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how was i supposed to know back then that you needed to talk to him again after defeating him to get the lift key?
old NES game cryptic scam shit that completely locks you out from progressing in the game if you don't know about it or don't get it by accident
this was some real bullshit, and they clearly knew about it because it was fixed in yellow/frlg to automatically drop after defeating him
He says how he has the key, you dumb fuck
You can't read
The NES has a great library. Anything being like it is a compliment.
kids on the playground tell you that
>completely misses the point
not talking about all NES games, im referencing games with cryptic bullshit like castlevania 2
kids back then asked their parents for the pokemon related guides, if you are a kid you want everything related to your favourite franchise
it's fun talking to them after battle to see what they think about losing
I thought everyone did this
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are you japanese or something? because in the english version he says "the elevator doesnt work? who has the key?" like a fucking retard, just like any other grunt saying random shit when you talk to them after winning
it's bullshit, at this point in the game the player has been conditioned to not talk to NPCs after beating them because you don't get anything out of it and the NPCs all spew barely understandable engrish gibberish
locking players out from gym 6 and all the content after it unless they get lucky or buy a game guide is really bad game design
>DUDE just give kids whatever they want
>every game guide and console? Yep
>they want a bag full of candy? They got it
>a thousand bucks to spend on whatever they want? Sure, go get em tiger
>want a computer so they can browse the net and make accounts on sites like reddit and discord? I'll hook it up for them
>a sex change operation they were convinced to get by their online "friends"? I don't see the issue
Literal tranny tier way of thinking. This is why zoomers are the weakest and most maladaptive generation thus far
I wonder if this specific thing was in a guide though.
I know game magazine walkthroughs had these, but pokemon guides I've seen are usually about the mons themselves.
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>Not talking to trainer npcs after defeating them as to read every piece of dialog in the game.

I thought people actually played video games.
>he doesn't talk to every NPC possible to get every bit of information available
It's an RPG. That's standard procedure, numbnuts. Did you assume an NPC's dialogue wouldn't change after a battle?
of course they had, they had full maps like Mt Moon with all the items.
he says that BEFORE you beat him retard
that's the point you fucking dumbass
he doesn't say anything AFTER you beat him unless you TALK TO HIM, which is pointless because he drops the lift key AFTER you talk to him AFTER the battle
Doesn't the fucking key drop behind him?
only in yellow/frlg
in red and blue the key only drops if you talk to him again after defeating him
Masuda was right
all the other grunts don't give you anything or say anything helpful at all after you beat them
but you're supposed to know that THIS ONE SPECIFIC GRUNT is the only source of this item that allows you to progress in the game?
>what is reading
>what is reading
she did read retard >>56074768
>game sets a puzzle of finding the key
>says someone has it
>what is reading
shitty bait
>>says someone has it
prove it
where does it say that in red/blue?
I can't remember the last time I played a Pokémon game honestly, let alone paying for one beforehand . .
Back then you were expected to actually talk to NPCs in RPGs to gain information, and this was common knowledge. You already know Trainers have different dialogue post-defeat, and that Grunt made himself suspicious by mentioning the key. They could have made his sarcasm more obvious with the dialogue, like have him go "Gee, I sure do wonder who might have the key!" or something, but you are still stupid.
OP, I want you to understand that people like you that ruined this series and video games in general.

It's people like you who Masuda was talking about when he said people might find the Azure Flute event "too confusing".

You are legitimately, unironically stupid.

>The elevator doesn't work? Who has the LIFT KEY?
now kiss my ass
so kids should have more money spent on them for guide books to the game too? They're pretty pricey and large.
What point are you trying to make exactly? You sound like you have a crossdressing fetish
Millennials are just mad about zoomers for another inane reason when they forgot this dumb shit was fixed in fucking YELLOW.
Idk man I figured this out when I was like 5, how are you so bad at games?
i did too because i was a mash A brainlet, but it's not hard to see how this retarded shit could make others waste a bunch of time. on the other hand, we all know millennials don't respect their own time during the age of MMOs lmao.
What does that have to do with anything?
>>game sets a puzzle of finding the key
so that was a lie
>low IQ millennial
kill yourself
who the fuck doesn't talk to every npc after defeat for the unique dialog? dumbfuck
Because you're conditioned before that moment that it's pointless in this game. Why are you artificially extending your playtime to read some dialogue you'll forget about 5 seconds later?
>it's pointless in this game
Yeah, to you but not everyone is dumb like that. I learned about concepts like STAB by talking to trainers after battles. You chose not to.
You should've learned about STAB while using your starter, fucking idiot. Obviously they won't tell you exactly how it works either.
this is a lie when 99% of shitennials don't understand how stat boosting and reducing moves work
There's a text dump right here: >>56075096
>Teach POKéMON moves of the same element type for more power.
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I am legitimately confused as to why this is getting so much vitriol. OP isn’t restarted due to the way the game is set up. Yeah, OP should have read, but this specific part, while something I personally have not been able to skip over, it’s easy to see why someone else would. Convince me anyone else has NOT been through similar, ever.
Black and white thinking and lack of empathy are common symptoms of autism.
Black and white thinking, also known as dichotomous thinking or splitting, is a thought pattern that involves thinking in absolutes, or extremes. People who think in black and white may see only one extreme or the other, with no middle ground or shades of gray. For example, they might think they are either always right or the world's biggest failure, or that their boyfriend is either an angel or the devil incarnate.
>concepts like STAB
>what is reading
Let's be real here, most millennials learned about battling concepts from Lets Players, the original Poketubers.
What? No. Millennials were already teenagers by the time Youtube became a thing, let alone Let's Plays. We learned from physical strategy guides and looking stuff up on the internet.
...which is Youtube's prime demographic, you dumb nigger? DP Let's Plays were popular since their release. Sorry you missed out, retard.
First of all, it wasn't Youtube's prime demographic 15 years ago, and secondly, if you were a teenager who's into Pokémon in the early 2000s you already knew "battling concepts" well enough and didn't need Let's Players to explain things to you.
And why do you assume I missed out?
this, youtube was instrumental for smogon's popularity back then
battles like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kBIFllIA8Q influenced a bunch of players today
>it wasn't Youtube's prime demographic 15 years ago
yes it was
>you already knew "battling concepts"
you (and they) 100% didn't lmao. if you actually watched them, you'd know they didn't fully understand them either and the games did a terrible job at explaining shit
>And why do you assume I missed out?
because you talk like a fucking retarded boomer about "kids these days." kill yourself gramps
I learned everything from official guidebooks and from the internet, as did most people I knew.
Also apparently you're not even old enough to know what early Youtube was like, so why do you act like you know what you're talking about? Cause you clearly don't.
I'm so sorry you were poor and getting groomed by pedos like Shane Dawson on YouTube. Thankfully I spent my time there watching battles, funny videos and cringe LPers that disappeared in 2014.
lmao i think you're suffering from your dementia again, gramps
What are you even talking about? Clearly you've run out of argument if you just resolve to ad hominem attacks now. Just say you weren't around to experience it. I'm just telling you what it was like in the early 2000s and where people got their Pokémon battling knowledge from before "Pokétubers" or whatever.
Same goes for you. I'm not even saying "hurr durr le zoomies are so dumb", so I don't know why you're feeling so threatened by me being older than you.
I did experience it. Battling wasn't a popular thing until Youtube. You were saying you only used guidebooks and the internet, why do you think you have authority on early Youtube now? Kill yourself.
jesus fucking christ millennials are embarrassing
Your fault for not speaking to the trainers after they're defeated
i'm not taking you seriously anymore. suddenly you know what early youtube is like when you grew up on "the internet"? kiss my ass nigger
>Battling wasn't a popular thing until Youtube.
But that's not true? I went to tournaments in 2005 (as a spectator). I talked about battling with my friends. It was definitely popular.
Why do you constantly have to turn this into a retarded generation war? You insult me for no reason cause you're insecure for some fucking reason. Grow a spine.
Yes? How do these statements contradict each other?
>she's still going
>tournaments in 2005
If you were actually there, then you'd know the only people who cared about tournaments were TCGfags. Kill yourself.
How does that change literally any of my statements?? You're not even moving goalposts, you're just straight up making them up.
It does not matter if they were TCGfags or not. We definitely weren't. It was not a TCG tournament. They did Pokémon battles, on hardware. Battling was popular and the TCG had very little to nothing to do with that. Honestly didn't know a single person why seriously cared about the TCG, I was usually the only one who even knew how to play it.
now you're just making up shit dude
>Started in 2005
>Pokemon Red/Blue
>Released in 1998
I don't give a single fuck about the demographics of Youtube or whatever the fuck you're all bitching about, but when Red and Blue first came out there were no Let's Players or Youtube to get your information from. It's like what >>56075697 said, it's either Player's Guides/Magazines, early internet baby's first websites, or some friend on the playground. It's why there's so many "Mew's under the truck" tier rumors about Red and Blue.
Cool deflection.
Finally someone who even understands what the fuck I'm talking abojt. People babbling here about how the only people who cared about battling were TCGfags. What the fuck, man?
don't samefag retard
the topic was about battle mechanics, which nobody cared about or understood properly until comp became popular from youtube
and even then fucking millennishitters still don't know what x items do
Are they wrong? The official main competitive format was TCG only.
Why play a JRPG if you don't like talking to NPCs and learning about the world?
>I like strategy
Play a CRPG
dude watched a shoddy battle match in 2005 once and considers himself a master of pokemon battling
Get fucked ADHD proto-zoomie
Everyone else always talks to NPCs after beating them just to see what they'll say
That doesn't change the fact that there were normal battling tournaments too. They were definitely offical at some point, I know cause there were Pokémon distributions sometimes, although that might've something that only became a thing a bit later. I remember getting a Pokémon from a tournament event that must've been around 2008, I think it was a shiny Eevee.
You're putting words in my mouth. I neither said I was a "master of Pokémon battling" nor would I claim such a thing. Maybe you have trouble following the conversation, so I'll repeat. All I'm saying is
>battling was decently popular even before it became big on Youtube
>millennials mostly got their battling knowledge from guide books and obscure internet websites rather than Youtube
Everything else is your headcanon.
Guidebooks were often wrong too. I wouldn't trust that garbage with anything.
2008 is more reasonable, but now you're in Youtube's influential years for comp. Modern VGC wasn't a thing until 2009.
>shiny Eevee
VGC 2010.
I'm pretty sure it was earlier than 2010 but not 100%, so yeah maybe. But I definitely went to smaller tournaments way before that.
He told me before the battle that he had it, so naturally after beating him I talk to him again to say "okay now hand it over".
>pokemon related guides
You mean that less than worthless printed scam which tried to gaslight you into wasting your only Masterball on a motherfucking Fearow?
You zoomers are so god-damn annoying in not even once being able to make a believable story about all the faux-nostalgic shit you were never part of, but keep venerating for clout without knowing any better.
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Nah op has a point. I was born after rby came out and didnt play them for the first time till i was 19 in 2020 and i didnt know what to do half the time. They are poorly designed
We grew up with a different logic and sensibility from you zoomies.
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This image is fake. You fell for a hoax.
retard 4chan tourist who has never played an RPG or touched a breast in his entire life. nigger, talking to NPCs is one of the main things about RPGs, holy shit you dont belong here.

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