the exact same fucking vanilla game over again, it's suicidally boring. Radical reddit changes nothing about the core experience of the game. It's the shittiest, lowest effort kind of romhack in existence. Clover and Unbound shit all over it on every observable metric by having a new region or fakemon instead of the official pokemon.
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what's wrong with 20 pokemon on a route if you have dex nav to navigate through it all
That's totally fine bro, I usually don't play any game or romhack more than once in a row so I get that, but the gameplay of RR and the diversity of buffed mons available definitely had me willing to do back to back runs, one of my runs was just using an identical team as my all-hisuian PLA team because I hated the lack of battles in that game and some of them (Sharpness Samurott-H, Guts Ursaluna, Rock Head Arcanine-H, fucking Sneasler) are just busted. Also if you like fakemons you might like the Seviian forms in RR, even the weakest of them is strong.

But yeah, dusty ass Kanto is always gonna be dusty ass Kanto, I liked the plotline they added with Cerulean Cave where you team up with Lance, but otherwise it's bog standard, purely gameplay-focused hack for me. I just turn on 4/8x speed and put on a livestream or something, check off 6 Pokemon from the list, and watch as fucking Maushold makes the game its bitch.

I do give massive points to games like Unbound, Gaia, Prism, and Glazed amongst others for including whole new regions with new characters and spritework, stories, ect. Those all take a gargantuan effort and definitely deserve their own degree of dick-sucking. But I can still appreciate all the work that goes into enhancement hacks to implement all the things they do, those become the definitive version of the game for me, playing games like SV and ...BDSP... make me appreciate them even more, Renegade Platinum just shits all over BDSP, there's even a Following mon patch for it.
How do you feel about a game like Black and White 3: Genesis? It's a familiar region in Unova, but re-created in Crystal with some updated mechanics, moves, items, Pokemon, and a new story with a few new characters. Where do you draw the line?
Are there any chill romhacks y'all recommend? I just finished Clover, great game but ballbustingly difficult in the latter half. Is there a middleground between Gamefreak Easy and Drayano Hard?
Play Empyrean with the expansion mod.
drayano stuff is pretty low-difficulty as far as difficulty hacks go, so if that's "too hard" then i really don't know what to suggest.
I imagine Unbound on its easiest difficulty is probably good, Gaia, maybe Glazed?, I guess Prism, BW3, and Gold 97 Reforged aren't too hard for some GBC hacks, imo.
playing clover
seems good for now.
Respectable line-up
Since there's no other hack thread up, I'll ask here. I'm adding an egg move tutor, and I want it to be expensive so there's still reason to breed, but it'll fix up egg move incompatibilities and be handy for more complex chains.
Would it be better to require a very rare singular item, or multiple copies of a more common item that's used by the move reminder?
As an example, I thought about requiring a Star Piece, that you can find in 6/255 smashed rocks. Or 5-10 Brick Pieces that are 48/255 from the same source.
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How "complete" is the newest release of Polished Crystal?

Also, is there a list of actually completed Romhacks that are decent?
For Sacred Gold is it better to go for classic or complete?
>the battling isnt the core experience of pokemon
>no its the color of the pixels in the background that determine what imaginary location my trainer lives in
>drayano hard
Drayano is like the easiest and most tame version of difficulty mods lol.
Probably multiple copies of a common item a la unbound with everstones to upgrade the macho brace.

Genuinely curious about why you decided to keep egg move breeding in your hack.
>Genuinely curious about why you decided to keep egg move breeding in your hack.
Why not?
Almost everything related to breeding is considered a waste of time by most, especially in a romhack

I personally have no problems with breeding
They're never anything mandatory, but it's a reward for people who want to go through with getting them.
There might be better alternatives to get egg moves without breeding
There's plenty, but I don't want to get caught in the vortex of feature creep for a game that's 90% complete.
>every fucking pokemon identical to what's in vanilla
>entire region and every route identical to whats in vanilla
I will never play fire red again for the rest of my life. Therefore radical reddit is automatically shit tier. I hate replaying a game for the 1 millionth time. I've already played fire red too many times. It's just paint drying tier of excitement to play fire red again, which radical reddit is.
>every fucking pokemon identical to what's in vanilla
Base Fire Red's main campaign has only 151 available, several being trade/version/event exclusive.
Radical Red has over 1000 self-contained, and nearly all of them have been buffed and updated with new tools in their kit. They also have Seviian forms and a Palworld mon. I get what you're trying to say but at least make it make sense.

Personally I love egg tutor inclusions and have never taken the time or wanted to breed for egg moves in-game.
Maybe you could do what Emerald Kaizo does with having several invisible Heart Scales (or similar) strewn about the region that can be used to learn exclusive moves (egg moves in this case)? Just my 2cents, also like the other anons idea of multiple common items.
>1000 of the pokemon we already have from gamefreak
>muh number tweaking makes it new though
>and a few shitty OC donut steels
Either make a 100% new region like Gaia, to put vanilla pokemon, or make a 100% new fakemon pokedex like Clover, or do both. I'm never playing a vanilla romhack, drayano is a retarded niggerbaby with negative talent. He actively pollutes the pool of romhacks with his festering turds. WOW he learned how to tweak numbers. Fuck him, retarded faggot.
I don't remember what I did or what the specific differences were but I think I just did complete
I always prefer Complete for Drayamo hacks, SGSS is old and doesn't have as many changes, but they're still there.
sleep snug, smug
There is that Pokerom Codex thing
Haven't really used it much myself.
Interesting, I'll check it out!
This one too
>new characters
>new battles
>new story beats
>new rival fights
>new pokemon
>b-but the road is the same D:
Honestly that's a valid criticism

Radical Red does absolutely nothing to change or improve gen 3 Kanto aside from adding a few extra routes and adding 1000+ pokemons
Can someone tell me how to EV train on Inclement Emerald? How are you supposed to get your starter the EVs you want when you're doing the campaign, is there a way to reduce EVs or are you forced to kill hundreds of zigagoon at the start?>
the game is not balanced around needing to EV train until wattson
you can get power items in slateport, they give 16 EVs per KO and block regular EVs from battles so you can train HP on zigzagoon or whatever
oh yeah and you can reset EVs in fallarbor
im doing the hardest mode with caps and all that
ok thanks
life saver of a reply
Is there a good emulator for android that handles some of the games with clock functionality well?

I keep trying to run Unbound with retroarch cores but even forcing the RTC refuses to work even when forced on. The game seems to work on John GBA, but when I select the option that I'm using that emulator, the game recommends I close it as it's known to crash with that particular one.
Cool, thank you. Makes it easier to chose with some other romhacks as well.
Unbound is dogshit
Name a good romhack according to (you).
Anyone else think that those "perfect romhacks" are astroturfed nonsense?
Ive never seen a product shilled this hard let alone a romhack
Anything that ecelebs play is astroturfed.
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AI shouldn't be allowed Choice items
If I put in the effort of EV training a 125 Timid sweeper then I deserve to be going first
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I've used "My Boy!" and "My OldBoy!" for years and love them, I haven't noticed any issues with the RTC. I thimk they might be free now too but Idk, there were definitely free versions regardless.

Np bro, have fun!

rip, I definitely feel that
Keeping you in my prayers tonight, hope things get better soon
Where the FUCK is /rhg/ bros I just want a list of all the good romhacks god damnit
Those threads were killed because it just became 1 guy posting in them. And anything he made would be scrapped a week later when he asks for more feedback.

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