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>hex is almost guaranteed to be male in Plza
Hex won't even be in PLza though, what the fuck are you talking about
Retard tranny having a moment, I'm guessing.
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>male hex
Quick reminder that everyone who unironically uses the term "sexo" is more than likely underaged so they deserve to be banned
>bara goth dude in PLZA
what if they are spanish or portuguese
>not twink
braindead take
Retard. Hex is the only thing about Kalos people care about aside from the special snowflake megas. Game Freak isn’t going to fuck with the only character from XY who isnt a nobody.
>Game Freak isn’t going to fuck with the only character from XY who isnt a nobody.
but enough about Boris
god imagine some ripped dude who's just as creepy and awkward as modern hex
That's the cooking teacher in SV
Quick reminder that everyone who unironically uses the term "underaged" is more than likely underaged so they deserve to be banned
so if female hex sold moomoo milk and gets drawn with huge tits what's male gonna sell that gets it drawn with a huge penis
Moomoo Milk (Extra Thick)
Good, I want them to fuck over that shitty dead meme only coomers like.
Hot af
daddies cummies
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>According to this anon, Gamefreak is going to create a copy of a popular character that is going to eclipse the old one.
Hex is 100% becoming male in PlZA, just look at Cynthia and Volo.
cuteson gem
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>random NPC
>getting the same treatment as a named character
Did you play the game or just watch the trailers hun?
>Just look at Cynthia and Volo
Ehhh isn't the Cynthia ancestor supposed to be the other lady who is literally cynthia but with grey hair?
That old hag is zero popular tho, when PLass was released people prefer to draw the copypasted Dawn instead of her and Irida
Just accept anon, Hex is gonna be male in PLZA.
>random schizo babbling
Doesn't change the fact Cynthia's granny's Cogita bitch. Sorry they turned Gardenia male, but she always looked mannish from "her" spritework.
they're ESLs and probably so are you.
I literally explained why. Cogita doesn't compete against Cynthia, so that's why she was created. If we get a new copy-pasted Hex, all the artists are gonna jump into the new one because her design is her appeal.

The more you cope, the more you finally accept it."
No, it takes a Lucas from 4 years after saving Sinnoh back in time about 100 years. That the dummied out room that's the image of DP/BDSP's player character room just confirms who the player's avatar is. The kid's sent back in time, to meet a woman born millennia prior to he, to act as Arceus' Champion, as he had proven his worth, ability and soul when he faced Cyrus and shot him down.
The simplest time travel scenarios fry retard heads without exception.
>more random schizo babbling
I'm glad you believe you finally got representation in the games hun, but they make them for kids, so the likelihood of that actually happening's about as likely as drumpf waking up sane, sober and repentant tomorrow.
No that you'll have a worry about this, but generally, mothers and grandmothers gift their jewelery to their daughters and granddaughters. And Cogita's pendent looks awfully like it was handed down to Cynthia, given both wear it prominently as part of their everyday outfit.
You can stamp your feet all you want - all volo is is fujo and faggot bait, while finding an excuse to have Cynthia's team in-game. That they established teh Celestic retreat is situated where Celestic town was founded and found in DPPt/BDSP is even more evidence, but you didn't play the games, so you think they suddenly forgot their most popular NPC came from Sinnoh and was the first female Champion.
Hex is going to be male anon, You can start malding about it
Delphox was my Gen 6 waifu kid. Not some cumskull fanfic ideal of a who npc. I'd be shocked if they do give it a regional form, they didn't bother given the rangers one, just actual named/plot-relevant NPC's. I expect Viola may be bait for the sex change - no tits outside fanart. But fanart's misleading to what Game Freak present.
>schizo babbles harder to deflect from only watching trailers
Shit lad, game's free to watch on youtube even.
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>internet hardman on 4chan
>it's another sharty raid
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get grooved on
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>probably so are you
ESL spotted
sexo is a Portuguese word, dumbass. Go have sexo and kys, you angry incel loser.
>Using a commonly used term used since the beginning of this site existence means you are underage
Struck a nerve, underaged faggot?
Hex won't even be in PLZA since she is not a named character, if PLA didn't had ancestors for other trainer classes neither will the new game

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