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I Needs Gen 10 Starters is Grass Croc, Fire Turtle and Water Cat & Final Evolved is JRPG Villains Trio!
No, they're nowhere ready to start localising Gen 10 yet, they're not even finished making L: Z-A (that'll start around March '25, with Gen 10 following the next March).
Please learn how the industry works, you'll look less of a kiddy toolbag that you currently do by understanding the timeframes involved (thus have a reference for when things could feasibly emerge).
Z-A localization will begin around Fall 2024
Pokemon Presents in little bit over a month
Game's not due until November '25 though. That's why it was a teaser reveal, then nothing. L: A got news in August as it was 5 months from its release, they haven't indicated an early year release for L: Z-A and we know from Pokémon day '21 that tehy absolutely would be at liberty to reveal that kind oif detailed information for L: Z-A's release, if they intended it to be so. And I'm off a month, it'll be 8 months back from October, when the game will be sent gold and not its release date, so February '25 before they start.
Like I said, learn how the industry works please.
>L: A got news in August
PLA got news in August because there has always been a Presents in August (they're always in February and August)
>L: A got news in August as it was 5 months from its release
Irrelevant, there's no rules on when gameplay needs to be shown
Metroid Prime 4 contradicts that since it's not coming out in 6 months
Stop trying to pretend to be someone who's in the industry when you clearly don't know what you're talking about
See you in August though!
No you little cocksnot, it got held up till August, as June was outside Nintendo's 6 month to release hard-limit for talking about vidya and Game Freak's title was not going to be launched until early '22 as they stated. World's was in august, so easy to delay the video to appear around then.
Every other presentation prior happened in June or late May, because that's when E3 ran and announcing pre-E3 meant Game Freak got blanket gaming media coverage, as no cunt was revealing outside E3 otherwise. But they told you NOT to expect two games next year, told you NOT to expect a Q1 release with L: Z-A and still you ignore that to sperg it must bekuze babby never experienced a drought year in her fanship of the series.
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>No you little cocksnot
If you have to resort to petty namecalling you already lost
We're getting Z-A & TCG Pocket trailers in August and there's nothing you can do
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TCG Pocket is also the 2024 game since ILCA is too busy developing Mario & Luigi Brothership
>b-but it's not main-line
Doesn't need to be
TCG Pocket appeals to the same normie casual fanbase that the main-line games appeal to (just like Pokemon GO)
It's also replacing that other TCG game since it's clear to TPC that it's a failure (only about 3% of players compared to Konami's Masterduel)
We're getting another trailer for TCG Pocket and Z-A in August

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